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Jennz6 Follow
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23 h
I probably wouldn’t wear a Bikini

Would you go swimming with an elephant?
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   OlderAndWiser Follow
   Influencer Master Age: 69
   22 h
   5.6K opinions shared on Other topic.
   I’m not a swimmer, unfortunately.
   0 Reply
 * Laciejordan Follow
   Xper 5 Age: 26 , mho 53%
   23 h
   OMG, YES! I actually played with baby elephants once. They are absolutely
   adorable! I did pet the mom elephant on her trunk and she seemed friendly
   enough lol.. They're actually pretty gentle and really smart.
   2 Reply
    * Jennz6
      23 h
      What kind of elephant ?
    * Laciejordan
      23 h
      The ones I saw were African elephants. They're beautiful.

 * JustTryingToLife Follow
   Xper 2 Age: 27 , mho 43%
   8 h
   No, I have zero intentions of going swimming with an animal that could crush
   with it's pinky toe. Riding an elephant is one thing, that seems fun. Getting
   in an element where it has an advantage absolutely not. It's still a wild
   animal. I'd watch from a distance aha.
   0 Reply
 * WindAtMyBack Follow
   Guru Age: 67 , mho 60%
   9 h
   674 opinions shared on Other topic.
   That would be cool as hell. Cause elephants are cool as hell. They are
   probably the coolest animal on the planet.
   I've patted elephants before, but that was a long time ago. I want to do it
   again. I want to look in their eyes and see who they are.
   0 Reply
 * CrazyGirl2 Follow
   Guru Age: 21 , mho 61%
   12 h
   482 opinions shared on Other topic.
   No, absolutely not. First, I wouldn't swim with a wild animal. But second, I
   don’t think anyone should swim with wild animals. They are extremely
   intelligent mammals, just like us, so are dolphins. Now I know that they were
   likely born in captivity and couldn't survive in the wild, but I honestly
   believe they should be sent to preserves, to live out their lives with some
   dignity. Not a lecture, just my own personal feelings.
   0 Reply
 * VoyeurGuy Follow
   Xper 3 Age: 42 , mho 43%
   22 h
   Elephants are not the gentle, loving creatures they are shown to be on every
   animal documentary ever.
   If you attempt this with wild elephants, you will die. Quickly and rather
   If you want to do this with trained elephants, you are a part of the problem.
   Do not support any industry where elephants are held in captivity. It is
   horrifically cruel to them.
   0 Reply
 * EmmaMary Follow
   Master Age: 31 , mho 35%
   23 h
   2K opinions shared on Other topic.
   I would certainly be up for giving that a go... But what to wear is the
   burning question... A bikini is right out to start with... So, would a one
   piece or a wetsuit do the job?
   1 Reply
    * Jennz6
      23 h
      I agree

   msmissydc Follow
   Yoda Age: 28 , mho 68%
   1 d
   Probably yes. Would be a great experience.
   You want it in travel, hobby and leisure or something else?
   2 Reply
    * Jennz6
      23 h
      I know, the GaG administration already sent me a message but I don’t know
      how to change it
      23 h
      It can be changed once by a mod. It was already changed by someone else.

 * GeminiDiamond Follow
   Xper 4 Age: 35
   20 h
   Lol Jen. The photoshop blended into the elephant's trunk and made it look
   like she has a tail.
   I would not swim with an elephant! They could smoosh me. And that's coming
   from someone who has swam with sharks.
   0 Reply
 * MinnieMousse Follow
   Xper 3 Age: 18 , mho 58%
   22 h
   I would! Just not in a bikini I could picture a million different wardrobe
   malfunctions happening with one wrong move and people cheering for reasons
   other than the elephant
   4 Reply
    * DryGermanGuy
      21 h
      I know a certain Dutch girl here, jumping on that trunk in a New York
      second just to get that exact experience…
    * MinnieMousse
      21 h
      She’s a braver girl than me then! I could never take that risk
    * DryGermanGuy
      21 h
      I guess I wasn’t obvious enough… she would want the experience to lose the
      bikini bottoms.
    * MinnieMousse
      21 h
      Oh gosh, I don’t know how that went over my head the first time

 * dustybiker2 Follow
   Yoda Age: 46 , mho 34%
   22 h
   348 opinions shared on Other topic.
   Not as an act of tourism. And if I wasn't annoying them. Maybe a wildlife
   sanctuary where it was more play to encourage cooling a herd down. That would
   be fun.
   2 Reply
    * DryGermanGuy
      21 h
      Lots of animal cruelty going on in tourist hotspots, especially in
      countries with no state supervision. Not that easy to look behind the
      curtains for average visitors, also.
    * dustybiker2
      20 h
      This so very true.

 * Danny_dan92 Follow
   Master Age: 32
   14 h
   1.1K opinions shared on Other topic.
   I just read the update and went
   What do you mean you wouldn’t wear a bikini?
   6 Reply
    * Jennz6
      10 h
      I would want a wet suit
    * Danny_dan92
      3 h
      Ahh lol ok phew
    * Jennz6
      1 h
      You didn’t think that I would be naked did you?
    * Danny_dan92
      40 min
      That is what I thought yes. And I got worried
    * Jennz6
      34 min
      Aww you’re so sweet
    * Danny_dan92
      30 min
      Wait… how? Lol

 * HawkPerception Follow
   Yoda Age: 30
   18 h
   400 opinions shared on Other topic.
   No. I don't care if they're known to be gentle animals that see us in the
   same way we see puppies. They are giants that can easily fuck us up by
   accident whether it's by accidentally stepping on us or accidentally drowning
   0 Reply
 * Cutegirl06 Follow
   Xper 7 Age: 18 , mho 45%
   1 d
   I would, but not wearing a bikini! I'd be afraid of losing it!!
   4 Reply
    * EmmaMary
      23 h
      You and me alike.
    * handsomelad70
      21 h
      You SHOULD lose it if you're buxom !!!
    * Cutegirl06
      19 h
    * firenine909
      New 2 h
      How’d you lose a bikini with an elephant?

 * MisterWack Follow
   Xper 6 Age: 22 , mho 42%
   23 h
   Depends…. If it were a baby elephant could be kind of cute and I won’t have
   to worry about being trampled.
   0 Reply
 * coxoabean Follow
   Xper 5 Age: 20 , mho 40%
   1 h
   I'd much rather stay alive! Although maybe sitting on its trunk for a second
   would be cool
   0 Reply
 * Jason2469 Follow
   Xper 2 Age: 42
   10 h
   Only if it wasn't black. I don't swim or associate with blacks
   1 Reply
    * Jennz6
      New 56 min
      Racist remarks

 * Bricealan Follow
   Guru Age: 43
   13 h
   461 opinions shared on Other topic.
   Well, Jennz, if that were you on the trunk of the elephant, most certainly
   !!! LOLOL
   0 Reply
 * Wallythewalrus2 Follow
   Xper 6 Age: 29 , mho 41%
   1 d
   Yeah, I would. I don't know if I'd wear a bikini though! At least not a two
   0 Reply
 * TommyMountainFigure Follow
   Guru Age: 46 , mho 37%
   1 d
   763 opinions shared on Other topic.
   I would, but it depends on how much the Pool Attendant charges for it to get
   0 Reply
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