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    <option value="bailly-romainvilliers-commune-30758">Town centre of Bailly-Romainvilliers</option>
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    <option value="rer-station-bussy-saint-georges-landmark-23403">Transport - RER station Bussy-Saint-Georges (Bussy-Saint-Georges)</option>
    <option value="train-station-bussy-saint-georges-landmark-1792">Transport - Train station of Bussy-Saint-Georges (Bussy-Saint-Georges)</option>
    <option value="train-station-champs-forts-landmark-1806">Transport - Train station of Champs Forts (Esbly)</option>
    <option value="train-station-couilly-saint-germain-quincy-landmark-1847">Transport - Train station of Couilly - Saint-Germain - Quincy (Saint-Germain-sur-Morin)</option>
    <option value="train-station-crecy-chapelle-landmark-1802">Transport - Train station of Crécy-la-Chapelle (Crécy-la-Chapelle)</option>
    <option value="train-station-esbly-landmark-1807">Transport - Train station of Esbly (Esbly)</option>
    <option value="train-station-marne-vallee-chessy-landmark-1798">Transport - Train station of Marne-la-Vallée - Chessy (Chessy)</option>
    <option value="train-station-montry-conde-landmark-1831">Transport - Train station of Montry - Condé (Montry)</option>
    <option value="train-station-mortcerf-landmark-1833">Transport - Train station of Mortcerf (Mortcerf)</option>
    <option value="train-station-val-europe-landmark-1852">Transport - Train station of Val d'Europe (Serris)</option>
    <option value="train-station-villiers-montbarbin-landmark-1803">Transport - Train station of Villiers - Montbarbin (Crécy-la-Chapelle)</option>
    <option value="golf-course-bussy-guermantes-landmark-3941">Leisure centre - Golf Course of Bussy - Guermantes (Bussy-Saint-Georges)</option>
    <option value="golf-course-brie-landmark-3948">Leisure centre - Golf Course of La Brie (Crécy-la-Chapelle)</option>
    <option value="marina-lagny-marne-landmark-22890">Leisure centre - Marina of Lagny-sur-Marne (Lagny-sur-Marne)</option>
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    <option value="castle-jossigny-landmark-11791">Monument - Castle of Jossigny (Jossigny)</option>
    <option value="church-saint-georges-landmark-18164">Monument - Church Saint-Georges (Couilly-Pont-aux-Dames)</option>
    <option value="church-saint-remy-landmark-19842">Monument - Church Saint-Rémy (Ferrières-en-Brie)</option>
    <option value="church-saint-remy-landmark-19843">Monument - Church Saint-Rémy (Montévrain)</option>
    <option value="obelisk-villeneuve-comte-landmark-21669">Monument - Obelisk of Villeneuve-le-Comte (Dammartin-sur-Tigeaux)</option>
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    <option value="cultural-centre-ferme-communes-landmark-38024">Performance hall - Cultural Centre of the Ferme des Communes (Serris)</option>
    <option value="espace-charles-vanel-landmark-9742">Performance hall - Espace Charles Vanel (Lagny-sur-Marne)</option>
    <option value="file-landmark-9745">Performance hall - File 7 (Magny-le-Hongre)</option>
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Kyriad Fontenay - Trésigny
Kyriad Fontenay - Trésigny is 20 km south of Disneyland Paris and within easy
reach of Paris. The hotel was built on the outskirts of Fontenay, and provides
all necessary comfort in order to make your stay an unforgettable…
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Town Internet @@@@@

City flower **

Sports City *

Child Friendly City, Unicef

 * His history :

 * Created in the 70s, in order to contribute to rebalancing east Parisian
   regional development, the new town of Marne-la-Vallée has many means of
   communication: the A4 motorway and A104, the RN36, the RER A and the
   international train station of Chessy. The Roissy Charles de Gaulle is
   located 30 minutes by motorway.
 * Its institutional structure is very fragmented (4 areas of development, 3
   intercommunal, 26 municipalities, two public planning) and its territorial
   inhomogeneous development. Thus the two main urban centers (Noisy-le-Grand
   and the Val d'Europe) are located at both ends of the territory.
 * In the mid-80s, the company Walt Disney Company seeks to develop its
   activities in the world, especially in Europe, putting into practice a new
   property development concept related to amusement parks. Beyond an image
   strategy, it is to benefit from more land value generated by the presence of
   the park and the associated lifestyle. In this perspective, the
   Marne-la-Vallée site, divided into four sectors, presented the advantages of
   the close of the Paris market pole and land availability. This is the heart
   of Sector IV of Marne-la-Vallée Disney that took root in the same time as was
   the Agglomeration New Union (SAN) Portes de la Brie, to be called in 2001 SAN
   Val Europe.
 * In this context, the city of Bailly-Romainvilliers has experienced rapid
   urban population growth, from 371 people in 1 975 to 609 in 1990, 3,395 in
   1999, 5,421 in 2006 and 5,690 in 2010, 6,555 to 1 January 2013 (according to
   INSEE). This population is mainly characterized by its youth and dynamism:
   80% of the population is in fact less than 40 years, and nearly one in five
   residents is enrolled in kindergarten or primary school. In this development,
   the town is constantly adapting by offering new services and facilities to
   the public in an evolutionary manner, allowing to always meet the needs of
   its population.
 * However, despite its evolution, Bailly-Romainvilliers has kept its "soul" of
   the village. His attachment to its past and its heritage are major elements
   of this phenomenon, with the existence of the Hamlet of Bailly.
 * In the Middle Ages, Bailly was the village with a church, farms and a castle.
   Romainvilliers, whose name comes from the Latin Romanus (Roman) and the Latin
   villa (the field), was a hamlet in the middle of the field.
 * In the twelfth century was a priory which depended on the Champagne County.
   It was located in the center of a parish territory covered with wood, causing
   the hamlet of Bailly.
 * Current research, conducted by INRAP, enabled the discovery of a primitive
   cemetery in which were identified forty graves grouped around the tomb to the
   bell. This cemetery defines a community facility, a hospice.
 * From 1172 texts cite the stately home of Bailly. The transformation of this
   building into fortified manor held in 1250.
 * In the thirteenth century to 1280, the monks of the Abbey of Saint Germain
   des Pres Bailly transfer to the seat of the parish of Romainvilliers. The
   priory is located next to the church. Another priory was founded at a place
   called Les Petites Hermières.
 * Bailly preserves the remains of an ancient castle built in the fourteenth
   century, capital of a fairly large manor that extended to Serris.
 * The lordship of Bailly in 1575 belongs to Pileur Thomas, Lord of Serris and
   Magny-le-Hongre. At his death in 1641, his son Hardouin Foucher (whose
   tombstone is preserved in the Church of Bailly), married to Valentine Pileur,
   inherited Bailly. Claude Barre, a lawyer in the Court of Parliament, is lord
   of Bailly to 1667. He sells the manor to Mary Nicole Guillebon, wife of Jean
   Jourdan, secretary of the king. The son of the latter, Admiral François Morin
   de Tourville inherit the earth (1642-1701) and resells it to Gilbert Antoine
   Ligier de La Prade, esquire of the king. The last Lord of Bailly is the
   Marquis Louis Paul La Motte Ango de Flers, whose property will be sold as
   national property during the Revolution.
 * The former castle of the lords of Bailly, built on a median rectangular,
   surrounded by moats and accessible by a bridge was destroyed. Only a few
   traces remain (moat, dungeon, ancient walls...), the Dungeon of the farm, the
   farm houses of Valois and the hamlet located in the current street Poncelet.
 * Until 1864 the seat of the county was Bailly where the church were, the
   castle and large farms.
 * Became simple agricultural village, Romainvilliers retains a devotional
   chapel (Notre Dame). This modified chapel later became a farm called
   Saint-Blandin, whose barn houses in the early nineteenth century the remains
   of a chapel of the same name. According to a general plan of 1883 there were
   also near the Champs Farm.
 * In the early twentieth century a road was built connecting Paris and
   Coulommiers through Romainvilliers. With this new communication channel, the
   hamlet of Romainvilliers developed. City Hall was built there which also
   served as a school, a large square and shops settled. Romainvilliers then
   became the capital of the municipality and a hamlet Bailly.
 * Now the hamlet of Bailly consists essentially of two traditional farms, de
   Valois and the Dungeon, as well as the church, the last vestige of the old
 * In the early twentieth century a road through Romainvilliers between
   Coulommiers is built in Paris. With this new communication channel, the
   hamlet of Romainvilliers develops. there were built City Hall, which also
   serves as a school and a great place. Shops settled. Romainvilliers became
   the capital of the commune, and Bailly, the hamlet.

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Kyriad Fontenay - Trésigny
Kyriad Fontenay - Trésigny is 20 km south of Disneyland Paris and within easy
reach of Paris. The hotel was built on the outskirts of Fontenay, and provides
all necessary comfort in order to make your stay an unforgettable…
More information


MunicipalityBailly-RomainvilliersPostcode77700Latitude48.8470680 (N 48° 50’
49”)Longitude2.8238030 (E 2° 49’ 26”)AltitudeFrom 125m to 140mSurface area6.21
km²Population7368 inhabitantsDensity1186 inhabitants/km²PrefectureMelun (51 km,
38 min)Insee code77018IntercommunalityCA Val d'Europe


Magny-le-Hongre2.3 km (6 min)Serris3.3 km (8 min)Coutevroult3.8 km (6
min)Villiers-sur-Morin4.9 km (7 min)Montry5.5 km (9
min)Saint-Germain-sur-Morin6 km (8 min)Jossigny6 km (9
min)Villeneuve-le-Comte6.6 km (8 min)Couilly-Pont-aux-Dames6.7 km (9
min)Esbly7.3 km (12 min)Chalifert7.4 km (12 min)Coupvray7.5 km (12
min)Chessy7.7 km (12 min)


 * Shut the dungeon:

 * Bailly retains vestiges of the old castle built in the 14th century. The
   deeds of 1528 describes "a way to keep flag at the entrance of the castle,
   furnished with two Tournelles half round and square on the front. From the
   front, with stone battlements. In the pavilion, there the two square rooms on
   each other, and a room at the height, down prisons by top closets and small
   firm and outside, leaning against the house, a spiral staircase and a small
   square, serving as a latrine. "
 * Some famous people have visited the various lords of Bailly, which said
   fourth Philippe Philip the Fair in 1311, Charles 4th 6th in 1326 and Philippe
   de Valois in 1350. In the 15th century, the priory was sold to Lord of
   Bailly, Thibaud Signet. It then becomes a privileged space for hunting. The
   Hundred Years War, which raged in the 15th and 16th centuries, the hamlet of
   savings Bailly. This site is then up to the revolution, the residence of the
   great figures of court, parliamentary, squires, lawyers of the king. Over
   time, the dungeon will remain the only part that crosses history, despite the
   demolitions ordered by the Revolution. In the late 15th century, the lordship
   of Bailly is owned by Robert Thiboust, president of the court that turns the
   house into a castle-high residential. In the 17th century, the Bailiwick is a
   manorial court. In the 18th century, a farm is the assistant to the castle of
   Bailly. A gate provides access. The ornamentation of this entry mimics the
   buildings Norman half-timbered.
 * Mountains and flanked by crenellated towers, the tower was restored in 1856,
   in the style of medieval castles in vogue. Reinforcement work for the shed,
   the tower and the stables are made from July to October 2011. Unfortunately,
   the hunting lodge, whose state of disrepair makes it dangerous, can not be
   recovered. Three interventions are planned: carpentry work, roofing and
   waterproofing, masonry and structural recovery and joinery.

 * The church of Notre-Dame, dating the 18th century:

 * The church erected Bailly under the patronage of the Assumption of the Virgin
   has remained at the graduation of the monks of Saint-Germain-des-Prés until
   the Revolution. The chapel of the priory was it located in the church from
   Bailly, near the choir. No document can specify the date of construction of
   the church erected at Bailly. In the late 15th century, this building is
   called Our Lady of Condra. In 1929, the parishioners of Bailly-Romainvilliers
   send a scathing petition to the council: they require the destruction of the
   Church of Our Lady, situated in the village of Bailly and require the
   construction of a chapel in the hamlet of Romainvilliers. The mayor passes
   the request to the prefect of Seine-et-Marne. The latter replied that only
   the bishop is able to authorize the destruction of a religious building, and
   that, moreover, the separation of church and state prohibits it from 1905
   down payment in the construction of a church. This is how Our Lady of Bailly
   is preserved.
 * The Church of Our Lady, which has a cure and a vicarage, presbytery has a
   dated 19th century and a priory. The people of Bailly were buried in or
   around the church, according to their rank, until the late 19th century.
   Currently, the church of Bailly-Romainvilliers is called Our Lady of the
   Assumption. It is located rue Poncelet in the hamlet.

 * Cemetery:

 * Despite the Napoleonic law of 23 Prairial XII, which requires municipalities
   to set their extramural cemetery, the cemetery is relocated on the outskirts
   of the village in 1890.
 * The cross of stone, characteristic of the 17th century, placed in the aisle,
   probably comes from the old cemetery.

 * The town of Romainvilliers:

 * The town of Romainvilliers was originally a village in the Brie character
   with some characteristic groups of houses being associated with small
   farmhouses, old differences, a few houses or farm larger (farm
 * This old village around the place retains a part of our day "administrative"
   and collect certain symbols of collective life.

 * The former mayor and school:

 * Building and symmetrical rectangular topped with a steeple, town hall-school
   Bailly is typical of municipal buildings built in the 19th century. In 1921,
   the town of Bailly-Romainvilliers wants to erect a monument to soldiers
   killed during World War I, but opts for a simple plaque for lack of funds. It
   is affixed near the town hall.
 * Since 1999, the mayor has moved in extension adjoining the building. A
   project to rehabilitate the old town hall should be released soon, one way to
   preserve a heritage dear to the old, for whom she is still the village
   school. To respect the spirit of the old town hall, the exterior of the
   building will remain the same.

 * The Town Hall Square: The modern fountain in its center, its flower beds, the
   bowling green which is adjacent to contribute to its character. On both sides
   of the town hall square, the two old wells have become a medium and a floral
 * The laundry (corner of the Lavoir and Flaches) Bailly was powered by three
   systems no longer exist: the system Hanriau before 1876, the atmospheric
   system Buignet the rosary, in 1896, and the windmill Pitt, even in the 1970s.
 * The Fountain (street Mouillère).


Performance halls
Cultural Centre La Ferme Corsange

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Near this destinationTown centre of Bailly-RomainvilliersTransport - Aerodrome
of Meaux - Esbly (Isles-lès-Villenoy)Transport - RER station Bussy-Saint-Georges
(Bussy-Saint-Georges)Transport - Train station of Bussy-Saint-Georges
(Bussy-Saint-Georges)Transport - Train station of Champs Forts (Esbly)Transport
- Train station of Couilly - Saint-Germain - Quincy
(Saint-Germain-sur-Morin)Transport - Train station of Crécy-la-Chapelle
(Crécy-la-Chapelle)Transport - Train station of Esbly (Esbly)Transport - Train
station of Marne-la-Vallée - Chessy (Chessy)Transport - Train station of Montry
- Condé (Montry)Transport - Train station of Mortcerf (Mortcerf)Transport -
Train station of Val d'Europe (Serris)Transport - Train station of Villiers -
Montbarbin (Crécy-la-Chapelle)Leisure centre - Golf Course of Bussy - Guermantes
(Bussy-Saint-Georges)Leisure centre - Golf Course of La Brie
(Crécy-la-Chapelle)Leisure centre - Marina of Lagny-sur-Marne
(Lagny-sur-Marne)Leisure centre - Museum Gatien Bonnet (Lagny-sur-Marne)Leisure
centre - Museum Maison Natale de Louis Braille (Coupvray)Leisure centre - Theme
Park Disneyland Paris (Chessy)Leisure centre - Theme Park Walt Disney Studios
(Chessy)Monument - Castle of Ferrières (Ferrières-en-Brie)Monument - Castle of
Jossigny (Jossigny)Monument - Church Saint-Georges
(Couilly-Pont-aux-Dames)Monument - Church Saint-Rémy (Ferrières-en-Brie)Monument
- Church Saint-Rémy (Montévrain)Monument - Obelisk of Villeneuve-le-Comte
(Dammartin-sur-Tigeaux)Performance hall - Cultural Centre La Ferme
CorsangePerformance hall - Cultural Centre of the Ferme des Communes
(Serris)Performance hall - Espace Charles Vanel (Lagny-sur-Marne)Performance
hall - File 7 (Magny-le-Hongre)See list
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Bed & breakfasts in the Seine-et-Marne
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weekend offers.
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Bed & breakfasts in the Seine-et-Marne
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 * Forum trades in late January at the gym Lilandry.
 * Commemorative ceremonies on May 8 and 11 November, at the war memorial.
 * Music Festival, June 21, at the Farm Corsange.
 * Bargain summer party, the third Sunday in June, boulevard des Sports.
 * Sessions outdoor cinema on the last Saturday of June, July and August, the
   Town Hall Square.
 * Popular dance and fireworks on July 13 in front of the school Easterly.
 * Association Forum in late August and early September, the gym Lilandry.
 * Heritage Day, the third Sunday of September, in the hamlet of Bailly.
 * Weekend with family antiques from childhood, the third weekend of November at
   the gym Lilandry.
 * Christmas Extravaganza, the first Saturday in December, instead of Europe.


Aerial view of Bailly-Romainvilliers
See photo


Tuesday 12 december
Min. 9°C - Max. 13°C


Wednesday 13 december
Min. 7°C - Max. 9°C


Thursday 14 december
Min. 6°C - Max. 7°C




Last nameActivity typeRateCity

Glass workshop at the Manufacture ArribasArts and Crafts24 €
Condé-Sainte-Libiaire (5.7 km)

Parrot World - Immersive animal parkNature and the great outdoors14 € to 18 €
Crécy-la-Chapelle (8.6 km)

Skip-the-Line E-Ticket – Château de VincennesCulture and education9 € Vincennes
(28 km)

Fast-track ticket to the Zoological Park de Paris (Vincennes
Zoo)Entertainment20 € Paris (30 km)

Guided Tour of Père Lachaise Cemetery – In English onlyCulture and education19 €
Paris (31 km)

All leisure activities around Bailly-Romainvilliers


Last nameOuting typeDifficultyDurationDeparture municipality

Historic trail in the town centreVillage visitEasy1:30La Ferté-sous-Jouarre
(25 km)

Family discovery trailVillage visitEasy1:00La Ferté-sous-Jouarre (25 km)

La Barre Natural Forest AreaHikeEasy1:30La Ferté-sous-Jouarre (25 km)

Bergette Natural Forest AreaHikeEasy1:00La Ferté-sous-Jouarre (25 km)

Paris illuminationsCar itineraryEasy2:00Paris (35 km)

All outings around Bailly-Romainvilliers
Disneyland Paris
An enchanted kingdom for kids and grown-ups!
Grand Morin valley
The “Valley of the Painters!

Château de Ferrières
This Italian Renaissance-style residence is home to a Museum of the Imagination

Places of interest include the Gothic cathedral, Bossuet museum and formal


Le Zèbre de Magny
French cuisine restaurant in Magny-le-Hongre
39 € per person
The restaurant Le Zebre de Magny is an ideal place for all occasions. With a
smiling and attentive staff, and a neat decoration, it offers a perfect setting
for a romantic dinner or a lunch with friends. The cuisine is neat, with quality

Located 2.4 km from Bailly-Romainvilliers
Le George
French cuisine restaurant in Serris
33 € per person
The restaurant Le George of the hotel L'Elysée offers a unique culinary
experience with a tasting of fresh and quality products, prepared with natural
ingredients to create plates full of flavors and colors. Located in Serris, this

Located 3.6 km from Bailly-Romainvilliers
La Table de Chessy
French cuisine restaurant in Chessy
44 € per person
This restaurant La Table de Chessy is a perfect place to enjoy a unique culinary
experience. La Table de Chessy offers reinvented and contemporary French
cuisine, with dishes that are both tasty and aesthetic. Its simple and intimate

Located 5.6 km from Bailly-Romainvilliers
All restaurants around Bailly-Romainvilliers


La Rose des Vents
House with 3 bedrooms in Saint-Germain-sur-Morin
70 € to 137 € per double room
Located 2 km from Saint-Germain-sur-Morin, La Rose des Vents is 7 km from
Disneyland Paris. It has a garden, free Wi-Fi access and a shaded terrace with a
table and chairs. All the air-conditioned rooms at La Rose des Vents are

Located 3 km from Bailly-Romainvilliers
Carnetin Le Parc, Gite et B&B
House with 2 bedrooms in Thorigny-sur-Marne
98 € per double room
Located 9km from Disneyland Paris©, Carnetin Le Parc offers 2 different types of
accommodation, each with a private entrance and terrace leading onto a garden.
There is a guest room and a cottage on offer. Each accommodation has a view of

Located 10.1 km from Bailly-Romainvilliers
The Art Residence of Greater Paris

House with 4 bedrooms in Joinville-le-Pont
110 € to 160 € per double room
A beautiful property with garden, between the wood and the river, near the shops
near the RER A, on the edge of Paris, 15 minutes from the center of the capital.
Quiet and protected. You can rest, regroup or relax. Possibility also to create…

Located 26 km from Bailly-Romainvilliers
All bed & breakfasts around Bailly-Romainvilliers


Apartment for 4 people in Bailly-Romainvilliers
35 m², 2 bedrooms

Set 39 km from Paris-Gare-de-Lyon, CASA CHAMALLOW offers accommodation with free
WiFi and free private parking. The property is located 41 km from Notre Dame
Cathedral, 41 km from Sainte-Chapelle and 41 km from Pompidou Centre. The
Located Bailly-Romainvilliers away
Confort Golf Disney
Apartment for 4 people in Bailly-Romainvilliers
45 m², 2 bedrooms

Offering a terrace and garden view, Confort Golf Disney is set in
Bailly-Romainvilliers, 38 km from Paris-Gare-de-Lyon and 39 km from Opéra
Bastille. This property offers access to a balcony, free private parking and
free WiFi. This apartment…
Located Bailly-Romainvilliers away
La Canopée By Plaza
Apartment for 12 people in Serris
64 m², 3 bedrooms

Set in Serris, 35 km from Paris-Gare-de-Lyon and 36 km from Opéra Bastille, La
Canopée By Plaza offers lake views and free WiFi. It is located 38 km from
Sainte-Chapelle and features a lift. The property is non-smoking and is situated
37 km…

Located 2.1 km from Bailly-Romainvilliers
All vacation rentals around Bailly-Romainvilliers


Camping Paris-Est
Campsite in Champigny-sur-Marne

Located 9 km from Paris in Champigny-sur-Marne, this resort offers self-catering
bungalows set in an 8-hectare park. Disneyland Paris is a 25-minute drive away
and free parking is available on site. Bungalows at Camping Paris-Est are

Located 25 km from Bailly-Romainvilliers
Camping des Bondons
Campsite in La Ferté-sous-Jouarre

Set in La Ferté-sous-Jouarre, within 49 km of Domaine de Chaalis and 34 km of
Parc des Félins, Camping des Bondons offers accommodation with a garden as well
as free private parking for guests who drive. The property has quiet street
views and…

Located 26 km from Bailly-Romainvilliers
All campsites around Bailly-Romainvilliers


Ace Hôtel Paris Marne La Vallée

Hotel in Bailly-Romainvilliers
Room from 76 €
Ace Hôtel Paris Marne La Vallée offers accommodation in Bailly-Romainvillier, 5
km from Disneyland Paris. The property is 40 km from the centre of Paris. All
rooms are serviced by a lift and offer air conditioning and a flat-screen TV.
Located Bailly-Romainvilliers away
Holiday Inn Express - Marne-la-Vallée Val d'Europe, an IHG Hotel

Hotel in Bailly-Romainvilliers

Located in Bailly-Romainvilliers, 39 km from Paris-Gare-de-Lyon, Holiday Inn
Express - Marne-la-Vallée Val d'Europe, an IHG Hotel provides accommodation with
a shared lounge, free private parking, a terrace and a bar. This 3-star hotel
Located Bailly-Romainvilliers away
Staycity Aparthotels near Disneyland Paris

Hotel in Bailly-Romainvilliers

Staycity Aparthotels Paris Marne La Vallée is located a five-minute drive from
Disneyland® Paris and RER Station and the Chessy high-speed international train
station, and a 10-minute drive from the Val d’Europe shopping centre. The
Located Bailly-Romainvilliers away
All hotels around Bailly-Romainvilliers


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Self-catering holiday homes, gîtes and apartments.
Bed & breakfasts in the Seine-et-Marne
Rooms from local hosts offering a personal welcome.
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Restaurants in the Seine-et-Marne
Regional and international cuisine, style of restaurant and menus.
Leisure activities in the Seine-et-Marne
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