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            We're thrilled to announce that we've won the prestigious<br> 'PropTech Award of the Year' at The National Property Awards!<br> Massive thanks to our dedicated Property Button Team,<br> suppliers, and our invaluable partners. Join us in
            shaping<br> the future of property management!<br>Click 'Get Started' now!</div>
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            <h1 class="section-title animate-from-left animation-from-left" data-animation-direction="from-left" data-animation-delay="50">Utilities Switching Company for Property Professionals</h1>
            <p data-animation-direction="from-left" data-animation-delay="50" class="animate-from-left animation-from-left">We are a utilities switching company for property professionals. Think how much time you spend doing the boring administrative
              work. You don’t need to do that anymore – we do that for you. Leaving you free to build your business by providing great service to your customers.</p>
            <a href="contact.aspx" class="btn btn-fullcolor">Get In Touch With Us</a>
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        <h2 class="section-title animate-from-left" data-animation-direction="from-left" data-animation-delay="50">Here’s What our customers say:</h2>
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                  <blockquote class="text animate-from-left" data-animation-direction="from-left" data-animation-delay="50">
                    <p><a href="testimonials.aspx?GroupType=user">Extremely efficient and helpful staff. Property button makes moving home a lot easier at what can be a stressful time.</a></p>
                    <div class="testimonials-footer"><br>Liz O Mahony <br>May 2, 2024 <br><img src="images/PBUT/stars.png" border="0">
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                  <blockquote class="text">
                    <p><a href="testimonials.aspx?GroupType=user">Convenient platform to arrange the services for a new property. Padraig Breslin helped me a lot with the procedures and was very kind and patient.</a></p>
                    <div class="testimonials-footer"><br>RogerG <br>May 1, 2024 <br><img src="images/PBUT/stars.png" border="0">
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                    <p><a href="testimonials.aspx?GroupType=user">Ease of transitioning to an electricity supplier. Padraig explained it well and informed of the most advantageous price on the market. With the least hassle</a></p>
                    <div class="testimonials-footer"><br>Beneamin Ros <br>May 1, 2024 <br><img src="images/PBUT/stars.png" border="0">
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                  <blockquote class="text">
                    <p><a href="testimonials.aspx?GroupType=user">Great service,Padraig Breslin was so nice,everything was explained to me in detail.</a></p>
                    <div class="testimonials-footer"><br>Tomislav Ivanović <br>April 23, 2024 <br><img src="images/PBUT/stars.png" border="0">
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                  <blockquote class="text">
                    <p><a href="testimonials.aspx?GroupType=user">Great to deal with. The service from Property Button is exemplary, very quick and efficient with no wasted time, a very professional service.</a></p>
                    <div class="testimonials-footer"><br>Gerard Guthrie <br>April 23, 2024 <br><img src="images/PBUT/stars.png" border="0">
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                    <p><a href="testimonials.aspx?GroupType=user">Great customer service provided by Padraig Breslin. Very helpful</a></p>
                    <div class="testimonials-footer"><br>Mateus Henrique Machado <br>April 19, 2024 <br><img src="images/PBUT/stars.png" border="0">
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                    <p><a href="testimonials.aspx?GroupType=user">Padraig was very helpful getting in touch to outline what was needed to set up the service.</a></p>
                    <div class="testimonials-footer"><br>Thomas Rigby <br>April 18, 2024 <br><img src="images/PBUT/stars.png" border="0">
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                      <a href="testimonials.aspx?GroupType=user">Brilliant People. Extremely efficient, fast service with exceptionally friendly and helpful people, would highly recommend. They have made the stress of moving so much easier and streamlined and taken a lot of strain from me for which I am most grateful, thank you</a>
                    <div class="testimonials-footer"><br>Gerard Guthrie <br>April 10, 2024 <br><img src="images/PBUT/stars.png" border="0">
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        <h2 class="section-highlight animate-from-left" data-animation-direction="from-left" data-animation-delay="50">As the market leader, all the leading property professionals use our services</h2>
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        <h2 class="section-highlight animate-from-left" data-animation-direction="from-left" data-animation-delay="50">+100s More</h2>
        <p data-animation-direction="from-left" data-animation-delay="50" class="animate-from-left">To date, we have worked with over 500 of Ireland’s leading property professionals and managed more than 150,000 successful moves, ensuring that people
          have the best electricity, gas, phone, broadband and waste services for their needs.</p>
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      <h2 class="section-highlight animate-from-left" data-animation-direction="from-left" data-animation-delay="50">Why property professionals use our service</h2>
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          <div class="item animate-from-bottom" data-animation-direction="from-bottom" data-animation-delay="50"><img class="img-responsive" alt="Property Button Utility Switching" src="images/PBUT/time.png"
              onmouseover="this.src='images/PBUT/time.png';" onmouseout="this.src='images/PBUT/time.png';">
          <p data-animation-direction="from-left" data-animation-delay="50" class="animate-from-left">Save time on all the time-consuming admin – there’s no need for you to deal with multiple suppliers, so you can make better use of your time</p>
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          <div class="item animate-from-bottom" data-animation-direction="from-bottom" data-animation-delay="50"><img class="img-responsive" alt="Property Button Utility Switching" src="images/PBUT/money.png"
              onmouseover="this.src='images/PBUT/money.png';" onmouseout="this.src='images/PBUT/money.png';">
          <p data-animation-direction="from-left" data-animation-delay="50" class="animate-from-left">Save money – the service is completely free for property professionals (and tenants / occupiers)</p>
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          <div class="item animate-from-bottom" data-animation-direction="from-bottom" data-animation-delay="50"><img class="img-responsive" alt="Property Button Utility Switching" src="images/PBUT/utility.png"
              onmouseover="this.src='images/PBUT/utility.png';" onmouseout="this.src='images/PBUT/utility.png';">
          <p data-animation-direction="from-left" data-animation-delay="50" class="animate-from-left">Avoid unnecessary and costly disconnections</p>
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          <div class="item animate-from-bottom" data-animation-direction="from-bottom" data-animation-delay="50"><img class="img-responsive" alt="Property Button Utility Switching" src="images/PBUT/gdpr.png"
              onmouseover="this.src='images/PBUT/gdpr.png';" onmouseout="this.src='images/PBUT/gdpr.png';">
          <p data-animation-direction="from-left" data-animation-delay="50" class="animate-from-left">Stay fully compliant with GDPR</p>
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          <div class="item animate-from-bottom" data-animation-direction="from-bottom" data-animation-delay="50"><img class="img-responsive" alt="Property Button Utility Switching" src="images/PBUT/place.png"
              onmouseover="this.src='images/PBUT/place.png';" onmouseout="this.src='images/PBUT/place.png';">
          <p data-animation-direction="from-left" data-animation-delay="50" class="animate-from-left">Integrate all your utility-related information and tasks in one place</p>
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          <div class="item animate-from-bottom" data-animation-direction="from-bottom" data-animation-delay="50"><img class="img-responsive" alt="Property Button Utility Switching" src="images/PBUT/single.png"
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          <p data-animation-direction="from-left" data-animation-delay="50" class="animate-from-left">Get a single point of contact and the best-in-class support team with a 98% customer satisfaction rating</p>
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          <h2 class="section-highlight animate-from-left" data-animation-direction="from-left" data-animation-delay="50">What we can do for you</h2>
          <p data-animation-direction="from-left" data-animation-delay="50" class="animate-from-left">There’s a reason so many people switch with us</p>
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          <h2 class="section-highlight animate-from-left" data-animation-direction="from-left" data-animation-delay="50">Taking the hassle out of Property management</h2>
          <p data-animation-direction="from-left" data-animation-delay="50" class="animate-from-left">We’ve been helping over 500 of Ireland’s most professional property agencies and landlords since 2012</p>
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              <h3 data-animation-direction="from-left" data-animation-delay="50" class="animate-from-left">1. Login details</h3>
              <p data-animation-direction="from-left" data-animation-delay="50" class="animate-from-left">When you get your Property Button login details, just create a password</p>
              <div class="item animate-from-bottom" data-animation-direction="from-bottom" data-animation-delay="50">
                <a href="contact.aspx"><img class="img-responsive" alt="Property Button Utility Switching" src="images/PBUT/Login-details.png" onmouseover="this.src='images/PBUT/Login-details.png';" onmouseout="this.src='images/PBUT/Login-details.png';"></a>
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              <h3 data-animation-direction="from-left" data-animation-delay="50" class="animate-from-left">2. Upload switches</h3>
              <p data-animation-direction="from-left" data-animation-delay="50" class="animate-from-left">Then you can upload utility switches in just a few seconds.</p>
              <div class="item animate-from-bottom" data-animation-direction="from-bottom" data-animation-delay="50">
                <a href="contact.aspx"><img class="img-responsive" alt="Property Button Utility Switching" src="images/PBUT/Upload-Switches.png" onmouseover="this.src='images/PBUT/Upload-Switches.png';" onmouseout="this.src='images/PBUT/Upload-Switches.png';"></a>
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              <h3 data-animation-direction="from-left" data-animation-delay="50" class="animate-from-left">3. We find all the relevant services</h3>
              <p data-animation-direction="from-left" data-animation-delay="50" class="animate-from-left">We find all the relevant services available at the property and shortlist based on the person’s needs and budget. Your customers choose their
                services and get set up.</p>
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          <h2 class="section-highlight animate-from-left" data-animation-direction="from-left" data-animation-delay="50">Find out more about how we work in our FAQ page</h2>
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          <h2 class="section-highlight animate-from-left" data-animation-direction="from-left" data-animation-delay="50">Trusted by more than 500<br>property professionals<br>all across Ireland</h2>
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            <h3 data-animation-direction="from-left" data-animation-delay="50" class="animate-from-left">98%</h3>
            <p data-animation-direction="from-left" data-animation-delay="50" class="animate-from-left">98% customer satisfaction rating</p>
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            <h3 data-animation-direction="from-left" data-animation-delay="50" class="animate-from-left">150,000+</h3>
            <p data-animation-direction="from-left" data-animation-delay="50" class="animate-from-left">Over 150,000 successful home moves to date</p>
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            <h3 data-animation-direction="from-left" data-animation-delay="50" class="animate-from-left">24hrs</h3>
            <p data-animation-direction="from-left" data-animation-delay="50" class="animate-from-left">MPRNs and GPRNs provided within 24 hrs, many in under 2 hours, and energy-related queries answered in half the time that utilities take to reply
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            <h3 data-animation-direction="from-left" data-animation-delay="50" class="animate-from-left">10,000+</h3>
            <p data-animation-direction="from-left" data-animation-delay="50" class="animate-from-left">Over 10,000 successful home utility switches every year</p>
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Text Content

 * 01 969 6091

 * Home
 * Renters & Home Owners
 * About
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 * FAQ
   * Getting Started
   * Services
   * Support
   * Bills
   * Tenants
 * Login
   * Property Professonal
 * Contact

 * Award Winning Utility Switching
   We're thrilled to announce that we've won the prestigious
   'PropTech Award of the Year' at The National Property Awards!
   Massive thanks to our dedicated Property Button Team,
   suppliers, and our invaluable partners. Join us in shaping
   the future of property management!
   Click 'Get Started' now!
   Get Started


We are a utilities switching company for property professionals. Think how much
time you spend doing the boring administrative work. You don’t need to do that
anymore – we do that for you. Leaving you free to build your business by
providing great service to your customers.

Get In Touch With Us


> Extremely efficient and helpful staff. Property button makes moving home a lot
> easier at what can be a stressful time.
> Liz O Mahony
> May 2, 2024

> Convenient platform to arrange the services for a new property. Padraig
> Breslin helped me a lot with the procedures and was very kind and patient.
> RogerG
> May 1, 2024

> Ease of transitioning to an electricity supplier. Padraig explained it well
> and informed of the most advantageous price on the market. With the least
> hassle
> Beneamin Ros
> May 1, 2024

> Great service,Padraig Breslin was so nice,everything was explained to me in
> detail.
> Tomislav Ivanović
> April 23, 2024

> Great to deal with. The service from Property Button is exemplary, very quick
> and efficient with no wasted time, a very professional service.
> Gerard Guthrie
> April 23, 2024

> Great customer service provided by Padraig Breslin. Very helpful
> Mateus Henrique Machado
> April 19, 2024

> Padraig was very helpful getting in touch to outline what was needed to set up
> the service.
> Thomas Rigby
> April 18, 2024

> Brilliant People. Extremely efficient, fast service with exceptionally
> friendly and helpful people, would highly recommend. They have made the stress
> of moving so much easier and streamlined and taken a lot of strain from me for
> which I am most grateful, thank you
> Gerard Guthrie
> April 10, 2024


+100S MORE

To date, we have worked with over 500 of Ireland’s leading property
professionals and managed more than 150,000 successful moves, ensuring that
people have the best electricity, gas, phone, broadband and waste services for
their needs.


Save time on all the time-consuming admin – there’s no need for you to deal with
multiple suppliers, so you can make better use of your time

Save money – the service is completely free for property professionals (and
tenants / occupiers)

Avoid unnecessary and costly disconnections

Stay fully compliant with GDPR

Integrate all your utility-related information and tasks in one place

Get a single point of contact and the best-in-class support team with a 98%
customer satisfaction rating

Get in touch


There’s a reason so many people switch with us

Learn More


We’ve been helping over 500 of Ireland’s most professional property agencies and
landlords since 2012


When you get your Property Button login details, just create a password


Then you can upload utility switches in just a few seconds.


We find all the relevant services available at the property and shortlist based
on the person’s needs and budget. Your customers choose their services and get
set up.





98% customer satisfaction rating


Over 150,000 successful home moves to date


MPRNs and GPRNs provided within 24 hrs, many in under 2 hours, and
energy-related queries answered in half the time that utilities take to reply


Over 10,000 successful home utility switches every year


 * The Boulevard Centre, Quinsborough Road, Bray, County Wicklow, A98 R6D7
 * 01 969 6091
 * Email Us


 * Moving TV Services
 * Moving Energy Suppliers
 * Moving Utilities
 * Switch Waste Removal Services
 * Switch Broadband Services

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Acquaint CRM


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