Open in urlscan Pro
2606:4700:10::ac43:1b0a  Public Scan

Submission: On July 18 via manual from US — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM

POST /feedback

<form method="post" action="/feedback" id="roomFeedbackForm" class="d-none mt-3">
  <input type="hidden" name="_csrf" value="fc8yoS7d-EUzxrlSpfMkdKLmaa3t5MRE76Sw">
  <input type="hidden" name="roomCode" value="introwebapplicationsecurity">
  <input type="hidden" name="type" value="rooms">
  <input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="json">
  <div class="form-group">
    <label class="mb-0" for="like">What do you like about the room?</label>
    <textarea type="text" name="like" id="like" class="form-control"></textarea>
  <div class="form-group">
    <label class="mb-0" for="dislike">What don't you like about the room?</label>
    <textarea type="text" name="dislike" id="dislike" class="form-control"></textarea>
  <div class="form-group">
    <label class="mb-0" for="details">Please send your suggestions, ideas and comments!</label>
    <textarea id="details" type="text" name="details" class="form-control" style="padding: 5px;"></textarea>
  <button type="submit" id="submitBtn" class="btn btn-success">Send Feedback</button>

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(without being subscribed)! 191550 users are in here and this room is 449 days

Created by tryhackme and strategos

Active Machine Information
Task 1 Introduction

Every one of us uses different programs on our computers. Generally speaking,
programs run on our computers, using our computer’s processing power and
storage. Moreover, to use a program, we need to install it first. What if we can
use any program without installation?

A web application is like a “program” that we can use without installation as
long as we have a modern standard web browser, such as Firefox, Safari, or
Chrome. Consequently, instead of installing every program you need, you only
need to browse the related page. The following are some examples of web

 * Webmail such as Tutanota, Protonmail, Outlook, and Gmail
 * Online office suites such as Microsoft Office 365 (Word, Excel, and
   PowerPoint), Google Drive (Docs, Sheets, and Slides), and Zoho Office
   (Writer, Sheet, and Show)
 * Online shopping such as, AliExpress, and Etsy

Thousands more examples provide a myriad of services. Other examples include
online banking, money transfer, weather forecast, and social media.

The idea of a web application is that it is a program running on a remote
server. A server refers to a computer system running continuously to “serve” the
clients. In this case, the server will run a specific type of program that can
be accessed by web browsers.

Consider an online shopping application. The web application will read the data
about the products and their details from a database server. A database is used
to store information in an organized way. Examples include information about
products, customers, and invoices. A database server is responsible for many
functions, including reading, searching, and writing to the database. The online
shopping web application might need more than one database to access, for

 * Products database: This database contains details about the products, such as
   name, images, specifications, and price.
 * Customers database: It contains all details related to customers, such as
   name, address, email, and phone number.
 * Sales database: We expect to see what each customer has purchased and how
   they paid in this database.

We can already see the amount of information stored in any online shopping
system. Suppose an attacker manages to exploit (hack) the web application and
steal the customers’ database. In that case, this will lead to a significant
loss for the company and its customers.

The image below shows searching for an item on an online shopping site. In the
simplest version, the search will take four steps:

 1. The user enters an item name or related keywords in the search field. The
    web browser sends the search keyword(s) to the online shopping web
 2. The web application queries (searches) the products database for the
    submitted keywords.
 3. The product database returns the search results matching the provided
    keywords to the web application.
 4. The web application formats the results as a friendly web page and returns
    them to the user.

From the user’s perspective, they will only access an elegant online shop where
all the technical infrastructure is hidden.

Many companies offer bug bounty programs. A bug bounty program allows the
company to offer a reward for anyone who discovers a security vulnerability
(weakness) in the company’s systems. The main condition is that the found
vulnerability is within the bug bounty scope and rules. Among many others,
Google, Microsoft, and Facebook have bug bounty programs. Discovering a bug can
earn you from a few hundred USD to tens of thousands of USD, depending on the
severity of the vulnerability, i.e., the weakness you discovered.

Answer the questions below
What do you need to access a web application?
Login to answer..
Task 2 Web Application Security Risks

Let’s say that you want to buy an item from an online shop. There are certain
functions that you would expect to be able to do on this web application. Most
straightforwardly, the online order might go as follows:

There are a few main categories of common attacks against web applications.
Consider the following steps and related attacks.

 * Log in at the website: The attacker can try to discover the password by
   trying many words. The attacker would use a long list of passwords with an
   automated tool to test them against the login page.
 * Search for the product: The attacker can attempt to breach the system by
   adding specific characters and codes to the search term. The attacker’s
   objective is for the target system to return data it should not or execute a
   program it should not.
 * Provide payment details: The attacker would check if the payment details are
   sent in cleartext or using weak encryption. Encryption refers to making the
   data unreadable without knowing the secret key or password.

We cannot cover everything, but we will present a few formal categories from
OWASP Top Ten. Don’t worry if these techniques sound alien to you; TryHackMe
walks you through each vulnerability.


Identification refers to the ability to identify a user uniquely. In contrast,
authentication refers to the ability to prove that the user is whom they claim
to be. The online shop must confirm the user’s identity and authenticate them
before they can use the system. However, this step is prone to different types
of weaknesses. Example weaknesses include:

 * Allowing the attacker to use brute force, i.e., try many passwords, usually
   using automated tools, to find valid login credentials.
 * Allowing the user to choose a weak password. A weak password is usually easy
   to guess.
 * Storing the users’ passwords in plain text. If the attacker manages to read
   the file containing the passwords, we don’t want them to be able to learn the
   stored password.


Access control ensures that each user can only access files (documents, images,
etc.) related to their role or work. For example, you don’t want someone in the
marketing department to access (read) the finance department’s documents.
Example vulnerabilities related to access control include:

 * Failing to apply the principle of the least privilege and giving users more
   access permissions than they need. For example, an online customer should be
   able to view the prices of the items, but they should not be able to change
 * Being able to view or modify someone else’s account by using its unique
   identifier. For example, you don’t want one bank client to be able to view
   the transactions of another client.
 * Being able to browse pages that require authentication (logging in) as an
   unauthenticated user. For example, we cannot let anyone view the webmail
   before logging in.


An injection attack refers to a vulnerability in the web application where the
user can insert malicious code as part of their input. One cause of this
vulnerability is the lack of proper validation and sanitization of the user’s


This category refers to the failures related to cryptography. Cryptography
focuses on the processes of encryption and decryption of data. Encryption
scrambles cleartext into ciphertext, which should be gibberish to anyone who
does not have the secret key to decrypt it. In other words, encryption ensures
that no one can read the data without knowing the secret key. Decryption
converts the ciphertext back into the original cleartext using the secret key.
Examples of cryptographic failures include:

 * Sending sensitive data in clear text, for example, using HTTP instead of
   HTTPS. HTTP is the protocol used to access the web, while HTTPS is the secure
   version of HTTP. Others can read everything you send over HTTP, but not
 * Relying on a weak cryptographic algorithm. One old cryptographic algorithm is
   to shift each letter by one. For instance, “TRY HACK ME” becomes “USZ IBDL
   NF.” This cryptographic algorithm is trivial to break.
 * Using default or weak keys for cryptographic functions. It won’t be
   challenging to break the encryption that used 1234 as the secret key.

Don’t worry if these techniques look challenging or sophisticated at first.
TryHackMe has dedicated in-depth rooms to help you understand and experiment
with the various attacks against web applications.

Answer the questions below
You discovered that the login page allows an unlimited number of login attempts
without trying to slow down the user or lock the account. What is the category
of this security risk?
Login to answer..

You noticed that the username and password are sent in cleartext without
encryption. What is the category of this security risk?

Login to answer..
Task 3 Practical Example of Web Application Security
View Site

This task will investigate a vulnerable website that uses Insecure Direct Object
References (IDOR). IDOR falls under the category of Broken Access Control.
Broken access control means that an attacker can access information or perform
actions not intended for them. Consider the case where a web server receives
user-supplied input to retrieve objects (files, data, documents) and that they
are numbered sequentially. Let’s say that the user has permission to access a
photo named IMG_1003.JPG. We might guess that there are also IMG_1002.JPG and
IMG_1004.JPG; however, the web application should not provide us with that image
even if we figured out its name. In general, an IDOR vulnerability can occur if
too much trust has been placed on that input data. In other words, the web
application does not validate whether the user has permission to access the
requested object.

Just providing the correct URL for a user or a product does not necessarily mean
the user should be able to access that URL. For instance, consider the product
page https://store.tryhackme.thm/products/product?id=52. We can expect this URL
to provide details about product number 52. In the database, items would be
assigned numbers sequentially. The attacker would try other numbers such as 51
or 53 instead of 52; this might reveal other retired or unreleased products if
the web application is vulnerable.

Let’s consider a more critical example; the URL
https://store.tryhackme.thm/customers/user?id=16 would return the user with
id=16. Again, we expect the users to have sequential ID numbers. The attacker
would try other numbers and possibly access other user accounts. This
vulnerability might work with sequential files; for instance, if the attacker
sees 007.txt, the attacker might try other numbers such as 001.txt, 006.txt, and
008.txt. Similarly, if you were ID number 16 and ID number 17 was another user,
by changing the ID to 17, you could see sensitive data that belongs to another
user. Likewise, they can change the ID to 16 and see sensitive data that belongs
to you. (Of course, we assume here that the system is vulnerable to IDOR.)

Click on “View Site,” and let’s see this in action. You will see a page showing
an Inventory Management System. If you click on the “Planned Shipments” tab, you
will discover that an attacker has managed to mix things up as part of sabotage
plans. Notice how they send the wrong tires to each assembly line; for instance,
they assign scooter tires and motorcycle tires to bike assembly! If left
unfixed, all tires will go to the wrong assembly.

We will hack the system back and undo the attacker’s steps. On “Your Activity,”
you can see the activity of one of the users. We have reason to believe that
this website has an IDOR vulnerability.

Answer the questions below
Check the other users to discover which user account was used to make the
malicious changes and revert them. After reverting the changes, what is the flag
that you have received?
Login to answer..

Created by tryhackme and strategos

This is a free room, which means anyone can deploy virtual machines in the room
(without being subscribed)! 191550 users are in here and this room is 449 days


Copyright TryHackMe 2018-2023128 City Road, London, EC1V 2NX


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To access target machines you need to either:


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Connect to our network via a VPN

View the dedicated OpenVPN access page for more information


 * Windows
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 1. Download your OpenVPN configuration pack.
 2. Download the OpenVPN GUI application.
 3. Install the OpenVPN GUI application. Then open the installer file and follow
    the setup wizard.
 4. Open and run the OpenVPN GUI application as Administrator.
 5. The application will start running in the system tray. It's at the bottom of
    your screen, near the clock. Right click on the application and click Import
 6. Select the configuration file you downloaded earlier.
 7. Now right click on the application again, select your file and click Connect

 1. Download your OpenVPN configuration pack.
 2. Run the following command in your terminal: sudo apt install openvpn
 3. Locate the full path to your VPN configuration file (normally in your
    ~/Downloads folder).
 4. Use your OpenVPN file with the following command: sudo openvpn

 1. Download your OpenVPN configuration pack.
 2. Download OpenVPN for MacOS.
 3. Install the OpenVPN GUI application, by opening the dmg file and following
    the setup wizard.
 4. Open and run the OpenVPN GUI application.
 5. The application will start running and appear in your top bar. Right click
    on the application and click Import File -> Local file.
 6. Select the configuration file you downloaded earlier.
 7. Right click on the application again, select your file and click connect.


 * If you can access, you're connected.
 * Downloading and getting a 404? Go the access page and switch VPN servers.
 * Getting inline cert error? Go the access page and switch VPN servers.
 * If you are using a virtual machine, you will need to run the VPN inside that
 * Is the OpenVPN client running as root? (On Windows, run OpenVPN GUI as
   administrator. On Linux, run with sudo)
 * Have you restarted your VM?
 * Is your OpenVPN up-to-date?
 * Only 1 OpenVPN connection is allowed. (Run ps aux | grep openvpn - are there
   2 VPN sessions running?)
 * Still having issues? Check our docs out.


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