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New Hot

Used Product Ad posted 8 hours ago in Grain Storage and Handling Equipment by
Jeff Tobin

This 60,000 lb. (approx) capacity Meridian silo is in very good condition. It
has smooth steel walls and a smooth conical bottom. It was new in 2007. We
bought it used in 2018. Unfortunately we have been unable to find a way to make
it work with our brewery configuration and have decided to sell it. The price
includes a choretime screw auger conveyor with approximately 50 feet of pipe and
auger. As seen in the pictures the silo is on its side and ready to load onto
your truck. Buyer is responsible for rigging and for crating up or otherwise
packing the choretime components. Overall tank dimensions (approximate) 12'
diameter, 27' height.  


New Hot

Used Product Ad posted 1 day ago in Grain Storage and Handling Equipment by

For Sale:  12" Pneumatic Knife Gate Valve, rated for 150 psi, crated, in
like-new condition. Terms: $900.00.  Already crated and available for immediate
shipment. Price is as-is, FOB Normal, IL (i.e., Buyer responsible for
freight/shipping).  100% non-refundable down payment via bank wire to secure
purchase and prior to loading/shipping. Viewing by appointment only. To schedule
an appointment to view or to obtain more information or to otherwise submit an
offer, please email only serious inquiries to office@destihl.com (replies to
this post on-line will not be routinely checked).

20 TON GRAIN SILO ( $1,200 )

New Hot

Used Product Ad posted 5 days ago in Grain Storage and Handling Equipment by
Dusan Kwiatkowski

20 Ton Round Bin, 10 gauge, w/12' Overhead Clearance, Hinged Top Lid, Flanged
Plate for Bottom Door, Completely Welded All Seams, Epoxy Primer on the Inside,
Two 6" Female Pipe Couplings on Top Door-No Vent, White Paint, 2" Female Pipe
Coupling 14" from Bottom Flange. Sold as-is. It'll take a crane to get it onto a
truck. Rigging not included.


New Hot

Used Product Ad posted 6 days ago in Grain Storage and Handling Equipment by
John Nielsen

Roppi-1100 Malt mill for sale.  Comes with stainless steel stand, auger boot and
slide gate 5hp Siemens 3-phase, 60Hz, motor, magnetic bars under lid.  Used
lightly when removed from service Excellent condition.  Buyer is responsible for
arranging and paying all shipping and crating costs.  Mill is located in
Prescott, Arizona 86301

2 ROLL GRAIN MILL $3000 ( $3,000 )


Used Product Ad posted 1 week ago in Grain Storage and Handling Equipment by
Stoney Head

2 Roll grain mill for sale, side by side 14" rollers, hopper on top, grain shoot
on bottom, adjustable crush size, access panels for easy cleaning, must have
208/230V 3 phase power supply, 26A.  We purchased this brand new in 2013 and it
has been a workhorse for our brewery.  Currently set up for plug in to run but
can easily be converted to a wall switch.  New drive belts replaced 2019.  Comes
with back up belts.  Weighs roughly a ton (2000 lbs). PRICE REDUCED $3000.00 You
pay shipping from Reno, Nevada (89511)

EXTRA-HEAVY DUTY, 67-1/2 CU.FT. (2.5 CU.YDS.) CAPACITY ( $350 )


Used Product Ad posted 1 week ago in Grain Storage and Handling Equipment by

Built to withstand the heaviest use, this self-dumping hopper has thick walls
and a 40% thicker frame than other hoppers at McMaster-Carr.  Use a forklift to
move this balanced hopper, then release the locking latch to dump the load.  It
will then return to an upright, locked position. Lid is not included, but they
are sold separately by McMaster-Carr.  We purchased this new in June 2013 and
used it for spent grain handling at our original brewery until April 2017, but
it has not been used since then. Terms: $350.00.  Available for immediate
shipment. Price is as-is, FOB Normal, IL (i.e., Buyer responsible for
freight/shipping coordination & costs, but we will handle rigging/loading onto
your truck for no extra charge). 100% nonrefundable bank wire to secure purchase
prior to loading/shipping. Viewing by appointment only. To schedule an
appointment to view or to obtain more information or to otherwise submit an



Used Product Ad posted 2 weeks ago in Grain Storage and Handling Equipment by
Seth Lowe

Bravo 4V Grain Grinder w/ 4, 6 and 8mm Sieve retails for $602.00 Local Pickup
Only 81631 For grinding corn and other grains into more manageable sizes for
distilling Includes grinder, bucket and 3 sieves (4, 6 and 8mm).110V (cord
length: 4 ft 6 in) 1.2 HP motor. 900 watts. Start-up draw 23.5 amps, working
under load draw 9.47 amps. The bin for storing grain prior to grinding measures
17" x 19". The lower portion of the bin where the grain sits before processing
measures 10-1/2" x 9-1/2". The base is 16-1/4" off the ground. The opening where
the processed grain drops out is 6-1/2" x 2-3/4". 110V allows it to be powered
by any normal house outlet, no need for the installation of a 220V outlet.

FLEX-FLO 500 AUGER ( $1,950 )


Used Product Ad posted 2 weeks ago in Grain Storage and Handling Equipment by
Joseph Hallock

Flex-Flo Model 500 grain auger.  Approximately 60 feet of coil, drive motor and
boot/ transfer plate for hopper. Operates on a 20 amp 220V circuit. Uses Flex
Flo 500 PVC pipe which can be ordered from Flex Flo to fit your layout. The
bearing and end unit have been replaced.


Used Product Ad posted 3 weeks ago in Grain Storage and Handling Equipment by
Tom Bulington

I have a SS Brew Tech mill with a custom-made box. I paid $900 for plus made the
box. The reason I am selling it is we went with a Blichmann Brewhouse and
purchased a mill along with it Asking $500. Brookston, Indiana


Used Product Ad posted 3 weeks ago in Grain Storage and Handling Equipment by
Rob Phillips

This is a flex grain auger that we obtained with a bunch of other equipment.   I
do not know if it works, however it was working when it was decommissioned in
2019, and stored indoors. This is a 3" auger, there is probably 40 feet of auger
coil.  Includes the motor and housing. The pictures have more info - if you have
specific questions let me know. Buyer responsible for freight from Salt Lake
city, UT 84115  


Used Product Ad posted 3 weeks ago in Grain Storage and Handling Equipment by
Rob Phillips

We just replaced our mill - we have had this nice Jimboney Grain Mill in use for
the last 6 years, and it has worked great!
https://conical-fermenter.com/Malt-Mill-Jimboney-EXP.html It is 12" wide, 3
rollers, and we built this nice stainless table and hopper to go with it. It has
magnet fingers to catch nails on the way in. Runs on a 1/2 hp explosion proof
motor, 240 V 3 ph, or can be wired single phase Buyer responsible for shipping
from Salt Lake City, 84115. Weighs probably 100 lbs, and would easily fit on a
small pallet. Call or email with questions



Used Product Ad posted 4 weeks ago in Grain Storage and Handling Equipment by

we have some parts for a pallet racking system that we are looking to sale. We
have (7) green Upright 12 ft x 3.5 ft, (9) 99 in orange horizontal beams, (4) 50
in orange horizontal beams, (17) wire racks for pallet support, and 8 floor
guard to protect the base of green uprights if you interested in any of these
item feel free to reach out to Norman or Greg
at shippingreceiving@halfacrebeer.com

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