www.zendate.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: http://zendate.com/
Effective URL: https://www.zendate.com/
Submission Tags: tranco_l324
Submission: On May 18 via api from DE — Scanned from FR

Form analysis 5 forms found in the DOM

Name: authorization-without-password https://www.zendate.com/people/

<form name="authorization-without-password" class="form content sign-in-without-password" action="https://www.zendate.com/people/" novalidate="">
  <div class="form-container">
    <div class="title"><co-i18n>Enter your email to receive a login link.</co-i18n></div>
    <div class="field">
      <div class="input-container"><label><co-i18n><input type="email" class="data" name="email" tabindex="2" autocomplete="home email" validations="isNotEmpty,hasAt,hasProvider,isEmail" placeholder="Your Email"></co-i18n>
          <div class="error-notification hidden"><span class="error-message email-at hidden"><co-i18n>Please include '@' in your email</co-i18n></span><span class="error-message email-provider hidden"><co-i18n>Please include the part after
                '@'</co-i18n></span><span class="error-message email-empty hidden"><co-i18n>Enter a valid email</co-i18n></span><span class="error-message email-incorrect hidden"><co-i18n>Enter a valid email</co-i18n></span></div>
    </div><button class="action call-to-action medium" type="submit" value="sign-in"><co-i18n>Continue</co-i18n></button> <button class="switcher action default sign-in" type="button"><co-i18n>Sign in with password</co-i18n></button>
    <div class="footer"><span class="switcher pseudo-link sign-up"><co-i18n>Create your Account</co-i18n></span></div>
  <div class="message-container"><span class="text-message other hotmail outlook hidden"><co-i18n>An email with a login link has been sent to<div class="mirror-text"></div></co-i18n></span><span class="text-message gmail yahoo hidden"><co-i18n>Log in
        quickly using any link from the email we’ve sent to<div class="mirror-text"></div>
        </co-i18n></span><a target="_blank" href="https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#search/in%3A+all+zendate" data-tracking-disable="" class="action call-to-action medium hidden check-mailbox gmail"><co-i18n>Check your Gmail account</co-i18n></a><a target="_blank" href="https://www.yahoo.com/" data-tracking-disable="" class="action call-to-action medium hidden check-mailbox yahoo"><co-i18n>Check your Yahoo account</co-i18n></a><a target="_blank" href="https://www.outlook.com/" data-tracking-disable="" class="action call-to-action medium hidden check-mailbox hotmail"><co-i18n>Check your Hotmail account</co-i18n></a><a target="_blank" href="https://www.outlook.com/" data-tracking-disable="" class="action call-to-action medium hidden check-mailbox outlook"><co-i18n>Check your Outlook account</co-i18n></a><button
      class="switcher action default sign-in-without-password" type="button"><co-i18n>Sign in</co-i18n></button>
    <p class="tip-text gmail yahoo hidden"><svg width="20" height="20" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 20 20">
        <g clip-path="url(#clip0_0_407)">
            d="M14.6106 9.44329C14.35 7.31712 12.6719 5.64329 10.5451 5.3881C10.362 5.3672 10.1778 5.35673 9.99351 5.35669C8.1139 5.35958 6.42148 6.49552 5.70671 8.23392C4.99194 9.97231 5.39589 11.9702 6.72987 13.2944C7.43925 13.9737 7.8455 14.9099 7.8571 15.892V16.4285H12.1428V15.8893C12.146 14.9257 12.538 14.0043 13.23 13.3336C14.275 12.3253 14.7862 10.885 14.6105 9.44345V9.44329H14.6106Z"
          <path d="M10 19.9999C10.4539 19.9994 10.8584 19.7134 11.0102 19.2856H8.98981C9.1416 19.7134 9.5461 19.9994 10 19.9999Z" fill="#132C44"></path>
          <path d="M8.21423 18.2143C8.21451 18.4114 8.37423 18.5711 8.57138 18.5714H11.4285C11.6257 18.5711 11.7854 18.4114 11.7857 18.2143V17.1428H8.21423V18.2143Z" fill="#132C44"></path>
          <path d="M10.0001 3.2143C10.3946 3.2143 10.7144 2.89449 10.7144 2.5V0.714297C10.7144 0.319805 10.3946 0 10.0001 0C9.60557 0 9.28577 0.319805 9.28577 0.714297V2.5C9.28577 2.89449 9.60557 3.2143 10.0001 3.2143Z" fill="#132C44"></path>
            d="M3.97184 4.98203C4.25449 5.25199 4.69941 5.25199 4.98207 4.98203C5.11605 4.84809 5.19133 4.66637 5.19133 4.47691C5.19133 4.28746 5.11605 4.10574 4.98207 3.9718L3.7193 2.70926C3.58539 2.57527 3.40371 2.5 3.2143 2.5C3.02488 2.5 2.8432 2.57527 2.70926 2.70926C2.57527 2.84316 2.5 3.02484 2.5 3.2143C2.5 3.40375 2.57527 3.58539 2.70926 3.71934L3.97184 4.98203Z"
          <path d="M3.2143 9.99994C3.2143 9.60545 2.89449 9.28564 2.5 9.28564H0.714297C0.319961 9.28604 0.000390625 9.60561 0 9.99994C0.000390625 10.3943 0.319961 10.7138 0.714297 10.7142H2.5C2.89449 10.7142 3.2143 10.3944 3.2143 9.99994Z"
            d="M4.66237 14.832C4.41549 14.766 4.15221 14.8369 3.97186 15.018L2.70932 16.2807C2.57533 16.4146 2.50006 16.5963 2.50006 16.7857C2.50006 16.9752 2.57533 17.1568 2.70932 17.2908C2.9919 17.5607 3.43678 17.5607 3.71936 17.2908L4.98209 16.0282C5.16311 15.8479 5.23405 15.5846 5.16807 15.3377C5.10209 15.0908 4.90924 14.898 4.66237 14.832Z"
            d="M16.0282 15.0179C15.8478 14.8369 15.5845 14.766 15.3376 14.832C15.0908 14.8979 14.898 15.0908 14.832 15.3376C14.766 15.5845 14.8369 15.8478 15.018 16.0281L16.2807 17.2907C16.5633 17.5606 17.0082 17.5606 17.2907 17.2907C17.4247 17.1568 17.5 16.9751 17.5 16.7856C17.5 16.5962 17.4247 16.4146 17.2907 16.2806L16.0282 15.0179Z"
          <path d="M19.2858 9.28564H17.5001C17.1056 9.28564 16.7858 9.60545 16.7858 9.99994C16.7858 10.3944 17.1056 10.7142 17.5001 10.7142H19.2858C19.6803 10.7142 20.0001 10.3944 20.0001 9.99994C20.0001 9.60545 19.6803 9.28564 19.2858 9.28564Z"
            d="M16.0282 4.98202L17.2907 3.71928C17.4712 3.53885 17.5416 3.27588 17.4756 3.0294C17.4095 2.78291 17.217 2.59041 16.9705 2.52436C16.724 2.4583 16.4611 2.52877 16.2806 2.7092L15.0179 3.97174C14.8839 4.10569 14.8087 4.28741 14.8087 4.47686C14.8087 4.66631 14.8839 4.84803 15.0179 4.98198C15.3006 5.25198 15.7456 5.25198 16.0282 4.98202Z"
          <clipPath id="clip0_0_407">
            <rect width="20" height="20" fill="white"></rect>
      </svg> <span><co-i18n>For all future logins, click any link inside any of our emails</co-i18n></span></p>

Name: authorization https://www.zendate.com/people/

<form name="authorization" class="form content sign-in" action="https://www.zendate.com/people/" novalidate="">
  <div class="form-container">
    <div class="field"><label>
        <div class="input-container"><label><co-i18n><input type="email" class="data" name="email" tabindex="2" autocomplete="home email" validations="isNotEmpty,hasAt,hasProvider,isEmail" placeholder="Your Email"></co-i18n>
            <div class="error-notification hidden"><span class="error-message email-at hidden"><co-i18n>Please include '@' in your email</co-i18n></span><span class="error-message email-provider hidden"><co-i18n>Please include the part after
                  '@'</co-i18n></span><span class="error-message email-empty hidden"><co-i18n>Enter a valid email</co-i18n></span><span class="error-message email-incorrect hidden"><co-i18n>Enter a valid email</co-i18n></span></div>
    <div class="field"><label>
        <div class="input-container"><label><co-i18n><input type="password" class="data has-link" placeholder="Password" name="password" tabindex="2" validations="isNotEmpty"></co-i18n>
            <div class="error-notification hidden"><span class="error-message password-empty hidden"><co-i18n>Enter password</co-i18n></span><span class="error-message password-incorrect hidden"><co-i18n>The password you've entered is
      </label></div><span class="switcher pseudo-link reminder"><co-i18n>Forgot password?</co-i18n></span><button class="action call-to-action medium" type="submit" value="sign-in"><co-i18n>Continue</co-i18n></button> <button
      class="switcher action default sign-in-without-password" type="button"><co-i18n>Sign in without password</co-i18n></button>
    <div class="footer"><span class="switcher pseudo-link sign-up"><co-i18n>Create your Account</co-i18n></span></div>

Name: registration-without-password https://www.zendate.com/people/

<form name="registration-without-password" class="one-more-form content form sign-up" action="https://www.zendate.com/people/" novalidate="">
  <div class="form-container">
    <div class="title"><co-i18n>Enter your email to receive a login link.</co-i18n></div>
    <div class="field"><label>
        <div class="input-container"><label><co-i18n><input type="text" class="data" name="name" tabindex="2" autocomplete="name" validations="isNotEmpty" placeholder="Name or nickname"></co-i18n>
            <div class="error-notification hidden"><span class="error-message name-empty hidden"><co-i18n>Enter your name or nickname</co-i18n></span></div>
    <div class="field">
      <div class="input-container"><label><co-i18n><input type="email" class="data has-description" name="email" tabindex="2" autocomplete="home email" validations="isNotEmpty,hasAt,hasProvider,isEmail" placeholder="Your Email"></co-i18n>
          <div class="error-notification hidden"><span class="error-message email-at hidden"><co-i18n>Please include '@' in your email</co-i18n></span><span class="error-message email-provider hidden"><co-i18n>Please include the part after
                '@'</co-i18n></span><span class="error-message email-empty hidden"><co-i18n>Enter a valid email</co-i18n></span><span class="error-message email-incorrect hidden"><co-i18n>Enter a valid email</co-i18n></span></div>
        <div class="description tip-container common">
          <div class="tip">
            <div class="message"><co-i18n>All members should have valid emails to&nbsp;prove they are real</co-i18n></div>
          <div class="tip-trigger">
            <i class="icon info"><svg viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M12 22C6.477 22 2 17.523 2 12S6.477 2 12 2s10 4.477 10 10-4.477 10-10 10zm0-18a8 8 0 100 16 8 8 0 000-16zm1 13h-2a1 1 0 010-2v-3a1 1 0 010-2h2v5a1 1 0 010 2zm-1-8a1 1 0 110-2 1 1 0 010 2z"></path></svg></i>
    </div><button class="action call-to-action medium" type="submit" value="sign-up"><co-i18n>Create Account</co-i18n></button> <button class="switcher action default sign-in" type="button"><co-i18n>Sign in</co-i18n></button>
    <div class="field agreement"><label class="checkbox-wrapper"><input type="checkbox" name="agreement" checked="" validations="isTrue"> <span><co-i18n>By clicking “Create Account” you agree with the
            &nbsp;<a href="https://www.zendate.com/en/terms-and-conditions/#">Terms&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;Conditions</a> and&nbsp;<a href="https://www.zendate.com/en/policy/#">Privacy&nbsp;Policy</a>
            and&nbsp;<a href="https://www.zendate.com/en/refund-and-cancellation-policy/#">Refund&nbsp;and&nbsp;Cancellation&nbsp;Policy</a>.</co-i18n></span></label></div>
  <div class="message-container"><co-i18n>An email with a login link has been sent to<div class="mirror-text"></div>
      </co-i18n><a target="_blank" href="https://mail.google.com/en/mail/u/0/#search/in%3A+all+zendate" class="action call-to-action medium hidden check-mailbox gmail"><co-i18n>Check your Gmail account</co-i18n></a><a target="_blank" href="https://www.yahoo.com/en/#" class="action call-to-action medium hidden check-mailbox yahoo"><co-i18n>Check your Yahoo account</co-i18n></a><a target="_blank" href="https://www.outlook.com/en/#" class="action call-to-action medium hidden check-mailbox hotmail"><co-i18n>Check your Hotmail account</co-i18n></a><a target="_blank" href="https://www.outlook.com/en/#" class="action call-to-action medium hidden check-mailbox outlook"><co-i18n>Check your Outlook account</co-i18n></a><button
      class="switcher action default sign-in" type="button"><co-i18n>Sign in</co-i18n></button></div>

Name: password-reminder https://www.zendate.com/people/

<form name="password-reminder" class="content form reminder" action="https://www.zendate.com/people/" novalidate="">
  <div class="form-container">
    <div class="title"><co-i18n>Enter your email to receive instructions on how to create a new password.</co-i18n></div>
    <div class="field"><label>
        <div class="input-container"><label><co-i18n><input type="email" class="data" name="email" tabindex="2" autocomplete="home email" validations="isNotEmpty,hasAt,hasProvider,isEmail" placeholder="Your Email"></co-i18n>
            <div class="error-notification hidden"><span class="error-message email-at hidden"><co-i18n>Please include '@' in your email</co-i18n></span><span class="error-message email-provider hidden"><co-i18n>Please include the part after
                  '@'</co-i18n></span><span class="error-message email-empty hidden"><co-i18n>Enter a valid email</co-i18n></span><span class="error-message email-incorrect hidden"><co-i18n>Enter a valid email</co-i18n></span><span
                class="error-message email-not-found hidden"><co-i18n>Email not found</co-i18n></span></div>
      </label></div><button class="action call-to-action medium" type="submit" value="reminder"><co-i18n>Continue</co-i18n></button> <button class="switcher action default sign-in" type="button"><co-i18n>Sign in</co-i18n></button>
  <div class="message-container"><co-i18n>An email with instructions on how<br>to create a new password has been sent to<br>
      <div class="mirror-text"></div>
    </co-i18n><a target="_blank" href="https://mail.google.com/en/mail/u/0/#search/in%3A+all+zendate" class="action call-to-action medium hidden check-mailbox gmail"><co-i18n>Check your Gmail account</co-i18n></a><a target="_blank" href="https://www.yahoo.com/en/#" class="action call-to-action medium hidden check-mailbox yahoo"><co-i18n>Check your Yahoo account</co-i18n></a><a target="_blank" href="https://www.outlook.com/en/#" class="action call-to-action medium hidden check-mailbox hotmail"><co-i18n>Check your Hotmail account</co-i18n></a><a target="_blank" href="https://www.outlook.com/en/#" class="action call-to-action medium hidden check-mailbox outlook"><co-i18n>Check your Outlook account</co-i18n></a><button
      class="switcher action default sign-in" type="button"><co-i18n>Sign in</co-i18n></button></div>

Name: search-formGET https://www.zendate.com/people/

<form name="search-form" class="search params-form current form" id="hero-form" action="https://www.zendate.com/people/" method="get">
  <div class="search-row">
    <div class="search-field search-field_whoami"><span class="search-field__title"><co-i18n>I am a:</co-i18n></span>
      <div class="search-whoami gender" data-name="gender" data-type="radiogroup" validations="isNotEmpty"><label class="search-whoami__label"><input type="radio" name="gender"
            value="mal"><co-i18n><i class="icon mal" title="Man"><svg x="0" y="0" xml:space="preserve" viewBox="0 0 36 36"><circle fill="#FFF" cx="18" cy="18" r="17.5"></circle><path d="M18 36C8.1 36 0 27.9 0 18S8.1 0 18 0s18 8.1 18 18-8.1 18-18 18zm0-35C8.6 1 1 8.6 1 18s7.6 17 17 17 17-7.6 17-17S27.4 1 18 1z"></path><path d="M12.2 15.3v.2c.4 4 2.7 7.1 5.6 7.1 2.9 0 5.3-3.2 5.6-7.3 0-.3.1-.6.1-.9 0-.3 0-.6-.1-.9-.4-2.8-2.8-5-5.6-5-2.9 0-5.2 2.2-5.6 5 0 .3-.1.6-.1.9v.4c0 .2 0 .3.1.5zm2.1-3.2s3.9 1.9 6.6 0c0 0 1.6 2.5 1.1 3.4l.8-.9c0 .2 0 .5-.1.7-.3 3.6-2.4 6.4-4.9 6.4-2.5 0-4.6-2.7-4.9- 0 0-.6-3.3.6-3.8z"></path><path d="M29.9 30.9s0-3.7-2.5-6.4c-1.2-1.4-3-2.4-4.9-2.5 0 1.3-2 2.4-4.5 2.4s-4.5-1.1-4.5-2.4c-2 .2-3.7 1.1-4.9 2.5-2.5 2.7-2.5 6.4-2.5 6.4 3.2 2.9 7.3 4.6 11.9 4.6 4.6 0 8.8-1.8 11.9-4.6z"></path></svg></i></co-i18n></label>
        <label class="search-whoami__label"><input type="radio" name="gender"
            value="fem"><co-i18n><i class="icon fem" title="Woman"><svg x="0" y="0" xml:space="preserve" viewBox="0 0 36 36"><circle fill="#FFF" cx="18" cy="18" r="17.5"></circle><path d="M29 28.4c-1.3-4.2-3.6-4.3-4.1-4.4h-.2c-1.5-1.4-.5-7.3-.5-7.3 0-9-6.1-8.1-6.1-8.1h-.4s-6.1-.9-6.1 8.1c0 0 1 5.9-.5 7.3h-.2c-.5.1-2.8.3-4.1 4.5 0 0-.6 1.2-.4 2.8l.3.3c3 2.5 6.9 4 11.1 4 2.2 0 4.2-.4 6.1-1.1 2-.7 3.7-1.8 5.3-3.1.4-1.7-.2-3-.2-3zm-6.9-4.8c0 .2-.1.3-.2.5-.5.7-2.1 1.7-3.9 1.7-1.8 0-3.4-1-3.9-1.7-.1-.1-.2-.3-.2-.5 0 0 .1 0 .2-.1 0 0 .1 0 .1-.1.3-.2.8-.5.8- 1.1.9 1.7 0 .9-.1 1.3-.3.6-.2 1.2-.7 1.7- 1.3 1.1 1.4zm1-6.1c-.1.5-.3.8-.5 1-.1.1-.2.1-.2.1s-.1 0-.1-.1c-.4 1.3-1.3 2.7-2.3 3.5-.6.5-1.3.7-2 .7s-1.4-.3-2-.8c-1-.8-1.8-2.1-2.3-3.4l-.1.1c-.1 0-.2 0-.3-.1-.2-.2-.3-.5-.4-1-.1-.6 0-1.1.2-1.2h.1c.1 0 .1 0 .2.1 0-.2.4-3 2.4-2.8l6.4 3.3.5-.5h.1c.3-. 1.1z"></path><path d="M18 36C8.1 36 0 27.9 0 18S8.1 0 18 0s18 8.1 18 18-8.1 18-18 18zm0-35C8.6 1 1 8.6 1 18s7.6 17 17 17 17-7.6 17-17S27.4 1 18 1z"></path></svg></i></co-i18n></label>
      <div class="search-field__error error-notification hidden"><span class="error-message gender-empty hidden"><co-i18n>Select your gender</co-i18n></span></div>
    <div class="search-field search-field_whoami"><span class="search-field__title"><co-i18n>Seeking a:</co-i18n></span>
      <div class="search-whoami preferences" data-name="preferences" data-type="radiogroup" validations="isNotEmpty"><label class="search-whoami__label"><input type="radio" name="preferences"
            value="mal"><co-i18n><i class="icon mal" title="Man"><svg x="0" y="0" xml:space="preserve" viewBox="0 0 36 36"><circle fill="#FFF" cx="18" cy="18" r="17.5"></circle><path d="M18 36C8.1 36 0 27.9 0 18S8.1 0 18 0s18 8.1 18 18-8.1 18-18 18zm0-35C8.6 1 1 8.6 1 18s7.6 17 17 17 17-7.6 17-17S27.4 1 18 1z"></path><path d="M12.2 15.3v.2c.4 4 2.7 7.1 5.6 7.1 2.9 0 5.3-3.2 5.6-7.3 0-.3.1-.6.1-.9 0-.3 0-.6-.1-.9-.4-2.8-2.8-5-5.6-5-2.9 0-5.2 2.2-5.6 5 0 .3-.1.6-.1.9v.4c0 .2 0 .3.1.5zm2.1-3.2s3.9 1.9 6.6 0c0 0 1.6 2.5 1.1 3.4l.8-.9c0 .2 0 .5-.1.7-.3 3.6-2.4 6.4-4.9 6.4-2.5 0-4.6-2.7-4.9- 0 0-.6-3.3.6-3.8z"></path><path d="M29.9 30.9s0-3.7-2.5-6.4c-1.2-1.4-3-2.4-4.9-2.5 0 1.3-2 2.4-4.5 2.4s-4.5-1.1-4.5-2.4c-2 .2-3.7 1.1-4.9 2.5-2.5 2.7-2.5 6.4-2.5 6.4 3.2 2.9 7.3 4.6 11.9 4.6 4.6 0 8.8-1.8 11.9-4.6z"></path></svg></i></co-i18n></label>
        <label class="search-whoami__label"><input type="radio" name="preferences"
            value="fem"><co-i18n><i class="icon fem" title="Woman"><svg x="0" y="0" xml:space="preserve" viewBox="0 0 36 36"><circle fill="#FFF" cx="18" cy="18" r="17.5"></circle><path d="M29 28.4c-1.3-4.2-3.6-4.3-4.1-4.4h-.2c-1.5-1.4-.5-7.3-.5-7.3 0-9-6.1-8.1-6.1-8.1h-.4s-6.1-.9-6.1 8.1c0 0 1 5.9-.5 7.3h-.2c-.5.1-2.8.3-4.1 4.5 0 0-.6 1.2-.4 2.8l.3.3c3 2.5 6.9 4 11.1 4 2.2 0 4.2-.4 6.1-1.1 2-.7 3.7-1.8 5.3-3.1.4-1.7-.2-3-.2-3zm-6.9-4.8c0 .2-.1.3-.2.5-.5.7-2.1 1.7-3.9 1.7-1.8 0-3.4-1-3.9-1.7-.1-.1-.2-.3-.2-.5 0 0 .1 0 .2-.1 0 0 .1 0 .1-.1.3-.2.8-.5.8- 1.1.9 1.7 0 .9-.1 1.3-.3.6-.2 1.2-.7 1.7- 1.3 1.1 1.4zm1-6.1c-.1.5-.3.8-.5 1-.1.1-.2.1-.2.1s-.1 0-.1-.1c-.4 1.3-1.3 2.7-2.3 3.5-.6.5-1.3.7-2 .7s-1.4-.3-2-.8c-1-.8-1.8-2.1-2.3-3.4l-.1.1c-.1 0-.2 0-.3-.1-.2-.2-.3-.5-.4-1-.1-.6 0-1.1.2-1.2h.1c.1 0 .1 0 .2.1 0-.2.4-3 2.4-2.8l6.4 3.3.5-.5h.1c.3-. 1.1z"></path><path d="M18 36C8.1 36 0 27.9 0 18S8.1 0 18 0s18 8.1 18 18-8.1 18-18 18zm0-35C8.6 1 1 8.6 1 18s7.6 17 17 17 17-7.6 17-17S27.4 1 18 1z"></path></svg></i></co-i18n></label>
      <div class="search-field__error error-notification hidden"><span class="error-message preferences-empty hidden"><co-i18n>Select gender preference</co-i18n></span></div>
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            <option selected="" value="18">18</option>
            <option value="20">20</option>
            <option value="25">25</option>
            <option value="30">30</option>
            <option value="35">35</option>
            <option value="40">40</option>
            <option value="45">45</option>
            <option value="50">50</option>
            <option value="55">55</option>
            <option value="60">60</option>
            <option value="65">65</option>
            <option value="70">70</option>
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            <option value="20">20</option>
            <option value="25">25</option>
            <option value="30">30</option>
            <option value="35">35</option>
            <option value="40">40</option>
            <option value="45">45</option>
            <option value="50">50</option>
            <option value="55">55</option>
            <option value="60">60</option>
            <option value="65">65</option>
            <option value="70">70</option>
            <option value="75">75</option>
            <option selected="" value="80">80+</option>
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Introducing Zendate


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 * Jane, 27
   Manila, Philippines
 * Yi, 24
   Shanghai, China, China
 * Chao, 26
   Wenzhou, China
 * Yan, 33
   Hong Kong, Hong Kong
 * Casper, 32
   Beijing, China
 * Jacqueline, 27
   Cebu City, Philippines
 * Esiel, 30
   Philippines, Philippines
 * Adelina, 29
   Jiaxing, China
 * Mateo, 32
   Zibo, China
 * Yaping, 33
   Shanghai, China
 * Qi, 31
   Beijing, China, China, China
 * Eric, 34
   Shanghai, China


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I started using zendate.com after I broke up with my longtime boyfriend. I
wasn’t ready to make a commitment or start seeing people yet. It was a great
place to talk to new people! It really helped me break out of my shell and enjoy
dating again.


A few months ago, I saw an ad for zendate.com and I am glad I decided to give it
a shot. The site is seamless, safe, and easy to find people to connect with. The
mobile app also makes it easy for me to stay in touch when I am on the go.


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