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Margaret O'Connor is a bestselling author and public speaker. Her works have
been published in both literary and academic journals, and she was a finalist
for the Annie Dillard Award for Creative Nonfiction with the Bellingham Review.

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Dieser Artikel erscheint am 25. Februar 2024.
Turtle Soup Is Enough: Laughing and Biking When...
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 1. Fuck That And Forgive: Guns, Grit, and Radical Grace
 2. Turtle Soup Is Enough: Laughing and Biking When Everything Falls Apart

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Dieser Artikel erscheint am 25. Februar 2024.

Turtle Soup Is Enough: Laughing and Biking When Everything Falls Apart

von Margaret O'Connor

Did you know that the fluid in your spinal cord is the same color as lemonade? I
sat and watched it drip from my little brother's limp body into a medical bag on
his bedside, as one of his surgeons told us the news that nearly shredded my
faith to chaff.

"This kid will never walk again."

These essays were written during the worst year of my life. I wrote them for one
of my college classes, answering various prompts on the theme of place. I didn't
know at the time that I was chronicling a fight for my existence.

My family and faith have never been about fitting in. We don’t believe in God
because of what they say at church. We see him in the mud that cakes our jeans
and the laughter we share around the campfire, drinking beer and listening to
the grisly stories our dad brings home from the ER. Our faith in God has never
been about propriety; it’s been about relationship.

How can you reconcile that kind of faith when it seems like God stands by as
your whole world falls apart?

When my faith went up in flames, I found truth like I never had before.
Sometimes God shatters you to shatter the lies you didn't know you believed, and
there's nothing left to do but buck up and face what's right.

Faith is tested, hope victorious, and valuable lessons are learned along the way
in this raw, wildly funny and inappropriate memoir.

Did you know that the fluid in your spinal cord is the same color as lemonade? I
sat and watched it drip from my little brother's limp body into a medical bag on
his bedside, as one of his surgeons told us the news that nearly shredded my
faith to chaff.

"This kid will never walk again."

These essays were written during the worst year of my life. I wrote them for one
of my college classes, answering various prompts on the theme of place. I didn't
know at the time that I was chronicling a fight for my existence.

My family and faith have never been about fitting in. We don’t believe in God
because of what they say at church. We see him in the mud that cakes our jeans
and the laughter we share around the campfire, drinking beer and listening to
the grisly stories our dad brings home from the ER. Our faith in God has never
been about propriety; it’s been about relationship.

How can you reconcile that kind of faith when it seems like God stands by as
your whole world falls apart?

When my faith went up in flames, I found truth like I never had before.
Sometimes God shatters you to shatter the lies you didn't know you believed, and
there's nothing left to do but buck up and face what's right.

Faith is tested, hope victorious, and valuable lessons are learned along the way
in this raw, wildly funny and inappropriate memoir.

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Format: Kindle Ausgabe

Kindle Ausgabe

0,99 $
Dieser Artikel erscheint am 25. Februar 2024.
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Verkauft von Amazon.com Services LLC.
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Dieser Artikel erscheint am 12. Januar 2025.

Fuck That And Forgive: Guns, Grit, and Radical Grace

von Margaret O'Connor et al.

Have you ever thought about what it would be like to forgive the unforgivable?

The premise of this story is simple. Dustin and his best friend, Luke, once
decided to drive through the night to beat out a snow storm so they could make
their annual deer hunt in Nebraska. Dustin fell asleep in the back seat of the
car. Luke fell asleep at the wheel. Luke walked away from the car accident
unscathed. Dustin never walked again.
And they are best friends to this day.

This book details how Dustin forgave Luke after losing everything, and how Luke
forgave himself after watching his best friend go through the fire. Both are
journeys of triumph, grit, and radical grace. This memoir, with the signature
O’Connor wit and impropriety, explores how we can live with each other in this
fallen universe, mainly through hunting, drinking, and raising all kinds of hell
until the hell in ourselves doesn’t cut so deep.

Have you ever thought about what it would be like to forgive the unforgivable?

The premise of this story is simple. Dustin and his best friend, Luke, once
decided to drive through the night to beat out a snow storm so they could make
their annual deer hunt in Nebraska. Dustin fell asleep in the back seat of the
car. Luke fell asleep at the wheel. Luke walked away from the car accident
unscathed. Dustin never walked again.
And they are best friends to this day.

This book details how Dustin forgave Luke after losing everything, and how Luke
forgave himself after watching his best friend go through the fire. Both are
journeys of triumph, grit, and radical grace. This memoir, with the signature
O’Connor wit and impropriety, explores how we can live with each other in this
fallen universe, mainly through hunting, drinking, and raising all kinds of hell
until the hell in ourselves doesn’t cut so deep.

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Format: Kindle Ausgabe

Kindle Ausgabe

4,99 $
Dieser Artikel erscheint am 12. Januar 2025.
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Mit 1-Click® vorbestellen ®
Verkauft von Amazon.com Services LLC.


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