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09.20 - 11.03 @ 11:59pm
Frost thaws, and flowers bloom in wake of comfortable temperatures, introducing
a new year.

New OOC event Halloween Party is live!
10/23/23 Happy October, Votum! To celebrate the end of Spooky Month, we've
launched 2 mini events for members to enjoy! See what's in store!

9/13/23We're getting ready to celebrate our birthday with a 3 stage BWP and some
new updates! Check it out!

8/5/2023 During this warm summer, we have some exciting developments cooking in
the background! With a bit of explosive chaos erupting ICly, Split has been
finishing up development of the afterlife for Votum. K'sariya has been working
on the site's retheme, and is nearing a good point to do an initial release
within the next couple of months! Huge thanks to our new Assitants, Dinomites
and Plymouth, for their diligent and fantastic work they've been doing during
thier onboarding!

6/10/2023 Our beloved moderators Guardian and Jay will be stepping down from the
Staff Team on July 5th to focus on their educations, so please give them a big
thank you and congratulations! Because of this, we'd like to welcome Dinomites
to the Staff Team as an Assistant and announce that we have one other available
position! Staff applications are open until the 24th of June so, if you're
interested, submit one here! We also have three new events running live
concurrently, including double wisps and a Pride event, and have made some new
changes and additions to our available mutations! Learn more about it all right
here! Happy Pride, everyone!

4/14/23 Welcome Kitsune to the Staff Team as Moderator, and congratulations to
K'sariya for your climb to Admin! In light of these new Staff changes, Luyene
has returned to her legacy Historian role to assist with more backend tasks.
Additionally, the next few weeks will be spent optimizing the guidebook and
general Staff work to ensure a smoother process for all players of Votum.

3/26/23 We have a new IC event brewing, some updates, and a double wisp event on
the horizon! Find out more here!

2/6/23 Fall OST Voting is live! Also, a reminder regarding Fall Y1 Important
Events can be found here!

1/28/23 The new Hunting system is in full swing, and the first Artifact has
appeared in Votum! Check out these new systems and enjoy them at your leisure!
With Fall coming to a close, be sure to also nominate for Of the Seasons for
Fall Y1, and submit any Important Events for the season you can think of to go
into the IC summary in the Guidebook!

1/5/23 Big thank you from the Staff Team to everyone who participated in Votum's
EOY Survey! An action plan has been made with the feedback given to us. Check it
out here. Additionally, the long-awaited 'Magical Territories' have been
released! Check them out here in the guidebook.
Claim As part of a coordinated triple claim, Videl seeks to reclaim Erro Shore!

Claim As part of a coordinated triple claim, Arvid seeks to claim Whitecall

Claim As part of a coordinated triple claim, Dmitri seeks to claim Racta

at least i've gotta try A convoy from the Commonwealth arrives at Sakeme's
borders, bringing news of all that has transpired in the fall of Kairav. A web
of intricate relations tug at the strings of fate.

Claim Videl seeks to reclaim the Shore, but the land rejects her claim...

Claim Dwin has successfully laid claim to Viridian Grotto, founding a point of
practice for her religion as The Coven.

Entombed Sanjay falls to stone after his enemy escapes, leaving Kairav in
Whitecall Ridge to its heir, Caelia. Furious with the perceived wrongs left in
Sanjay's wake, and the loathing she receives from her children, she disbands
Kairav, and the Ridge's members split into two.

Deathmatch Sanjay Leventis and three of his yearlings, Dyuthi, Reine, and
Corvus, find Sakeme member Reinhardt Magnus alone while scouting the volcanic
eruption. They charge him with the intent to kill, but Reinhardt escapes back to
Sakeme to deliver the news of the broken neutrality.

Claim/Deathmatch Karama Uzoh attempts to claim Racta Fissure in wake of the
aformentioned beckoning, hoping few will make it in time to challenge her. This
backfires and the claim escalates into a massive fight to the death between
Karama and several others.

Crystalline Power An ancient entity releases creatures previously undiscovered
within Votum's bounds and calls Votum's population forth into Rocky Verge, just
outside of Nihil, to prove themselves in combat to earn a boon untold.

Deathmatch Caught alone by Kimagure in the Gardens, Asherah is challenged to a
deathmatch. Asherah escapes, but Kimagure pursues her, taking her life.

Challenge Karama has challenged for Erro Shore!

Litter Karama and Asherah welcome their four new children into the world.

Claim Asherah has laid claim to Racta Fissure in an attempt to secure a home for
her new family!

Challenge Karama has called Sable at the borders to fight for the leadership of
Volonté, only for Sable to come out victorious.

Deathmatch Ranni, determined to hurt Sanjay, has targeted his daughter, Reine,
in a deathmatch, provoking Caelia and Sanjay to viciously come to her aide.

ClaimDimitri has laid claim to Racta Fissure!

LeaderlessAevenmare Commonwealth is open for claiming after the disappearance of
its leader. Will someone claim it, or will it disappear?

LeaderlessThe Caecus Syndicate is open for claiming after the disappearance of
its leaders. Will someone claim it, or will it disappear?

ClaimSanjay has laid claim to Whitecall Ridge successfully!

Claim Videl has laid claim to Erro Shore successfully!

Claim Karama has laid claim to Whitecall Ridge with Sanjay, Kimagure, and Vulcan
intending to challenge her!

Claim Tamala has laid claim to Whitecall Ridge! Qflugr, Karama, and Sanjay seek
to stand in her way.

Litter Matthias and Videl have come together to create a litter of three!

Litter Sanjay and Caelia have come together to create the first successful
mating on site! Read about it here.

Artifact | Tuvva The pull of something to be found resonates across Votum as an
artifact spawns in the Arcus Jungle. Faevyre, of Aevenmare Commonwealth, is
first to find a magical pot of sorts. However, she's not the only one with eyes
on it. Dimitri Wildwalker jumps in to try to steal the find, but Aevenmare
Commonwealth's members jump in to defend! Will others join the grab for the

Claim | mine! ˣ ˣ Sable, a teenager, has laid claim to Ardua Bluffs! She defends
her claim from Videl, establishing her domain!

In The End It Never Mattered Makyna Songcat finds that her adopted child and
close friend have been afflicted by stone sickness and is devastated by the
development, in her pain she cries out, drawing her friend Harper to rush across
the Syndicate's borders to her defense and other Syndicate members to gather.
Harper is quickly intercepted by Vulcan Valerius and Matthias Kingsley, with the
former aiming to maim Harper. Harper quickly submits after Makyna cries out, but
how will Vulcan proceed? Read more here.

Say It Like You Mean It Upon returning to the rainforest, the Aevenmare Guardian
discovers the destruction of the memorials he created and the message left in
his den by an unknown intruder. Standing firm, Gabriel leaves a message of his
own for all to see.

Marauder Tensions rise when Vulcan finds the Matt-Tollaire siblings' statues
memorialized. In a fit of rage the Caecus Praetor destroys the tribute and
trespasses into the Seminare Rainforest to leave a grisly warning for the
Aevenmare Guardian. How will Gabriel respond?

Beach Party It looks like a beach party has been organized with participants
from all walks of life, check it out here.

member of the season character of the season pair of the season thread of the



Caelia Makyna


Votum Current time: 11-05-2023, 11:05 AM

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Out of Character


October [Pumpkin] Patch! 10-29-2023, 09:03 PM by K'sariya

Maintenance ArchiveStaff AssistanceAuditioning Accounts, and 8 more.
This is where all maintenance requests are placed.

Form Submission: Dress Up Posts - C... 19 minutes ago by Angie

Thread Requests and PlottingThe Testing ArenaAdoptions, and 4 more.
This is where all OOC-related needs are met!

[Adopt] Gift from above Yesterday, 04:02 PM by Kraken

Thread ArchivesOC Account ArchivesIC Account Archives
Records of a variety of types for the site.

I'll leave a light on for you 11-01-2023, 08:06 PM by Arvid

First LinksLink BacksAffiliate Requests
Advertisements are welcome in this forum for other roleplays, roleplay or image
resources, and other things related to writing! Password: Votum

World of Pern 09-24-2023, 10:30 AM by K'sariya

The Northwestern Lands

Primeval Forest

The trees of an ancient forest rise up in the northwest. Moss veils the
secretive glades that are nestled deep within, hushing the whisperings of life
that permeate the territory. The heart trees of the forest are of an
immeasurable age, their roots interlocking with every other living thing within.
A lake at the edge feeds rivers that snake through the forest, nourishing it
like the veins of a colossal body.

For Voluspa Yesterday, 09:49 PM by Araxie

The Temple

Stones cobbled together with crumbling mortar make up the walls of the rambling
temple seated against the sea, though its purpose is forgotten. Loose groupings
of stone suggest a half-forgotten road once lead from the temple into the Ruins,
but scattered leaves and generations of wear have left it a shadow of what it
must once have been. The Temple itself is composed of many rooms with decaying
artifacts of its previous life withering away in the darkness, but perhaps the
most impressive aspect of it is the tower. Several stories tall, it is a true
marvel, stone windows allowing light to cascade inside, though one wonders about
the stability of it all. The interior of the Temple is quite curious, with some
rooms not clearly or easily accessible, and ancient mechanisms open and close
the entries to certain regions of the temple on what appears almost to be an
incomprehensible timeline.

[Cupid] You Know, It Ain't Too Bad Yesterday, 12:04 PM by Acadia

Viridian Grotto

Omnus holds Viridian Grotto close to its breast, nested within a snaking network
of tunnels. The Grotto is, externally, austere and one could fairly assume
inhospitable. A chilling darkness stalks the stone hallways leading to the
Grotto's entrances, lit only by bioluminescent mosses that line the alley-ways.
Absolute darkness shrouds the passageways leading into the Grotto’s atrium; a
pinprick of light that grows steadily larger as one approaches serves as the
only indication of what lies ahead. As one steps into the wall of light, a
startling oasis of life reveals itself.

Pestilence Yesterday, 12:49 PM by Qualopec

The Ruins

Miles of crumbling stone stretch from the earth towards the sky, ruins of a city
that died away season upon season ago. Roots and vines wind through the rock as
the land ever so slowly reclaims the land. Ancient roads that once weaved
through the settlement are slowly being worn away, the stones broken up by moss
and dirt. Artifacts of the ancient civilization that once lived here can
occasionally be uncovered, but little of it is useful now.

College degree in treasure hunting 22 minutes ago by Dimitri

The Gardens

Fields of flowers swath the landscape in beauty, trees rising above them with
colossal canopies that offer gentle shade. The sheer breadth of species
represented in this place suggests it was created with intent, but it has long
been allowed to flourish wild and unkempt, nature taking its turn in the
cultivation of this territory. Some of the species found here offer utility,
laden heavy with fruits. Some of the varieties of plant or tree found here serve
herbal purposes, yet still many of the other types are ornamental, painting the
air with their sweet aroma. The changing of the seasons seems to highlight
different species, with each flowering in turn as if locked in an eternal

[Mitis] cherub riding comets throug... 1 hour ago by Mitis

The Northeastern Lands

Whitecall Ridge

The northernmost point of Votum is cradled in the embrace of the Twins and
connected to the rest of Votum only by Whisper Rapids. The steep slopes that
isolate Whitecall Ridge also protect it. The mountains provide an all but
impassable vanguard, creating a fortress of coniferous trees and rock spurs that
leap forth from the alpine territory like great grey sentinels. A crystal clear
lake rests at the foot of Omnus, feeding down into the rapids and providing a
reliable water source. The constant ebbs and flows prevent it from freezing even
during the frigid winter.

summer chill // Yesterday, 01:13 PM by Johann

The Twins
The mountain range at the mouth of Votum is known as "The Twins." Both great
peaks soar to a similar height but are not quite identical. Their peaks are
frigid and snowy year-round, but snow elsewhere is subject to season. The Twins
each hold secrets ready to be discovered.

you could be a menace too 10-13-2023, 01:35 PM by Karcsi

Whisper Rapids

The valley between the twins is narrow but long, fingers of water reaching from
the lake at Omnus's feet within Whitecall Ridge down through the pass to feed
rivers and stream below. The sharp changes in elevation create a series of
rapids that prove dangerous to the unwary. The banks are patched with firs and
other evergreens, transitioning gradually into the more exotic trees of the
Gardens below. The territory is often chilly and windblown, but prey is
abundant. It is difficult to cross from one side of the rapids to the other
during nearly all the season, but not impossible.

to know is to be prepared // Yesterday, 06:51 PM by Overbite

Rocky Verge

The left shore of Everen Lake is stony but otherwise serene. The last reaching
tendrils of Nihil frame the western side of the territory, transitioning
gradually into open sky interrupted by oak, pecan, and beech nut trees offering
shade from the sun. The terrain is fairly even and flat, with exception to the
boulders scattered throughout. Many different varieties of deer gather here to
feed on the abundance of leaves and shrubs, but even the water itself is full of
life. The rocky shore and aquatic plants provide ample hiding places for catfish
and bass, with geese and ducks also choosing to nest on the shores at certain
times of the year.

a fresh start? 10-31-2023, 08:44 PM by Crux

Ardua Bluffs

The territory at the foot of Nihil is romantic, kissed by sea breezes and dotted
with olive and cypress trees. Their twisting canopies provide gentle shade,
their roots giving away to fragrant grasses the line the sweeping bluffs that
drift lazily down to Everen Lake. The views are stunning, to one side of the
territory lies the ocean, while beautiful views of Everen Lake and the meadows
can be seen from the other. As dreamy and mild as the territory may seem, the
drops of the cliffs created by the bluffs are steep and the territory can be
difficult to traverse if one is not familiar with the subtle paths that allow
easier passage up.

The Moon is Shining, the Birds are ... 5 minutes ago by Sable

Battua Meadows

South of Everen Lake rests the Battua Meadows. Gently rolling hills of
sweet-smelling grass are divided by the drowsy Basia River. Narcissus and other
flowers hang over the edges, appearing almost to kiss the water with their
blossoms. Almost entirely devoid of trees, there is little to obscure view here
other than the occasional bushes and taller grasses. Herds of herbivores
including horses often graze here, lulled into a sense of security by the wide
open landscape.

Till we meet again. 11-01-2023, 05:24 PM by Hibiki

The Southwestern Lands

The Red Wastes

The fishtail of rivers that terminate the waterway begun at Whisper Rapids leave
a wedge of land settled between them known as the Red Wastes. Despite all, the
territory is arid and blisteringly hot. Multi-toned rock formations ranging from
nearly maroon to tan offer the only significant form to this territory composed
mostly of red, rocky sand. Vegetation is scarce here but what is present can be
found nowhere else. The rock formations can be scaled by the tenacious, and the
views atop them are breathtaking. The night sky is exceptionally clear here,
giving visitors access to an incredible sight. Located at the northern side of
the territory is a cluster of fissures, most of them quite narrow, but a
particularly large example is known as Racta Fissure, great enough to be a
territory all its own.

I'm bad behavior but I do it in the... 10-30-2023, 03:33 PM by Baratheon

Racta Fissure

Settled into the heart of the Red Waste is a great fissure, a canyon splitting
the dry and sun scorched earth wide. Smaller spidering cracks twist away from
the central tear in the earth, casting fragile rays of light into the hidden
caves below. The red stone that dots the Wastes reinforces the walls and ceiling
of Vena Fissure, and a narrow pathway winds deeper within the earth. The path
tiptoes past ledges and openings in the walls of the canyon. Some are shallow,
while others delve deeper into the stone. Water cascades down the side of the
canyon, emerging from the eastern wall via the river at one of the borders of
the Wastes.

The digsite 11-02-2023, 09:37 PM by Shen

Venatus Prairie

Venatus Prairie is a territory dominated by tall, waving grasses punctuated by
outcroppings of stone. Scattered groups of trees cast cool shadows over the
grasses, promising a peaceful rest. It is a favorite place for herbivores to
gather for their mating seasons. Frequent displays of strength occur here, as
they test their mettle against one another.

clenched jaws Yesterday, 10:18 PM by Victoire

Erro Shore

Erro Shore is a vagrant paradise nestled in the center of the southern shores,
blessed with the nourishing water of the rivers on either side. Colossuses of
stone sentinel the pseudo-island, giving structure to the land known as the
“Stray” of Votum. While the outer edges of the territory are all ivory beach
and coconut palms, the inland heart is verdant and alive. Even the boulders that
are the hallmark of the territory are tinted green by the olivine veins swirling

sweat, ache, hands shake 1 hour ago by Mitis

Sea Glass Cay

A large cay exists off the shores of Erro Shore and Argent Beach, positioned
almost like a stepping stone from one shore to the other. It is highly unusual
in the fact that it is composed almost entirely of sea glass. Rainbows of small,
translucent stones resting on sand and earth intermingled from the Mire are
mounded up to form an almost ethereal sight.

Missing Piece 10-30-2023, 09:00 AM by Hera

The Southeastern Lands

The Mire

Separating Arcus Jungle and Venatus Prairie lies a strip of musty wetland. Roots
seem to twist and tangle into the muddy ground with water hugging almost each
and every tree, as if holding the main part of the territory together in unison.
Further south, the muddy land seems to break off into two smaller pieces as
slowly flowing water cuts through them. Spanish moss clings to the branches of
the various trees that dwell in the wet earth while true moss wraps around the
bottoms of the trunks, within or just above where the water touches the often
moist bark of the trees. The ground of the swamp is never dry, and anyone
venturing into the territory should expect to leave with wet, muddy paws. Murky
water collects just about everywhere, forming big and small pools, often coated
at the top with a layer of vividly green duckweed. Reeds infest the swamp floors
and make for good hiding places for big and small creatures.

Till the Wheels Fall Off Yesterday, 10:44 AM by Dyuthi

Arcus Jungle

West of Seminare Rainforest is the dense Arcus Jungle. Equally tropical, it
differs in the spacing of the flora. The vegetation is concentrated closely
together and the canopy is so dense that little light seems to reach the forest
floor. That does not seem to inhibit the plants and animals that live here,
however. It is easy to become lost, but those familiar with the territory see
nuance in this biodiverse region where laymen might see only sameness. Thousands
of varieties of plants and animals dwell here. However, without any eye for
detail, the jungle seems to be made up entirely of green, formless, competing
plants and sneaking, hiding animals that prefer not to be seen.

Rest in Peace to My Superior 11-02-2023, 08:55 PM by Fang

Seminare Rainforest

It seems as if this land is a study of the color green, dozens of shades and
hues paint it into an unforgettable masterpiece. Thousands of different plants,
animals, and insects call this region their home, coming together to form the
most diverse symphony of life in Votum. The great karsts that soar over the
region divide the rainforest from the jungle to the west.

[Borders] Party Favors Yesterday, 12:29 PM by Videl

The Healing Springs

A small cluster of hot springs set into a great outcropping of stone lay a
little north of Seminare Rainforest. The scent of sulfur is faint in the air,
calling to the source of the waters. The pools here vary in size, depth, and
temperature. Some are barely lukewarm, while others exist at a rolling boil. The
waters in all the springs have antimicrobial properties, but some rumors say
that on occasion, the lucky might find their ills completely healed.

Do statues dream of healing waters? 11-01-2023, 07:52 PM by Makyna

Argent Beach

White sands and crystal clear blue water. Warm days made whole by sunlight and
clear skies. Argent Beach is picturesque when the weather is nice. Miles of
ivory sand are broken up only by the occasional rock or palm tree with warm
temperatures year-round. The kiss of the sun can be harsh, but salty sea breezes
soothe the high temperatures to a more bearable level. Seashells and and other
remnants of ocean life often wash ashore. Tidepools serve as living examples of
ocean life, each a minute aquarium created entirely by nature.

Change of Pace 10-19-2023, 08:26 PM by Plymouth

Recent Threads
Last Post Thread Forum Posts Sable
5 minutes ago AW The Moon is Shining, the Birds are Sleeping... Ardua Bluffs 2
22 minutes ago OW College degree in treasure hunting The Ruins 11 Reinhardt
1 hour ago Private A place to Store The Ruins 5 Mitis
1 hour ago AW sweat, ache, hands shake Erro Shore 1 Mitis
1 hour ago Private [Mitis] cherub riding comets through the night sky The
Gardens 12

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primeval forest
The Coven
racta fissure
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