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Submission: On April 11 via manual from US — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM

Name: marketFiltersForm

<form name="marketFiltersForm" novalidate="" ng-model-options="{ updateOn: 'blur'}" class="ng-pristine ng-valid ng-valid-min">
  <div class="filter-group description-of-business">
    <h5>Risk Characteristics</h5><!-- ngIf: applicableFilters.naics -->
    <div class="form-group form-group-sm naics ng-scope" ng-if="applicableFilters.naics"><span class="pull-right"><!-- ngIf: filterValsOnLoad.naics --></span><label for="filters-naics"
        ng-class="{'applied': filterValsOnLoad.naics}"><!-- ngIf: filterValsOnLoad.naics --> NAICS Code</label> <input type="text" ng-model-options="{ updateOn: 'default' }" id="filters-naics"
        class="form-control ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-valid ng-empty" name="filterClass" autocomplete="off" size="120" ng-model="filterClass" set-focus="true" placeholder="e.g. 'Restaurant' or 'Manufacturing'"
        uib-typeahead="hit as (hit.description + ' (' + hit.code + ')') for hit in suggest($viewValue, 'naicsCodes')" typeahead-loading="loading" typeahead-focus-first="true" typeahead-on-select="filterVals.naics = $item.hash; apply()"
        aria-autocomplete="list" aria-expanded="false" aria-owns="typeahead-104-5992">
      <ul class="dropdown-menu ng-isolate-scope ng-hide" ng-show="isOpen() &amp;&amp; !moveInProgress" ng-style="{top: position().top+'px', left: position().left+'px'}" role="listbox" aria-hidden="true" uib-typeahead-popup="" id="typeahead-104-5992"
        matches="matches" active="activeIdx" select="select(activeIdx, evt)" move-in-progress="moveInProgress" query="query" position="position" assign-is-open="assignIsOpen(isOpen)" debounce="debounceUpdate">
        <!-- ngRepeat: match in matches track by $index -->
      </ul><!-- ngIf: filterVals.naics -->
    </div><!-- end ngIf: applicableFilters.naics --><!-- ngIf: applicableFilters.geo -->
    <div class="form-group form-group-sm geo ng-scope" ng-if="applicableFilters.geo"><span class="pull-right"><!-- ngIf: filterValsOnLoad.geo --></span><label for="filters-geo"
        ng-class="{'applied': filterValsOnLoad.geo}"><!-- ngIf: filterValsOnLoad.geo --> Primary State</label> <select class="form-control ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-valid ng-empty" ng-model="filterVals.geo" ng-change="apply()"
        ng-model-options="{ updateOn: 'default' }" id="filters-geo">
        <option value="" selected="selected">Select One</option><!-- ngRepeat: geo in geosArr -->
        <option ng-repeat="geo in geosArr" value="US-AK" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Alaska</option><!-- end ngRepeat: geo in geosArr -->
        <option ng-repeat="geo in geosArr" value="US-AL" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Alabama</option><!-- end ngRepeat: geo in geosArr -->
        <option ng-repeat="geo in geosArr" value="US-AR" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Arkansas</option><!-- end ngRepeat: geo in geosArr -->
        <option ng-repeat="geo in geosArr" value="US-AS" class="ng-binding ng-scope">American Samoa</option><!-- end ngRepeat: geo in geosArr -->
        <option ng-repeat="geo in geosArr" value="US-AZ" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Arizona</option><!-- end ngRepeat: geo in geosArr -->
        <option ng-repeat="geo in geosArr" value="US-CA" class="ng-binding ng-scope">California</option><!-- end ngRepeat: geo in geosArr -->
        <option ng-repeat="geo in geosArr" value="US-CO" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Colorado</option><!-- end ngRepeat: geo in geosArr -->
        <option ng-repeat="geo in geosArr" value="US-CT" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Connecticut</option><!-- end ngRepeat: geo in geosArr -->
        <option ng-repeat="geo in geosArr" value="US-DC" class="ng-binding ng-scope">District Of Columbia</option><!-- end ngRepeat: geo in geosArr -->
        <option ng-repeat="geo in geosArr" value="US-DE" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Delaware</option><!-- end ngRepeat: geo in geosArr -->
        <option ng-repeat="geo in geosArr" value="US-FL" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Florida</option><!-- end ngRepeat: geo in geosArr -->
        <option ng-repeat="geo in geosArr" value="US-GA" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Georgia</option><!-- end ngRepeat: geo in geosArr -->
        <option ng-repeat="geo in geosArr" value="US-GU" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Guam</option><!-- end ngRepeat: geo in geosArr -->
        <option ng-repeat="geo in geosArr" value="US-HI" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Hawaii</option><!-- end ngRepeat: geo in geosArr -->
        <option ng-repeat="geo in geosArr" value="US-IA" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Iowa</option><!-- end ngRepeat: geo in geosArr -->
        <option ng-repeat="geo in geosArr" value="US-ID" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Idaho</option><!-- end ngRepeat: geo in geosArr -->
        <option ng-repeat="geo in geosArr" value="US-IL" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Illinois</option><!-- end ngRepeat: geo in geosArr -->
        <option ng-repeat="geo in geosArr" value="US-IN" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Indiana</option><!-- end ngRepeat: geo in geosArr -->
        <option ng-repeat="geo in geosArr" value="US-KS" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Kansas</option><!-- end ngRepeat: geo in geosArr -->
        <option ng-repeat="geo in geosArr" value="US-KY" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Kentucky</option><!-- end ngRepeat: geo in geosArr -->
        <option ng-repeat="geo in geosArr" value="US-LA" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Louisiana</option><!-- end ngRepeat: geo in geosArr -->
        <option ng-repeat="geo in geosArr" value="US-MA" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Massachusetts</option><!-- end ngRepeat: geo in geosArr -->
        <option ng-repeat="geo in geosArr" value="US-MD" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Maryland</option><!-- end ngRepeat: geo in geosArr -->
        <option ng-repeat="geo in geosArr" value="US-ME" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Maine</option><!-- end ngRepeat: geo in geosArr -->
        <option ng-repeat="geo in geosArr" value="US-MI" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Michigan</option><!-- end ngRepeat: geo in geosArr -->
        <option ng-repeat="geo in geosArr" value="US-MN" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Minnesota</option><!-- end ngRepeat: geo in geosArr -->
        <option ng-repeat="geo in geosArr" value="US-MO" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Missouri</option><!-- end ngRepeat: geo in geosArr -->
        <option ng-repeat="geo in geosArr" value="US-MP" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands</option><!-- end ngRepeat: geo in geosArr -->
        <option ng-repeat="geo in geosArr" value="US-MS" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Mississippi</option><!-- end ngRepeat: geo in geosArr -->
        <option ng-repeat="geo in geosArr" value="US-MT" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Montana</option><!-- end ngRepeat: geo in geosArr -->
        <option ng-repeat="geo in geosArr" value="US-NC" class="ng-binding ng-scope">North Carolina</option><!-- end ngRepeat: geo in geosArr -->
        <option ng-repeat="geo in geosArr" value="US-ND" class="ng-binding ng-scope">North Dakota</option><!-- end ngRepeat: geo in geosArr -->
        <option ng-repeat="geo in geosArr" value="US-NE" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Nebraska</option><!-- end ngRepeat: geo in geosArr -->
        <option ng-repeat="geo in geosArr" value="US-NH" class="ng-binding ng-scope">New Hampshire</option><!-- end ngRepeat: geo in geosArr -->
        <option ng-repeat="geo in geosArr" value="US-NJ" class="ng-binding ng-scope">New Jersey</option><!-- end ngRepeat: geo in geosArr -->
        <option ng-repeat="geo in geosArr" value="US-NM" class="ng-binding ng-scope">New Mexico</option><!-- end ngRepeat: geo in geosArr -->
        <option ng-repeat="geo in geosArr" value="US-NV" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Nevada</option><!-- end ngRepeat: geo in geosArr -->
        <option ng-repeat="geo in geosArr" value="US-NY" class="ng-binding ng-scope">New York</option><!-- end ngRepeat: geo in geosArr -->
        <option ng-repeat="geo in geosArr" value="US-OH" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Ohio</option><!-- end ngRepeat: geo in geosArr -->
        <option ng-repeat="geo in geosArr" value="US-OK" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Oklahoma</option><!-- end ngRepeat: geo in geosArr -->
        <option ng-repeat="geo in geosArr" value="US-OR" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Oregon</option><!-- end ngRepeat: geo in geosArr -->
        <option ng-repeat="geo in geosArr" value="US-PA" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Pennsylvania</option><!-- end ngRepeat: geo in geosArr -->
        <option ng-repeat="geo in geosArr" value="US-PR" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Puerto Rico</option><!-- end ngRepeat: geo in geosArr -->
        <option ng-repeat="geo in geosArr" value="US-RI" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Rhode Island</option><!-- end ngRepeat: geo in geosArr -->
        <option ng-repeat="geo in geosArr" value="US-SC" class="ng-binding ng-scope">South Carolina</option><!-- end ngRepeat: geo in geosArr -->
        <option ng-repeat="geo in geosArr" value="US-SD" class="ng-binding ng-scope">South Dakota</option><!-- end ngRepeat: geo in geosArr -->
        <option ng-repeat="geo in geosArr" value="US-TN" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Tennessee</option><!-- end ngRepeat: geo in geosArr -->
        <option ng-repeat="geo in geosArr" value="US-TX" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Texas</option><!-- end ngRepeat: geo in geosArr -->
        <option ng-repeat="geo in geosArr" value="US-UT" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Utah</option><!-- end ngRepeat: geo in geosArr -->
        <option ng-repeat="geo in geosArr" value="US-VA" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Virginia</option><!-- end ngRepeat: geo in geosArr -->
        <option ng-repeat="geo in geosArr" value="US-VI" class="ng-binding ng-scope">United States Virgin Islands</option><!-- end ngRepeat: geo in geosArr -->
        <option ng-repeat="geo in geosArr" value="US-VT" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Vermont</option><!-- end ngRepeat: geo in geosArr -->
        <option ng-repeat="geo in geosArr" value="US-WA" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Washington</option><!-- end ngRepeat: geo in geosArr -->
        <option ng-repeat="geo in geosArr" value="US-WI" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Wisconsin</option><!-- end ngRepeat: geo in geosArr -->
        <option ng-repeat="geo in geosArr" value="US-WV" class="ng-binding ng-scope">West Virginia</option><!-- end ngRepeat: geo in geosArr -->
        <option ng-repeat="geo in geosArr" value="US-WY" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Wyoming</option><!-- end ngRepeat: geo in geosArr -->
      </select></div><!-- end ngIf: applicableFilters.geo --><!-- ngIf: applicableFilters.anticipatedPremium -->
    <div class="form-group form-group-sm anticipated-premium ng-scope" ng-if="applicableFilters.anticipatedPremium"><span class="pull-right"><!-- ngIf: filterValsOnLoad.anticipatedPremium --></span><label for="filters-anticipated-premium"
        ng-class="{'applied': filterValsOnLoad.anticipatedPremium}"><!-- ngIf: filterValsOnLoad.anticipatedPremium --> Anticipated Annual Premium</label> <select class="form-control ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-valid ng-empty"
        ng-model="filterVals.anticipatedPremium" ng-change="apply()" ng-model-options="{ updateOn: 'default' }" id="filters-geo">
        <option value="" selected="selected">Select One</option>
        <option value="250">$250</option>
        <option value="500">$500</option>
        <option value="1000">$1,000</option>
        <option value="2000">$2,000</option>
        <option value="3000">$3,000</option>
        <option value="4000">$4,000</option>
        <option value="5000">$5,000</option>
        <option value="10000">$10,000</option>
        <option value="15000">$15,000</option>
        <option value="20000">$20,000</option>
        <option value="25000">$25,000</option>
        <option value="50000">$50,000</option>
        <option value="100000">$100,000</option>
        <option value="125000">$125,000</option>
        <option value="150000">$150,000</option>
        <option value="175000">$175,000</option>
        <option value="200000">$200,000</option>
        <option value="250000">$250,000</option>
      </select></div><!-- end ngIf: applicableFilters.anticipatedPremium -->
  </div><!-- ngIf: showFilterGroups.employees -->
  <div class="filter-group employees ng-scope" ng-if="showFilterGroups.employees">
    <div class="row">
      <div class="col-xs-6"><!-- ngIf: applicableFilters.fullTimeEmployees -->
        <div class="form-group form-group-sm full-time-employees ng-scope" ng-if="applicableFilters.fullTimeEmployees"><span class="pull-right"><a href=""><!-- ngIf: filterValsOnLoad.fullTimeEmployees --> </a></span><label for="filters-fte"
            ng-class="{'applied': filterValsOnLoad.fullTimeEmployees}"><!-- ngIf: filterValsOnLoad.fullTimeEmployees --> # Full Time</label> <select class="form-control ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-valid ng-empty"
            ng-model="filterVals.fullTimeEmployees" ng-change="apply()" ng-model-options="{ updateOn: 'default' }" id="filters-fte">
            <option value="" selected="selected">Select One</option><!-- ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="0" class="ng-binding ng-scope">0</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="10" class="ng-binding ng-scope">10</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="20" class="ng-binding ng-scope">20</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="30" class="ng-binding ng-scope">30</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="40" class="ng-binding ng-scope">40</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="50" class="ng-binding ng-scope">50</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="60" class="ng-binding ng-scope">60</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="70" class="ng-binding ng-scope">70</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="80" class="ng-binding ng-scope">80</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="90" class="ng-binding ng-scope">90</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="100" class="ng-binding ng-scope">100</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="110" class="ng-binding ng-scope">110</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="120" class="ng-binding ng-scope">120</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="130" class="ng-binding ng-scope">130</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="140" class="ng-binding ng-scope">140</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="150" class="ng-binding ng-scope">150</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="160" class="ng-binding ng-scope">160</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="170" class="ng-binding ng-scope">170</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="180" class="ng-binding ng-scope">180</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="190" class="ng-binding ng-scope">190</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="200" class="ng-binding ng-scope">200</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="210" class="ng-binding ng-scope">210</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="220" class="ng-binding ng-scope">220</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="230" class="ng-binding ng-scope">230</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="240" class="ng-binding ng-scope">240</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="250" class="ng-binding ng-scope">250</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="260" class="ng-binding ng-scope">260</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="270" class="ng-binding ng-scope">270</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="280" class="ng-binding ng-scope">280</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="290" class="ng-binding ng-scope">290</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="300" class="ng-binding ng-scope">300</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="310" class="ng-binding ng-scope">310</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="320" class="ng-binding ng-scope">320</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="330" class="ng-binding ng-scope">330</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="340" class="ng-binding ng-scope">340</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="350" class="ng-binding ng-scope">350</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="360" class="ng-binding ng-scope">360</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="370" class="ng-binding ng-scope">370</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="380" class="ng-binding ng-scope">380</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="390" class="ng-binding ng-scope">390</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="400" class="ng-binding ng-scope">400</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="410" class="ng-binding ng-scope">410</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="420" class="ng-binding ng-scope">420</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="430" class="ng-binding ng-scope">430</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="440" class="ng-binding ng-scope">440</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="450" class="ng-binding ng-scope">450</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="460" class="ng-binding ng-scope">460</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="470" class="ng-binding ng-scope">470</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="480" class="ng-binding ng-scope">480</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="490" class="ng-binding ng-scope">490</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="500" class="ng-binding ng-scope">500</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="510" class="ng-binding ng-scope">510</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="520" class="ng-binding ng-scope">520</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="530" class="ng-binding ng-scope">530</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="540" class="ng-binding ng-scope">540</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="550" class="ng-binding ng-scope">550</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="560" class="ng-binding ng-scope">560</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="570" class="ng-binding ng-scope">570</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="580" class="ng-binding ng-scope">580</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="590" class="ng-binding ng-scope">590</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="600" class="ng-binding ng-scope">600</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="610" class="ng-binding ng-scope">610</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="620" class="ng-binding ng-scope">620</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="630" class="ng-binding ng-scope">630</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="640" class="ng-binding ng-scope">640</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="650" class="ng-binding ng-scope">650</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="660" class="ng-binding ng-scope">660</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="670" class="ng-binding ng-scope">670</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="680" class="ng-binding ng-scope">680</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="690" class="ng-binding ng-scope">690</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="700" class="ng-binding ng-scope">700</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="710" class="ng-binding ng-scope">710</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="720" class="ng-binding ng-scope">720</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="730" class="ng-binding ng-scope">730</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="740" class="ng-binding ng-scope">740</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="750" class="ng-binding ng-scope">750</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="760" class="ng-binding ng-scope">760</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="770" class="ng-binding ng-scope">770</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="780" class="ng-binding ng-scope">780</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="790" class="ng-binding ng-scope">790</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="800" class="ng-binding ng-scope">800</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="810" class="ng-binding ng-scope">810</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="820" class="ng-binding ng-scope">820</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="830" class="ng-binding ng-scope">830</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="840" class="ng-binding ng-scope">840</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="850" class="ng-binding ng-scope">850</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="860" class="ng-binding ng-scope">860</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="870" class="ng-binding ng-scope">870</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="880" class="ng-binding ng-scope">880</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="890" class="ng-binding ng-scope">890</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="900" class="ng-binding ng-scope">900</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="910" class="ng-binding ng-scope">910</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="920" class="ng-binding ng-scope">920</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="930" class="ng-binding ng-scope">930</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="940" class="ng-binding ng-scope">940</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="950" class="ng-binding ng-scope">950</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="960" class="ng-binding ng-scope">960</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="970" class="ng-binding ng-scope">970</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="980" class="ng-binding ng-scope">980</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="990" class="ng-binding ng-scope">990</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="1000" class="ng-binding ng-scope">1000</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
          </select></div><!-- end ngIf: applicableFilters.fullTimeEmployees -->
      <div class="col-xs-6"><!-- ngIf: applicableFilters.partTimeEmployees -->
        <div class="form-group form-group-sm part-time-employees ng-scope" ng-if="applicableFilters.partTimeEmployees"><span class="pull-right"><!-- ngIf: filterValsOnLoad.partTimeEmployees --></span><label for="filters-pte"
            ng-class="{'applied': filterValsOnLoad.partTimeEmployees}"><!-- ngIf: filterValsOnLoad.partTimeEmployees --> # Part Time</label> <select class="form-control ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-valid ng-empty"
            ng-model="filterVals.partTimeEmployees" ng-change="apply()" ng-model-options="{ updateOn: 'default' }" id="filters-pte">
            <option value="" selected="selected">Select One</option><!-- ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="0" class="ng-binding ng-scope">0</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="10" class="ng-binding ng-scope">10</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="20" class="ng-binding ng-scope">20</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="30" class="ng-binding ng-scope">30</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="40" class="ng-binding ng-scope">40</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="50" class="ng-binding ng-scope">50</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="60" class="ng-binding ng-scope">60</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="70" class="ng-binding ng-scope">70</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="80" class="ng-binding ng-scope">80</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="90" class="ng-binding ng-scope">90</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="100" class="ng-binding ng-scope">100</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="110" class="ng-binding ng-scope">110</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="120" class="ng-binding ng-scope">120</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="130" class="ng-binding ng-scope">130</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="140" class="ng-binding ng-scope">140</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="150" class="ng-binding ng-scope">150</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="160" class="ng-binding ng-scope">160</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="170" class="ng-binding ng-scope">170</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="180" class="ng-binding ng-scope">180</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="190" class="ng-binding ng-scope">190</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="200" class="ng-binding ng-scope">200</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="210" class="ng-binding ng-scope">210</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="220" class="ng-binding ng-scope">220</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="230" class="ng-binding ng-scope">230</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="240" class="ng-binding ng-scope">240</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="250" class="ng-binding ng-scope">250</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="260" class="ng-binding ng-scope">260</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="270" class="ng-binding ng-scope">270</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="280" class="ng-binding ng-scope">280</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="290" class="ng-binding ng-scope">290</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="300" class="ng-binding ng-scope">300</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="310" class="ng-binding ng-scope">310</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="320" class="ng-binding ng-scope">320</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="330" class="ng-binding ng-scope">330</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="340" class="ng-binding ng-scope">340</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="350" class="ng-binding ng-scope">350</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="360" class="ng-binding ng-scope">360</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="370" class="ng-binding ng-scope">370</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="380" class="ng-binding ng-scope">380</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="390" class="ng-binding ng-scope">390</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="400" class="ng-binding ng-scope">400</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="410" class="ng-binding ng-scope">410</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="420" class="ng-binding ng-scope">420</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="430" class="ng-binding ng-scope">430</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="440" class="ng-binding ng-scope">440</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="450" class="ng-binding ng-scope">450</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="460" class="ng-binding ng-scope">460</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="470" class="ng-binding ng-scope">470</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="480" class="ng-binding ng-scope">480</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="490" class="ng-binding ng-scope">490</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="500" class="ng-binding ng-scope">500</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="510" class="ng-binding ng-scope">510</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="520" class="ng-binding ng-scope">520</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="530" class="ng-binding ng-scope">530</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="540" class="ng-binding ng-scope">540</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="550" class="ng-binding ng-scope">550</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="560" class="ng-binding ng-scope">560</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="570" class="ng-binding ng-scope">570</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="580" class="ng-binding ng-scope">580</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="590" class="ng-binding ng-scope">590</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="600" class="ng-binding ng-scope">600</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="610" class="ng-binding ng-scope">610</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="620" class="ng-binding ng-scope">620</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="630" class="ng-binding ng-scope">630</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="640" class="ng-binding ng-scope">640</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="650" class="ng-binding ng-scope">650</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="660" class="ng-binding ng-scope">660</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="670" class="ng-binding ng-scope">670</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="680" class="ng-binding ng-scope">680</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="690" class="ng-binding ng-scope">690</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="700" class="ng-binding ng-scope">700</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="710" class="ng-binding ng-scope">710</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="720" class="ng-binding ng-scope">720</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="730" class="ng-binding ng-scope">730</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="740" class="ng-binding ng-scope">740</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="750" class="ng-binding ng-scope">750</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="760" class="ng-binding ng-scope">760</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="770" class="ng-binding ng-scope">770</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="780" class="ng-binding ng-scope">780</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="790" class="ng-binding ng-scope">790</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="800" class="ng-binding ng-scope">800</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="810" class="ng-binding ng-scope">810</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="820" class="ng-binding ng-scope">820</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="830" class="ng-binding ng-scope">830</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="840" class="ng-binding ng-scope">840</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="850" class="ng-binding ng-scope">850</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="860" class="ng-binding ng-scope">860</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="870" class="ng-binding ng-scope">870</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="880" class="ng-binding ng-scope">880</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="890" class="ng-binding ng-scope">890</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="900" class="ng-binding ng-scope">900</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="910" class="ng-binding ng-scope">910</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="920" class="ng-binding ng-scope">920</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="930" class="ng-binding ng-scope">930</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="940" class="ng-binding ng-scope">940</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="950" class="ng-binding ng-scope">950</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="960" class="ng-binding ng-scope">960</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="970" class="ng-binding ng-scope">970</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="980" class="ng-binding ng-scope">980</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="990" class="ng-binding ng-scope">990</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="n in employeeOpts track by $index" value="1000" class="ng-binding ng-scope">1000</option><!-- end ngRepeat: n in employeeOpts track by $index -->
          </select></div><!-- end ngIf: applicableFilters.partTimeEmployees -->
  </div><!-- end ngIf: showFilterGroups.employees --><!-- ngIf: showFilterGroups.financials -->
  <div class="filter-group financials ng-scope" ng-if="showFilterGroups.financials">
    <h5>Financials</h5><!-- ngIf: applicableFilters.annualPayroll -->
    <div class="form-group form-group-sm annual-payroll ng-scope" ng-if="applicableFilters.annualPayroll"><span class="pull-right"><!-- ngIf: filterValsOnLoad.annualPayroll --></span><label for="filters-annual-payroll"
        ng-class="{'applied': filterValsOnLoad.annualPayroll}"><!-- ngIf: filterValsOnLoad.annualPayroll --> Annual Payroll</label> <input type="number" class="form-control ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-valid ng-empty ng-valid-min"
        id="filters-annual-payroll" min="0" ng-model="filterVals.annualPayroll" ng-change="apply()" ng-model-options="{updateOn : 'change blur'}"></div><!-- end ngIf: applicableFilters.annualPayroll --><!-- ngIf: applicableFilters.annualRevenue -->
    <div class="form-group form-group-sm annual-revenue ng-scope" ng-if="applicableFilters.annualRevenue"><span class="pull-right"><!-- ngIf: filterValsOnLoad.annualRevenue --></span><label for="filters-annual-revenue"
        ng-class="{'applied': filterValsOnLoad.annualRevenue}"><!-- ngIf: filterValsOnLoad.annualRevenue --> Annual Revenue</label> <input type="number" class="form-control ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-valid ng-empty ng-valid-min"
        id="filters-annual-revenue" min="0" ng-model="filterVals.annualRevenue" ng-change="apply()" ng-model-options="{updateOn : 'change blur'}"></div><!-- end ngIf: applicableFilters.annualRevenue -->
  </div><!-- end ngIf: showFilterGroups.financials --><!-- ngIf: showFilterGroups.experience -->
  <div class="filter-group experience ng-scope" ng-if="showFilterGroups.experience">
    <div class="row">
      <div class="col-xs-6"><!-- ngIf: applicableFilters.yearsInBusiness -->
        <div class="form-group form-group-sm years-in-business ng-scope" ng-if="applicableFilters.yearsInBusiness"><span class="pull-right"><!-- ngIf: filterValsOnLoad.yearsInBusiness --></span><label for="filters-years-in-business"
            ng-class="{'applied': filterValsOnLoad.yearsInBusiness}"><!-- ngIf: filterValsOnLoad.yearsInBusiness --> Years in Business</label> <select class="form-control ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-valid ng-empty"
            ng-model="filterVals.yearsInBusiness" ng-change="apply()" ng-model-options="{ updateOn: 'default' }" id="filters-years-in-business">
            <option value="" selected="selected">Select One</option><!-- ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="0" class="ng-binding ng-scope">0</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="1" class="ng-binding ng-scope">1</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="2" class="ng-binding ng-scope">2</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="3" class="ng-binding ng-scope">3</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="4" class="ng-binding ng-scope">4</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="5" class="ng-binding ng-scope">5</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="6" class="ng-binding ng-scope">6</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="7" class="ng-binding ng-scope">7</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="8" class="ng-binding ng-scope">8</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="9" class="ng-binding ng-scope">9</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="10" class="ng-binding ng-scope">10</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="11" class="ng-binding ng-scope">11</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="12" class="ng-binding ng-scope">12</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="13" class="ng-binding ng-scope">13</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="14" class="ng-binding ng-scope">14</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="15" class="ng-binding ng-scope">15</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="16" class="ng-binding ng-scope">16</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="17" class="ng-binding ng-scope">17</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="18" class="ng-binding ng-scope">18</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="19" class="ng-binding ng-scope">19</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="20" class="ng-binding ng-scope">20</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="21" class="ng-binding ng-scope">21</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="22" class="ng-binding ng-scope">22</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="23" class="ng-binding ng-scope">23</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="24" class="ng-binding ng-scope">24</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="25" class="ng-binding ng-scope">25</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="26" class="ng-binding ng-scope">26</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="27" class="ng-binding ng-scope">27</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="28" class="ng-binding ng-scope">28</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="29" class="ng-binding ng-scope">29</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="30" class="ng-binding ng-scope">30</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="31" class="ng-binding ng-scope">31</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="32" class="ng-binding ng-scope">32</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="33" class="ng-binding ng-scope">33</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="34" class="ng-binding ng-scope">34</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="35" class="ng-binding ng-scope">35</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="36" class="ng-binding ng-scope">36</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="37" class="ng-binding ng-scope">37</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="38" class="ng-binding ng-scope">38</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="39" class="ng-binding ng-scope">39</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="40" class="ng-binding ng-scope">40</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="41" class="ng-binding ng-scope">41</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="42" class="ng-binding ng-scope">42</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="43" class="ng-binding ng-scope">43</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="44" class="ng-binding ng-scope">44</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="45" class="ng-binding ng-scope">45</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="46" class="ng-binding ng-scope">46</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="47" class="ng-binding ng-scope">47</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="48" class="ng-binding ng-scope">48</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="49" class="ng-binding ng-scope">49</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="50" class="ng-binding ng-scope">50</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="51" class="ng-binding ng-scope">51</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="52" class="ng-binding ng-scope">52</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="53" class="ng-binding ng-scope">53</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="54" class="ng-binding ng-scope">54</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="55" class="ng-binding ng-scope">55</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="56" class="ng-binding ng-scope">56</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="57" class="ng-binding ng-scope">57</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="58" class="ng-binding ng-scope">58</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="59" class="ng-binding ng-scope">59</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="60" class="ng-binding ng-scope">60</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="61" class="ng-binding ng-scope">61</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="62" class="ng-binding ng-scope">62</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="63" class="ng-binding ng-scope">63</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="64" class="ng-binding ng-scope">64</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="65" class="ng-binding ng-scope">65</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="66" class="ng-binding ng-scope">66</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="67" class="ng-binding ng-scope">67</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="68" class="ng-binding ng-scope">68</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="69" class="ng-binding ng-scope">69</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="70" class="ng-binding ng-scope">70</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="71" class="ng-binding ng-scope">71</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="72" class="ng-binding ng-scope">72</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="73" class="ng-binding ng-scope">73</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="74" class="ng-binding ng-scope">74</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="75" class="ng-binding ng-scope">75</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="76" class="ng-binding ng-scope">76</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="77" class="ng-binding ng-scope">77</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="78" class="ng-binding ng-scope">78</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="79" class="ng-binding ng-scope">79</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="80" class="ng-binding ng-scope">80</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="81" class="ng-binding ng-scope">81</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="82" class="ng-binding ng-scope">82</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="83" class="ng-binding ng-scope">83</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="84" class="ng-binding ng-scope">84</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="85" class="ng-binding ng-scope">85</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="86" class="ng-binding ng-scope">86</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="87" class="ng-binding ng-scope">87</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="88" class="ng-binding ng-scope">88</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="89" class="ng-binding ng-scope">89</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="90" class="ng-binding ng-scope">90</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="91" class="ng-binding ng-scope">91</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="92" class="ng-binding ng-scope">92</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="93" class="ng-binding ng-scope">93</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="94" class="ng-binding ng-scope">94</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="95" class="ng-binding ng-scope">95</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="96" class="ng-binding ng-scope">96</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="97" class="ng-binding ng-scope">97</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="98" class="ng-binding ng-scope">98</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="99" class="ng-binding ng-scope">99</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="100" class="ng-binding ng-scope">100</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
          </select></div><!-- end ngIf: applicableFilters.yearsInBusiness -->
      <div class="col-xs-6"><!-- ngIf: applicableFilters.yearsInIndustry -->
        <div class="form-group form-group-sm years-in-industry ng-scope" ng-if="applicableFilters.yearsInIndustry"><span class="pull-right"><!-- ngIf: filterValsOnLoad.yearsInIndustry --></span><label for="filters-years-in-industry"
            ng-class="{'applied': filterValsOnLoad.yearsInIndustry}"><!-- ngIf: filterValsOnLoad.yearsInIndustry --> Years in Industry</label> <select class="form-control ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-valid ng-empty"
            ng-model="filterVals.yearsInIndustry" ng-change="apply()" ng-model-options="{ updateOn: 'default' }" id="filters-years-in-industry">
            <option value="" selected="selected">Select One</option><!-- ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="0" class="ng-binding ng-scope">0</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="1" class="ng-binding ng-scope">1</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="2" class="ng-binding ng-scope">2</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="3" class="ng-binding ng-scope">3</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="4" class="ng-binding ng-scope">4</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="5" class="ng-binding ng-scope">5</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="6" class="ng-binding ng-scope">6</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="7" class="ng-binding ng-scope">7</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="8" class="ng-binding ng-scope">8</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="9" class="ng-binding ng-scope">9</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="10" class="ng-binding ng-scope">10</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="11" class="ng-binding ng-scope">11</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="12" class="ng-binding ng-scope">12</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="13" class="ng-binding ng-scope">13</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="14" class="ng-binding ng-scope">14</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="15" class="ng-binding ng-scope">15</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="16" class="ng-binding ng-scope">16</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="17" class="ng-binding ng-scope">17</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="18" class="ng-binding ng-scope">18</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="19" class="ng-binding ng-scope">19</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="20" class="ng-binding ng-scope">20</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="21" class="ng-binding ng-scope">21</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="22" class="ng-binding ng-scope">22</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="23" class="ng-binding ng-scope">23</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="24" class="ng-binding ng-scope">24</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="25" class="ng-binding ng-scope">25</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="26" class="ng-binding ng-scope">26</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="27" class="ng-binding ng-scope">27</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="28" class="ng-binding ng-scope">28</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="29" class="ng-binding ng-scope">29</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="30" class="ng-binding ng-scope">30</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="31" class="ng-binding ng-scope">31</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="32" class="ng-binding ng-scope">32</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="33" class="ng-binding ng-scope">33</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="34" class="ng-binding ng-scope">34</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="35" class="ng-binding ng-scope">35</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="36" class="ng-binding ng-scope">36</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="37" class="ng-binding ng-scope">37</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="38" class="ng-binding ng-scope">38</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="39" class="ng-binding ng-scope">39</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="40" class="ng-binding ng-scope">40</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="41" class="ng-binding ng-scope">41</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="42" class="ng-binding ng-scope">42</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="43" class="ng-binding ng-scope">43</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="44" class="ng-binding ng-scope">44</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="45" class="ng-binding ng-scope">45</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="46" class="ng-binding ng-scope">46</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="47" class="ng-binding ng-scope">47</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="48" class="ng-binding ng-scope">48</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="49" class="ng-binding ng-scope">49</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="50" class="ng-binding ng-scope">50</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="51" class="ng-binding ng-scope">51</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="52" class="ng-binding ng-scope">52</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="53" class="ng-binding ng-scope">53</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="54" class="ng-binding ng-scope">54</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="55" class="ng-binding ng-scope">55</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="56" class="ng-binding ng-scope">56</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="57" class="ng-binding ng-scope">57</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="58" class="ng-binding ng-scope">58</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="59" class="ng-binding ng-scope">59</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="60" class="ng-binding ng-scope">60</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="61" class="ng-binding ng-scope">61</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="62" class="ng-binding ng-scope">62</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="63" class="ng-binding ng-scope">63</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="64" class="ng-binding ng-scope">64</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="65" class="ng-binding ng-scope">65</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="66" class="ng-binding ng-scope">66</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="67" class="ng-binding ng-scope">67</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="68" class="ng-binding ng-scope">68</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="69" class="ng-binding ng-scope">69</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="70" class="ng-binding ng-scope">70</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="71" class="ng-binding ng-scope">71</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="72" class="ng-binding ng-scope">72</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="73" class="ng-binding ng-scope">73</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="74" class="ng-binding ng-scope">74</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="75" class="ng-binding ng-scope">75</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="76" class="ng-binding ng-scope">76</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="77" class="ng-binding ng-scope">77</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="78" class="ng-binding ng-scope">78</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="79" class="ng-binding ng-scope">79</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="80" class="ng-binding ng-scope">80</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="81" class="ng-binding ng-scope">81</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="82" class="ng-binding ng-scope">82</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="83" class="ng-binding ng-scope">83</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="84" class="ng-binding ng-scope">84</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="85" class="ng-binding ng-scope">85</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="86" class="ng-binding ng-scope">86</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="87" class="ng-binding ng-scope">87</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="88" class="ng-binding ng-scope">88</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="89" class="ng-binding ng-scope">89</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="90" class="ng-binding ng-scope">90</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="91" class="ng-binding ng-scope">91</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="92" class="ng-binding ng-scope">92</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="93" class="ng-binding ng-scope">93</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="94" class="ng-binding ng-scope">94</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="95" class="ng-binding ng-scope">95</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="96" class="ng-binding ng-scope">96</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="97" class="ng-binding ng-scope">97</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="98" class="ng-binding ng-scope">98</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="99" class="ng-binding ng-scope">99</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="100" class="ng-binding ng-scope">100</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
          </select></div><!-- end ngIf: applicableFilters.yearsInIndustry -->
  </div><!-- end ngIf: showFilterGroups.experience --><!-- ngIf: showFilterGroups.insuredDetail -->
  <div class="filter-group insured-detail ng-scope" ng-if="showFilterGroups.insuredDetail">
    <h5>Insured Detail</h5>
    <div class="row">
      <div class="col-xs-6"><!-- ngIf: applicableFilters.locations -->
        <div class="form-group form-group-sm locations ng-scope" ng-if="applicableFilters.locations"><span class="pull-right"><!-- ngIf: filterValsOnLoad.locations --></span><label for="filters-locations"
            ng-class="{'applied': filterValsOnLoad.locations}"><!-- ngIf: filterValsOnLoad.locations --> # of Locations</label> <select class="form-control ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-valid ng-empty" ng-model="filterVals.locations"
            ng-change="apply()" ng-model-options="{ updateOn: 'default' }" id="filters-locations">
            <option value="" selected="selected">Select One</option><!-- ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="0" class="ng-binding ng-scope">0</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="1" class="ng-binding ng-scope">1</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="2" class="ng-binding ng-scope">2</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="3" class="ng-binding ng-scope">3</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="4" class="ng-binding ng-scope">4</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="5" class="ng-binding ng-scope">5</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="6" class="ng-binding ng-scope">6</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="7" class="ng-binding ng-scope">7</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="8" class="ng-binding ng-scope">8</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="9" class="ng-binding ng-scope">9</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="10" class="ng-binding ng-scope">10</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="11" class="ng-binding ng-scope">11</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="12" class="ng-binding ng-scope">12</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="13" class="ng-binding ng-scope">13</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="14" class="ng-binding ng-scope">14</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="15" class="ng-binding ng-scope">15</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="16" class="ng-binding ng-scope">16</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="17" class="ng-binding ng-scope">17</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="18" class="ng-binding ng-scope">18</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="19" class="ng-binding ng-scope">19</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="20" class="ng-binding ng-scope">20</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="21" class="ng-binding ng-scope">21</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="22" class="ng-binding ng-scope">22</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="23" class="ng-binding ng-scope">23</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="24" class="ng-binding ng-scope">24</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="25" class="ng-binding ng-scope">25</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="26" class="ng-binding ng-scope">26</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="27" class="ng-binding ng-scope">27</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="28" class="ng-binding ng-scope">28</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="29" class="ng-binding ng-scope">29</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="30" class="ng-binding ng-scope">30</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="31" class="ng-binding ng-scope">31</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="32" class="ng-binding ng-scope">32</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="33" class="ng-binding ng-scope">33</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="34" class="ng-binding ng-scope">34</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="35" class="ng-binding ng-scope">35</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="36" class="ng-binding ng-scope">36</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="37" class="ng-binding ng-scope">37</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="38" class="ng-binding ng-scope">38</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="39" class="ng-binding ng-scope">39</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="40" class="ng-binding ng-scope">40</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="41" class="ng-binding ng-scope">41</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="42" class="ng-binding ng-scope">42</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="43" class="ng-binding ng-scope">43</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="44" class="ng-binding ng-scope">44</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="45" class="ng-binding ng-scope">45</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="46" class="ng-binding ng-scope">46</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="47" class="ng-binding ng-scope">47</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="48" class="ng-binding ng-scope">48</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="49" class="ng-binding ng-scope">49</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="50" class="ng-binding ng-scope">50</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="51" class="ng-binding ng-scope">51</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="52" class="ng-binding ng-scope">52</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="53" class="ng-binding ng-scope">53</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="54" class="ng-binding ng-scope">54</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="55" class="ng-binding ng-scope">55</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="56" class="ng-binding ng-scope">56</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="57" class="ng-binding ng-scope">57</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="58" class="ng-binding ng-scope">58</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="59" class="ng-binding ng-scope">59</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="60" class="ng-binding ng-scope">60</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="61" class="ng-binding ng-scope">61</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="62" class="ng-binding ng-scope">62</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="63" class="ng-binding ng-scope">63</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="64" class="ng-binding ng-scope">64</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="65" class="ng-binding ng-scope">65</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="66" class="ng-binding ng-scope">66</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="67" class="ng-binding ng-scope">67</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="68" class="ng-binding ng-scope">68</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="69" class="ng-binding ng-scope">69</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="70" class="ng-binding ng-scope">70</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="71" class="ng-binding ng-scope">71</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="72" class="ng-binding ng-scope">72</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="73" class="ng-binding ng-scope">73</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="74" class="ng-binding ng-scope">74</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="75" class="ng-binding ng-scope">75</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="76" class="ng-binding ng-scope">76</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="77" class="ng-binding ng-scope">77</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="78" class="ng-binding ng-scope">78</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="79" class="ng-binding ng-scope">79</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="80" class="ng-binding ng-scope">80</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="81" class="ng-binding ng-scope">81</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="82" class="ng-binding ng-scope">82</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="83" class="ng-binding ng-scope">83</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="84" class="ng-binding ng-scope">84</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="85" class="ng-binding ng-scope">85</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="86" class="ng-binding ng-scope">86</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="87" class="ng-binding ng-scope">87</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="88" class="ng-binding ng-scope">88</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="89" class="ng-binding ng-scope">89</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="90" class="ng-binding ng-scope">90</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="91" class="ng-binding ng-scope">91</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="92" class="ng-binding ng-scope">92</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="93" class="ng-binding ng-scope">93</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="94" class="ng-binding ng-scope">94</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="95" class="ng-binding ng-scope">95</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="96" class="ng-binding ng-scope">96</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="97" class="ng-binding ng-scope">97</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="98" class="ng-binding ng-scope">98</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="99" class="ng-binding ng-scope">99</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="100" class="ng-binding ng-scope">100</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
          </select></div><!-- end ngIf: applicableFilters.locations -->
      <div class="col-xs-6"><!-- ngIf: applicableFilters.buildings -->
        <div class="form-group form-group-sm buildings ng-scope" ng-if="applicableFilters.buildings"><span class="pull-right"><!-- ngIf: filterValsOnLoad.buildings --></span><label for="filters-buildings"
            ng-class="{'applied': filterValsOnLoad.buildings}"><!-- ngIf: filterValsOnLoad.buildings --> # of Buildings</label> <select class="form-control ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-valid ng-empty" ng-model="filterVals.buildings"
            ng-change="apply()" ng-model-options="{ updateOn: 'default' }" id="filters-buildings">
            <option value="" selected="selected">Select One</option><!-- ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="0" class="ng-binding ng-scope">0</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="1" class="ng-binding ng-scope">1</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="2" class="ng-binding ng-scope">2</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="3" class="ng-binding ng-scope">3</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="4" class="ng-binding ng-scope">4</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="5" class="ng-binding ng-scope">5</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="6" class="ng-binding ng-scope">6</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="7" class="ng-binding ng-scope">7</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="8" class="ng-binding ng-scope">8</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="9" class="ng-binding ng-scope">9</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="10" class="ng-binding ng-scope">10</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="11" class="ng-binding ng-scope">11</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="12" class="ng-binding ng-scope">12</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="13" class="ng-binding ng-scope">13</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="14" class="ng-binding ng-scope">14</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="15" class="ng-binding ng-scope">15</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="16" class="ng-binding ng-scope">16</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="17" class="ng-binding ng-scope">17</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="18" class="ng-binding ng-scope">18</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="19" class="ng-binding ng-scope">19</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="20" class="ng-binding ng-scope">20</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="21" class="ng-binding ng-scope">21</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="22" class="ng-binding ng-scope">22</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="23" class="ng-binding ng-scope">23</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="24" class="ng-binding ng-scope">24</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="25" class="ng-binding ng-scope">25</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="26" class="ng-binding ng-scope">26</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="27" class="ng-binding ng-scope">27</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="28" class="ng-binding ng-scope">28</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="29" class="ng-binding ng-scope">29</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="30" class="ng-binding ng-scope">30</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="31" class="ng-binding ng-scope">31</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="32" class="ng-binding ng-scope">32</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="33" class="ng-binding ng-scope">33</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="34" class="ng-binding ng-scope">34</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="35" class="ng-binding ng-scope">35</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="36" class="ng-binding ng-scope">36</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="37" class="ng-binding ng-scope">37</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="38" class="ng-binding ng-scope">38</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="39" class="ng-binding ng-scope">39</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="40" class="ng-binding ng-scope">40</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="41" class="ng-binding ng-scope">41</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="42" class="ng-binding ng-scope">42</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="43" class="ng-binding ng-scope">43</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="44" class="ng-binding ng-scope">44</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="45" class="ng-binding ng-scope">45</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="46" class="ng-binding ng-scope">46</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="47" class="ng-binding ng-scope">47</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="48" class="ng-binding ng-scope">48</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="49" class="ng-binding ng-scope">49</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="50" class="ng-binding ng-scope">50</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="51" class="ng-binding ng-scope">51</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="52" class="ng-binding ng-scope">52</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="53" class="ng-binding ng-scope">53</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="54" class="ng-binding ng-scope">54</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="55" class="ng-binding ng-scope">55</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="56" class="ng-binding ng-scope">56</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="57" class="ng-binding ng-scope">57</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="58" class="ng-binding ng-scope">58</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="59" class="ng-binding ng-scope">59</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="60" class="ng-binding ng-scope">60</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="61" class="ng-binding ng-scope">61</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="62" class="ng-binding ng-scope">62</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="63" class="ng-binding ng-scope">63</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="64" class="ng-binding ng-scope">64</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="65" class="ng-binding ng-scope">65</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="66" class="ng-binding ng-scope">66</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="67" class="ng-binding ng-scope">67</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="68" class="ng-binding ng-scope">68</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="69" class="ng-binding ng-scope">69</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="70" class="ng-binding ng-scope">70</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="71" class="ng-binding ng-scope">71</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="72" class="ng-binding ng-scope">72</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="73" class="ng-binding ng-scope">73</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="74" class="ng-binding ng-scope">74</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="75" class="ng-binding ng-scope">75</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="76" class="ng-binding ng-scope">76</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="77" class="ng-binding ng-scope">77</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="78" class="ng-binding ng-scope">78</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="79" class="ng-binding ng-scope">79</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="80" class="ng-binding ng-scope">80</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="81" class="ng-binding ng-scope">81</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="82" class="ng-binding ng-scope">82</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="83" class="ng-binding ng-scope">83</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="84" class="ng-binding ng-scope">84</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="85" class="ng-binding ng-scope">85</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="86" class="ng-binding ng-scope">86</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="87" class="ng-binding ng-scope">87</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="88" class="ng-binding ng-scope">88</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="89" class="ng-binding ng-scope">89</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="90" class="ng-binding ng-scope">90</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="91" class="ng-binding ng-scope">91</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="92" class="ng-binding ng-scope">92</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="93" class="ng-binding ng-scope">93</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="94" class="ng-binding ng-scope">94</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="95" class="ng-binding ng-scope">95</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="96" class="ng-binding ng-scope">96</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="97" class="ng-binding ng-scope">97</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="98" class="ng-binding ng-scope">98</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="99" class="ng-binding ng-scope">99</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="100" class="ng-binding ng-scope">100</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
          </select></div><!-- end ngIf: applicableFilters.buildings -->
      <div class="col-xs-6"><!-- ngIf: applicableFilters.vehicles -->
        <div class="form-group form-group-sm vehicles ng-scope" ng-if="applicableFilters.vehicles"><span class="pull-right"><!-- ngIf: filterValsOnLoad.vehicles --></span><label for="filters-vehicles"
            ng-class="{'applied': filterValsOnLoad.vehicles}"><!-- ngIf: filterValsOnLoad.vehicles --> # of Vehicles</label> <select class="form-control ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-valid ng-empty" ng-model="filterVals.vehicles" ng-change="apply()"
            ng-model-options="{ updateOn: 'default' }" id="filters-vehicles">
            <option value="" selected="selected">Select One</option><!-- ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="0" class="ng-binding ng-scope">0</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="1" class="ng-binding ng-scope">1</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="2" class="ng-binding ng-scope">2</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="3" class="ng-binding ng-scope">3</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="4" class="ng-binding ng-scope">4</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="5" class="ng-binding ng-scope">5</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="6" class="ng-binding ng-scope">6</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="7" class="ng-binding ng-scope">7</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="8" class="ng-binding ng-scope">8</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="9" class="ng-binding ng-scope">9</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="10" class="ng-binding ng-scope">10</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="11" class="ng-binding ng-scope">11</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="12" class="ng-binding ng-scope">12</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="13" class="ng-binding ng-scope">13</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="14" class="ng-binding ng-scope">14</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="15" class="ng-binding ng-scope">15</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="16" class="ng-binding ng-scope">16</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="17" class="ng-binding ng-scope">17</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="18" class="ng-binding ng-scope">18</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="19" class="ng-binding ng-scope">19</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="20" class="ng-binding ng-scope">20</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="21" class="ng-binding ng-scope">21</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="22" class="ng-binding ng-scope">22</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="23" class="ng-binding ng-scope">23</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="24" class="ng-binding ng-scope">24</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="25" class="ng-binding ng-scope">25</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="26" class="ng-binding ng-scope">26</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="27" class="ng-binding ng-scope">27</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="28" class="ng-binding ng-scope">28</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="29" class="ng-binding ng-scope">29</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="30" class="ng-binding ng-scope">30</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="31" class="ng-binding ng-scope">31</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="32" class="ng-binding ng-scope">32</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="33" class="ng-binding ng-scope">33</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="34" class="ng-binding ng-scope">34</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="35" class="ng-binding ng-scope">35</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="36" class="ng-binding ng-scope">36</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="37" class="ng-binding ng-scope">37</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="38" class="ng-binding ng-scope">38</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="39" class="ng-binding ng-scope">39</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="40" class="ng-binding ng-scope">40</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="41" class="ng-binding ng-scope">41</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="42" class="ng-binding ng-scope">42</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="43" class="ng-binding ng-scope">43</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="44" class="ng-binding ng-scope">44</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="45" class="ng-binding ng-scope">45</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="46" class="ng-binding ng-scope">46</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="47" class="ng-binding ng-scope">47</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="48" class="ng-binding ng-scope">48</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="49" class="ng-binding ng-scope">49</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="50" class="ng-binding ng-scope">50</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="51" class="ng-binding ng-scope">51</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="52" class="ng-binding ng-scope">52</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="53" class="ng-binding ng-scope">53</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="54" class="ng-binding ng-scope">54</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="55" class="ng-binding ng-scope">55</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="56" class="ng-binding ng-scope">56</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="57" class="ng-binding ng-scope">57</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="58" class="ng-binding ng-scope">58</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="59" class="ng-binding ng-scope">59</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="60" class="ng-binding ng-scope">60</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="61" class="ng-binding ng-scope">61</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="62" class="ng-binding ng-scope">62</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="63" class="ng-binding ng-scope">63</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="64" class="ng-binding ng-scope">64</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="65" class="ng-binding ng-scope">65</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="66" class="ng-binding ng-scope">66</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="67" class="ng-binding ng-scope">67</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="68" class="ng-binding ng-scope">68</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="69" class="ng-binding ng-scope">69</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="70" class="ng-binding ng-scope">70</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="71" class="ng-binding ng-scope">71</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="72" class="ng-binding ng-scope">72</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="73" class="ng-binding ng-scope">73</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="74" class="ng-binding ng-scope">74</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="75" class="ng-binding ng-scope">75</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="76" class="ng-binding ng-scope">76</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="77" class="ng-binding ng-scope">77</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="78" class="ng-binding ng-scope">78</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="79" class="ng-binding ng-scope">79</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="80" class="ng-binding ng-scope">80</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="81" class="ng-binding ng-scope">81</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="82" class="ng-binding ng-scope">82</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="83" class="ng-binding ng-scope">83</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="84" class="ng-binding ng-scope">84</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="85" class="ng-binding ng-scope">85</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="86" class="ng-binding ng-scope">86</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="87" class="ng-binding ng-scope">87</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="88" class="ng-binding ng-scope">88</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="89" class="ng-binding ng-scope">89</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="90" class="ng-binding ng-scope">90</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="91" class="ng-binding ng-scope">91</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="92" class="ng-binding ng-scope">92</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="93" class="ng-binding ng-scope">93</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="94" class="ng-binding ng-scope">94</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="95" class="ng-binding ng-scope">95</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="96" class="ng-binding ng-scope">96</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="97" class="ng-binding ng-scope">97</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="98" class="ng-binding ng-scope">98</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="99" class="ng-binding ng-scope">99</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
            <option ng-repeat="x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index" value="100" class="ng-binding ng-scope">100</option><!-- end ngRepeat: x in [].constructor(scheduleMax + 1) track by $index -->
          </select></div><!-- end ngIf: applicableFilters.vehicles -->
      <div class="col-xs-6"><!-- ngIf: applicableFilters.tiv -->
        <div class="form-group form-group-sm tiv ng-scope" ng-if="applicableFilters.tiv"><span class="pull-right"><!-- ngIf: filterValsOnLoad.tiv --></span><label for="filters-tiv"
            ng-class="{'applied': filterValsOnLoad.tiv}"><!-- ngIf: filterValsOnLoad.tiv --> Total Insured Val</label> <input type="number" class="form-control ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-valid ng-empty ng-valid-min" id="filters-tiv" min="0"
            ng-model="filterVals.tiv" ng-change="apply()" ng-model-options="{updateOn : 'change blur'}"></div><!-- end ngIf: applicableFilters.tiv -->
  </div><!-- end ngIf: showFilterGroups.insuredDetail --><!-- ngIf: showFilterGroups.buildingDetail -->
  <div class="filter-group building-detail ng-scope" ng-if="showFilterGroups.buildingDetail">
    <h5>Building Details</h5><!-- ngIf: applicableFilters.squareFootage -->
    <div class="form-group form-group-sm square-footage ng-scope" ng-if="applicableFilters.squareFootage"><span class="pull-right"><!-- ngIf: filterValsOnLoad.squareFootage --></span><label for="filters-square-footage"
        ng-class="{'applied': filterValsOnLoad.squareFootage}"><!-- ngIf: filterValsOnLoad.squareFootage --> Square Footage</label> <input type="number" class="form-control ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-valid ng-empty ng-valid-min"
        id="filters-square-footage" min="0" ng-model="filterVals.squareFootage" ng-change="apply()" ng-model-options="{updateOn : 'change blur'}"></div><!-- end ngIf: applicableFilters.squareFootage --><!-- ngIf: applicableFilters.buildingAge -->
    <div class="form-group form-group-sm building-age ng-scope" ng-if="applicableFilters.buildingAge"><span class="pull-right"><!-- ngIf: filterValsOnLoad.buildingAge --></span><label for="filters-building-age"
        ng-class="{'applied': filterValsOnLoad.buildingAge}"><!-- ngIf: filterValsOnLoad.buildingAge --> Age</label> <input type="number" class="form-control ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-valid ng-empty ng-valid-min" id="filters-building-age" min="0"
        ng-model="filterVals.buildingAge" ng-change="apply()" placeholder="years old, not year built" ng-model-options="{updateOn : 'change blur'}"></div><!-- end ngIf: applicableFilters.buildingAge -->
  </div><!-- end ngIf: showFilterGroups.buildingDetail -->

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