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I de sidste par år er nogle begyndt at argumentere for, at "rituelle nikker" og
endda neonatal labiaplasti burde faktisk tolereres i vestlige samfund.
Prestigefulde forretninger som Journal of Medical Ethics og selv Economist er nu
fremme disse synspunkter. For at sige det helt, synes målet med disse argumenter
at være at skabe en buffer af beskyttelse omkring mandlig omskæring ved at smide
kvindelige børn under bussen.


Nyligt emboldened, forsvarere af hvad de kalder "kvindelig omskæring" kommer ud
af uklarhed for at kalde vestlig hykleri. De opretter professionelle hjemmesider
og citerer ordlyd fra AAP-erklæringen fra om nyfødt mandlig omskæring, der
hævder, at forældre skal have lov til at få deres sunde barns kønsorganer skåret
til sociale, religiøse, kulturelle eller familiemæssige fordele.

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Tilhængere af "kvindelig omskæring" påpege, at deres praksis også har disse
fordele. Jeg ser en måde at vende denne tendens på. Uanset deres køn eller køn
er det deres krop, så det bør være deres valg.


Selvom skæringen er "bare et lille øje", er det stadig risikabelt, og det er
helt rationelt at foretrække, at der ikke tages nogen skarp genstand til dine
kønsorganer, medmindre det er absolut nødvendigt at redde dit liv eller sundhed
og dermed bevare din fremtid legems autonomi.

Det kan også medføre, at psykisk skade holdes nede og skåret på en sådan
personlig måde, især som et spædbarn eller et lille barn. Og som voksen kan det
være re traumatiserende bare for at reflektere over, hvad der skete med dig, når
du var for lidt til at forstå eller modstå.

Det kan vise sig, at en lovlig undtagelse skal træffes for oprigtig religiøs
overbevisning, eller i det mindste en politik for ikke-retsforfølgning i disse
tilfælde. Men denne spænding er løst, men den amerikanske forfatning kan ikke
tolerere dobbeltstandarder baseret på race eller religion, køn eller køn.
Bestemt ikke når det kommer til at beskytte de mest sårbare og stemmeløse blandt

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Men der er mange billigere alternativer på markedet. En gimbal: For at sikre
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Osmo Pocket kamera. Det passer direkte i iPhonens lightning-stik, og kan derfor
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 1. Før du går i gang.
 2. Hvordan kan du spionere på WhatsApp Chats.
 3. Hvordan virker "Find min iPhone" og er det godt at bruge??
 4. Guide: Sådan slår du nemt aktiv-visning fra på Facebook Messenger;

Det fungerer fint til reallyd. Vil jeg gerne lidt tættere på, eksempelvis til et
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Login Sign Up. Remember me Forgot Password? I accept the Terms of Service and
Privacy Policy. Harassment Harassment or bullying behavior.


Inappropriate Contains mature or sensitive content. By proceeding your
registration process you are obliged to follow Careerland's rules and
regulations. After reading please tick the designated box at the bottom of the
page to accept the terms and conditions. Start of the Regulations These
regulations with serial number It is not allowed to use other people's email
addresses or false email addresses.

Each member on Careerland must be respected and it is imperative that you treat
other members the way you wish to be treated yourself. User Rules The user shall
be responsible for filling in correct and truthful information. The user shall
be responsible for any activity that takes place within his or her profile and
for any potential third party involvement solicited or accepted by the user.

The user shall be responsible for any actual or potential economic or legal
lawsuit against Graduateland as a consequence of the user's wrongdoing or
mismanagement of the profile. The user shall be responsible for suitable
software and technological solutions needed to run Graduateland, e. The user
shall not be entitled to use Graduateland as a platform for marketing and
promoting of own personal goods and services.

The user shall not be entitled to expose any material, which relates to
religious, political, sexual or racial aspects on Graduateland. Intellectual
property rights All intellectual property rights including brand, establishment
and information regarding other members belong to Graduateland.

The user shall not be entitled to distribute or use any information from
Careerland for commercial purposes or personal financial gains. Responsibilities
of Graduateland Graduateland shall be under the obligation to: Not develop their
website artificially based on falsely established profiles or moderators. Answer
as quickly as possible when users have requests to the support function.
Permanently delete email addresses if requested upon by a member. Liability
Graduateland shall not be liable to the user in relation to: The behaviour of
other users.

It is possible for users to report on negative media material and text.
Contracts, which are developed and signed through the network on Graduateland.

Any direct or indirect financial or emotional loss that exceeds the one paid to
Graduateland. Loss of data. Graduateland is not a database for the individual
user as such. It is up to the individual user to create back up of the necessary
information. Graduateland shall not be held liable for the actual or potential
loss of data and information on the site regardless of the reason.

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Our social responsibilities At Graduateland we value: To operate a system that
caters for fast reporting to us in relation to inappropriate or unethical
behaviour on the website. To operate a system that in general allows us to be in
close contact with our users. To operate a system that includes the fighting of
scamming, spamming and phishing on the web-site. We have installed a security
filter that limits the number of spammers and false members on the site but it
is always advised that the users stay alert towards messages and information
that might be "too good to be true" or any suspicious behaviour.


User privacy When you sign up you agree to receive emails from Careerland. The
amount of and the frequency at which you receive emails depend on the activity
of the employers from which you wish to "follow". Graduateland shall be entitled
to use the email system for questionnaires about Graduateland's own services and
product development, and for the content of Graduateland's paying employers and
universities using the services provided by Graduateland.


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The user shall at any time be entitled to choose to adjust the delivery by
altering this function under "Account" — "Account Settings" — "Notifications".
Data collection When the user establishes a profile on Careerland the user also
accepts that personal information will be stored on Graduateland's servers and
that parts hereof can be shared with the universities and the employers using
the services provided by Graduateland.

When the user establishes a profile on Careerland the user also chooses to
expose personal data to employers and universities. Therefore evaluate inputs,
including pictures, carefully. Careerland is using cookies within its operating
system. This technicality ensures that the system remembers the user's email
address and access to the site.

The user can disable this setting in the Internet browser. Each time the user
visits Careerland the IP-address will be registered.

The IP address is the address of the computer that the user is using to access
Careerland. The IP address is registered to ensure that Graduateland always will
be able to locate the computer used to access the site. This has been
established to counteract on-site illegal activities. Use of personal data The
information Graduateland collects about the user can and will be used in
different ways: Name and email: This is used to identify the user as a user on
Careerland so that Graduateland and employers and universities will be able to
contact the user.

The user's email address is also used to send emails to the user based on the
information requested on the user's Dashboard. Postal and zip code are used to
locate the user geographically and for Graduateland to understand how their
users are placed around the world. This will give Graduateland the opportunity
to create networks and events in locations where there is a high number of
Graduateland members.

Birth date and gender are used to further identify the user and make the profile
more visible on Graduateland. Graduateland can also use the information provided
by the user at the signup process to improve services and functionalities by
analysing the way the user use the portal.

As an example we can use the cookies and IP-addresses to see which parts of the
webpage are most frequently used and thereby improve and optimise the services
and functionalities mostly used. Graduateland uses the user's information in
Graduateland's backoffice recruitment system designed for Employers and
Universities. This enables Employers and Universities to contact the user, based
on the information provided by the user.

With your consent we share your profile information with employers that are
online. Any comment sent to Graduateland about this website can be used without
limitations. Received information will not be treated as confidential. In
addition, parts of the profile will be visible to non-members visiting the site.
The user accepts that in case Graduateland's services are misused, the
information at Graduateland's disposal such as IP address will be distributed to
the relevant authorities in case this is required.

Graduateland shall be entitled to distribute all information about the user on
the web site to a third party if it happens anonymously or if third party is
included in an agreement about confidentiality. Such distribution can take place
in connection with statistical analysis about the web site, market research and
as preparation for commercials, general branding and recruitment activity on

This information may also be used as input variables in Graduateland's backend
solution designed for employers and universities. Right to admission and
correction If the user realises that personal information on Careerland is
incorrect or misleading the user shall have access to the profile where
necessary corrections can be made. Alternatively the user may contact
Graduateland and request that the corrections shall be made within a reasonable
time frame. The user shall not be entitled to delete the profile, but only make
it non-visible on the web. This means that the profile cannot be found or
accessed by anyone.

Personal information can be changed on "My Profile". In such case the company
will handle Graduateland's data responsibility. Any company handling data on
Careerland will operate under the same regulations and law as Graduateland with
regard to confidentiality.

In case the whole company Graduateland ApS or parts thereof is handed over to a
third party the user accepts that personal data on Careerland can be transferred
to third party. This requires that the third party respects and follows the
conditions for data handling as mentioned in this document. Change in business
principles Graduateland shall be entitled to change the above mentioned business
principles at any time.

If any change is made this will be made public on Careerland after which the
user has 30 days to become familiar with them. After 30 days it will be
anticipated that all existing users accept and understand the changes.

The user must possess the complete rights to the photos and pictures that the
user uploads. No third party must have the copyright or other rights to the
photos or pictures that the user uploads. The people visible on the photos and
pictures must have given their acceptance of public display. A few years ago, I
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