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By Michelle Watson, CNN
Updated 7:29 AM EDT, Mon September 5, 2022
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BLM executive accused of 'syphoning' $10M from donors
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CNN  — 

An executive at Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation (GNF), is accused
of “syphoning” more than $10 million from donors, the grassroots arm of the BLM
organization said a court filing this week.

The suit is against executive Shalomyah Bowers, the foundation itself, Bowers’
consulting firm and unnamed individuals.

Bowers was hired by BLM co-founder Patrisse Cullors in 2020 to help run the
Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation (GNF), an extension of the Black
Lives Matter grassroots organization, the suit said.

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Bowers denied the claims leveled in the suit, which BLM Grassroots presented in
a news conference last week, saying in a statement posted on the BLM website
that the accusations are “harmful, divisive, and false.”

The Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation raised over $90 million in
Ira L. Black/Corbis/Getty Images

The Black Lives Matter foundation raised $90 million in 2020

GNF was originally created by Cullors “as an administrative organization to
raise funds to provide financial support for local-level community efforts of
BLM Grassroots,” the suit said, while the BLM Grassroots organization did the
“on-the-ground” work.

Cullors initially oversaw the GNF, but in May 2021 “decided she could no longer
lead GNF and that it should wind down and transition the entire organization to
BLM Grassroots,” the suit said.

In that same month, Cullors notified Bowers and Melina Abdullah of a “formal
transition plan” of GNF’s leadership, along with other internal leaders.
Abdullah is a co-founder of the Los Angeles chapter of BLM.

Bowers took umbrage with this recollection of events in the statement posted on
BLM’s site. “BLMGR and Melina Abdullah read a press statement claiming that
Patrisse Cullors created a transition plan giving all of BLMGNF’s assets to BLM
Grassroots. That is absolutely false,” Bowers said.

“Mr. Bowers and the GNF Leadership Council agreed to execute the transition plan
set forth by Ms. Cullors,” the suit said. “However, Mr. Bowers, who made
$2,167,894 million dollars from GNF in less than eight months, decided he wanted
to keep the ‘piggy bank’ that GNF had become to him and his company.”

Bowers was also supposed to disclose certain financial and organizing
information other leaders within the group, but “refused” to so, the suit

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“Within months, Bowers had run these well-respected advocates out of the
organization,” the suit alleges. “Through a series of misrepresentations and
unauthorized backroom dealings, Mr. Bowers managed to steal control over GNF as
the sole Board member and officer.”

FILE - In this Feb. 11, 2019, file photo, Patrisse Cullors, Black Lives Matter
co-founder, participates in the "Finding Justice" panel during the BET
presentation at the Television Critics Association Winter Press Tour at The
Langham Huntington in Pasadena, Calif. The Black Lives Matter Global Network
Foundation, which grew out of the creation of the Black Lives Matter movement,
is formally expanding a $3 million financial relief fund that it quietly
launched in February 2021, to help people struggling to make ends meet during
the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. "This came from a collective conversation with
BLM leadership that Black folks are being hurt the most financially during the
pandemic," Cullors told The Associated Press. (Photo by Willy
Sanjuan/Invision/AP, File)
Willy Sanjuan/Invision/AP

Black Lives Matter co-founder stepping down from organization

The suit also said Bowers changed social media account passwords for the
grassroots organization and tried to “to register the trademark of BLM
Grassroots using the logo and design of BLM Grassroots leader Angela Waters, in
what appears to be an attempt to ‘steal’ the logo or prevent BLM Grassroots from

The BLM grassroots organization said in the suit that Bowers has siphoned money.

“Mr. Bowers continues to fraudulently raise money from unsuspecting donors
passing himself off as the organization that is doing the work of BLM, padding
his own pockets at that of his associates at the cost of BLM’s reputation,” the
suit said.

The grassroots organization arm of the organization is asking for a jury trial
and accuses Bowers of unfair businesses practices, fraud and intentional
misrepresentation, among other claims.

CNN reached out to Bowers through his consulting firm Sunday but did not receive
a response.

GNF has since responded to the claims, in a statement saying:

“The BLMGNF Board requested – on over ten occasions – private mediation or
meetings with Melina Abdullah and BLM Grassroots, including and regarding social
media policies. We did so in order to stay true to principles of abolition –
resolving issues through conflict mediation rather than falling victim to the
carceral logic and social violence that fuels the legal system.

“But Melina Abdullah and BLMGR ignored or refused our offers. To the contrary,
they would rather take the same steps of our white oppressors and utilize the
criminal legal system which is propped up by white supremacy (the same system
they say they want to dismantle) to solve movement disputes.

“In particular, Melina Abdullah and BLMGR’s storytelling concerning the current
BLMGNF Board is harmful, divisive, and false. It only gives fodder to right-wing
media’s clear agenda of sowing distrust and division among Black folks, and it
is in deep contrast to abolitionist values and the fight for Black liberation.

“Therefore, BLMGNF is forced to respond publicly to Melina and BLMGR’s attacks
against BLMGNF and its current leadership. So respond we will, with love, facts,
and a spirit of transparency which has been our focus over the last six months,
as noted by the release of our IRS Form 990 and our BLM Transparency Center.”


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