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Ich habe das Glück, in meinem Leben schon einige erstaunliche Erfahrungen
gemacht zu haben. Ich bin zu einem der höchstgelegenen Basislager im Himalaya
gewandert, mir mein US Army Infanterie-Abzeichen verdient, bin fast 900
Kilometer quer durch Spanien gelaufen, habe in Paris gelebt, war das einzige
nicht schwarze, nicht weibliche Mitglied der Black Women's Writers, habe
sterbenden Patienten die Hand gehalten und im Silicon Valley mit einigen der
Besten gearbeitet.

Aber die Erfahrung, die mich am meisten geformt hat, war der simple Akt, mich
selbst zu lieben.

(Eine Rede, die ich über Liebe und Unternehmertum gehalten habe. Viel Spaß
dabei: http://youtu.be/OBrPQTY48_8 )

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 7.  11,99 $
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 8.  13,77 $
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 10. Live Your Truth by Kamal Ravikant(2014-01-01)
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 11. 30,98 $
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Previous page
 3.  Blog-Posting
     The Nature of Reality
     Ever have an accident create something valuable? Well, I recently did.
     I was going to record a private conversation with a buddy on Clubhouse
     (it’s a popular app for audio conversations) on this topic: the nature of
     reality. More as a test than anything. I was curious as to how it would go.
     Well, I open the room and find out that I’d made it public, rather than
     private. Within seconds, there’s a slew of people in the room waiting to
     hear me riff on the nature of reality.
     Vor 2 Jahren Mehr lesen
 4.  Blog-Posting
     How to Not Get Hacked
     I’ve wanted to do this episode for a while. Simple, actionable tips on how
     to keep yourself safe online. I hope you enjoy it.
     Listen on Spotify.
     Listen on Apple Podcasts.
     Listen on Google Podcasts.
     Listen on Amazon Podcasts.
     Vor 2 Jahren Mehr lesen
 5.  Blog-Posting
     Bitcoin for Dummies
     I have many smart friends who don’t understand Bitcoin. But they’re all
     interested in learning about it, especially if it’s something they should
     buy or if they should stay away. There’s too much confusing info out there.
     So I called up Ivan Brightly, one of the smartest guys in the space, and we
     sat down to answer the questions my friends have.
     I hope you find this helpful.
     Listen on Apple.
     Listen on Spotify.
     Listen on Google.
     Listen on Amazon.
     Vor 2 Jahren Mehr lesen
 7.  Blog-Posting
     The Life of a Police Officer
     In my last email, I mentioned that my goal with this podcast is to share
     real human stories and lessons. This episode with Sasha Larkin definitely
     fits. And, it’s a special one.
     Sasha is a Police Captain with 22 years under her belt and is in charge of
     175 police officers. She’s also the mother of two girls and a boy, and
     deeply committed to her yoga practice.
     She’s an impressive woman with a huge heart who is living her purpose. I
     hope you enjoy learning from her journey.
     Vor 2 Jahren Mehr lesen
 8.  Blog-Posting
     Human Stories and Lessons
     Photo taken minutes before recording the I Get Psychoanalyzed on (Almost)
     Dying episode. Somewhere around end of September. I was at a doctor’s
     office, hence the mask.
     Unlike writing, where the real work is in the re-writing, an episode is an
     in-the-moment creation. There’s no going back, no massaging a sentence
     fifteen times to get it crisp and right. What comes out of you or your
     guest's mouth, well, that’s what it is.
     If you sound like a royal idiot, then you put your royal
     Vor 2 Jahren Mehr lesen
 9.  Blog-Posting
     It is with the heart that one sees
     Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, the author of The Little Prince - one of my
     favorite books of all time - wrote that it is only with the heart that one
     can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye. After I bounced
     off the thin ice separating life and, well, non-life, something shifted
     inside me during the recovery process. Something opened, that's the best
     way I can describe it. As if before, I'd kept my heart shielded, like a
     candle covered, afraid of my own light.
     Vor 2 Jahren Mehr lesen
 11. Blog-Posting
     How to Kick Ass
     Tim Larkin’s taught everyone from Special Forces Operators, Tony Robbins,
     and grandmothers how to protect themselves using their body, and most
     importantly, their mind. He’s the real deal.
     This is a skill you never want to use, but if you ever do, you’ll be
     grateful you knew how.
     Listen on Spotify.
     Listen on Apple Podcasts.
     Listen on Google Podcasts.
     Listen on Amazon Podcasts.
     About me: Books | Kamal.vc
     Vor 2 Jahren Mehr lesen
 12. Blog-Posting
     A Little Masterclass in Startup Investing
     I recently did an internal audit for my VC fund and discovered that I'm a
     much better investor than I'd thought. Always nice to discover this about
     Tech startup investing is a great way to generate wealth. I get asked about
     it often enough, so I'll write more about it in the future. In the
     meantime, here's the writeup for my next fund:
     After reading it, you'll understand how I chose some of the hits in my
     portfolio. You'll a
     Vor 2 Jahren Mehr lesen
 14. Blog-Posting
     Love Yourself (the remix)
     I was going to release this next week, but a few friends pointed out
     yesterday that we could all use a dose of this.  So, here you go.  Love
     Yourself, the remix:
     Apparently, I have a song…and it’s pretty damn awesome.  Thanks to
     @akirathedon for crafting snippets from an interview I gave early this year
     into beautiful music.  Double thanks to @oneluckyrescuedog for modeling for
     the cover.  I haven’t met either in person, but will one day.  @akirathedon
     Vor 2 Jahren Mehr lesen
 15. Blog-Posting
     Two Friends on Opposite Ends (An Election Love Story)
     Imagine Dumb and Dumber, but with politics.
     Listen on Spotify. 
     Listen on Apple Podcasts. 
     Listen on Google Podcasts. 
     Listen on Amazon Podcasts. 
     Vor 2 Jahren Mehr lesen
 16. Blog-Posting
     An Investing Lesson
     When I sent out a newsletter months ago saying that I’d be posting
     regularly based on what I’m learning in life as a VC, author, etc., Kevin,
     a reader, emailed and asked, “What’s a VC?”
     Aaah, good question.  VC stands for Venture Capital.  In a nutshell, these
     are funds that invest in private companies.  In the tech world I play in,
     mainly early-stage, when it’s often just a couple founders and barely a
     Think of any major tech company - Google, Fac
     Vor 2 Jahren Mehr lesen
 18. Blog-Posting
     I Get Psychoanalyzed on (Almost) Dying
     This is one of the best and most honest things I’ve done.  There’s lots of
     lessons here.
     Listen on Spotify.
     Listen on Apple Podcasts.
     Listen on Google Podcasts.
     Listen on Amazon Podcasts.
     My Books | My Fund
     Vor 2 Jahren Mehr lesen
 19. Blog-Posting
     How to Pitch Anything: Lessons from an A-list Screenwriter
     This episode has two parts.  The first part is an interview with my buddy
     Allan Loeb.  Odds are, you’ve either seen a movie he’s written or one he
     was an uncredited script doctor for.  He’s a talented guy and successful in
     Hollywood.  When I called him up and asked him to be on the podcast, he
     told me something interesting: half his job is pitching to executives and
     Pitching is a skill we can all use.  Whether in business or in life.  And
     who be
     Vor 2 Jahren Mehr lesen
 21. Blog-Posting
     From Poor Kentucky Boy to Rich Stock Trader
     I’ve known Hubert for years.  He’s always fascinated me.  He’s this lovable
     guy with a thick Kentucky accent, always doing his “aw shucks, I’m just a
     simple Kentucky boy” shtick.
     Yeah yeah, he’s more than that.  He’s sharp.  And he’s a stock trader and
     does very well at it. 
     One day - and there might have been some alcohol involved - he told me that
     he learned to trade stocks while working in an auto shop.  Now that’s a
     story I want to hear.  F
     Vor 2 Jahren Mehr lesen
 22. Blog-Posting
     Something to noodle on...
     I stopped by an eyeglass store to pick up a new pair of sunglasses.  The
     woman helping me mentioned that she’d studied literature and wanted to be a
     writer.  But, she said, she’s only writing for herself, not sharing her
     “Why?” I asked.
     “Because it’s scary to be vulnerable.”
     I totally get that.  But if anything writing my books has shown me, it’s
     that in sharing our vulnerability that we transform lives.  Keeping our
     creations to ourselves serves
     Vor 2 Jahren Mehr lesen
 23. Blog-Posting
     The Life of a Navy Fighter Pilot
     The first time we hung out, Wingnut showed me footage of bombs he’d dropped
     on an ISIS mortar team that was shelling fleeing women and children from a
     Obviously, he’s a US Navy fighter pilot.  But more than that, he’s one of
     the sweetest most thoughtful guys I’ve met.
     And I’ve always wanted to know, what is it like being a fighter pilot?
     The training.  Landing on a carrier for the first time.  What’s it like to
     break the sound barrier? 
     Vor 2 Jahren Mehr lesen
 24. Blog-Posting
     The Life of a Sex Surrogate
     Jess is an attractive woman in her early 30’s. She’s sweet, she’s
     thoughtful, and she’s kinda shy. She has a great full-of-life laugh. If you
     met her at a party, you’d immediately like her.
     Jess is also a sex surrogate.  She sleeps with men as their therapy.
     Welcome to Episode #1. Heck of a way to launch a show, huh?
     Available at purveyors of fine podcasts everywhere. 
     Listen on Apple Podcasts here.
     Listen on Google Podcasts here.
     Listen on Spotify
     Vor 2 Jahren Mehr lesen
 25. Blog-Posting
     Why Another Podcast?
     Few years ago, I recorded episodes for a podcast, but never launched it. 
     Why?  Because I realized that it was no different than so many out there.
     That doesn’t hold my interest, nor does it serve the world.
     I tried again this year.  This time, just me riffing on what I’ve learned
     in life. But sitting around talking to myself isn’t necessarily my favorite
     activity.  So I scrapped it.
     “The last thing the world needs,” I said to a wise friend on the phone, “is
     Vor 2 Jahren Mehr lesen

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Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends on It 07.01.2020
von Kamal Ravikant
( 4.916 )
15,49 $

I almost didn't publish Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends On It.  I was
terrified.  Here I was, a CEO who'd fallen apart after his company failed,
writing a book about how loving himself saved him.  I thought I'd be a laughing
stock and my career would be finished. 
But I stepped through the fears and shared my truth with the world.  What
happened next changed my life.
The book went viral.  Amazing people all over shared it online and on social
media.  They bought copies for friends and family.  They wrote heartfelt
reviews.  For some, this book literally saved their lives.  For others, it was
the first time they ever loved themselves. 
To think how close I was to giving into my fears.  An important life lesson.
Many readers reached out and showed me how they'd applied it.  They asked
questions.  This taught me that, despite its success, what I'd shared wasn't
enough.  To create lasting impact, I had to go deeper and share a lot more.  I
owed it to this book.  I owed it to everyone who would read it. 
So, seven years after I first put it out, here it is.  All the questions I
received, resolved.  My intention is that by the time you finish, not only will
you be committed to loving yourself, you'll know exactly how to do it.  And most
importantly, how to make it last.

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Live Your Truth 29.06.2013
von Kamal Ravikant
( 722 )
3,99 $

We don't stumble accidentally into an amazing life. It takes a conscious
commitment to figuring out what we stand for - finding our truth. It begins by
looking inside ourselves, because when it rises from within, we have no choice
but to express it, to live it. That is when magic happens: fulfillment,
happiness, relationships and success.

The question is: How?

With meditations on love, healing, entrepreneurship, overcoming failure,
vulnerability, fear, the nature of the mind and the rhythm of life, "Live
Your Truth" is a guide to this crucial journey of self-exploration and personal
discovery. The follow up to his runaway bestseller "Love Yourself Like Your Life
Depends On It," Kamal Ravikant takes you on his journey, in the hope that it
will help you find your truth and inspire you to live it. Prepare to be your
best self.

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Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends on It Spanish edition): Ámate como si tu
vida dependiera de eso 18.08.2020
von Kamal Ravikant, Carmen Lydia Marquez Cruz
( 191 )
6,99 $

En diciembre de 2011, di una charla a una audiencia de científicos, funcionarios
del Pentágono, políticos y directores ejecutivos sobre el secreto de la vida y
cómo lo había descubierto el verano anterior. Al finalizar, la gente se acercó
individualmente y me dijo cuánto significaba para ellos lo que había compartido.
Este libro está basado en la verdad de las cosas que hablé. Es algo que aprendí
en mi interior, algo que creí que me salvó. Y más que eso, la forma en que me
dispongo a hacerlo. Esta es una colección de pensamientos sobre lo que aprendí,
lo que funcionó y lo que no. Que me hace conseguir el éxito y lo que es más
importante, que me hace fallar todos los días. La verdad es amarte a ti mismo
con la misma intensidad que lo harías si necesitaras levantarte con tus dedos en
el caso de que estuvieras colgando de un acantilado. Como si tu vida dependiera
de ello. Una vez que te lo decides, el camino se hace más fácil. Solo necesitas
comprometerte contigo mismo y compartiré los detalles de cómo lo hice. Ha sido
transformador para mí. Sé que también será transformador para ti.

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Rebirth: A Fable of Love, Forgiveness, and Following Your Heart 03.01.2017
von Kamal Ravikant
( 302 )
1,99 $

From the author of the bestsellers Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends on It
and Live Your Truth comes Rebirth, an inspiring novel about the magic that
happens when you learn to follow your heart.

After the death of his estranged father, Amit takes his parent's ashes to the
Ganges to fulfill a deathbed promise. Instead of returning home, he wanders, his
pain and grief leaving him confused about his future. Almost broke, unsure about
his direction in life, and running from memories, he is led by fate to the
Camino de Santiago, an ancient 550-mile pilgrimage route across northern Spain.

Amit meets a variety of travelers on his journey. Some are lost and searching
for answers. Others are doing their best to leave the past behind. And there are
a few who walk to celebrate life. All have stories and lessons to share.

Once a reluctant pilgrim, Amit realizes he cannot stop until he completes the
journey. As a traveler tells him, "Once you start walking the Camino, the Camino
becomes a part of you." With each step Amit is challenged to confront his fear
of following in the footsteps of his father, the loss of a woman he may love
after all, and the reality of an uncertain future.

His month-long pilgrimage forces Amit to face life's big questions, and causes
him to grow and embrace a new sense of purpose and being.

Based on the author's experience of walking the legendary Camino de Santiago,
and told in the tradition of Paulo Coelho and Mitch Albom, Rebirth is a
beautiful fable about forgiveness, synchronicity, and the unexpected adventures
that reveal who we are.

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Andere Formate: Audible Hörbuch , Gebundenes Buch , Taschenbuch , Audio-CD
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Renacer: Una fábula sobre el amor, el perdón y la importancia de seguir tu
corazón (Kepler) (Spanish Edition) 25.09.2017
von Kamal Ravikant, Silvia Alemany Vilalata
( 9 )
5,99 $

Bregando con el dolor del pasado y la incertidumbre del futuro, el
norteamericano Amit emprende el Camino de Santiago en busca de respuestas. Lo
que empezó siendo poco más que una huida, fruto de una decisión casual, se
convierte a lo largo del peregrinaje de Roncesvalles a Santiago en una
experiencia profundamente transformadora, marcada por los momentos mágicos y los
encuentros significativos. Kilómetro a kilómetro, una flecha interior empezará a
marcar el rumbo en el corazón de Amit, tan clara como esa que indica el Camino a
los peregrinos, según la frase de un caminante se va revelando más y más real: a
veces es necesario perderse para encontrarse. 
Basado en su propia experiencia en el Camino de Santiago, el libro de Kamal
Ravikant es un relato transformador sobre el renacer que experimentamos cuando
abrimos el corazón y decimos sí a la vida. En la línea de Paulo Coelho o Mitch
Albom, una fábula deliciosa sobre la renuncia, la sincronicidad y el encuentro
con uno mismo, que resonará profundamente en aquellos que ya conocen el Camino y
encenderá la llama de quienes aún no lo han emprendido. 

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讓愛自己變成好習慣: 簡單卻深刻的日日練習,把自己當作一輩子的摯愛,給自己力量克服逆境,活出奇蹟人生 (Traditional Chinese Edition)
von 卡馬爾.拉維坎特 (Kamal Ravikant)
( 1 )
5,90 $


★ 自費出版即狂銷300,000本,在社群媒體被瘋狂轉發、分享
★ 全球最大出版集團哈潑柯林斯( HarperCollins),以高價簽下版權,暢銷全新改版
★ Amazon.com近5,000筆讀者好評
★ 家庭諮商師、心理學家等相關專業人才皆讚譽推薦
★ 版權售出16國:英國、荷蘭、德國、俄羅斯、烏克蘭、西班牙、義大利、立陶宛、羅馬尼亞、捷克、斯洛伐克、巴西、以色列、日本、越南、台灣



◎ 暢銷300,000冊,掀起「愛自己」的全球風潮


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Liebe dich selbst, als hinge dein Leben davon ab (German Edition) 18.02.2020
von Kamal Ravikant, Antje Althans
( 47 )
11,99 $

Schön, dass es mich gibt! - Von der Macht und Magie, sich selbst zu lieben

Kennst du das Gefühl, dir in deinem Leben dauernd selbst im Weg zu stehen? Du
möchtest glücklich sein, doch hältst an Dingen fest, die dir nicht guttun. Du
möchtest erfolgreich sein, doch dich lähmt die Angst zu scheitern. Du möchtest
von anderen gemocht werden, doch magst dich noch nicht mal selbst. Insgeheim
geht es dir schlecht, und trotzdem machst du so weiter. Hör auf damit! Denn es
gibt eine Lösung:

Als Kamal Ravikant in einer tiefen Lebenskrise steckt, erkennt er, dass nichts
so wichtig, aber auch nichts so schwer ist, wie sich selbst zu lieben. Doch in
einer schlaflosen Nacht schwört er sich, es von nun an zu versuchen. Mit aller
Kraft, in all seinen Gedanken, Entscheidungen und Taten - und rettet sich
dadurch selbst.

Sein Buch versammelt Notizen, kleine Übungen, Anleitungen und Meditationen, die
uns immer wieder vor Augen führen, dass wir zuerst lernen müssen, uns
bedingungslos selbst zu lieben, um wieder glücklich und zufrieden zu sein. Noch
nie wurde Selbstliebe so einfach und so radikal gedacht: Sie ist nicht einfach
da, man muss den Mut aufbringen, sie zu leben; man muss sie üben und dadurch
verinnerlichen. »Indem du dich liebst, liebt das Leben dich zurück.« Bei
Millionen von Menschen traf Kamal damit mitten ins Herz.

»Liebe dich selbst, als hinge dein Leben davon ab« ist die aufrichtige
Geschichte dieser magischen Wechselwirkung - und einer Wahrheit, die dich zum
Leuchten bringen wird.

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