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Market updates

 * Operational messages
 * Urgent market messages

Operational Messages
 * Yesterday 07:25
   NTRADAY: The planned maintenance on the BSC Central Systems has now finished
   and the UK Intraday Market is now open
 * Yesterday 00:40
   INTRADAY: Due too planned downtime on the BSC Central Systems the UK Intraday
   Market is now closed
 * 03 December 2021 20:46
   INTRADAY: Markets will re-open at 20:50 CET

View all

Urgent Market Messages
 * Today 18:52
   Planned, Unavailability of electricity facilities: Production, SE3, Värtan -
 * Today 18:43
   Other market information
 * Today 18:39
   Unplanned, Unavailability of electricity facilities: Consumption, FI, Tornio
   / TW

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Nord Pool runs the leading power market in Europe, offering day-ahead and
intraday markets to our customers.

More about us
30% Off Nordics and Baltics Day-ahead Market Data

A special offer is now available on our day-ahead Nordics and Baltics market
data products!

Learn more

✓ Integration of your choice
✓ All history available
✓ Top notch security
✓ Cost effective



Nordic system price / MWh

226,54 EUR

Day-ahead prices confirmed today 12:56 CEST
Delivery date 6 December 2021

UK day base / MWh

205,53 GBP

Delivery date 6 December 2021
Created with Highcharts 7.2.1EUR /
Nov30 Nov01 Dec02 Dec03 Dec04 Dec05 Dec06 Dec


The experts in regulatory compliance and best practice in our Market
Surveillance team have produced the latest in their regular newsletter series –
this time looking at the importance of publishing information on capacity


Read the latest issue here


Our Annual Review for 2020 is now available, providing an overview of the key
milestones from our business year across our diverse range of projects,
developments and deliveries.

Read our Annual Review here


In our latest short ‘behind the scenes’ video, Nord Pool’s Norway Market
Manager, Geir Dvergastein speaks about what we are delivering for our customers
in a more volatile and unpredictable power market environment.

You can see the full video here
 * 04 November 2021 11:18
   GB Electricity Market – An Opportunity for Change
 * 27 October 2021 15:00
   Closing the loop – inclusion of the Bulgarian-Romanian border into the Single
   Day-Ahead Coupling (SDAC)
 * 11 October 2021 17:52
   Fredrik Bomstad interim CEO at Nord Pool
 * 05 October 2021 13:49
   SIDC: Successful third wave go-live
 * 01 October 2021 08:11
   Nord Pool Welcomes NSL Launch

More news


A More Robust Day-Ahead Fallback Solution

The latest in our series of dedicated whitepapers looking at current energy
sector issues, is now available. This time, our experts consider important
proposals for alternative day-ahead trading fallback position(s), in the event
of a threatened market decoupling.

Read our thoughts in full here

Nord Pool AS

Tel. +47 6710 9100

P.O. Box 121

1325 Lysaker, Norway


 * Day-ahead
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 * Regulating power
 * Power system data
 * Data downloads
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 * Market surveillance
 * Customer information on Brexit
 * Customers have their say


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 * Consulting
 * Nord Pool Academy
 * German mini-site
 * French mini-site


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 * CACM regulation
 * Benchmark regulation - Nordic system price
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