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January 8, 2024

A Messy Start to the 2024 Presidential Election

The Journal

Primaries that don’t count. An incumbent President’s write-in campaign. The 2024
election is off to a weird start. WSJ’s Eliza Collins explains why.

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January 7, 2024

Artificial: Episode 3, ChatGPT

The Journal

OpenAI launched ChatGPT with low expectations and little fanfare. But the
chatbot was an instant hit and went on to become one of the fastest growing
consumer apps in tech history. ...

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January 5, 2024

China Wants More Babies. Many Women Are Saying No.

The Journal

The Chinese government is concerned about the country's birth rate. The
population in China is now approximately 1.4 billion and could drop to roughly
half a billion by 2100. Beijin...

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January 4, 2024

Behind the Campaign to Push Harvard’s President Out

The Journal

Harvard University President Claudine Gay resigned Tuesday, after being dogged
for weeks by allegations of plagiarism and accusations that she didn't respond
with enough urgency to ...

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January 3, 2024

One Company’s Quest to Burst Apple’s Blue Bubble Texts

The Journal

If you text on a smartphone, chances are you’ve seen the problem: blue text
bubbles versus green texts. It's a visual symbol of the problems that Android
and iPhone users have when ...

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January 3, 2024

We're Off To See The Wiz

Not Past It

In the 1970s, amateur theater producer Ken Harper had a vision for an all-Black
rendition of the Wizard of Oz. And on January 5, 1975, The Wiz premiered on
Broadway. Hollywood came ...

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January 2, 2024

'The Ultimate Confidence Trickster': The Double Life of a Tech Exec

The Journal

For more than three years, Jan Marsalek has been on the run. He was the
jet-setting COO of Wirecard, the German company that imploded after a financial
fraud scandal. But now, Weste...

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December 27, 2023

The Glow Down of the Green M&M

Not Past It

It’s been a big year for the Green M&M. After a marketing revamp, she lost her
signature go-go boots and femme fatale flair. So we thought, what better way to
end the year than brin...

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December 26, 2023

The Taco Tuesday Fight Is Over

The Journal

Earlier this year, we brought you the story of a New Jersey restaurant owner
named Gregory Gregory, who took on Taco Bell over the trademark for "Taco
Tuesday.” After months of neg...

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December 22, 2023

Mariah Carey on the Rise of Her Christmas Anthem

The Journal

We are off for the holidays, but still have a great episode for this Christmas

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December 21, 2023

Inside an iPhone Heist

The Journal

Thieves across the U.S. are stealing people’s iPhones, using them to loot
victims’ bank accounts and personal information. After investigating for over a
year, WSJ’s Joanna Stern un...

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December 21, 2023

#58 Harry


On his deathbed, Scott bequeathed to his brothers his beloved macaw, Harry. The
brothers promised to carry out Scott’s dying wish to care for the bird. Except
they didn’t. Twenty-fi...

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