justwater.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: https://au.justwater.com/
Effective URL: https://justwater.com/
Submission Tags: krdtest
Submission: On September 21 via api from JP — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 15 forms found in the DOM

GET /search

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POST /cart/add

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  <h1 class="product__title">Spring Water </h1>
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POST /cart/add

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  <h1 class="product__title">Infused Lemon </h1>
  <div class="product__title-container">
    <p class="product__title--extra"> 16.9 fl oz | 24 Pack</p>
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POST /cart/add

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  <h1 class="product__title">Spring Water </h1>
  <div class="product__title-container">
    <p class="product__title--extra"> 11.2 fl oz | 24 Pack</p>
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  <h1 class="product__title">Infused Mint </h1>
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    <p class="product__title--extra"> 16.9 fl oz | 24 Pack</p>
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POST /cart/add

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  <h1 class="product__title">Spring Water </h1>
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    <p class="product__title--extra"> 1 Liter | 12 Pack</p>
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  <h1 class="product__title">Infused Cherry </h1>
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  <h1 class="product__title">Lemon Mint Bundle </h1>
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 * JUST Bubbles
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JUST Bubbles

JUST Still


Infused Lemon -- 16.9 fl oz | 24 Pack

Infused Blackberry -- 16.9 fl oz | 24 Pack

Infused Cherry -- 16.9 fl oz | 24 Pack

Infused Mint -- 16.9 fl oz | 24 Pack


Spring Blackberry Bundle -- 16.9 fl oz | 24 Pack

Spring Cherry Bundle -- 16.9 fl oz | 24 Pack

Spring Lemon Bundle -- 16.9 fl oz | 24 Pack

Lemon Cherry Bundle -- 16.9 fl oz | 24 Pack

Spring Mint Bundle -- 16.9 fl oz | 24 Pack


$50 JUST Gift Card

$75 JUST Gift Card

$100 JUST Gift Card

3 Month Gift Subscription- Spring Water--16.9 fl oz | 24 Pack

6 Month Gift Subscription- Spring Water--16.9 fl oz | 24 Pack

Our Story Our Impact

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Spring Water -- 16.9 fl oz | 24 Pack

(51 Reviews)

Sold Out

Infused Lemon -- 16.9 fl oz | 24 Pack

(23 Reviews)


Spring Water -- 11.2 fl oz | 24 Pack

(30 Reviews)

Sold Out

Infused Mint -- 16.9 fl oz | 24 Pack

(30 Reviews)

12 PACK $2.66/Unit

Spring Water -- 1 Liter | 12 Pack

(46 Reviews)

Sold Out

Infused Cherry -- 16.9 fl oz | 24 Pack

(11 Reviews)

Sold Out

Lemon Cherry Bundle -- 16.9 fl oz | 24 Pack

(5 Reviews)

Sold Out

Lemon Mint Bundle -- 16.9 fl oz | 24 Pack

(5 Reviews)

Sold Out

Cherry Mint Bundle -- 16.9 fl oz | 24 Pack

(5 Reviews)

Sold Out

Spring Mint Bundle -- 16.9 fl oz | 24 Pack

Sold Out

Spring Lemon Bundle -- 16.9 fl oz | 24 Pack

(2 Reviews)


Infused Blackberry -- 16.9 fl oz | 24 Pack

(14 Reviews)

NEW $2.50/Unit

Bubbles-- 16 fl oz | 24 Pack

(2 Reviews)



4.24 average
1,036 reviews

Teri Grimwood

Verified Customer
Tastes like water, clean and fresh! Not the dead, sort of chemical taste of
purified water. And I love the packaging that isn't yet another plastic bottle
that is a plague on the world (that should be thrown back to the plastics
industry for recycling/reuse and not the endless externalization of
responsibility by industry that has gone on forever and needs to end!). Thank
Washington, United States, 5 days ago

Spring Water -- 11.2 fl oz | 24 Pack
Best tasting water ever I definitely recommend this water
6 days ago
Khaki Lerer

Bubbles-- 16 fl oz | 24 Pack
Bubbly fresh and effervescent Refreshing and satisfying
1 week ago
Richard Goldstein

Verified Customer
i love the product, but i still haven't received my order that i placed a month
ago. i don't think i can wait a month (and last time over a month) for a couple
of cases of water. it should say on the site if something is on back order or is
going to take a month to ship, so i can decide if i actually want to order /
wait or not. and, this review came, and my water STILL hasn't arrived.
, United States, 1 week ago
Shannyn Kastner

Verified Customer
The delivery guy threw the box at the end of my driveway rather than bringing to
my front door! Just FYI!!!
Mill Valley, United States, 1 week ago
Linda DeMeo

Verified Customer
To date, the best tasting water
Phoenix, United States, 1 week ago
Enrqiue Pineda

Verified Customer
Spring Water -- 1 Liter | 12 Pack
It's great. Even better when the order actually arrives which, for the time
being, the company is unable to make any commitments for delivery. They will,
however, invoice you according to schedule. On time, every time.
Forest Hills, United States, 1 week ago
Isabel Palafox

Verified Customer
Just water is my favorite water. Taste, packaging, the insulation, all of it.
Unfortunately their shipping and customer service not as great. However I will
continue to purchase because IMO there is no other product on the market that
Long Beach, United States, 1 week ago
Margaret Keck

Verified Customer
Infused Mint -- 16.9 fl oz | 24 Pack
Love it my daughter drinks it to but has not been able to get it on line the 24
pack is there a problem we only drink the mint water
Palm Beach Gardens, United States, 1 week ago
Candace Love

Verified Customer
The best water in the world!!
, United States, 2 weeks ago

Bubbles-- 16 fl oz | 24 Pack
Thoroughly enjoyed the bubbles! Flavor is so pure and bubbles aren’t
overwhelming. Definitely a good choice.
2 weeks ago
Yolanda Sylvester

Verified Customer
My Son prefers JUST WATER over any other WATER. I purchase JUST for Him!
2 weeks ago

Verified Customer
Spring Water -- 11.2 fl oz | 24 Pack
Refreshing water, great packaging and amazing company.
New York, United States, 2 weeks ago
Ellen Harbour

Verified Customer
I love Just Water. Am disappointed in this last order. After a week of no
updates I asked for info on my order and got no apology, no explanation, just a
brief message that my order finally shipped.
, United States, 2 weeks ago
Tracy Neuhauser

Verified Customer
Amazing water ! I love the flavors and the environmentally friendly packaging is
what makes the water a must for me !
, United States, 3 weeks ago

Verified Customer
I love Just water for the paper bottles. It tastes great and enjoy the flavors
and that it’s an essence and not natural flavors. Miss the blackberry though.
Lancaster, United States, 3 weeks ago
JoAndrea Gomez

Verified Customer
Love the water, Love the convenience and LOVE the carton made from almost
entirely from plants!!
Phoenix, United States, 3 weeks ago
Robena Meek

Verified Customer
Infused Mint -- 16.9 fl oz | 24 Pack
Mint infused water is great—when you can get it.
Chapel Hill, United States, 3 weeks ago
Sylvia Rios

Verified Customer
Hayward, United States, 3 weeks ago
Marilyn Bassett

Verified Customer
I really like the water and the environmental consciousness, however your
website is not structured for ease of use.
Carmel, United States, 3 weeks ago


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16.9 fl oz | 24 Pack

(51 Reviews)
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16.9 fl oz | 24 Pack

(23 Reviews)
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11.2 fl oz | 24 Pack

(30 Reviews)
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16.9 fl oz | 24 Pack

(30 Reviews)
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1 Liter | 12 Pack

(46 Reviews)
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16.9 fl oz | 24 Pack

(11 Reviews)
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16.9 fl oz | 24 Pack

(5 Reviews)
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16.9 fl oz | 24 Pack

(5 Reviews)
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16.9 fl oz | 24 Pack

(5 Reviews)
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16.9 fl oz | 24 Pack

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16.9 fl oz | 24 Pack

(2 Reviews)
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16.9 fl oz | 24 Pack

(14 Reviews)
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16 fl oz | 24 Pack

(2 Reviews)
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Teri Grimwood

Verified Customer

Tastes like water, clean and fresh! Not the dead, sort of chemical taste of
purified water. And I love the packaging that isn't yet another plastic bottle
that is a plague on the world (that should be thrown back to the plastics
industry for recycling/reuse and not the endless externalization of
responsibility by industry that has gone on forever and needs to end!). Thank
Was this review helpful?

Washington, United States, 5 days ago


Spring Water -- 11.2 fl oz | 24 Pack
Best tasting water ever I definitely recommend this water
Was this review helpful?

6 days ago

Khaki Lerer

Bubbles-- 16 fl oz | 24 Pack
Bubbly fresh and effervescent Refreshing and satisfying
Was this review helpful?

1 week ago

Richard Goldstein

Verified Customer

i love the product, but i still haven't received my order that i placed a month
ago. i don't think i can wait a month (and last time over a month) for a couple
of cases of water. it should say on the site if something is on back order or is
going to take a month to ship, so i can decide if i actually want to order /
wait or not. and, this review came, and my water STILL hasn't arrived.

2 people found this review helpful.

Was this review helpful?

, United States, 1 week ago

Shannyn Kastner

Verified Customer

The delivery guy threw the box at the end of my driveway rather than bringing to
my front door! Just FYI!!!
Was this review helpful?

Mill Valley, United States, 1 week ago

Linda DeMeo

Verified Customer

To date, the best tasting water
Was this review helpful?

Phoenix, United States, 1 week ago

Enrqiue Pineda

Verified Customer

Spring Water -- 1 Liter | 12 Pack
It's great. Even better when the order actually arrives which, for the time
being, the company is unable to make any commitments for delivery. They will,
however, invoice you according to schedule. On time, every time.
Was this review helpful?

Forest Hills, United States, 1 week ago

Isabel Palafox

Verified Customer

Just water is my favorite water. Taste, packaging, the insulation, all of it.
Unfortunately their shipping and customer service not as great. However I will
continue to purchase because IMO there is no other product on the market that

1 person found this review helpful.

Was this review helpful?

Long Beach, United States, 1 week ago

Margaret Keck

Verified Customer

Infused Mint -- 16.9 fl oz | 24 Pack
Love it my daughter drinks it to but has not been able to get it on line the 24
pack is there a problem we only drink the mint water
Was this review helpful?

Palm Beach Gardens, United States, 1 week ago

Candace Love

Verified Customer

The best water in the world!!

1 person found this review helpful.

Was this review helpful?

, United States, 2 weeks ago


Bubbles-- 16 fl oz | 24 Pack
Thoroughly enjoyed the bubbles! Flavor is so pure and bubbles aren’t
overwhelming. Definitely a good choice.
Was this review helpful?

2 weeks ago

Yolanda Sylvester

Verified Customer

My Son prefers JUST WATER over any other WATER. I purchase JUST for Him!
Was this review helpful?

2 weeks ago


Verified Customer

Spring Water -- 11.2 fl oz | 24 Pack
Refreshing water, great packaging and amazing company.
Was this review helpful?

New York, United States, 2 weeks ago

Ellen Harbour

Verified Customer

I love Just Water. Am disappointed in this last order. After a week of no
updates I asked for info on my order and got no apology, no explanation, just a
brief message that my order finally shipped.
Was this review helpful?

, United States, 2 weeks ago

Tracy Neuhauser

Verified Customer

Amazing water ! I love the flavors and the environmentally friendly packaging is
what makes the water a must for me !
Was this review helpful?

, United States, 3 weeks ago


Verified Customer

I love Just water for the paper bottles. It tastes great and enjoy the flavors
and that it’s an essence and not natural flavors. Miss the blackberry though.
Was this review helpful?

Lancaster, United States, 3 weeks ago

JoAndrea Gomez

Verified Customer

Love the water, Love the convenience and LOVE the carton made from almost
entirely from plants!!
Was this review helpful?

Phoenix, United States, 3 weeks ago

Robena Meek

Verified Customer

Infused Mint -- 16.9 fl oz | 24 Pack
Mint infused water is great—when you can get it.
Was this review helpful?

Chapel Hill, United States, 3 weeks ago

Sylvia Rios

Verified Customer

Was this review helpful?

Hayward, United States, 3 weeks ago

Marilyn Bassett

Verified Customer

I really like the water and the environmental consciousness, however your
website is not structured for ease of use.
Was this review helpful?

Carmel, United States, 3 weeks ago
