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Bridge the gap between operations & engineering
Bridge the gap between operations & engineering
Bridge the gap between operations & engineering
Bridge the gap between operations & engineering
Bridge the gap between operations & engineering
Bridge the gap between operations & engineering
Bridge the gap between operations & engineering

Home / Engineering & Design / Workplace Design


Operators supervise and control complex processes on the basis of many
information sources. Usually this requires multi-screen workplaces. The image
below shows the principles for the design of an operator desk layout (derived
from ISO 11064-Part 4). The slightly curved screen arrangement enables a good
overview and readability of four screens from one central operator position.

Based on this recommended shape, a console footprint for each specific project
can be developed. An example of a footprint is given below. It shows an operator
console for two users, including some additional information sources, such as a
hardwired alarm panel on the left side.

The cross section shows the viewing angles to the average position of one or two
screens. In a normal working posture the neutral viewing line of human eyes is
tilted downwards by approximately 15 degrees. Therefore the most intensively
used screens should be positioned slightly below the operator’s horizontal eye
level. The exact position can be calculated by the operator’s eye height and
viewing distance.

Be careful with ‘cockpit-like’ workplace designs, built tightly around the
operator. The human body needs some space to move around, and be able to
frequently change posture, to avoid problems with physical strain. Many modern
standard consoles have an ‘open’ design and electric height adjustability,
allowing the user to optimize his work posture at will.


This picture shows a control centre for operation of two canal-locks and a
bridge. The locks and the bridge can partially be observed by direct view.
Process control screens are located on a height adjustable desk. The traffic
area is also covered by CCTV-cameras. Height adjustable displays for the camera
images are mounted at the ceiling. In between process control screens and
CCTV-screens, there is an area for direct view. In this case, a careful design
of all height adjustability ranges appeared to be essential to create an optimal
workspace for the operators.
3D modelling of the control room, including the site surroundings, proved to be
a valuable tool here.

This example also points out the importance of custom made workplaces. Standard
of-the-shelve consoles sometimes provide a good basic solution for standard
control rooms. In case of additional task requirements, like direct view
outside, a custom solution is usually a better option. Another advantage of
custom consoles is they often allow a more compact arrangement than standard


State-of-the-art operator consoles require careful detailed engineering. There
needs to be sufficient legroom, both in height as to stretch the legs. The edges
of the desk should be made of very durable material.
Tip: make a few additional AC-connectors for mobile phone battery chargers, and
put some effort in hiding most of the cabling.


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