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Last updated: June 18, 2024

Urgent: Starting on July 1, 2024, you will lose access to Universal Analytics
data in the interface and the API, and via any product integrations like Google
Ads, or Search Ads 360. If you haven't completed the migration, go to the Setup
Assistant to get started with Google Analytics 4 (GA4). To maintain access to
data from your property, you should download your data now.

Google Analytics 4 is our next-generation measurement solution, and it has
replaced Universal Analytics. To maintain your website measurement, you'll need
a Google Analytics 4 property. If you haven't already, make the switch to Google
Analytics 4.


Starting the week of July 1, 2024: You will not have access to any current or
historical Universal Analytics data and most users will lose access to the
interface and the API on this date. For some properties it may take longer. All
properties visible after July 1, 2024 will show a banner that they are queued
for deletion. Universal Analytics 360 properties currently in an active BigQuery
backfill will show in the interface for the full duration of that backfill.
Correctly configured BigQuery backfills that start on or before June 30, 2024
will continue until completion, even if that date is after July 1, 2024.

After July 1, 2024, once a property does not show in the interface, you should
consider your property shut down.

While the Universal Analytics standard sunset took some time to complete, the
full Universal Analytics shutdown will happen on July 1st or within the week for
most users. We know your data is important to you, and we recommend that you
export your previously processed data before this date.


Universal Analytics data and settings accessed or used through advertiser,
publisher or other product integrations will be unavailable when services have
stopped. For example:

 1. Universal Analytics goals and ecommerce transactions will stop measuring new
    conversions, including those within linked advertising accounts. This may
    affect ad campaign performance if those conversions are used in combination
    with Smart Bidding.
 2. Universal Analytics audience lists will be closed, which may affect ad
    campaign media activation and performance.
 3. API requests related to Universal Analytics properties will fail, including
    requests for deletion of Universal Analytics data through the User Deletion
    API. This also means that tools relying on an API, such as Looker Studio,
    will not show any Universal Analytics data.
 4. BigQuery export and backfill of historical data from Universal Analytics 360
    properties can only be requested up to and including June 30, 2024. Already
    exported data remains available in BigQuery.
 5. Attribution projects that were part of Attribution (beta) in Google
    Analytics will be deleted.

Download your data: To maintain access to data from your Universal Analytics
property, you should download or export your data now. If this isn’t done
through one of the methods provided below, your data will be permanently deleted
by Google and won’t be recoverable. If you intend to use the BigQuery
integration to export historical data from your Universal Analytics 360
property, we strongly recommend initiating this. Big Query export for App views
has been experiencing instability since May 14, 2024 and may not function as


Your Google Analytics account will continue to work, but after July 1, you will
only see GA4 properties in your account. If you have not created a GA4 property
yet, you will see no property at all in your account. You can recognize
Universal Analytics properties based on the tracking code, which starts with
“UA-” followed by a series of numbers, e.g. UA-000000-1. You’ll also find a red
banner at the top of all UA properties, indicating the need to migrate to GA4.


 * Starting March 2023: If you didn't manually migrate your active standard
   Universal Analytics property to a new Google Analytics 4 property and didn't
   opt out of an automatic property creation, we created a Google Analytics 4
   property on your behalf. Automatically created Google Analytics 4 properties
   reuse existing site tags whenever possible. Learn more
 * Starting July 1, 2023: Standard Universal Analytics properties stopped
   processing hits, including standard properties in accounts that also contain
   360 properties. Some properties continued to process data for a short period
   after this as we staged the shutdown of Universal Analytics. You'll be able
   to access your previously processed data in your Universal Analytics property
   until July 1, 2024.


Universal Analytics 360 properties with a current 360 order (Google Analytics 4
or Universal Analytics) received a one-time processing extension ending on July
1, 2024.  Starting on July 1, 2024, you will lose access to Universal Analytics
data in the interface and in the API and via any product integrations like
Google Ads, Search Ads 360. 360 Universal Analytics properties without a current
360 order (Google Analytics 4 or Universal Analytics) were subject to downgrade
to standard Universal Analytics properties, did not receive the extension, and
stopped processing data starting on July 1, 2023.
 * Starting January 1, 2024: As previously announced, migration to Google
   Analytics 4 is necessary in part due to a constantly changing technology and
   regulatory ecosystem. As we shift resources to focus on building Google
   Analytics 4, so that it satisfies those technological and regulatory demands,
   we can't guarantee that all features and functionalities in Universal
   Analytics 360 continue to work as expected.
 * January 29, 2024: The following Universal Analytics features will be
   deprecated as we shift resources to focus on Google Analytics 4. To find the
   corresponding advertising and measurement features in Google Analytics 4,
   consult the feature comparison table on this page.
   * Advertising features:
     * Realtime reports
   * Measurement features:
     * Lifetime Value report
     * Model Explorer
     * Cohort Analysis
     * iTunes Conversion Tracking
     * Conversion Probability report
     * GDN Impression Beta
 * Early March, 2024: The following Universal Analytics features will be
   deprecated as we shift resources to focus on Google Analytics 4. Google
   Analytics 4 was designed to be able to evolve for the future and built with
   privacy at its core. To find the corresponding advertising and measurement
   features in Google Analytics 4, consult the feature comparison table on this
   * Advertising features:
     * Deprecated for traffic in the European Economic Area (EEA): these
       features will continue to be available for traffic outside of the EEA.
       * Remarketing, key event export and bidding optimization
       * Daily BigQuery Export of data provided by linked Google advertising
         products: Google Ads, Search Ads 360, Display Video 360, Campaign
         Manager 360, Google AdSense, and Google Ad Manager
       * Drop of ad-click identifiers such as GCLID and DCLID can impact the
         attribution of credit of conversions to ad clicks from Google Ads,
         Publisher, and GMP Media integrations. There may be an increase in
         direct/none or google/organic traffic unless UTM parameters are present
         in the URL.
     * Deprecated for all traffic: these features will no longer be supported
       inside or outside the EEA.
       * Demographic and Interest reports
       * Publisher reporting
       * Phone Analytics
       * Event and Salesforce Data Import
       * Realtime BigQuery Export
   * Measurement features:
     * Deprecated for all traffic: these features will no longer be supported
       inside or outside the EEA.
       * Universal Analytics property creation
       * App Views in Universal Analytics that receive data via the UA SDK or
         Measurement Protocol.
       * Unsampled reports. All queries above 1 million sessions will now be
         subject to sampling.
       * Custom Tables
       * Annotations
 * March 2024: We recommend that Universal Analytics 360 users switch to Google
   Analytics 4 and complete historical data export no later than March 2024.
   This will support a smooth transition to GA4 and allow users to have three
   months to validate data and settings. By March, you should:
   * Migrate your Universal Analytics property's Google Ads links to your Google
     Analytics 4 property and do one or both of the following in your Google Ads
     * Create Google Ads conversions based on GA4 key events and switch to
       bidding on them instead of the corresponding Universal Analytics
     * Add Google Analytics 4 audiences to a campaign or ad group (for
   * Export historical data using one or more of the solutions outlined below.
 * Starting the week of July 1, 2024: You won't be able to access any Universal
   Analytics properties or the API (not even with read-only access), and all
   data will be deleted. While the standard sunset took weeks to complete, the
   full Universal Analytics shutdown will happen within a week. We know your
   data is important to you, and we recommend that you export your previously
   processed data before this date.


The following two tables detail the Universal Analytics features to be
deprecated on January 29, 2024 and in early March, 2024.

Expand all Collapse all
Deprecated on January 29, 2024

Consult the following table to find the corresponding GA4 features for your use
cases for UA features deprecated on January 29, 2024:

Use case Traffic location Deprecated UA feature Corresponding GA4 feature
Advertising features All traffic inside and outside the EEA Realtime reports GA4
Realtime report Measurement features All traffic inside and outside the EEA
Lifetime Value report GA4 User lifetime exploration Model Explorer
 * Model comparison report
 * Conversion paths report

Cohort Analysis GA4 Cohort exploration iTunes Conversion Tracking GA4 App
conversion tracking Conversion Probability report GA4 Predictive metrics GDN
Impression Beta Attribution reporting

Deprecated in early March, 2024

Consult the following table to find the corresponding GA4 features for your use
cases for UA features deprecated in early March, 2024:

Use case Traffic location Deprecated UA feature Corresponding GA4 feature
Advertising features Traffic in the European Economic Area (EEA)
 * Remarketing
 * Conversion export and bidding optimization (Google Ads)

 * GA4 Remarketing
 * Import conversions into Google Ads
 * Display & Video 360 integration
 * Search Ads 360 integration

Daily BigQuery Export of data provided by linked Google advertising products GA4
BigQuery Export schema All traffic inside and outside the EEA Demographics and
Interest reports GA4 Demographic details report Publisher reporting Google Ad
Manager data in GA4 Phone Analytics GA4 Measurement Protocol Event and
Salesforce Data Import GA4 Data Import Realtime BigQuery Export GA4 BigQuery
Export Measurement features All traffic inside and outside the EEA Create a
Universal Analytics property Create a Google Analytics 4 property App SDK GA4
SDK Unsampled reports GA4 Unsampled explorations Custom Tables GA4 Custom
reports Annotations Future enhancement


 * Migration tools
 * Bidding migration
 * Live trainings and expert support:
   * Learn with GMP for American time zones
   * GMP Academy for European time zones
 * For additional support, contact your Google support representative or your
   Analytics Partner.


Expand all Collapse all
When will my Universal Analytics property go away?

All users, including those accessing 360 properties, will lose access to the
Universal Analytics user interface and API starting on July 1, 2024.

How can I export data from my Universal Analytics property?

There are several ways to export data from your Universal Analytics property:

 * Export individual reports into the following formats:
   * CSV
   * TSV
   * TSV for Excel
   * Excel (XLSX)
   * Google Sheets
   * PDF
 * Use the Google Analytics Reporting API to export data to Cloud storage and
   connect to Looker Studio. Learn more about available dimensions and metrics,
   APIs, and API quotas
 * Install the Google Sheets add-on for Analytics and follow these instructions
   to archive your data
 * Google Analytics 360 customers can also export to BigQuery

Does this change affect my Google Ads campaigns?

Unless your Universal Analytics property is linked to your Google Ads account,
your Google Ads account will be unaffected. However, if your Universal Analytics
property and Google Ads account is linked, Universal Analytics data stopped
flowing to Google Ads beginning on July 1, 2023. (July 1, 2024 for Analytics 360
properties.) This could affect your Google Ads campaigns if you're:

 * bidding on imported Universal Analytics goals or ecommerce transactions
 * using a Universal Analytics audience in your campaigns or ad groups
 * importing Universal Analytics site metrics

We suggest you migrate your Universal Analytics property's Google Ads links to
your Google Analytics 4 property. Next, if applicable, you should create Google
Ads conversions based on GA4 key events (for bidding) and/or add Google
Analytics 4 audiences to a campaign or ad group (for remarketing).

Visit the Google Ads help center for more information:

 * Learn more about switching to Google Analytics 4 in Google Ads
 * Learn more about adding Google Analytics 4 audiences in Google Ads

Can I delete my Universal Analytics property?Yes. However, deleting your
Universal Analytics property may in some instances affect your Google Analytics
4 property. If you reused your Universal Analytics tagging to send data to your
GA4 property, deleting the Universal Analytics property may stop data flow to
your GA4 property, and you’ll need to set up a new Google tag. Learn more about
the Google tag. Proceed with deletion of your Universal Analytics property only
if you’re certain you no longer need data to flow to your GA4 property or other
configured destinations. 

For Google Analytics 4 properties that rely on Universal Analytics tagging for
data collection, there is no additional risk when those Universal Analytics
properties are shut down and deleted by Google. Once Google deletes your
Universal Analytics property we’ll automatically continue to use your Universal
Analytics tagging for your Google Analytics 4 property, however only if your UA
tags are still on your website. If you decide to remove your UA tags, you can
replace them with a Google tag.

Can I still move my Universal Analytics property from one account to another?
Yes, until July 1, 2024, you can move your Universal Analytics or 360 properties
from one account to another account. Learn more about moving a property
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 * 1 of 17
   [GA4] Make the switch to Google Analytics 4
 * 2 of 17
   Google Analytics 4 has replaced Universal Analytics
 * 3 of 17
   [GA4] Common reporting solutions in Google Analytics 4
 * 4 of 17
   [UA→GA4] Comparing metrics: Google Analytics 4 vs. Universal Analytics
 * 5 of 17
   [UA→GA4] Migration guide for beginners
 * 6 of 17
   [UA→GA4] GA4 migration walkthrough (videos)
 * 7 of 17
   [UA→GA4] Migration reference
 * 8 of 17
   [UA→GA4] Universal Analytics view-related features in Google Analytics 4
 * 9 of 17
   [UA→GA4] How to check whether you have Universal Analytics or Google
   Analytics 4 (GA4)
 * 10 of 17
   [UA→GA4] How to tell if your GA4 property is connected to a Universal
   Analytics property
 * 11 of 17
   [UA→GA4] Automatically created Google Analytics 4 properties
 * 12 of 17
   [UA→GA4] No data in your automatically created GA4 property
 * 13 of 17
   [UA→GA4] Migrate your goals, users, audiences, and ads links from Universal
 * 14 of 17
   [UA→GA4] Advanced topics: Extended migration guides
 * 15 of 17
   [UA→GA4] Archive your UA data with Google Sheets
 * 16 of 17
   [UA→GA4] What's happening with Google Analytics?
 * 17 of 17
   Universal Analytics properties

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How Google Analytics is organizedCreate an organizationSwitch between accounts
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properties, and data streamsMove a propertyDelete / restore accounts and
propertiesAccess and data-restriction managementAdd, edit, and delete users and
user groupsUniversal Analytics view-related features in Google Analytics 4
propertiesView the history of account/property changes
About eventsUniversal Analytics versus Google Analytics 4 dataMonitor events in
debug modeAbout modeled conversionsSet up and manage conversion eventsSet up
cross-domain measurementIdentify unwanted referralsFilter, report on, or
restrict access to data subsetsData retentionData-deletion requestsAbout Data
Get started with reportsData freshnessGet started with ExplorationsReporting
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AdvertisingAbout attribution and attribution modelingSelect attribution
settingsConversion paths reportModel comparison reportGoogle Ads links migration
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Create, edit, and archive audiencesAudiences migration guideSuggested
audiencesAudience triggersPredictive metricsPredictive audiencesEnable
remarketing with Google Analytics dataActivate Google signals for Google
Analytics 4 propertiesRemarketing lists for search ads
Link Google Ads and AnalyticsBigQuery Export integrationAnalytics Search Ads 360
integrationDisplay & Video 360 integrationFirebase integrationSearch Console
integrationGoogle Merchant Center integrationGoogle Ad Manager
integrationSalesforce Marketing Cloud reporting integration



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