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IBKR provides clients from all over the globe with the
ability to invest worldwide at the lowest cost.1

Open an Account Learn More


Our transparent, low commissions and financing rates minimize costs to maximize


Invest globally in stocks, options, futures, currencies, bonds and funds from a
single integrated account.


IBKR's powerful suite of technology helps you optimize your trading speed and
efficiency and perform sophisticated portfolio analysis.


#1 - Best Online Broker
5 out of 5 stars

5 out of 5 stars

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Best Trading Technology

#1 - Best Online Broker
5 out of 5 stars

4.4 out of 5 stars

Best Broker for
Low-Cost Investing

See All Awards


 * Access to the IB SmartRoutingSM system, which provides $0.47 per 100 shares
   price improvement vs. the industry3
 * Financing rates up to 50% lower than the industry4
 * Earn extra income on your lendable shares

Learn More


Invest globally in stocks, options, futures, currencies, bonds and funds from a
single integrated account. Fund your account in multiple currencies and trade
assets denominated in multiple currencies. Access market data 24 hours a day and
six days a week.







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Trading Platforms

Powerful enough for the professional trader but designed for everyone. Available
on desktop, mobile and web.

Free Trading Tools

Spot market opportunities, analyze results, manage your account and make better
decisions with our free trading tools.

Order Types and Algos

100+ order types – from limit orders to complex algorithmic trading – help you
execute any trading strategy.

Comprehensive Reporting

Real-time trade confirmations, margin details, transaction cost analysis,
sophisticated portfolio analysis and more.



Previous Next

Interactive Brokers Launches Innovative Sustainable Investing Tool

Interactive Brokers unveiled an innovative, interactive Impact Dashboard
designed to help clients evaluate and invest in companies that align with their

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Introducing the Mutual Funds Marketplace

Interactive Brokers' Mutual Funds Marketplace offers availability to more than
37,000 mutual funds, including over 33,000 no load and 8,300 no transaction fee
funds from more than 380 fund families.

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IBKR Launches Interactive Brokers Ireland Limited

IBKR received authorization by the Central Bank of Ireland to launch Interactive
Brokers Ireland Limited. IBIE was created to support our rapidly growing global
client base.

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Optimize Lot Matching to Win at Tax Time

Interactive Brokers' US clients have the freedom to choose the pricing plan best
aligned with their investing needs and can switch between plans as their
investing needs change.

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Learn More on the IBKR Campus

Learn about trading, financial markets and IBKR’s trading tools. Improve your
understanding of markets and keep on top of current events.

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Interactive Brokers Establishes Central European Office

IBCE is headquartered in Budapest, Hungary and was created to serve investors
and wealth managers across the European Economic Area (EEA).

Read More


When placing your money with a broker, you need to make sure your broker is
secure and can endure through good and bad times. Our strong capital position,
conservative balance sheet and automated risk controls are designed to protect
IBKR and our clients from large trading losses.


Nasdaq Listed


Equity Capital*


Privately Held*


Excess Regulatory Capital*


Client Accounts*


Daily Avg Revenue Trades*

IBKR Protection

*Interactive Brokers Group and its affiliates. For additional information view
our Investors Relations - Earnings Release section by clicking here.


Individual Accounts

Joint Accounts

Retirement Accounts

Trust Accounts

Family Account

Institutional Accounts



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 1. Rated Lowest Cost Broker by StockBrokers.com Annual Online Review 2020. Read
    the full review.
 2. Lower investment costs will increase your overall return on investment, but
    lower costs do not guarantee that your investment will be profitable.
 3. Average net benefit is calculated using IHS Markit® price improvement and
    IBKR monthly execution statistics. For more information see ibkr.com/info.
 4. For complete information, see ibkr.com/compare.



Dear Clients, Business Partners, and Colleagues of Interactive Brokers,

IBKR has been on the leading edge of financial services technology throughout
its 35 year history and we have always taken pride in the innovative ways we
bring a high value, high integrity, safe service to our clients around the

The COVID-19 Global pandemic has triggered unprecedented market conditions with
equally unprecedented social and community challenges. Like many people,
companies and governments around the world, we have focused on how to navigate
these uncharted waters.

We are committed to ensuring the highest levels of service to our clients so
that they can effectively manage their assets, portfolios, and risks.

We are satisfied that our technical infrastructure has withstood the challenges
presented by the extraordinary volatility and increased market volume. We
understand that the dramatic increase in service inquiries has led to longer
wait times, which has no doubt been frustrating. We encourage our clients to
explore the wide range of online information services we provide on our public
website and the Client Portal.

 * We traditionally take a conservative stance to risk and we have built risk
   management systems designed to weather even the current market turmoil. The
   financial health of the Interactive Brokers Group, and all of its affiliates,
   remains robust.
 * We are a truly global broker, with offices and staff located around the
   world. We have the ability to run the business from a variety of our
   locations with minimal risk of disruption. If some offices must temporarily
   close due to the spread of COVID-19, we can continue to offer our core
   services from other offices.
 * We have been taking steps to protect the well-being of our employees,
   incorporating health and safety best practices into our strategy as rapidly
   as possible following published government guidelines. Our employees are an
   integral part of the IBKR community and are essential to our future.

We appreciate your business and the faith you have placed in us, and most
importantly, we wish you safe passage through these uncertain times.


Milan Galik

President and CEO, Interactive Brokers Group

Interactive Brokers ®, IBSM, InteractiveBrokers.com ®, Interactive Analytics ®,
IB Options AnalyticsSM, IB SmartRoutingSM, PortfolioAnalyst ®, IB Trader
WorkstationSM and One World, One AccountSM are service marks and/or trademarks
of Interactive Brokers LLC. Supporting documentation for any claims and
statistical information will be provided upon request. Any trading symbols
displayed are for illustrative purposes only and are not intended to portray

The risk of loss in online trading of stocks, options, futures, currencies,
foreign equities, and fixed Income can be substantial.

Options involve risk and are not suitable for all investors. For more
information read the Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options, also
known as the options disclosure document (ODD). Alternatively, call 312-542-6901
to receive a copy of the ODD. Before trading, clients must read the relevant
risk disclosure statements on our Warnings and Disclosures page. Trading on
margin is only for experienced investors with high risk tolerance. You may lose
more than your initial investment. For additional information about rates on
margin loans, please see Margin Loan Rates. Security futures involve a high
degree of risk and are not suitable for all investors. The amount you may lose
may be greater than your initial investment. Before trading security futures,
read the Security Futures Risk Disclosure Statement. Structured products and
fixed income products such as bonds are complex products that are more risky and
are not suitable for all investors. Before trading, please read the Risk Warning
and Disclosure Statement.

For information on the IBKR ATS, please visit the SEC site.


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Interactive Brokers LLC

Is a member NYSE - FINRA - SIPC and regulated by the US Securities and Exchange
Commission and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission.
Headquarters: One Pickwick Plaza, Greenwich, CT 06830 USA
Website: www.interactivebrokers.com

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degree of risk and investors should be prepared for the risk of losing their
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Registered Office: 1800 McGill College Avenue, Suite 2106, Montreal, Quebec, H3A
3J6, Canada.
Website: www.interactivebrokers.ca

Interactive Brokers U.K. Limited

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entry number 208159. [http://www.fsa.gov.uk/register/home.do]
Registered Office: Level 20 Heron Tower, 110 Bishopsgate, London EC2N 4AY.
Website: www.interactivebrokers.co.uk

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Registered Office: 4 rue Robert Stumper, L-2557 Luxembourg.
Website: www.interactivebrokers.eu

Interactive Brokers Ireland Limited

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Registered Office: 10 Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin, D02 T380, Ireland.
Website: www.interactivebrokers.ie

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Registered Office: 1075 Budapest, Madách Imre út 13-14., Hungary.
Website: www.interactivebrokers.hu

Interactive Brokers Australia Pty. Ltd.

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Registered Office: Level 40, Grosvenor Place, 225 George Street, Sydney 2000,
New South Wales, Australia.
Website: www.interactivebrokers.com.au

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Website: www.interactivebrokers.com.hk

Interactive Brokers India Pvt. Ltd.

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Phone: +91-22-61289888 | Fax: +91-22-61289898.
Website: www.interactivebrokers.co.in

Interactive Brokers Securities Japan Inc.

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Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-6025 Japan.
Phone: +81 (0)3-4588-9700 (On business days from 8:30-17:30 JST).
Website: www.interactivebrokers.co.jp

Interactive Brokers Singapore Pte. Ltd.

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Website: www.interactivebrokers.com.sg




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