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 * 2013 Constitution
 * Mohamed Salmawy
 * Bassem Youssef
 * comedy
 * satire
 * Railway Authority
 * Mansoura University
 * Parliament
 * Nora Amin
 * performance
 * Nasserists
 * Hamdeen Sabbahi
 * Nasserist Party
 * Karama Party
 * Popular Current
 * UAE
 * attacks on police
 * alcohol
 * morality police
 * Al-Azhar University clashes
 * agribusiness
 * river transport
 * river port
 * Ultras White Knights
 * Ultras clashes
 * right to information
 * 2012 presidential elections
 * Ahmed Shafiq
 * telecommunications
 * Breakfast with Mada
 * Dandin
 * user-generated content
 * Ahmed Basiouny
 * Hala Abu Shady
 * Ola Saad
 * Yara Mekawei
 * sound art
 * Halim al-Dabh
 * atheism
 * religion
 * Islam
 * March 9 Movement
 * Health Ministry
 * Hatem Aboul Nour
 * Palestinian refugees
 * Al-Bernameg
 * Mashrabia Gallery
 * Cardboard
 * travel
 * Dahab
 * rock climbing
 * Lebanon
 * Youssef Nabil
 * Mohamed Morsi trials
 * CBC
 * Muslim Brotherhood crackdown
 * protester arrests
 * 7 am movement
 * gentrification
 * renovation
 * public space
 * Qasr al-Nil Bridge
 * Zamalek Guardians
 * Ganzeer
 * shopping
 * Dokan
 * Egyptians in UAE
 * Deeb
 * rap
 * Nile Basin
 * Ahmed Sabry
 * Mohamed Abdelkarim
 * Federation of Chambers
 * Masr al-Hurreya
 * military trials of civilians
 * Lafarge
 * environment
 * hazardous waste
 * greenhouse gas
 * Mahmoud Abbas
 * food prices
 * Dalia al-Abd
 * stick dancing
 * folk
 * Magdy al-Galad
 * Mohamed al-Sanhoury
 * Hesham Geneina
 * Cairo Court of Appeals
 * Egypt football
 * Africa Cup
 * Sports Ministry
 * political football
 * Mohamed Adel
 * Ramy al-Sayyed
 * Habib al-Adly
 * Hussein Mosque
 * Ashura
 * Egypt-Russia relations
 * Euromoney
 * Gypsum Gallery
 * Setareh Shahbazi
 * Aleya Hamza
 * cakes
 * cakeries
 * Mohamed Farid Tohamy
 * Ugly Feelings
 * Sebastian Alvarez
 * Olia Lialina
 * sports
 * Egyptian Kung Fu Federation
 * Rabea salute
 * Muslim Brotherhood protests
 * Fifa
 * forensic department
 * Sergei Shoigu
 * Shia activists
 * Shia arrest
 * Dabaa
 * nuclear power
 * nuclear power plant
 * Redbull
 * Martyrs
 * Mohamed Mahmoud
 * Kuwait
 * Egypt-Kuwait relations
 * Arab-African summit
 * assassination attempts
 * Hussein Tantawi
 * Sami Anan
 * Hassan Malek
 * Omar Malek
 * Yosri Fouda
 * Reem Maged
 * novels
 * Nael al-Toukhy
 * Gika
 * Egypt-Ghana relations
 * Bob Bradley
 * Gamal Abdel Nasser
 * Ahmad Abdalla
 * Rags and Tatters
 * Mohamed Mahmoud Street
 * 2011 Mohamed Mahmoud clashes
 * Mohamed Mahmoud anniversary
 * car bombings
 * 50 percent quota
 * Red Bull
 * JadaL
 * Fulltone
 * Wanton Bishops
 * Locksmith
 * alternative medicine
 * film criticism
 * Joseph Fahim
 * Maged al-Mahdy
 * Muhammad El-Hajj
 * Ramy Jan
 * Mahmoud Hussein
 * Misr International Films
 * Panorama of the European Film
 * Marianne Khoury
 * Youssef Chahine
 * Mohamed Khan
 * Flat6Labs
 * SMEs
 * Ahmed El Alfi
 * The GrEEK Campus
 * anti-terrorism law
 * Falaki Theater
 * pardons
 * Bishop Boula
 * civil state
 * secularism
 * Daily News Egypt
 * Queen Boat raid
 * Safat
 * Andeel
 * photography
 * Makan Culture Center
 * Danish Embassy
 * Danish and Egyptian Dialogue Institute
 * Popular Current Party
 * 2014 presidential elections
 * Akher Kalam
 * Mahmoud al-Khodairy
 * Ahmed Mekky
 * Alrai
 * Karima Mansour
 * Creativity Center
 * Shawky Gharib
 * food sovereignty
 * Youm7
 * Hany Salah Eddin Ramzy
 * Mohamed Reda
 * The Invisible Hands
 * Aya Hemeda
 * Alan Bishop
 * Roznama
 * Mohamed Allam
 * activist arrests
 * Ahmed Fouad Negm
 * poetry news and reviews
 * Egyptian dialect
 * Sheikh Imam
 * painting
 * Darb 1718
 * Kalb Balady
 * Abdel Nasser Salama
 * Helwan Iron and Steel Company
 * Shubra al-Kheima
 * transportation
 * Shura Council protest
 * campus security
 * Oscars
 * Jehane Noujaim
 * Egypt-Sudan border
 * Eritrea
 * human trafficking
 * Time Magazine
 * November 22 Constitutional Declaration
 * Ettehadiya clashes
 * short films
 * undocumented migrants
 * Sudan
 * Nelson Mandela
 * space travel
 * astronauts
 * Omar Samra
 * Mostafa al-Naggar
 * Ahmed Abdel-Hamid
 * cinema
 * Hala Lotfy
 * Mohamed al-Zenaty
 * Abdel Azim Ibrahim
 * Qalyub
 * Bassem Ouda
 * Etisalat
 * Mobinil
 * Vodafone
 * Khalid Abdalla
 * The Square
 * Doctors Without Rights
 * Doctors for Egypt
 * Khaled Saeed
 * Khaled Saeed trial
 * Mahienour al-Massry
 * Nasser Abul Hamd
 * stimulus package
 * Investment Ministry
 * freedom of assembly
 * furniture
 * Consumer Protection Authority
 * National Telecom Regulatory Authority
 * Competition Authority
 * competition Law
 * foreign debt
 * Mona Abaza
 * cotton plantations
 * land reform
 * Bikya
 * Beth Stryker
 * urbanism
 * Mortada Mansour
 * Students Against the Coup
 * Contemporary Image Collective (CIC)
 * Leftist politics
 * Qadhafi
 * South Giza Prosecution
 * Helmy al-Gazzar
 * Abdel Moneim Abdel Maqsoud
 * Mohamed al-Omda
 * Ain Shams University
 * Egypt-Cyprus relations
 * Nicos Anastasiades
 * natural gas excavation
 * Cyprus-Turkey relations
 * weather
 * snow
 * rain
 * Ragai Sultan
 * Akram Suleiman
 * Carter Center
 * High Elections Commission
 * Beirut Art Center
 * Independence Current
 * gold mining
 * Abo Ramad
 * noise
 * electronic music
 * zaar
 * United States
 * Hepatitis C
 * drugs
 * Ahmed Gamal Eddin
 * Sherif Farag
 * cabinet clashes
 * Emad Effat
 * Zoheir Garana
 * Hamdy al-Fakhrany
 * Mohamed Kamal Badr
 * Grand Mufti
 * Mufti
 * Ali Gomaa
 * Transitional Justice Ministry
 * Mohamed Amin al-Mahdi
 * National Community for Human Rights and Law
 * Hossam el-Dein Mustafa
 * Ali Shaath
 * Arab Digital Expression Foundation
 * obituaries
 * open source
 * youth
 * Huda Lutfi
 * Namibia
 * Amado Alfadni
 * Marwa El Shazly
 * Mariam Elias
 * Uriel Orlow
 * Hala Elkoussy
 * Nabib Salib
 * Mahmoud Ezzat
 * Saad al-Husseini
 * Asaad el-Sheikha
 * Ahmed Abdel-Ati
 * Switzerland
 * Ahmed el-Gizawi
 * Egyptian Center for Economic and Social Rights
 * Mostafa Eissa
 * land sale
 * journalist detentions
 * Ayman al-Serafy
 * Ayman Ali
 * gender
 * food subsidies
 * Mahdeya
 * Chuck Hagel
 * Democratic Front Party
 * Anwar Sadat
 * Sheikh Ali Gomaa
 * religious extremism
 * Samir al-Assawi
 * West Bank
 * Bassem Mohsen
 * fatwa
 * Wasfy Abou Zeid
 * National and Independent Committee
 * Fouad Abdel Moneim Riyad
 * Abdel Raouf el-Ridi
 * Hazem Atlam
 * Mohamed Badran
 * Eskander Ghattas
 * Amr Marwan
 * judges
 * Mahmoud el-Khoudairy
 * Judges for Egypt
 * Hanna Greiss
 * Egyptian Social Democratic Party
 * Hesham Abdel Aziz
 * Saif Abdel Fattah
 * Nasr Hamed Abou Zeid
 * Abdel Ghaffar Shokr
 * Samir Zaki Abdel Qawy
 * Al-Shafei Suleiman al-Dakrory
 * Mohamed al-Araby
 * Leila Kamel
 * Economy in a week
 * balance of payments
 * Mosaab al-Shamy
 * hunger strikes
 * Wael Ghonim
 * Asmaa Mahfouz
 * holiday camps
 * children's activities
 * Maadi U-Can
 * Shady Elnoshokaty
 * Khaled al-Kazzaz
 * Abdel Meguid al-Meshaly
 * Youth Salon
 * visual art
 * article 86
 * Egyptian Food Bank
 * motorcycles
 * driving school
 * Nadine Khan
 * Red Sea resorts
 * Shawky Allam
 * Booma
 * 2014 Constitution
 * student arrests
 * Mona Mina
 * Housing Ministry
 * Peter Greste
 * Baher Mohamed
 * Alexandria Misdemeanor Court
 * thuggery law
 * drawing
 * Ahmed Ghoneimy
 * Mona Seif
 * Abdel Rahman Ezz
 * Abdel Rahman Yusuf al-Qaradawi
 * Ramy Essam
 * Ethiopia
 * Aya Metwalli
 * road incidents
 * January 25 2014
 * Sisi for president
 * Suez Canal development project
 * Fitch Ratings
 * Tanta Linen Factory
 * re-nationalization
 * Ramy Yaacoub
 * Coptic Christmas
 * independent arts
 * labor union leaders
 * Tourism Syndicate
 * Pharmacists Syndicate
 * pharmacist strikes
 * Ayten Amin
 * overseas voting
 * Ramses Square clashes
 * International Cooperation Ministry
 * economic reform
 * Mohamed Fahmy
 * Abdel Rehim Ali
 * Zamalek metro
 * Zamalek Association
 * public transportation
 * sushi
 * international cuisine
 * Hussein Salem
 * Ilham Shahin
 * Khaled Youssef
 * Khaled Abol Naga
 * Kamla Abu Zikry
 * Ibrahim Eissa
 * Hamdy Badeen
 * Amr Badawy
 * Hesham Mokhtar
 * political rights law
 * Tourism Ministry
 * Imbaba
 * 2B Continued
 * D-CAF
 * Hussein Baydoun
 * performing arts
 * Nation's Future Campaign
 * Mahmoud al-Saqah
 * Abdel Halim Qandil
 * Assem Abdel Maged
 * generational clashes
 * Transparency International
 * Engineers Syndicate
 * syndicate elections
 * Mohamed Abdel Motaleb
 * Bassel Adel
 * Naguib Mahfouz
 * Taher Abu Zeid
 * VAT
 * sales tax
 * Sultan al-Qassemi
 * cabinet reshuffle
 * census
 * roadways
 * Abdeen Misdemeanor Court
 * shooting club
 * Judaism
 * Jews in Egypt
 * anti-Semitism
 * Wissa Wassef
 * Abdel Hameed Gouda al-Sahar
 * Anas al-Fiqqy
 * US Embassy
 * Mokhtar Gomaa
 * Ahmed Awaad
 * Amr Salama
 * Gaballah Ali Gaballah
 * Emad Shahin
 * American University in Cairo
 * Alexandria University
 * Ahmed Anwar
 * Twitter
 * Police Day
 * Davos
 * We Are All Khaled Saeed
 * Mohamed Saleh
 * Egyptian football players
 * Ahmed Hossam Mido
 * Egypt-Israel relations
 * Dar al-Kutub
 * Cairo Security Directorate
 * Cairo bombings
 * Abdeen
 * Haram
 * Ain Shams
 * Fayoum
 * Sally Zahran
 * Mina Danial
 * Belal Ali Saber
 * Mina Daniel
 * Ammar Abu Bakr
 * Nazly Hussein
 * Mostafa Mahmoud Square
 * Egyptian Embassy
 * Matrouh
 * Alf Maskan
 * 2014 parliamentary elections
 * Zeina Arafah
 * We are all Zeina Arafah
 * National Council for Childhood & Motherhood
 * Museum of Islamic Art
 * National Library and Archives
 * local investments
 * Shaaban Hadiya
 * Malak Helmy
 * June 30 fact-finding committee
 * Teslam al-Ayadi
 * Mohamed Saeed
 * assassinations
 * Friday of Rage anniversary
 * Tislam al-Ayadi
 * Tahani al-Gebali
 * 6th of October city
 * Mohamed Soliman
 * Khaled al-Khamissi
 * Brian Farish
 * Mehwar road
 * metro
 * India
 * India by the Nile
 * Shereen El Feki
 * Teachers Syndicate
 * farmer unions
 * Amr Hassan
 * European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
 * oil and gas
 * Borg al-Arab prison
 * subsidy reform
 * energy crisis
 * bombings
 * airstrikes
 * Air Forces
 * Chinese community
 * Maadi Community Services Association
 * We are Egypt Party
 * Mahmoud Nefady
 * Egypt's cinematic gems
 * microbus
 * alternative education
 * Belal Fadl
 * Mohamed Hassanein Heikal
 * Bernard Montgomery
 * military courts
 * Al-Tahrir
 * Yaqeen
 * downtown walls
 * Sheikh Zayed
 * World Health Organization
 * swine flu
 * Zaman al-Zaatar
 * Wahid Abdel Meguid
 * Soheir el-Babli
 * Tanta
 * Edfu
 * Egyptology
 * Great pyramid
 * pharonic
 * Hisham Atta
 * Monira Al Qadiri
 * healthy eating
 * Green Eagles
 * Al-Masry
 * embezzlement
 * Hassan Nafaa
 * National Association of Change
 * doctor deaths
 * Maha al-Rabat
 * Khairy Abdel Dayem
 * traffic
 * Istiqama Mosque
 * Dahshur
 * Mohamed Abdel Wahab
 * Mohamed Karim
 * Salah Jahin
 * Tislam al-Ayadi
 * police protests
 * Kafr al-Sheikh
 * BG Group
 * Gaber Salah
 * Office for State Security Affairs
 * death penalty
 * State Security Court
 * Izbat al-Nakhl
 * bridge collapse
 * Massive Scar Era
 * gas pipelines
 * Sisi presidency
 * Mostafa Bakry
 * OpAntiSH
 * popular committees
 * No Time for Art
 * Tahrir Monologues
 * Damanhour
 * Behira Gas Company
 * Hassan Yassin
 * Yasser Abdel Qader Ahmed
 * Khaled al-Sayed
 * Nagi Kamel
 * prison visits
 * prison letters
 * Vladimir Putin
 * Mohamed Abdel Moneim Ibrahim
 * campus violence
 * Rabea al-Adaweya anniversary
 * fashion
 * fashion industry
 * fashion design
 * Women on Walls
 * Sad Panda
 * Mona Lisa Brigades
 * Yousry Nasrallah
 * Samir Halawa
 * Valentine's Day
 * El Sawy Cultural Wheel
 * Egypt Geographic
 * Taba
 * Suez Cement
 * cement
 * Qattamiya
 * Italian cuisine
 * Abu Zaabal deaths
 * hiking incidents
 * mountain climbing
 * Kenya
 * mobile phones
 * Textile Holding Company
 * Mossad
 * Bread and Freedom Party
 * witness protection law
 * corruption cases
 * Qoll
 * Noon Post
 * Yanair Gate
 * carbon emissions
 * Muslim Brotherhood trials
 * Minya Criminal Court
 * Hala Shukrallah
 * Beblawi Cabinet resignation
 * Benghazi
 * Justice Center for Freedoms
 * Imams without Constraints
 * Future Shorts
 * animation
 * labor actions
 * Complete Cure
 * Essam Heggy
 * science
 * racism
 * discrimination
 * Dentists Syndicate
 * Veterinarians Syndicate
 * federation of medical professions
 * Ezbet al-Nakhl
 * forced evictions
 * housing
 * Freedom for the Brave
 * Cairo International Book Fair
 * fraud
 * Mehleb Cabinet
 * presidential decree
 * informal sector
 * Microphone
 * Ibrahim Mehleb Cabinet
 * Badr Abdel Aty
 * translation
 * subtitles
 * dubbing
 * Banha student unions
 * Ain Shams University student unions
 * Adel al-Adawy
 * Manshiyet Nasser
 * municipal council
 * Nebny foundation
 * Mahmoud Salah Mahmoud
 * Awad Soliman
 * real estate
 * mortgages
 * low-income housing
 * Meeting Points
 * Frantz Fanon
 * Moody's
 * tolls
 * presidential elections law
 * Yasmine Baramawy
 * Kareem Osman
 * dentist strikes
 * Murad Muwafy
 * Masr Belady
 * Nahed al-Ashry
 * autism
 * Mostafa Madbuly
 * sanitation
 * house prices
 * Maha Maamoun
 * Ala Younis
 * Kayfa Ta
 * Haytham El Wardany
 * tax evasion
 * Ugland House
 * Delaware
 * Giza Criminal Court
 * Suhaib Said
 * Saber Arab
 * Wagdy Ghoneim
 * CBC eXtra
 * alternative beauty
 * clowning
 * Hany al-Metennawy
 * Hamdi Qandeel
 * Mohamed Tharwat
 * Nadia al-Gendy
 * Bashir al-Deek
 * electrical grid
 * electricity prices
 * Al-Azhar tunnel
 * Ibrahim al-Demery
 * climate change
 * protest law trials
 * coal imports
 * Laila Iskandar
 * Hello Psychaleppo
 * Zamalek restaurants
 * pizza
 * Walid Elsawi
 * military checkpoints
 * Social Fund for Development
 * Israeli Embassy
 * Saudi Embassy
 * tram
 * Samia Mehrez
 * Sinan Antoon
 * Iraq
 * Matareya
 * state culture
 * Hala Galal
 * green tourism
 * El Gouna
 * Orascom Construction Industries
 * camping
 * family activities
 * Bahariya
 * White Desert
 * Egyptians Against Coal
 * Egyptian expats
 * Gulf Cooperation Council
 * Zawya
 * Cimatheque
 * MBC Misr
 * Mohamed Amin
 * pornography
 * sex
 * power station
 * Wessam Suleiman
 * Steven Viney
 * Disney
 * women
 * Shayma Kamal
 * Tamer Amin
 * Rotana
 * gas sales
 * Amr Adly
 * Ahmed Salah Nabih
 * Arab Sharkas
 * military deaths
 * Ahly Club
 * Sherif Badr
 * citizen complaints
 * Atef al-Tayeb
 * Lebleba
 * Nour al-Sherif
 * Assiut road
 * Hany Salah Eddin
 * caricature
 * humor
 * Hany Rashed
 * complaints hotline
 * Information and Decision Support Center
 * government complaints system
 * GDP
 * Cyprus
 * Corner House
 * gas imports
 * Sheif Ismael
 * Minya death sentences
 * Nadine Shams
 * Street Children World Cup
 * Mia Jankowicz
 * Sisi speeches
 * affordable housing
 * one million housing project
 * Arabtec
 * Egyptian Museum
 * cultural heritage
 * Antiquities Ministry
 * Sedky Sobhy
 * Egyptian Football Association
 * football club elections
 * Khaled Abdel Aziz
 * ArtTalks
 * Sobhy Guirguis
 * Fatenn Mostafa
 * modern art
 * Ahmed El Attar
 * Hassan Khan
 * Amin Abdel Hamid al-Serafy
 * Mayada Ashraf
 * Ansar al-Sharia
 * Ibrahim Abdel Aty
 * Islam Chipsy
 * David Cameron
 * April Fools
 * Cairo Scene
 * Masr al-Arabia
 * Sabbahi presidential campaign 2014
 * Magdy al-Daqaq
 * Al-Arabiya
 * Gaber Nassar
 * Ahmed Droubi
 * Mahmoud Kassiouni
 * Mohamed Shaker
 * preachers
 * Noah
 * wildlife
 * bird migration
 * environmentalism
 * Mohamed Zaree
 * Haile Gerima
 * Journalists Syndicate
 * journalist protests
 * Shebin al-Kom Textile Company
 * labor unions
 * Tarek al-Nabrawy
 * Mostafa Abu Zeid
 * Daoud Abdel Sayed
 * Faten Hamama
 * Hilail
 * Dabodeya
 * tribal violence
 * Zewail
 * Nile University
 * Essam Sharaf
 * Abdul Aziz Hegazy
 * Ahmed Zewail City
 * Omar Suleiman
 * April 6 anniversary
 * arts funding
 * revolutionary art
 * Cairo University student unions
 * Dar al-Salam
 * demolitions
 * Yasmine Hamdan
 * Tora Police Academy
 * Planning Ministry
 * Israel-Palestine
 * archaeology
 * Maadi Investment Company
 * Omar Ghayatt
 * Attaba
 * Ahmed Zaki
 * Bothaina Kamel
 * Muslim Brotherhood youth
 * Ammar Motawei
 * Sherif Younes
 * student deaths
 * arbitration law
 * Nayer Osman
 * journalist strikes
 * Abeer al-Saady
 * Youssef Boutros-Ghali
 * Magdy al-Shafie
 * Illicit Gains Authority
 * illicit gains
 * extradition
 * Maadi restaurants
 * Latin American cuisine
 * public health
 * Doctors General Syndicate Council
 * Ajnad Misr
 * Rose al-Youssef
 * Dostour newspaper
 * tribal leaders
 * Raya Party
 * Mourad Mowafy
 * Rachid Mohamed Rachid
 * New Woman Foundation
 * Uprising of Women in the Arab World
 * Haifa Wehbe
 * fiscal policy
 * Ahmed Mourad
 * 1919 revolution
 * Leila Elwy
 * Zaki Fateen Abdel Wahab
 * Hani Fawzy
 * Osama Fawzy
 * Aly Talibab
 * El Manzouma
 * Sharjah Gallery
 * urban planning
 * gas prices
 * Town Gas Company
 * Ali Reda
 * coptic christians
 * Sham al-Nessim
 * Easter
 * Al-Azhar Park
 * Sama al-Masry
 * Farah
 * Shaabiyat
 * Mohie Salama
 * Nasserism
 * Ahmed Abu Zeid
 * Nesma Youssef
 * Mohamed Abul Ghar
 * Laila Soueif
 * Nourhan Hefzy
 * salah zeyada
 * Minya Misdemeanor Court
 * Feloul TV
 * police on campuses
 * Winter Palace
 * Sofitel
 * Valley of the Kings
 * Sadat metro station
 * Giza metro station
 * national railways
 * NDP headquarters
 * Citadel
 * primary schools
 * Dar al-Ifta
 * Sabbahi campaign
 * 3alganoob
 * Maurice Louca
 * Like Jelly
 * Marsa Alam
 * Omar Hazeq
 * Ismail Serageldin
 * Bibliotheca Alexandrina
 * Cargill
 * National Vegetable Oil Company
 * Borg al-Arab
 * Abdallah Assem
 * Ahdaf Soueif
 * Cairo Court for Urgent Matters
 * Philipp Rosler
 * Minya University
 * Justice Party
 * Popular Alliance Party
 * Saeed Youssef
 * death sentences
 * Ain Sokhna
 * Egyptian Propylene and Polypropylene Company
 * Ibrahim Ghoneim
 * mummies
 * pharaohs
 * Abdallah al-Ghandour
 * Abdel Rahman Boghdady
 * Omar Mohsen
 * Ahmed Sonbol
 * Lisa Anderson
 * Arabian Cement
 * Bassem Sabry
 * artifact smuggling
 * Saqqara
 * Labor Day
 * Egyptian Trade Union Federation
 * May Day
 * independent trade unions
 * Egyptian Democratic Labor Confederation
 * prison conditions
 * building collapses
 * infrastructure
 * student disciplinary measures
 * private security firms
 * Alaa Fifty
 * sound
 * Mustafa Said
 * European Union Election Observation Mission
 * Sharjah Art Foundation
 * Belady Foundation
 * Aya Hegazy
 * Tunisia
 * bonds
 * National Bank of Egypt
 * Egypt Freedom Party
 * navy
 * tomb
 * Hierakonpolis
 * quarantine authority
 * Hossam al-Qawish
 * Belqas monastery
 * Noble Gas
 * Spanish Union Fenosa Gas plant
 * Egyptian Natural Gas Holding Company
 * tuk tuks
 * Ard al-Lewa
 * Imbaba police station
 * April 6 Youth Movement Democratic Front
 * Sinai Reef
 * Sharm el-Sheikh
 * Arab Contractors
 * bad weather
 * Daylight saving time
 * dance
 * Amal Kenawy
 * Iman Issa
 * Sondos Shabayek
 * Coptic Orthodox Church
 * Cabinet clashes trial
 * Douma trial
 * Sisi interviews
 * Maspero Youth Union
 * Abdullah al-Shamy
 * Mohamed Soltan
 * Salafi groups
 * Sisi presidential campaign 2014
 * Sky News Arabia
 * parliamentary elections law
 * Parliamentary Law Committee
 * Tamarod Popular Arab Party
 * 2014 presidential elections boycott
 * Lotus
 * Afro-Asian Writers Association
 * Youssef El Sebai
 * Al Jazeera trial
 * Egyptians in Libya
 * Egyptian farms
 * food production
 * farming
 * sustainable food
 * Coptic Museum
 * Tarek al-Kholy
 * expatriate voting
 * election monitoring
 * Henry Barakat
 * Mahmoud Yassin
 * family planning
 * Dedak
 * Sharmoofers
 * Azzam al-Tamimi
 * national housing projects
 * Khalifa Haftar
 * Investment Law
 * Ezzedine Choukri Fishere
 * Alexandrian activists
 * attacks on gas pipelines
 * Council of Churches
 * Monufiya
 * prevention of torture
 * water scarcity
 * Al-Azouly military prison
 * forced disappearances
 * intellectual property
 * pharmaceutical companies
 * Mario David
 * Wikithawra
 * security crackdown
 * Atef Maghawry
 * Aida Seif al-Dawla
 * Mahatat
 * art in public space
 * Aida El Kashef
 * draft budget
 * Roxy Square
 * low voter turnout
 * Presidential Election Commission
 * bread subsidies
 * MBC
 * Khaled al-Magreshy
 * censorship board
 * Atef Helmy
 * taxes
 * Morsi pardons
 * austerity measures
 * public spending
 * Prisons Authority
 * Sherif Arafa
 * Omar Khairat
 * Waheed Hamed
 * cartoon
 * Mervat al-Talawy
 * Gudran Association for Art and Development
 * building restoration
 * Wekalet Behna
 * Oum Kalthoum
 * Safwan Mohamed
 * property tax
 * commercial property
 * brick workers
 * mining
 * construction
 * workplace injuries
 * workplace fatalities
 * Fatma Ramadan
 * airport tax
 * Karam Saber
 * Sohag Criminal Court
 * Fayoum Criminal Court
 * Qubba Presidential Palace
 * Reporters Without Borders
 * national council for women
 * Damanhour women's prison
 * school curriculum
 * Wetrobots
 * Neobyrd
 * Sisi inauguration
 * Mousky Misdemeanor Court
 * Renaissance Dam
 * Maha Bahnassy
 * Tahrir TV
 * Fustat
 * Magdi Mostafa
 * calligraphy
 * Nassef Sawiris
 * looting of artifacts
 * BDS
 * Qanater Women's prison
 * Arab Organization for Human Rights in Europe
 * Ihab Badawy
 * YouTube
 * cycling
 * Ahmed Kamal
 * Sherif El Azma
 * sexual harassment
 * harassment law
 * Seoudi
 * Zad
 * Zeitoun
 * Gaber Asfour
 * Mamdouh al-Damaty
 * strike ban
 * Matareya Police Station
 * Nadah El Shazly
 * mawwal
 * EFG Hermes
 * documentary
 * Event Alert
 * Mahmoud Kaissouni
 * Khaled Fahmy
 * train incidents
 * road safety
 * street vendors
 * clean-up campaign
 * Galal al-Saeed
 * Turgoman
 * Youth Ministry
 * freedom of religion
 * religious minorities
 * arrests of atheists
 * internet surveillance
 * blasphemy
 * penal code
 * Yasser Borhamy
 * Abdel Moneim al-Shahat
 * Nour Othman
 * Nayer Othman
 * Muslim Brotherhood assets
 * Abdel Rahman al-Seoudi
 * karate
 * Sanna Seif
 * Yara Sallam
 * Sanaa Seif
 * Mansoura Criminal Court
 * religious discrimination
 * Mohamed Hegazy
 * entrepreneurship
 * Alaa al-Aswany
 * judicial independence
 * Ghamra
 * university law
 * Sisi legislation
 * Tahrir sexual assaults
 * Merit Publishing
 * Amr Waked
 * Tarek Nour
 * slander
 * Saudi Egyptian Construction Company
 * Gulf investment
 * Abdel Rahman Shahin
 * bird flu
 * National Service Projects Authority
 * Brazil
 * Ettehadiya detainees
 * Heliopolis court
 * June 30 anniversary
 * Ahmed Abdou
 * Mahmoud Abdel Aziz
 * Hassan Shaheen
 * Abdallah Morsi
 * organic farms
 * farmers’ market
 * Abdel Fattah Othman
 * income tax
 * Mahrousa Center
 * July 3 anniversary
 * female detainees
 * Anouar Abdel Malek
 * feminism
 * misogyny
 * Tamer Hosny
 * Fateen Abdel Wahab
 * mob sexual violence
 * sphinx
 * fare increases
 * medical negligence
 * state revenue
 * Wadi al-Natrun
 * Egypt foreign policy
 * Education Ministry
 * Mahmoud Abul Nasr
 * vocational schools
 * forced labor
 * industrial production
 * Egypt-Lebanon relations
 * Egyptians abroad
 * Gebali al-Maraghi
 * environmental law
 * Mansour legislation
 * attack on Gaza
 * Operation Protective Edge
 * Christie's Auction
 * Ancient Egyptian artifacts
 * General Taher Abdallah
 * Nabil Luqa Babawi
 * Aswan Criminal Court
 * taxi drivers
 * Bir Tawwil
 * Jeremiah Heaton
 * tax increases
 * cigarettes
 * Amany al-Khayat
 * Morocco
 * Egypt-Morocco relations
 * Ismaelia
 * Cairo Vision 2050
 * Nile City Towers
 * state intellectuals
 * Egypt2Gaza
 * Farafra
 * budget deficit
 * Ban Ki-Moon
 * earthquake
 * European-Mediterranean Seismological Center
 * Ras Mohamed National Park
 * natural parks
 * Israel-Palestine relations
 * Atelier Alexandria
 * Qalyubiya Security Directorate
 * Commercial International Bank
 * cotton subsidies
 * trade sanctions
 * Yousra
 * Motamar Party
 * aid convoys
 * Abla Fahita
 * eid al-fitr
 * Shawkan
 * I Saw Harassment
 * Police Force for Combating Violence Against Women
 * Al Mawred Al Thaqafy
 * Islamic State
 * Hal Badeel
 * Djerba
 * Egypt-Tunisia relations
 * Libya-Tunisia border
 * EgyptAir
 * Palestine Liberation Front
 * ebola
 * agnosticism
 * Zionism
 * War
 * Sameh Shoukry
 * Yaacoub
 * church building
 * Shuruq Harb
 * Gaza cease-fire
 * Jerusalem
 * Raafat al-Mihi
 * magdy gallad
 * youssef al-hosseiny
 * Adly Mostafa Fayed
 * nakba
 * 10th of Ramadan City
 * Gameela Ismail
 * Fatheyya al-Assal
 * Nahda Square sit-in dispersal
 * Rami Abadir
 * Mosaab Elshamy
 * Azzam al-Ahmed
 * trauma
 * post-traumatic stress disorder
 * Tawfiq Saleh
 * video games
 * Midaq Alley
 * Al-Qahera Wal Nas
 * leaked phone calls
 * electricity shortages
 * attacks on power stations
 * dar al-handassa
 * Ferguson
 * Ibrahim al-Yamany
 * Hind Mounir
 * Rasha Mounir
 * carpooling
 * education strategy
 * Wael Metwally
 * Mohamed Abdel Rahman
 * Faiz Ahmed Faiz
 * dogs
 * Arab Penal Reform Organization
 * Ahmed Saad
 * National Council for Human Rights
 * National Fact-Finding Committee
 * police reform
 * pan-Arabism
 * Taha Hussein
 * Center for Trade Union and Workers Services
 * Iran
 * heavy metal
 * Zohour
 * design
 * London
 * Ibrahim al-Heneidy
 * animal welfare
 * Gezira Club
 * Amr Adel
 * Libyan conflict
 * Mohamed al-Ghiety
 * Aliaa al-Mahdy
 * internet activism
 * General Union of Textile Workers
 * Samanoud Felt Company
 * Nahr al-Khaled Garments Company
 * Mohamed Mounir
 * Amr Diab
 * Wust El Balad
 * Ahmed Seif al-Islam
 * World Food Program
 * import tariffs
 * Lotfy al-Khouly
 * Naksa
 * Assem Abdel Meguid
 * Mohamed Tarek
 * Ettehadiya clashes case
 * Mohamed Morsi espionage case
 * mysticism
 * Sufism
 * scenography
 * Hanager Arts Center
 * Tawfik al-Hakim
 * Naguib Sorour
 * Cairo Opera House
 * Balloon Theater
 * Political Parties Affairs Committee
 * Zizo Abdo
 * Ahmed al-Masry
 * Ismailia Military Academy
 * morality
 * Zeina Aly
 * Rabea Channel
 * belly dancing
 * Egyptian Holding Company for Electricity
 * Helwan Brigades
 * Rassd News Network
 * protest law arrests
 * Suez Canal investment certificates
 * New Cairo
 * satellite cities
 * desert development
 * Hend Sabry
 * Amr Mostafa
 * International Federation of Journalists
 * Shady Abdel Salam
 * Amin al-Serafy
 * gay marriage
 * We are fed up
 * Islam Talaat
 * Hisham Mubarak Law Center
 * Ali Fadaly
 * Egyptian Company for Metro Management and Operation
 * wael al-ebrashy
 * Nelly Karim
 * Middle East Studies
 * academia
 * Shura Council case
 * Ras Knaess
 * Siwa
 * orphanages
 * Mecca orphanage
 * attacks on judges
 * pyramids
 * Mohamed Ali Beshr
 * Damanhour Devils
 * diving
 * Ahmed Gabr
 * scuba diving
 * Mohamed Noubi
 * Journalists Against The Protest Law
 * Euromoney Egypt
 * Ashraf Salman
 * Nagla al-Ahwany
 * Bahr al-Azam
 * Mahfouz Saber
 * Nuweiba
 * Bosaina
 * Obour City
 * restoration
 * Long Live Egypt fund
 * General Authority to Support and Fund Educational Projects
 * AUC Venture Lab
 * astronomy
 * Qattamiya Observatory
 * scientific research
 * science and technology
 * United Group
 * Ahmed Kerima
 * Shia-Sunni relations
 * Mohamed Nagy Shehata
 * Red Sea
 * Guinness world record
 * Mahalla police station
 * Osama Bedair
 * Hosseiny Sobhy
 * Ibn Khaldun Center for Development Studies
 * Studio Emad Eddin Foundation
 * Alfred Raouf
 * Sally Touma
 * Wael Iskandar
 * Greece
 * Sisi approval rating
 * Ismail Yassin
 * rock music
 * Basion Police station
 * Garaad
 * Teatro Eskendria
 * plane crashes
 * military aircraft
 * Mohamed Samir Abdel Aziz Ghoneim
 * Abdel Maqsoud case
 * suicide
 * United Nations General Assembly
 * Halayeb
 * judiciary
 * beauty pageants
 * Turkey-UAE relations
 * International Federation for Human Rights
 * Mahmoud Said Museum
 * Egyptian Museum of Modern Art
 * Mahmoud Mokhtar Museum
 * Mahmoud Khalil Museum
 * gas deals
 * offshore drilling
 * Abu Dhabi
 * Sherine
 * Cairokee
 * wind energy
 * Alexandria Textile Company
 * Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought
 * Social Solidarity Ministry
 * Ghada Waly
 * Said Marzouk
 * Souad Hosny
 * RiseUp Summit
 * Islamophobia
 * Harassing the Harassers
 * Falcon Security Firm
 * satellite Internet
 * diabetes
 * Novo Nordisk
 * Ello
 * National Center for Educational Studies
 * Mahmoud Aboul Nasr
 * ecology
 * marine wildlife
 * nature conservation
 * Mohamed Hamed Selim
 * Maspero anniversary
 * European Parliament
 * Bonhams auction house
 * stolen artifacts
 * Younis al-Masry
 * Zamalek Sports Club
 * Rosa Luxembourg Foundation
 * tourism police
 * mental health
 * koshary
 * Apaches
 * Ali al-Sayed
 * Ahmed Youssef
 * Civil Protection Forces
 * Foreign Ministry
 * New York Times
 * David Kirkpatrick
 * Sadat era
 * Goethe Institut
 * Royal Museum of Jewelry
 * community police
 * Kafr al-Dawwar Hospital
 * childbirth
 * Dream TV
 * Mohamed Rabie
 * creative writing
 * King Tutankhamun
 * BBC
 * Youssef Khalifa
 * pretrial detention
 * Nasr City Cell
 * Islamic Development Bank
 * Sharm el-Sheikh airport
 * Mohamed Omran
 * Ezuz
 * Um al-Sid cliffs
 * Nazra for Feminist Studies
 * Bussy
 * attacks on military
 * Tunisian elections
 * Ennahda Party
 * Marco Magoa
 * academic faculty
 * Okaz
 * anthropology
 * Danish Institute for Human Rights
 * Rafah displacement
 * Ahmed Helmy
 * Yasmine Raees
 * bureaucracy
 * Google
 * Lotfia al-Nadi
 * aviation
 * Manal Tibe
 * street animals
 * EU-Africa Business Forum
 * Qalaa Holdings
 * oud
 * jazz
 * Wahhabism
 * Mohamed Shebl
 * Quseir
 * gas crisis
 * Universal Period Review
 * Centamin
 * Burma
 * Fayza Abouelnaga
 * Al-Bawaba
 * religious tourism
 * Alain Gresh
 * Mamdouh Hegazy
 * sex tapes
 * Hamrawein
 * Nahya
 * revenge
 * Coca-Cola
 * Youssef Zeidan
 * Samir Sabry
 * Tareq Mahdy
 * Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi
 * Shaaban Abdel Rahim
 * public schools
 * Nida Tunis
 * Adham Hafez
 * female circumcision
 * Soheir al-Batea
 * Omar Sharif
 * Youssef Wahbi
 * 2015 Egypt Economic Development Conference
 * squash
 * Ramy Ashour
 * bodybuilding
 * Attia Shaalan
 * Giana Lofty
 * Shaimaa Aboul Yazed
 * Heba al-Torky
 * Karim Ali Fathy
 * Kurrasat
 * child law
 * Patient's Bill of Rights
 * Quran
 * infrastructure projects
 * Amr Imam
 * Karim Francis
 * Salafi Front
 * Ali Abdel Khalek
 * British Council Egypt
 * Istiqlal Party
 * El Fann Midan
 * Radwa Ashour
 * Tanta University
 * Khairy Beshara
 * Karim Hanafy
 * Mona Iraqi
 * Abdel Halim Hafez
 * British Embassy
 * Canadian Embassy
 * Uber
 * Helwan
 * Helwan Fertilizers Company
 * Habi Center for Environmental Rights
 * Red C
 * Harassmap
 * Hosni Mubarak acquittal
 * Salah Abu Seif
 * Lutfi al-Kholi
 * Michele Dunne
 * Mohamed Ibrahim Shaker
 * Hani Abu Assad
 * Ehab Assal
 * Abd al-Azim Hammad
 * Hamdy al-Tahhan
 * detention of minors
 * atheists' cafe
 * Gulf of Suez
 * police Law
 * Sabah
 * Suwaiqat al-Lala
 * Sayeda Zeinab
 * Police Academy
 * Smart Aviation
 * Badr Abdel Atty
 * Hamza Namira
 * Sami Yusuf
 * Ismaany
 * illegal transfers
 * Global Financial Integrity
 * Fagg al-Gamous
 * Mohamed Shafik
 * embassy closures
 * Egyptian National Movement Party
 * 2015 parliamentary elections
 * Egypt-China relations
 * El-Noor Geh
 * Rana ElNemr
 * youth camps
 * Exodus: Gods and Kings
 * Al-Tawheed wal Nour
 * Sayed al-Sewerky
 * Pope Tawadros II
 * Samira Ahmed
 * Laila Soliman
 * Khaled Hafez
 * 2014 year enders
 * Egyptian Democratic Academy
 * Bisco Misr
 * Beltone Financial
 * detainees
 * Al-Nadeem Center for Rehabilitation of Victims of Violence
 * Basim Magdy
 * Dana Gas
 * Duweiqa
 * Ramses Bathhouse case
 * LGBTQ crackdown
 * education budget
 * Agriculture Ministry
 * Abbasseya Cathedral
 * Charlie Hebdo
 * political cartoons
 * Pope Shenouda
 * Ibrahim El Batout
 * Ali al-Haggar
 * National Theater
 * George Azmy
 * gag order
 * Hosni Mubarak mansions case
 * Military Judiciary Law
 * Amir Ramses
 * psychology
 * private schools
 * Ahmed Badry
 * Asya Dagher
 * Sisi pardons
 * prominent detainees
 * China
 * Tarek al-Shennawy
 * January 25 2015
 * Heba Qutb
 * exchange rate
 * publishing
 * Farouk al-Baz
 * Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz
 * Youssra El Hawary
 * Ezzat Amin
 * Alaa Awad
 * Shaimaa al-Sabbagh
 * Tutankhamun mask
 * Amr Khaled
 * fiction
 * Province of Sinai
 * female circumcision law
 * Ahmed Moussa
 * Oil Ministry
 * 1967
 * Hussein Kamal
 * Qassam Brigades
 * letters
 * personal finances
 * internet use
 * Rod al-Farag
 * Rod al-Farag police station
 * music festivals
 * conspiracy theories
 * private sector
 * black market
 * Spain
 * Simone
 * New Century Productions
 * Yusuf Idris
 * Ihsan Abdel Quddous
 * women's health
 * Mostafa Ibrahim
 * Berlinale
 * Raml Police Station case
 * Ahmed Mortada
 * Abdel Satar Fathi
 * Mona Marzouk
 * Russia
 * Hoda Elsadda
 * Pascale Ghazaleh
 * Laila Shereen Sakr
 * Sherene Seikaly
 * hope
 * despair
 * saad zaghloul center
 * Paul Geday
 * Air Defense Stadium
 * love
 * Maryam Saleh
 * ek3a
 * Asma al-Bakri
 * Albert Cossery
 * Russian ruble
 * Mohamed Samir
 * Libyan fishermen
 * vinyl
 * United Nations Security Council
 * Manpower Ministry
 * Criminal Procedure Code
 * Stara
 * Sameh Fahmy
 * Dar Al-Tanweer
 * Egypt-Yemen relations
 * Houthis
 * Oman
 * cigarette tax
 * Ahmed Nazif
 * license plates case
 * literacy
 * Sam Shalabi
 * Cairo Literature Festival
 * Sefsafa for Culture and Publishing
 * gas contracts
 * Lawyers Syndicate
 * Karim Hamdy
 * Cairo International Conference Center
 * Magdy Abdel Ghaffar
 * state security investigation services
 * Samah Selim
 * International Women's Day 2015
 * gender equality
 * Putin visit
 * German University in Cairo
 * Qurna
 * Yara Negm
 * neoliberalism
 * monasticism
 * Pope Shenouda III
 * Mona Baker
 * Tahiya Karioka
 * Journalists Against Torture Observatory
 * Suez Canal authority
 * Mohamed al-Guindi
 * dwarfism
 * Association for the Welfare of Dwarfs in Alexandria
 * sada al-balad
 * capital cairo
 * Business News
 * fishing
 * fisheries
 * Lake Borolos
 * Kerdasa Police Station
 * mime
 * pantomime
 * Helwan Observatory
 * Mostafa Mahmoud Astronomical Society
 * Amr Ramadan
 * Mother's Day
 * Yehia Qallash
 * shark attack
 * poaching
 * ful
 * Rasha Salti
 * Indonesia
 * Yahia Shawkat
 * future
 * past
 * Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi
 * cancer
 * Operation Decisive Storm
 * Abdel Moneim Kato
 * Arab League Summit 2015
 * Old Cairo
 * Misr International University
 * comics
 * Tok Tok
 * Sharjah
 * Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani
 * Robert Springborg
 * special needs
 * Mada Marketplace
 * artists' studios
 * Nermine El Ansari
 * For Egypt's Youth
 * Andalus Institute for Tolerance and Anti-Violence Studies
 * Ahmed Sameeh
 * Al-Haqanya Center for Rights
 * hash
 * Cairo and Giza Tobacco Merchants Association
 * Islam al-Beheiry
 * International Atomic Energy Agency
 * ship incidents
 * Sednaoui
 * Cairo Contemporary Dance School (CCDC)
 * infographs
 * Rabea operations room case
 * jewelry
 * Egyptian Media Production City
 * Revolutionary Punishment
 * Egyptian Organization for Human Rights
 * Okka
 * Ortega
 * 8%
 * Gasser Abdel Razek
 * Mohammad Shawky Hassan
 * tramadol
 * pharmacies
 * Cinema Syndicate
 * Emad Mubarak
 * rebar
 * Ola Shahba
 * e-commerce
 * social networking
 * Quesna
 * Rowayat
 * AUC Press
 * With Islam
 * Tanta police station
 * Explorers Grand Slam
 * extreme sports
 * water safety
 * urban development
 * Mounir Mourad
 * radio
 * Gramafoon
 * Tarabin
 * Ahmed Gamal Zeyada
 * Nile
 * Egyptian Secular Party
 * Flower Show
 * Orman Gardens
 * Genaina Theater
 * Ezzat Ismail Ezzat
 * Mohamed bin Nayef
 * Mohamed bin Salman
 * Carmen De Luz
 * Kerdasa massacre
 * Abbaseya Fever Hospital
 * Tanta Fever Hospital
 * Imbaba Fever Hospital
 * capital gains tax
 * Mohamed Aboutrika
 * tax havens
 * Sabbagh trial
 * art market
 * Nitaq
 * Venice Biennale
 * Faculty of Fine Arts
 * Deutsche Welle
 * Mohamed Morsi jailbreak case
 * Inas al-Degheidy
 * Mona Hala
 * Basma Wahba
 * Ten Channel
 * WhatsApp
 * World Organization for Animal Health
 * Food and Agricultural Organization
 * sculpture
 * Gamal Eid
 * human rights in focus
 * Megraya
 * Mallawi
 * Angela Merkel
 * Helwan University
 * Snowdon revelations
 * Laura Poitras
 * Citizenfour
 * culture tips
 * Ramallah
 * military companies
 * Military Production Ministry
 * art fraud
 * Abdel Hadi al-Gazzar
 * Egyptian Trade Union Federation elections
 * Salma al-Foly
 * Borg Borolos
 * Sabah Kamel
 * Zuhdi al-Shamy
 * Azza Soliman
 * Ilhamy al-Merghani
 * Orange
 * Mohamed Motgly
 * Rania Stephan
 * Dalia Abdel Hameed
 * Mahmoud Said
 * special funds
 * Defense Ministry
 * Mohamed Hamza
 * Dina Hamza
 * Sayed Belal
 * pesticides
 * women conscripts
 * Morsi death penalty
 * smoking
 * Nassim al-Raqs
 * insulting Islam
 * Mamdouh Elssibiay
 * Big Ramy
 * Mahmoud Ghozlan
 * Abdel Rahman al-Barr
 * Irrigation Ministry
 * transgender
 * lawyer strikes
 * Outa Hamre
 * Abdel Wahed al-Nabawi
 * foreign currency shortages
 * hospital conditions
 * Karnak Temple
 * Execution Battalion
 * Egypt-Africa relations
 * trade
 * free trade zone
 * Palestine Festival of Literature
 * Urban Mada
 * puppets
 * El Kousha Puppets
 * Ahmed al-Maghrabi
 * blood donation
 * Ras Gharib
 * oil spills
 * crude oil
 * Esraa al-Taweel
 * Ayman Asfour
 * Oufuqy
 * Hassan Mubarak
 * Ramadan 2015
 * Mohamed Talaat
 * Palace of the Arts
 * Ahmed Mansour
 * Saudi Cables
 * Prince Mansour bin Moqren bin Abdel Aziz
 * Manial
 * Ghalia Benali
 * iftar
 * Hussein Sherbini
 * Wael al-Sedeki
 * Mohamed Saber al-Battawy
 * Hesham Barakat assassination
 * June 30 2015
 * The Popular Arab Movement Party
 * 2015/16 budget
 * Alexandria Lighthouse
 * Ahmed Merghany
 * Doum Cultural Foundation
 * Cairo Public Library
 * Doa Hamza
 * Eskenderella
 * Spanish Embassy
 * hackers
 * DaVinci
 * 2015 International Prize for Arabic Fiction
 * Ahmed al-Madini
 * Mumar al-Safsaf
 * Madasana
 * Al-Sharq
 * Moataz Matar
 * Kareem Lotfy
 * Sarah Samy
 * Samy El-Adl
 * El-Adl Group
 * The Jewish Alley
 * attack on Italian Consulate
 * homophobia
 * stand-up comedy
 * Rumor of Love
 * konafa
 * desserts
 * Central Auditing Authority
 * Sahar al-Layaly
 * Sukkar Mor
 * studio visit
 * expenditure
 * revenue
 * Eid 2015
 * female police officers
 * Eid sermons
 * Medhat al-Adl
 * advertising
 * Sahel
 * Cairo Jazz Club
 * antiquities
 * vacation
 * classified information
 * Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership
 * Gamal Omar
 * socialist realism
 * Rod Kalby
 * Soad Hosny
 * security directorates
 * exorcism
 * Nile boats
 * Ghad al-Thawra
 * Ayman Nour
 * massacres
 * music videos
 * Maya Diab
 * civil service law
 * public sector
 * bribery
 * mega projects
 * Hossam Abdel Ghaffar
 * Maspero Triangle
 * Urban Development Ministry
 * Musicians Syndicate
 * Hany Shaker
 * Mostafa Kamel
 * New Suez Canal
 * factory fires
 * Telepoetic
 * Kamilya Jubran
 * New Suez Canal opening
 * constituency divisions law
 * Hurghada Airport
 * Hurghada
 * BW Gas
 * Walaa Hafez
 * Snapchat
 * Egyptian Commission for Rights and Freedoms
 * Al-Salam Canal
 * Hossam Moghazi
 * Egypt-Australia relations
 * Egypt-Canada relations
 * new cities
 * desert cities
 * Forbes
 * Khedive Ismail
 * Hani Sarie-Eldin
 * New Suez Canal zone
 * Egypt-Israel border
 * labor conditions
 * Essam Derbala
 * stock market
 * heat wave
 * Omar al-Bashir
 * Blue Nile State
 * Egyptian-Sudanese Integration Company
 * Egyptian swimmers
 * athletes
 * Emaar Misr
 * special economic zones
 * kidnapping of Croatian citizen
 * drug addiction
 * Narcotics Anonymous
 * Al-Faraeen
 * International Commission of Jurists
 * Rabea al-Adaweya memorial
 * CNN
 * Naval Forces
 * Japan Cairo Foundation
 * Bank of America
 * credit default swaps
 * Aqrab Prison
 * Egyptian Competition Authority
 * Oriental Weavers
 * Mohamed Farid Khamis
 * summer
 * textile industry
 * Ayman Ashmawy
 * Al-Mourabitoun
 * Hebrew
 * immorality charges
 * debauchery charges
 * Yehia al-Fakharany
 * Ali Abdullah Saleh
 * feluccas
 * tax cuts
 * millionaire's tax
 * air pollution
 * crowdfunding
 * Hani El-Masri
 * meat industry
 * popular campaigns
 * boycotts
 * Trade Ministry
 * rice exports
 * Amal Clooney
 * Eni
 * Purchasing Manager's Index
 * Fouad al-Mohandis
 * Radwan al-Kashef
 * Merryland Park
 * Heliopolis Company for Housing and Development
 * Farouk Hosny
 * drownings
 * boat incidents
 * travel alert
 * circus
 * Tarek al-Erian
 * Hany Kadry Dimian
 * Salah Helal
 * fourth-generation warfare
 * Zohr gas field
 * language
 * Arabic
 * language
 * Saudi-led coalition forces
 * Higher Education Ministry
 * Hany Khalifa
 * Egyptian Love
 * Egypt Awakening
 * Zeinab Khalifa
 * Multinational Force of Observers
 * Supreme Council of the World
 * Sara Ishaq
 * Fustat park
 * Administrative Control Authority
 * Communications and Information Technology Ministry
 * Western Desert
 * Mexico
 * Egypt-Mexico relations
 * Egyptian Front
 * For the Love of Egypt
 * Actors Syndicate
 * Haitham Radian
 * migrants
 * Mariam Malak
 * beautification projects
 * National Children's Theater
 * Nabil Sadek
 * Cairo 2050
 * Karim Ibrahim
 * Operation Martyr's Rights
 * Mohamed Ibrahim Suleiman
 * Sherif Ismail Cabinet
 * Sahar Nasr
 * Nabila Makram
 * women in government
 * Faisal
 * Khaled Zakaria al-Adly
 * Pepsi
 * meat prices
 * Balaha Lahma
 * Mada Morning Digest
 * Yahia al-Rakhawy
 * psychiatry
 * recipes
 * Marwan Younis
 * Q&As
 * sukkuk
 * islamic bonds
 * arms deals
 * 2015 parliamentary candidates
 * Eid dinners
 * family
 * No to Religious Parties
 * Hassan al-Imam
 * Mecca
 * Amr al-Mekky
 * Mostafa Massouny
 * back to school 2015
 * Kellogg
 * Mass Food Group
 * Temmy's
 * families of detainees
 * prisoners associations
 * Fatima Naoot
 * Mohamed Sherdy
 * Mohamed al-Oraby
 * Ahmed Okasha
 * poisoning
 * stampede
 * Ahmed Rady
 * Netherlands-Flemish Institute in Cairo
 * Nacelle
 * Fathy Ghanem
 * Mina
 * Beji Caid Essebsi
 * devaluation
 * Faculty of Art Education
 * Gezira Art Center
 * Egyptians in Jordan
 * Call of Egypt
 * October 6 war
 * archives
 * Arab media
 * vegetable prices
 * Islamic studies
 * CairoComix
 * Abdeen Palace
 * gas import terminal
 * Date Palm Festival
 * Stop Forced Disappearances
 * Rasha Azab
 * Khaled al-Balshy
 * military trials
 * military coups
 * Osama Heikal
 * Yemen military operations
 * New Nubia
 * Nubian rights
 * Cairobserver
 * Mahmoud Mohamed
 * Mohammed Hammad
 * Egyptian Center for Public Policy Studies
 * Mohannad Ghallab
 * Tarek Amer
 * Ayman Ramadan
 * Townhouse West
 * Kafr al-Dawwar Textile Company
 * Mahalla al-Kubra
 * flooding
 * Mohamed Elshahed
 * Suez Canal revenue
 * Otlob
 * food delivery
 * Ahmed Abdel Rahman
 * prison law
 * Sudanese refugees
 * carts
 * donkey carts
 * Reham Saeed
 * Sabaya al-Kheir
 * Creative Cities
 * regeneration
 * tattoo
 * Egyptian designers
 * Ahmed Naji
 * Alexandria floods
 * Russian plane crash
 * tax revenue
 * Said Hamed
 * Ahmed al-Saqqa
 * Alaa Waley Eddin
 * Mohamed Heneidy
 * Moody Imam
 * Sameh Seif al-Yazal
 * Magda Wassef
 * Youssef Cherif Rizkallah
 * film reviews
 * Nadine Salib
 * urban gardening
 * Cairo Climate Talks
 * agriculture policy
 * Bulaq
 * Salah Diab
 * Military Intelligence
 * nurses
 * Hossam Bahgat case
 * Montasser al-Zayyat
 * Azza al-Hennawy
 * Gamal al-Gamal
 * Ayman Moussa
 * airport security
 * FestBeat
 * Karim Shaban
 * 2015 Paris attacks
 * Sudanese migrants
 * Romany Saad
 * Egyptian Knowledge Bank
 * Sisi and parliament
 * Sisi foreign visits
 * Sisi initiatives
 * Sisi and media
 * Sisi statements
 * Luxor massacre
 * Egyptians in Greece
 * feed-in tariff law
 * energy efficiency
 * Bankwatch
 * zoos
 * Mervat Amin
 * Kamal al-Shiekh
 * Mohamed Saad
 * Hisham Issawi
 * Sisi and Copts
 * Sabbahi presidential campaign
 * Sisi as defense minister
 * Meshwar
 * electoral symbols
 * election violations
 * British Airways
 * Mounir Caanan
 * artist profiles
 * Center for Egyptian Women's Legal Assistance
 * 8th Panorama FestBeat
 * Farouk al-Oqda
 * crushes
 * school conditions
 * Bahrain
 * Arab Women Foundation
 * postgraduates
 * film funding
 * Al-Nahar TV
 * Ismail Alexandrani case
 * gymnastics
 * civil service law protests
 * public sector jobs
 * fusion
 * 2015 Parliament
 * protests for detainees
 * protest law protests
 * Elias Khoury
 * Dia Hamed
 * MedrarTV
 * fires
 * Gallery Misr
 * George Henein
 * art education
 * art history
 * Singapore
 * Barjeel Art Foundation
 * Ezz Eldin Zulfikar
 * Talaat Shabeeb
 * Ramadan 2014
 * Ahmed Shawky
 * media legislation
 * journalist assaults
 * Eish & Malh
 * Egypt in UN Security Council
 * student detentions
 * Muslim Brotherhood rule
 * Ain Shams Police Station
 * Abu Zaabal Prison
 * syndicates
 * Nile Badrawi Hospital
 * prime ministerial decrees
 * October 6 anniversary
 * Muslim Brotherhood dynamics
 * protest clashes
 * Qalyub Road case
 * Beheira floods
 * Muslim Brotherhood plots
 * Muslim Brotherhood deaths
 * Rabea al-Adaweya arrests
 * shootings
 * 6th of October City raids
 * Qubba Presidential Palace protests
 * Mena El Shazly
 * theater reviews
 * nightclubs
 * Yazan El-Zo'bi
 * public hospitals
 * health spending
 * private hospitals
 * medical drug prices
 * executions
 * university tuition fees
 * corporal punishment in schools
 * Mohamed Morsi statements
 * protester trials
 * North Cairo Criminal Court
 * Shabaan al-Shamy
 * Mohamed Mabrouk assassination
 * Hassan Samir
 * Mohamed Morsi death sentences
 * Sondos Asem
 * ultras trials
 * Anas Mohamed al-Qadi
 * National Campaign to Fight Atheism
 * Mohamed Badie death sentences
 * Muslim Brotherhood rank and file
 * Mahmoud Hassan Ramadan
 * Sidi Gaber killings
 * Abdallah Shehata
 * Abdeen Court of Urgent Matters
 * music reviews
 * teacher wages
 * universities
 * Islam Khalil
 * Cairo Court of Urgent Matters
 * corruption charges
 * Muslim Brotherhood in syndicates
 * belonging to Brotherhood charges
 * Mamdouh Shahin
 * Osama al-Gendy
 * undermining national security charges
 * Aida Seoudy
 * Mahmoud al-Rashidy
 * State Commissioners Authority
 * Hosni Mubarak statements
 * Hosni Mubarak assets
 * Egypt-Switzerland relations
 * unified sermons
 * terrorism charges
 * Heliopolis Misdemeanor Court
 * Muslim Brotherhood statements
 * Garden City restaurants
 * Alexandria restaurants
 * Mohandiseen restaurants
 * African cuisine
 * 6th of October city restaurants
 * Heliopolis restaurants
 * Indian cuisine
 * profiles
 * January 25 2016
 * sporting events
 * Beni Suef University
 * Muslim Brotherhood in student unions
 * Egyptians in Qatar
 * Muslim Brotherhood abroad
 * terrorist threats
 * GUC student union
 * AUC student union
 * Mohamed Badie trials
 * Istiqama Mosque case
 * Zagazig University student unions
 * Al-Azhar University student unions
 * Helwan University student unions
 * Cairo Misdemeanor Court
 * Mansoura University student unions
 * political parties law
 * Al-Fath Mosque case
 * Hesham Qandil trials
 * Nile Cotton Ginning Company
 * drug charges
 * Shady al-Menaei
 * terrorism rulings
 * Tarek al-Mergawy
 * Edwa Police Station case
 * Matay Police Station Case
 * Kafr al-Sheikh Misdemeanors Court
 * Shubra al-Kheima Criminal Court
 * professional syndicates law
 * Federation of Farmers Unions
 * Mohamed Abdel Gawad
 * Federation of Professional Syndicates
 * National Unified Front
 * Nobel Prize in Literature
 * Sisi cartoons
 * Alexandria Primary Court
 * Muslim Brotherhood-Salafi relations
 * Salah Soltan
 * Mohamed Abdel Razek
 * Assiut Criminal Court
 * Delta bombings
 * Sinai bombings
 * climate change negotiations
 * Muslim Brotherhood raids
 * National Security Prosecution
 * publishing charges
 * attacks on tourists
 * Shubra al-Kheima Police Station
 * Raml Misdemeanor Court
 * Attareen Misdemeanor Court
 * Sidi Gaber Misdemeanor Court
 * Egyptian rights groups statements
 * Moqattam Misdemeanors Court
 * Morsi killing protesters case
 * Damanhour Misdemeanor Court
 * Muslim Brotherhood headquarters case
 * Azbakiya Police Station
 * Mohamed Badr
 * newspaper censorship
 * Sara El Adl
 * Jasmina Metwaly
 * World Bank loan
 * 7th CVF FestBeat
 * Mark Lotfy
 * Nork Zakarian
 * television censorship
 * self-censorship
 * media raids
 * Tarek al-Taher
 * Kafein
 * Studio Meem
 * Joshua Stacher
 * media closures
 * Mahmoud Saad
 * North Cairo Military Court
 * photo essay
 * Preachers Against the Coup Coalition
 * Mohamed al-Damaty
 * Emirati Union Supreme Court
 * Dahi Khalfan
 * State Security Prosecution
 * Ahmed Spider
 * Daqahlia Security Directorate bombing
 * NGO closures
 * Ouda Suleiman Tarabin
 * prisoner exchanges
 * Benjamin Netanyahu
 * military spending
 * Mohamed Badie detention
 * inciting violence charges
 * Mohamed Youssef
 * Ahmed Abdel Zaher
 * torture charges
 * dual nationals
 * Suez Misdemeanor Court
 * Mohamed Abdel Kouddous
 * Kamal Abbas
 * Ragia Omran
 * Interior Ministry statements
 * Ismailia Misdemeanor Court
 * Salah Abdel Maqsoud
 * Amr al-Khafeef
 * Nabil Farrag
 * Suez Military Court
 * Armed Forces spokesperson statements
 * Saad al-Shater
 * worker arrests
 * Osama Yassin
 * Dmitry Peskov
 * Bulaq police station
 * Jalal Toufic
 * Mohamed Montasser
 * credit rating
 * Friday of Rage
 * war on terrorism strategy
 * Yasser Rizk
 * Basma Alsharif
 * global rankings
 * war on terrorism media
 * war on terrorism arrests
 * Sinai crackdown
 * war on terrorism deaths
 * Ibrahim Halawa
 * Shaymaa Shoukry
 * Omar El Zohairy
 * Osama al-Ghazly Harb
 * Egypt-Hungary relations
 * seminar
 * Mohieddin Ellabbad
 * fil
 * Kafr al-Sheikh Criminal Court
 * Shubra Criminal Court
 * indebted prisoners
 * Donald Trump
 * dance reviews
 * police trials
 * 2015 year enders
 * raids
 * Mohamed Hashem
 * marriage
 * two saints bombing
 * Tahya Masr news
 * Mamdouh Abdel Alim
 * Miry Hospital
 * Mada seminars
 * Hillary Clinton
 * Philip Rizk
 * youth initiatives
 * Ali Abdel Aal
 * consumer price index
 * Netflix
 * Sayeda Zeinab Criminal Court
 * Abu Bakr Khallaf
 * Electronic Media Syndicate
 * Mamdouh Shoukry
 * co-working spaces
 * presidential decrees
 * terrorist symbols law
 * Abdeen Police Station
 * Dokki Police Station
 * arts space raids
 * Asunción Molinos Gordo
 * Bassam El Baroni
 * Sama Waly
 * Ismail Fayed
 * Parliament sessions
 * Alaa Abed
 * Heliopolis Criminal Court
 * Sherine Fahmy
 * Muslim Brotherhood judges case
 * Brotherhood Without Violence
 * attempted murder charges
 * Hamas-Muslim Brotherhood relations
 * Ali Zeidan
 * Tamer Waguih
 * Taher Mokhtar case
 * Hesham Gaafar
 * Alstom
 * Egyptian Electricity Holding Company
 * Third Square protests
 * Nour Party statements
 * Ismailia Appeals Court
 * Sharif Abdel Kouddous
 * Kerdasa massacre case
 * Cabinet clashes case
 * Ashraf Shehata
 * Zagazig Prison
 * Banha University
 * harassment on campus
 * arms possession charges
 * Front de Liberation Nationale
 * Popular Campaign for the Protection of Children
 * Defense Ministry sit-in
 * Heba Morayef
 * Hatem Bagato
 * Alia Mossallam
 * Ramses Younan
 * Jan 25 5 years on
 * Linda Herrera
 * Rajmohan Gandhi
 * Nasr City Criminal Court
 * Entisar
 * Nafsana
 * Ahmed Malek
 * Ahmed Saeed
 * Egyptian Embassy in London
 * activist raids
 * Egypt Solidarity
 * Matareya Hospital
 * attacks on doctors
 * Shukri al-Mabkhout
 * German Embassy
 * Giulio Regeni
 * Italian Embassy in Cairo
 * missing person cases
 * Islam Gawish
 * Artistic Products Police Department
 * artist arrests
 * commodities exchange
 * Khaled Hanafy
 * Mada Foundation for Media Development
 * war on terrorism raids
 * Careem
 * taxi driver protests
 * Union for Land Transport Workers
 * water subsidies
 * academic freedom
 * Banha Hospital
 * Hany Abu-Assad
 * Mohamed Assaf
 * Yuval Steinetz
 * Fairouz
 * Feyrouz
 * Kholoud Saber
 * LG electronics
 * doctor strikes
 * animal stories
 * Arid
 * water pollution
 * Egyptian Student Union
 * Ashraf al-Shihy
 * Survey and Information Office
 * auto industry
 * child abuse charges
 * Abdeen Criminal Court
 * Economic Appeals Court
 * insult charges
 * Manpower Committee
 * labor law
 * trade union law
 * 66th Berlinale FestBeat
 * Tamer El Said
 * State Lawsuits Authority
 * Mohamed Sherine Fahmy
 * Darb al-Ahmar
 * Ihab Hassan
 * Africa 2016
 * economic conferences
 * Boutros Boutros-Ghali
 * Fayoum protest case
 * murder charges
 * Ahmed Mansour Karni
 * niqab
 * contempt of court charges
 * Tanta Hospital
 * East Port Said Canal
 * Sisi and youth
 * Helmy al-Namnam
 * Network of Arab Arthouse Screens
 * Medhat Maher
 * certificates of deposit
 * invasion of privacy
 * Al-Marg Misdemeanors Court
 * Amr Ali
 * Egypt-Japan relations
 * Francis Ricciardone
 * Mirhan Hussein
 * Haram Police Station
 * Sabry Anwar
 * Bulaq Dakrour
 * divorce laws
 * Preparation Committee to Unite Civil Forces
 * Ahmed Aboul Gheit
 * International Women's Day 2016
 * photojournalism
 * prostitution
 * Al-Qahera Channel
 * Adam Henein
 * desalination
 * Tawfiq al-Hakim
 * Assiut Appeals Court
 * Orascom Telecom Media and Technology
 * Zika virus
 * abortion
 * Nefertiti
 * Coptic media
 * Central Bank
 * Nation's Future Party
 * NGO foreign funding case
 * Mada Marketplace 2016
 * Egypt-Belgium relations
 * Hossam Bahgat
 * South Cairo Criminal Court
 * Zuli
 * KIK
 * Egyptian Council for Foreign Affairs
 * local governance
 * Local Development Ministry
 * Mozn Hassan
 * Cinematology
 * copyright
 * patents
 * Hala Khalil
 * Menna Shalaby
 * New Cairo Court
 * NGO arrests
 * waste
 * garbage collection
 * Nadeem Mansour
 * Egyptian Center for Combating Terrorism
 * population growth
 * EgyptAir hijacking
 * NGO raids
 * Panama Papers
 * Al-Wafd newspaper
 * Sisi and economy
 * NileSat
 * Alif
 * international rights groups statements
 * International Labor Organization
 * Cairo Congress of Arab Music
 * Civil Aviation Ministry
 * Tiran and Sanafir protests
 * weapons deals
 * forced retirement
 * VoIP
 * inciting protest charges
 * Egyptians in Saudi Arabia
 * Reuters
 * Sinai Liberation Day
 * Dot Masr
 * Egyptian Democratic Party
 * Armed Forces Land Projects Agency
 * Dignity for Journalists
 * Egyptian Consulate General in London
 * Front to Defend Egyptian Protesters
 * syndicate raids
 * Popular Resistance
 * Zahi Hawass
 * Atfal al-Shawarea
 * financial compensation
 * Eric Lang
 * literary gems
 * Mina Thabet
 * petrochemicals
 * wealth gap
 * Alexandria Shipyard Company
 * entry bans
 * illegal hunting
 * Safwat al-Sherif
 * Guardian
 * graphic novels
 * Malek Adly
 * Ismailia Criminal Court
 * Ramadan 2016
 * Mariam Naoum
 * Egypt-Greece relations
 * income inequality
 * Assiut University
 * Venice Architectural Biennale
 * Tiran and Sanafir Islands
 * fasting
 * Ramadan 2013
 * paternity cases
 * Mophradat
 * Sidy Benamar
 * blog posts
 * US Congress
 * United Kingdom
 * Liliane Daoud
 * June 30 2016
 * Ramadan ads
 * Egypt
 * Olympics
 * landmines
 * mines
 * world war ii
 * Entertainment
 * manufacturing
 * blindness
 * Disability
 * protest
 * Prayer
 * middle east
 * north africa
 * rivers
 * pillar of cloud
 * Train
 * hijab
 * muslims
 * veil
 * arab spring
 * portraiture
 * studio
 * shaabi
 * socotra
 * Southern Egypt
 * Muslim Brotherhood
 * sisters
 * Philippines
 * storm
 * Tacloban
 * tropical storm
 * typhoon
 * Typhoon Haiyan
 * Typhoon Yolanda
 * Buddhism
 * meditation
 * yoga
 * Ana El Masry
 * homeless
 * Hope Village
 * soccer
 * Society
 * Economy op-eds
 * Main Menu
 * Topics
 * Footer Topics
 * Footer
 * On June 30
 * Prison and prison writing
 * Human rights op-eds
 * Media op-eds
 * On contentious politics
 * Palestine op-eds
 * Institutional politics
 * On Jan 25
 * Negad al-Borai
 * human rights criticism
 * الأورومو
 * Ahmed Zewail
 * Rio Olympics 2016
 * أقباط
 * المنيا
 * Egypt-Ireland relations
 * parents
 * Al-Shaab
 * Pokémon
 * virtual reality
 * Mediterranean Sea
 * drinking water
 * Ramadan TV
 * weightlifting
 * Partnership Framework
 * Morsi death sentences
 * Wael Hamdy
 * Farid Eslam
 * International Criminal Court
 * Tax Authority
 * Copt-Muslim relations
 * Mohamed Diab
 * Hanager Theater
 * Nadia Mounier
 * citizen journalism
 * 2016/17 budget
 * military-civilian collaboration
 * Egypt-India relations
 * independent music
 * value-added tax
 * test tag
 * test tag parent
 * nuclear weapons
 * test2
 * test tag 3
 * contempt of religion
 * libraries
 * thanaweya amma exams
 * human rights
 * Egyptian civil society groups
 * international human rights bodies
 * human rights abuses
 * شريف حافظ
 * لؤي قهوجي
 * armed attacks
 * militant groups
 * war on terrorism
 * media
 * Mohamed Anwar al-Sadat
 * military expenditure
 * Conflict
 * TV shows, channels & presenters
 * press
 * newspapers
 * public universities
 * student unions
 * campus politics
 * Rami Adadir
 * Onsy
 * Tamer Abu Ghazaleh
 * Khyam Allami
 * Colombia
 * Cairo Now! City Incomplete
 * resignations
 * ding
 * Egypt-Algeria relations
 * Egypt-NATO relations
 * activist detentions
 * energy and fuel subsidies
 * Sherif Fathy
 * subsidies
 * cost of living
 * domestic debt
 * personal debt
 * Commercial Professions Syndicate
 * television suspensions
 * poems
 * private universities
 * aid and debt
 * Sinai
 * exams
 * primary and secondary education
 * تصوير
 * مولد العذراء
 * education
 * healthcare
 * medical professions
 * monetary policy
 * police
 * police bodies etc
 * police stations
 * food and restaurants
 * higher education
 * fashion and design
 * women athletes
 * journalism
 * violence against women
 * music interviews
 * typography
 * food shortages
 * أسعار الذهب
 * Nobel
 * fiq saleh
 * military economy
 * court round-up
 * November 11 2016
 * العلاقات المصرية الأمريكية
 * عبد الفتاح السيسي
 * If Not for that Wall
 * Ministry of International Cooperation
 * US elections
 * Ameereya Police Station
 * Public Transport Authority
 * Manar Moursi
 * Nubian protests
 * detainee deaths
 * acquisitions and mergers
 * sex workers
 * oil prices
 * lawyer detentions
 * Mohamed Ramadan
 * false news charges
 * morsi
 * St. Peter and St. Paul Church bombing
 * faslse news charges
 * Atef Hafez
 * EgyptAir flight MS804 crash
 * National Press Authority
 * Supreme Media Regulatory Council
 * National Media Council
 * National Media Authority
 * communications disruptions
 * 2016 year enders
 * Alwan wa Awtar
 * Cairo Institute for Liberal Arts and Sciences
 * disease
 * احتلوا وول ستريت
 * International
 * Hassm
 * Seoud Omar
 * January 25 2017
 * January 25 anniversaries
 * Government of National Accord
 * US
 * videos
 * teachers
 * سور الأزبكية
 * معرض القاهرة الدولي للكتاب
 * كتب أعلى مبيعًا
 * assembly law
 * Theresa May
 * كاملة أبو ذكري
 * United Nations
 * entrepeneurship
 * seasonal vegetable series
 * divorce
 * christians
 * geography
 * recipeiess
 * International Women's Day 2017
 * Internal displacement of North Sinai Copts
 * Islamist Militant attacks on Copts
 * feminist economics
 * ثورة البنات
 * detained
 * prison
 * Religious institutions
 * State and Al-Azhar
 * State and Coptic Orthodox Church
 * urban plan
 * attacks on civilians
 * Azbakiya
 * Broadcasters Union
 * Palestine Land Day
 * Diaspora stories
 * organic food
 * organic farming
 * souq
 * political prisoners
 * detainee and prisoner health
 * St. George Coptic Orthodox Church bombing
 * Palm Sunday bombings
 * independent cinema
 * Samir Farid
 * detainee and prisoner deaths
 * cultur
 * chief judicial appointments law
 * Parliamentary Affairs Ministry
 * sport
 * Cairo Cinema Days
 * women in work
 * motherhood
 * top 5 tips
 * Investment and International Cooperation Ministry
 * land allocation
 * part
 * 2018 presidential elections
 * Rabea al-Adaweya dispersal case
 * Lewaa al-Thawra
 * St. Samuel Monastery
 * NGO
 * أدب عربي
 * الإخوان المسلمون
 * التليفزيون المصري
 * الدراما
 * الرقابة
 * الرقابة على المصنفات
 * المسلسلات المصرية
 * بهاء طاهر
 * مدينة الإنتاج الإعلامي
 * مسلسلات
 * مسلسلات رمضان
 * وحيد حامد
 * 50 years of defeat
 * theorists
 * UK
 * Ramadan 2017
 * website blocks
 * social spending
 * June 30 2017
 * هشام مطر
 * كتاب العودة
 * سيرة ذاتية
 * Hend Rostom
 * Laila Mourad
 * Asmahan
 * Tarek al-Telmessany
 * civilian deaths
 * land expropriation
 * migrant deaths
 * Interior Ministry statement
 * badrashin
 * National Council to Confront Terrorism and Extremism
 * Egypt-Czech Republic relations
 * Al-Masryeen Media
 * media spotlight
 * Hamas-Muslim Brotherhod relations
 * Islamic Research Academy
 * Emmanuel Macron
 * Fayez al-Sarraj
 * medical malpractice
 * worker strikes
 * civilian tag
 * Hesham Abdel Meguid
 * due process violations
 * found in translation
 * forced displacement
 * Nubian displacement
 * forced
 * forced relocation
 * development-induced displacement
 * exhibition reviews
 * Townouse
 * Mashrabia
 * conversations about the arts
 * militant attacks
 * Neyaz
 * leisure tips
 * debt securities
 * Amr Saad
 * Hesham Ashmawy
 * Soldiers of the Caliphate
 * Wahat Road attack
 * Egypt-North Korea relations
 * RSF
 * Fatah
 * detainee and prsioner health
 * Beyond the Factory
 * Arish Cement Company
 * Rawda mosque attack
 * emergency state security court
 * siege on Gaza
 * 2017 year enders
 * Wael Abbas
 * ce
 * militants
 * Niger Embassy
 * Big Brother
 * Mohamed Malas
 * Nancy Abdel Fattah
 * 2014/15 budget
 * Abyusif
 * Ahmed Adaweya
 * Waguih Ghali
 * Balcon Lounge
 * National Elections Authority
 * UK elections
 * French elections
 * Iranian elections
 * elections elsewhere
 * contemporary art
 * اضطهاد الأقباط
 * المصريون في ليبيا
 * تفجير كنيسة المرقسية بالإسكندرية
 * تفجير كنيسة طنطا
 * تفجيرات أحد السعف
 * حقوق الأقباط
 * نزوح الأقباط
 * هجوم أتوبيس المنيا
 * coptic
 * parliamentary committees
 * African Affairs Committee
 * Arab Affairs Committee
 * Human Rights Committee
 * Education and Scientific Research Committee
 * Housing, Public Utilities and Reconstruction Committee
 * Religious Affairs Committee
 * Social Solidarity, Family and People with Disabilities Committee
 * Tourism and Civil Aviation Committee
 * Agriculture and Irrigation Committee
 * Communications and Information Technology Committee
 * Culture and Antiquities Committee
 * Defense and National Security Committee
 * Transport Committee
 * Constitutional and Legislative Affairs Committee
 * Economic Affairs Committee
 * Energy and Environment Committee
 * Foreign Affairs Committee
 * Health Committee
 * Industry Committee
 * Local Government and Public Organizations Committee
 * Planning and Budget Committee
 * Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Committee
 * Proposals and Complaints Committee
 * Youth and Sports Committee
 * music funding
 * Young Arab Theater Fund
 * Sisi 2018 presidential campaign
 * Public Utilities and Reconstruction Committee
 * January 25 2018
 * Operation Sinai 2018
 * Ahmed Konsowa
 * military prosecution
 * Afroto
 * Palestinian reconciliation talks
 * نكروما
 * local media
 * explosive devices
 * Moussa Mostafa Moussa
 * Ghad Party
 * Mada Masr blocking case
 * Alliance to Support Egypt
 * 2018/19 budget
 * International Finance Corporation
 * Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development
 * Libyan National Army
 * National Broadcasting Authority
 * Great March of Return protests
 * Ramadan 2018
 * cybercrime law
 * Madbuly Cabinet
 * Spring Sessions
 * Asmarat
 * Jared Kushner
 * basketball
 * Avant-titre
 * Children’s Cancer Hospital 57375
 * deal of the century
 * Egypt Fund
 * Sinai University
 * Arish University
 * healthcare reform
 * walter
 * Yemeni refugees
 * Islam al-Refai
 * Egyptian economy
 * lira crisis
 * lira crisis
 * DMC
 * Egyptian Media Group
 * TV shows
 * channels & presenters
 * Raseef22
 * JellyZone
 * AUC Times
 * Rachid Taha
 * Mohamed Abu Treika
 * Optional
 * Required
 * Not needed
 * Masoum Marzouk
 * Civil Democratic Movement
 * Galal Amin
 * sexual assault
 * Eagle Capital
 * Case 441/2018
 * Omar Rifai Sorour
 * researcher detentions
 * Turki al-Sheikh
 * Jamal Khashoggi
 * Gouna Film Festival
 * militant attack
 * 2017 Minya bus attack
 * 2018 Minya bus attack
 * Egyptian Exchange
 * Orascom Investment Holding
 * financial regulations
 * South Sudanese community
 * Rashad al-Bayoumi
 * archive
 * Nostalgia
 * Palestinian Authority
 * Palestine Liberation Organization
 * ath
 * Apple
 * Ramadan 2019
 * Sudan protests 2018/2019
 * panorama
 * december 2018
 * fares zaitoun
 * black and white
 * relapse
 * photo story
 * 2018 year enders
 * water crisis
 * Dead Sea
 * Photo
 * Shady Abu Zeid
 * Case 621/2018
 * blogger detentions
 * Nazlet al-Semman
 * Dubai
 * 25-30 Alliance
 * Sisi and judiciary
 * horses
 * بانورما، قنا، مصر
 * surrealism
 * Ramses Station crackdown
 * Khaled Lotfy
 * Marouan Omara
 * Johanna Domke
 * Case 1739/2018
 * Malak al-Kashif
 * Hossam Ahmed
 * Giza Zoo
 * film industry
 * moulid
 * Sisi and Al-Azhar
 * retrospective
 * Family and People with Disabilities Committee
 * Hani Shukrallah
 * North Sinai attacks on power grid
 * Cairo
 * Egypt
 * metro
 * Tamer Morsi
 * Synergy
 * Dubai
 * homes
 * rooms
 * space
 * time
 * UAE
 * prot
 * art
 * podcast
 * Katalog
 * Members
 * misrat
 * documentary photography
 * بانوراما، حج الغلابة، حمادة رسام، صوفي، مصر، مولد
 * Mashrou' Leila
 * research
 * Egyptian cinema
 * diplomacy
 * diplomatic reshuffle
 * editors' insight
 * brotherhood
 * detox
 * labor
 * Ramy Shaath
 * BDS Egypt
 * حج الغلابة
 * حمادة رسام
 * صوفي
 * مصر
 * مولد
 * بانوراما
 * بانوراما
 * hishk bishk
 * metro elmedina
 * stage
 * Arab League Council
 * stray bullets
 * literature in translation
 * In Other Words
 * rights of disabled persons
 * Mohamed Ali videos
 * book review
 * prisoners' rights
 * Lebanon protests
 * mass
 * Lebanon conversations
 * Tripoli Lebanon
 * sectar
 * 2019
 * بانوراما
 * ثورة
 * شارع
 * لبنان
 * revolt
 * Iraq protests 2019
 * amal mo
 * mahmoud
 * Mahmoud al-Sisi
 * public
 * video
 * probation detention
 * Hemedti
 * the internet
 * monopolization
 * user data
 * Mada membership program
 * Tripoli Libya
 * art exhibitions
 * graphic design
 * phone searches
 * Local councils
 * local council elections
 * Sinai bulletin
 * gender and labor
 * remand detention
 * Abdelrahman Mansour
 * political exile
 * New stories in exile
 * music events
 * Treas
 * International Women's Day
 * coro
 * experimental music
 * trains
 * ride-sharing
 * Ramadan 2020
 * TikTok
 * health
 * Daily COVID-19 roundup
 * social
 * globalization
 * Editors' Insights
 * COVID-19
 * death
 * City of the Dead
 * rabea
 * a
 * Telecom Egypt
 * Bir al-Abd
 * sexu
 * alexandr
 * feminist roundtables
 * Mada's feminist roundtables
 * Beyond the monument
 * Beyond the monument
 * Beyond the monument
 * Beyond the Monument
 * Beyond the Monuments
 * January letters
 * A Cairene Cook
 * House of Representatives
 * Public Enterprise Ministry
 * palestin
 * popul
 * Anatomy of an Incarceration
 * new tag
 * Ramadan 2021
 * Interview
 * Book
 * Palestine conversations
 * Palestine uprising 2021
 * Mada Kitchen
 * Abbas Kamel
 * farmers protest
 * harassment
 * food
 * new administrative capital
 * bur
 * Adoption
 * police brutality
 * released
 * gender reassignment
 * fossils
 * Sisi and human rights
 * International Dialogue Group
 * Joe Biden
 * human rights strategy
 * Permanent Supreme Committee for Human Rights
 * Fairmont Hotel case
 * historic Cairo
 * government IPOs
 * e-Finance
 * National Investment Bank
 * Banque Misr
 * Sudanese 2018 revolution
 * Sudanese Professionals Association
 * Abdalla Hamdok
 * Rapid Support Forces
 * Freedom and Change Coalition
 * Abdel Fattah al-Burhan
 * Sudan military takeover
 * Sudanese Armed Forces
 * Central Committee for Sudan Doctors
 * Sovereignty Council
 * Juba Peace Agreement
 * asyl
 * Mada-Hivos video letter series
 * electricity and
 * protes
 * United Nations Development Program
 * 2020 Parliament
 * Sudan anti-coup protests 2021
 * Sudan sovereign council
 * October 2021 Sudan coup
 * terrorist entities law
 * terrorism lists
 * Aguila Saleh
 * Abdul Hamid Dbaiba
 * Eastern Tobacco
 * Abu Hashima
 * Patrick George Zaki
 * detention
 * Bread politics
 * Egypt-Eritrea relations
 * Fashaga
 * Transitional Military Council
 * Sudan protests
 * Sudan protester deaths
 * June 2019 Khartoum sit-in dispersal
 * Sudan 2018 revolution
 * Khartoum
 * Atbara
 * Omdurman
 * Salah Gosh
 * Khartoum Bahri
 * Sudan National Intelligence and Security Service
 * Sudan National Congress Party
 * Sudan labor actions
 * Union of Sinai Tribes
 * Trade and Industry Ministry
 * public secto
 * Senate
 * Egypt-Ukraine relations
 * Ukraine
 * Russia-Ukraine conflict
 * Fathi Bashagha
 * COP27
 * climate funding
 * Federation of Egyptian Industries
 * Administrative Capital for Urban Development
 * Reform and Development Party
 * Abbasseya Psychiatric Hospital
 * personal status law
 * custody rights
 * opposition politicians
 * Ramadan 2022
 * Ahmed Tantawi
 * national dialogue
 * United Media Services
 * talabat
 * gig economy
 * detainee releases
 * Ayman Hadhoud
 * financial inclusion
 * informal investment
 * National Training Authority
 * Tigray war
 * Tigray People's Liberation Front
 * Abiy Ahmed
 * UAE-Ethiopia relations
 * Ethiopia peace negotiations
 * Amhara
 * Forensic Architecture
 * vaccine manufacturing
 * COVID-19 vaccines
 * Vacsera
 * Mohamed bin Zayed
 * gender-based violence
 * customary reconciliation sessions
 * accountability
 * Ahmed Samir Santawy
 * National Training Academy
 * state and
 * Libyan National Oil Company
 * Before the COP
 * August 2021 Cabinet reshuffle
 * Emigration Ministry
 * Mohamed Maiet
 * Alamein
 * New Urban Communities Authority
 * presidential amnesty committee
 * Beshay Steel
 * external debt
 * public business sector
 * state-owned company liquidations
 * Metallurgical Industries Holding Company
 * Government of National Unity
 * Muslim Brotherhood reconciliation
 * National Council for Wages
 * Agricultural Bank of Egypt
 * coastal erosian
 * The birth of a Brave New World
 * livestock
 * Iran protests 2022
 * green economy
 * crisis
 * global warming
 * mohamed aboelgheit
 * gulf

Anas Mohamed

Anas Mohamed
Elham Fakhro
Elham Fakhro is a research fellow at the Centre for Gulf Studies at the
Institute for Arab and Islamic
Elham Fakhro
Basma Mohamed

Basma Mohamed
Reham al-Saadany

Reham al-Saadany
Habiba Fouad

Habiba Fouad
Sahar El Mougy
Sahar El Mougy is an Egyptian novelist and academic.
Sahar El Mougy
Hala Kamal

Hala Kamal
Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association is a Palestinian
non-governmental, civil institution
Emma Scolding

Emma Scolding
Ahmed El-Adawy

Ahmed El-Adawy
Shams Eddin Essam

Shams Eddin Essam
Najih Dawoud

Najih Dawoud
Asmaa Gamal Elgafrie

Asmaa Gamal Elgafrie
Brad Fox
Brad Fox is a writer living in New York. His novel To Remain Nameless is out on
Rescue Press.
Brad Fox
Jennifer Peterson

Jennifer Peterson
Sumur Tsehaye

Sumur Tsehaye
Hossam Abdel Latif

Hossam Abdel Latif
Nada Judi

Nada Judi
Mohamed al-Sadat

Mohamed al-Sadat
Hussein Mohsen
Hussein Mohsen is a Lebanese researcher in artificial intelligence and genetics,
with interests at the
Hussein Mohsen
Haisam Mahgoub

Haisam Mahgoub
Nader Seif Eddin

Nader Seif Eddin
Alexey Smerdov
Russian-born artist and writer
Alexey Smerdov
Ahmed Medhat
Ahmed Medhat is a journalist and independent researcher at the Swedish Radio’s
MENA office in Cairo
Ahmed Medhat
Shams Sirry

Shams Sirry
Hazem Tharwat

Hazem Tharwat
Ehab al-Naggar

Ehab al-Naggar
Shimaa Matar

Shimaa Matar
Omar al-Faroug

Omar al-Faroug
Rim Naguib

Rim Naguib
Manal Hamzeh

Manal Hamzeh
Yasmine El Baramawy

Yasmine El Baramawy
Hilal Chouman

Hilal Chouman
Suneela Mubayi
Suneela Mubayi is a translator, independent scholar and writer of Indian
descent. She has a PhD in Arabic
Suneela Mubayi
Edwin Nasr
Edwin Nasr (they/them) is a writer and curator from Beirut, based in Amsterdam.
Their work is broadly
Edwin Nasr
Haytham El Wardany

Haytham El Wardany
Abdullah El-Haddad
Abdullah El-Haddad is the son of Essam El-Haddad, a senior adviser on foreign
affairs to former President
Abdullah El-Haddad
Ahmed Bakr

Ahmed Bakr
Bhakti Shringarpure
For bio page: Bhakti Shringarpure is a writer and academic. She is the editor of
Warscapes magazine and
Bhakti Shringarpure
Dora Gambo

Dora Gambo
سوريك بلتران

سوريك بلتران
آية أبو باشا

آية أبو باشا
Durra Gambo

Durra Gambo
Hanaa Habib

Hanaa Habib
Mounir Saidani
Mounir Saidani is a professor of sociology at the High Institute of Human
Sciences, Tunis Al-Manar University.
Mounir Saidani
Samer Mohdad
Samer Mohdad was born in 1964 in Bzebdine, Lebanon, to a father who was an
engineer and a mother who
Samer Mohdad
Salma Khalil

Salma Khalil

Bahira Amin

Bahira Amin
Aida Salem

Aida Salem

Shereen Zaky

Shereen Zaky
Navyug Gill
Navyug Gill is a historian of modern South Asia and global capitalism. His
current research explores
Navyug Gill
Nana Abuelsoud

Nana Abuelsoud
Mohammed Zaanoun

Mohammed Zaanoun
Sourik Beltrán
Sourik Beltrán is a first year internal medicine resident at Massachusetts
General Hospital. Their research
Sourik Beltrán
Amar Jamal
Amar Jamal is a writer, translator, and post-graduate student in anthropology.
Amar Jamal
Mohannad Abo Ghosh

Mohannad Abo Ghosh
Abdel Ghany Sayed

Abdel Ghany Sayed
Amany Khalifa
Amany Khalifa is the local mobilization coordinator at Grassroots Jerusalem,
which promotes Palestinian
Amany Khalifa
Mohamed Jamil
Mohamed Jamil is a writer from Gaza.
Mohamed Jamil
Abdel Baset Ayash

Abdel Baset Ayash
Ma’an Abu Taleb
Ma’an Abu Taleb is the founding editor of Ma3azef. His debut novel All the
Battles was published
Ma’an Abu Taleb
Raphael Cormack
Raphael Cormack is a writer, editor, translator and academic. He has a PhD in
Egyptian Theatre from the
Raphael Cormack
Mostafa Ahmed

Mostafa Ahmed
Mahmoud Khattab

Mahmoud Khattab
Mohamed Gowaily
Mohamed Gowaily is a professor of sociology at Tunis University
Mohamed Gowaily
أديب نعمة
مستشار التنمية ومكافحة الفقر، وملتحق بشبكة المنظمات العربية
أديب نعمة
Adib Nehme
Adib Nehme is a consultant on poverty and development and an affiliate of the
Arab NGO Network for Development.
Adib Nehme
Aaron Jakes
Aaron Jakes is assistant professor of history at The New School, where he
teaches on the modern Middle
Aaron Jakes
Hassan Khan

Hassan Khan
Ben Koerber

Ben Koerber
Mohammed El-Kurd
Mohammed El-Kurd is a writer from Jerusalem, occupied Palestine. His work has
appeared in The Nation,
Mohammed El-Kurd
A Cairene Cook

A Cairene Cook
Ahmad Shokr
Ahmad Shokr is an assistant professor of history at Swarthmore College.
Ahmad Shokr
Wendy Pearlman
Wendy Pearlman is a Professor of Political Science at Northwestern University
and author of four books,
Wendy Pearlman
Yara Ahmed

Yara Ahmed
Yasmeen Daher
Yasmeen Daher is a researcher focused on political philosophy and ethics.
Yasmeen Daher
Yassin Al Haj Saleh
Yassin Al Haj Saleh is a Syrian researcher and writer.
Yassin Al Haj Saleh
Maurice Aaek
Maurice Aaek is a Syrian writer.
Maurice Aaek
Ehsan Salah

Ehsan Salah
Nayla Mansour

Nayla Mansour
Lama Abu Odeh
Lama Abu Odeh is a Georgetown Law Professor. Her scholarship focuses on the
relationship between gender,
Lama Abu Odeh
Hind Ahmed Zaki
Hind Ahmed Zaki (PhD, University of Washington)  is an Assistant professor in
Political Science and
Hind Ahmed Zaki
S. Al Haq

S. Al Haq
Rehab Bassam

Rehab Bassam
Reem Abbas
Reem Abbas is a freelance Sudanese journalist, communications professional and
researcher. She has bylines
Reem Abbas
Omar Mustafa

Omar Mustafa
Nasr Eddin al-Tayib

Nasr Eddin al-Tayib
Turanga Leela

Turanga Leela
Talal Al-Rashoud
Talal Al-Rashoud is an assistant professor of modern Arab history at Kuwait
University. Twitter: @tsalrashoud
Talal Al-Rashoud
Forensic Architecture

Forensic Architecture
Osama Youssef

Osama Youssef
Alaa Moussa

Alaa Moussa
Hossam Abdullatif

Hossam Abdullatif
Nadine Salib

Nadine Salib
Mostafa Hosny

Mostafa Hosny
Nader Saeed

Nader Saeed
Budour Hassan
Budour Hassan is a Palestinian writer living in Jerusalem who writes about
politics, the environment,
Budour Hassan
Rashid Khalidi
Rashid Khalidi is Edward Said Professor of Modern Arab Studies at Columbia
University and author of The
Rashid Khalidi
Ahmed Rahal
Ahmed Rahal is a filmmaker from Alexandria based in Cairo with three
documentaries to his name: “Shaabi,”
Ahmed Rahal
Heba Anis

Heba Anis
Menem Sami

Menem Sami
Rosaline Elbay
Rosaline Elbay is an Egyptian actor, writer and former archaeologist. With a
background predominantly
Rosaline Elbay
Nora Younis

Nora Younis
Azza Moghazy

Azza Moghazy
Kenzie Azmi
Kenzie Azmi is a wildlife biologist and an aspiring environmental writer,
documentary filmmaker and conservationist.
Kenzie Azmi
Tareq Baconi
Tareq Baconi is president of the board of Al-Shabaka, the Palestinian Policy
Tareq Baconi
Alex Rowell

Alex Rowell
Sarah Hegazy

Sarah Hegazy
Salma Abdel Salam
Salma is a dance artist and researcher based in Cairo. She holds an MA in
Performance Studies from NYU
Salma Abdel Salam
The Anxious Daffodil

The Anxious Daffodil
Stephen Muecke

Stephen Muecke
Bruno Latour
Bruno Latour is a philosopher, anthropologist and sociologist, and is currently
an emeritus professor
Bruno Latour
Simon Marks
Simon Marks is a journalist and photographer based in East Africa. He has
reported from Burkina Faso,
Simon Marks
Ahmed Moghazy

Ahmed Moghazy
Hala Osman
Childhood spent in the eighties. In pursuit of anthropology and fiction writing.
Joyful in love and motherhood.
Hala Osman

Hala Osman

Hala Osman
Mostafa Mostafa Mohamed

Mostafa Mostafa Mohamed
Mohamed Tarek

Mohamed Tarek
Adham al-Shaer

Adham al-Shaer
Salah El Oweidy
Salah El Oweidy is an archivist at Medrar interested in psychoanalysis and video
Salah El Oweidy
Sanaa Seif

Sanaa Seif
Madeline Edwards
Madeline Edwards is a freelance journalist and translator living in Beirut
Madeline Edwards
Mohamed Swify

Mohamed Swify
Ahmadali Kadivar

Ahmadali Kadivar
Hossam al-Khouly

Hossam al-Khouly
Mirette Moenes

Mirette Moenes
Adham Zidan

Adham Zidan
Elzharaa Jadallah

Elzharaa Jadallah
Reham Ghareeb

Reham Ghareeb
Mariam Elnozahy

Mariam Elnozahy
cosmic lovers

cosmic lovers
Nada Wahba
Nada Wahba is a researcher and graduate of Anthropology from the School of
Oriental and African Studies.
Nada Wahba
Nader Andrawos and Alaa Badr
Nader Andrawos is a PhD candidate at the London School of Economics and
Political Science. He writes
Nader Andrawos and Alaa Badr
Beesan Ramadan

Beesan Ramadan
Bilal Alaa

Bilal Alaa
Nada Gamal

Nada Gamal
Basma al-Sharif

Basma al-Sharif
Jaja Junayd

Jaja Junayd
Samir al-Nimr
Social philosopher
Samir al-Nimr
Caroline Christine Benson

Caroline Christine Benson
Adel Esmat

Adel Esmat
Mohamed Tita

Mohamed Tita
Yamila Hussein Shannan

Yamila Hussein Shannan
Soheir Asaad
Soheir Asaad is a Palestinian human rights lawyer, feminist and political
Soheir Asaad
Nour Pleutin

Nour Pleutin
Amira Gabr

Amira Gabr
Mohamed Ramadan

Mohamed Ramadan
Sara Seif Eddin

Sara Seif Eddin
Ahmed Youssef

Ahmed Youssef
Nader Andrawos
Nader Andrawos is a PhD candidate at the London School of Economics and
Political Science. He writes
Nader Andrawos
Omar Sirri
Omar Sirri is a PhD Candidate in political science at the University of Toronto.
He is also currently
Omar Sirri
Renad Mansour
Renad Mansour is a research fellow at the Middle East and North Africa Programme
at Chatham House.
Renad Mansour
Sharif Zahiri

Sharif Zahiri
Mohamed al-Hag

Mohamed al-Hag
Mohamed Amin

Mohamed Amin
Yara Shahin

Yara Shahin


Tamara Abdul Hadi

Tamara Abdul Hadi
Roi Saade

Roi Saade
Egypt Defence Review

Egypt Defence Review
Hala Marshood
Hala Marshood is an activist in the Palestinian Tali’at movement and a
researcher of political
Hala Marshood
Zainab Magdy

Zainab Magdy
Ahmed Awny

Ahmed Awny
Game developer and blogger
Rana Baker
Rana Baker is a PhD student at Columbia University, Department of Middle
Eastern, South Asian, and African
Rana Baker
Mohamad Hakim

Mohamad Hakim
Matthew Chovanec
Matthew Chovanec is a PhD candidate in Arabic and Turkish literature at the
University of Texas at Austin.
Matthew Chovanec
Hafsa Halawa
Hafsa Halawa is a political analyst and development specialist working across
the MENA region and the
Hafsa Halawa
Hussam Hilali

Hussam Hilali
Sarah Rifky and Lina Attalah
Sarah Rifky is PhD candidate in art history, theory, criticism at MIT. Lina
Attalah is a journalist and
Sarah Rifky and Lina Attalah
Mostafa Abdel Raouf

Mostafa Abdel Raouf
Gian Spina

Gian Spina
Celine Lebrun-Shaath

Celine Lebrun-Shaath
Abdelrahman Iyad

Abdelrahman Iyad
Ahmed Elshebiny

Ahmed Elshebiny
Reham Gharib

Reham Gharib
Mona Selim

Mona Selim
Mohamed Adel

Mohamed Adel
Salma El Tarzi
Salma El Tarzi is a director, artist and writer.
Salma El Tarzi
Ali Hussein Al Adawy

Ali Hussein Al Adawy
Amina Hussein

Amina Hussein
Abdelrahman Huwait

Abdelrahman Huwait
Ahmed El Saaty

Ahmed El Saaty
Abdo Shanan

Abdo Shanan
Islam Zona

Islam Zona
Sulafa Zidani

Sulafa Zidani
Ahmed Abuelfadl

Ahmed Abuelfadl
Haitham Hassan

Haitham Hassan
Lamya Gargash

Lamya Gargash
Mahmoud Nasr

Mahmoud Nasr
Isra Ezzeldin

Isra Ezzeldin
Nawara Belal

Nawara Belal
Fathi Elshekh

Fathi Elshekh
Mohamed Elsehety

Mohamed Elsehety
Martin Roux

Martin Roux
Ariane Lavrilleaux

Ariane Lavrilleaux
Haisam Hassan

Haisam Hassan
Ariane Lavrilleux
Ariane Lavrilleux is a Cairo-based freelance correspondent for French-speaking
media (Le Point, Europe1,
Ariane Lavrilleux
Ala Kheir

Ala Kheir
Islam Salah al-Din

Islam Salah al-Din
Hadeer Mahmoud

Hadeer Mahmoud
Saker El Nour

Saker El Nour
Yara Sultan

Yara Sultan
Mohamed Ashraf Hassan

Mohamed Ashraf Hassan
Suliman Fadlallah

Suliman Fadlallah
Suliman Fadlallah

Suliman Fadlallah
Mirna Galal

Mirna Galal
Salih Basheer

Salih Basheer
Hakim Abdelnaeem

Hakim Abdelnaeem
Ahmed El Serougui
Ahmed El Serougui has a double B.A. in Law from Cairo University & La
Sorbonne-Paris I. Right now,
Ahmed El Serougui
Nadine Naber

Nadine Naber
Sima Diab

Sima Diab
Mohammed Amin

Mohammed Amin
Nour El-Mallah

Nour El-Mallah
Nasur al-Tayib

Nasur al-Tayib
Mohamed al-Amin

Mohamed al-Amin
Thaer Abu Aoun

Thaer Abu Aoun
Ahmed Jamal Shehadeh

Ahmed Jamal Shehadeh
Lena Naassana

Lena Naassana
Sherif Saadeddine

Sherif Saadeddine
Salah Mohsen

Salah Mohsen
Marwan Mostafa

Marwan Mostafa
Omar Elkafrawy

Omar Elkafrawy
Ali Hussein Al-Adawy

Ali Hussein Al-Adawy
Ziad Ahmed

Ziad Ahmed
Randa Mostafa

Randa Mostafa
Nesrine Malik
Nesrine Malik is a Sudanese journalist and columnist for The Guardian.
Nesrine Malik
Omaima Ismail

Omaima Ismail
Fethi Sahraoui

Fethi Sahraoui
Rasha Azab
Rasha Azab is an Egyptian journalist and writer.
Rasha Azab
Nadia Bseiso

Nadia Bseiso
Alya El Marakby

Alya El Marakby
Fares Zaitoun

Fares Zaitoun
Mohamed Saad Abdel Hafiz
Mohamed Saad Abdel Hafiz is a journalist and board member of Egypt’s Journalists
Mohamed Saad Abdel Hafiz
Ziad Bahaa Eddin
Ziad Bahaa Eddin is a lawyer, economist and politician. He was Egypt’s former
deputy prime minister,
Ziad Bahaa Eddin
Connie Burk
Since 1997, Connie Burk has been director of the Northwest Network of Bisexual,
Trans, Lesbian and
Connie Burk
Nourhan Fahmy

Nourhan Fahmy
Kenza Rady
Kenza Rady’s interests and work lies at the intersection of culture and
politics. She is fluent
Kenza Rady
Ivan Surkoš
Ivan Surkoš is the Ambassador of the European Union to Egypt.
Ivan Surkoš
Esteban Kelly
Esteban Kelly is the executive director of the United States Federation of
Worker Cooperatives and is
Esteban Kelly
Nihal el Aasar

Nihal el Aasar
Amina Kadous

Amina Kadous
Clarissa Rojas
Clarissa Rojas is Assistant Professor of Chican@/Latin@ Studies at California
State University, Long
Clarissa Rojas
Mohamed Attalla

Mohamed Attalla
Farida Hussein
Farida graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology from the American
University in Cairo. She was
Farida Hussein
Youssef al-Daly

Youssef al-Daly
Asmaa El Gaafary

Asmaa El Gaafary
Hasnaa Mohamed

Hasnaa Mohamed
Michael Akladios
Michael Akladios is a doctoral candidate at York University and holder of the
2018 Avie Bennett Dissertation
Michael Akladios
Nourhan Mostafa

Nourhan Mostafa
Mohammad Salem

Mohammad Salem
Alaa Haggag

Alaa Haggag
Ashraf Hakim

Ashraf Hakim

Maha Ellawati

Maha Ellawati
Mohammed Ali

Mohammed Ali
Subhi Hadidi
Syrian literary critic, editorialist and translator. Subhi Hadidi’s recent books
include Poetics
Subhi Hadidi
Dalia Selim

Dalia Selim
Nariman Youssef

Nariman Youssef
Angie Omar
Angie Omar is an Egyptian/American researcher and journalist. She has researched
and edited pieces on
Angie Omar
Nourhan Hesham

Nourhan Hesham
Menem Sami

Menem Sami
Mariam Kirollos

Mariam Kirollos
Ahmad Shehada

Ahmad Shehada
Mohamed Ashraf Abu Emaira

Mohamed Ashraf Abu Emaira
Asmaa Gaafar

Asmaa Gaafar
Menam Sami

Menam Sami
Reem al-Masri

Reem al-Masri
Beesan Ashraf

Beesan Ashraf
Thaier Oun

Thaier Oun
Leonardo Giansanti

Leonardo Giansanti
Hesham Abdelhameed

Hesham Abdelhameed
Hana Afifi

Hana Afifi
Nahla Awad

Nahla Awad
Ezzedine C. Fishere

Ezzedine C. Fishere
Khaled Diab
Khaled Diab is a journalist and writer. He is the author of two books: ‘Islam
for the Politically
Khaled Diab
Sherifa Moataz

Sherifa Moataz
Sherif Soliman

Sherif Soliman
Mohamed al-Aswany

Mohamed al-Aswany
Rana ElNemr

Rana ElNemr
Abdelrahman ElGendy
Abdelrahman ElGendy is a former political prisoner in Egypt who spent more than
six years behind bars,
Abdelrahman ElGendy
Hamada Zidan

Hamada Zidan
Lamia Radi

Lamia Radi
Ayah Abdelhaleem

Ayah Abdelhaleem
Osama Moussa

Osama Moussa
Ali Atef, Leila Arman, Mariam Elnozahy, Mohammad Shawky Hassan, Nada Hasan,
Omnia Sabry

Ali Atef, Leila Arman, Mariam Elnozahy, Mohammad Shawky Hassan, Nada Hasan,
Omnia Sabry
Hamza Abu Eltarabesh

Hamza Abu Eltarabesh
Maged Nader

Maged Nader
Ahmed Abu al-Fadl

Ahmed Abu al-Fadl
Basma Ghoneim

Basma Ghoneim
Salma Shamel
Salma Shamel is an artist and researcher. She works with video, print, and text.
She is a member of the
Salma Shamel
Monica Hanna

Monica Hanna
Nahed Nasr

Nahed Nasr
Maha Ellawati

Maha Ellawati
Abdel Hamid Mekawy

Abdel Hamid Mekawy
Salma Hussein

Salma Hussein
Wafaa Elsaeed

Wafaa Elsaeed
Doaa Nabhan

Doaa Nabhan
Natasha Pradhan

Natasha Pradhan
Leila Al Shami
Leila Al Shami is a British Syrian author, and a founding member
of Tahrir-ICN (a network connecting
Leila Al Shami
Nouran Maamoun

Nouran Maamoun
Will Bury

Will Bury
Selim Mohie

Selim Mohie
Lara Deeb, Maya Mikdashi and Samuli Schielke

Lara Deeb, Maya Mikdashi and Samuli Schielke
Abdulrahman Mohamed

Abdulrahman Mohamed
Adam Mostafa

Adam Mostafa
ليلى البرادعي
ليلى البرادعي: عميد مشارك لشؤون الدراسات العليا والبحوث
ليلى البرادعي
Laila El Baradei
Laila El Baradei is the associate dean for graduate studies and research for the
School of Global Affairs
Laila El Baradei
Engy Ashraf

Engy Ashraf
Ali Atef

Ali Atef
Lucia Sorbera
Lucia Sorbera is a senior lecturer in the Department of Arabic Language and
Cultures at the University
Lucia Sorbera
Farah Barqawi
Farah Barqawi is an author, translator, editor and feminist activist who is one
of the founding members
Farah Barqawi
Sara Elkamel

Sara Elkamel
Shireen al-Akkah

Shireen al-Akkah
Parastou Hassouri
Parastou Hassouri, who has been based in Cairo since September 2005, is a
consultant focusing on migration
Parastou Hassouri
Rouba Hassan
Rouba Hassan is a Paris-based independent translator, focusing on art and
humanities texts. She holds
Rouba Hassan
Solafa Sallam

Solafa Sallam
Ahmed Wael

Ahmed Wael
Michel Assaad
Michel Assaad is a management and strategy consultant with a Masters degree from
the London School of
Michel Assaad
Heba Khalil
Heba Khalil is a PhD student in Sociology at the University of Illinois
Urbana-Champaign. Her research
Heba Khalil
Giuseppe Pignatone, Rome’s chief prosecutor
Giuseppe Pignatone has been Rome’s chief prosecutor since 2012.
Giuseppe Pignatone, Rome’s chief prosecutor
Ahmed Hoza

Ahmed Hoza
Katharine Halls

Katharine Halls
Areej Gamal

Areej Gamal
Nada Nabil
Nada Nabil has a BA in Comparative Literature with specializations in Arabic
Literature and Anthropology.
Nada Nabil
Fatma Amer

Fatma Amer
AUC faculty and alum (listed below)

AUC faculty and alum (listed below)
Adam Talib

Adam Talib
Salma Hindy

Salma Hindy
Moussa Ibrahim

Moussa Ibrahim
Shaimaa Tantawi
Shaimaa Tantawy is Coordinator of the feminist initiatives program at Nazra for
Feminist Studies, a coordinator
Shaimaa Tantawi
Shora Esmailian
Journalist and author of “Iran on the Brink: Rising Workers and Threats of War,”
Shora Esmailian
Ines Marzouk

Ines Marzouk
Maye Kabil

Maye Kabil
Rania al-Abd

Rania al-Abd
Emad Fahmy

Emad Fahmy
Rana Gaber

Rana Gaber
وفاء هيكل
وفاء هيكل: صحفية حرة تهتم بحقوق الإنسان والتكنولوجيا والإعلام،
وفاء هيكل
Wafaa Heikal
Wafaa Heikal is a freelance journalist covering human rights, technology and
media, with a particular
Wafaa Heikal
Omnia Gamal Khattab

Omnia Gamal Khattab
Bekriah Saeb
Bekriah Saeb is a writer and translator who lives in Palestine and works in the
fields of language and
Bekriah Saeb
Fayrouz Kaddal

Fayrouz Kaddal
Salma Khalifa

Salma Khalifa
Martin Roux
Martin Roux is a French freelance journalist working in Egypt. He is a web and
video journalist and was
Martin Roux
Omar El Adl

Omar El Adl
Mahmoud Wakea

Mahmoud Wakea
Afrah Nasser
Afrah Nasser is a Yemeni independent reporter and blogger who reports from
Sweden on human rights violations,
Afrah Nasser
Yassin Swehat

Yassin Swehat
Hakim Abdel Naim

Hakim Abdel Naim
Muhammad El-Hajj

Muhammad El-Hajj
Bassam Mortada

Bassam Mortada
Q. Qady

Q. Qady

Nadine El-Nabli
Nadine El-Nabli is an Egyptian feminist and social justice advocate. She has an
MA in Gender & Sexuality
Nadine El-Nabli
Franco Galdini
Franco Galdini is a freelance journalist specializing in the Middle East and
Central Asia.
Franco Galdini
Peter Holslin

Peter Holslin
Nermeen Hegazi

Nermeen Hegazi
Jenna Le Bras
Jenna Le Bras is a French freelance journalist working in Egypt with a wider
focus on the Middle-East
Jenna Le Bras

Scott Long
Scott Long is an international human rights activist who has documented abuses
based on sexuality and
Scott Long
Riham Azizeldin

Riham Azizeldin
Pam Labib

Pam Labib
Mina Ibrahim
Mina Ibrahim is a PhD candidate at Justus-Liebig University, Giessen- Germany.
He is researching everyday
Mina Ibrahim
Mourad Higazy

Mourad Higazy
Jillian C. York
Jillian C. York is a writer and activist whose work examines state and corporate
censorship and its impact
Jillian C. York
Ehaab Abdou
Ehaab Abdou is pursuing his PhD in Educational Studies at McGill University,
Canada. He is primarily
Ehaab Abdou
ماتيا توالدو
ماتيا توالدو هو زميل أول لبرنامج «المجلس الأوروبي للعلاقات
ماتيا توالدو
Amr Kotb
Amr Kotb is the Advocacy Director at TIMEP. His writing and comments have
appeared in the Cairo Review
Amr Kotb
Mona Abouissa

Mona Abouissa
Mattia Toaldo
Mattia Toaldo is Senior Policy Fellow for the ECFR’s (European Council on
Foreign Relations) Middle
Mattia Toaldo
Amro Ali, Eman Abdel Reheem, Ahmed al-Fakharany, Dina Wahba and Amr Ezzat

Amro Ali, Eman Abdel Reheem, Ahmed al-Fakharany, Dina Wahba and Amr Ezzat
Ahmed Saeed

Ahmed Saeed
Hassan Elmasry
Hassan Elmasry is the co-chair of the board of directors of Human Rights Watch
and the managing partner
Hassan Elmasry
Daniel O’Connell

Daniel O’Connell
Amira Mahmoud
Amira is a sociology-anthropology MA student at the American University in
Cairo. She is constantly drawn
Amira Mahmoud
لوشيا سوربيرا، أندريا تيتي، جينارو جيرفازيو، إنريكو دي أنجيليس
لوشيا سوربيرا: مؤرخة متخصصة في التاريخ المعاصر لمصر ودراسات
لوشيا سوربيرا، أندريا تيتي، جينارو جيرفازيو، إنريكو دي أنجيليس
Lucia Sorbera, Andrea Teti, Gennaro Gervasio, Enrico De Angelis
Lucia Sorbera is a historian who specialises in Egyptian contemporary history
and Middle East Studies
Lucia Sorbera, Andrea Teti, Gennaro Gervasio, Enrico De Angelis
Donya Ezzat
Egyptian journalist
Donya Ezzat
Dina Wahba
Dina graduated from the faculty of Economics and Political Science at Cairo
University. She is a Chevening
Dina Wahba
مُصعب الشامي
مصور صحفي
مُصعب الشامي
Mosa’ab Elshamy

Mosa’ab Elshamy
Mohamad Yahia

Mohamad Yahia
Hesham Sallam

Hesham Sallam
Samuel Forey

Samuel Forey
Ellis Goldberg

Ellis Goldberg
Mohamed Elmeshad

Mohamed Elmeshad
Rana Sabbagh
Journalist Rana Sabbagh has been executive director of the pan-Arab Reporters
for Investigative Journalism (ARIJ)
Rana Sabbagh
Sherene Seikaly

Sherene Seikaly
Mohamed Elmeshad

Mohamed Elmeshad
Ahmed Douma

Ahmed Douma
Elena Chardakliyska

Elena Chardakliyska
Sherene Seikaly

Sherene Seikaly
Mostafa Mohie

Mostafa Mohie
Mostafa Mohie

Mostafa Mohie
Ahmed Douma

Ahmed Douma
Nada Riyadh

Nada Riyadh
Nada Riyadh

Nada Riyadh
Rana Sabbagh

Rana Sabbagh
Mina Thabet

Mina Thabet
Mina Thabet

Mina Thabet
Ibrahim Bassem

Ibrahim Bassem
Abdel Latif al-Tahan

Abdel Latif al-Tahan
Abdel Latif al-Tahan

Abdel Latif al-Tahan
Ibrahim Bassem

Ibrahim Bassem
Leila Arman
Leila Arman is an Egyptian writer primarily interested in cinema and the visual
Leila Arman
Simon Mabon
Simon Mabon is a lecturer in International Relations in the department of
Politics, Philosophy and Religion
Simon Mabon
Mohamed Hamdy
Mohamed Hamdy is an Egyptian journalist writing in Arabic, with a focus on
Mohamed Hamdy
Nadeen Shaker
Nadeen Shaker is associate editor at The Cairo Review of Global Affairs.
Nadeen Shaker
Mostafa Darwish
Mostafa Darwish is a freelance visual journalist based in the Middle East.
Currently in Egypt, he began
Mostafa Darwish
Yasmin Shehab
Yasmin Shehab is a digital advertiser by day, lurker at the cinema by night,
writer in the times in between.
Yasmin Shehab
Ammar M. Hassan
Ammar M. Hassan is assistant editor and a music critic at Ma3azef.com.
Ammar M. Hassan
Maha T. Khalil
Dr. Maha T. Khalil received her BSc in Biology from the American University in
Cairo in 2010 and her
Maha T. Khalil
Rose Elbay

Rose Elbay
Ahmed El Sabbagh
Mada’s financial wizard finds inspiration in the arts, especially music. Ahmed
was born in Alexandria
Ahmed El Sabbagh
Anwar Fath al-Bab
A researcher in Egyptian history and culture
Anwar Fath al-Bab
فاطمة صادغي
فاطمة صادغي هي باحثة في العلوم السياسية ودراسات الجندر.
فاطمة صادغي
Abdelrahman Gad
Abdelrahman Gad researches torture cases for the Egyptian Commission for Rights
and Freedoms.
Abdelrahman Gad
Jean-Bernard Beauregard

Jean-Bernard Beauregard
Jean-Bernard Beauregard

Jean-Bernard Beauregard
Tamara Alrifai
Tamara Alrifai is a Syrian aid worker and columnist based in Cairo.
Tamara Alrifai
Donya Ezzat

Donya Ezzat
Rasha Hilwi

Rasha Hilwi
Lucy Marx
Lucy is a British writer and editor based in Cairo, whose work spans ironic
social commentary, interviews
Lucy Marx
Fatemeh Sadeghi
Fatemeh Sadeghi is a political scientist and gender studies researcher based in
Tehran. Her English articles
Fatemeh Sadeghi
Amna Magdy

Amna Magdy
Ahmed Nada

Ahmed Nada
Tanya El Kashef
A freelance writer and photographer who alternates between life on land and at
Tanya El Kashef
Jailan Zayan
Jailan Zayan is an independent writer based in Cairo.
Jailan Zayan
Jihad Abaza

Jihad Abaza
María Gómez López
María Gómez López is an art historian specialized in contemporary art from the
MENA region and its
María Gómez López
Mariam Aboughazi

Mariam Aboughazi
Ahmed Ismail
Ahmed Ismail is an Egyptian journalist and the editor-in-chief of Walad
Ahmed Ismail
Samuel Forey

Samuel Forey
Sarah Calamand
Sarah Calamand is a French national and aspiring journalist.
Sarah Calamand
Eman Elba

Eman Elba

Omar Khalifa

Omar Khalifa
Neal Hussein

Neal Hussein
Zeinab Abul-Magd
Associate Professor of Middle Eastern history at Oberlin College, and author of
Militarizing the Nation:
Zeinab Abul-Magd
Sarah Guthu
Sarah Guthu is a visual artist and professional editor living in Seattle,
Washington. She works in multiple
Sarah Guthu
Amal Eqeiq
Amal Eqeiq is a native Palestinian, born in the city of Al-Taybeh in the
Triangle. She is Assistant
Amal Eqeiq
Mohamed Abdel Raouf

Mohamed Abdel Raouf
Ahmed Abdel Gawad

Ahmed Abdel Gawad
Mariam Ibrahim

Mariam Ibrahim
Fatma Khaled

Fatma Khaled
Menna Ekram

Menna Ekram
Azza Soliman
Azza Soliman co-founded and chairs the board of trustees for the Center for
Egyptian Women’s Legal
Azza Soliman
Mona Ezzat
Mona Ezzat is the director of the work and women’s program at the New Woman
Foundation. Several
Mona Ezzat
رندا علي
رندا علي صحفية ومصورة تعيش في القاهرة، شغوفة بالرقص والأفلام.
رندا علي
Kheloud Gomaa

Kheloud Gomaa
Ravy Shaker

Ravy Shaker
Hind Ahmed Zaki

Hind Ahmed Zaki
Ash Moniz
Ash Moniz is a multi-disciplinary artist and curator, based between Cairo and
Ash Moniz
William Kherbek
William Kherbek is the writer of the novels Ecology of Secrets and Ultralife,
published by Arcadia Missa,
William Kherbek
Heba El-Sherif
A Cairo-based writer who often wanders into the backstage of cultural events.
Heba El-Sherif
Ghadeer Ahmed
Ghadeer Ahmed is a feminist activist and researcher.
Ghadeer Ahmed
Ali Porteous

Ali Porteous
Basma Abdel Aziz

Basma Abdel Aziz
Mahmoud Sharif
Mahmoud Sharif is a law student at the University of Alexandria.
Mahmoud Sharif
Abdel Azeem Hammad

Abdel Azeem Hammad
لارا الجبالي
لارا الجبالي: صحفية تعيش في القاهرة وكاتبة تعمل في التليفزيون
لارا الجبالي
Helena Nassif

Helena Nassif
Sofian Philip Naceur
Sofian Philip Naceur is a Cairo-based freelance journalist and Egypt
correspondent for the newspaper
Sofian Philip Naceur
Adham Youssef
Adham Youssef is a Cairo-based journalist and film critic. His main interest is
Egyptian cinema, its
Adham Youssef
Sara Fakhry Ismail

Sara Fakhry Ismail
Youssef El Chazli
Youssef El Chazli is a political sociologist and a postdoctoral researcher at
the French National Center
Youssef El Chazli
Osman El Sharnoubi

Osman El Sharnoubi
Asmahan Soliman

Asmahan Soliman
Hossam Helaly

Hossam Helaly
إِدنا بونهوم
إدنا بونهوم: تعد رسالة دكتوراه حول تاريخ العلوم في جامعة
إِدنا بونهوم
Rana Mamdouh

Rana Mamdouh
Ahmed Shehab Eddin
Ahmed Shehab Eddin is a journalist, fiction writer and translator. He has
written a novel, Suleiman’s
Ahmed Shehab Eddin
Dan Jakubowski
Dan Jakubowski is an independent scholar who writes about contemporary visual
culture in Africa and the
Dan Jakubowski
Daniel Blanga Gubbay
Daniel Blanga Gubbay (1982) is a Brussels-based researcher and curator of public
programs. He is professor
Daniel Blanga Gubbay
Ana Maria Raietparvar
Ana Maria Raietparvar is an anthropologist from Universidade Federal Fluminense,
Brazil. She is co-editor
Ana Maria Raietparvar
Edna Bonhomme
Edna Bonhomme is an activist, scholar, and socialist who is based in Berlin,
Germany. She recently received
Edna Bonhomme
Ahmed Shawky Ali

Ahmed Shawky Ali
Roberto Pitea
Roberto Pitea is an economic consultant who has worked with government clients
in the Middle East on
Roberto Pitea
Adam Mestyan
Adam Mestyan is assistant professor of history at Duke University, and a
research fellow at the Institut
Adam Mestyan
Yasser Alwan

Yasser Alwan
Nadia El-Dasher
Nadia El-Dasher is a photographer, writer and yoga teacher based in
Cairo. http://nadia-eldasher.squarespace.com
Nadia El-Dasher
Ifdal Elsaket
Ifdal Elsaket is assistant director and program coordinator of Arabic Studies
and Islam at the Netherlands-Flemish
Ifdal Elsaket
Lobna Monib

Lobna Monib
Peter Fares
Peter Fares has worked in cultural management since 2017, including at
the Culture Resource (Al Mawred
Peter Fares
Rana Sabbagh
Rana Sabbagh, a career journalist, is ARIJ’s executive director. ARIJ is the
region’s leading not-for-profit
Rana Sabbagh
Leena ElDeeb
Leena ElDeeb is an independent journalist with a great passion for anthropology.
She is currently based
Leena ElDeeb
Basma Mostafa

Basma Mostafa
Ellis Goldberg
Ellis Goldberg is a professor in the political science department at the
University of Washington, with
Ellis Goldberg
Ahmed Hadid
Researcher in political sociology specializing in legal and political history.
Ahmed Hadid
شريف عثمان
شريف عثمان هو كاتب ومصرفي مصري.
شريف عثمان
Natik Awayez
Natik Awayez is a curator of international performing arts.
Natik Awayez
Karoline Kamel

Karoline Kamel
Yomna Osman

Yomna Osman
Muhammad al-Kashef
Muhammad al-Kashef is a researcher on refugee rights and migrant movements for
the Egyptian Initiative
Muhammad al-Kashef
Waad Ahmed
Waad holds a degree in economics and management from the University of London’s
International Programmes.
Waad Ahmed
Dina Sayedahmed
Dina Sayedahmed is a rising journalist based in the New York metropolitan area.
She enjoys exploring
Dina Sayedahmed
Mostafa Mohie
Mostafa Mohie is a journalist.
Mostafa Mohie
David Wood
A former corporate lawyer, David now splits his time between freelance
journalism and postgraduate study.
David Wood
Ziad Abu-Rish
Ziad Abu-Rish is Assistant Professor in the Department of History at Ohio
University. He is co-editor
Ziad Abu-Rish
Ingy Higazy
Ingy is a recent graduate of political science — yes, as one of the “post-2011”
generation — and
Ingy Higazy
Luis Eslava
Luis Eslava is senior lecturer in international law and co-director of the
Centre for Critical International
Luis Eslava
Lauren Wetmore
Lauren Wetmore is a Canadian curator and writer based in Brussels. Image: Celia
Perrin Sidarous.
Lauren Wetmore
Kamila Metwaly
Kamila Metwaly is a singer, musician and music journalist based between Cairo
and Berlin. She is former
Kamila Metwaly
Amr Abdel Rahman

Amr Abdel Rahman
Lucia Carminati
Lucia Carminati is a PhD candidate at the history department of the University
of Arizona. Her dissertation,
Lucia Carminati
Samer Mokhtar
Samer Mokhtar is a Syrian writer and journalist living in Egypt.
Samer Mokhtar
Jaida El Shimi
Jaida El Shimi studies at the High Cinema Institute. Part time baby sitter/tutor
who loves to travel
Jaida El Shimi
Nahla El Nemr

Nahla El Nemr
Ayman Ismail
Ayman Ismail is the Jameel Endowed Chair of Entrepreneurship and Assistant
Professor at AUC School of
Ayman Ismail
Chitra Sangtani
Chitra Sangtani is an artist from Glasgow currently studying, working and living
in Egypt. She is interested
Chitra Sangtani
Reem Askalan
Reem’s background is in urban history and city planning, and she developed
Rahala, the first boardgame
Reem Askalan
Alain Gresh
Alain Gresh is the director of the news media Orient XXI. He was the editor and
deputy director of Le
Alain Gresh

Sara Ahmed Abdel Aziz
A freelance journalist and writer, Sara has a BA in journalism and Egyptology
from the American University
Sara Ahmed Abdel Aziz
Mohammad Shawky Hassan
Mohammad Shawky Hassan is a filmmaker living and working in Cairo. His films
include Balaghany Ayyoha
Mohammad Shawky Hassan
Luiz Sanchez
Luiz Sanchez is a Brazilian/Dutch journalist who has previously worked in Egypt,
and tweets as @luizdaveiga
Luiz Sanchez
Wael Gamal
Wael Gamal is an Egyptian journalist, researcher and trainer with 17 years of
journalism experience.
Wael Gamal
Gamal Eid
Gamal Eid is the executive director of the Arabic Network for Human Rights
Gamal Eid
Aya Nader
Aya Nader is an independent journalist based in Egypt who has published
with Daily News Egypt, Al-Monitor and
Aya Nader
Enas El Masry
With a passion for people and their unique experiences, Enas roams near and far
in pursuit of stories
Enas El Masry
Josh Stacher
Joshua Stacher is an Associate Professor of Political Science at Kent State
University. He has been a
Josh Stacher
صامويل فوري

صامويل فوري
Zizo Abdo
Zizo Abdo is a leader in the April 6 Youth Movement. He has
been imprisoned pending investigations
Zizo Abdo
Ahmed Shafei
Ahmed Shafei is a writer and translator.
Ahmed Shafei
Ahmed Wael
Egyptian journalist and writer. Generally interested in cultural affairs in
Egypt. He’s currently
Ahmed Wael
ديفيد فورسيري

ديفيد فورسيري
براكاش لاونجاني

براكاش لاونجاني
جوناثان د.أوستري

جوناثان د.أوستري
Haitham Gabr

Haitham Gabr
Manar Moursi

Manar Moursi
Yasmine M. Ahmed
Yasmine Moataz Ahmed gained her PhD in Social Anthropology at the University of
Cambridge in 2016. She
Yasmine M. Ahmed
Ines Della Valle

Ines Della Valle
آدم يس مكيوي
آدم يس مكيوي كاتب وناقد فني، كتب وأعد العديد من البرامج
آدم يس مكيوي
Amir-Hussein Radjy
Amir-Hussein Radjy is a writer and journalist in Cairo
Amir-Hussein Radjy
Tamer El Said
Tamer El Said, born in 1972 in Cairo, where he currently lives. His first
feature film is In the
Tamer El Said
Karim El-Sahafi

Karim El-Sahafi
Nermin Nizar
Nermin Nizar is a freelance writer and translator.
Nermin Nizar
Ayah Abo-Basha
Ayah Abo-Basha is a writer, researcher, and PhD candidate in Anthropology at
Princeton University. Her
Ayah Abo-Basha

Laila Sawaf
Laila Sawaf is a researcher. 
Laila Sawaf
Magdalena Kallenberger

Magdalena Kallenberger
Shahinda Abdalla

Shahinda Abdalla
Amena Sharaf
Amena Sharaf is an environmental and climate justice researcher. The focus of
her work is studying the
Amena Sharaf
Nariman Youssef
Nariman Youssef is a writer, translator and researcher.
Nariman Youssef
Rūta Stanevičiūtė
Rūta Stanevičiūtė is a Lithuanian musicologist and the head of the Lithuanian
branch of the International
Rūta Stanevičiūtė
Ahmed Khair al-Deen

Ahmed Khair al-Deen

Aimee Dawson
Aimee Dawson is a writer, editor and researcher specializing in Middle Eastern
arts and culture. She
Aimee Dawson
Sarrah Abdelrahman
Sarrah Abdelrahman is a writer, actor and video blogger.
Sarrah Abdelrahman
Mohamed Seif El Nasr
Mohamed Seif El Nasr is an Egyptian writer with an academic background in
history and international law.
Mohamed Seif El Nasr
Rana Khazbak
Rana is a policy researcher. She holds a master’s degree in Public Policy from
Rana Khazbak
Makram Rabah
Makram Rabah is a PhD candidate at Georgetown University’s history department.
He is the author of
Makram Rabah
Schams El Ghoneimi
Advisor on foreign affairs at the European Parliament
Schams El Ghoneimi
Meredith Brand
Meredith Brand is completing her PhD in Egyptian archaeology at the University
of Toronto, is
Meredith Brand
Iman Mersal
Egyptian poet Iman Mersal is the author of five books of poetry in Arabic.
Mersal moved to Boston in
Iman Mersal
Amy Austin Holmes
Amy Austin Holmes is an Associate Professor of Sociology and Head of the
Sociology Unit at the American
Amy Austin Holmes
Edward Thomas
Edward Thomas has worked in Sudan for over 10 years as a teacher, human rights
worker, researcher and
Edward Thomas
Waleed Almusharaf
Waleed Almusharaf is a writer, translator and researcher. He received his PhD in
Politics and International
Waleed Almusharaf
Dalia Abdel Hamid
Dalia Abdel Hamid is an anthropologist. She is the Gender and Women’s Rights
Officer at the Egyptian
Dalia Abdel Hamid
Abdallah Hendawy
Abdallah Hendawy is a researcher and lecturer of global affairs at George Mason
University, Washington
Abdallah Hendawy
Ronnie Close
Ronnie Close is a writer and visual artist currently based in Cairo, Egypt. His
research work explores
Ronnie Close
Ahmed Gamal Ziada

Ahmed Gamal Ziada
Sally Zohney
Sally Zohney is an Egyptian feminist, women’s rights advocate and a
storyteller. She has a
Sally Zohney
Richard Jacquemond
French scholar and renowned translator of Arabic literature. 
Richard Jacquemond
يسري نصر الله
مخرج مصري
يسري نصر الله
Tarek Ghanem
Tarek Ghanem is a researcher and the founder of MetalingualTranslations.com, an
Arabic-English translation
Tarek Ghanem
Belal Alaa
Belal Alaa is an Egyptian journalist and blogger.
Belal Alaa
Tugrul Mende
Tugrul Mende holds an M.A in Arabic Studies. He is based in Berlin as a project
coordinator and independent
Tugrul Mende
Emad El-Din Aysha
Emad El-Din Aysha received his BA in economics and philosophy and his MA and PhD
in international studies
Emad El-Din Aysha
Basma Fathy

Basma Fathy
Randa Ali
Randa Ali is a Cairo-based journalist and photographer with a passion for film
and dance.
Randa Ali
Roman Bennoun
Roman Bennoun is an Egyptian Jewish student from the United States. He studies
Politics, Economics, and
Roman Bennoun
خالد يوسف
خالد يوسف صانع أفلام مقيم بين القاهرة وبرلين، وصاحب مدونة
خالد يوسف
Charmayne Allison
Charmayne is currently interning with Mada Masr. 
Charmayne Allison
Mahmoud Belal

Mahmoud Belal
Yara Sallam

Yara Sallam
Linda Herrera
Linda Herrera is a professor in the Department of Education Policy, Organization
& Leadership, and
Linda Herrera
Aly Galal

Aly Galal
Belal Wagdy

Belal Wagdy
Olivier Roy
Olivier Roy is a professor at the European University Institute in Florence,
Italy, where he directs
Olivier Roy
Omar Hazeq
Omar Hazeq is an acclaimed Egyptian writer and poet.  
Omar Hazeq
Ayman S. Ashour
Ayman S. Ashour is an Egyptian American entrepreneur who focuses on technology
in general and in on identification
Ayman S. Ashour
Heba Farouk Mahfouz

Heba Farouk Mahfouz
ملك حلمي

ملك حلمي
Yasmine Laveille
Yasmine Laveille is a PhD candidate in politics at the London School of
Economics, who has undertaken
Yasmine Laveille
Oscar Debs
Oscar Debs (b. Tripoli, Lebanon) is a writer, art essayist, musician and
engineer. He has worked in photography,
Oscar Debs

Ishaq Ibrahim

Ishaq Ibrahim
Hadeer El-Mahdawy

Hadeer El-Mahdawy
ميراندا بشارة
ميراندا بشارة أم مصرية لطفلين، تعمل في مجال الكتابة والترجمة
ميراندا بشارة
عمرو الورواري

عمرو الورواري
رباب المهدي
رباب المهدي أستاذ مساعد العلوم السياسية بالجامعة الأمريكية
رباب المهدي
Klara Sikorova
Klara Sikorova works as a researcher with the Prague-based non-profit Bankwatch
[bankwatch.org]. She
Klara Sikorova
Alaa Mustafa
Alaa holds a bachelor of Economics and Political Science from the American
University in Cairo. She’s
Alaa Mustafa
Heinrich Holtgreve

Heinrich Holtgreve

Nour El Safoury
Nour El Safoury is freelance writer and an aspiring cultural critic who is based
in Cairo. She has a
Nour El Safoury
Teresa Pepe
Teresa Pepe is a post-doctoral fellow in the Department of Culture Studies and
Oriental Languages at
Teresa Pepe
Sherif Hassan

Sherif Hassan
Asmaa Gamal

Asmaa Gamal
Sherif Abdel Samad
Sherif Abdel Samad holds a PhD in American Studies from the Free University of
Berlin. He wrote his dissertation
Sherif Abdel Samad

Robert Barron

Robert Barron
Mohamed Sultan
Mohamed Sultan is an economic researcher, capital markets analyst and economic
analyst for Egypt Today.
Mohamed Sultan
Jeffrey Adam Sachs
Jeffrey Sachs is a SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellow at Simon Fraser University. His
research focuses on Islam
Jeffrey Adam Sachs
Ahmed Badrawy

Ahmed Badrawy
Roger Anis

Roger Anis
Aly El Raggal
Aly El Raggal is a political activist and political sociologist.
Aly El Raggal
Ashraf Hussein
Ashraf Hussein is the director of the economic and social justice unit at the
Egyptian Initiative
Ashraf Hussein
Mahmoud Hosni

Mahmoud Hosni
Ahmed Shawky
Ahmed Shawky is an artist and writer. He is a co-director of MHWLN.
Ahmed Shawky
حسن خان
حسن خان هو فنان وموسيقي وكاتب.
حسن خان
Kareem Ibrahim

Kareem Ibrahim
Aida Seif al-Dawla

Aida Seif al-Dawla
Jonathan Guyer
Jonathan Guyer is a fellow with the Institute of Current World Affairs. He blogs
about Arabic comics
Jonathan Guyer
Mohamed Elshahed
Mohamed Elshahed is a curator, critic and architectural historian focusing on
modernism in Egypt and
Mohamed Elshahed
Omnia El Barbari

Omnia El Barbari
Yasmine Zohdi

Yasmine Zohdi
Beesan Kassab

Beesan Kassab
Mohamed A. Gawad

Mohamed A. Gawad
Raseef22 is an Arabic-language alternative journalism website.
Ester Meerman
Ester Meerman is an independent journalist who has been reporting from Egypt
since January 2011. 
Ester Meerman

Toqa Ezzidin
Toqa is a journalism student and news reporter with an interest in political and
cultural affairs.
Toqa Ezzidin
Khaled Mansour
Khaled Mansour is a writer and expert on communications, human rights,
humanitarian aid, development
Khaled Mansour
Yasmeen Mekawy

Yasmeen Mekawy
نادين حداد
نادين حداد باحثة في شئون مصر في منظمة العفو الدولية
نادين حداد
Nael El Toukhy
Nael El Toukhy is a novelist and translator from Hebrew to Arabic.
Nael El Toukhy
Shahd Essam
An economics student with a passion for writing and researching, Shahd started
her career in journalism
Shahd Essam
Reem Abulleil

Reem Abulleil
Ada Petiwala
Ada Petiwala is a pop culture enthusiast currently pursuing research at New York
Ada Petiwala
Maggie Michael

Maggie Michael
Maggie Ghobrial

Maggie Ghobrial
Eric Knecht
Eric Knecht is a journalist who has been studying and working in Egypt since
2010, when he migrated
Eric Knecht
Aram Karim

Aram Karim
Sidy Benamar
Sidy Benamar is a Moroccan-Jordanian architect, and visual artist, based in
Sidy Benamar
A North Sinai resident

A North Sinai resident
Abdelhamid Mekawy

Abdelhamid Mekawy
Ricard Gonzalez
Ricard Gonzalez is a journalist who has worked in Cairo, mainly for Spanish
newspaper EL PAIS, since
Ricard Gonzalez
Sherif Mohie Eddin

Sherif Mohie Eddin
Hussein Kamal

Hussein Kamal
Sarah Fayed

Sarah Fayed
Tate Lyverse

Tate Lyverse
Dirk Wanrooij
Dirk Wanrooij has been living in Egypt for six years. He is the author of
Oproer, een kroniek van de
Dirk Wanrooij
Walid el-Houri
Walid el-Houri is a postdoctoral fellow at the Institute for Cultural Inquiry
(ICI) Berlin. He holds
Walid el-Houri
Mosa Ibrahim

Mosa Ibrahim
Sabry Eltawil

Sabry Eltawil
Bryony Dunne

Bryony Dunne
Mahmoud MM Riad
Mahmoud MM Riad is the director of RiadArchitecture.
Mahmoud MM Riad
Adel Abdel Wahab
Adel Abdel Wahab is an independent theater director and founder of the Howar
troupe. He also works in
Adel Abdel Wahab
Mohamed Turky

Mohamed Turky
Jeremy Hodge

Jeremy Hodge
Nizar Manek

Nizar Manek
Zied Ben Romdhane

Zied Ben Romdhane
Makarios Nassar
Makarios Nassar is a blogger for France 24 and MCD “arablog.org,” as well asa
Makarios Nassar
Fatenn Mostafa Kanafani
Fatenn Mostafa is founder of ArtTalks Egypt and a researcher.
Fatenn Mostafa Kanafani
Alexandra Stock

Alexandra Stock
Sara-Duana Meyer
Sara-Duana Meyer lives and works between Germany and Cairo, and has been a
cultural producer, literary
Sara-Duana Meyer
Rob Stothard

Rob Stothard
Alyaa Abu Shahba
Alyaa is a journalist and blogger who has written for a number of different
Alyaa Abu Shahba
Mohamed Hamama

Mohamed Hamama
Salma El-Saeed
Salma is a student journalist who, after traveling and moving around
extensively, developed a penchant
Salma El-Saeed
Zuhair Al-Traifi
Twitter: @zuhair86_ Instagram: zuhair373 email: zkid1995@hotmail.com websie:
Zuhair Al-Traifi
Aida Elkashef
Aida Elkashef is a filmmaker.
Aida Elkashef
Khaled Barrage

Khaled Barrage
Gasser Abdel Razek
Gasser Abdel Razek is executive director of the Egyptian Initiative for Personal
Gasser Abdel Razek
Dalia Abdel Hameed
Dalia Abdel Hameed is the gender and women’s rights officer at the Egyptian
Initiative for
Dalia Abdel Hameed
Ilka Eickhof
Ilka Eickhof is a PhD student and researcher at the Netherlands Flemish
Institute in Cairo. 
Ilka Eickhof
Shehab Awad
Shehab Awad is a researcher and writer for the independent research initiative
Shehab Awad
Mohamed Abd al-Gawwad

Mohamed Abd al-Gawwad
Edmund Bower
Edmund Bower is a British journalist based in Cairo. His main focus is on
lifestyle and culture, but
Edmund Bower
Asmaa Naguib

Asmaa Naguib
Ibrahim Hodaiby
إبراهيم الهضيبي هو طالب دكتوراة بقسم دراسات الشرق
Ibrahim Hodaiby
Nada Arafat
Nada Arafat is a journalist at Madamasr.
Nada Arafat
Abdel-Azeem Hammad
Abdel-Azeem Hammad is a journalist and former editor-in-chief of Al-Shorouk and
Al-Ahram. He received
Abdel-Azeem Hammad
Amir Makar

Amir Makar
Ahmed Alaa Fayed
Ahmed Alaa Fayed is currently a PhD candidate at King’s College London,
University of London. His
Ahmed Alaa Fayed
Dina Salah ElDin
Dina Salah ElDin has studied and worked between Egypt, Japan, the Netherlands
and the United States.
Dina Salah ElDin
Nashwa Hussein Aly
Nashwa Hussein Aly is an Egyptian writer who was a former Political Analyst at
the US Embassy in
Nashwa Hussein Aly
Seif Abou Zaid
Seif is a social and policy entrepreneur, who focuses on education and its
relationship to governance.
Seif Abou Zaid
Sara El Adl

Sara El Adl
Hala Elkoussy
Visual artist and founder of FotoMasr photographic archive
Hala Elkoussy
Youssef Rakha

Youssef Rakha
Faisal Hamadah

Faisal Hamadah
لاورا كوجوزي

لاورا كوجوزي
Taher El Moataz Bellah
Taher El Moataz Bellah is a Petroleum Engineering graduate with a minor in
Political Science from the
Taher El Moataz Bellah
Nermeen Khafagy

Nermeen Khafagy
Hoda Elsadda
Hoda Elsadda is Professor of English and Comparative Literature at Cairo
Hoda Elsadda
Pascale Ghazaleh
Pascale Ghazaleh teaches history at the American University in Cairo.
Pascale Ghazaleh
Laila Shereen Sakr
Laila Shereen Sakr is a digital media theorist and artist known by her moniker,
VJ Um Amel, and
Laila Shereen Sakr
Ian Alan Paul
Ian Alan Paul is a transdisciplinary artist/theorist currently living between
San Francisco, Barcelona,
Ian Alan Paul
Wafa Abdel Hamid Bassiouni

Wafa Abdel Hamid Bassiouni
Leonidas Karakatsanis
Leonidas Karakatsanis holds a PhD in Ideology and Discourse Analysis from the
University of Essex. He
Leonidas Karakatsanis
Mohamed Gamal

Mohamed Gamal
Asef Bayat
Asef Bayat is the Catherine & Bruce Bastian Professor of Global and
Transnational Studies, and teaches
Asef Bayat
Sarah Ibrahim

Sarah Ibrahim
Assmaa Naguib

Assmaa Naguib
Jehan Bseiso
Jehan Bseiso is a Palestinian poet, researcher and aid-worker currently based in
Cairo. Born
Jehan Bseiso
Rowan El Shimi
Culture journalist
Rowan El Shimi
Lara El Gibaly
Lara El Gibaly is a Cairo-based journalist and writer working in television,
print, and performance.
Lara El Gibaly
Taha Belal
Taha Belal is an artist and co-founded of Nile Sunset Annex.
Taha Belal
Mahmoud Khaled

Mahmoud Khaled
Ahmad Abdalla
Ahmad Abdalla is a filmmaker.
Ahmad Abdalla
Zeina Aly

Zeina Aly
Marta Agosti

Marta Agosti
Marta Agosto

Marta Agosto
Mona Elnamoury
Mona Elnamoury, PhD, is a professor at Tanta University, English Dept, and is a
translator and writer.
Mona Elnamoury
Shady Lewis
Shady Lewis is a psychological specialist and journalist based in London.
Shady Lewis
Thomas Hughes
Thomas Hughes is the executive director of ARTICLE 19.
Thomas Hughes
Emad Mubarak
Emad Mubarak is the executive director of the Association for Freedom of Thought
and Expression.
Emad Mubarak
Hessen Hossam

Hessen Hossam
Nahla Osman

Nahla Osman
Jasmine Bose
Jasmine Bose is a freelance writer who lives in Cairo. You can find more of her
work at: mutinouswoman.blogspot.com
Jasmine Bose
Sama Waly

Sama Waly
Seif Abdel Salaam

Seif Abdel Salaam
مصطفي يوسف
مخرج و منتج مصري شاب، اخرج و انتج عدة افلاما وثائقية مثل
مصطفي يوسف
Deyaa Adel

Deyaa Adel
Ahmed Aly Hassan

Ahmed Aly Hassan
Ahmed Refaat
Ahmed Refaat is the media officer at the Contemporary Image Collective (CIC).
CIC is a contemporary
Ahmed Refaat
Dina Iskandar
Dina Iskander is a holder of Master’s degree in International Human Rights Law
from the American
Dina Iskandar
Kinda Hassan

Kinda Hassan
George Turner

George Turner
Angela Evans

Angela Evans
Silvia Mollicchi
Silvia Mollicchi lives in London, for the moment. She is a writer and co-editor
of the journal Fungiculture and
Silvia Mollicchi
Robin Moger
Robin Moger is an Arabic translator currently living in Cape Town, South Africa.
From 2001 to 2007 he
Robin Moger
Mohamed Rabie
Mohamed Rabie was born in Cairo in 1978, and he graduated from engineering
school in 2002. His novel
Mohamed Rabie

Sally Toma
Dr. Sally Toma is a psychiatrist and a cognitive behavioral therapist
specialized in the rehabilitation
Sally Toma
Reem Khorshid
Reem Khorshid is an architect and researcher. She tweets at @ReemKhorshid.
Reem Khorshid
Joel Beinin

Joel Beinin
Iman Hamam

Iman Hamam
Ayman Helmy
Ayman Helmy is a composer, lyricist, translator, cultural activist and program
officer at Al Mawred
Ayman Helmy
Elliott Colla

Elliott Colla
Omar Said

Omar Said

Shadi Zalat

Shadi Zalat
Sharif Abdel Kouddous
Sharif Abdel Kouddous is an independent journalist based in Cairo. He is
a correspondent for Democracy
Sharif Abdel Kouddous
Emil Filtenborg Mikkelsen

Emil Filtenborg Mikkelsen
Brigitte Lacombe

Brigitte Lacombe
Kareem Farid

Kareem Farid

Joanna Mikhail

Joanna Mikhail
Meir R. Walters
Meir R. Walters is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Government at
Georgetown University. From
Meir R. Walters
Susan D. Ellis
Susan D. Ellis received an MFA in painting from the Cranbrook Academy of Art.
For the past two years,
Susan D. Ellis
Moataz El Fegiery
Moataz El Fegiery is the MENA protection coordinator at  Front Line Defenders 
Moataz El Fegiery
Alia Ayman
Alia Ayman is a filmmaker, curator at Zawya and graduate student at the American
Alia Ayman
Ahmed Naji

Ahmed Naji
Charles Akl

Charles Akl
Pesha Magid
Pesha Magid is a reporter at Mada Masr. She has previously published work at
Egyptian Streets, Tunisia
Pesha Magid
Judith Evans
Judith Evans is a business reporter with Ignites Europe, a publication of the FT
Group. She previously
Judith Evans
Dina El Husseiny
Dina El Husseiny is a lawyer who occasionally does translation.
Dina El Husseiny
MF Kalfat
Translator, editor and writer. mfkalfat.wordpress.com
MF Kalfat
Rania Tarek

Rania Tarek
Nermin Sarhan

Nermin Sarhan
Hadil Ghoneim
Hadil Ghomeim is an Egyptian writer currently residing in the United States. Her
most recent book is
Hadil Ghoneim
Hanaa Safwat

Hanaa Safwat
Al-Sharif Nassef
Al-Sharif Nassef advocates for democratic development, civic engagement and
legal reform in Egypt. He
Al-Sharif Nassef
Charlotte El Shabrawy
Charlotte El Shabrawy lives in Egypt and has a PhD in comparative literature.
Charlotte El Shabrawy
Benedict Evans
Benedict Evans is a young English portrait photographer based in New York City
whose work has been featured
Benedict Evans
Youssef Sallam
Youssef Sallam enjoys long walks on the beach and cliches. He enjoys writing,
and is also immensely anxious
Youssef Sallam
Shady Zalat

Shady Zalat
Ahmed Ezzat
Ahmed Ezzat is a human rights lawyer.
Ahmed Ezzat
Adham Selim
Adham Selim is an architect and a researcher at the Städelschule, Frankfurt.
He’s currently based
Adham Selim
Hani Sami
Hani Sami was born in Cairo in 1982. He studied theater at the American
University in Cairo and filmmaking
Hani Sami
Rami Abadir
Rami Abadir is a musician and writer.
Rami Abadir
Yasmine Hassan
Yasmine is an intern at Mada Masr. She is a sophomore student at AUC, double
majoring in Multimedia
Yasmine Hassan
Sohier Amin

Sohier Amin
Marie-Jeanne Berger

Marie-Jeanne Berger
Ola Salem

Ola Salem
Sohair Riad
Sohair Riad is the UN advocacy representative at the Cairo Institute for Human
Rights Studies (CIHRS).
Sohair Riad
Ebrahim Elmoly
ُEbrahim Elmoly, is 21 yers old and was born in Alexandria, Egypt. Currently he
is studying at the
Ebrahim Elmoly
Amr Adly
Amr Adly is a postdoctoral fellow at the Center on Democracy, Development, and
the Rule of Law at Stanford
Amr Adly
Hania Sobhy
Hania Sobhy is a postdoctoral scholar at the Orient Institute-Beirut. She
completed her PhD in the School
Hania Sobhy
Malak Helmy
Malak Helmy is a visual artist based in Cairo.
Malak Helmy
Ahdaf Soueif

Ahdaf Soueif
Khalil al-Anani
Dr. Khalil al-Anani is a leading academic expert on Islamist movements, Egyptian
politics, and democratization
Khalil al-Anani
Amr Magdi
Amr Magdi is a Middle East researcher at Human Rights Watch.  
Amr Magdi
Rothna Begum
Rothna Begum is the women’s rights researcher covering the Middle East and North
Africa for Human Rights
Rothna Begum
Khaled Elbarky
Khaled El-Barky, freelance photographer interested in documentary photography
especially in what comes
Khaled Elbarky
Hicham Rahma

Hicham Rahma
Bahaa Ezzelarab
Bahaa Ezzelarab is a legal adviser at the Egyptian Initiative for Personal
Rights’ North African
Bahaa Ezzelarab
Radwa El Barouni

Radwa El Barouni
Mahienour al-Massry
Alexandrian activist and lawyer.
Mahienour al-Massry
Amr Khalifa
Amr Khalifa is an Egypt commentator, previously a freelance journalist.
Amr Khalifa
Ramy Raoof
Ramy is a digital rights and security researcher. He works with human rights
organizations and initiatives,
Ramy Raoof
Maddison Sawle

Maddison Sawle
Karim Malak
Karim Malak is co-founder of Sinai Reef, a community based environmental NGO in
Sharm El-Sheikh. He is
Karim Malak
Alexia Underwood
Alexia Underwood is a freelance journalist, writer and translator based in
Cairo. She holds Masters
Alexia Underwood
Christopher Reeve

Christopher Reeve
Amira Elmasry
Amira Elmasry is a freelance researcher and translator.
Amira Elmasry
Heba Wanis
Heba Wanis studied pharmacy and public health, and is currently responsible for
the medicine dossier
Heba Wanis
Taher Mokhtar, Diana Eltahawy, Reda Marie, Hani Mostafa
  Dr. Taher Mokhtar is a member of Tahrir Doctors, the Refugees Solidarity
Movement, and the Front
Taher Mokhtar, Diana Eltahawy, Reda Marie, Hani Mostafa
Hani Mostafa
  Dr. Hani Mostafa is a psychiatrist with the Nadeem Center for the
Rehabilitation of Victims of
Hani Mostafa
Reda Marie
  Reda Marie is a lawyer in the criminal justice unit at the Egyptian Initiative
for Personal Rights
Reda Marie
Diana Eltahawy
  Diana Eltahawy is Criminal Justice Unit Director at the Egyptian Initiative
for Personal Rights
Diana Eltahawy
Taher Mokhtar
  Dr. Taher Mokhtar is a member of Tahrir Doctors, the Refugee Solidarity
Movement, and the Front
Taher Mokhtar
فادي جورج
مهندس وناشط سياسي
فادي جورج
Ammar Nouh
  Ammar Nouh is an Egyptian engineer and political activist.
Ammar Nouh
Nida Ghouse

Nida Ghouse
Fouad Halbouni
  Fouad Halbouni is a PhD candidate at Johns Hopkins University anthropology
Fouad Halbouni
Nour Youssef

Nour Youssef
Nour Bakr
Nour Bakr is a freelance commentator on Middle East politics. You can follow him
on twitter at nour_bakr.
Nour Bakr
Christina Rizk

Christina Rizk
Sara Khorshid
Sara Khorshid is a journalist. She wrote for international and local
publications, including The Guardian,
Sara Khorshid
Lina Attalah

Lina Attalah
Omar Ryad
Omar Ryad holds a B.A. in Law from Zagazig University. He has been working in
journalism since 2003 in
Omar Ryad
Ziad Hassan
Ziad studied Mass Communication in Modern Science and Arts University and
dropped out, and has worked
Ziad Hassan
سامح قاسم
سامح قاسم محرر القسم الثقافي بموقع البوابة الاخباري، وعمل
سامح قاسم
Amani Massoud
Amani Massoud is the human rights education director at the Egyptian Initiative
for Personal Rights.
Amani Massoud
Medrar.TV is a non-profit, online contemporary Arab arts channel that documents
experimental visual
Sabry Khaled
Sabry Khaled is a Cairo-based independent photojournalist, Co-Founder and
project manager of Shouf photographers
Sabry Khaled
Louis Henderson
Louis Henderson is British filmmaker currently residing in Paris. His films
include “Logical Revolts”
Louis Henderson
Motaz Atalla
Motaz Atalla is a writer, facilitator and education researcher currently based
in Oakland,
Motaz Atalla
Hanan Elbadawi

Hanan Elbadawi
Mohamed Gad
Mohamed Gad is a journalist, specializing in economic reporting at Al-Shorouk
newspaper. He also contributes
Mohamed Gad
Jake Marsico
Jakob Marsico lives and works in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. His work explores
alternative, interactive
Jake Marsico
Hani Atalla
Hani Atalla is an independent researcher. 
Hani Atalla
Does Vandousselaere
Does Vandousselaere is a Cairo-based freelance journalist and city planner who
focuses on speculation,
Does Vandousselaere
Mohamad Adam

Mohamad Adam
Wael Eskandar
Wael Eskandar is an independent journalist and blogger based in Cairo. He is a
frequent commentator
Wael Eskandar
Doa Aly

Doa Aly
Reem Labib
  Reem Labib is a researcher at the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights,
examining and working
Reem Labib
Mika Minio-Paluello
  Mika Minio-Paluello is a Cairo-based writer and campaigner focusing on energy,
environmental and
Mika Minio-Paluello
Mireille El Magrissy
Mireille is a freelance photographer. She graduated from University of bristol
law school in 2012 and
Mireille El Magrissy
Wael Hamdy

Wael Hamdy
Mostafa Hussein
Mostafa Hussein is a psychiatrist working in a humanitarian NGO. He has
worked previously in rehabilitation
Mostafa Hussein
وائـــل حمـــدي

وائـــل حمـــدي
Osama Diab
Osama Diab is a freelance journalist and anti-corruption and transparency
researcher at the Egyptian
Osama Diab
Abdel-Rahman Hussein
  Abdel-Rahman Hussein is a journalist and co-founder of Dandin.me    
Abdel-Rahman Hussein
Yahia Shawkat
Yahia Shawkat is co-founder of 10 Tooba | Applied Research on the Built
Environment where
Yahia Shawkat
محمد حنفي الكاشف
باحث في المبادرة المصرية للحقوق الشخصية.  
محمد حنفي الكاشف
Tara Vishwanath
Tara Vishwanath is a Lead Economist in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA)
Region’s Poverty
Tara Vishwanath
Shanta Devarajan
Shantayanan Devarajan is the Chief Economist of the World Bank’s Middle East and
North Africa
Shanta Devarajan
Ania Szremski

Ania Szremski
رضا مرعي
محامي ببرنامج العدالة الجنائية بالمبادرة المصرية للحقوق
رضا مرعي
Aly Hazzaa

Aly Hazzaa
Peter Snowdon
Peter Snowdon is a filmmaker and PhD candidate at MAD Faculty (PXL/UHasselt),
Belgium. His
Peter Snowdon
Hossam Bahgat
Hossam Bahgat is an investigative reporter at Mada Masr. From 2002 to 2013, he
was the founding
Hossam Bahgat
Peter Schwartzstein
Peter Schwartzstein is a British-American freelance journalist. He is currently
writing about Middle
Peter Schwartzstein
Ian Douglas
Ian Douglas is an independent political writer who has taught politics at
universities in the US, UK,
Ian Douglas
Dina Makram Ebeid

Dina Makram Ebeid
Islam Abu Ghazala
Islam Abu Ghazala is a 24-year-old graduate student, arrested on October 6, 2013
in Dokki during mass
Islam Abu Ghazala
William Hague
William Hague is British Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth
William Hague
Ismail Fayed
Ismail Fayed is an independent writer and researcher, based in Cairo. He has
been writing on
Ismail Fayed
Hoda Mahmoud
Hoda Mahmoud is the wife of detained activist Khaled al-Sayed.
Hoda Mahmoud
Mark LeVine
Mark LeVine is a professor of modern Middle Eastern history at UC Irvine and
distinguished visiting
Mark LeVine
Isabel Esterman
Isabel Esterman holds Master’s degrees in Journalism and Asian Studies from the
University of California,
Isabel Esterman
Gamal Hanno
Gamal Hanno is a freelance translator/interpreter. 
Gamal Hanno
Karim Medhat Ennarah
Karim Medhat Ennarah is a researcher at the Egyptian Initiative for Personal
Karim Medhat Ennarah
Elena Chardakliyska
Elena Chardakliyska is the assistant director of a cooperation project between
Dar al Kutub and
Elena Chardakliyska
Mehran Hamrahi

Mehran Hamrahi
Mohamed Ezz
Mohamed Ezz, an Egyptian photographer and engineer, born in Cairo, Egypt where
he currently works. He
Mohamed Ezz
Laura Bird
Laura has been working with Mada Masr since December 2013. She edits the opinion
section and occasionally
Laura Bird
Habiba Effat
Habiba Effat is a copy editor and occasional writer with Mada Masr.
Habiba Effat
Sarah El Sirgany

Sarah El Sirgany
Kuba Gogolewski
Kuba Gogolewski is coordinating campaigns in the MENA region for CEE Bankwatch
Network. Bankwatch is
Kuba Gogolewski
Islam Barakat

Islam Barakat
Philip Rizk
  Philip Rizk is a film-maker based in Cairo, Egypt, and a member of the
Mosireen video collective.
Philip Rizk
Mohammed Abdallah

Mohammed Abdallah
H.A. Hellyer
Dr H.A. Hellyer researches the interchange between politics, international
studies and religion, within
H.A. Hellyer
Ahmad Douma

Ahmad Douma
Sarah Rifky
Sarah Rifky is a curator and writer based in Cairo, Egypt. She is co-founder of
the art initiative Beirut. 
Sarah Rifky
Passant Rabie

Passant Rabie
Moritz Mihatsch
  Moritz Mihatsch is a political historian and advocate for open access to
information. He
Moritz Mihatsch
Maxa Zoller
Maxa Zoller loves watching, analyzing and teaching experimental film. After 13
years living
Maxa Zoller
Ahmed Zaki Osman
Ahmed Zaki Osman is a journalist and translator. 
Ahmed Zaki Osman
Sarah Sabry
Sarah Sabry is an independent researcher. Her research has mostly focused on
urban poverty, informal
Sarah Sabry
Ahmed Waheed
Ahmed Waheed is a conservationist and photographer based in Arish, in the Sinai.
He is also behind the
Ahmed Waheed
Sultan al-Qassemi
Sultan al-Qassemi is a commentator on Arab affairs based in the United Arab
Sultan al-Qassemi
Isabel Bottoms
Isabel Bottoms works on environmental justice in Egypt. She is the coordinator
of a project researching
Isabel Bottoms
Mohamed Abdelmaguid

Mohamed Abdelmaguid
Basma El Husseiny
Basma El Husseiny is the director of Culture Resource (Al-Mawred Al-Thaqafy).
She has been working in
Basma El Husseiny
Alia Mossallam
  Alia Mossallam has two passions. One is working with children using colors,
and the other is listening
Alia Mossallam
Belal Fadl
Belal Fadl is an Egyptian writer and scenarist. 
Belal Fadl
Radwa Elsaman
Radwa Elsaman is a lawyer and lecturer in commercial law at Cairo University’s
Faculty of Law.
Radwa Elsaman
Adel Ramadan
Adel Ramadan is a lawyer at the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights
Adel Ramadan
Fatma Emam Sakory
Fatma Emam Sakory is a freelance researcher and translator. She was a member of
the consultative
Fatma Emam Sakory
Mohamed Shabaan

Mohamed Shabaan
Mostafa Hashish
Mostafa Hashish is a writer and translator and holds an MA in Teaching Arabic as
a Foreign Language.
Mostafa Hashish
Farida Makar
    Farida Makar has an MSc in Modern Middle Eastern Studies from the University
of Oxford.
Farida Makar
Andrew Youngson

Andrew Youngson
John Perkins

John Perkins
Fernando Moleres

Fernando Moleres
Jana Alnaqeeb

Jana Alnaqeeb
Toufic Beyhum

Toufic Beyhum
Hamada Elrasam
Hamada is always ready to take up any challenge in a work place or any other
environment. His journey
Hamada Elrasam
Ahmed Deeb
Ahmed Deeb is a Palestinian based in Gaza strip. He studied radio and television
at Al-Aqsa University
Ahmed Deeb
Kismet Elsayed

Kismet Elsayed
Magali Corouge

Magali Corouge
Claudius Schulze
Claudius Schulze has travelled and worked in almost fifty countries,
concentrating on extended photographic
Claudius Schulze
John Francis Peters

John Francis Peters
Xenia Nikolskaya

Xenia Nikolskaya
Amira Mortada

Amira Mortada
Alex Potter

Alex Potter
Omnia Arfin
Omnia Arfin (b. 1984) was born in Egypt, grew up in Saudi Arabia, and then
emigrated to Canada—a life
Omnia Arfin
Françoise Beauguion

Françoise Beauguion
Randa Shaath

Randa Shaath
Diana Markosian

Diana Markosian
Tanya Habjouqa

Tanya Habjouqa
Loulou d’Aki
Loulou d’Aki is an independent photographer based in the Middle East. She is
originally from Sweden,
Loulou d’Aki
Mohamed Ali eddin
freelance photojournalist who interests in human rights and workers’ issues.
Most of his photo stories
Mohamed Ali eddin
Virginie Nguyen

Virginie Nguyen
Alaa Elkamhawi

Alaa Elkamhawi
Maysara Abdulhaq

Maysara Abdulhaq
Marwa Seoudi

Marwa Seoudi
Amro Ali
Amro Ali is an assistant professor in sociology at the American University in
Cairo. He received his
Amro Ali
Alfred Raouf
Alfred Raouf is a political activist and engineer. He is a co-founder of the
political movement Almasry
Alfred Raouf
Akram Ismail
A leftist activist.
Akram Ismail
Elham Eidarous
A Leftist activist.
Elham Eidarous
Heba Khamis

Heba Khamis
Yasmin El-Rifae
Yasmin El-Rifae joined Mada Masr’s editorial team in 2019, where she focuses on
gender, among other
Yasmin El-Rifae
Ashraf Khalil
Ashraf Khalil has written on the Middle East for Time magazine, the Wall Street
Journal, Los Angeles
Ashraf Khalil
Hala N. Barakat
  Hala N. Barakat has a PhD in Paleoecology from the University of Aix-Marseille
III, France. She
Hala N. Barakat
Dina Yehia
Dina Yehia is a graduate student at University of Chicago’s Islamic studies
Dina Yehia
Dina el-Khawaga
Dina el-Khawaga is a professor in the Cairo University Faculty of Economics and
Political Science and
Dina el-Khawaga
Amr Ezzat
Amr Ezzat is a columnist for Al-Masry Al-Youm and a human rights activist.
Amr Ezzat
Mia Jankowicz
Mia Jankowicz is a freelance writer and curator. She was artistic director of
downtown Cairo’s Contemporary
Mia Jankowicz
Céline Lebrun
Céline Lebrun holds a master’s degree in political science at Paris 8
University. She is the co-author
Céline Lebrun
Reem Saad
Reem Saad is an assistant professor of social anthropology at the American
University of Cairo.
Reem Saad
Mohamed Naeem
Mohamed Naeem is an independent writer and researcher.
Mohamed Naeem
Nadia Ahmed

Nadia Ahmed
Lindsey Parietti
Lindsey is a founder and the multimedia editor of Mada Masr and a former Reuters
video producer. She
Lindsey Parietti
Leyla Doss

Leyla Doss
Sawsan Gad
Sawsan Gad is co-founder and general coordinator of the Egypt Parallel
Constitution taskforce. She
Sawsan Gad
Gabriele Del Grande
  Gabriele Del Grande is an Italian journalist and writer. In 2006, he founded
the blog Fortress
Gabriele Del Grande
Shehab Fakhry Ismail
  Shehab Fakhry Ismail is a doctoral candidate in history at Columbia
University. His other
Shehab Fakhry Ismail
Victoria Hazou

Victoria Hazou
Ursula Lindsey
Ursula Lindsey has lived in Cairo since 2002. She writes for The Chronicle of
Higher Education, the New
Ursula Lindsey
Natalie Eiselstein

Natalie Eiselstein
Sherif Azer
Sherif Azer is an Egyptian human rights activist/defender. He is the Middle
East and North
Sherif Azer
Ziad A. Akl
Ziad A. Akl is a writer and a political sociologist. He is a senior researcher
at the Ahram Center for
Ziad A. Akl
Adam Makary
Adam Makary is an Egyptian-American writer and producer who’s lived in the
Middle East for more
Adam Makary
Patricia Kubala
Patricia Kubala is a Ph.D. student at the University of California, Berkeley.
Patricia Kubala
Alaa Abd El Fattah
Alaa Abd El-Fattah is webmaster of Panorama, but is better known as an Egyptian
blogger, software developer,
Alaa Abd El Fattah
Vijay Prashad
Vijay Prashad is a columnist for Frontline (where he can be read every two
weeks), for al-Araby al-Jadeed
Vijay Prashad
Jared Malsin

Jared Malsin
Mohamed Gabr
Mohamed Gabr is an Egyptian lawyer and partner at Matouk Bassiouny, a law firm
affiliated with DLA Piper.
Mohamed Gabr
Nadine Marroushi
Nadine is a British Palestinian journalist that has been living and working in
Egypt since July 2011.
Nadine Marroushi
Rasha Abdulla
  Rasha Abdulla is associate professor and former chair of the Department of
Journalism and Mass
Rasha Abdulla
Miriam Berger

Miriam Berger
Khalid Abdalla
 Khalid Abdalla is an actor and filmmaker, and a founding member of the Mosireen
Khalid Abdalla
Asmaa Abdallah

Asmaa Abdallah
Sherief Gaber
Sherief Gaber is a member of the Mosireen independent media collective and a
researcher focusing on housing
Sherief Gaber
Jack Shenker
Jack Shenker is a writer based in London and Cairo, whose reporting has spanned
the globe. Formerly Egypt
Jack Shenker
Paul Sedra
Paul Sedra is an associate professor of history at Simon Fraser University in
British Columbia, Canada.
Paul Sedra
Tom Rollins
Tom Rollins is a Cairo-based freelance journalist.
Tom Rollins
Noha Roushdy
Noha Roushdy is an anthropologist who has worked at Nazra for Feminist Studies. 
Noha Roushdy
Ashraf El-Sherif
Ashraf El-Sherif teaches Political Science at the American University in Cairo.
Ashraf El-Sherif
Mohamed I. Fahmy Menza
Mohamed I. Fahmy Menza earned his PhD in Arab & Islamic Studies at Exeter
University in the United
Mohamed I. Fahmy Menza
Jake Meth

Jake Meth
Michael Meyer-Resende
Michael Meyer-Resende is the Executive Director of Democracy Reporting
International, a Berlin-based
Michael Meyer-Resende
Stefanie Heerwig

Stefanie Heerwig
Omar Robert Hamilton
Omar Robert Hamilton is a filmmaker and writer. He co-founded the Palestine
Festival of Literature and the Mosireen media
Omar Robert Hamilton
Laura Cugusi

Laura Cugusi
Adel Iskandar
Adel Iskandar is is a scholar of Arab studies at Georgetown University whose
research focuses on
Adel Iskandar
Mohamed Meshad

Mohamed Meshad
Timothy E. Kaldas
Timothy Kaldas is a photographer and writer based in Cairo. He is a non-resident
fellow at the Tahrir
Timothy E. Kaldas
Elisabeth Jaquette

Elisabeth Jaquette
Sherif Elsayed
Sherif Elsayed-Ali is deputy director of global thematic issues at Amnesty
Sherif Elsayed
Sharif S Elmusa

Sharif S Elmusa
Khaled Shaalan
    Khaled Shaalan is a political science doctoral student at the School of
Khaled Shaalan
Khaled Fahmy
Khaled Fahmy is a professor of history and chair of the American University in
Cairo’s Department
Khaled Fahmy
Hesham Sallam

Hesham Sallam
Tamer Waguih
  Tamer Wageeh is the director of the Economic and Social Justice Unit at the
Egyptian Initiative
Tamer Waguih
Dina Hussein

Dina Hussein
Sherif Zaazaa
Sherif  is a jack-of-all-trades. During any given week, his energies oscillate
wildly between independent
Sherif Zaazaa
Noha El Hennawy
Noha El Hennawy has been a journalist for the last 11 years, writing about a
variety of issues for different
Noha El Hennawy
Jano Charbel
Jano has been a journalist for the last eight years. He took to journalism his
passion for labor
Jano Charbel
Ola Galal
Ola Galal is a Cairo-based freelance journalist and a graduate student of
Ola Galal
Dominic Mealy
Dominic is a freelance journalist and blogger.
Dominic Mealy
Gabriel Luis Manga
Gabi is a social entrepreneurship consultant and a connoisseur of the small
details of living
Gabriel Luis Manga
Omar Halawa
Omar Halawa graduated in journalism from Cairo’s MSA University in 2010. He
worked at Egypt Independent
Omar Halawa
Sarah Carr
Sarah Carr is a former journalist who now runs a small gym and wrangles various
pets in Cairo, Egypt.
Sarah Carr
Amira Salah-Ahmed
Leave it to Amira to poeticize a stock market crash or an inflation hike. Her
creative writing skills
Amira Salah-Ahmed
Noha Moustafa
Noha wishes everyone can see business and economics through her eyes and develop
a curiosity in understanding
Noha Moustafa
Nevine El-Shabrawy
Nevine is the creative brains behind the Life & Society section. A mother of two
and a hardcore feminist,
Nevine El-Shabrawy
Mai Elwakil
If you belong to the Cairo hipster scene, you’ve probably caught a glimpse of a
bob of curly, black
Mai Elwakil
Ali Abdel Mohsen
Ali travels between journalism and arts and claims that one informs the other
for him. He often writes
Ali Abdel Mohsen
Mai Shams El-Din
Mai graduated from the American University in Cairo with a degree in journalism.
She worked mostly for
Mai Shams El-Din
Jahd Khalil
Jahd is a Cairo-based journalist who has contributed to the Los Angeles Times,
Al-Monitor, Deustche
Jahd Khalil
Mohamad Salama Adam
Adam describes himself as a failed physicist and day laborer journalist. He
spent his formative years
Mohamad Salama Adam
Dalia Rabie
Dalia has a pragmatic perspective on things and has a way of telling it just
like it is. This informs
Dalia Rabie
Andeel was born in Kafr al-Sheikh in 1986. His uncle told him that his paternal
grandfather was a filmmaker
Maha ElNabawi
After graduating from the American University in Washington, DC with a Bachelors
degree in Business,
Maha ElNabawi
Naira Antoun
  Naira is a writer and editor with Mada, and a maqloubeh and cycling
Naira Antoun
Louise Sarant
Louise is tall, funny and bubbly. She likes sports, food and mahraganet music,
but also hip-hop from
Louise Sarant
Amany Ali Shawky
Amany is a Lifestyle and Society Reporter with Mada.  With 10 years in
journalism and publishing,
Amany Ali Shawky
Jenifer Evans
Jenifer Evans is an artist and editor. She was Mada Masr’s English-language
culture editor from
Jenifer Evans
Heba Afify
Heba Afify, known in journalistic circles as H, is a news reporter who traveled
between working for local
Heba Afify
Mada Masr

Mada Masr
Rob Stothard
Rob Stothard is a photographer based in London, England, working for various
editorial and commercial
Rob Stothard
David Degner
Photojournalist based in Egypt for the past 6 years, probably most famous for
his fancy pigeon portraits.
David Degner
Rawabet • 21 min read
‘Now it’s a theater’: Ahmed El Attar on the new Rawabet Art Space
Sara Elkamel | Orient for Film and Theatre Productions reopened the art space
with a new strategy in 2021
23 December 2022

Mada Masr • 6 min read
The task of survival: Another round through the courts
We were ignored, only to find ourselves now accused of working outside the law.
6 December 2022

obituaries • 3 min read
Rest in peace, Mohamed Aboelgheit
We mourn him, a friend we crossed paths with on our journey & a companion in our
defeats & longing.
5 December 2022

Central Bank of Egypt • 10 min read
Why is Egypt not on the IMF’s December public agenda?
Aida Salem and Reham al-Saadany | Measures taken by Egypt in recent weeks have
not been enough to push the deal across the finish line
5 December 2022

More features
Suez Canal • 14 min read
Selling the Suez? New fund to capitalize canal’s assets stirs concerns over
24 December 2022

devaluation • 7 min read
As households face soaring inflation, govt opens rare window for new sign-ups to
food subsidy system
22 December 2022

African Union • 8 min read
Ramy Shaath seeks damages from Egypt at African rights court
22 December 2022

foreign currency shortages • 4 min read
Amid liquidity crisis, 2 banks tighten limits on card withdrawals outside Egypt
21 December 2022

More News
Nile boats
The departure of Kit Kat’s houseboats
Asmaa Gamal Elgafrie
More Photo Stories
Elham Fakhro
The Qatar World Cup and a typology of Europe’s anti-Arab racism
The Arab world covers an area of 13 million square kilometers, stretching from
Morocco in the west, to
24 December 2022

Letter to Alaa, to our Egyptian Comrades
We have a steep fight ahead of us, Alaa, for your life, for our lives
14 November 2022

Lina Attalah
Thinking with Alaa: Nothing but love 
We have much more from Alaa than his absent condition and possible disappearance
to grapple with
18 October 2022

More Op-eds
The worker’s rock bottom moment
Andeel | Worker: "What do you mean he is going to be BURIED in it?"
26 December 2016

العلاقات المصرية الأمريكية
Source of inspiration
Andeel | Sisi: "A true lord, I swear to God."
9 November 2016

Post-modern comedy
 Mailbox: "You can't always use the envelopes as an excuse." [NB: In Arabic,
"envelopes" and "conditions" (as in, "current conditions in the country") are
the same word.]
31 October 2016

Sisi speeches
Seasons of histrionics
Sisi in computer: "DON'T!"  
24 October 2016

Motherly prayer
Andeel | Mother: "May God plant your love in the hearts of people regardless of
your achievements, and with a little help from the psychological warfare
department and the media that's controlled by state bodies." Sisi: "Merci
14 October 2016

More cartoons


Featured Contributors
 * Sara Elkamel
 * Mada Masr
 * Aida Salem
 * Reham al-Saadany
 * Anas Mohamed
 * Rana Mamdouh

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Where do old lesbians go to die?
Supernova | How can we grow old when the world never stopped making children of
us, over and over again?
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Tahrir Square
Mugamma revisited: Reimagining the building and the square
CLUSTER | We propose a range of activities: a library, affordable housing, a
hotel, government headquarters.
25 May 2020

Palestine op-eds
If they steal Sheikh Jarrah
Mohammed El-Kurd | If the Zionists are successful in stealing Sheikh Jarrah,
they will steal all of Jerusalem.
16 February 2021

climate change
Carbon Colonies & A Green New Deal
Omar Robert Hamilton | Can the climate emergency show us how to see through the
political stasis of our current regimes?
14 January 2020

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