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Submission: On February 15 via api from US — Scanned from US

Form analysis 8 forms found in the DOM


<form class="c-search__form" action="/">
  <!-- Prevent implicit submission of the form -->
  <button type="submit" disabled="" style="display: none" aria-hidden="true">Submit search</button>
  <input class="c-search__input" placeholder="What can we help you find?" type="text" id="nav-search" aria-label="Website search bar">
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        d="M16.669 15.2459L22.233 20.8099C22.4357 21.0126 22.4357 21.3404 22.233 21.5432L21.806 21.9702C21.6033 22.1729 21.2755 22.1729 21.0727 21.9702L15.5087 16.4062C15.4138 16.3069 15.3578 16.1776 15.3578 16.0395V15.5996C13.7576 17.0747 11.6225 17.9805 9.27185 17.9805C4.31599 17.9805 0.300415 13.9649 0.300415 9.00903C0.300415 4.05318 4.31599 0.0375977 9.27185 0.0375977C14.2277 0.0375977 18.2433 4.05318 18.2433 9.00903C18.2433 11.3597 17.3375 13.4948 15.8581 15.0949H16.3023C16.4404 15.0949 16.5698 15.1467 16.669 15.2459ZM1.68064 9.00903C1.68064 13.2058 5.07512 16.6002 9.27185 16.6002C13.4686 16.6002 16.8631 13.2058 16.8631 9.00903C16.8631 4.8123 13.4686 1.41782 9.27185 1.41782C5.07512 1.41782 1.68064 4.8123 1.68064 9.00903Z"
    <span class="h-visual-hide">Trigger website search</span></button>

<form class="c-login__form orpheus-login">
  <div class="error" style="display: none;">This field is required.</div>
  <input autocapitalize="off" autocomplete="off" aria-label="Enter Username" class="c-login__input" placeholder="Username" type="text">
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<form class="c-login__form orpheus-login">
  <div class="error" style="display: none;">This field is required.</div>
  <input autocapitalize="off" autocomplete="off" aria-label="Enter Username" class="c-login__input" placeholder="Username" type="text">
  <input type="submit" class="button button--outline loginButton ae-button" data-ae-form-field="true" value="Log In" aria-label="Submit user login">

POST /#gf_12

<form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" target="gform_ajax_frame_12" id="gform_12" action="/#gf_12" data-formid="12" novalidate="">
  <div class="gform-body gform_body">
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          class="gfield_label gform-field-label" for="input_12_1">First Name<span class="gfield_required"><span class="gfield_required gfield_required_asterisk"> * <span class="sr-only"> Required</span></span></span></label>
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          class="gfield_label gform-field-label" for="input_12_2">Last Name<span class="gfield_required"><span class="gfield_required gfield_required_asterisk"> * <span class="sr-only"> Required</span></span></span></label>
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          class="gfield_label gform-field-label" for="input_12_4">Mobile Phone<span class="gfield_required"><span class="gfield_required gfield_required_asterisk"> * <span class="sr-only"> Required</span></span></span></label>
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          class="gfield_label gform-field-label" for="input_12_5">Phone</label>
        <div class="ginput_container"><input name="input_5" id="input_12_5" type="text" value="" autocomplete="new-password"></div>
        <div class="gfield_description" id="gfield_description_12_5">This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.</div>
  <div class="gform_footer top_label"> <input type="submit" id="gform_submit_button_12" class="gform_button button" value="Submit"
      onclick="if(window[&quot;gf_submitting_12&quot;]){return false;}  if( !jQuery(&quot;#gform_12&quot;)[0].checkValidity || jQuery(&quot;#gform_12&quot;)[0].checkValidity()){window[&quot;gf_submitting_12&quot;]=true;}  "
      onkeypress="if( event.keyCode == 13 ){ if(window[&quot;gf_submitting_12&quot;]){return false;} if( !jQuery(&quot;#gform_12&quot;)[0].checkValidity || jQuery(&quot;#gform_12&quot;)[0].checkValidity()){window[&quot;gf_submitting_12&quot;]=true;}  jQuery(&quot;#gform_12&quot;).trigger(&quot;submit&quot;,[true]); }">
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  <p style="display: none !important;" class="akismet-fields-container" data-prefix="ak_"><label>Δ<textarea name="ak_hp_textarea" cols="45" rows="8" maxlength="100"></textarea></label><input type="hidden" id="ak_js_1" name="ak_js"
      document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value", (new Date()).getTime());

POST /#gf_13

<form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" target="gform_ajax_frame_13" id="gform_13" action="/#gf_13" data-formid="13" novalidate="">
  <div class="gform-body gform_body">
    <ul id="gform_fields_13" class="gform_fields top_label form_sublabel_below description_below">
      <li id="field_13_1" class="gfield gfield--type-text gfield_contains_required field_sublabel_below gfield--no-description field_description_below gfield_visibility_visible" data-js-reload="field_13_1"><label
          class="gfield_label gform-field-label" for="input_13_1">First Name<span class="gfield_required"><span class="gfield_required gfield_required_asterisk"> * <span class="sr-only"> Required</span></span></span></label>
        <div class="ginput_container ginput_container_text"><input name="input_1" id="input_13_1" type="text" value="" class="medium" aria-required="true" aria-invalid="false"> </div>
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          class="gfield_label gform-field-label" for="input_13_2">Last Name<span class="gfield_required"><span class="gfield_required gfield_required_asterisk"> * <span class="sr-only"> Required</span></span></span></label>
        <div class="ginput_container ginput_container_text"><input name="input_2" id="input_13_2" type="text" value="" class="medium" aria-required="true" aria-invalid="false"> </div>
      <li id="field_13_3" class="gfield gfield--type-text gfield_contains_required field_sublabel_below gfield--no-description field_description_below gfield_visibility_visible" data-js-reload="field_13_3"><label
          class="gfield_label gform-field-label" for="input_13_3">Email<span class="gfield_required"><span class="gfield_required gfield_required_asterisk"> * <span class="sr-only"> Required</span></span></span></label>
        <div class="ginput_container ginput_container_text"><input name="input_3" id="input_13_3" type="text" value="" class="medium" aria-required="true" aria-invalid="false"> </div>
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          class="gfield_label gform-field-label" for="input_13_4">Mobile Phone<span class="gfield_required"><span class="gfield_required gfield_required_asterisk"> * <span class="sr-only"> Required</span></span></span></label>
        <div class="ginput_container ginput_container_text"><input name="input_4" id="input_13_4" type="text" value="" class="medium" aria-required="true" aria-invalid="false"> </div>
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          class="gfield_label gform-field-label" for="input_13_5">Name</label>
        <div class="ginput_container"><input name="input_5" id="input_13_5" type="text" value="" autocomplete="new-password"></div>
        <div class="gfield_description" id="gfield_description_13_5">This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.</div>
  <div class="gform_footer top_label"> <input type="submit" id="gform_submit_button_13" class="gform_button button" value="Submit"
      onclick="if(window[&quot;gf_submitting_13&quot;]){return false;}  if( !jQuery(&quot;#gform_13&quot;)[0].checkValidity || jQuery(&quot;#gform_13&quot;)[0].checkValidity()){window[&quot;gf_submitting_13&quot;]=true;}  "
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  <p style="display: none !important;" class="akismet-fields-container" data-prefix="ak_"><label>Δ<textarea name="ak_hp_textarea" cols="45" rows="8" maxlength="100"></textarea></label><input type="hidden" id="ak_js_2" name="ak_js"
      document.getElementById("ak_js_2").setAttribute("value", (new Date()).getTime());

POST /#gf_14

<form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" target="gform_ajax_frame_14" id="gform_14" action="/#gf_14" data-formid="14" novalidate="">
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          class="gfield_label gform-field-label" for="input_14_1">First Name<span class="gfield_required"><span class="gfield_required gfield_required_asterisk"> * <span class="sr-only"> Required</span></span></span></label>
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          class="gfield_label gform-field-label" for="input_14_2">Last Name<span class="gfield_required"><span class="gfield_required gfield_required_asterisk"> * <span class="sr-only"> Required</span></span></span></label>
        <div class="ginput_container ginput_container_text"><input name="input_2" id="input_14_2" type="text" value="" class="medium" aria-required="true" aria-invalid="false"> </div>
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          class="gfield_label gform-field-label" for="input_14_3">Email<span class="gfield_required"><span class="gfield_required gfield_required_asterisk"> * <span class="sr-only"> Required</span></span></span></label>
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          class="gfield_label gform-field-label" for="input_14_4">Mobile Phone<span class="gfield_required"><span class="gfield_required gfield_required_asterisk"> * <span class="sr-only"> Required</span></span></span></label>
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        <div class="gfield_description" id="gfield_description_14_5">This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.</div>
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      document.getElementById("ak_js_3").setAttribute("value", (new Date()).getTime());


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          class="gfield_label gform-field-label" for="input_10_1">First Name<span class="gfield_required"><span class="gfield_required gfield_required_asterisk"> * <span class="sr-only"> Required</span></span></span></label>
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          class="gfield_label gform-field-label" for="input_10_2">Last Name<span class="gfield_required"><span class="gfield_required gfield_required_asterisk"> * <span class="sr-only"> Required</span></span></span></label>
        <div class="ginput_container ginput_container_text"><input name="input_2" id="input_10_2" type="text" value="" class="medium" aria-required="true" aria-invalid="false"> </div>
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          class="gfield_label gform-field-label" for="input_10_4">Mobile Phone<span class="gfield_required"><span class="gfield_required gfield_required_asterisk"> * <span class="sr-only"> Required</span></span></span></label>
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        <div class="gfield_description" id="gfield_description_10_5">Please check the box below to Opt-in to eStatements (Please note, eStatements are required for Premier and Green Plus Checking Accounts)</div>
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          class="gfield_label gform-field-label" for="input_10_6">Name</label>
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        <div class="gfield_description" id="gfield_description_10_6">This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.</div>
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      document.getElementById("ak_js_4").setAttribute("value", (new Date()).getTime());


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          class="gfield_label gform-field-label" for="input_15_2">Last Name<span class="gfield_required"><span class="gfield_required gfield_required_asterisk"> * <span class="sr-only"> Required</span></span></span></label>
        <div class="ginput_container ginput_container_text"><input name="input_2" id="input_15_2" type="text" value="" class="medium" aria-required="true" aria-invalid="false"> </div>
      <li id="field_15_3" class="gfield gfield--type-text gfield_contains_required field_sublabel_below gfield--no-description field_description_below gfield_visibility_visible" data-js-reload="field_15_3"><label
          class="gfield_label gform-field-label" for="input_15_3">Email<span class="gfield_required"><span class="gfield_required gfield_required_asterisk"> * <span class="sr-only"> Required</span></span></span></label>
        <div class="ginput_container ginput_container_text"><input name="input_3" id="input_15_3" type="text" value="" class="medium" aria-required="true" aria-invalid="false"> </div>
      <li id="field_15_4" class="gfield gfield--type-text gfield_contains_required field_sublabel_below gfield--no-description field_description_below gfield_visibility_visible" data-js-reload="field_15_4"><label
          class="gfield_label gform-field-label" for="input_15_4">Mobile Phone<span class="gfield_required"><span class="gfield_required gfield_required_asterisk"> * <span class="sr-only"> Required</span></span></span></label>
        <div class="ginput_container ginput_container_text"><input name="input_4" id="input_15_4" type="text" value="" class="medium" aria-required="true" aria-invalid="false"> </div>
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          class="gfield_label gform-field-label gfield_label_before_complex">Opt-out<span class="gfield_required"><span class="gfield_required gfield_required_asterisk"> * <span class="sr-only"> Required</span></span></span></label>
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          <ul class="gfield_checkbox" id="input_15_5">
            <li class="gchoice gchoice_15_5_1">
              <input class="gfield-choice-input" name="input_5.1" type="checkbox" value="Opt-out of eStatements" id="choice_15_5_1" aria-describedby="gfield_description_15_5">
              <label for="choice_15_5_1" id="label_15_5_1" class="gform-field-label gform-field-label--type-inline">Opt-out of eStatements</label>
        <div class="gfield_description" id="gfield_description_15_5">Please check the box below to Opt-out of eStatements (Please note, eStatements are required for Premier and Green Plus Checking Accounts)</div>
      <li id="field_15_6" class="gfield gfield--type-honeypot gform_validation_container field_sublabel_below gfield--has-description field_description_below gfield_visibility_visible" data-js-reload="field_15_6"><label
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   * eStatements
 * Loans
   * Home Loans
   * Auto Loans
   * Personal Loans
   * Quick Cash
   * Freedom Loans
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 * About
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Online Banking

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Members must register as a new user in Home Banking.

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   That’s over 50x the national average.
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   Whether it is a credit card or a new/used vehicle, make us your first stop!
   No matter what type of loan you need, we have a rate you'll love!
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   Condition Any New Used
   Make All MakesAcuraAlfa RomeoAm GeneralAston
   Model All Models
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Open a savings account with $5 and enjoy access to the many products that we
have to offer you.

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Take advantage of seriously low rates on auto loans, home loans, and more.

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Apply for a Home Loan


Check out our current special offers.

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You have questions. We have answers. Whether you need advice on home buying or
creating a budget, we are here for you.


If you have experienced long wait times at a big bank,  just to talk to a real
person – we are the place for you.  Our members always come first.


Life has different stages. Our certified financial counselors will be with you
no matter what stage of life you’re in. 


> Felicia
> “The staff is great and knowledgeable! They are also very friendly and prompt
> when answering questions or handling matters concerning you or your account.”

> Nellie
> “I’ve been a member of the credit union for more than 30 years. You all have
> helped me buy a car, a home, and save money on my insurance. Thank you for
> everything that you do.”

> Kaye
> "Thank you all for being the absolute best place to bank! I have been with
> y'all since 1996 and will not go anywhere else."

> Jackson
> "My experience was phenomenal. I would encourage anyone to do business with
> this establishment. I’ve fired my local banks.”

> Susan
> "Financing my last car couldn't have been any easier and the interest rates
> were unbeatable!"

> Joanna
> "I still cannot believe that I am earning 3.00% interest on my checking
> account."

MSFCU logo and Homepage link

Routing Number: 265377549

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 * Call Us
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 * Careers
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 * Business Account Rates


 * Forms
 * Loan Payment
 * Debt Protection Claims Portal
 * Debt Protection Information

 * Privacy Notice
 * Member Service Agreement
 * Business Service Agreement
 * Member Awareness
 * Terms of Use
 * Patriot Act
 * Your Federally Insured Funds
 * MSA - Funds Availability of Deposits
 * BSA - Funds Availability of Deposits
 * Online Agreement and Disclosures
 * BSA - EFT Terms
 * MSA - EFT Terms
 * NMLS #810397
 * Online Privacy Statement: This statement provides information about privacy
   related to usage of our website. For information about privacy practices in
   connection with accts and services we provide (including online banking),
   refer to our Privacy Notice found above. Our general website does not gather
   personal data from visitors. However, we may use web analytics services to
   help us analyze site usage and improve the user experience. These services do
   not collect personal information about a user. Rather, they employ "cookies",
   which are files placed on your computer to generate information about your
   use of the website. The cookie provides information about your use of the
   website (including your IP address), which is transmitted to us or to our
   analytics provider. You may set your browser to refuse cookies, but not all
   features will function properly.
 * Our Mobile App and your Location Data: Our mobile banking app periodically
   collects, transmits, and uses geolocation information to support features
   that prevent fraudulent card use and alerts, but only if you expressly
   authorize collection of such information. You may choose whether geolocation
   information can be monitored on a continuous basis in the background, only
   while the app is being used, or not at all. You can change your location
   permissions at any time in your device settings. Additionally, the mobile
   banking app may access your contacts.
 * Design by BloomCU

©2024 Mississippi Federal Credit Union. All Rights Reserved.

 * Federally Insured by NCUA
 * Equal housing Lender







Online Banking
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Type of Account Styling & OwnershipCIP Required Individual & EntityAccount
VerificationOwner's PayOwner's LiabilityTax Forms Filed Sole ProprietorshipJoe
Test DBA Joe's Tires One Owner May have authorized signersEntity Name & Address
Unexpired DL SS Number EIN Assignment Tax ReturnTax Return, County or State
Certificate, OFAC, Check Systems, Credit Report, Resolution, Account
CardWithdrawalsUnlimited1040 Sch. CPartnershipTest & Test Multiple Owners May
have other signers authorized by resolution. All partners must sign resolution
authorizing account opening. All signers do not have to sign account card.Entity
Name & Address Unexpired DL SS Number EIN Assignment Tax ReturnTax Return,
County or State Certificate OFAC, Check Systems, Credit Report, Resolution,
Partnership Agreement, Account CardGtd. Payments Rent
WithdrawalsUnlimited1065Limited Partnership Test & Test, Ltd General Partners &
Limited Partners All general partners must sign resolution. All partners do not
have to sign account card. All signers will be authorized on resolution. Limited
partners will not sign.Entity Name & Address Unexpired DL SS Number EIN
Assignment Tax ReturnTax Return, Sec. of State Certificate, OFAC, Check Systems,
Credit Report, Resolution, Partnership Agreement, Account
CardWithdrawalsLimited1065S - CorporationTest, Inc. Corporation Owns Corporate
Secretary must sign account resolution. Signers authorized on resolution.Entity
Name & Address Unexpired DL SS Number EIN Assignment Tax ReturnTax Return, Sec.
of State Certificate, OFAC, Check Systems, Credit Report, Resolution, Minutes,
Account CardWages Rent Loans DistributionsLimited1120SC - CorporationTest, Inc.
Corporation Owns Corporate Secretary must sign account resolution. Signers
authorized on resolution.Entity Name & Address Unexpired DL SS Number EIN if
applicable Tax ReturnTax Return, Sec. of State Certificate, OFAC, Check Systems,
Credit Report, Resolution, Minutes, Account CardWages Rent Loans
DistributionsLimited1120LLC - Sole OwnerTest, LLC Sole Member Owns May have
managing member authorized to open account. Signers authorized on
resolution.Entity Name & Address Unexpired DL SS Number EIN if applicable Tax
ReturnTax Return, Sec. of State Certificate, OFAC, Check Systems, Credit Report,
Resolution, Account CardWithdrawalsLimited1040 Sch. CLLC / LLPTest & Test, LLC /
LLP Members Own May have managing member authorized to open account. Signers
authorized on resolution.Entity Name & Address Unexpired DL SS Number EIN if
applicable Tax ReturnTax Return, Sec. of State Certificate, OFAC, Check Systems,
Credit Report, Resolution, Partnership Agreement, Account
CardChoiceLimitedChoiceNon-Profit OrganizationBoy Scout Troop 1 Organization
Owns By-laws authorize signers. Signers authorized on resolution.Entity Name &
Address Unexpired DL SS Number EIN if applicable Tax ReturnBy-laws, Minutes,
OFAC, Check Systems, Credit Report, Resolution, Account CardN/AN/AN/A



To open a Business Account, you will need to do the following:

 1. Download Business Service Agreement Application
 2. Fill out the application completely
 3. Bring the completed application to your nearest Branch


Please review the following forms before getting started:

 * Business Service Agreement Part 2
 * Business Services Agreement – Our EFT Terms
 * Business Services Agreement – Funds Availability of Deposits



Please submit the information below to get started with your Share Certificate.

 * First Name * Required
 * Last Name * Required
 * Email * Required
 * Mobile Phone * Required
 * Phone
   This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.




Please submit the information below to get started with your IRA.

 * First Name * Required
 * Last Name * Required
 * Email * Required
 * Mobile Phone * Required
 * Name
   This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.




Members can request Share and Certificate Secured Loans by submitting the
following information.

 * First Name * Required
 * Last Name * Required
 * Email * Required
 * Mobile Phone * Required
 * Name
   This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.




 * First Name * Required
 * Last Name * Required
 * Email * Required
 * Mobile Phone * Required
 * Opt-in * Required
    * Opt-in to eStatements
   Please check the box below to Opt-in to eStatements (Please note, eStatements
   are required for Premier and Green Plus Checking Accounts)
 * Name
   This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.




 * First Name * Required
 * Last Name * Required
 * Email * Required
 * Mobile Phone * Required
 * Opt-out * Required
    * Opt-out of eStatements
   Please check the box below to Opt-out of eStatements (Please note,
   eStatements are required for Premier and Green Plus Checking Accounts)
 * Phone
   This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.




 * Click on Register.
 * Go through the steps of enrolling in the new Online Banking system.
 * You will receive an email notification with a unique link to verify your
   email. (The email address provided must be a valid email address)
 * Once the email is verified, you can log in with your new credentials.
 * After you have registered, we encourage members to install our new mobile app
   in the Apple Store and Play Store.



We encourage members to install our new mobile app in the Apple Store and Play
Store. The iPhone app will overwrite your old mobile app, but the Android app
will install as a new app so please uninstall the old mobile app.

Login to Mobile Banking




With Home Banking our members can:

 * View current balances, deposits or withdrawals, cleared checks and account
   history. (checking)
 * View image of written checks.
 * Sort historical data by amount, check number, or type of transaction.
 * Set up transfers.
 * Transfer funds from one MSFCU account to another, including repeating
 * Make loan payments using checking or savings account.
 * Download data into Quicken.
 * View and print E-Statements.
 * Set up text or email alerts for balances, check clearing, transaction or loan
 * Make payments from checking account to 3rd parties using Bill Pay.
 * Send Secure Messages.
 * Deposit checks using Remote Deposit Capture and MSFCU mobile banking
 * Send Text to Request Balance.

Home Banking Security

Home banking uses two factor authentication to log in.

 * SSL (secure sockets layer) with 128 bit encryption which ensures that your
   connection and information safe.
 * Secure Web servers are protected by firewalls, authenticated with third-party
   digital certificates, and covered by the latest security precautions.
 * Encrypted passwords are invisible to everyone except the member.
 * A Pin is required to authenticate during the log in process of Home Banking. 
   The pin can be sent to either email address or by text to you phone.

Members can be locked out of the system when they have attempted too many
unsuccessful logins or when their password expires.

Regulation E: Electronic Fund Transfers
Regulation E is a consumer protection law designed to protect consumer accounts
established primarily for personal, family or household purposes making
electronic fund transfers. Excluded from coverage are non-consumer accounts,
such as Trust, Corporations, Partnership, etc. The term “electronic fund
transfer” (EFT) generally refers to a transaction initiated through an
electronic terminal, telephone, computer, or magnetic tape that instructs, or
authorizes a financial institution either to credit or debit a consumer’s asset
account. An example of EFT offered within Home Banking is Electronic Bill pay.
Regulation E gives consumers a way to notify their financial institution that an
EFT has been made on their account without their permission. If you believe an
unauthorized EFT has been made on your account, contact us immediately at (601)
351-9200 or toll free 1-800-643-1567.

Consumer Safe Computing Tips:

 * Install virus protection and malware protection and make sure that the
   software is updated and running scans.
 * Purchase a malware program that blocks known blacklisted websites and can
   detect ransomware.
 * Ensure that Windows updates are turned on and that they are updating your
   Windows workstation.
 * Ensure wireless encryption is done on your wireless router and that the
   default password has been changed
 * Protect your information by making sure your workstation is logged off.
 * Protect password information and do not share it with anyone.
 * Change passwords often using a strong password, Upper and lower case, special
   characters and numbers, make your password a minimum of 8 characters.  Use a
   different password for every online account that you have. Purchase a
   password vault to generate and protect passwords.
 * Use caution when using the internet.  If you are doing transaction based
   processes, ensure that you are using a secure site (https://).
 * Ensure that a firewall is in place.
 * Back up your data.

Non-Consumer Members are not protected by Regulation E.
A non-consumer member using online banking and/or bill pay is not protected
under Regulation E. Because the member is not protected by Regulation E,
precautions should be made by the member to evaluate and review the controls in
place to ensure that they are compliant with the risk level that the member is
willing to accept. The member should also perform a risk assessment and evaluate
the controls they have in place periodically. The risk assessment should be used
to determine the risk level associated with any internet activities the
non-consumer member performs and any controls in place to mitigate these risks.

 * Use firewalls with built in anti-virus/malware software, Internet Content
   filtering and email security. The firewall will blacklist high risk websites
   and offers content control, scans for viruses, blocked known spam email, etc.
 * Put a VPN in place.  Install viable anti-virus/malware programs on every
   workstation and laptop. Ensure that updates are done daily. Install Windows
   updates and keep them current.
 * Encrypt hard drives.
 * Educate your employees about Cyber Security.  Provide training/educational
   videos about Fraud/Malware/phishing, etc.
 * Maintain structured levels of security within your accounting software.
 * Monitor accounts online daily.
 * Perform regular backups

Unsolicited Contact
Notify us at once if you believe your password has been lost or stolen, or an
unauthorized person has obtained access to your accounts without your
permission. Telephoning is the best way of keeping your possible losses down. 
Telephone number: 601-351-9200 or Toll free: 1-800-643-1567.

If you believe someone has used your password or accessed your accounts through
home banking without your authorization, please contact us immediately by
calling 601-351-9200 or toll free: 1-800-643-1567.

MSFCU Security Commitment to our Members
Mississippi Federal Credit Union will never contact you, via text, telephone or
email asking for personal information such as account number, credit card number
or PIN, passwords or other confidential information.
Fraudulent emails which request personal information may be made to look like
they came from Mississippi Federal Credit Union, never click any links within
the email.
MSFCU will never ask for your full Social Security Number or for your debit or
credit card number. We may ask you to verify the last 4 of your Social Security
number, or to verify your telephone number and email addresses.  We will not ask
you to provide information that we already have.
MSFCU will never ask for your Home Banking credentials.

Contacting MSFCU By Email:
To send a secure message, log into home banking and click on the Messages &
Alerts menu item, then click on Message. (
You may use the email address listed on our website under Contacts, Send Message
for general questions, but never include your account number or other personal
information in the email.
When we send out information related to e-statements or other information to our
home banking members, the ‘from’ email address will be  Do not
reply to this email address as it is unmonitored.

Preventing Fraud or Identity Theft

 * Never reply to emails asking for personal information, banking accounts or
   credit card information including a debit or credit card PIN.
 * Never send confidential information using email as email is not secure.
 * Never use email to send confidential information to MSFCU. To send a secure
   message, log into home banking and click on the Message & Alerts menu item,
   then click on  Message. (
 * Never click on a link in an email from someone you do not know. Best practice
   is to delete the email before opening. (Phishing)
 * Do not open attachments from an unexpected email.
 * Change passwords regularly using strong passwords, 8 characters or more,
   upper and lower case characters, special characters and numbers. The longer
   and more complex the password, the less likely it can be guessed. Consider
   using phrases as passwords. Additionally, use two factor authentication when
 * Do not use the same password for all websites that you frequent. Never share
   your password information with anyone.
 * Assign a password or a pin to your smartphone.  Do not install software from
   the internet on your phone.
 * Be wary of promotional scams on websites, especially social media.
 * Be very caution when using a debit or credit card on-line. Protect your
   information by using a vendor such as Paypal, Google Wallet, Amazon Payments
   or Apple Pay.
 * Never provide personal banking information to anyone offering to do Remote
   Deposit Capture for you.
 * Protect your credit card number and PIN when using them in public locations
   (such as a grocery store) or at an ATM to prevent‘shoulder surfing’.
 * When on the Internet, provide personal information only to secure websites
   (https) or look for a ‘Lock’ in the web address section. Do not use the
   ‘Remember Password’ feature of a web browser. Always clear history and
   cookies within a web browser no matter what device or computer being used.
 * Update anti-virus software and Windows security patches on your home computer
   system regularly. Install an anti-virus software on your smart phone (iphone
   or Android).
 * Check your monthly statements to verify all transactions and notify your
   credit union immediately of any additional transactions that do not belong to
   you. Do this for both your checking account as well as credit card account.
 * Monitor your credit report
 * Never carry all of your personal information, bank account numbers, check
   books, credit card pins, social security card or passwords in your wallet or
   purse. Memorize passwords and pins.  Store your social security card at home
   in a safe place.
 * Report lost or stolen checks or debit/credit cards immediately to your Credit

> MSFCU Telephone Number: 601-351-9200
> Report Lost/Stolen Credit Card: 1-800-604-0381
> Report Lost/Stolen Debit Card: 1-800-643-1567

 * Never give out confidential information over the telephone. Example: Someone
   calls you and tells you that they are with the IRS, they tell you your taxes
   are delinquent and that you must pay now. Hang up the phone immediately,
   the IRS will never call you, especially for personal information or to demand
   payment over the phone. (Vishing)
 * Delete text messages directing you to a URL link or a telephone number.
 * Shred any junk mail with personal information. Purchase a shredder to shred
   all expired or unused credit cards or personal information. Protect your
   mailbox from theft.

Fraud Definitions:

Phishing is when Internet fraudsters impersonate a business to trick you into
giving them your personal information, such as usernames, passwords and credit
card details. Legitimate businesses don’t ask you to send sensitive information
through insecure channels.
For example, a fraudulent e-mail may state that NCUA will add money to the
member’s account for taking part in a survey. The link embedded in the message
directs members to a counterfeit version of NCUA’s website with an illicit
survey that solicits credit card account numbers and confidential personal
information. MSFCU will never ask credit union members or the general public for
personal account or personally identifiable information as part of a survey.


 * Don’t select links in e-mails that ask for personal information.
 * Never open unexpected attachments.
 * Delete suspicious messages, even if you know the source.

Phishing via SMS, or SMishing, uses cell phone text messages or SMS (Short
Message Service) to trick you into providing personal and financial information.
Smishers may use URLs or an automated voice response system to try and collect
your information.
Tip: In some instances, criminals have used malicious software in their text
messages solicitations. To prevent further security issues, completely remove
unsolicited text messages from your phone. This may take two steps: deleting the
text and then completely removing it from your device.

Phishing by voice, or vishing, exploits a general trust in landline telephone
services. The victim is often unaware that voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)
allows for caller ID spoofing, thus providing anonymity for the criminal caller.
Rather than providing any information to the caller, the consumer should verify
the call by contacting the financial institution or credit card company
directly, being sure to use the institution’s accurate contact information
(i.e., do not use contact information the caller provides).

Shoulder Surfing:
The practice of spying while someone is using an ATM, POS, etc. to obtain
personal access information.

Identify Theft:
How Thieves Get Your Information:
Identity theft affects people of all ages, races and nationalities. Anyone can
be a victim. Thieves use many tactics to get your information. Some of the most
common are:

 1. Stealing wallets that contain personal identification information and credit
 2. Stealing credit union statements from the mail.
 3. Diverting mail from its intended recipients by submitting a change of
    address form.
 4. Rummaging through trash for personal data.
 5. Stealing personal identification information from workplace records.
 6. Intercepting or otherwise obtaining information transmitted electronically.

If your wallet, Social Security number, or other personal information is lost or
stolen, there are steps you can take to help protect yourself from identity

An electronic method of capturing a victim’s personal information used by
identity thieves. The skimmer is a small device that scans a credit card and
stores the information contained in the magnetic strip. Skimmers have a small
cameras attached which takes a picture of your pin. (See video)


Once identity thieves have your personal information, they can drain your bank
account, run up charges on your credit cards, open new utility accounts, or get
medical treatment on your health insurance. An identity thief can file a tax
refund in your name and get your refund. In some extreme cases, a thief might
even give your name to the police during an arrest.
Clues That Someone Has Stolen Your Information:

 * You see withdrawals from your bank account that you can’t explain.
 * You don’t get your bills or other mail.
 * Merchants refuse your checks.
 * Debt collectors call you about debts that aren’t yours.
 * You find unfamiliar accounts or charges on your credit report.
 * Medical providers bill you for services you didn’t use.
 * Your health plan rejects your legitimate medical claim because the records
   show you’ve reached your benefits limit.
 * A health plan won’t cover you because your medical records show a condition
   you don’t have.
 * The IRS notifies you that more than one tax return was filed in your name, or
   that you have income from an employer you don’t work for.
 * You get notice that your information was compromised by a data breach at a
   company where you do business or have an account.

Click link  to find out what to do right

Credit Bureau website and telephone numbers:

 * If identity theft occurs, call and report it to all credit bureaus. Ask to
   put an initial fraud alert on your credit report. The alert will stay active
   for 90 days and makes it difficult for additional accounts to be opened in
   your name. You might discuss the option of a credit bureau freeze. As a
   matter of practice, review your credit report for accuracy.

1. Experian     1-888-397-3742
2. Transunion  1-800-680-7289
3. Equifax       1-800-525-6285


 * By continuing to this link, you will be leaving the Mississippi Federal
   Credit Union.
 * Links to other websites found on the Mississippi Federal Credit Union site
   are intended to provide assistance in locating information. Mississippi
   Federal Credit Union does not endorse, guarantee, or attest to the accuracy
   of any information provided by these other sites.
 * The credit union is not responsible for the content of these other sites and
   these sites are in no way operated by Mississippi Federal Credit Union.
 * The privacy and security policies of these linked sites may vary from those
   of the credit union; therefore, it is advised that you review the privacy
   information of each site visited.

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