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Help cultivate your retirement savings by signing up today.

David, our records show you are currently not participating in your employer’s
retirement plan. These plans—often called a 401(k) or 403(b)—offer an amazing
opportunity for savings. Give yourself a fresh start this Spring by saving in
the ROSS STORES, INC. 401(k) Savings Plan today.

Yes! Help me start saving.

Create an account today and log in at—then visit the Retirement
Wellness Planner by Principal® and easily add in any additional or external
accounts for a clearer view of where you’re at.

You can add in information for anything from Social Security, individual
retirement accounts, annuities, health savings accounts, and any other long-term
savings you may have.


At Principal® , we’re committed to being there for you, bringing clarity and
caring support when you need it most. We know planning for retirement can seem
complicated. That’s why we sent this reminder about an easy way to help build
savings for the future you want. Visit today.

¿Prefieres español? Visita o descarga la aplicación móvil

The Retirement Wellness Planner information and Retirement Wellness Score are
limited only to the inputs and other financial assumptions and is not intended
to be a financial plan or investment advice from any company of the Principal
Financial Group® or plan sponsor. This calculator only provides education which
may be helpful in making personal financial decisions. Responsibility for those
decisions is assumed by the participant, not the plan sponsor and not by any
member of Principal®. Individual results will vary. Participants should
regularly review their savings progress and post-retirement needs.

This document is intended to be educational in nature and is not intended to be
taken as a recommendation.

Principal® does not make available products related to Health Savings Accounts.

Insurance products and plan administrative services provided through Principal
Life Insurance Company®, a member of the Principal Financial Group®, Des Moines,
IA 50392.

Principal®, Principal Financial Group ®, and Principal and the logomark design
are registered trademarks of Principal Financial Services, Inc., a Principal
Financial Group company, in the United States and are trademarks and service
marks of Principal Financial Services, Inc., in various countries around the

You are receiving this email because you have an account, product, or client
with Principal. This communication is about a service or a transaction specific
to your account, product, or client, and you may not unsubscribe from these
types of communications. Learn more.

© 2024 Principal Financial Services, Inc., 711 High Street, Des Moines, Iowa
50392 | Privacy Policy | View in Browser

PQ13257GG | 3352105-012024 | 02/2024 | SFMC 50982