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Text Content

 * What we do
   * Financial Assistance for Families
   * Achievements
   * Bear Cottage
   * Hair Donation Australia
   * Funding Hospitals
     * Westmead Children’s Hospital
     * Sydney Children’s Hospital
     * Women’s & Children’s Hospital
     * Monash Children’s Hospital
     * John Hunter Children’s Hospital
     * Royal Children’s Hospital
     * Queensland Children’s Hospital
     * Mater Children’s Hospital
     * Alice Springs Hospital
   * Cancer Research
 * How you can help
   * Fundraise 4 us
   * Bequests
   * Business Support
   * Lottery Tickets
   * Partner With Us
   * Regular Giving
 * About Us
   * Our Vision
   * News and Stories
   * FAQ’s
   * Financials
   * Meet the Team
   * Ambassadors
   * Impact Statement
 * Get Involved
   * Care Packs 4 Kids
   * Wigs 4 Kids
   * Shave 4 Kids
   * Scare Cancer
   * Upcoming Events
 * Contact

 * What we do
   * Financial Assistance for Families
   * Achievements
   * Bear Cottage
   * Hair Donation Australia
   * Funding Hospitals
     * Westmead Children’s Hospital
     * Sydney Children’s Hospital
     * Women’s & Children’s Hospital
     * Monash Children’s Hospital
     * John Hunter Children’s Hospital
     * Royal Children’s Hospital
     * Queensland Children’s Hospital
     * Mater Children’s Hospital
     * Alice Springs Hospital
   * Cancer Research
 * How you can help
   * Fundraise 4 us
   * Bequests
   * Business Support
   * Lottery Tickets
   * Partner With Us
   * Regular Giving
 * About Us
   * Our Vision
   * News and Stories
   * FAQ’s
   * Financials
   * Meet the Team
   * Ambassadors
   * Impact Statement
 * Get Involved
   * Care Packs 4 Kids
   * Wigs 4 Kids
   * Shave 4 Kids
   * Scare Cancer
   * Upcoming Events
 * Contact
 * Donate
   * Credit Card
   * Bank Transfer, Cheque or Phone
   * Bitcoin
 * Lottery Tickets
   * Lottery Results

 * What we do
 * How you can help
 * About Us
 * Get Involved
 * Contact
 * 1800 255 522

What we do
There are many ways you can help from donating time and money, to getting
involved with fundraising.
 * Financial Assistance for Families
 * Achievements
 * Bear Cottage
 * Hair Donation Australia
 * Funding Hospitals
   * Westmead Children’s Hospital
   * Sydney Children’s Hospital
   * Women’s & Children’s Hospital
   * Monash Children’s Hospital
   * John Hunter Children’s Hospital
   * Royal Children’s Hospital
   * Queensland Children’s Hospital
   * Mater Children’s Hospital
   * Alice Springs Hospital
 * Cancer Research

How you can help
 * Fundraise 4 us
 * Bequests
 * Business Support
 * Lottery Tickets
 * Partner With Us
 * Regular Giving

About Us
 * Our Vision
 * News and Stories
 * FAQ’s
 * Financials
 * Meet the Team
 * Ambassadors
 * Impact Statement

Get Involved
 * Care Packs 4 Kids
 * Wigs 4 Kids
 * Shave 4 Kids
 * Scare Cancer
 * Upcoming Events

 * Donate
   * Credit Card
   * Bank Transfer, Cheque or Phone
   * Bitcoin
 * Lottery Tickets
   * Lottery Results

1800 255 522
 * What we do
 * How you can help
 * About Us
 * Get Involved
 * Contact

What we do
There are many ways you can help from donating time and money, to getting
involved with fundraising.
 * Financial Assistance for Families
 * Achievements
 * Bear Cottage
 * Hair Donation Australia
 * Funding Hospitals
   * Westmead Children’s Hospital
   * Sydney Children’s Hospital
   * Women’s & Children’s Hospital
   * Monash Children’s Hospital
   * John Hunter Children’s Hospital
   * Royal Children’s Hospital
   * Queensland Children’s Hospital
   * Mater Children’s Hospital
   * Alice Springs Hospital
 * Cancer Research

How you can help
 * Fundraise 4 us
 * Bequests
 * Business Support
 * Lottery Tickets
 * Partner With Us
 * Regular Giving

About Us
 * Our Vision
 * News and Stories
 * FAQ’s
 * Financials
 * Meet the Team
 * Ambassadors
 * Impact Statement

Get Involved
 * Care Packs 4 Kids
 * Wigs 4 Kids
 * Shave 4 Kids
 * Scare Cancer
 * Upcoming Events

 * Donate
   * Credit Card
   * Bank Transfer, Cheque or Phone
   * Bitcoin
 * Lottery Tickets
   * Lottery Results

100% of direct donations are passed on to help sick kids!



You can help by donating money, time, hair or get involved with one of our
fundraising events like Scare Cancer or Wigs 4 Kids™ or try your luck with a
lottery ticket.

We help families like Ashton’s

How we help How you can help
Helping financially

Financially helping children aged 0–12 years diagnosed with a form of cancer and
their families through their cancer journey.

read more
Supporting hospitals

In addition to our work with kids with cancer and their families, we have also
been supporting Children's hospitals Australia-wide since 1998.

Funding cancer research

Over the next seven years we will support a clinical trial into finding a cure
for children who relapse after treatment of a brain cancer in children.

read more
Wigs 4 Kids™

We provide Wigs for Children being treated for cancer up to 18 years of age.

read more
Helping financially

Financially helping children aged 0–12 years diagnosed with a form of cancer and
their families through their cancer journey.

read more
Supporting hospitals

In addition to our work with kids with cancer and their families, we have also
been supporting Children's hospitals Australia-wide since 1998.

Funding cancer research

Over the next seven years we will support a clinical trial into finding a cure
for children who relapse after treatment of a brain cancer in children.

read more
Wigs 4 Kids™

We provide Wigs for Children being treated for cancer up to 18 years of age.

read more
Helping financially

Financially helping children aged 0–12 years diagnosed with a form of cancer and
their families through their cancer journey.

read more
Supporting hospitals

In addition to our work with kids with cancer and their families, we have also
been supporting Children's hospitals Australia-wide since 1998.

Funding cancer research

Over the next seven years we will support a clinical trial into finding a cure
for children who relapse after treatment of a brain cancer in children.

read more
Wigs 4 Kids™

We provide Wigs for Children being treated for cancer up to 18 years of age.

read more

Helping financially
Supporting hospitals
Funding cancer research
Wigs 4 Kids™
Donate NOW!!

Help make a difference in the lives of families that we support.

donate now
Buy lottery tickets

Support the kids and you could win $80,000 in your choice of prizes.

buy tickets
Scare Cancer

Donate or join our National Campaign to help us find a cure for Ependymoma, a
common form of childhood brain cancer.

read more
Donate your hair

Join our Wigs 4 Kids™ campaign, donate your hair to help a sick child feel a
little more normal.

donate now

Donate NOW!!
Buy lottery tickets
Scare Cancer
Donate your hair
0 +
Families helped
Hospital's Funded
Clinical Positions Funded
Jacob Kiraz - Canterbury Bankstown Bulldogs
I'm looking forward to helping families going through a tough time, and putting
a smile on their faces"
News and stories of change
Jimmy Vernon Racing

Our journey with our Ambassador Jimmy Vernon Racing has been a remarkable one,
and […]

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We are proud to support a World-first trial for paediatric brain cancer

A world-first clinical trial, known as The Deflexifol® At Relapse Trial (DART),
proudly supported […]

read more
$1 million donation allows Genetic Predisposition Testing for Childhood Cancer
at Westmead

In March 2023, we committed $1 million to Sydney Children’s Hospitals Foundation
to fund […]

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San Giorgio Martire Di Sydney – Farm Day

Come and join the festivities at the beautiful San Giorgio property at
Kenthurst. $30.00 […]

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Jimmy Vernon Racing

Our journey with our Ambassador Jimmy Vernon Racing has been a remarkable one,
and […]

read more
We are proud to support a World-first trial for paediatric brain cancer

A world-first clinical trial, known as The Deflexifol® At Relapse Trial (DART),
proudly supported […]

read more
$1 million donation allows Genetic Predisposition Testing for Childhood Cancer
at Westmead

In March 2023, we committed $1 million to Sydney Children’s Hospitals Foundation
to fund […]

read more
San Giorgio Martire Di Sydney – Farm Day

Come and join the festivities at the beautiful San Giorgio property at
Kenthurst. $30.00 […]

read more
Jimmy Vernon Racing

Our journey with our Ambassador Jimmy Vernon Racing has been a remarkable one,
and […]

read more
We are proud to support a World-first trial for paediatric brain cancer

A world-first clinical trial, known as The Deflexifol® At Relapse Trial (DART),
proudly supported […]

read more
$1 million donation allows Genetic Predisposition Testing for Childhood Cancer
at Westmead

In March 2023, we committed $1 million to Sydney Children’s Hospitals Foundation
to fund […]

read more
San Giorgio Martire Di Sydney – Farm Day

Come and join the festivities at the beautiful San Giorgio property at
Kenthurst. $30.00 […]

read more

Jimmy Vernon Racing

Our journey with our Ambassador Jimmy Vernon Racing has been a remarkable one,
and […]

read more
We are proud to support a World-first trial for paediatric brain cancer

A world-first clinical trial, known as The Deflexifol® At Relapse Trial (DART),
proudly supported […]

read more
$1 million donation allows Genetic Predisposition Testing for Childhood Cancer
at Westmead

In March 2023, we committed $1 million to Sydney Children’s Hospitals Foundation
to fund […]

read more
Jimmy Vernon Racing

Our journey with our Ambassador Jimmy Vernon Racing has been a remarkable one,
and […]

read more
We are proud to support a World-first trial for paediatric brain cancer

A world-first clinical trial, known as The Deflexifol® At Relapse Trial (DART),
proudly supported […]

read more
$1 million donation allows Genetic Predisposition Testing for Childhood Cancer
at Westmead

In March 2023, we committed $1 million to Sydney Children’s Hospitals Foundation
to fund […]

read more
Trusted and supported by

Making today easier.
donate now

The Registered Charity Tick was developed by the Australian Charities and
Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC). Only registered charities can display the
Registered Charity Tick. Being a registered charity since 1998 we were proud to
have been awarded the Tick of approval when it was first introduced in 2016.


22/22 Hudson Ave, Castle Hill, Australia NSW 2154

ACN: 095 779 114  ABN: 99 095 779 114
(02) 9680 7444 or Freecall 1800 255 522

© 2023 Kids with Cancer Foundation (Australia) Limited
 * Privacy Policy


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