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This expert insight from Nick Black originally ran in on March 28, 2023

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Let it be known...

...this bank run ain't over yet.

The past few weeks have brought the downfall of several major financial
institutions including Silicon Valley Bank, Silvergate Bank, and Credit Suisse,
to name a few...

...and there's more carnage to come.

As the U.S. Federal Reserve continues their interest rate smackdown, I'm
expecting more local and regional banks to suffer.

I could write a book about the irresponsible, sketchy behavior of the financial
institutions that we trust with our hard-earned money. But that's not why I'm
here today...

...because why focus on the problem when you can invest in the solution?

Today, I'm highlighting a must-have digital asset that gives you exposure to
decentralized finance (DeFi)-the very thing that might save us from this

DeFi's goal is to remove these sketchy middlemen from our finances. This means
getting rid of those sketchy banks and financial institutions that play
liquidity games with our money, and securing funds ourselves.

This is made possible through blockchain, specifically DAOs: decentralized
autonomous organizations.

Here's how it works...

Instead of a central governing body, DAOs use blockchain technology to allow
members to vote on and make decisions collectively.

DAOs can be used for a variety of purposes, such as managing decentralized
funds, investing in cryptocurrency projects, or even for governing a
decentralized social network. Since DAOs are decentralized and autonomous, they
offer several benefits, including increased transparency, reduced bureaucracy,
and a more equitable distribution of decision-making power.

Don't mistake this for a thing of the future. DAOs are already making waves and
outperforming the institutional financiers that are failing us today.

I've got a number of DeFi solutions in my own digital asset portfolio, but one
stands out in particular.

It's my top DeFi asset to own for exposure to our financial future...

Today, I want to highlight SingularityDAO (SDAO), my top pick for investors
looking to escape from institutional finance and invest in DeFi instead.

SingularityDAO is a platform for managing, governing, and funding DeFi projects.
It uses blockchain technology and a range of AI tools to facilitate the
creation, management, and deployment of DeFi solutions across its platform.

The SingularityDAO platform is designed to provide a range of benefits for users
and investors, including:

 1. Access to advanced AI technologies: SingularityDAO utilizes a range of
    advanced AI technologies, including machine learning and natural language
    processing, to provide users with powerful analytics, decision-making tools,
    and predictive models.
 2. Decentralization: SingularityDAO operates as a decentralized platform, which
    means that there is no central authority controlling the platform. This
    ensures that the platform is transparent, secure, and cannot be manipulated
    by a single entity.
 3. Community governance: SingularityDAO is governed by its community of users,
    who have the power to propose, vote on, and implement changes to the
    platform. This ensures that the platform is responsive to the needs of its
    users and is able to adapt to changing market conditions.
 4. Funding: SingularityDAO provides a platform for funding DeFi projects,
    allowing users to invest in projects that the…


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