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April 4, 1967
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On 4 April 1967 Martin Luther King, Jr., delivered his seminal speech at
Riverside Church condemning the Vietnam War. Declaring “my conscience leaves me
no other choice,” King described the war’s deleterious effects on both America’s
poor and Vietnamese peasants and insisted that it was morally imperative for the
United States to take radical steps to halt the war through nonviolent means
(King, “Beyond Vietnam,” 139).

King’s anti-war sentiments emerged publicly for the first time in March 1965,
when King declared that “millions of dollars can be spent every day to hold
troops in South Viet Nam and our country cannot protect the rights of Negroes in
Selma” (King, 9 March 1965). King told reporters on Face the Nation that as a
minister he had “a prophetic function” and as “one greatly concerned about the
need for peace in our world and the survival of mankind, I must continue to take
a stand on this issue” (King, 29 August 1965). In a version of the “Transformed
Nonconformist” sermon given in January 1966 at Ebenezer Baptist Church, King
voiced his own opposition to the Vietnam War, describing American aggression as
a violation of the 1954 Geneva Accord that promised self-determination.

In early 1967 King stepped up his anti-war proclamations, giving similar
speeches in Los Angeles and Chicago. The Los Angeles speech, called “The
Casualties of the War in Vietnam,” stressed the history of the conflict and
argued that American power should be “harnessed to the service of peace and
human beings, not an inhumane power [unleashed] against defenseless
people” (King, 25 February 1967).

On 4 April, accompanied by Amherst College Professor Henry Commager, Union
Theological Seminary President John Bennett, and Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel,
at an event sponsored by Clergy and Laymen Concerned about Vietnam, King spoke
to over 3,000 at New York’s Riverside Church. The speech was drafted from a
collection of volunteers, including Spelman professor Vincent Harding and
Wesleyan professor John Maguire. King’s address emphasized his responsibility to
the American people and explained that conversations with young black men in the
ghettos reinforced his own commitment to nonviolence.

King followed with an historical sketch outlining Vietnam’s devastation at the
hands of “deadly Western arrogance,” noting, “we are on the side of the wealthy,
and the secure, while we create a hell for the poor” (King, “Beyond
Vietnam,” 146; 153). To change course, King suggested a five point outline for
stopping the war, which included a call for a unilateral ceasefire. To King,
however, the Vietnam War was only the most pressing symptom of American
colonialism worldwide. King claimed that America made “peaceful revolution
impossible by refusing to give up the privileges and the pleasures that come
from the immense profits of overseas investments” (King, “Beyond Vietnam,” 157).
King urged instead “a radical revolution of values” emphasizing love and justice
rather than economic nationalism (King, “Beyond Vietnam,” 157).

The immediate response to King’s speech was largely negative. Both the
Washington Post and New York Times published editorials criticizing the speech,
with the Post noting that King’s speech had “diminished his usefulness to his
cause, to his country, and to his people” through a simplistic and flawed view
of the situation (“A Tragedy,” 6 April 1967). Similarly, both the National
Association for the Advancement of Colored People and Ralph Bunche accused King
of linking two disparate issues, Vietnam and civil rights. Despite public
criticism, King continued to attack the Vietnam War on both moral and economic


Branch, At Canaan’s Edge, 2006.

“Dr. King’s Error,” New York Times, 7 April 1967.

King, “Beyond Vietnam,” 4 April 1967, NNRC.

King, “The Casualties of the War in Vietnam,” 25 February 1967, CLPAC.

King, Interview on Face the Nation, 29 August 1965, RRML-TxTyU.

King, Statement on voter registration in Alabama, 9 March 1965, MLKJP-GAMK.

King, Transformed Nonconformist, Sermon Delivered at Ebenezer Baptist Church, 16
January 1966, CSKC.

“A Tragedy,” Washington Post, 6 April 1967.


Martin Luther King, Jr. - Political and Social Views
Vietnamese Conflict, 1961-1975


Johnson, Lyndon Baines
Jones, Clarence Benjamin
Spock, Benjamin
Trumpet of Conscience, The


Lesson Plan: Beyond Vietnam


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