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 * March 2014
 * IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 40(3):282-306

Matthias Galster

Matthias Galster
 * This person is not on ResearchGate, or hasn't claimed this research yet.

Danny Weyns
 * KU Leuven

Dan Tofan

Bartosz Michalik

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Context: Variability (i.e., the ability of software systems or artifacts to be
adjusted for different contexts) became a key property of many systems.
Objective: We analyze existing research on variability in software systems. We
investigate variability handling in major software engineering phases (e.g.,
requirements engineering, architecting). Method: We performed a systematic
literature review. A manual search covered 13 premium software engineering
journals and 18 premium conferences, resulting in 15,430 papers searched and 196
papers considered for analysis. To improve reliability and to increase
reproducibility, we complemented the manual search with a targeted automated
search. Results: Software quality attributes have not received much attention in
the context of variability. Variability is studied in all software engineering
phases, but testing is underrepresented. Data to motivate the applicability of
current approaches are often insufficient; research designs are vaguely
described. Conclusions: Based on our findings we propose dimensions of
variability in software engineering. This empirically grounded classification
provides a step towards a unifying, integrated perspective of variability in
software systems, spanning across disparate or loosely coupled research themes
in the software engineering community. Finally, we provide recommendations to
bridge the gap between research and practice and point to opportunities for
future research.
Systematic literature review process (adapted from [10]).
Process to develop review protocol (adapted from [29]).
Searched Conferences
Frequency analysis of quality scores for each question.
Studies with Highest Evidence Level
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... This method guarantees objectivity, fairness, and repeatability. Figure 1
illustrates each step of the methodology adopted for this review, in which the
number of corresponding articles retrieved or retained is illustrated at the end
of each step [17,18]. In addition, the research followed Kitchenham's SLR
methodology guidelines for capturing the required scholarly materials-planning,
conducting, and reporting [14]-to avoid the possibility of bias. ...
... The papers that appeared in the resulting pool of publications may or may
not be helpful in answering the research questions mentioned above. As a result,
most existing literature methodologies, such as [18,20], use a set of exclusion
criteria to ensure that only relevant publications are retained. The published
paper must be a peer-reviewed journal or conference paper, and the proceedings
must be included and studied until May 2021 for the SLR. ...
... There are many SLRs, as recommended in [21,22], that depend on quality
criteria to determine the quality of primary studies (for more details and
another example, see [18,20]). A common practice is to define the quality
criteria as a set of questions. ...

The Use of Swarms of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Mitigating Area Coverage
Challenges of Forest-Fire-Extinguishing Activities: A Systematic Literature
Full-text available
 * May 2022

 * Ihab Alsammak
 * Moamin A Mahmoud
 * Hazleen Aris
 * Mohammed Mahdi

The use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), colloquially known as drones, has
grown rapidly over the past two decades and continues to expand at a rapid pace.
This has resulted in the production of many research papers addressing the use
of UAVs in a variety of applications, such as forest firefighting. The main
purpose of this paper is to provide a comprehensive overview of UAV-based
forest-fire-extinguishing activity (FFEA) operations. To achieve this goal, a
systematic literature review was conducted to answer a specific set of
questions, which were carefully formulated to address the results of research
conducted between 2008 and 2021. This study aims to (i) expand our understanding
of the development of UAVs and their current contributions to the FFEA; (ii)
identify particularly novel or unique applications and characteristics of
UAV-based fire-extinguishing systems; (iii) provide guidance for exploring and
revising further ideas in this field by identifying under-researched topics and
other areas in which more contributions are needed; and (iv) explore the
feasibility of using UAV swarms to enable autonomous firefighting in the forest
without human intervention. Of the 1353 articles systematically searched across
five databases (Google Scholar, ACM Digital Library, Science Direct, Scopus, and
IEEE Explore), 51 highly relevant articles were found to meet the inclusion
criteria; therefore, they were analyzed and discussed. The results identified
several gaps in this field of study among them the complexity of coordination in
multi-robotic systems, the lack of evaluation and implementation of fire
extinguishing systems, the inability of handling multiple spot fires, and poor
management of time and resources. Finally, based on the conducted review, this
paper provides significant research directions that require further
investigations by researchers in this field including, the deployment of
UAV-based Swarm Robotics, further study on the characteristics of the fire
extinguishing systems; design more effective area coverage; and the propose of a
self-firefighting model that enables individuals to decide on the course of
events efficiently and locally for better utilization and management of time and
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... So, we included this type of tools in our analysis, too. Other researchers
compared tools for SPLE or SCM (Pietsch et al. 2020;Pereira et al.
2015;Bashroush et al. 2017;Ruparelia 2010;Galster et al. 2014). In contrast to
the conceptual model, these works focus on classifying and comparing the
identified tools instead of unifying their concepts and relations. ...

A conceptual model for unifying variability in space and time: Rationale,
validation, and illustrative applications
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 * Sep 2022

With the increasing demand for customized systems and rapidly evolving
technology, software engineering faces many challenges. A particular challenge
is the development and maintenance of systems that are highly variable both in
space (concurrent variations of the system at one point in time) and time
(sequential variations of the system, due to its evolution). Recent research
aims to address this challenge by managing variability in space and time
simultaneously. However, this research originates from two different areas,
software product line engineering and software configuration management,
resulting in non-uniform terminologies and a varying understanding of concepts.
These problems hamper the communication and understanding of involved concepts,
as well as the development of techniques that unify variability in space and
time. To tackle these problems, we performed an iterative, expert-driven
analysis of existing tools from both research areas to derive a conceptual model
that integrates and unifies concepts of both dimensions of variability. In this
article, we first explain the construction process and present the resulting
conceptual model. We validate the model and discuss its coverage and granularity
with respect to established concepts of variability in space and time.
Furthermore, we perform a formal concept analysis to discuss the commonalities
and differences among the tools we considered. Finally, we show illustrative
applications to explain how the conceptual model can be used in practice to
derive conforming tools. The conceptual model unifies concepts and relations
used in software product line engineering and software configuration management,
provides a unified terminology and common ground for researchers and developers
for comparing their works, clarifies communication, and prevents redundant
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... FTA studies may combine several complementary methods to achieve their goal.
On the other hand, a systematic review is a methodology used to analyze many
different studies ensuring rigor and repeatability [7]. Systematic reviews
provide an evidence-based paradigm [8] to collect the available empirical
evidence that fits pre-defined eligibility criteria to answer a specific
question. ...

Analyzing Industry 4.0 trends through the Technology Roadmapping Method
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 * Jan 2022

 * Leonardo El-Warrak
 * Mariano Nunes
 * Alan De Oliveira Lyra
 * Jano Moreira De Souza

Future-oriented Technology Analysis (FTA) has been widely used in organizations
to support the management decision-making process with emphasis on forecasting
the timing, diffusion, and life cycle of technologies. The concept of Industry
4.0, understood as the connection between machines, systems, and assets to
create intelligent networks that will help in productive control, introduces
several technological innovations in the fields of automation, control, and
information technology aimed at manufacturing processes. In this work, we use
the Technology Roadmapping Method (TRM) to better understand the main issues on
Industry 4.0 and the consequences and developments in future scenarios for the
industrial sector.
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... FTA studies may combine several complementary methods to achieve their goal.
On the other hand, a systematic review is a methodology used to analyze many
different studies ensuring rigor and repeatability [7]. Systematic reviews
provide an evidence-based paradigm [8] to collect the available empirical
evidence that fits pre-defined eligibility criteria to answer a specific
question. ...

Analyzing Industry 4.0 trends through the Technology Roadmapping Method
Conference Paper
Full-text available
 * Mar 2022

 * Leonardo El-Warrak
 * Mariano Nunes
 * Alan De Oliveira Lyra
 * Jano Moreira De Souza

Future-oriented Technology Analysis (FTA) has been widely used in organizations
to support the management decision-making process with emphasis on forecasting
the timing, diffusion, and life cycle of technologies. The concept of Industry
4.0, understood as the connection between machines, systems, and assets to
create intelligent networks that will help in productive control, introduces
several technological innovations in the fields of automation, control, and
information technology aimed at manufacturing processes. In this work, we use
the Technology Roadmapping Method (TRM) to better understand the main issues on
Industry 4.0 and the consequences and developments in future scenarios for the
industrial sector.
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... There exist an extensive body of research and application of SPL principles
that attests the benefits that SPLs provide (e.g. [6,13,15,23]). ...

An Empirical Eye-Tracking Study of Feature Model Comprehension
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 * Mar 2022

 * Elmira Rezaei Sepasi
 * Kambiz Nezami Balouchi
 * Julien Mercier
 * Roberto Erick Lopez-Herrejon

Software Product Lines (SPLs) are families of related software systems which are
distinguished by the set of features each system provides. Feature Models are
the de facto standard for modelling the variability of SPLs because they
describe the features, their relations, and all the combinations of features
that constitute a SPL. Because of their key role, feature models are at the core
of many tasks in SPL engineering. Our work presents an empirical study on the
comprehension of feature models for the task of checking the validity of
configurations. Our study explored the relation between the number of features
and the number of cross-tree constraints with the accuracy of participants'
answers to validity checking questions, and used eye fixations for analyzing the
difficulty in interpreting fixated information and the amount of cognitive
processing of the different parts of the feature model stimuli. We found that
answer accuracy does not relate individually to the number of features or to the
number of cross-tree constrains of a feature model, but both factors do show an
interaction on accuracy. Additionally, our study identified differences in
feature models with cross-tree constraints in both number of fixations and
fixation time, but no differences in those models without cross-tree
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... Variability in a software system enables mass production and customization,
particularly in the context of diverse and evolving requirements [12,21]. To
maximize these opportunities, one needs to analyze variability-intensive systems
in a structured manner by considering variabilities and commonalities as
important characteristics of such software systems. ...

A Benchmark for Active Learning of Variability-Intensive Systems
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 * Mar 2022

 * Shaghayegh Tavassoli
 * Carlos Diego Nascimento Damasceno
 * Mohammad Reza Mousavi
 * Ramtin Khosravi

Behavioral models are the key enablers for behavioral analysis of Software
Product Lines (SPL), including testing and model checking. Active model learning
comes to the rescue when family behavioral models are non-existent or outdated.
A key challenge on active model learning is to detect commonalities and
variability efficiently and combine them into concise family models. Benchmarks
and their associated metrics will play a key role in shaping the research agenda
in this promising field and provide an effective means for comparing and
identifying relative strengths and weaknesses in the forthcoming techniques. In
this challenge, we seek benchmarks to evaluate the efficiency (e.g., learning
time and memory footprint) and effectiveness (e.g., conciseness and accuracy of
family models) of active model learning methods in the software product line
context. These benchmark sets must contain the structural and behavioral
variability models of at least one SPL. Each SPL in a benchmark must contain
products that requires more than one round of model learning with respect to the
basic active learning $L^{*}$ algorithm. Alternatively, tools supporting the
synthesis of artificial benchmark models are also welcome.
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... Most modern software-intensive systems, ranging from small-scale embedded
systems to large-scale enterprise systems to ultra-large systems of systems, are
variability-intensive (Hilliard 2010;Galster et al. 2013;Galster 2019). Software
variability is commonly understood as the ability of a software system or
software artifact to be efficiently extended, changed, customized, or configured
for use in a particular context (Capilla et al. 2013). ...

Identification and visualization of variability implementations in
object-oriented variability-rich systems: a symmetry-based approach
Full-text available
 * May 2022

 * Xhevahire Tërnava
 * Johann Mortara
 * Philippe Collet
 * Daniel Le Berre

Most modern object-oriented software systems are variability-rich, despite that
they may not be developed as product lines. Their variability is implemented by
several traditional techniques in combination, such as inheritance, overloading,
or design patterns. As domain features or variation points with variants are not
a by-product of these techniques, variability in code assets of such systems is
implicit, and hardly documented, hampering qualities such as understandability
and maintainability. In this article, we present an approach for automatic
identification and visualization of variability implementation places, that is,
variation points with variants, in variability-rich systems. To uniformly
identify them, we propose to rely on the existing symmetries in the different
software constructs and patterns. We then propose to visualize them according to
their density. By means of our realized toolchain implementing the approach,
symfinder, we report on a threefold evaluation, (i) on the identified potential
variability in sixteen large open-source systems and symfinder ’s scalability,
(ii) on measuring symfinder ’s precision and robustness when mapping identified
variability to domain features, and (iii) on its usage by a software architect.
Results show that symfinder can indeed help in identifying and comprehending the
variability of the targeted systems.
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... Obviously, when using models in run time mode, it is necessary to track
changes in the CPS state. e main types of variability in structure, behavior,
and context that may need to be monitored when using the model approach are
shown in Figure 2. is variability classification can be conceded as adaptation
of [30] to CPS and run time agility. Variability can manifest itself both in the
structure and in the behavior of an OMS. ...

Towards Building Cyberphysical Systems with Agile Architecture
Full-text available
 * Feb 2022

 * Alexander Vodyaho
 * Nataly Zhukova
 * Yulia Schichkina
 * Vladimir Chernokulsky

The current stage of technology development is characterized by an increase in
the complexity of the created anthropogenic systems, a constant expansion of the
scope of information technologies, an increase in the intelligence level of the
created systems, and the appearance of new paradigms for building
information-oriented systems such as cyber-physical systems, the Internet of
things, and cloud and fog systems. Modern information-oriented systems very
often have dynamic structure, implement complex adaptive behavior, and can be
considered as systems with agile architecture. The article discusses one of the
possible approaches for building cyberphysical systems with agile architecture
on fog platforms. The idea of the proposed approach is to accumulate knowledge
about the current state of the observed cyberphysical systems in the form of
knowledge graphs. As a model, it is proposed to use multilevel relatively finite
state operating automaton at the upper level and knowledge graphs at the lower
level. A distinctive feature of the developed approach is that models that
describe the current state of the observed system can be built automatically.
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Requirements engineering for autonomous vehicles: a systematic literature review
Conference Paper
 * Apr 2022

 * Quelita A. D. S. Ribeiro
 * Moniky Ribeiro
 * Jaelson Castro

Efficient Production Process Variability Exploration
Conference Paper
 * Feb 2022

 * Kristof Meixner
 * Kevin Feichtinger
 * Rick Rabiser
 * Stefan Biffl

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Guidelines for performing Systematic Literature Reviews in Software Engineering
Full-text available
 * Jan 2007

 * Barbara Kitchenham
 * Stuart M. Charters

The objective of this report is to propose comprehensive guidelines for
systematic literature reviews appropriate for software engineering researchers,
including PhD students. A systematic literature review is a means of evaluating
and interpreting all available research relevant to a particular research
question, topic area, or phenomenon of interest. Systematic reviews aim to
present a fair evaluation of a research topic by using a trustworthy, rigorous,
and auditable methodology. The guidelines presented in this report were derived
from three existing guidelines used by medical researchers, two books produced
by researchers with social science backgrounds and discussions with researchers
from other disciplines who are involved in evidence-based practice. The
guidelines have been adapted to reflect the specific problems of software
engineering research. The guidelines cover three phases of a systematic
literature review: planning the review, conducting the review and reporting the
review. They provide a relatively high level description. They do not consider
the impact of the research questions on the review procedures, nor do they
specify in detail the mechanisms needed to perform meta-analysis.
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Quality Reference Model for SBA
Full-text available
 * Jan 2008

 * Andreas Gehlert
 * Andreas Metzger

Claims and supporting evidence for self-adaptive systems: A literature study
Full-text available
 * Jun 2012

 * Danny Weyns
 * M. Usman Iftikhar
 * Sam Malek
 * Jesper Andersson.

Despite the vast body of work on self-adaption, no systematic study has been
performed on the claims associated with self-adaptation and the evidence that
exists for these claims. As such an insight is crucial for researchers and
engineers, we performed a literature study of the research results from SEAMS
since 2006 and the associated Dagstuhl seminar in 2008. The study shows that the
primary claims of self-adaptation are improved flexibility, reliability, and
performance of the system. On the other hand, the tradeoffs implied by
self-adaptation have not received much attention. Evidence is obtained from
basic examples, or simply lacking. Few systematic empirical studies have been
performed, and no industrial evidence is reported. From the study, we offer the
following recommendations to move the field forward: to improve evaluation,
researchers should make their assessment methods, tools and data publicly
available; to deal with poor discussion of limitations, conferences/workshops
should require an explicit section on limitations in engineering papers; to
improve poor treatment of tradeoffs, this aspect should be an explicit subject
of reviews; and finally, to enhance industrial validation, the best
academy-industry efforts could be formally recognized by the community.
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A Status Report on the Evaluation of Variability Management Approaches
Technical Report
Full-text available
 * Apr 2009

 * Lianping Chen
 * Muhammad Ali Babar
 * Ciaran Cawley

OBJECTIVE - The objective of this study is to review the status of evaluation of
Variability Management (VM) approaches in Software Product Line Engineering
(SPLE). METHOD - We have carried out a systematic review of studies of VM in
SPLE reported in any publication venue and published before September 2007.
RESULTS - 97 papers were selected according to our inclusion and exclusion
criteria. The selected papers appeared in 56 publication venues and the
dominance of well-known publication venues of SPLE is not very clear. Only a
small portion of the identified approaches were evaluated using rigorous
scientific methods. A detailed investigation of the studies employing empirical
research methods revealed significant quality deficiencies in various quality
assessment aspects. Even more disappointing finding is that the trends of
scientific evaluation of VM approaches do not appear to be improving based on
the analysis of the data extracted from the reviewed studied. CONCLUSIONS - The
status of evaluation of VM approaches in SPLE is poor. Most of the approaches
proposed are amenable to empirical evaluation, but the available evidence is
sparse and the quality of the presented evidence is very low. The findings
highlight the areas of improvement for rigorous evaluation of VM approaches.
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An Evaluation of Quality Checklist Proposals-A participant-observer case study
Full-text available
 * Jan 2009

 * Barbara Kitchenham
 * O. Pearl Brereton
 * David Budgen
 * Zhi Li

Background: A recent set of guidelines for software engineering systematic
literature reviews (SLRs) includes a list of quality criteria obtained from the
literature. The guidelines suggest that the list can be used to construct a
tailored set of questions to evaluate the quality of primary studies. Aim: This
paper aims to evaluate whether the list of quality criteria help researchers
construct tailored quality checklists. Method: We undertook a
participant-observer case study to investigate the list of quality criteria. The
"case" in this study was the planning stage of a systematic literature review on
unit testing. Results: The checklists in our SLR guidelines do not provide
sufficient help with the construction of a quality checklist for a specific SLR
either for novices or for experienced researchers. However, the checklists are
reasonably complete and lead to the use of a common terminology for quality
questions selected for a specific systematic literature review. Conclusions: The
guidelines document should be amended to include a much shorter generic
checklist. Researchers might find it useful to adopt a team-based process for
quality checklist construction and provide suggestions for answering quality
checklist questions.
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Experiences conducting systematic reviews from novices' perspective
Full-text available
 * Apr 2010

 * Mehwish Riaz
 * Muhammad Sulayman
 * Norsaremah Salleh
 * Emilia Mendes

Background: A systematic review (SR) is a sound methodology for collecting
evidence on a research topic of interest and establishing the context of future
research. Unlike ordinary or even expert literature reviews, SRs are systematic
thus increasing the confidence in the findings from the previous published
literature. SRs can be carried out by both experienced and novice researchers;
however, while expert researchers" experiences with conducting SRs are important
for improving the SR body of knowledge, we believe that novice researchers"
experiences are equally important to establish what distinct problems they face
while carrying out SRs. With a prior knowledge of these issues, novice
researchers can better plan their SRs and seek guidance from expert researchers.
Aim: The aim of this paper is therefore to report on experiences conducting SRs
from the perspective of novice researchers. The paper reports first hand
experiences of novices conducting SRs and compares them with the experiences of
an expert as well as with the experiences reported in the previous literature.
Method: An instrument was created and used to gather the experiences conducting
SRs from three PhD students and their supervisor. The instrument covered all the
SR steps; it was individually filled out by each of the participating subjects
and its data was later on aggregated. Results: The results show that the
problems faced by novices in terms of time taken to conduct the review; defining
the research questions, inclusion/exclusion criteria, data extraction and data
synthesis forms are not faced by expert researchers. Moreover, problems faced by
novices related to defining quality criteria are different in nature than those
faced by expert researchers. Conclusions: It has been observed that while
numerous problems are faced by both novices and experts, many others are
specific to novices, where several of these can be solved with the help of
domain and SR experts.
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Handling Variability in Software Architecture: Problems and Implications
Full-text available
 * Jun 2011

 * Matthias Galster
 * Paris Avgeriou

Variability helps manage differences and commonalities within and across
software systems. As variability is reflected in and facilitated through the
software architecture, it is important to understand the problems that
architects face when carrying out their tasks. This would help us improve
methods for architecting variability-intensive software systems. In this paper,
we therefore present an exploratory study to identify problems that occur when
performing variability-related tasks during software architecting. Our subjects
were 27 graduate students. We identified eleven problems as experienced by the
subjects of our study. The paper also presents implications of the findings for
the software architecture field. In particular, we discuss implications for
architecture description, methods and tools, and the training of architects.
Show abstract
Variability in Web Services
 * Mar 2013

 * Matthias Galster
 * Paris Avgeriou

Service-based computing and associated development paradigms, including
service-oriented architecture (SOA), web services, or the idea of “Software as a
Service,” have gained significant attention in software engineering industry and
research. The aim of this chapter is to provide an introduction to variability
in service-based systems. Within this chapter, we use the term “service-based”
for systems that are largely or entirely built from web services [4], with SOA
as the primary architectural style.
Show abstract
Variability in quality attributes of service-based software systems: A
systematic literature review
 * Feb 2013

 * Sara Mahdavi Hezavehi
 * Matthias Galster
 * Paris Avgeriou

ContextVariability is the ability of a software artifact (e.g., a system,
component) to be adapted for a specific context, in a preplanned manner.
Variability not only affects functionality, but also quality attributes (e.g.,
security, performance). Service-based software systems consider variability in
functionality implicitly by dynamic service composition. However, variability in
quality attributes of service-based systems seems insufficiently addressed in
current design practices.Objective We aim at (a) assessing methods for handling
variability in quality attributes of service-based systems, (b) collecting
evidence about current research that suggests implications for practice, and (c)
identifying open problems and areas for improvement.MethodA systematic
literature review with an automated search was conducted. The review included
studies published between the year 2000 and 2011. We identified 46 relevant
studies.ResultsCurrent methods focus on a few quality attributes, in particular
performance and availability. Also, most methods use formal techniques.
Furthermore, current studies do not provide enough evidence for practitioners to
adopt proposed approaches. So far, variability in quality attributes has mainly
been studied in laboratory settings rather than in industrial
environments.Conclusions The product line domain as the domain that
traditionally deals with variability has only little impact on handling
variability in quality attributes. The lack of tool support, the lack of
practical research and evidence for the applicability of approaches to handle
variability are obstacles for practitioners to adopt methods. Therefore, we
suggest studies in industry (e.g., surveys) to collect data on how practitioners
handle variability of quality attributes in service-based systems. For example,
results of our study help formulate hypotheses and questions for such surveys.
Based on needs in practice, new approaches can be proposed.
Show abstract
The goal question metric approach
 * Jan 1994

 * Victor R. Basili
 * Gianluigi Caldiera
 * Dieter Rombach

As with any engineering discipline, software development requires a measurement
mechanism for feedback and evaluation. Measurement is a mechanism for creating a
corporate memory and an aid in answering a variety of questions associated with
the enactment of any software process. It helps support project planning (e. g.,
How much will a new project cost?); it allows us to determine the strengths and
weaknesses of the current processes and products (e. g., What is the frequency
of certain types of errors?); it provides a rationale for adopting/refining
techniques (e. g., What is the impact of the technique XX on the productivity of
the projects?); it allows us to evaluate the quality of specific processes and
products (e. g., What is the defect density in a specific system after
deployment?). Measurement also helps, during the course of a project, to assess
its progress, to take corrective action based on this assessment, and to
evaluate the impact of such action.
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July 2009 · Information and Software Technology
 * Gursimran Walia
 * Jeff Carver

Most software quality research has focused on identifying faults (i.e.,
information is incorrectly recorded in an artifact). Because software still
exhibits incorrect behavior, a different approach is needed. This paper presents
a systematic literature review to develop taxonomy of errors (i.e., the sources
of faults) that may occur during the requirements phase of software lifecycle.
This ... [Show full abstract] taxonomy is designed to aid developers during the
requirement inspection process and to improve overall software quality. The
review identified 149 papers from the software engineering, psychology and human
cognition literature that provide information about the sources of requirements
faults. A major result of this paper is a categorization of the sources of
faults into a formal taxonomy that provides a starting point for future research
into error-based approaches to improving software quality.
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February 2013 · Information and Software Technology
 * Sara Mahdavi Hezavehi
 * Matthias Galster
 * Paris Avgeriou

ContextVariability is the ability of a software artifact (e.g., a system,
component) to be adapted for a specific context, in a preplanned manner.
Variability not only affects functionality, but also quality attributes (e.g.,
security, performance). Service-based software systems consider variability in
functionality implicitly by dynamic service composition. However, variability in
quality ... [Show full abstract] attributes of service-based systems seems
insufficiently addressed in current design practices.Objective We aim at (a)
assessing methods for handling variability in quality attributes of
service-based systems, (b) collecting evidence about current research that
suggests implications for practice, and (c) identifying open problems and areas
for improvement.MethodA systematic literature review with an automated search
was conducted. The review included studies published between the year 2000 and
2011. We identified 46 relevant studies.ResultsCurrent methods focus on a few
quality attributes, in particular performance and availability. Also, most
methods use formal techniques. Furthermore, current studies do not provide
enough evidence for practitioners to adopt proposed approaches. So far,
variability in quality attributes has mainly been studied in laboratory settings
rather than in industrial environments.Conclusions The product line domain as
the domain that traditionally deals with variability has only little impact on
handling variability in quality attributes. The lack of tool support, the lack
of practical research and evidence for the applicability of approaches to handle
variability are obstacles for practitioners to adopt methods. Therefore, we
suggest studies in industry (e.g., surveys) to collect data on how practitioners
handle variability of quality attributes in service-based systems. For example,
results of our study help formulate hypotheses and questions for such surveys.
Based on needs in practice, new approaches can be proposed.
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April 2015 · Information and Software Technology
 * Matthias Galster
 * Paris Avgeriou

Context Enterprise software systems (e.g., enterprise resource planning
software) are often deployed in different contexts (e.g., different
organizations or different business units or branches of one organization).
However, even though organizations, business units or branches have the same or
similar business goals, they may differ in how they achieve these goals. Thus,
many enterprise software ... [Show full abstract] systems are subject to
variability and adapted depending on the context in which they are used.
Objective Our goal is to provide a snapshot of variability in large scale
enterprise software systems. We aim at understanding the types of variability
that occur in large industrial enterprise software systems. Furthermore, we aim
at identifying how variability is handled in such systems. Method We performed
an exploratory case study in two large software organizations, involving two
large enterprise software systems. Data were collected through interviews and
document analysis. Data were analyzed following a grounded theory approach.
Results We identified seven types of variability (e.g., functionality,
infrastructure) and eight mechanisms to handle variability (e.g., add-ons, code
switches). Conclusions We provide generic types for classifying variability in
enterprise software systems, and reusable mechanisms for handling such
variability. Some variability types and handling mechanisms for enterprise
software systems found in the real world extend existing concepts and theories.
Others confirm findings from previous research literature on variability in
software in general and are therefore not specific to enterprise software
systems. Our findings also offer a theoretical foundation for describing
variability handling in practice. Future work needs to provide more evaluations
of the theoretical foundations, and refine variability handling mechanisms into
more detailed practices.
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Conference Paper
Full-text available


January 2011
 * Matthias Galster
 * Paris Avgeriou

Context: In the software product line domain, the concept of variability is well
recognized. However, variability in the context of software architecture still
seems to be poorly understood. Objective: In this paper, we aim at contributing
to the development of a basic understanding of the notion of variability in the
software architecture domain, beyond the idea of product lines. Method: We ...
[Show full abstract] perform a preliminary exploratory study which consists of
two parts: an expert survey among 11 subjects, and a mini focus group with 4
participants. For both parts, we collect and analyze mostly qualitative data.
Results: Our observations indicate that there seems to be no common
understanding of "variability" in the context of software architecture. On the
other hand, some challenges related to variability in software architecture are
similar to challenges identified in the product line domain. Conclusions:
Variability in software architecture might require more theoretical foundations
in order to establish "variability" as an architectural key concept and
first-class quality attribute.
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Full-text available


June 2011
 * Matthias Galster
 * Paris Avgeriou

Variability helps manage differences and commonalities within and across
software systems. As variability is reflected in and facilitated through the
software architecture, it is important to understand the problems that
architects face when carrying out their tasks. This would help us improve
methods for architecting variability-intensive software systems. In this paper,
we therefore present an ... [Show full abstract] exploratory study to identify
problems that occur when performing variability-related tasks during software
architecting. Our subjects were 27 graduate students. We identified eleven
problems as experienced by the subjects of our study. The paper also presents
implications of the findings for the software architecture field. In particular,
we discuss implications for architecture description, methods and tools, and the
training of architects.
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