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The latest on running remote mentorship programs.
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Matthew Reeves: Hi, everyone. Thanks. For those of you who have already joined,
I'm really excited to have you guys here and share some best practices on using
mentoring while working from home. Still waiting for a few more people to join
so we'll give it another minute or two and then we'll get started.


Hi. Thanks, again, to everyone who's joined. We're going to get started now. I'm
going to hand off to Marcus who will be leading us through this presentation.

Marcus Butters: Hi, everybody. Hope everyone's doing well. Appreciate all of you
joining us today. We're really excited to walk you through some really cool
tips, how you can utilize mentorship while working from home, whether you're
looking to launch a new program or transition from your already existing program
into a remote one.

So, to get started, just want to discuss a little bit about what we'll be
presenting to you today. With everything going on in the world right now,
there's nothing that's more important than the health of our friends and family.
COVID-19 has forced almost every company in North America to work from home. And
while it's great to spend more time with our families, there are definitely
underlying issues that are affecting all of our organizations.

So the team here at Together thought it might be useful for us to share some
different strategies on how some of our existing customers have utilized
mentorship remotely prior to the pandemic to effectively connect their workforce
and really ensure that their employees feel valued.

Mentoring certainly isn't more important than family and health. However, there
may be a greater need for mentoring now more than ever. So, to kick off, I just
wanted to take you through a quick agenda, tell you a little bit about what
we'll be talking about in particular.

We're going to be discussing the importance of staying connected while working
from home and the various benefits that mentorship can contribute to remote
work. I'll be walking you through a step-by-step guide of how you can quickly
launch a mentorship program at your organization that engages your remote
workers and show you some actionable tips and tricks on how you can actually
transition your existing program to be remote.

A little bit of a background on myself and the Together platform, I'm Marcus
Butters and I am an Account Executive here at the Together platform. I've had
the pleasure of working with a number of different companies of all shapes and
sizes to ensure that their mentorship needs are met. More importantly, I wanted
to talk a little bit about our company and how it was started.

Together was founded by two former BCG consultants, Matthew Reeves, who gave
this introduction, and Nathan Goldstein. Through their consulting work, they
came to the realization that mentorship was a massive need at enterprise
companies so they decided to take it upon themselves to try and make a
difference in this world.

As you all know, people are struggling right now. It's a really tough time.
Employees are wondering if they're going to get laid off. They haven't had human
contact in a couple of weeks and some of us are really feeling alone.

Various studies have found that working from home can actually induce stress and
increase anxiety since you're socially isolated from your teammates. Our hope is
that we can provide you with some creative ideas to mitigate those feelings
amongst your employees and really spread positivity throughout your

The feeling of isolation can quickly turn a productive employee base into a
pessimistic workforce and today we'll be showing you different steps that you
can take to combat some of those negative effects of remote work that might be
plaguing your teams.

I just wanted to start off with the concrete example of that. This graph is from
Robert Half. They released a study on the downsides of telecommuting and this
study represents just how isolated your employees might be feeling right now. We
want to ensure that you're fully equipped to help your employees and really
provide them with the tools that they need in order to be happy and engaged
while working remotely.

I can't speak for all of you, but after two weeks of working from home, the
loneliness is really starting to set in on my end. Luckily, I have my dog Oscar
here. He's keeping me company. I apologize if he barks during this webinar.
Please be patient with me, but I'm trying to keep him behaved as possible.

Some of your employees may not be as lucky as I am and may be feeling extra
lonely during these times, and that's why I really think mentorship can be
extremely impactful right now. Just below Loneliness you'll see that Lack of
Communication and Collaboration is another common theme among remote workers. So
I'll be showing you how mentorship can actually be used to reverse those effects
as well.

To get started, I just wanted to go over a few major themes that mentorship is
proven to help with when working remotely.

Our goal today is essentially to help you help your employees. So this graphic
highlights how each step of traditional mentorship is impacted when you do
conduct it remotely. But, of course, thanks to technology, we can run a virtual
mentorship program very similar to the way that you'd run a traditional
face-to-face mentorship program with very little downside and negative impact.

Each step plays its own unique and important role in making sure that your
program really launches smoothly and continues to run perfectly throughout its
duration. I'm going to walk you through each of these steps and share best
practices and provide you with new ideas as to how to transition your current
program or launch a new program remotely.

What we'll start off with is marketing your mentorship program. To me, marketing
the program is the key to getting people interested and excited about committing
to mentorship. There are a number of different channels that you can use, just
like any traditional marketing campaign. But the most effective when it comes to
mentoring is webinars or mass video conferences.

Engaging your employees through a webinar is super simple but it's extremely
effective when you're able to highlight how mentorship can actually impact their
career and help them excel in any department that they're trying to thrive in.

There are a ton of great resources online that you can use to support your
claims when it comes to marketing your program. If you're really looking to go
above and beyond to engage your employees, you can also check out some of the
pro tips that we've listed here on the right.

In my opinion, now is a better time than ever to dive headfirst into a strategic
marketing campaign at your organization. My suggestion would be, if you and your
team members have some extra time later on today, set up a virtual meeting,
brainstorm some different ideas that your company can use to help promote an
internal marketing program, and maybe ask a few employees in your organization
how they'd react to these marketing campaigns. It could be a great step towards
launching your program or transitioning to your remote program at this time.

Employees are really eager for something new and exciting to do. And the thought
of enrolling in something that could enhance her career would be especially
interesting at this time.

I wanted to show you a quick case study from Randstad, one of our portfolio
customers. Randstad utilized video testimonials to generate interest among their
employees. And what they did was they previously ran a global mentorship program
internally before adopting Together to support their needs. They asked a mentor
from each city to share why mentorship was important to them, and I'm going to
show you a little bit about what they had to say.

[video clip]

“It's not just about seeing where gaps are in your game. It's about identifying
strengths and looking for ways to leverage those as you continue to build your
leadership using style.”

“My mentor let me look at many things and that gave me the opportunity to see
other ways and possibilities.”

“Being a mentee is the best opportunity for me to get the best practices from
general practices. I feel very confident and welcome and like feel supported by
my mentor.”

“I see a difference in myself in my…”

[end of video clip]

Marcus: Using strategies like these can be instrumental in engaging your
employees and really getting them excited to potentially join a mentorship

Next thing I wanted to take a look at is the registration questionnaire and how
that's impacted when working remotely. It has very little impact but the key
point for remote registration is actually to monitor the results and ensure that
you have a good representation across different regions so that everyone can be
paired with someone who really fits their time zone and availability.

Once you have those logistics figured out, you're free to customize the
remainder of the questionnaire to fit whatever program you're running or
whatever your organization's needs are.

If you're not familiar, registration questionnaires are super simple to design.
They're great for gauging how your employees perceive themselves in specific
skills and areas for development.

The next two slides here are examples of questions that our customer, First
Round Capital, has used to pair their remote employees.

One really important thing that I think you should take into consideration is
that your employees may have moved to a different location because of the
pandemic. They might have gone home to their parents’ house, isolated themselves
in a different state. You really can't be certain as to where they are right
now, so ensuring you know their exact location is great for matching them with
someone in their time zone.

Another benefit to this, making sure that the time zones are aligned, is that
the mentee and mentor can eliminate any discrepancies that there might be when
it comes to scheduling any of their sessions, making sure they're showing up at
the right time. Nobody wants to be stood up for a meeting, of course, so that's
something that's of really high importance when you are conducting remote

Now that I'm working from home in a full, very busy house, I've had to plan out
my schedule very carefully, as I'm sure most of you have as well. What I've done
is I have allotted time for myself to exercise, eat, clean up a little bit and,
of course, spend time with the family. For me, I don't have any kids so I don't
have to have as strict as a schedule as some of your employees might.

Many people have kids and families that they need to manage so they might have
different time restrictions. So setting up preferred times to connect also gives
your employees the opportunity to meet at a time that works for both parties and
you know that those times are agreed upon ahead of time, of course.

Since we're unable to see our employees every day, it's become increasingly
difficult to track and understand their development. Mentorship really requires
you to highlight your skills and goals and really assess them as you progress
throughout the program.

One thing that we found to be a great way to track development is by actually
hosting three mandatory webinars or video conferences that revolve around
feedback and assessments. In these webinars, you can take a brief pause and ask
your employees to fill out a certain survey, have them do an assessment,
complete a feedback form.

It's great to do it while everyone's together in the same place. You know that
they're not working on anything else, so this ensures that you're actually going
to receive the information that you need in a timely manner and understand the
development through each of these meetings and see the progress that the program
and your employees enrolled in the program are showing.

Disney uses these tactics in a live setting and they have told us how impactful
it is on their employees’ development. They've really seen the growth and the
excitement that their employees are showing after they collect all the data from
these meetings. So it could be very easily transitioned to a webinar format as

So these are the different ways that you can run the pairing process. This
doesn't change at all. Essentially, you can either run a mentee-led process or
an admin-led process. For those of you who aren't familiar with these two
methods, I could share more information with that later on.

I'll be sharing the slide deck afterwards so you will all have full access to
this. But, essentially, admin-led is the admin takes full control of the
pairing, matches everyone with the mentee and mentor and that's it. Mentee led
pairing process, the mentee is able to have a say in who they want to be matched
with or could even choose who their exact mentor is.

Of course, both of these methods have their pros and cons. You can take a look
at what program you're looking to run, what you're looking to do within the
organization and that is where you can make your decision. It really does come
down to personal preference.

Moving on to the different pairing types that you can run, so there are multiple
pairing processes that you can have. The most common type of pairing we see is
traditional one-on-one mentorship which, as most of you are familiar with, it
typically entails a junior employee being matched with someone a little bit more
senior. They can discuss goals and really just how to achieve those goals.

But, unfortunately, we're in tough times and it could be a good idea to match
your employees more around the idea of getting to know new people and really
expanding your network. This could mean matching people within their own
department or other departments that they might not interact with on a daily
basis. It really is a critical time to build camaraderie in our organizations
and give your employees the opportunity to broaden their network within the
company, develop new relationships and have the chance to speak to people that
they may have never spoken to before.

Another great opportunity you have with remote mentorship of course is peer
mentoring. With employees feeling alone and isolated, peer mentoring can be a
great tool for team building, sharing best practices, or just helping one
another through these tough times.

I, for one, am grateful that I have a great colleague that I've been hopping on
Zoom calls with every Tuesday and Thursday to discuss what we've been working on
and really support each other where needed. Of course, I miss seeing them
face-to-face, but being able to hear their voice definitely brings me some joy
on my Tuesdays and Thursdays when I don't have time to spend with my dog Oscar.

Of course, for the time being, we don't have the ability to lean over our desk
beside us or take a 10-second walk to your teammate’s cubicle to discuss our
obstacles. So peer mentoring can be a great method to combat that.

Reverse mentoring is another great tactic to have an awesome impact on remote
work. For me, it's been a huge struggle to help my dad get his home office set
up, teach him how to use video conference, and explain to him how to properly
communicate over his internal messaging board.

Reverse mentoring can allow your more junior employees to actually teach and
guide your tenured employees how the world of technology actually works and,
again, hopefully form some relationships that otherwise may not have been formed
if we weren't in this sticky situation.

Last thing I wanted to touch on was group mentoring. It's an extremely useful
way to connect specific employees within a team or department to brainstorm or
discuss any challenges that they're facing while working from home. Giving your
employees the ability to collaborate like this is of course a surefire way to
boost connectivity, increase employee engagement and just promote teamwork
within the organization itself.

So in normal times, we'd suggest that a three to six-month program with six
sessions would be ideal. However, given our current circumstances, it is best to
shorten the program length as much as possible. Especially since work is slower,
not many of us are buried in our work and we do have a lot more free time on our
hands. I'm sure I speak for most of us at this time. But everyone has of course
cancelled their commute, there are fewer meetings, so this is the best time to
really take advantage of mentorship.

The number one reason that your skilled and more tenured mentors don't volunteer
for programs like this is actually due to time constraints. And now that they're
more available, they should have the capacity to take on more mentees to coach
and advise. And with those more frequent meetings, you have the ability to
implement new strategy and those key advice pieces from your mentor in a quicker
fashion and hone in on them and hopefully be able to execute them in your
everyday work life.

Despite the fact that the meetings themselves are the most impacted by working
remotely, there are several ways that we figured out to ensure that you can
actually still benefit your employees by implementing mentorship.

Of course, the use of technology, video conferencing in particular, provides us
with a very easy workaround.

A strong mentorship meeting requires a thought-out agenda. Give your employees
the necessary tools that they need to connect for their meetings. Make sure that
your employees know how to set up their own Zoom conferences. I've been on a
number of different calls with more tenured employees that just have no idea how
to work their own Zoom conferencing link. So ensuring that everyone knows where
to find their own personal meeting link, how to include it in a calendar invite,
is very important when you're setting up remote mentorship.

Another key piece is including an IT team member’s email to ensure that if any
issues do arise, they have quick access to that. You're not taking too much time
delaying the meeting to have that connection happen.

There are several studies that support the idea that video calls create a more
impactful relationship than phone calls so, if you can, try to enforce this as
much as possible. Make sure that your employees can see one another, see the
reaction on each other's face and really build a more intimate connection
because that's what mentorship is supposed to look like.

A major component of mentorship is job shadowing and working remotely actually
makes it a lot easier to do that. As I'm sure most of you are familiar, screen
sharing is a tool that is built into every video conference software and it's
really a great asset for understanding how mentees and mentors perform their
everyday tasks. So working remotely actually provides a really unique
opportunity for mentees and mentors to shadow each other's calls. Video and
phone meetings are more prevalent now so you can listen on those calls. Of
course be sure to introduce the people that are shadowing you and include a Q&A
later, if you're the mentor.

If you're the mentee, you should open yourself up to feedback. Ask how you can
improve yourself on most calls and really just try and improve yourself as much
as possible. When we get back into the office, you're still going to be
conducting video calls, you're still going to be conducting phone calls, so try
and get the best out of it while you can.

I won't spend too much time on this slide right here. I'm sure most of you are
already familiar with these practices. They've been posted all over LinkedIn,
Facebook, Twitter, whatever social media website you're on.

But one thing that I did want to point out that I do find especially important
is that you should really encourage your employees to confirm all their sessions
before each meeting. Mentorship is built on trust and it's very easy to lose
trust in someone if they're not able to show up to a meeting that you both
agreed upon for the time.

I know I've been stood up for a lot of calls. I think I've been stood up by a
few people on this webinar but that's okay. We want to ensure that the mentee
and mentor have a strong foundation when it comes to trust as they go on their
mentorship journey.

Of course, long are the days where we can walk up to our co-workers and ask them
how their recent mentorship session went, but the silver lining to working
remotely is the accurate reporting and analytics that you're actually able to
receive while working remotely. Everything is communicated electronically so you
have the ability to collect all of your data in one place. And as I touched on
in the development page, you should utilize a three-prong approach to checking
in on the status of your employees and how they're actually enjoying the

Another thing that you can do is send out surveys periodically throughout the
duration of the program, collect specific pieces of feedback, and just really
understand what the health of your program is looking like, who's enjoying what
aspects, what are your employees gaining from this mentorship program overall.

This is the last slide I wanted to share with you before we enter the Q&A
portion of the webinar. We wanted to provide you with a list of best practices
if you're looking at launching your own mentorship program or if you're looking
to transition your existing mentorship program to remote. We want to make sure
that everyone in our network at Together has access to the necessary information
required to successfully kick off your own program while of course staying safe
and healthy.

As I mentioned, health and safety is everyone's number-one priority right now,
and hopefully this webinar was able to spark some great ideas or give you some
guidance to help launch your mentorship program within your company while
working remotely.

I'd like to take the time now to open up the floor for any questions, if you
were looking to ask myself or both of our co-founders who are on the line as
well. We have Nathan Goldstein and Matthew Reeves who I am about to unmute right

Nathan Goldstein: Hey, everyone. This is Nathan on the line. I just wanted to
actually highlight one piece of the development process that Marcus mentioned
earlier. Marcus, it was the three-pronged webinar approach page. I just wanted
to highlight a little bit more on this if you flip over to it. Perfect.

And there's a question from someone in the chat about the Disney approach here.
So, really, what this is suggesting is that you should make three mandatory
webinars throughout the course of the remote mentoring program. And in the very
first one, the program kickoff, spend five minutes where everyone kind of just
stops for a second and fills out the form for their skills and goals assessment
where they can assess on their skills.

Then you take that skills and goals assessment from the first webinar and
aggregate the data. You will find key themes around what people's greatest areas
for development are. So you might find out that, at your company, the biggest
problem people are having are with delegation and with speaking up in meetings.

So if those are the two biggest themes then take the second webinar, which is
your midway check-in, and make that the theme. That's what Disney does. So
they'll take the main area for development and they'll say we've put together
some content and discussion and maybe some mentors whose specific strength is
around delegation and communicating in meetings. And then that's your midway

And then your third webinar is going to be your final assessment and you get
people on the line to fill out how much they’ve progressed for those.

Marcus: Thanks, Nathan. We're, of course, happy to answer any questions. If
you'd like to put them in the chat, Matthew, Nathan and I could tackle those for


If there are no questions, then we can wrap things up. If you'd like to raise
your hand, I'll give you another few seconds here if anything pops into your
mind. But of course, you are able to shoot me an email if you have any questions
later on. Oh, we have a question from Cara.

Nathan, are you able to tackle that one?

Nathan: All right. I think everyone can hear me. So question from Cara was
around the midway check-in. Would you do training on the topics identified in
the kickoff? Yeah.

So the way that this works is, at least at Disney what they do, before COVID-19
they actually had a monthly check-in rather than a midway check-in, and they
dedicated each one of the check-ins to one of the themes, as I mentioned

One of the formats that you could use is a panel. And what you can do is if you
have the registration data, Cara, that tells you which mentors have the strength
in, for example, delegation or in, for example, speaking up in meetings, look
through that. Find the mentors that you think would be really good for a panel,
and then have those mentors volunteer up on the midway check-in panel in your
webinar. So then they can talk about a couple of stories they've had throughout
their career of what moments clicked for them for delegating, what was a really
good example, and then give some tips on how to basically progress in this
particular skill.

And because this is one of the most common themes that you found out from your
first webinar in the skills assessment, it's going to impact the most people. So
that's definitely one thing you can do.

You can also compile any kind of great little video clips or resources to share
on the webinar as well. That's one format we've definitely seen.

Thanks for the question, Cara. _____ [Lille? 29:07] has a question. Best ways to
build relationships of the pairs remotely. Any tips beyond videoconferencing to
get to know each other better and form trust?

This is a great question. I think that this is more broad, more than just
mentorship specifically. This is about really how to establish a connection with
someone for the first time remotely.

Certainly, what I've seen really work well during the COVID-19 situation is I
feel like we’re all a little bit more grounded and more kind of we can relate to
each other better by talking a little bit about how we're dealing with the
situation over time and whether other people are affected. I feel like it's just
a really great conversation starter.

I was just on a call today with one of our vendors and we talked about like home
exercise routines and things that we're doing to stay sane, whether our families
are safe, etcetera. I feel like that's just a really great way to get things

And I think that as you start to get beyond the first session, where you really
want to turn to is start to think about like how the mentor can help the mentee
with how their job or title, in general, has been affected by the situation.

I know a lot of people are dealing with uncertainty around which projects are
kind of on hold, etcetera, and what I think a mentor can really do in this case
to help build the relationship a bit better is to connect the mentee with other
people in the organization whose projects might need some help or might need
some extra hands.

I know a lot of people's roles are shifting at this time and so I think one way
to build trust is just to be quick to introduce the mentee to anyone else in the
organization that you think would be really helpful for them.

Those are probably my two tips. Maybe Matt or Marcus has some more on the line,
but I think this is definitely a broad one around how do you build remote
relationships really well.

Marcus: I think you hit the nail on the head there, Nathan. Definitely a great
response. Everyone is a little bit more vulnerable now with the times that we're
experiencing. So, like you said, just kicking it off with understanding how
people are dealing with this.

Not only does working from home provide that stress and anxiety but the fear of
the virus itself has of course affected a lot of us. Just getting to know one
another personally and just really understanding what your co workers are going
through can be great to build that trust, really understand what is affecting
them at this time, and will help you form those meaningful relationships when
you're back in the workforce as well.

Matthew Reeves: Another question from Lille on what support can be offered to
mentors after having challenges across their pairs? There's definitely a number
of things you can do for them. I think Nathan will add to this as he works
closer with the customers.

But certainly, some things I've seen is having mentorship support groups, either
using our own tool to have like a mentorship program for mentors or using
another community tool, like Slack, and having a channel for your mentors to
communicate best practices.

Of course, just having a repository of shared resources is another obvious
solution. I think it's just finding a couple of different options for them.

Adding a webinar certainly would also help.

If you're doing your survey and you're getting feedback that mentors need help
on a specific topic, curating some content and having a webinar on that, of
course, makes sense.

Nathan: Yeah, I think that to go off Matt's point, one of the things that we've
seen work really well in the interim is if you're either on Slack or if you're
on Microsoft Teams or an equivalent, having a channel for the mentors
specifically is really good.

I also think that you should make sure, regardless, of how you're running your
mentoring program, that every mentor knows exactly who the point person is on
the administrative side of the program to ask any questions and get support in
that case.

I also think that you should encourage your mentors to have at least one webinar
or meeting where they can exchange some ideas and definitely pass on what
they're doing to make the mentorship most effective for their mentees. But Slack
and Teams has worked really well for some of the companies that we work with for

So, actually, this question is for everyone on the call. From Tiffany, is anyone
on the call actively using peer mentoring? We're merging with another
organization and I would love to know some best practices for getting new
leaders connected with legacy leaders?

Marcus, I don't know if you have to unmute everyone for this one, but I can
just, while you're figuring that out, start off with one example, Tiffany.

So one of the examples is actually one of our customers, Mettler Toledo, who
used our tool to run a peer-to-peer women's mentoring program. The participants
were actually very much—they were remote, so they were from all across the U.S.,
but they were very much equal tenure. And this was an opportunity for them to
share ideas.

One of the things that they did is they combined their mentoring sessions that
were one-on-ones with the broader women's program that they had for which they
had monthly meetings. So in those monthly meetings, they were probably over web
conference and then sometimes people would be in-person for a presentation. They
would then kind of fence off 15 minutes to chat about how their one-on-ones were
going and share tips.

But that was certainly a peer program where both women in the relationship were
definitely of a tenure level _____ [36:11] equivalence. And they were kind of
sharing their experience with that.

In particular, Tiffany, is wondering if anyone on the line has done it where new
leaders and new managers are being connected with ones from the existing
organization after a merger. Has anyone had experience with that?

Marcus: I have unmuted everyone, but some of you have muted yourselves as well.
If you have anything to share, you just have to click on your microphone and
make sure that it is unmuted there. But you do have the capability to do that

Nathan: So one thing that, Tiffany, to address your point, that can really help,
we actually have a set of onboarding agendas for mentoring programs specifically
geared towards onboarding. And in that onboarding set, which I'm happy to share
with you, one of the agendas focuses particularly around getting to know the
structure of the organization. I'll see if I can pull it up in the meantime.

But what that means is in that session you should-it can be Session 2-dedicate a
complete session agenda towards talking about who the senior leadership team is
at the company that's part of the merger. Or, if this is onboarding a new
manager, just the current senior leadership team. And then talk about their
personalities and what they care about the most.

I think when you cover exactly what people from the senior leadership team care
about and what their personalities are, you can start to kind of fit in how your
role is going to roll up towards what their goals are for the organization.

An example would be, let’s say I'm a new manager and I just merged in after a
merger and I sit in the finance team. I know through discussing with someone
who's in the organization already that the CFO really, really cares about
cost-cutting, but in particular non-personnel costs. So that might be equipment,
travel, etcetera.

So then you can start to think about like, “Okay, that’s what that person cares
about. I'm in finance. Like how can I think about auditing our next initiatives
to make sure that people aren't asking too much for budget in these categories?”

So I hope that's not a super convoluted example, but just kind of understanding
what the main priorities of the senior leadership team are can help align your
day-to-day with that. That would be a good topic for a peer mentoring session.

Tiffany: That was great. Thanks for sharing.

Lille: Hey, Tiffany. This is Lille. I don't know if this helps but we did not
merge in with the State Health Department but we had certain people that we kind
of wanted to make sure they were paired or not paired. So just kind of
consulting with Nathan about how we should ask those registration questions was
incredibly helpful.

And it wasn't necessarily a wait but he helped us realize like this should be a
restriction to make sure that the people were paired correctly if we wanted to
do it that way.

Nathan: Yeah. Just to add to this, Marcus, would I be able to share my screen
briefly, actually?

Marcus: Yes. I believe I'd have to make you the host and I've just done that. I
will stop sharing.

Nathan: Okay. So real quick for those on the line. I just wanted to share what
Session 2 is under our onboarding flow of sessions.

Actually, I just previously discussed overview of organization structure where
you discuss who are the members of the executive team and then how does the
mentor-mentees role fit into the wider org structure. So we just talked about
this with that finance example. But there's also a set of questions that you
really should go over in Session 2 around what are the core values, what are the
big no-no's, what are things that people would really kind of find offsite if
you suggested, just based on the company's culture and history. And then
certainly like what has the history of the company been.

I think that any kind of large mergers and acquisitions certainly change the
trajectory of the company culture. You might say, “Oh, yeah? Well, you know
what? As opposed to other companies, we're actually really spread out throughout
the U.S.,” and so the culture in those different regions is an impact when it
comes to collaborating. So if you're dealing with somebody from the West Coast
or something like that, that used to be an organization that merged in and they
had a really strong tech focus and people really want to have focus on technical
solutions to problems.

Oh, and by the way, like don't talk about politics with them. Like that's just
not a good idea because we just have kind of a different culture.

So I think there's definitely ways to discuss in Session 2 how some of the
history throughout the company has shifted.

One other point here to make, and this actually answers both Tiffany and Lille’s
point a little bit, is if you're a new employee or a new leader after a merger,
make sure to highlight some of the key clubs and activities that you can be a
part of. It's actually not related to mentoring but really helps assimilate that
person and make them feel like they are welcome. So that's definitely another
tip there for this session.

So, question by Cara, is Session 1 and Session 2 document going to be shared?
I'm happy to share the entire onboarding use case set of agendas for you guys.
Typically, when you start a program with us you get our default leadership set.
And we're actually adding the rest of these into the product. But in the
meantime, I'm happy to share the Google Docs.

Lille-are you planning to update any template agendas with a few questions that
may want to be asked because of COVID? That's a great idea. We're happy to do
that, in particular provide some of the tips that we added into this webinar
around the remote aspect of this. We're definitely happy to do that and we'll
share some updates for you after the call.

So thank you all for joining. If you have more questions, we're happy to take
them over email.

I wanted to wrap this up by saying that this is not the only webinar that we'll
be hosting. We are going to host a series of webinars throughout this time that
have particular focuses on different pieces. I really hope that people continue
to get some value out of the different best practices that we’ll walk you
through. Some of them will be related to, for example, measuring return on
investment of your mentoring program, etcetera. So just stay tuned and we'll
keep you posted on those.

Matthew: Like Nathan said, thank you all for joining. I hope everyone stays safe
and healthy. Looking forward to getting things back to normal as soon as
possible. But, in the meantime, we will be continuing to produce webinars so we
hope to see you there as well. Have a great rest of your day, everyone.



Diversity-focused mentorship programs support and empower minority employees in
their careers, develop their skills and network to increase leadership
succession, while fostering a strong company culture. In this webinar, we will
cover how you can improve DEI in your organization through mentorship.


Our CEO, Matthew Reeves spoke spoke at the People-Centered HR Strategy Webinar
with Allie Collins, the Head of Growth from GoCo and Tom Baragwanath, Senior
Content Editor at 360 Learning.


This webinar will outline how mentorship can have a positive impact on your
Diversity and Inclusion efforts. We will be discussing how you can develop a
workplace that is inclusive to all ages, genders, races, religions and education
level among others through the power of mentoring.


This webinar will outline how you can effectively build the best mentoring
relationship, ensuring that your mentors and mentees get the most out of their


This webinar will outline how you can effectively understand the return on
investment that you will receive from implementing a mentorship program. We'll
show case studies on the topic and how we've delivered value to some of our key


Administrators from some of our recent programs share their thoughts, insights,
tips and tricks for running a mentoring program.


The latest on running remote mentorship programs.


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