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 1.  Whitewater Prevail Short
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 2.  Whitewater Prevail Pant
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 3.  Whitewater Rays Performance Hoodie
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 4.  Whitewater Merino Fishing Hoodie
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 5.  Whitewater Lightweight Tech Hoodie
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 6.  Whitewater Long Sleeve Tech Shirt
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 7.  Whitewater Rapids Short Sleeve Fishing Shirt
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 8.  Whitewater Rapids Long Sleeve Fishing Shirt
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 9.  Whitewater Rapids Fishing Short
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 10. Whitewater Buoy Fishing Hoodie
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 11. Whitewater Great Lakes Pro Jacket
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 12. Whitewater Great Lakes Pro Fishing Bib
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 13. Whitewater Great Lakes Fishing Jacket
     4.7 out of 5 stars. 36 reviews
 14. Whitewater Great Lakes Fishing Bib
     5.0 out of 5 stars. 30 reviews
 15. Whitewater Torque Heated Fishing Vest
     5.0 out of 5 stars. 25 reviews
 16. Whitewater Tamer Softshell Jacket
     4.9 out of 5 stars. 35 reviews
 17. Whitewater Tamer Fishing Bib
     4.8 out of 5 stars. 21 reviews
 18. Whitewater Packable Rain Jacket
     5.0 out of 5 stars. 12 reviews
 19. Whitewater Packable Rain Pant
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 20. Whitewater Sun Protection Fishing Gloves
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 21. Whitewater Sun Protection Performance Gaiter
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 22. Whitewater Knit Logo Beanie
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 25. Whitewater Silhouette Hat
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 26. Whitewater Water Mark Hat
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 27. Whitewater Icon Logo Tee
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 28. Whitewater Cresting Waves Logo Tee
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 29. Whitewater Sketchy Wave Tee
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 31. Whitewater Logo Sticker
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