www.isis-papyrus.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

URL: https://www.isis-papyrus.com/e15/pages/workshops/workshops-springtime.html
Submission: On June 03 via api from DE — Scanned from AT

Form analysis 2 forms found in the DOM

GET /e15/pages/1/search.html

<form method="get" action="/e15/pages/1/search.html">
  <!-- Search field's name must be addsearch-->
  <input class="form-control lg" type="text" name="addsearch" placeholder="Search...">

POST /e15/js-plugin/quform/process-wintertime-workshops.php

<form class="quform" action="/e15/js-plugin/quform/process-wintertime-workshops.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
  <div class="quform-inner">
    <div class="quform-elements">
      <div class="quform-hidden">
        <input type="hidden" name="event" value="Wintertime Workshops">
      <h1 style="
                    color: var(--c-text);
                    font-size: 28px;
                    font-weight: 300;
                  "> Registration </h1>
      <h3 style="color: var(--c-text); font-weight: 300"> Please select your time zone, language and dates </h3>
        #title00 {}
        //- csv to json
        //- csv = `EMEA;(English);Converse;Building Business Value Streams;Papyrus Converse;1;September 6, 2023 / 9-11 am CEST;1;September 6, 2023 / 4-6 pm CEST;1;October 11, 2023 / 9-11 am CEST;1;October 11, 2023 / 4-6 pm CEST
        //- EMEA;(English);Capture;User Trained;Inbound Mail Capture;1;September 13, 2023 / 9-11 am CEST;1;September 13, 2023 / 4-6 pm CEST;1;October 18, 2023 / 9-11 am CEST;1;October 18, 2023 / 4-6 pm CEST
        //- EMEA;(English);VS;Design and deliver;Adaptive Case Management Solutions;1;September 20, 2023 / 9-11 am CEST;1;September 20, 2023 / 4-6 pm CEST;1;October 25, 2023 / 9-11 am CEST;1;October 25, 2023 / 4-6 pm CEST
        //- EMEA;(English);BDD;Business Document;Design;1;September 27, 2023 / 9-11 am CEST;1;September 27, 2023 / 4-6 pm CEST;1;November 8, 2023 / 9-11 am CEST;1;November 8, 2023 / 4-6 pm CEST
        //- EMEA;(English);ADF;Automated Document Factory;Print & eDelivery;1;October 4, 2023 / 9-11 am CEST;1;October 4, 2023 / 4-6 pm CEST;1;November 15, 2023 / 9-11 am CEST;1;November 15, 2023 / 4-6 pm CEST
        //- EMEA;(German);Converse;Building Business Value Streams;Papyrus Converse;1;September 6, 2023 / 1-3 pm CEST;1;October 11, 2023 / 1-3 pm CEST;;;;
        //- EMEA;(German);Capture;User Trained;Inbound Mail Capture;1;September 13, 2023 / 1-3 pm CEST;1;October 18, 2023 / 1-3 pm CEST;;;;
        //- EMEA;(German);VS;Design and deliver;Adaptive Case Management Solutions;1;September 20, 2023 / 1-3 pm CEST;1;October 25, 2023 / 1-3 pm CEST;;;;
        //- EMEA;(German);BDD;Business Document;Design;1;September 27, 2023 / 1-3 pm CEST;1;November 8, 2023 / 1-3 pm CEST;;;;
        //- EMEA;(German);ADF;Automated Document Factory;Print & eDelivery;1;October 4, 2023 / 1-3 pm CEST;1;November 15, 2023 / 1-3 pm CEST;;;;
        //- ASIA PACIFIC;(English);Converse;Building Business Value Streams;Papyrus Converse;1;September 6, 2023 / 3-5 pm SGT;1;October 11, 2023 / 3-5 pm SGT;;;;
        //- ASIA PACIFIC;(English);Capture;User Trained;Inbound Mail Capture;1;September 13, 2023 / 3-5 pm SGT;1;October 18, 2023 / 3-5 pm SGT;;;;
        //- ASIA PACIFIC;(English);VS;Design and deliver;Adaptive Case Management Solutions;1;September 20, 2023 / 3-5 pm SGT;1;October 25, 2023 / 3-5 pm SGT;;;;
        //- ASIA PACIFIC;(English);BDD;Business Document;Design;1;September 27, 2023 / 3-5 pm SGT;1;November 8, 2023 / 4-6 pm SGT;;;;
        //- ASIA PACIFIC;(English);ADF;Automated Document Factory;Print & eDelivery;1;October 4, 2023 / 3-5 pm SGT;1;November 15, 2023 / 4-6 pm SGT;;;;
        //- AMERICAS;(English);Converse;Building Business Value Streams;Papyrus Converse;1;September 6, 2023 / 10 am - 12 pm EDT;1;October 11, 2023 / 10 am - 12 pm EDT;;;;
        //- AMERICAS;(English);Capture;User Trained;Inbound Mail Capture;1;September 13, 2023 / 10 am - 12 pm EDT;1;October 18, 2023 / 10 am - 12 pm EDT;;;;
        //- AMERICAS;(English);VS;Design and deliver;Adaptive Case Management Solutions;1;September 20, 2023 / 10 am - 12 pm EDT;1;October 25, 2023 / 10 am - 12 pm EDT;;;;
        //- AMERICAS;(English);BDD;Business Document;Design;1;September 27, 2023 / 10 am - 12 pm EDT;1;November 8, 2023 / 10 am - 12 pm EST;;;;
        //- AMERICAS;(English);ADF;Automated Document Factory;Print & eDelivery;1;October 4, 2023 / 10 am - 12 pm EDT;1;November 15, 2023 / 10 am - 12 pm EST;;;;
        //- `
        csv_btns = {
          Converse: [{
            href: "/e15/pages/videopages/videopage-papyrus-converse-introduction.html",
            t: "Tutorial: Papyrus Converse",
          }, ],
          Capture: [{
            href: "/e15/pages/videopages/videopage-business-designer-capture.html",
            t: "Tutorial: Inbound MailCapture Training",
          }, ],
          VS: [{
            href: "/e15/pages/videopages/videopage-business-designer-7.html",
            t: "Tutorial: Business Process and Case Management Design",
          }, ],
          ADF: [{
            href: "/e15/pages/videopages/videopage-business-designer5-operations.html",
            t: "Tutorial: Business Operations Design",
          }, ],
          BDD: [{
            href: "/e15/pages/videopages/videopage-building-block-design.html",
            t: "Tutorial: Business Document Design",
          }, {
            href: "/e15/pages/videopages/videopage-business-designer2-document-form-design.html",
            t: "Tutorial: Forms and Wizard Design",
          }, ],
          CG: [{
            href: "/Download/solutionscatalog/content-governance-brochure.pdf",
            t: "Brochure: Content Governance",
          }, ],
        csv = csv.split("\n");
        workshops2 = [];
        i2 = 0;
        csv.forEach((row, i) => {
          r = row.split(";");
          t = r[0].trim();
          t2 = r[1];
          if (t.length == 0) {
          } // skip empty
          //- if current is same as previous assign to its content, else, create new object
          r_dates = [];
          //- r.forEach((el,j)=>{
          for (j = 5; j < r.length; j = j + 2) {
            //- if(j<=3){ return; }
              val: r[j + 1],
              disabled: r[j],
            t: t,
            t2: t2,
            cont: [],
            t: r[3],
            t2: r[4],
            name: r[2],
            btns: csv_btns[r[2]],
            cont: r_dates,
          //- if( i == 0){
          //- }else{
          //-   //- if( t+t2 ==  csv[i-1].split(';')[0].trim() + csv[i-1].split(';')[1]){
          //-   if( t+t2 ==  workshops2.t+workshops2.t2){
          //-     //- same as previous
          //-     workshops2[i2].cont.push(
          //-       {
          //-       t: r[3],
          //-       t2: r[4],
          //-       name:r[2],
          //-       btns:csv_btns[r[2]],
          //-       cont:r_dates
          //-     })
          //-   }else{
          //-     workshops2.push({
          //-       t:t,
          //-       t2:t2,
          //-       cont:[]
          //-     })
          //-     i2++
          //-     workshops2[i2].cont.push(
          //-       {
          //-       t: r[3],
          //-       t2: r[4],
          //-       name:r[2],
          //-       btns:csv_btns[r[2]],
          //-       cont:r_dates
          //-     })
          //-   }
          //- }
          //- if( t+t2 !==  csv[i-1].split(';')[0].trim() + csv[i-1].split(';')[1]){
          //- }
      <div class="warpper">
        <input class="radio" id="one" name="group" type="radio" checked=""><input class="radio" id="two" name="group" type="radio"><input class="radio" id="three" name="group" type="radio"><input class="radio" id="four" name="group" type="radio">
        <div class="tabs" style="width: 100%; margin-bottom: -10px; margin: 0px">
          <label class="tab" id="one-tab" for="one">EMEA<br>(English)</label><label class="tab" id="two-tab" for="two">EMEA<br>(German)</label><label class="tab" id="three-tab" for="three">ASIA PACIFIC<br>(English)</label><label class="tab"
            id="four-tab" for="four">AMERICAS<br>(English)</label>
        <div class="panels">
          <!--  EMEA ENGLISH -->
          <div class="panel one-panel" id="one-panel">
            <div class="row" id="calendarRow">
              <div class="col-md-6">
                <header id="title00">
                  <div style="
                                width: 75px;
                                padding-top: 15px;
                                padding-right: 5px;
                                max-height: 90px;
                                max-width: 90px;
                    <div style="
                                  color: white;
                                  position: absolute;
                                  z-index: 1000;
                                  margin: 14px;
                                  font-size: 32px;
                                  line-height: 20px;
                                  font-weight: 500;
                                  letter-spacing: -2px;
                                  padding-left: 4px;
                                  text-align: right;
                                "> 01 </div>
                    <!-- ?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?-->
                    <svg class="svg2" id="Layer_1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 400 400">
                          .cls-2 {
                            opacity: 0.22;
                      <polygon points="320 37 17 37 17 233 320 233 385 135 320 37" fill="currentColor"></polygon>
                      <polygon points="17 233 153 233 153 374 17 233" fill="currentColor"></polygon>
                      <polygon class="cls-2" points="17 233 153 233 153 374 17 233"></polygon>
                  </div> Building Business Value Streams<br>Papyrus Converse
                <p class="new">
                  <input id="Converse_0_0" type="checkbox" name="multi_checkbox3[]" value="May 15, 2024 / 9-11 am CEST - Converse"><label class="full-text3" for="Converse_0_0" style="margin-bottom: 2px">May 15, 2024 / 9-11 am CEST</label><br><input
                    id="Converse_0_1" type="checkbox" name="multi_checkbox3[]" value="May 15, 2024 / 4-6 pm CEST - Converse"><label class="full-text3" for="Converse_0_1" style="margin-bottom: 2px">May 15, 2024 / 4-6 pm CEST</label><br>
                <div class="right">
                  <a href="/e15/pages/videopages/videopage-papyrus-converse-introduction.html" target="_blank" style="color: gray; display: block"><i class="icon-videocam" style="xcolor: #fbb03b">
                              </i><span>Tutorial: Papyrus Converse</span></a>
              <div class="col-md-6">
                <header id="title01">
                  <div style="
                                width: 75px;
                                padding-top: 15px;
                                padding-right: 5px;
                                max-height: 90px;
                                max-width: 90px;
                    <div style="
                                  color: white;
                                  position: absolute;
                                  z-index: 1000;
                                  margin: 14px;
                                  font-size: 32px;
                                  line-height: 20px;
                                  font-weight: 500;
                                  letter-spacing: -2px;
                                  padding-left: 4px;
                                  text-align: right;
                                "> 02 </div>
                    <!-- ?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?-->
                    <svg class="svg2" id="Layer_1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 400 400">
                          .cls-2 {
                            opacity: 0.22;
                      <polygon points="320 37 17 37 17 233 320 233 385 135 320 37" fill="currentColor"></polygon>
                      <polygon points="17 233 153 233 153 374 17 233" fill="currentColor"></polygon>
                      <polygon class="cls-2" points="17 233 153 233 153 374 17 233"></polygon>
                  </div> User Trained<br>Inbound Mail Capture
                <p class="new">
                  <input id="Capture_0_0" type="checkbox" name="multi_checkbox3[]" value="May 22, 2024 / 9-11 am CEST - Capture"><label class="full-text3" for="Capture_0_0" style="margin-bottom: 2px">May 22, 2024 / 9-11 am CEST</label><br><input
                    id="Capture_0_1" type="checkbox" name="multi_checkbox3[]" value="May 22, 2024 / 4-6 pm CEST - Capture"><label class="full-text3" for="Capture_0_1" style="margin-bottom: 2px">May 22, 2024 / 4-6 pm CEST</label><br>
                <div class="right">
                  <a href="/e15/pages/videopages/videopage-business-designer-capture.html" target="_blank" style="color: gray; display: block"><i class="icon-videocam" style="xcolor: #fbb03b">
                              </i><span>Tutorial: Inbound Mail Capture Training</span></a>
              <div class="col-md-6">
                <header id="title02">
                  <div style="
                                width: 75px;
                                padding-top: 15px;
                                padding-right: 5px;
                                max-height: 90px;
                                max-width: 90px;
                    <div style="
                                  color: white;
                                  position: absolute;
                                  z-index: 1000;
                                  margin: 14px;
                                  font-size: 32px;
                                  line-height: 20px;
                                  font-weight: 500;
                                  letter-spacing: -2px;
                                  padding-left: 4px;
                                  text-align: right;
                                "> 03 </div>
                    <!-- ?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?-->
                    <svg class="svg2" id="Layer_1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 400 400">
                          .cls-2 {
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                      <polygon points="320 37 17 37 17 233 320 233 385 135 320 37" fill="currentColor"></polygon>
                      <polygon points="17 233 153 233 153 374 17 233" fill="currentColor"></polygon>
                      <polygon class="cls-2" points="17 233 153 233 153 374 17 233"></polygon>
                  </div> Design and deliver<br>Adaptive Case Management Solutions
                <p class="new">
                  <input id="VS_0_0" type="checkbox" name="multi_checkbox3[]" value="May 29, 2024 / 9-11 am CEST - VS"><label class="full-text3" for="VS_0_0" style="margin-bottom: 2px">May 29, 2024 / 9-11 am CEST</label><br><input id="VS_0_1"
                    type="checkbox" name="multi_checkbox3[]" value="May 29, 2024 / 4-6 pm CEST  - VS"><label class="full-text3" for="VS_0_1" style="margin-bottom: 2px">May 29, 2024 / 4-6 pm CEST </label><br>
                <div class="right">
                  <a href="/e15/pages/videopages/videopage-business-designer-7.html" target="_blank" style="color: gray; display: block"><i class="icon-videocam" style="xcolor: #fbb03b">
                              </i><span>Tutorial: Business Process and Case Management
              <div class="col-md-6">
                <header id="title03">
                  <div style="
                                width: 75px;
                                padding-top: 15px;
                                padding-right: 5px;
                                max-height: 90px;
                                max-width: 90px;
                    <div style="
                                  color: white;
                                  position: absolute;
                                  z-index: 1000;
                                  margin: 14px;
                                  font-size: 32px;
                                  line-height: 20px;
                                  font-weight: 500;
                                  letter-spacing: -2px;
                                  padding-left: 4px;
                                  text-align: right;
                                "> 04 </div>
                    <!-- ?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?-->
                    <svg class="svg2" id="Layer_1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 400 400">
                          .cls-2 {
                            opacity: 0.22;
                      <polygon points="320 37 17 37 17 233 320 233 385 135 320 37" fill="currentColor"></polygon>
                      <polygon points="17 233 153 233 153 374 17 233" fill="currentColor"></polygon>
                      <polygon class="cls-2" points="17 233 153 233 153 374 17 233"></polygon>
                  </div> Business Document<br>Design
                <p class="new">
                  <input id="BDD_0_0" type="checkbox" name="multi_checkbox3[]" value="June 5, 2024 / 9-11 am CEST - BDD"><label class="full-text3" for="BDD_0_0" style="margin-bottom: 2px">June 5, 2024 / 9-11 am CEST</label><br><input id="BDD_0_1"
                    type="checkbox" name="multi_checkbox3[]" value="June 5, 2024 / 4-6 pm CEST  - BDD"><label class="full-text3" for="BDD_0_1" style="margin-bottom: 2px">June 5, 2024 / 4-6 pm CEST </label><br>
                <div class="right">
                  <a href="/e15/pages/videopages/videopage-building-block-design.html" target="_blank" style="color: gray; display: block"><i class="icon-videocam" style="xcolor: #fbb03b">
                              </i><span>Tutorial: Business Document Design</span></a><a href="/e15/pages/videopages/videopage-business-designer2-document-form-design.html" target="_blank" style="color: gray; display: block"><i class="icon-videocam" style="xcolor: #fbb03b">
                              </i><span>Tutorial: Forms and Wizard Design</span></a>
              <div class="col-md-6">
                <header id="title04">
                  <div style="
                                width: 75px;
                                padding-top: 15px;
                                padding-right: 5px;
                                max-height: 90px;
                                max-width: 90px;
                    <div style="
                                  color: white;
                                  position: absolute;
                                  z-index: 1000;
                                  margin: 14px;
                                  font-size: 32px;
                                  line-height: 20px;
                                  font-weight: 500;
                                  letter-spacing: -2px;
                                  padding-left: 4px;
                                  text-align: right;
                                "> 05 </div>
                    <!-- ?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?-->
                    <svg class="svg2" id="Layer_1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 400 400">
                          .cls-2 {
                            opacity: 0.22;
                      <polygon points="320 37 17 37 17 233 320 233 385 135 320 37" fill="currentColor"></polygon>
                      <polygon points="17 233 153 233 153 374 17 233" fill="currentColor"></polygon>
                      <polygon class="cls-2" points="17 233 153 233 153 374 17 233"></polygon>
                  </div> Automated Document Factory -<br>Print &amp; eDelivery
                <p class="new">
                  <input id="ADF_0_0" type="checkbox" name="multi_checkbox3[]" value="June 12, 2024 / 9-11 am CEST - ADF"><label class="full-text3" for="ADF_0_0" style="margin-bottom: 2px">June 12, 2024 / 9-11 am CEST</label><br><input id="ADF_0_1"
                    type="checkbox" name="multi_checkbox3[]" value="June 12, 2024 / 4-6 pm CEST  - ADF"><label class="full-text3" for="ADF_0_1" style="margin-bottom: 2px">June 12, 2024 / 4-6 pm CEST </label><br>
                <div class="right">
                  <a href="/e15/pages/videopages/videopage-business-designer5-operations.html" target="_blank" style="color: gray; display: block"><i class="icon-videocam" style="xcolor: #fbb03b">
                              </i><span>Tutorial: Business Operations Design</span></a>
              <div class="col-md-6">
                <header id="title05">
                  <div style="
                                width: 75px;
                                padding-top: 15px;
                                padding-right: 5px;
                                max-height: 90px;
                                max-width: 90px;
                    <div style="
                                  color: white;
                                  position: absolute;
                                  z-index: 1000;
                                  margin: 14px;
                                  font-size: 32px;
                                  line-height: 20px;
                                  font-weight: 500;
                                  letter-spacing: -2px;
                                  padding-left: 4px;
                                  text-align: right;
                                "> 06 </div>
                    <!-- ?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?-->
                    <svg class="svg2" id="Layer_1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 400 400">
                          .cls-2 {
                            opacity: 0.22;
                      <polygon points="320 37 17 37 17 233 320 233 385 135 320 37" fill="currentColor"></polygon>
                      <polygon points="17 233 153 233 153 374 17 233" fill="currentColor"></polygon>
                      <polygon class="cls-2" points="17 233 153 233 153 374 17 233"></polygon>
                  </div> Content Governance<br>with Papyrus WebArchive
                <p class="new">
                  <input id="CG_0_0" type="checkbox" name="multi_checkbox3[]" value="June 26, 2024 / 9-11 am CEST - CG"><label class="full-text3" for="CG_0_0" style="margin-bottom: 2px">June 26, 2024 / 9-11 am CEST</label><br><input id="BDD_0_1"
                    type="checkbox" name="multi_checkbox3[]" value="June 26, 2024 / 4-6 pm CEST  - BDD"><label class="full-text3" for="BDD_0_1" style="margin-bottom: 2px">June 26, 2024 / 4-6 pm CEST </label><br>
                <div class="right">
                  <a href="/Download/solutionscatalog/content-governance-brochure.pdf" target="_blank" style="color: gray; display: block"><i class="fa fa-book" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span> Brochure: Content Governance</span></a>
          <!--  EMEA GERMAN -->
          <div class="panel one-panel" id="two-panel">
            <div class="row" id="calendarRow">
              <div class="col-md-6">
                <header id="title00">
                  <div style="
                                width: 75px;
                                padding-top: 15px;
                                padding-right: 5px;
                                max-height: 90px;
                                max-width: 90px;
                    <div style="
                                  color: white;
                                  position: absolute;
                                  z-index: 1000;
                                  margin: 14px;
                                  font-size: 32px;
                                  line-height: 20px;
                                  font-weight: 500;
                                  letter-spacing: -2px;
                                  padding-left: 4px;
                                  text-align: right;
                                "> 01 </div>
                    <!-- ?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?-->
                    <svg class="svg2" id="Layer_1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 400 400">
                          .cls-2 {
                            opacity: 0.22;
                      <polygon points="320 37 17 37 17 233 320 233 385 135 320 37" fill="currentColor"></polygon>
                      <polygon points="17 233 153 233 153 374 17 233" fill="currentColor"></polygon>
                      <polygon class="cls-2" points="17 233 153 233 153 374 17 233"></polygon>
                  </div> Building Business Value Streams<br>Papyrus Converse
                <p class="new">
                  <input id="Converse_0_0" type="checkbox" name="multi_checkbox3[]" value="May 15, 2024 / 1-3 pm CEST - Converse"><label class="full-text3" for="Converse_0_0" style="margin-bottom: 2px">May 15, 2024 / 1-3 pm CEST</label><br>
                <div class="right">
                  <a href="/e15/pages/videopages/videopage-papyrus-converse-introduction.html" target="_blank" style="color: gray; display: block"><i class="icon-videocam" style="xcolor: #fbb03b">
                              </i><span>Tutorial: Papyrus Converse</span></a>
              <div class="col-md-6">
                <header id="title01">
                  <div style="
                                width: 75px;
                                padding-top: 15px;
                                padding-right: 5px;
                                max-height: 90px;
                                max-width: 90px;
                    <div style="
                                  color: white;
                                  position: absolute;
                                  z-index: 1000;
                                  margin: 14px;
                                  font-size: 32px;
                                  line-height: 20px;
                                  font-weight: 500;
                                  letter-spacing: -2px;
                                  padding-left: 4px;
                                  text-align: right;
                                "> 02 </div>
                    <!-- ?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?-->
                    <svg class="svg2" id="Layer_1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 400 400">
                          .cls-2 {
                            opacity: 0.22;
                      <polygon points="320 37 17 37 17 233 320 233 385 135 320 37" fill="currentColor"></polygon>
                      <polygon points="17 233 153 233 153 374 17 233" fill="currentColor"></polygon>
                      <polygon class="cls-2" points="17 233 153 233 153 374 17 233"></polygon>
                  </div> User Trained<br>Inbound Mail Capture
                <p class="new">
                  <input id="Capture_0_0" type="checkbox" name="multi_checkbox3[]" value="May 22, 2024 / 1-3 pm CEST - Capture"><label class="full-text3" for="Capture_0_0" style="margin-bottom: 2px">May 22, 2024 / 1-3 pm CEST</label><br>
                <div class="right">
                  <a href="/e15/pages/videopages/videopage-business-designer-capture.html" target="_blank" style="color: gray; display: block"><i class="icon-videocam" style="xcolor: #fbb03b">
                              </i><span>Tutorial: Inbound Mail Capture Training</span></a>
              <div class="col-md-6">
                <header id="title02">
                  <div style="
                                width: 75px;
                                padding-top: 15px;
                                padding-right: 5px;
                                max-height: 90px;
                                max-width: 90px;
                    <div style="
                                  color: white;
                                  position: absolute;
                                  z-index: 1000;
                                  margin: 14px;
                                  font-size: 32px;
                                  line-height: 20px;
                                  font-weight: 500;
                                  letter-spacing: -2px;
                                  padding-left: 4px;
                                  text-align: right;
                                "> 03 </div>
                    <!-- ?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?-->
                    <svg class="svg2" id="Layer_1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 400 400">
                          .cls-2 {
                            opacity: 0.22;
                      <polygon points="320 37 17 37 17 233 320 233 385 135 320 37" fill="currentColor"></polygon>
                      <polygon points="17 233 153 233 153 374 17 233" fill="currentColor"></polygon>
                      <polygon class="cls-2" points="17 233 153 233 153 374 17 233"></polygon>
                  </div> Design and deliver<br>Adaptive Case Management Solutions
                <p class="new">
                  <input id="VS_0_0" type="checkbox" name="multi_checkbox3[]" value="May 29, 2024 / 1-3 pm CEST - VS"><label class="full-text3" for="VS_0_0" style="margin-bottom: 2px">May 29, 2024 / 1-3 pm CEST</label><br>
                <div class="right">
                  <a href="/e15/pages/videopages/videopage-business-designer-7.html" target="_blank" style="color: gray; display: block"><i class="icon-videocam" style="xcolor: #fbb03b">
                              </i><span>Tutorial: Business Process and Case Management
              <div class="col-md-6">
                <header id="title03">
                  <div style="
                                width: 75px;
                                padding-top: 15px;
                                padding-right: 5px;
                                max-height: 90px;
                                max-width: 90px;
                    <div style="
                                  color: white;
                                  position: absolute;
                                  z-index: 1000;
                                  margin: 14px;
                                  font-size: 32px;
                                  line-height: 20px;
                                  font-weight: 500;
                                  letter-spacing: -2px;
                                  padding-left: 4px;
                                  text-align: right;
                                "> 04 </div>
                    <!-- ?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?-->
                    <svg class="svg2" id="Layer_1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 400 400">
                          .cls-2 {
                            opacity: 0.22;
                      <polygon points="320 37 17 37 17 233 320 233 385 135 320 37" fill="currentColor"></polygon>
                      <polygon points="17 233 153 233 153 374 17 233" fill="currentColor"></polygon>
                      <polygon class="cls-2" points="17 233 153 233 153 374 17 233"></polygon>
                  </div> Business Document<br>Design
                <p class="new">
                  <input id="BDD_0_0" type="checkbox" name="multi_checkbox3[]" value="June 5, 2024 / 1-3 pm CEST - BDD"><label class="full-text3" for="BDD_0_0" style="margin-bottom: 2px">June 5, 2024 / 1-3 pm CEST</label><br>
                <div class="right">
                  <a href="/e15/pages/videopages/videopage-building-block-design.html" target="_blank" style="color: gray; display: block"><i class="icon-videocam" style="xcolor: #fbb03b">
                              </i><span>Tutorial: Business Document Design</span></a><a href="/e15/pages/videopages/videopage-business-designer2-document-form-design.html" target="_blank" style="color: gray; display: block"><i class="icon-videocam" style="xcolor: #fbb03b">
                              </i><span>Tutorial: Forms and Wizard Design</span></a>
              <div class="col-md-6">
                <header id="title04">
                  <div style="
                                width: 75px;
                                padding-top: 15px;
                                padding-right: 5px;
                                max-height: 90px;
                                max-width: 90px;
                    <div style="
                                  color: white;
                                  position: absolute;
                                  z-index: 1000;
                                  margin: 14px;
                                  font-size: 32px;
                                  line-height: 20px;
                                  font-weight: 500;
                                  letter-spacing: -2px;
                                  padding-left: 4px;
                                  text-align: right;
                                "> 05 </div>
                    <!-- ?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?-->
                    <svg class="svg2" id="Layer_1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 400 400">
                          .cls-2 {
                            opacity: 0.22;
                      <polygon points="320 37 17 37 17 233 320 233 385 135 320 37" fill="currentColor"></polygon>
                      <polygon points="17 233 153 233 153 374 17 233" fill="currentColor"></polygon>
                      <polygon class="cls-2" points="17 233 153 233 153 374 17 233"></polygon>
                  </div> Automated Document Factory -<br>Print &amp; eDelivery
                <p class="new">
                  <input id="ADF_0_0" type="checkbox" name="multi_checkbox3[]" value="June 12, 2024 / 1-3 pm CEST - ADF"><label class="full-text3" for="ADF_0_0" style="margin-bottom: 2px">June 12, 2024 / 1-3 pm CEST</label><br>
                <div class="right">
                  <a href="/e15/pages/videopages/videopage-business-designer5-operations.html" target="_blank" style="color: gray; display: block"><i class="icon-videocam" style="xcolor: #fbb03b">
                              </i><span>Tutorial: Business Operations Design</span></a>
              <div class="col-md-6">
                <header id="title05">
                  <div style="
                                width: 75px;
                                padding-top: 15px;
                                padding-right: 5px;
                                max-height: 90px;
                                max-width: 90px;
                    <div style="
                                  color: white;
                                  position: absolute;
                                  z-index: 1000;
                                  margin: 14px;
                                  font-size: 32px;
                                  line-height: 20px;
                                  font-weight: 500;
                                  letter-spacing: -2px;
                                  padding-left: 4px;
                                  text-align: right;
                                "> 06 </div>
                    <!-- ?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?-->
                    <svg class="svg2" id="Layer_1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 400 400">
                          .cls-2 {
                            opacity: 0.22;
                      <polygon points="320 37 17 37 17 233 320 233 385 135 320 37" fill="currentColor"></polygon>
                      <polygon points="17 233 153 233 153 374 17 233" fill="currentColor"></polygon>
                      <polygon class="cls-2" points="17 233 153 233 153 374 17 233"></polygon>
                  </div> Content Governance<br>with Papyrus WebArchive
                <p class="new">
                  <input id="CG_0_0" type="checkbox" name="multi_checkbox3[]" value="June 26, 2024 / 1-3 pm CEST - CG"><label class="full-text3" for="CG_0_0" style="margin-bottom: 2px">June 26, 2024 / 1-3 pm CEST</label><br>
                <div class="right">
                  <a href="/Download/solutionscatalog/content-governance-brochure.pdf" target="_blank" style="color: gray; display: block"><i class="fa fa-book" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span> Brochure: Content Governance</span></a>
          <!--  ASIA PACIFIC -->
          <div class="panel one-panel" id="three-panel">
            <div class="row" id="calendarRow">
              <div class="col-md-6">
                <header id="title00">
                  <div style="
                                width: 75px;
                                padding-top: 15px;
                                padding-right: 5px;
                                max-height: 90px;
                                max-width: 90px;
                    <div style="
                                  color: white;
                                  position: absolute;
                                  z-index: 1000;
                                  margin: 14px;
                                  font-size: 32px;
                                  line-height: 20px;
                                  font-weight: 500;
                                  letter-spacing: -2px;
                                  padding-left: 4px;
                                  text-align: right;
                                "> 01 </div>
                    <!-- ?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?-->
                    <svg class="svg2" id="Layer_1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 400 400">
                          .cls-2 {
                            opacity: 0.22;
                      <polygon points="320 37 17 37 17 233 320 233 385 135 320 37" fill="currentColor"></polygon>
                      <polygon points="17 233 153 233 153 374 17 233" fill="currentColor"></polygon>
                      <polygon class="cls-2" points="17 233 153 233 153 374 17 233"></polygon>
                  </div> Building Business Value Streams<br>Papyrus Converse
                <p class="new">
                  <input id="Converse_0_0" type="checkbox" name="multi_checkbox3[]" value="May 15, 2024 / 3-5 pm SGT - Converse"><label class="full-text3" for="Converse_0_0" style="margin-bottom: 2px">May 15, 2024 / 3-5 pm SGT</label><br>
                <div class="right">
                  <a href="/e15/pages/videopages/videopage-papyrus-converse-introduction.html" target="_blank" style="color: gray; display: block"><i class="icon-videocam" style="xcolor: #fbb03b">
                              </i><span>Tutorial: Papyrus Converse</span></a>
              <div class="col-md-6">
                <header id="title01">
                  <div style="
                                width: 75px;
                                padding-top: 15px;
                                padding-right: 5px;
                                max-height: 90px;
                                max-width: 90px;
                    <div style="
                                  color: white;
                                  position: absolute;
                                  z-index: 1000;
                                  margin: 14px;
                                  font-size: 32px;
                                  line-height: 20px;
                                  font-weight: 500;
                                  letter-spacing: -2px;
                                  padding-left: 4px;
                                  text-align: right;
                                "> 02 </div>
                    <!-- ?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?-->
                    <svg class="svg2" id="Layer_1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 400 400">
                          .cls-2 {
                            opacity: 0.22;
                      <polygon points="320 37 17 37 17 233 320 233 385 135 320 37" fill="currentColor"></polygon>
                      <polygon points="17 233 153 233 153 374 17 233" fill="currentColor"></polygon>
                      <polygon class="cls-2" points="17 233 153 233 153 374 17 233"></polygon>
                  </div> User Trained<br>Inbound Mail Capture
                <p class="new">
                  <input id="Capture_0_0" type="checkbox" name="multi_checkbox3[]" value="May 22, 2024 / 3-5 pm SGT - Capture"><label class="full-text3" for="Capture_0_0" style="margin-bottom: 2px">May 22, 2024 / 3-5 pm SGT</label><br>
                <div class="right">
                  <a href="/e15/pages/videopages/videopage-business-designer-capture.html" target="_blank" style="color: gray; display: block"><i class="icon-videocam" style="xcolor: #fbb03b">
                              </i><span>Tutorial: Inbound Mail Capture Training</span></a>
              <div class="col-md-6">
                <header id="title02">
                  <div style="
                                width: 75px;
                                padding-top: 15px;
                                padding-right: 5px;
                                max-height: 90px;
                                max-width: 90px;
                    <div style="
                                  color: white;
                                  position: absolute;
                                  z-index: 1000;
                                  margin: 14px;
                                  font-size: 32px;
                                  line-height: 20px;
                                  font-weight: 500;
                                  letter-spacing: -2px;
                                  padding-left: 4px;
                                  text-align: right;
                                "> 03 </div>
                    <!-- ?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?-->
                    <svg class="svg2" id="Layer_1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 400 400">
                          .cls-2 {
                            opacity: 0.22;
                      <polygon points="320 37 17 37 17 233 320 233 385 135 320 37" fill="currentColor"></polygon>
                      <polygon points="17 233 153 233 153 374 17 233" fill="currentColor"></polygon>
                      <polygon class="cls-2" points="17 233 153 233 153 374 17 233"></polygon>
                  </div> Design and deliver<br>Adaptive Case Management Solutions
                <p class="new">
                  <input id="VS_0_0" type="checkbox" name="multi_checkbox3[]" value="May 29, 2024 / 3-5 pm SGT - VS"><label class="full-text3" for="VS_0_0" style="margin-bottom: 2px">May 29, 2024 / 3-5 pm SGT</label><br>
                <div class="right">
                  <a href="/e15/pages/videopages/videopage-business-designer-7.html" target="_blank" style="color: gray; display: block"><i class="icon-videocam" style="xcolor: #fbb03b">
                              </i><span>Tutorial: Business Process and Case Management
              <div class="col-md-6">
                <header id="title03">
                  <div style="
                                width: 75px;
                                padding-top: 15px;
                                padding-right: 5px;
                                max-height: 90px;
                                max-width: 90px;
                    <div style="
                                  color: white;
                                  position: absolute;
                                  z-index: 1000;
                                  margin: 14px;
                                  font-size: 32px;
                                  line-height: 20px;
                                  font-weight: 500;
                                  letter-spacing: -2px;
                                  padding-left: 4px;
                                  text-align: right;
                                "> 04 </div>
                    <!-- ?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?-->
                    <svg class="svg2" id="Layer_1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 400 400">
                          .cls-2 {
                            opacity: 0.22;
                      <polygon points="320 37 17 37 17 233 320 233 385 135 320 37" fill="currentColor"></polygon>
                      <polygon points="17 233 153 233 153 374 17 233" fill="currentColor"></polygon>
                      <polygon class="cls-2" points="17 233 153 233 153 374 17 233"></polygon>
                  </div> Business Document<br>Design
                <p class="new">
                  <input id="BDD_0_0" type="checkbox" name="multi_checkbox3[]" value="June 5, 2024 / 3-5 pm SGT - BDD"><label class="full-text3" for="BDD_0_0" style="margin-bottom: 2px">June 5, 2024 / 3-5 pm SGT</label><br>
                <div class="right">
                  <a href="/e15/pages/videopages/videopage-building-block-design.html" target="_blank" style="color: gray; display: block"><i class="icon-videocam" style="xcolor: #fbb03b">
                              </i><span>Tutorial: Business Document Design</span></a><a href="/e15/pages/videopages/videopage-business-designer2-document-form-design.html" target="_blank" style="color: gray; display: block"><i class="icon-videocam" style="xcolor: #fbb03b">
                              </i><span>Tutorial: Forms and Wizard Design</span></a>
              <div class="col-md-6">
                <header id="title04">
                  <div style="
                                width: 75px;
                                padding-top: 15px;
                                padding-right: 5px;
                                max-height: 90px;
                                max-width: 90px;
                    <div style="
                                  color: white;
                                  position: absolute;
                                  z-index: 1000;
                                  margin: 14px;
                                  font-size: 32px;
                                  line-height: 20px;
                                  font-weight: 500;
                                  letter-spacing: -2px;
                                  padding-left: 4px;
                                  text-align: right;
                                "> 05 </div>
                    <!-- ?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?-->
                    <svg class="svg2" id="Layer_1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 400 400">
                          .cls-2 {
                            opacity: 0.22;
                      <polygon points="320 37 17 37 17 233 320 233 385 135 320 37" fill="currentColor"></polygon>
                      <polygon points="17 233 153 233 153 374 17 233" fill="currentColor"></polygon>
                      <polygon class="cls-2" points="17 233 153 233 153 374 17 233"></polygon>
                  </div> Automated Document Factory -<br>Print &amp; eDelivery
                <p class="new">
                  <input id="ADF_0_0" type="checkbox" name="multi_checkbox3[]" value="June 12, 2024 / 3-5 pm SGT - ADF"><label class="full-text3" for="ADF_0_0" style="margin-bottom: 2px">June 12, 2024 / 3-5 pm SGT</label><br>
                <div class="right">
                  <a href="/e15/pages/videopages/videopage-business-designer5-operations.html" target="_blank" style="color: gray; display: block"><i class="icon-videocam" style="xcolor: #fbb03b">
                              </i><span>Tutorial: Business Operations Design</span></a>
              <div class="col-md-6">
                <header id="title05">
                  <div style="
                                width: 75px;
                                padding-top: 15px;
                                padding-right: 5px;
                                max-height: 90px;
                                max-width: 90px;
                    <div style="
                                  color: white;
                                  position: absolute;
                                  z-index: 1000;
                                  margin: 14px;
                                  font-size: 32px;
                                  line-height: 20px;
                                  font-weight: 500;
                                  letter-spacing: -2px;
                                  padding-left: 4px;
                                  text-align: right;
                                "> 06 </div>
                    <!-- ?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?-->
                    <svg class="svg2" id="Layer_1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 400 400">
                          .cls-2 {
                            opacity: 0.22;
                      <polygon points="320 37 17 37 17 233 320 233 385 135 320 37" fill="currentColor"></polygon>
                      <polygon points="17 233 153 233 153 374 17 233" fill="currentColor"></polygon>
                      <polygon class="cls-2" points="17 233 153 233 153 374 17 233"></polygon>
                  </div> Content Governance<br>with Papyrus WebArchive
                <p class="new">
                  <input id="CG_0_0" type="checkbox" name="multi_checkbox3[]" value="June 26, 2024 / 3-5 pm SGT - CG"><label class="full-text3" for="CG_0_0" style="margin-bottom: 2px">June 26, 2024 / 3-5 pm SGT</label><br>
                <div class="right">
                  <a href="/Download/solutionscatalog/content-governance-brochure.pdf" target="_blank" style="color: gray; display: block"><i class="fa fa-book" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span> Brochure: Content Governance</span></a>
          <!-- AMERICAS -->
          <div class="panel one-panel" id="four-panel">
            <div class="row" id="calendarRow">
              <div class="col-md-6">
                <header id="title00">
                  <div style="
                                width: 75px;
                                padding-top: 15px;
                                padding-right: 5px;
                                max-height: 90px;
                                max-width: 90px;
                    <div style="
                                  color: white;
                                  position: absolute;
                                  z-index: 1000;
                                  margin: 14px;
                                  font-size: 32px;
                                  line-height: 20px;
                                  font-weight: 500;
                                  letter-spacing: -2px;
                                  padding-left: 4px;
                                  text-align: right;
                                "> 01 </div>
                    <!-- ?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?-->
                    <svg class="svg2" id="Layer_1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 400 400">
                          .cls-2 {
                            opacity: 0.22;
                      <polygon points="320 37 17 37 17 233 320 233 385 135 320 37" fill="currentColor"></polygon>
                      <polygon points="17 233 153 233 153 374 17 233" fill="currentColor"></polygon>
                      <polygon class="cls-2" points="17 233 153 233 153 374 17 233"></polygon>
                  </div> Building Business Value Streams<br>Papyrus Converse
                <p class="new">
                  <input id="Converse_0_0" type="checkbox" name="multi_checkbox3[]" value="May 15, 2024 / 9-11 am EDT Converse"><label class="full-text3" for="Converse_0_0" style="margin-bottom: 2px">May 15, 2024 / 9-11 am EDT</label><br>
                <div class="right">
                  <a href="/e15/pages/videopages/videopage-papyrus-converse-introduction.html" target="_blank" style="color: gray; display: block"><i class="icon-videocam" style="xcolor: #fbb03b">
                              </i><span>Tutorial: Papyrus Converse</span></a>
              <div class="col-md-6">
                <header id="title01">
                  <div style="
                                width: 75px;
                                padding-top: 15px;
                                padding-right: 5px;
                                max-height: 90px;
                                max-width: 90px;
                    <div style="
                                  color: white;
                                  position: absolute;
                                  z-index: 1000;
                                  margin: 14px;
                                  font-size: 32px;
                                  line-height: 20px;
                                  font-weight: 500;
                                  letter-spacing: -2px;
                                  padding-left: 4px;
                                  text-align: right;
                                "> 02 </div>
                    <!-- ?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?-->
                    <svg class="svg2" id="Layer_1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 400 400">
                          .cls-2 {
                            opacity: 0.22;
                      <polygon points="320 37 17 37 17 233 320 233 385 135 320 37" fill="currentColor"></polygon>
                      <polygon points="17 233 153 233 153 374 17 233" fill="currentColor"></polygon>
                      <polygon class="cls-2" points="17 233 153 233 153 374 17 233"></polygon>
                  </div> User Trained<br>Inbound Mail Capture
                <p class="new">
                  <input id="Capture_0_0" type="checkbox" name="multi_checkbox3[]" value="May 22, 2024 / 9-11 am EDT - Capture"><label class="full-text3" for="Capture_0_0" style="margin-bottom: 2px">May 22, 2024 / 9-11 am EDT</label><br>
                <div class="right">
                  <a href="/e15/pages/videopages/videopage-business-designer-capture.html" target="_blank" style="color: gray; display: block"><i class="icon-videocam" style="xcolor: #fbb03b">
                              </i><span>Tutorial: Inbound Mail Capture Training</span></a>
              <div class="col-md-6">
                <header id="title02">
                  <div style="
                                width: 75px;
                                padding-top: 15px;
                                padding-right: 5px;
                                max-height: 90px;
                                max-width: 90px;
                    <div style="
                                  color: white;
                                  position: absolute;
                                  z-index: 1000;
                                  margin: 14px;
                                  font-size: 32px;
                                  line-height: 20px;
                                  font-weight: 500;
                                  letter-spacing: -2px;
                                  padding-left: 4px;
                                  text-align: right;
                                "> 03 </div>
                    <!-- ?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?-->
                    <svg class="svg2" id="Layer_1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 400 400">
                          .cls-2 {
                            opacity: 0.22;
                      <polygon points="320 37 17 37 17 233 320 233 385 135 320 37" fill="currentColor"></polygon>
                      <polygon points="17 233 153 233 153 374 17 233" fill="currentColor"></polygon>
                      <polygon class="cls-2" points="17 233 153 233 153 374 17 233"></polygon>
                  </div> Design and deliver<br>Adaptive Case Management Solutions
                <p class="new">
                  <input id="VS_0_0" type="checkbox" name="multi_checkbox3[]" value="May 29, 2024 / 9-11 am EDT - VS"><label class="full-text3" for="VS_0_0" style="margin-bottom: 2px">May 29, 2024 / 9-11 am EDT</label><br>
                <div class="right">
                  <a href="/e15/pages/videopages/videopage-business-designer-7.html" target="_blank" style="color: gray; display: block"><i class="icon-videocam" style="xcolor: #fbb03b">
                              </i><span>Tutorial: Business Process and Case Management
              <div class="col-md-6">
                <header id="title03">
                  <div style="
                                width: 75px;
                                padding-top: 15px;
                                padding-right: 5px;
                                max-height: 90px;
                                max-width: 90px;
                    <div style="
                                  color: white;
                                  position: absolute;
                                  z-index: 1000;
                                  margin: 14px;
                                  font-size: 32px;
                                  line-height: 20px;
                                  font-weight: 500;
                                  letter-spacing: -2px;
                                  padding-left: 4px;
                                  text-align: right;
                                "> 04 </div>
                    <!-- ?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?-->
                    <svg class="svg2" id="Layer_1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 400 400">
                          .cls-2 {
                            opacity: 0.22;
                      <polygon points="320 37 17 37 17 233 320 233 385 135 320 37" fill="currentColor"></polygon>
                      <polygon points="17 233 153 233 153 374 17 233" fill="currentColor"></polygon>
                      <polygon class="cls-2" points="17 233 153 233 153 374 17 233"></polygon>
                  </div> Business Document<br>Design
                <p class="new">
                  <input id="BDD_0_0" type="checkbox" name="multi_checkbox3[]" value="June 5, 2024 / 9-11 am EDT - BDD"><label class="full-text3" for="BDD_0_0" style="margin-bottom: 2px">June 5, 2024 / 9-11 am EDT</label><br>
                <div class="right">
                  <a href="/e15/pages/videopages/videopage-building-block-design.html" target="_blank" style="color: gray; display: block"><i class="icon-videocam" style="xcolor: #fbb03b">
                              </i><span>Tutorial: Business Document Design</span></a><a href="/e15/pages/videopages/videopage-business-designer2-document-form-design.html" target="_blank" style="color: gray; display: block"><i class="icon-videocam" style="xcolor: #fbb03b">
                              </i><span>Tutorial: Forms and Wizard Design</span></a>
              <div class="col-md-6">
                <header id="title04">
                  <div style="
                                width: 75px;
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                                padding-right: 5px;
                                max-height: 90px;
                                max-width: 90px;
                    <div style="
                                  color: white;
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                                  z-index: 1000;
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                                "> 05 </div>
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                      <polygon points="17 233 153 233 153 374 17 233" fill="currentColor"></polygon>
                      <polygon class="cls-2" points="17 233 153 233 153 374 17 233"></polygon>
                  </div> Automated Document Factory -<br>Print &amp; eDelivery
                <p class="new">
                  <input id="ADF_0_0" type="checkbox" name="multi_checkbox3[]" value="June 12, 2024 / 9-11 am EDT - ADF"><label class="full-text3" for="ADF_0_0" style="margin-bottom: 2px">June 12, 2024 / 9-11 am EDT</label><br>
                <div class="right">
                  <a href="/e15/pages/videopages/videopage-business-designer5-operations.html" target="_blank" style="color: gray; display: block"><i class="icon-videocam" style="xcolor: #fbb03b">
                              </i><span>Tutorial: Business Operations Design</span></a>
              <div class="col-md-6">
                <header id="title05">
                  <div style="
                                width: 75px;
                                padding-top: 15px;
                                padding-right: 5px;
                                max-height: 90px;
                                max-width: 90px;
                    <div style="
                                  color: white;
                                  position: absolute;
                                  z-index: 1000;
                                  margin: 14px;
                                  font-size: 32px;
                                  line-height: 20px;
                                  font-weight: 500;
                                  letter-spacing: -2px;
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                                  text-align: right;
                                "> 06 </div>
                    <!-- ?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?-->
                    <svg class="svg2" id="Layer_1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 400 400">
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                      <polygon points="17 233 153 233 153 374 17 233" fill="currentColor"></polygon>
                      <polygon class="cls-2" points="17 233 153 233 153 374 17 233"></polygon>
                  </div> Content Governance<br>with Papyrus WebArchive
                <p class="new">
                  <input id="CG_0_0" type="checkbox" name="multi_checkbox3[]" value="June 26, 2024 / 9-11 am EDT - CG"><label class="full-text3" for="CG_0_0" style="margin-bottom: 2px">June 26, 2024 / 9-11 am EDT</label><br>
                <div class="right">
                  <a href="/Download/solutionscatalog/content-governance-brochure.pdf" target="_blank" style="color: gray; display: block"><i class="fa fa-book" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span> Brochure: Content Governance</span></a>
            const tabEnglishEMEA = document.getElementById("one");
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            const tabAsia = document.getElementById("three");
            const tabAmerica = document.getElementById("four");
            const timezone = Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().timeZone;
            // Check user's timezone, set to matching tab
            if (timezone.includes("America")) {
            } else if (timezone.includes("Asia")) {
            // If not America or Asia, default to Europe/English
            else {
          <div class="row" style="margin-top: -10px">
            <div class="col-md-12" style="padding: 25px">
              <h3 style="color: var(--c-text); font-weight: 300"> Please select if you want to actively participate or watch </h3>
              <!--<p class="form3" style="">
  <input type="radio" name="multi_checkbox3[]" value="Hands-on workshop experience (AWS + zoom)" /> Hands-on experience –  workshop<br>
  <input type="radio" name="multi_checkbox3[]" value="Watch instead of hands-on (zoom)" /> Watch a hands-on workshop and ask questions – Zoom session
              <!--  Begin Radio element -->
              <div class="quform-element quform-element-radio">
                <div class="quform-spacer">
                  <label style="
                                color: #000;
                                font-size: 16px;
                                font-weight: 300;
                              ">Participation <span class="quform-required">*</span></label>
                  <div class="quform-input">
                    <div class="quform-options">
                      <div class="quform-option">
                        <label style="
                                      color: #000;
                                      font-size: 16px;
                                      font-weight: 300;
                                    "><input name="Participation" value="Hands-on workshop experience (Cloud and Zoom)" type="radio"> Hands-on workshop experience (Cloud and Zoom)</label>
                      <div class="quform-option">
                        <label style="
                                      color: #000;
                                      font-size: 16px;
                                      font-weight: 300;
                                    "><input name="Participation" value="Watch only (Zoom)" type="radio"> Watch only (Zoom)</label>
              <h3 class="mt15" style="color: var(--c-text); font-weight: 300"> Enter your contact information </h3>
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                                    color: #000;
                                    font-size: 16px;
                                    font-weight: 300;
                                  ">Prefix <span class="quform-required">*</span></label>
                      <div class="quform-input quform-required">
                        <select class="quform-tooltip" id="Prefix" name="Prefix">
                          <option value="">Please select</option>
                          <option value="Mr.">Mr.</option>
                          <option value="Ms.">Ms.</option>
                          <option value="Mrs.">Mrs.</option>
                      <!--  End Single select element --><label for="FirstName" style="
                                    color: #000;
                                    font-size: 16px;
                                    font-weight: 300;
                                  ">First name<span class="quform-required">*</span></label>
                      <div class="quform-input">
                        <input id="FirstName" type="text" name="FirstName">
                      <label for="LastName" style="
                                    color: #000;
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                                    font-weight: 300;
                                  ">Last name<span class="quform-required">*</span></label>
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                        <input id="LastName" type="text" name="LastName">
                      <label for="email" style="
                                    color: #000;
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                                    font-weight: 300;
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                                    font-size: 16px;
                                    font-weight: 300;
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                      <div class="quform-input">
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                      <label for="Company" style="
                                    color: #000;
                                    font-size: 16px;
                                    font-weight: 300;
                                  ">Company name<span class="quform-required">*</span></label>
                      <div class="quform-input">
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                                    color: #000;
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                                    font-weight: 300;
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                                              height: 80px;
                                              border: 1px solid #c1c1c1;
                                              margin: 0px;
                                              padding: 0px;
                                              resize: none;
                                            " value="">                                          </textarea>
                  <div style="padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px">
                      <button class="btn btn-md mb5 floatleft register" type="submit" style="
                                    color: #fff;
                                    font-size: 17px;
                                    font-weight: 500;
                                    width: 90%;
                                    padding: 10px;
                                    background-color: #6bb8be;
                                  " value="Send"> Submit </button>
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                      <p class="form3" style="font-size: 12px; color: #333"> Papyrus Software is a trusted technology provider for the world’s most prestigious companies. More than 2,800 global enterprises in all industries use Papyrus to accelerate
                        digital and enhance customer engagement and value. </p>
          <p class="form3">
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Text Content



Let's Talk

News Center
AFP Viewer
 * Platform
   Business Value Streams | Papyrus Converse
   Adaptive Case Management | ACM
   Customer Communications Management | CCM
   Inbound Mail Capture
   Omni Channel/Online Channel
   Enterprise Mobility
   Output management | ADF
   Content Services | edelivery | eArchiving | Blockchain
   Enterprise Application Integration | EAI
 * Solutions
 * Products
   ›Platform Products
   Papyrus WebRepository
   Papyrus Webarchive™
   Papyrus WebControl
   Papyrus Host
   Papyrus Business Designer
   Papyrus Operations Designer
   Papyrus Client Desktop/Browser/Mobile
   Papyrus Converter
   Papyrus Test Center
   Papyrus Adapters and Typemanagers
   ›Outbound Products
   Papyrus Document System
   Papyrus Designer
   Papyrus Business Designer
   Papyrus DocEXEC/Formatter
   Papyrus Postprocessing/Doc Pool/PostCalc
   Papyrus Server/Print to IPDS, PCL, PS, IJPDS
   OverView AFP Designer
   OverView AFPDS Compiler
   OverView Font and Image Editor
   ›Inbound Products
   Papyrus Document Capture
   Papyrus Designer/Capture™
   Papyrus Business Designer
   Papyrus Client/Capture
   Papyrus Recognition Server
   Papyrus AFP Viewer Freeware
   ›For IBM AS400/iSeries
   IBM InfoPrint Designer follow-on product: OverView AFP Designer for AS400
   Papyrus Software
   Papyrus Platform
   PortfolioPapyrus Platform
   ConceptPapyrus Enterprise
   Application Integration (EAI)Papyrus
   in the Cloud
 * Services
   Workshop Registration
   Springtime Special Workshops
   Papyrus Certified Program
   Certified Professionals
   Product Support Maintenance
   Project Quality Assurance
   Migration Services
 * Customers
   Case Studies
   Peer Insights
 * About Us
   Corporate Profile
   Contact Us
   Travel Info
   In The News
   Press Releases
   Sales Partners
   Technology Partners
   Photo Gallery

 * Blog
 * Videos
 * Events
 * News Center
 * Careers
 * AFP Viewer

 * ›Platform
   Business Value Streams | Papyrus Converse Adaptive Case Management | ACM
   Customer Communications Management | CCM Inbound Mail Capture Omni
   Channel/Online ChannelEnterprise MobilityOutput management | ADFContent
   Services | edelivery | eArchiving | Blockchain Enterprise Application
   Integration | EAI Read more
 * ›Solutions
   Read more
 * ›Products
   Platform Products
   Papyrus WebRepositoryPapyrus Webarchive™Papyrus WebControlPapyrus HostPapyrus
   Business DesignerPapyrus Operations DesignerPapyrus Client
   Desktop/Browser/Mobile Papyrus ConverterPapyrus Test CenterPapyrus Adapters
   and Typemanagers
   Outbound Products
   Papyrus Document SystemPapyrus DesignerPapyrus Business DesignerPapyrus
   DocEXEC/FormatterPapyrus Postprocessing/Doc Pool/PostCalcPapyrus Server/Print
   to IPDS, PCL, PS, IJPDSOverView AFP DesignerOverView AFPDS CompilerOverView
   Font and Image Editor
   Inbound Products
   Papyrus Document CapturePapyrus Designer/Capture™Papyrus Business
   DesignerPapyrus Client/CapturePapyrus Recognition Server
   Papyrus AFP Viewer Freeware
   For IBM AS400/iSeries
   IBM InfoPrint Designer follow-on product: OverView AFP Designer for AS400
   Read more
   Papyrus Platform
   PortfolioPapyrus Platform
   ConceptPapyrus Enterprise
   Application Integration (EAI)Papyrus
   in the Cloud
 * ›Services
   WorkshopsWorkshop RegistrationSpringtime Special Workshops
   ConsultingPapyrus Certified ProgramCertified Professionals
   Product Support Maintenance Project Quality Assurance Migration Services Read
 * ›Customers
   Case StudiesReferencesPeer Insights Read more
 * ›About Us
   Corporate Profile Awards Contact UsLocations Travel Info In The News Press
   Releases Sales Partners Technology Partners Photo Gallery Read more


MAY - JUNE 2024

 * Request Demo
 * Call me
 * Email


Due to popular demand, we are repeating our Special Virtual Workshops. This
specific program covers a wide range of best practices and is a unique
opportunity to explore and learn hands-on about the evolution of our graphical
designer tools and the latest product and platform features. On the one hand, it
will enable you to get the most out of your installed Papyrus products, and on
the other hand, you will learn how Papyrus can help you meet the pressing
communication challenges of today's new digital world.


Missed our Wintertime Special workshops but want more hands-on experience with
our trainers? You want a more advanced practical approach and good interaction
with the trainer? Then sign up for the new Springtime workshop series. Should
you prefer just to watch and experience a hand-on class, you are welcome to do

This special offer is a kind gesture to our valued clients and prospects and is
valid for a limited time on a first come, first serve basis. Until 26th of June
2024, you can register for any of the two-hour workshops listed below free of


Adrian Betz
Course Coordinator
Tel: +43 2236 27551 1142


Please choose the workshop that suits you best and register per email or use the
form below.



Building Business Value Streams
Papyrus Converse

May 15, 2024 / 9-11 am CEST
May 15, 2024 / 4-6 pm CEST

Tutorial: Papyrus Converse
User Trained
Inbound Mail Capture

May 22, 2024 / 9-11 am CEST
May 22, 2024 / 4-6 pm CEST

Tutorial: Inbound Mail Capture Training
Design and deliver
Adaptive Case Management Solutions

May 29, 2024 / 9-11 am CEST
May 29, 2024 / 4-6 pm CEST

Tutorial: Business Process and Case Management Design
Business Document

June 5, 2024 / 9-11 am CEST
June 5, 2024 / 4-6 pm CEST

Tutorial: Business Document Design Tutorial: Forms and Wizard Design
Automated Document Factory -
Print & eDelivery

June 12, 2024 / 9-11 am CEST
June 12, 2024 / 4-6 pm CEST

Tutorial: Business Operations Design
Content Governance
with Papyrus WebArchive

June 26, 2024 / 9-11 am CEST
June 26, 2024 / 4-6 pm CEST

Brochure: Content Governance
Building Business Value Streams
Papyrus Converse

May 15, 2024 / 1-3 pm CEST

Tutorial: Papyrus Converse
User Trained
Inbound Mail Capture

May 22, 2024 / 1-3 pm CEST

Tutorial: Inbound Mail Capture Training
Design and deliver
Adaptive Case Management Solutions

May 29, 2024 / 1-3 pm CEST

Tutorial: Business Process and Case Management Design
Business Document

June 5, 2024 / 1-3 pm CEST

Tutorial: Business Document Design Tutorial: Forms and Wizard Design
Automated Document Factory -
Print & eDelivery

June 12, 2024 / 1-3 pm CEST

Tutorial: Business Operations Design
Content Governance
with Papyrus WebArchive

June 26, 2024 / 1-3 pm CEST

Brochure: Content Governance
Building Business Value Streams
Papyrus Converse

May 15, 2024 / 3-5 pm SGT

Tutorial: Papyrus Converse
User Trained
Inbound Mail Capture

May 22, 2024 / 3-5 pm SGT

Tutorial: Inbound Mail Capture Training
Design and deliver
Adaptive Case Management Solutions

May 29, 2024 / 3-5 pm SGT

Tutorial: Business Process and Case Management Design
Business Document

June 5, 2024 / 3-5 pm SGT

Tutorial: Business Document Design Tutorial: Forms and Wizard Design
Automated Document Factory -
Print & eDelivery

June 12, 2024 / 3-5 pm SGT

Tutorial: Business Operations Design
Content Governance
with Papyrus WebArchive

June 26, 2024 / 3-5 pm SGT

Brochure: Content Governance
Building Business Value Streams
Papyrus Converse

May 15, 2024 / 9-11 am EDT

Tutorial: Papyrus Converse
User Trained
Inbound Mail Capture

May 22, 2024 / 9-11 am EDT

Tutorial: Inbound Mail Capture Training
Design and deliver
Adaptive Case Management Solutions

May 29, 2024 / 9-11 am EDT

Tutorial: Business Process and Case Management Design
Business Document

June 5, 2024 / 9-11 am EDT

Tutorial: Business Document Design Tutorial: Forms and Wizard Design
Automated Document Factory -
Print & eDelivery

June 12, 2024 / 9-11 am EDT

Tutorial: Business Operations Design
Content Governance
with Papyrus WebArchive

June 26, 2024 / 9-11 am EDT

Brochure: Content Governance


Participation *
Hands-on workshop experience (Cloud and Zoom)
Watch only (Zoom)


Prefix *
Please select Mr. Ms. Mrs.
First name*

Last name*

Business email*

Phone number*

Company name*

Country *

Are you human? *


By clicking the 'Submit' button, you agree to receive marketing communications
and to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. We will not share your data with
third parties.

Papyrus Software is a trusted technology provider for the world’s most
prestigious companies. More than 2,800 global enterprises in all industries use
Papyrus to accelerate digital and enhance customer engagement and value.

* Required items.

This field should be left blank


 * The trainings are held via Zoom conference and Microsoft Remote Desktop
   access in the individual training environment in the Amazon cloud.
 * The content of the workshop will be presented, explained and discussed using
   the ‘shared screen’ functionality of the Zoom session. Participants work and
   follow training sessions in their personal virtual classroom environment. The
   trainer can access each participant's screen through Zoom for an online
   assistance during individual exercises and interactive troubleshooting.


 * PC or laptop with internet access, bandwidth min. 5 MB/s, keyboard, mouse,
   camera and ideally headset or speakerphone.
 * Access from the participant’s machine to a trainee-specific Amazon Cloud IP
   address will be provided before the workshop. Access to the conference
   meeting and cloud will be tested in advance.
 * For optimal User Experience we recommend direct Internet access without
   indirection, such as VPN and two full HD monitors.
   * HD monitor for using the workshop setup.
   * HD monitor or laptop screen to keep permanently an eye on the video
     conference with the instructions of the trainer.

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