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Submitted URL: https://skinnbyrissa.com/
Effective URL: https://www.skinnbyrissa.com/
Submission: On April 30 via api from US — Scanned from DE

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Exfoliating Facial (Example Service)

Square created this example service to demonstrate a few advanced service
settings. Check out the "block extra time" feature, which automatically adds
extra minutes to your service duration, allowing you to make the most of the
time between appointments. Create variations to offer a range of customized
options with unique names, durations, prices, and more. Enable the "bookable by
customers online" option to see how this service will appear to your customers
when booking online.

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1 hr

Bazillion wax

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30 mins

Bikini wax

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Full leg wax

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30 mins

1/2 leg wax

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Arm wax

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30 mins

Underarm wax

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Back wax

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Chest Wax

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Face Wax

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Brow Wax

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Chin Wax

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Lip Wax

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Nose wax

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Body scrub

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Mud wrap

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Hot stone add on

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Back treatment

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Lash lift & tint

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Lash Tint

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Lash Lift

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Brow lam& tint

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Brow Tint

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Brow Lamination

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Package 5 luxury facials

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Package 5 acne facials

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Package 5 anti aging

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Package 5 microderms

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Photolight add-on

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High frequency add-on

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Dermaplane add-on

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Radio frequency

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Photo-Light Facial

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Acne Facial

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Anti-aging Facial

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Luxury Facial

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Basic Facial

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Carissa Dickinson

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843 Miller Valley Rd. Ste 204
PRESCOTT, Arizona 86301
(602) 769-5187

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