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We believe that every single one of us deserve love. We deserve to experience
the feelings of warmth, connectedness and passion.

We deserve to be loved exactly how we are right now, without having to become
someone else in the process, and regardless of how we look, how many friends we
have, or how successful we think we are.

But unfortunately in this day and age, there aren’t many places where you can
learn the skills of attracting the right partner for us and sustain a healthy

We don’t get taught these skills in our school system or any other academic

But we believe our intimate relationship is one of the most important areas for
us to focus on because it impacts us the most. Think about it, nothing else can
make us feel as euphoric or as depressing as our intimate relationship.

And with that kind of power over our lives, I believe we all need to put more of
our focus in this one area.

So we made it our mission here at Shen Wade Media to educate and empower men and
women when it comes to dating, attraction, love and long term relationships. We
believe by offering a world class education, we can really change lives, create
more love in this world and move humanity forward.

We believe in delivering the most cutting edge advice and coaching in dating,
relationships and spirituality. You see, there’s a science and an art to love
and attraction, and we strive to always bring to you the latest and best
transformational strategies.

It’s all about helping you become the next version the more educated and evolved
version of you.

It's all about helping you experience the love and passion that you deserve to


Our members love us and we love our members. Here's a collection of video
feedback from our customers... (and YES! We would LOVE to feature you here too
and be an inspiration to other women.)

"I really trust you guys and the things you're teach about relationships. They
are the only things that really make sense." - Jackie J

"I love how you guys truly believe what it is you teach. I am very grateful for
everything I've learned so far. I look forward to more in the future!" - Laura 

"I appreciate you and David being so selfless, generous and giving in everything
that you do! Thank you." - Rachel B.

"I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your program. It's
really wonderful wonderful work!" - Tina

"I found Renee and David's work a few years back and followed their work because
it made so much sense to me. Highly recommend it." - Alena S. 

"Renee! When I got onto your work, the whole world came into focus.Thank you for
lifting the lid on a whole set of elusive knowledge for me." - Ivy O.

"I believe watching and reading any of Renee & David's blogs and programs will
do nothing but add VALUE to your personal self and your relationships." - Andrea

"I cannot wait to take more courses with Renee & David because I cannot explain
in words HOW MUCH I've learned, not just about love but about myself." -
Akanksha A.

"I've spent loads of time looking into the work of different coaches and Renee's
work is the ONLY work that really speaks to me." - Shabana W.

"I found your programs to be very helpful not just with my relationships with
other people but also my relationship with myself!" - Jennifer W.

"I have followed you guys and have been a fan for almost a decade now and I find
value in everything that you share!" - Blessing 

"I really love David & Renee. I love all their advice. I've learned so much
about dating and about men, it's been a fabulous experience." - Sherri.

"...That was amazing, very awesome and very moving for me. It was a very healing
experience." - Sharen

"I feel bless that I found Renee & David's work that has shaped and
influenced my life throughout the years. Thank you so much!" - Anise

"Thank you Renee and David for making such deep and unique programs that help us
to be more of a high value woman." - Melissa A

"I loved every single lesson. Already from the next day I started to notice
changes. I started to understand men's desires and fears!" - Nadia 

"I just wanted to say I will be purchasing all of your next courses! Keep up the
good work you guys are fantastic!!" - Lucia

"I really appreciate the opportunity to learn from this course and I hope you
all learn as much as I did!" - Gina L.

"Thank you for all the information you guys are sharing and helping so many
women out there like myself." - Virginia B.

"I've recommended this to so many people already. I recommend it to you because
I believe it will work for you too." - Kara 

"Do yourself a favor, sign up. You won't be disappointed because I have no doubt
you will get so much out of Renee & David's work." - Kathryn P.

"This has been so helpful in connecting me and reconnecting me to my true self,
my higher self. So thank you, I am so grateful." - Stacey R.

"The way Renee & David teaches, it's groundbreaking to be honest." - Anna C.

"My biggest insight was that you can really trust your own feelings. Overall I
loved this program and will buy more of them!" - Paula.

"I definitely have been benefiting from this, in terms of self love, compassion
& connection within myself as well as towards others." - Winnie L

I am extremely impressed with your programs and I love the way you guys teach!"
- Gail.

"I have seen many programs and many coaches out there because I've searched a
lot. This is by far the BEST!" - Elena

"Thank you so much for your work and all you give. It helped me so much, your
blogs and programs. I'm really happy that coaches like you exist!" - Alison


Shen wade media

We believe that every single one of us deserve love. We deserve to experience
the feelings of warmth, connectedness and passion. It is our mission to give you
the strength, the skills and the wisdom to achieve that for yourself, even if
you have just hit rock bottom and lost all faith.


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