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1979 & Proyouth GAMES to Linkin from 1951: Ed's & A!20s most curious moments as
V. Neumann's & The Economist's diarists include 1982...LLM2022STORY why we
co-brand with AIgoodmedia.com.When The Economist sent dad Norman Macrae to
pre-train with Von Neumann 1951 Princeton, they agreed The Economist should
start up leadership Entrepreneurial Revolution surveys; what goods will humans
unite wherever they first linkedin to 100 times more tech per decade? Johnny
added a final twist in notes for his biography. "Unfortunately Economics is Not
Mathematical. One day only AI maths can save our species

Breaking: help prep AI rehearsal Fringe UNGA Sept 2023 NY-
July Guterres choosing top20 AIHLAB.. bard says Hassabis will chair this
'''''with UN tech envoy ..members include Stanford's Fei-Fei Li , Allen's
Etzioni, Sinovation's Kai Fu Lee,... Gemini,,Uni2 :FFL*JOBS*DH more G : 1 2 3 4
Guterres*JYK*JFK..worldclassllm & Royal Family's 150 year survey: can weekly
newspaper help multiply trust around worldwide human development? 0: Around
WorldMaths #1 FFL in 80.. 79
Arts and Humanities, Augment Human Capabilities,  Automation and
Robotics, Economy and Markets, Education  Ethics and
Justice,  Governance,   Healthcare, Human Impact,  Human
Reasoning,    Intelligence,    Language Processing, 
Law, Regulation, and Policy, Machine Learning  Neuro and Cognitive
Science   Scientific Discovery  
 Announcements, Event,   HAI In The News, Report , Research Grants, Design and
Human-Computer Interaction, Podcast,   Video,    General , Analysis and
Commentary,  Workshop , Lecture, Seminar, conference  Event Planning Committee.

Game AI : Architect Intelligence:: EconomistDiary invites you to co-create this
game & apply bard.solar ; personalise your pack of 52 players cards. Whose
intelligence over last 75 years most connects human advancement at every gps
concerning you and yours on planet?
we offer 3 types of tours sampling rockstars on intelligence for good and
welcome guest tours :Alpha Chronological began 1951 through 4 decades at The
Economist; Gamma: back from future of 2020s began 1984; Beta intergeneration
connectors are more recent quests; try  AI game out; we'd love to hear whose
action networks inspires You and who chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk


Alpha1 JFKennedy Neumann-Einstein-Turing Crowther; Youth visions for 1960s
launched by Kennedy as great as any known to us- eg space race; peace corps,
Atlantic-Pacific win-win trade; Kennedy had studied quite traditional economic
gurus at Harvard (eg ); served in US Navy Pacific theatre word war 2; he
discovered The Economist stories of exciting economic possibilities; these had
emerged from editor Geoffrey Crowther ; his 20+ years of editing included 1943
centenary autobiography of Economist- had been a mistake to vision a newspaper
helping 20 something Queen Victoria in 1843 transform to commonwealth trading
from slavemaking empire; Crowther thought good news media was worth another go;
he sent a rookie journalised who had survived being teen navigator allied bomber
command Burma to pretrain with Neumann at Princeton year of 1951 as well as
interview NY-UN year 6; Neumann explained after spending their lives mainly on
the science allies needed to beat Hitler: Neumann-Einstein-Turing wanted a good
legacy - digitalisation -see eg Neumann's last lecture notes delivered Yale
"Computer and the Brain". There were 4 inter-generational crises the NET
foresaw; sorting out energy; designing win-win economics; sorting out worldwide
cooperations; everything else UN and multilaterals were being asked to resolve.
Neumann trained Economist journalist in the leadership survey : "What goods will
humans unite wherever they have early access to 100 times more tech per decade?"


(breakingJy10) Gamma1 Hassabis , Fei-Fei Li,, Guterres, Oren Etzioni, JYKim, Ng,
Yang, Chang, Chang- There are lots of alternative Gammas but we start with 2
engineers who transformed AI from 2010 when they furst met at Stanford and
discussed FFL's NSF funding of imagenet since 2006; 2 public health servants who
in 2016 weren't happy with just talking 17 new UN goals and have been asking AI
genii to help digital roadmap UN2 since 2016 and a Taiwanese American in Silicon
Valley, a Chinese American In Taiwan and Samsung's Korean who partnered Taiwan's
chip making genii; these stories have lots of personal courage as well as
brilliance; any reporting errors are mine alone chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk My
family has made 100 trips to Asia from the west but still have no fluency in
oriental languages so I am biassed : i believe NOW! that LLMs can connect the
best cooperation intelligences ever and urgently map life critical knowhow
through every global villahge


Beta 1 celebrates massive web and inter-generational  gifts of Steve Jobs Fazle
Abed Mr Sudo JYKim and Mr Grant; you will probably know Jobs started 2 digital
networking revolutions with 1984s Mackintosh Personal Computer and apple and
2007's iphone; at bottom of pyramid, you may not
know Asia-66-percent-of%20Intelligence-for-good-part-1.docx   fazle abed linked
up to 1 billion tropical Asian real housewives & entrepreneurs towards 
empowering the end of poverty; and Steve hosted silicon valleys 65th birthday
party for abed in 2001; they brainstormed transformative education which the pc
hadn't delivered ..but could the mobile era be visioned to do so?; Mr Sudo had
partnered Abed and Bangladesh villagers in "leapfrog" mobile experiments
starting 1995. By 2001, as Jobs was introducing Abed to eg Stanford friends, Kim
had discovered Abed's women were networking the most effective solution to rural
Tuberculosis; he introduced Gates and Soros to Abed as all 4 wanted 2000s Global
Fund to end TB & HIV & Malaria; at the same time Guterres had moved from
Portuguese prime minister to red cross and then UN servant leader of refugees;
meanwhile back in 1980 it was UNICEF's James Grant who had discovered Fazle Abed
women's oral rehydration network which was saving lives of 1 in 3 infants who
previously died of diarrhea in the tropics' humid villages ; Grant became
worldwide marketer of how parents could mix water sugar and salts as the life
saving cure of ORD; naturally James Grant College of Global Public Health has
become cornerstone of all the new university cooperations Abed and Jobs started
brainstorming in 2001


here we discuss why 73 years as biographers of V Neumann's future visions
suggests its critical to map intelligences who got us to 2020s and today's giant
co-leapers Gamma-tours; this also opens door to which intelligences at national
or other place levels contribute what? - see our 60+ years of intelligences, and
eg discussion of why to end extreme poverty we need one open global university
of poverty


Beta2 : NB how different scope of 2020s AI is from cross-selection of web2,1
engineers of last quarter century- NB valuetrue purpose of gamifying Architect
Intel : borderless engineering can help humans vision 2020's co-creation of web3
and millennials development beyond extinction. Kai Fu Lee, Ng, Melinda Gates,
Koike, Lela Ibrahim, Jobs, Satoshi ,Houlin Zhao, Allen, Musk, Brin ,Page ,
Bezos, Ma, Zhengfei, Torvaulds, Berners Lee, Masa Son, It would be a pity if
short-term nationalism stopped us 8 billion humans learning from these tireless
innovative beings. Do sub in your regional counterpart. Also note what no
conventional strategist saw as Intelligence possible before 2017. To clarify:
start with kai fu lee- his best seller on AI in 2017 doesn't explain the ai
thats changing every possibiliity of the 2020s but does it good job of AI up to
2017. He also has unique view because he was sent by google to explore china,
falling ill at same time as google exiting china, writing up ai that inspired
reinventing himself as both venture capitalist in the midst of asia's most
extraordinary student suburb (Zhong...) and as curious observer. I see Ng, Ms
Gates. Koike, Ibrahim -as civil education heroines/heroes - who are yours ?
Satoshi, Zhao, Allen, Musk - gamechangers taking on conflicts that journey us
all through tipping points. One day the world may decide it was a blessing that
a corporate like google and a revolutionary uni like Stanford co-habited the
same 100 square miles- is there any other comparable 100 square miles of
brainworkers for humanity. (I love Hong Kong but thats its own story). The other
5 kept digital movements alive -they merit being valued as engineering heroes
before you decide how to translate systemic components to your regions' -and
mother earth's - urgent needs.



breaking after uk ai safety summit of pm
sunak  TopSecrets-ConveneientTruths.docx 

In the LLM Spring of 2023. AIGames.solar started surveying Bard and human
friends at UNwomens ( Links Web), thanks to year 11 of Abedmooc.com which
emerged from 15 trips sherpa teamwork of  young womens journalists and
cooperation intercity cafes - all gravitated by wish  to listen to Fazle Abed,
Dhaka Bangladesh

 who's intelligence connections advances humanjty most from 1951 and is
expoenetially accelerating goodwill connections now as far as combos of sdg
orbiterss need to see. We blended this with dad's:

1 NormanMacrae.net first 2000 leaders at The Economist motivated by spending
1951 mainly with Von Neumann at Princeton as well as at NY's UN and Walled
Street press

2 40 years of 2025report club begun in 1982

Its brought us to worlds I see launched by all who love womens moments of lift
from 7 Nov - seeing who's worlds are transformative whom. We are passioante
about trying to design gameboards people can show off their Intellignce
Inspirations on. Our fav for 23-24 is designed to help youth and others
journeying to UNSummitfuture.com sept 2024 General Assembly NY as well as
roadmapping begun by educators who declared at the UN Sept 2016 all sdgoals :
were impossible unless we renewed purposes like Einstein's Personalised Learning
for everyone's intelligence to grow livelihoods and community goods

Spefically which of the intelligences do  you see advancing humanity connecting
every hempispeher and gps community regarding

AI WHY -Womens  & Humans & Youths Intelligences

NET at 73:   which are connecting/attentioning  transformerations of language
mediation, education and deep data purposes machine visioned by

FIG  who'shelping millennials achieve the roadmap of Foundfation modeling,
Integration of smart youth capitals invetsing in eg climate cooperation knowhow,
gov2.0 of Guterres and servant leaders such as the billion women empowered
spaces that Fazle Abed most deeply mapped since 1972, shared at Abed's
65birtthday wish party hosted by Steve jobs and the Clare-Francis  Valley of
2001+, and Bill Gates Deep Health/Biotech Seattleites from 2002+

timelines 1 2001+ 2 2002+ 5 2009+ 8 accelerated end 2016; grounded since
guterres job chnage PM portugal to leaders Portuguese Red Cross.. 9 -womens
graetest monents 23-24 en route to Guterres UNsummitfuture.com

Unfortunaltely our world view that humans need to lead love to and from , by and
with 8 billion leads us into deep water questions like these 3 we asked bard
today: who coined term top secret in what context? are the ai involved in top
secrets, what was the Net's views of Top Secrets

Full Dialogue here

Unwomens Linkedin Dialogue here

Discussion of how can King Charels improve on Sunaks AI safety launches here

- i guess whats next depends on much fewer co-sreators than the world's 1000
m,ost ;powerful people like to value; we try to catalogue breadth of choice at
www.normanmacrae.net; watch this space as we try to catalogue who apart from
hassabios Fei-Fei Li Lecun sees all of the above 9 worlds multiplying ecah other
- meanwhile how are women like Melinda Gates, Priscila Chan, Jennifer Doudno,
Aja Wilson, Condoileeza Rice, Lila Ibrahim mixing and matching whatever deep
crisis communities women report in as urgenlt needing next great intellugnece

Posted by chris macrae at 5:57 AM No comments:
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 AIgames.solar - update on gamifying Intelligence worthy of time humans spend as
lifelong learners and mentors

move 1 make a list of which people's intelligences have advanced humanity since
1951 and now in the 2020s; debate lists with peers: business, family, or
communities you love most

play 1 see if you nominations fit 9-win bingo aiverygood game board designed to
celebrate 3 by 3 win-wins with expoenential impacts

TripleUP 1 :AI of Women Humans and Youth aka WHY AI  (suggested benchmark
intelligences of HAI since 2009 : Li Hassabis Hinton Bengio ; of womens ai since
2001 fazle abed & steve jobs; for 23-24 Melinda Gates (sponsor ai4all since
2015- now extraordinary books of womens intelligence year 23-4 ) Dr Li Aja
Wilson Priscilla Chan Jennifer Doudno Condoleeza Rice; of youth AI : Jerry Yang
Andrew Ng Brooklyn's MS T &T. pls note new additions likely weekly - see diary
of events of year UNsummitfuture.com

Triple Up2: Purposes of brainworking machines as seen by 1951's NET Neumann
(1000 mother tongue mediation)-Einstein *ED3)-Turing (Biggest decision makers =
deepest data connectors)

Triple Up3 FIGov2.0 eg Foundations Integration and Gov2.0 maps friends of
Guterres and SDG generation most need to linkin R=Bill Gates & JYKim Gov2=
Guterres Sheika Moza; 

New October 26 UN launches 30 nations UNI (UN Intelligences)



Yes, I saw that Guterres launched the 30 First Nations of UNI United Nations
Intelligences. I think this is a great initiative, and I am excited to see how
it develops. The First Nations of UNI are a diverse group of experts from around
the world, and they will bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the
table. I am confident that they will play a valuable role in helping the UN to
develop and use AI for good.

I think it is particularly important to include First Nations voices in the
conversation about AI. First Nations have a long history of using technology in
innovative and sustainable ways. They have a deep understanding of the land and
the natural world, and they have a unique perspective on how to use technology
to promote human well-being.

I am hopeful that the First Nations of UNI will help the UN to develop AI that
is aligned with human values and that benefits all of humanity. I am also
hopeful that they will help to bridge the digital divide and ensure that all
people have access to the benefits of AI.

Posted by chris macrae at 7:19 AM No comments:
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us policy update jy 2023- bill Create AI  best ai diary in west - nominations to

as we enter year 6/10 of trillion times more compute power going into chat llms,
whose helping humans everywhere see the words worth co-creating



 welcome to agendaheroine AI  2023 would have been dad www.normanmacrae.net 
100th year questioning humanity's goals and 73rd as diarist for
Neumann-Einstein-Turing including The Economist to 1988 and 2025report from
1981. That concluded Neumann futures 1.0 - what god will people united where
they get access to 100+ times more tech per decade. we didn't dare mention exp
multiplier of mapping 40 year future www.economistdiary.com/1984 - but now we
know congress was informed 2018 that there would be trillion times more
computing power for man-made intelligences by 2030; please help humans see the
diary of uniting humanity www.ai20s.com  - what needs be in AI AgendaHeroine -eg
speakers today from 3-day wall street ai bash laguna beach - see the agenda

notes from aigames.solar and www.bard.solar after 4 months of testing whos
intelligence since 1950 do action the most humanity we converted ti-tac into a 9
win game board-  WHY AIit includes diagonal win-wins of Women and Youth AI with
humansai playing bingo to centre and 4 corners (also world hemispheres N.E.W.S
for valuing goodwill mulipliers valuetrue.com and consciousness (love emotional
intel enough to integrate natures coides - see also smiths logic board 1758 -
journal of new economics Glasgow U)

on the woemsai diagonal

herstory celebrates 

2001 when steve jobs hosted 65th birthday part of biallion asian womens
intelligence mapmaker fazle abed in silicon cvalley

in 2009 centrefold:  the greatest female mathematicain and neuroscientist
fei-fei li had handed at harvard and with demis hassabis they declred a decade
of vision data collection for training intelligences

5 years (3rd to 8th od UN sdgs) after congress briefing 2018; melinda gates
leaped ahead from sponsoring with ceo nvidia ai-4-all in 2015 lto ibrary on
lifting womens connectivity for good feature's november's 45 year update on
learning curve by fei-rei li "worlds I see" and early 2024 dear black girl
untining intelliugences basketball superstar aja wilson sees and celebrates;
this is very timeely as in trems of actioning community inteligencs black gorls
are taking lead all over brooklyn - a practice lab within sight of the UN capus
on other side of east River

Posted by chris macrae at 4:52 AM No comments:
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chris macrae

Amazing read! https://us.macmillan.com/books/9781250897930… co-play
http://aigames.solar update fei-fei li tour worlds i see nov 3 - seattle 13th la
virtual14 ... HAI & womensai world SOS 8bnLM; next MGates Lift dear black girls
superstar aja wilson- intercity X's sought http://ai20s.com

Posted by chris macrae at 5:45 AM No comments:
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 AIGAMES - the  WHY NET FIG #Beyond Extinction now

Shall 8 billion beings ask the arts to save the world?
; to do so we will need three-in-one world vision

AI *WHY - what do Women Humans Youth URGENTLY need from AI
*NET- what were crises Neumann-Einstein-Truing visioned  1950S when gifting
world brainworking machines - Neumann's neuron network crisis of translating
1000 cultural languages into one natural good (update of smith ethics model
1758); Einstein's concerns of lifelong studying and teaching - see his dialogues
with Gandhi/Attenborough, Freud, black students on freedom; Turing's deep data
test on recursive capacity of humans in making ARTs; today's biggest leadership
decisions depend on datasets- remarkably few would get a pass if Turing was here
to audit. Here's Bard's take on this state of ignorance

*FIG constitutional transformation of every legislated type of org -
foundations, integration, gov2.0
much more on first 20 people who see all of these links at EconomistDiary.com :
AI Games: Architect Intelligence - tell us your own fantasy league if you prefer
vision different 20 to this western quartersphere


Posted by chris macrae at 7:37 AM No comments:
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 UNITING NATIONS & YOU? Nominations show that if WHY (Womens Humans & Youthful
AI) is to help Guterres (and multilaterals and any place serving its peoples
bests ) with gov2 roadmapping, then

 we need the verticals of personalised education to optimise lifetime spends of
all ages ; and of 1001 LLM  converging cultures of 1000 mother tongues to be
Intelligence decades smartest translation gateway to web3 not the most
ignorant=spreading agent which diluted kindness and trust  big  platforms of

3 horizontals of Architect Intelligence: 

bottom foundation models; 

middle row: top tech ceos need to make best goodwill inter-generation leap
(moonshots if you will)  with next wave of tech not just short-term most

 top interdependence/collaboration between captals of sdg intelligence world
starting with Brooklyn as demo town of practising intel across East River (Un

5.1 FFL 5.2 DH
6.1 AI2 6.2NvidiaCeo
4.1-4.3 Pichai/Brin/Page
9.1MGates 9.2 PChan 9.3Aja Wilson
1.1Fazle Abed 1.2SJobs
2.1 Jkim, 2.2BGates
8.1 Guterres 8.2
 Sheika Moxa
3.1 Yang, 3.2Ng
7. MST&T 



AIGames - would you like to play Games of AI (Architect Intelligence) Tool up
with  NET & WHY & FIG

The moves are simple enough - WHO's Intelligence Who do you see as most
consistently advancing humanity since 1950, and now as exponential change
accelerates around every human (8 billion) and Artificial (almost unlimited in

 Back in 1951 primarily 3 mathematical wizards Neumann-Einstein-Turing
launched machines for brainworking. They foresaw a tremendous gamble with
everyone's lifetimes, and behavioral data. About 11 billion have participated at
least in part of  generational consequences of the 3Q 1950-2025 . Whilst
previous machine types had increased wealth times health's life expectancy up to
200 fold for a minority, most 1950s people had not yet accessed the benefits;
instead they had been trapped in  reconciling 2 world wars and fearfully spun by
nuclear maths' edge of extinction

1951 Neumann gave a year of briefings out of Princeton & New York. My dad
NormanMacrae.net (rookie journalist surviving role of teenage navigator allied
bomber command Burma) had been sent by The Economist from London to NYPrinceton
to make notes EconomistDiary.com : AI Games: Architect Intelligence He spent his
life on a journalists quiz Neumann conceived for mediation across global village
quarterspheres NEWSforGOOD, as well as local to global reflections on human
conditioning compiled as Neumann's biography

Neumann's last concern  was neural networking language mediation -see final
notes The Computer & The Brain he hade on his deathbed 5 years later, or 60
years learning curve up see Neural Network for schools produced by the likes of 
Stanford HAI's Fei-Fei Li, Nvidia CEO, Melinda Gates ai-for-all.org resources :
;; Einstein's primarily education challenges gravitated around chaotic mess in
science (for human examples of uncertainty principles see Einstein's dialogues
of peace with Gandhi (later Attenborough family dialogues), Behavioral Dynamics
with Freud, Freedom of speech Studies with black undergraduates); Turing's Trust
crises looked at integration of deep data mapping including his ultimate Test of
recursive qualities of different brain types!

THE WHY of AI- what do Women, Humans and Youth want Intelligence race to spend
our time and data on. 

THE FIG In turn 2.0 transformational design and governance of organisations
constitutions requires seeing through Foundation models, Interdependencies of
Meta-Society at every GPS and Gov2.0 reconstituting transparency of
organisational systems**N (ie networks not separated leadership systems). 

DEVILISH DETAILING Yes such simple actions & reactions have nano-consequences
(Foot 1): Urgency now linksin 8 billion people choosing  what future worlds you,
I, Segments eg Dear Black Girls and Greatest Maths folks see. Without very good 
infusion of brainpower from NET WHY &, FIG the machines intelligences (now with
80 billion transistors per chip- that's 10 per human per chip) will operate
blind to nature's deepest codes, and every sort of abuse of human existence will
multiply all over mother earth. 

Lack of openness of intergenerational vision now will collapse all the love and
goodwill families need to exist.

In centre square 5 we suggest beginning with players 5.1 Hassabis and 5.2
Fei-Rei Li- both are more humanity driven than money per se; with logic
pretraining hassabis has leapt forward with science i donating the 200000
biotech protein model of alphfold2 to humanity; fei-fei lis has been in
epicentre of all object vision data training and its impacts of disciplines
students study; although reading text/nlp is part of visioning , so 6.1 could
call on ceos of nvidia and ai2 to help with personalised learning vertical;
while pichai, brin page at 4.1 could help optimise 1001 language model/mediation
of web3 of; at 9.1,2 we put wests top female philanthropists MGates and Pchan
noting 23-24 social launches in womens moments of lift by fei-fei li worlds i
see and aja wilson der black girl. Back at 1.1,1.2 the consciousness of valley
was won=ken up 2001 by steve jobs hosting abed 65 birthday wish (new
universities minimising silos between female grad alumni); by 2002  2.1jykim and
bill gates were needing abed's womens intel thus 2 connects vertical of gov2.0
with HAI and Guterres and Moza at space 8; continuing the bottom horizontal -
yang and ng have been anchors welconing hai and stanford students from every
gps; yang is also chair of the stanford board of trustees as at 7 is one of
MsT&T- who is also the lead investir in neuroscience schools across usa and
brooklyn's inner city justice funds and parallel basketball superstar's to
melinda gates aja wilson out of LA

Gameboard current premierAI 20 whose AI might most help UN as well as all 8
billion of us humans

HAI's top 2 - In history of maths its not unusual that the scope of a huge field
is best introduced by 2 people - in human AI's case Hassabis and Fei-Fei Li.. In
my view their neuorscience phds connevted with Von Neumann's last specifications
of brainworking which had been relatively ignored by those who guilt computers
or marketed coding and applications . Equally whars fascinating is there is so
much system transformation work to do if milennials are to be the first
renewable generation that ai is both a 21st C literacy in demanding aiverygood
is shared  AI20s.com through every community and in true brainworking
expectations of 1950s needs to unite everyone if 8 billion beings are to help
advance not destroy every plaace and peoples. 

The case for hassabis leading Science AI partnerships including such huge
choices as google - is relatively simple to post- see this dialogue with bard 

 With over 170 partbership accelerating every year - and an apparnent passion to
free every millennial who could change world with human ai - Fei-fei li is
harder to updatebut start with this context in 2019 -one of the first events
after formal launch of Stanfird Human_cntric AI (HAI)
(rsvp chris.nacrae@yahoo.co.uk if you see big omission)  

 2023, FeiFeiLi (now in year 15 as stanford's human ai superstar data-visioning
connector and probably world #1 maths whiz;   diary booktour nov 14 la/virtual
==10 years convening largest object vision space imagenet connecting hundreds of
research teams to stanforsrs starung early with hassabis; melinda gates and
nvidia ceo ask ffl to edit 10 schools curricula aifir all; she goes to google
cloud for 18 pinths but then returns to stanford - hai is launched so no
discipline left behind in ai; wife of ai director at salesforce a company
turning its core processes into LLM- see forbes;  next month sees launch of 
Fei-Fei "worlds I see" in MGates wonmens (AI) Lift genre

we classify 9 win-dimensions 3 multipliers of AI : WHY, Women Human Youth; 3
system deigns FIG Foundational, Integral Gov2 (eg empowering); 3 urgent
innovation edges : NET (NeuronLLM) ED3(personalised learning) T- Trust Top Tech

===========================Formatting 9 dims on one screen not that easy, here's
a second look if you will bear with fellow players of AiGames




159 WAI core Abed/Jobs(HAI)MelindaGates 1/PChan/JDoudna/AjaWilson /MsT&T/
CRice..MChen (fazle abeed top 10 legacy include fintech africa reeta eoy; womens
uni sheika moza; nigeria health ola brown; literacy india sunita gandhi  coding
africa audrey cheng) -possibly lost links who is wangaari mathaai of 2020s and
will climate adaptation africa ever come together without a collaboratir lile
her (it makews no sese to me that unhabitat hq in kenya cant scale wasnaari
maathai intel)

123 Health Abed JYKim Bgates MarthaChen PFarner Soros Brilliant

& Nature- 360 Yang/Ng

13795 HAI    


51379 Fei-Fei Li-HassabisHAI Core

258 Gov2.0 Kim HAI Guterres Moza

456 Top Tecg Poprioties Top Goofle Nvifia AI2 HA

349 Neumann NN language models- comourer & brain 1950s




357 JYang/Ang/HAI/Brooklyn Ms T&T

123 Foundations Model

349 1000 Language model converge culture & borderless community solutions needed
wherever family building is truly valued

167 Personalised Learning & Global Id in 2001 the new uni movement of silicon
valley founded with steve jobs and fazle abed around vision that universities
designed round stdent debt corrupt the whole of edu and need replacing by
livelihood uni - more

789 Youth borderless goodwill communities

75 years












Neumann Neural Net

349 Neumann NN language models- computer & brain 1950s

HAI Fei-Fei li Hassabis Neurscience MxT; AI2 (NLP)/ llm partnership



167 Peronalised Learning & Global Id









Foundation Models Morals







WHYAI replace sdg17 UN/multilateral leadership intel

Some key players q4 2023

Condoleeza Rice WHYFIG - leads hoover at stanfird; lead reviewed of worlds I see
and nano-consequences for places futures 


some current searches among players of AIGames  Russ Altman, the Kenneth Fong
Professor of Bioengineering, Genetics, Medicine, Biomedical Data Science and (by
courtesy) Computer Science at Stanford. He is the past chairman of the
Bioengineering Department at Stanford University. His primary research interests
are in the application of computing and informatics technologies to problems
relevant to medicine. He hosts the Stanford Engineering program The Future of

Posted by chris macrae at 12:05 PM 2 comments:
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intelligence world's leading panels - CA DC UN'-SummitFuture NY

Gamma3 world I see with FFLi: Ms Condoleeza Rice, ..Melinda Gates...Jennifer
Doudna, , Audrey Cheng ...:: Mr Ed Catmuti, Antonio Guterres, Hassabis, Hoffman
Reid, Pichai ...
BetaAfrica 1 Mandela, Maathai, Roy, Kirrane
Alpha2food- borlaug, longpin, abed, chandler
Gamma2 AICancer/drug discovery Vertes Bosselut, Curtis, Fei-Fei LI, Hassabis -
see also June 2023 Welcome pdf
Alpha4HealthDeepIntel Paulo Freire, Fazle Abed, Martha Chen & Family, James
Grant, Paul Farmer, George Soros, JYKim, Antonio Guterres. Melinda Gates. Lila
Human AI valley Gamma317: Etchemendy, Brin, Pichai, Page
Gamma4 Mustafa Suleyman,, Jeff Dean, Ilya Sutskever, Timnit Gebru: Bard was kind
enough to review AI Game and to add these additional nominations
α20 Drucker Schwab Guterres Abe -and back Ackoff Simon Owen Soros Attenborough
Neumann Einstein Orwell
Gamma3 Human AI Valley: Etchemendy, Pichai, Brin, Page

from AIGOODmedia.com  :world's most valuable meeting in 60 years or ever!- not
since JFKennedy, world leaders asked platform solutions from humanity's top 3



1 Change Media: The first tele age began in 1865 with Switerland’s ITU apponted
to cooperatively mediate coms standard across nations first of telegrams then
telephones , radio; telexes .. we know that tele1 ‘s 80 years to 1945 did not go
well ending with 2 wotld wars – it was therefore important to design tele2 ,
web1 and web 2 eras in ways that maximised win-win cooperation--- missed
opportunities include around 2000 from tele2 to web1 research.; this hasn’t
happened and leaves in 2020s us with the ultimate challenge of getting web 3
good for millennials to be the SDG generation- can blockchain help? Can various
gaming and metaverse tools help? can all of these interconnect education and ai
for good- see also UN2 Global Connectivity
My 50 journeys to Asia began with Unilever project Indonesia 1982; the greatest
privilege of my life being invited by Japan Ambassador to bangladesh to start
what became 16 journeys to bangladesh in remembrance of my father Norman's joy
of human development - see Abedmooc.com and beingAi.com- join our next journey
chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk Change Education; Back in 1981 - co-authored
2025report-: my family and The Economist were now benefiting from 30 years
experiential learning of linking Von Neumann inspired surveys; this led us to
believe digital humans (web1 from 1990, web2 from 2005 ) most important
innovation would be skills dashboard and personal trainer for every being; we
could not imagine that in 2023 a uni in my fav city NY would stop students from
playing with first 100 million dollar brain-may you all be free again soon-
meanwhile clues of what your brainpower is missing are at ai.gov or mingle with
6000 educators who love your future most: NY based ED3dao.com 3 Design Good AI4
Training every places' next decades Maths Goats and assign to nature's deepest
data searches and open sources5 Transform gov to servant leadership -how many
different professions hippocratic oaths will you need to update to achieve
this/6 work out behavioral change (subcomscious as well as conscious mindset
frames if inter-generation of 8 billion beings to valuetrue interact rights
beyond borders and inclusion within, as well as future's most urgent new
sustainability puzzles7 recursion of womens/parents kindness in every way this
community flow celebrates what short-term monetisation cannot
Leaders of womensAI and SD generation include Fei-Fei Li (UN started aiforgood
summits from 2018; AI4All;major cordinator of USA year 1 briefing ai.gov in
2023; Jeanne Lim first to help UN celebrate UN humanoid sophia as SDGs connectr
2017; at beingai.com first to ask how womens AI avatar celebrations and web3 can
launch each other & Mongolia’s founder of Girlstech from late 2022 – joint host
of Mongilian and Un tech envoy summit 2022
in terms of deep research that chnaged AI Fei-Fei Li has few equals- here’s what
chatgpt say about her up to 2105 Fei-Fei Li made significant contributions to
the field of computer vision, which helped to advance AI during the period
between 2000 and 2015 with the creation of ImageNet, a large-scale visual
database for machine learning research. The ImageNet project provided a massive
amount of data for training computer vision models, and its release in 2009 was
a major turning point in the development of deep learning and convolutional
neural networks. The availability of large amounts of annotated data allowed
researchers to build more accurate and efficient computer vision models, and
this helped to spur progress in other areas of AI, such as natural language
processing and robotics. Fei-Fei Li also worked on developing new techniques for
machine learning, particularly in the area of unsupervised learning. Her work on
unsupervised feature learning, which aims to automatically learn representations
of data without human supervision, helped to advance the development of deep
learning techniques and made it possible to train models on large amounts of
unstructured data.
,other researchers such as Geoffrey Hinton, Yann LeCun, and Yoshua Bengio and
Demis Hassabis with his team at DeepMind also made major contributions to the
development of deep learning and other AI techniques. In addition, the
contributions of industry giants like Google, Microsoft, and IBM, who invested
heavily in AI research and development during this period, also played a
significant role in driving the advancement of AI.

Keynes last lesson - no economist can compound more than 1 purpose
- corollary as seconded by climate czar kerry at davosagenda.com jan 2021-at
glasgow cop26 lets demand any corporate leader maps purpose of leading market
- The 21st c Economist alphabet of purposes :
AI Bank Diary Food Green Health ...

probably the 2 most human arguments my father (norman macrae) made in
sub-editing over 2000 leaders in the economist for most of the second half of
the 20th century

-1) health builds sustainable economies not vice versa- two trillion dollar
debates on health most concerning father:
in least developing countries, nothing is more important to a place's future
than raising average life expectancy from 40s to 60s; what matters is a
country's opportunity to develop round 40 years of productive life instead of
20; the average life expectancy of least developed countries hides the amount of
focus needed on child and maternal health;

2) how tech and particularly von neumans ai impacts health will determine
species survival or extinction- this is an exponential challenge - by 2025 or
2030 at the outside we will likely know if mother earth still values our species

what diary events in 2021 do you recommend interacting in 2021 to progress the
human lot?

worldrecordjobs.com asks: has any american has been loved as much worldwide as
james grant? he valued poorest children -their health, their freedom/communities
to grow up safe and happily curious- everywhere -especially where huge youth
populations were struggling with poverty's chains - making unicef a solutions
branch perhaps unlike any un branch before or since

my personal opinion -year 37 of argument co-authored with dad the economist's
norman macrae in 1984- is when national politicians get in way of future of
children - our species survival is put exponentially at risk even faster than
what we do to climate but happy to learn from those with alternative valuation
hypotheses chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk

of course in these exciting 2020s, valuation priorities are tied up with how
fast tech is redesigning what is humanly and what is artificially operated real
time - changing what government is or isnt free to do- a reason why we want to
see what teachers of every age group actually understand about ai - when
education misses out a whole curriculum its both a teaching and learning crisis
- the biggest loser being the younger half of the world

grant references include - unicef annual report year grant died

promises kept - testimonies by grant alumni / south asia

the first 2 saarc summits convened in bangladesh and delhi appear seminal-
unfortunately there seem to be few open source proceedings of these conferences
- if you find any let us know chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk


Should we dare to listen to asia’s poorest women as well as animal
kingdomspecies traced by the bbc’s david attenborough, the good news is the hard
work over the last half century by the world’s poorest women reveals
segmentation of market purposes that any community dependent on last mile
services adapt. Mental adaptation needed to celebrate tech of worldwide
connectivity involves mediating loving societal awareness; analytic adaptation
involves transparently clarifying what data is supplied for machine intel not
just to crunch but to turn into real-time public service platforms- the great
innovation and goowill multiplication challenge of the 2020s.

Market segmentation – rehearsed at fazle abed roundtable briefings on coalition
of girls-sdg new universities

Safe & Resilient Community

Barefoot rights lawyers, and professionals concerned with 4 market sectors most
related to goal 1 poverty, 2 hunger, 3 health, 4 education

Community-resilient coalitions -maximising communities skills for disaster
preparedness and relief

Training of future public servants aligned to deep data of the least sustainable
families wherever ai platforms operate real time public services- the species
defining challenge of the 2020s in humanising AI

Last mile Health service markets

· *Basic life-critical knowhow -eg non-prescription drugs and clean water/oral

· *Infectious diseases

· *Chronic diseases

*Surgery caused by violent accident

*Mental -wellness diseases – often initiated by abuse or societal neglect

Lifelong livelihood/skills education

College education

Teenage education including different bridges to career -eg college is different
from apprentice

Primary education


Agriculture (goal 2 )

Food security to end famine and/or obesity

Water and food positively energizing human body not contaminated by waste or
energy needed for machines

Land and ocean connections with green needs if earth to support 10 billion
instead of eg 1.5 billion – the usa ecology of land etc use

Finance -what we know is these 6 financial systems are needed to end poverty of
billion poorest women of 20th century

*Double loop reformation of global aid industry round microfranchise (social
business) when value chains can be redesigned round those previously most left
out of infrastructure etc- and grants that directly transfer life critical
capacity locally

*Ultra grant to graduate to savings and loans for poorest

*Savings and loans for poorest allied to value chain design integrating smallest
local enterprises with least infrastructure

*Small enterprise banking for next generation who move from village to city

*Remittance banking

*Digital banking prioritised for the unbanked or underbanked

The 1960s moon race decade may have seemed like the most exciting time to be
alive with its giant leap for mankind. The communications reality of all who
mediate needs to be the 2020s celebrated multiple ground level leaps forward
round mother earth: post-covid, towards green, around all lives matter- this
requires education and health revolutions connecting every community way beyond
the capability of zero-sum monetary games. Fortunately, the 4th industrial
revolution offers a just-in-time escape route from oblivion – humanising
artificial brains to operate real-time platforms which in turn depends on
transparent mapping of data – bottom up and open- because those are nature’s
evolutionary accounting rules



See new Tweets



what if educators not economists determine species growth or extinction


Sep 12, 2020


Jan 29, 2020


Jul 24, 2020


Oct 29, 2019
Human AI


May 15, 2020
asian entrepreneur


Feb 29, 2020
corona curricula

x an open letter to hosts of education laureates from authors of 1984's

we have attended some of your prize givings and nothing inspires us like those
who free children with education

but our opinion in 2020s : it's impossible to live up to the legacy of those who
valued children most like james grant or fazle abed- with prizes that only
single out one person's team and one age range of education- of course these are
inspiring but they cant flow the whole transformation of education on which
sustainability will depend

one classic example of chatting to fazle abed- moocs had just arrived at the
world bank around 2013 when jim kim was in charge

abed teasingly said
i get Massive - i like scaling solutions
i get Open - nobody should ever patent a life critical solution - a note my
family found in von neumanns diaries when writing his biography
i get Online
but why isnt C for collaboration?

there are so many missing action skills/curricula of 2020s-and if the younger
half of the world is to make transformations to health, green and education they
will need network collaboration more than individual brilliance - whether its
mapping how to vaccinate everyone or humanising artificial intelligence for good
towards lifelong teaching and studying

in our opinion, teachers of any age group urgently need to be freed to be
curious about tech and ai- how can the age group they teach be excited about
using tech to be the first sdg generation if the teachers are neither excited
nor exploring whats next with #aiforgood - if instead youth are being chained to
historic standard exams

moreover the most valuable skills any 19 year old can learn are now changing
every 4 years; since 2015 there has been more new local data worldwide than the
whole of history- how computers turn that into operational platforms will depend
on what 19 year olds are free to do/connect in 2020s far more than siloised
expert olders

fazle's main answer to 2020s as ultimate sdg decade, which he discussed with
most asian ambassadors in his final years eg twice at dinner tables kindly
hosted by japan ambassador in remembrance of my father- find at least one new
university per country- make a coalition- share all courses- don't put
community-engaged students in debt- start getting ai to digitally identify each
students own proven digital skillsets -

- if as kerry said at innovating economics to sustain net generation
goodhubsguide.com since 2006 last glasgow may be humanity's last best chance to
go green - isnt it also the last best chance to free children from over-siloised
education? to massively transfer knowhow for last mile services health and smart
and culturally inclusive

chris macrae
EconomistDiary.com thanks alibrac.com 1BillionGirls.com washington dc + 1 240
316 8157

ps the home capital of 5 generations of my diaspora scot family is glasgow whose
university was also abed's alma mater and the start of the machine age 260 years
ago- if you have any challenges or celebrations to share during glasgow cop26
we'd love to help maximise celebrating yidan prize winners or searching for
nominations 2022



I am a huge fan of how reeta roy has grown mastercard foundation - she has
connected much of boston's best village mobile entrepreneurs since graduating
from tufts and for some time out of toronto where 2g technology eg blackberry
relevant to eg mpesa generation models hubbed- she followed the extarordinary
innovations by the quadir family and thence fazle abed; it will be fascinating
to see if her knowledge and that of 2023 candidate Banga for world bank get a
chance to multiply

 Very interested in investment foci of mrs steve jobs and the changes in foci of
the recently divorced mrs gates and mrs bezos (ms mackenzie scott)

chatgpt offers these views  of ms mackenzie scott

 1. he Equality Can't Wait Challenge: In 2020, MacKenzie Scott partnered with
    the Pivotal Ventures team at Melinda Gates' investment firm to launch the
    Equality Can't Wait Challenge. The initiative aims to fund and support
    organizations working to advance gender equality in the United States.

 2. Seeding Sovereignty: Seeding Sovereignty is a nonprofit organization that
    focuses on Indigenous sovereignty and land rights, as well as environmental
    justice. MacKenzie Scott donated $4 million to the organization in 2020.

 3. Racial Equity 2030: In partnership with the Rockefeller Foundation,
    MacKenzie Scott is supporting the Racial Equity 2030 initiative, which aims
    to address systemic racism through a series of large-scale grants.

and these of Ms Laurene Powell Jobs

 1. Emerson Collective: Emerson Collective is a social change organization
    founded by Laurene Powell Jobs that focuses on a range of issues, including
    education, immigration, and the environment. The organization uses a range
    of strategies, including impact investing, grantmaking, and advocacy, to
    advance its goals.

 2. College Track: College Track is a nonprofit organization founded by Laurene
    Powell Jobs that focuses on increasing college access and success for
    low-income and underrepresented students. The organization provides a range
    of services, including academic tutoring, college counseling, and leadership

 3. XQ Institute: XQ Institute is a nonprofit organization founded by Laurene
    Powell Jobs that focuses on transforming American high schools to better
    prepare students for the future. The organization supports a range of
    initiatives, including curriculum development, teacher training, and
    community engagement.

news on melinda gates (as well as her early interest in compiling pledges) seems
to be emerging ..

In 2015, she founded Pivotal Ventures, which invests in for-profit and
non-profit companies with a view to improving women’s lives in the US. Her 2019
book, The Moment of Lift: How Empowering Women Changes the World, She is
contributing to contributes to Co-Impact’s Gender Fund and recently announced
her support for not-for-profit social enterprise Harambee.
The Financial Times mentions her interests in a new breed of collaboratives but
one would need to check which she is in : CLIMATE The Hive Fund for Climate &
Gender Justice Climate Leadership Initiative Climate and Clean Energy Equity
Fund GENDER Black Feminist Fund International Trans Fund Global Fund for Women
RACIAL EQUITY Pop Culture Collaborative The New Breath Foundation The African
Visionary Fund Liberated Capital SOCIAL JUSTICE Pulsante Amazon Defenders Fund
Blue Meridian Partners YOUTH Visionary Freedom Fund The Firelight Foundation The
New Schools Venture Fund


x alumni NAD Macrae:: Japan Order Rising Sun 1988, UK CBE @myUNUSlab ::
EconomistDiary.com :: first 60 years of debates on AI for humans 2025report.net
:: maps of global trade's continents and oceans sinojapan.org :: remembrance
hubs 2020-10 Unacknowledgedgiant.com rsvp chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk

 * Tweets676
 * Following4,156
 * Followers129

Published This morning
in world where english truth is in the eye of the speaker, advise…

Published July 11, 2019
normanmacrae.net what if satellite entrepreneurs linkedin every…

100 heroines for 2020s
Published July 2, 2019
sources eg nhkworld & normanmacrae.net and examples of region…

society 5.0 thanks mr abe and mr son
Published June 26, 2019
over 60 years japan has shared moon race tech with most of the…

everyone = student teacher AI trainer
Published June 1, 2019
60 years Economist debates AI comparing Japan Bay & Intel valley…

Consider Japan 1962-2025
Published May 25, 2019
sustain the world www.EconomistJapan.com normanmacrae.net…







Jul 13
worldrecordjobs.com asia library


Jul 9
Media Wars: Goodwill vs Badwill nets


Jun 30


May 30
What is Classroom Education?


May 27
Test Declaration of Interdependence Between Britain & China


Questions of the month:

June 2019 DC Axios:

News Shapers: Trade and Tariffs

Could we start sharing a

Map from North America

To Latin America where

regional chambers of congress

explain the trade freedoms that

will make or break their peoples:

Eg South Dakota’s view

El Paso’s view

What's your vision for what we humans can do with a trillion times more tech
than when we landed on the moon? And if we don't achieve you vision with a
trillion what moore is needed? chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk
axios has a lot of ideas- eg mid june 2019 why not help peoples of russia make
the most of wheir their planet interfaces with the arctic circle before talking
up colonising mars?
here's our midway vision drawing on surveys published in The Economist
(originals at normanmacrae.net)

DIARIES & Resources
BR0 BRI Apr 019 Beijing 36 nmatuional leaders + guterres & lagarde &

BRUN May 2019 UN report digital coop led by jack ma and melinda gates
BR6 Aiib 2019 - luxembourg ETA July 2019
BR1 G20 Japan june 2019 -
REiwajoy.com emperor celebratyions with 196 nations novemebr japan
also in 2019 apec chile;

Resources BR2 - Nilekani storyboard bn person id reboots india

2019 EconomistDiary.com: 2020s 1 trillion times Moore than moon race 1960s; 300
trillion dollar gap wests most liquid finance and humanity’s most vital goals

Ghana sends more students to china universities than any other african country;
Ghana woe 6th education laureates- first won by Bangladesh girl empowerment
networks- jack ma partners Bangla fintech but not yet edutech- 7th education
laureates wise nov 2019

Founder vanke wants to maximise japan goodwill connections and diary of world
stage events – eg g20 emperor celebration olympics japan expo 2025

Ctrp founder maximise what sino-japan tourists value eg green twin community
tourism- fresh slow food value chains; arts rituals

Japan Emperor & Prince Charles (commonwealth) visions for 21st post colonial
harmony -connection with 5g visionaries eg maso-san ma, Zhenfei, yang

Charles first united japan and European economies at 1964 olympics- Britain
(english speakers) main reconciliation responsibility across south asia belt.
Connected with prince charles are BBC world leading journalists nature and

India’s critical year starts with election results and how billion person
digital id used- how did AIIB (UK connectors Jin’s daughter, Alexander, Lord
Stren) Mumbai go, whats goal of luxembourg aiib- can japan and china share more
projects eg Jakarta- metro japan , slums aiib and worldbank- APEC diary nov

Education youth friendship embassies

Schwarzman -china’s rhodes scholarships for global affairs students @tsinghua
sponsored by US blackstone Japan Softbank Hong Kongs CKGSB -american university
prof championing us-india affairs at schwarzman as well as spiritual movements
like DAMO

5G Embassies

Which countries believe 5G #DigitalCooperation key to SDGs- which billionnaires
lead market value chain

Fashion billionaires:

Value of youth celebrities

Japans’s Uniqlo

Spain’s Zara

All Asian girls livelihoods

Smartest pro-youth and local to global mediators eg tian wei liu xin

UN Connections-

UN china 20 subnetworks

:border that both china and un need most worldwide support

UNESCO inside education G5 AI teachers assistants

Italy bridge to EU and all med coastal belt nations and latin south. Romano
Prodi – Italian translator of Entrepreneurial Revolution 1976

Faith that true community can change anything if can connected with knowhow –
Confucian, Franciscan, …

Belt Road Mapping Embassies

Infra banking Embassies

Interesting spaces CEEC +1 _+1

SCO plus india; 6 plus 1

Cofac; Celac ; BRICS APEC

Jim Kim move for afri9ca infrastructure- UNCtad focus on Africa;

Geneva epicentre of unctad itu wto who red cross wef-IR4

2018 BR6 Unctad Oct 2018
BR1 world bank annual meetiong (Indonesia ) update on billion dollar project to
end slums- launch of 2019 world dev report - livelihoods

BR9 FOCAC 3 sept 2018

Wise UNGA sept 2018 NY &

AIIB Mumbai June 018 &

G20 J Prep from 1 Aug 018

MAolympics to July 2020 Japan &

macrae‏ @obamauni 6h6 hours ago

@theeconomist norman macrae's top 20 surveys helping other peoples nations
changing education are downloadable
… questions welcome chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk http://www.alibabauni.com
http://www.considerbangladesh.com NM foundation youth project

...Shall we design markets for 10 billion, 3 bn or zero people?..


As people concerned by community and global media, this is our fast moving
understanding of what partners in UN's great debate on sustainability goals (17
goals is a lot for one screen -more at EconomistRefugees.com) is about? we (eg 6
generations of diaspora scots mediating community health across 4 hemispheres)
love to hear what you think the purpose of sustainability goals education is.
rsvp isabella@unacknowledgedgiant.com

Depending what languages and faiths you use, different origins to this debate
can be found. The one my scottish diaspora family knows best started 175 years
ago in 1843 around James Wilson. His first concern was whether it was possible
to design markets so that 2 islands - britain and ireland- grew in peace. He
founded The Economist in 1843 to host what became a 17 year debate during his
life time. The results were mixed ..continued here

MAP win-win coastal BELT and continental high ROAD

41st year of celebrating return of china as central kingdom.. macrae dictionary
of end poverty economics

Friends of Macrae EconomistDiary @175


chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk with a typical invitation to esteemed mentors of

please join in or tell us who might represent you - i see shorebank's Home -
Global Alliance - For Banking on Values now has a training institute at MIT - as
i expect you know iqbal quadir whose mit lab started with yunus moved over to
brac and helped form http://www.bkash.org as world's number 1 cashless bank

this fall summit will be at brac
the main chinese participant is ying lowrey - the main academic researcher of
jack ma and beijing teaching university tsinghua

she is being asked whether she wants to move to hangzhou to co-lead the alibaba
global business school, which is a partnership with UNCTAD and others best able
to scout for dev world's most sustainable youth entrepreneurs

as you know april saw the gamechabging event of jack ma taking 20% share in
brac's fintech http://www.bkash.com

this oportunity will never come agaib to ask co-creative scaling questions like
will bkash and jack's fintech for poorest 2 billion across s asia- how might
nilekani's 1 billion person universal identity fit into ultra poverty reach

what is the ,livelihood connection between fintech and edutech and girl

if it is true that there are 300 trillion dollars of most liquid assets none of
which see sdg solutions as an asset class what can the un do about this'

jack is now connected with 4 un movements the latest with melinda gates invited
by guterres is to report on digital cooperation by march 2019 in time for
beijing to accelerate all its new development banking partnerships and belt road
mapmaking across continents may 2019

ying knows who the top people around jack ma are so any idea she understand she
will ;pass on- indirectly she also trains the 1000 young people who tsinghua
sends abroad since she helps host the youth friendship space afterhours that all
3 top beijing universities meetup at because its within walking distance-
chinese global broadcasters are known to select their global youth panelists
primarily from this space

mostofa from bangladeshi villages if day to day builder of this summit-
originally sir fazle asked us to do it with his education director because brac
had started being left out of the best edutech connection of the wise laureates
a summit founded around celebrating him'- i diont understand why global summits
do that so often because i dream all people could learn finance and end poverty
from a team editorially led by sir fazle

jack ma has said from 2020 he will move to education as his main challenges

if none of your people can be there but want to submit an investigation piece we
will be trying to get student unions from both brac and chinese university on
the case mentored by ying or relevant members of sir fazles team or both

my famlys foundation 9th year of being a minor sponsor of evengts dad at the
economist';s end poverty sub-editor would have approved of - we return to
bangladesh after year 3 main event composed 2 roundtables at japan embassy whose
chief moderators were sir fazle abed brac and kamil quadir bkash

i remain in dc 240 316 8157 VALUETRUE.com http://www.economistdiary.com


detailed questions best go to mostofa who is working on this every day with brac
and liaising with ying lowrey - we were privileged to bring 2 chinese students
to sir fazles 80th birthdays and they had helped make initial connections with
ying and tsinghua - her main mentor in usa is columbia's nobel laureate phelps
of mass thriving


July 2018: breaking news from EconomistDiary, Norman Macrae Foundation partners
with BRAC- Bangladesh's and girl empowerment's hub of WISE world's first
education laureate to host futures roundtables of girls' fintech and edutech.
October 1-7 sees our 3rd event following roundtables with Sir Fazle Abed and
Kamal Quadir which were both kindly staged by the Japan Embassy in Dhaka, Though
largely unacknowledged. dad , Norman Macrae, was awarded The Emperor's Order of
the Rising Sun with Gold Bars for relentlessly arguing that essential to
sustainability goals would be a return to people/family centric economics ;
:Population-wise this would be led by the East especially the tenth of the
world's young women living in China and Bangladesh. We aim to celebrate the
recent fintech partnership between www.bkash.com of www.brac.tv and Jack Ma's
Ant Finance of Alibaba -which is set to bank for empowering the poorest 2
billion on the planet. Moderating the week will be Ying Lowrey, Chinese
academia's lead researcher of Ali Baba, featuring fresh news of the new global
business school and all curricula celebrating SME value chain: (More on
Professor Lowrey of Tsinghua.)

At time of writing (3rd week of July_) Jack Ma was just invited by the UN's
Guterres to lead a new panel on digital cooperation in every market : first
report march 2019 ready for 100 nation's leaders of Belt Road Imabineering
(EconomistDiary May 2019 Beijing BRI 2.0 host Xi Jinping).

On Dhaka's Road to Beijing, friends of BRAC and ALIRESEARCH hope we will
progress edutech connections -ref why Norman Macrae's Entrepreneurial Revolution
at The Economist posited a sea-change in education would be necessary if
sustainability is to be all parents' gift to millennials livelihoods and joy of
being universally connected. chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk washington dc 240 316 8157


Jack Ma and Melinda Gates report is due Spring 2019 in time for sustainability's
top 100 national leaders to celebrate at the second BRI.school summit to be
hosted by Xi Jinping Beijing May 2019

more at EconomistDiary.com which aims to celebrate formal meeting of national
leaders eg over 65 national ledaers mapping beyond colonisation's world trade
routes - next beijing may 2019, tokyo olympics summer 2020 - and informal
collabioations next dhaka oct 1-7, 2018 - chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk

Worldwide Update for linking in peoples sustainability world trades during 1461
days of Trumpdom - see how to use map at @obamauni #TheEconomist or this
linkedin group on Jack Ma's FifthEconomy

From The Economist 1976 Coming Entrepreneurial Revolution by Norman Macrae;
celebrated across Italy with Romano Prodi - where are friends of small
enterprise globalisation today? Norman died 2010- april 2017 Romano Prodi at
Beijings ThinkinChina -Norman's 3 MVPs of Entrepreneurial Revolution

Sir Fazle Abed, BRAC Bangladesh, Chief Guest at Japan Embassy celebration of
Macrae 2012

Jack Ma

Muhammad Yunus, Chief Guest Norman;s last public birthday party St James,
London, 2008

MAO: women lift the sky of half the world -

 * 1977 survey China:: 45th annual entrepreneurial revolution challenge (est The
   Economist 1972) www.cyberchinacenter.com and worldcitizen.tv - best news
   China open spaces G20 : SME every market, One Belt forum: upgrade
   inter-hemisphere trade infrastructure, celebrate www.supercity.university Big
   Data Small eg blockchain social services, transform livelihood-rich education

BELT ROAD IMAGINEERING -elementary game rules-
look at all neighbor nations or states - can you see a win-win trade? - either
you produce lots of something the other place doesnt or there is a community
service solution that educators could swap or mobile APP; if you can find
win-wins with places where people previously distrusted each other so much the
better if your nations have trustworthy media to HELP YOU(TH) JOYFULLY MEND

Breaking Jin faces off silicon valley 5 May 2018 == japan's abe hosts may 9
meeting china (li pm first state visit for 8 yeras may 8-11) and korea moon
welcome from EconomistRefugee.com and EconomistDiary.com & UniversityofStars.com

2018 Obituary Hall of Fame

Grateful Dead's John Perry Barlow- the kindest rock star any millennial could

- hopefully larry brilliant will once again pick up the silk road baton from
.one-a-week-dc- april 23 girls life skills

deming 14


 1.  Create constancy of purpose for improving products and services.
 2.  Adopt the new philosophy.
 3.  Cease dependence on inspection to achieve quality.
 4.  End the practice of awarding business on price alone; instead, minimize
     total cost by working with a single supplier.
 5.  Improve constantly and forever every process for planning, production and
 6.  Institute training on the job.
 7.  Adopt and institute leadership.
 8.  Drive out fear.
 9.  Break down barriers between staff areas.
 10. Eliminate slogans, exhortations and targets for the workforce.
 11. Eliminate numerical quotas for the workforce and numerical goals for
 12. Remove barriers that rob people of pride of workmanship, and eliminate the
     annual rating or merit system.
 13. Institute a vigorous program of education and self-improvement for
 14. Put everybody in the company to work accomplishing the transformation.

These total quality management principles can be put into place by any
organization to more effectively implement total quality management. As a total
quality management philosophy, Dr. Deming’s work is foundational to TQM and its
successor, quality management systems.

50 years of ERworld.tv
back when man landed on the moon my father's life work at The Economist
imagineered the same sorts of maps that Belt Road Imagineering now mediates -



Adam Nathan
3.5K views9 years ago



magic (what jack ma calls loveq) webs when a third place can win-win-win with
the first two- this may be neigboring on in thesde digital days it may be

there are so many community solutions that educators could be swapping - so much
work for young prople to do to joyfully beceome the sustainability goals

elementary plus true media rule
most lessons can be swapped at almost no marginal cost wherever there is now
enough mobile connectivity- this should be the biggest story all media are
socialising - is your meda? if the trade involves moving product then get out an
atlas of the world- are the ports and roads (overland rails , pipes cables)
mapped so that every communit cab linkin?

BRI is a game with various pieces - the first is big and small nations (click)

advanced games - there are some old powerful people who refuse to tell their
kids the truth - here are some broken systems that educators must help youth
mediate beyond if our human race is to be sustainable

to say that invetsirs cant afford eg belt road infrastructure is nonsense - most
peopes today find that one out of every 5 days they work is taxed so governments
can play wargames- wherever that tax is spent on win-win trading infrastructires
the need for armies and navies reduces; there is similar nnsense about we cant
affor to go to green energy - the 2 reasons we cant afford this are government
rules that still support dirty waste and places where government dont value
youth (their renewability) as much as elders; it is true that are a few nations
today whose only main trade is dirty energy- the solution is to celebrate every
way tehse nations become leaders in elearning 9that is jobs creating solutions
which can be freely swapped because every community needs their youth to do
these) - this is part of the reason why our book timelining sustainability
generation first publishe in 1984 clarifies why massive beyond classroom
education will be needed if the human race is to globalise in ways that match
natires eveolutionary values

brics quicktour 1 sa 1
2025 superport quiz- america's #1 superport : mexico or ? ; South asia's#1 Cox's
Bazaar or? Arctic's #1 ?





5* ranking awarded to summit processes 2016-2020

Please note we welcome votes for other 5* rankings but once 10 are
interconnected it will be harder to make case for new ones

10 MICRO-G20 (see also leapfrogtv.news)

9 Ali-Expo (Tokyo 2020)

8 New development banking summits especially this co-chaired by china and India
–patter established around aiib BRICS sgo and related summits

7 Girls-edu WISE summits - next big summit : WISE@UNGA new york sept 2018
-february briefing on all india survey of this NY Valentines week


see 6 leading nationalities now contributing to education revolution in addition
to qatar



6 Green big bang summit (co-hosts being formed discuss with korea-china co-hosts
aiib2017) and can eg climate commitments of nations be blockchained

5 Belt Road Summit Biannual 65+ national leaders action debriefing Beijing –
mirrored by some Guterres subsummits “global2.)

4 Confucian-Franciscan-Family values summit –still searching eg with Canada
Sherpa movements and Vatican www.premiosciacca.itand historically Barcelona
Med-sea cultures summit

3 Summit on top 10 missing curriculum of youth jobs that can't be taught in
classrooms – eg china’s hujian has shown that English as second language can be
designed around 20000 peer to peer skype community with trust protocols designed
so language learning is the sole purpose

2 Open Space College Dean movement – Tsinghua University uses related idea- it
applies for patents so its scholars can maximize their social impacts and
designs the worlds number 1 startup suburb to start at the other side of the
university’s gates – see also aliresearch.com


in 2008 (subprime -see 9 year old's tough question to 2000 new yorkers january
.... the world's 7 historically richest nations G7-led went into paper-currency
bankruptcy once again caused by property bubbles and mathematical frauds; 13
less rich nations( said they would help save the system if G20-led summits were
born, and citizens prepped the next year's agenda - what's the biggest subject
valuing youth's sustainability that each year could prepare for; of the 7 rich
nations Canada has done an amazing job of bridging g7 and g20 (english peaking
nations USA, UK not so good due to being ruled by the sort of media in which
brexit and trump seemed like the silent majorities last chance )

- notes to history teachers - develop a training moduile on why walls dont help
youth - china and germany have gained tremendously by celebrating the end of
walls:... however as our 1984 book clarified by 2000 mankind will need to wake
up to its biggest risk being the discrepancies in incomes and expectation of
rich and poor nations- how did g7 leadership design global 1.0 1984-2008 without
waking up? can 13 + 1 (canada) nations wake up the other 6 - see parallel
summits on new development banking; is your nation ready to celebrate china's 2
paradoxes: 1 if you count the chinese diaspora, china is already far the biggest
economy but english speaking experts dont value that? even those media peope who
wrongly headline such english-economic models can now see that by 2030 china's
mainland will be peopled by 700+ million middle class consumers- will they be
the fussiest consumers demanding hi-trust brands or the opposite dismally ruled
by big vested interests epitomised by the worst that DC and New York
accidentally big banged


 * Articles
 * Posts
 * All activity



Jim Kim on LinkedIn

Publish date December 22, 2017December 22, 2017



Jim Kim on LinkedIn

Publish date October 24, 2017October 24, 2017



Jim Kim on LinkedIn

Publish date July 10, 2017July 10, 2017



Jim Kim on LinkedIn

Publish date June 20, 2017June 20, 2017



Jim Kim on LinkedIn

Publish date June 19, 2017June 19, 2017



Playlist with videos from all sessions




Tsinghua university is an underacknowledged gold mine which amy knows how to
search along with graduate alumni of Xi Jinping's main youth-village networks
geared to his 3 year mission to end rural poverty in China -see also essays on
ending poverty of Jinping since 1988 collected in book Out of Poverty

Norman Macrae Foundation awards 10 www summit 5 star ratings every 5 years

hapter 6

Macraes’ 1984 book chapter 6 mapped why sustainability of human race would
depend on youth and sg goals jobs entrepreneur competitions being hosted by
world service tv (eg bbc and then india’s DD) just as universal mobile access
linked every community- this didn’t happen hence our 5* rankings as a major
concern of youth journalists for humanity

The current worldwide ranking started at Hangzhou big data small and green
finance g20 subseries 2016 – these continue with names such as EWTP , Gateway17
--- And concludes with Japan Olympics partnering in celebrating communities for
all youth ALI-expo ***


Gateway '17


reformation of the crisis of broadcast tv and integration with all media for
humanity and university of stars; w...

Currently 5* ranking awarded to summit processes 2016-2020

Please note we welcome votes for other 5* rankings but once 10 are
interconnected it will be harder to make case for new ones

10 MICRO-G20 (see also leapfrogtv.news)

9 Ali-Expo (Tokyo 2020)

8 New development banking summits especially this co-chaired by china and India
–patter established around aiib BRICS sgo and related summits

7 Girls-edu WISE summits - next big summit : WISE@UNGA new york sept 2018
-february briefing on all india survey of this NY Valentines week


see 6 leading nationalities now contributing to education revolution in addition
to qatar



6 Green big bang summit (co-hosts being formed discuss with korea-china co-hosts
aiib2017) and can eg climate commitments of nations be blockchained

5 Belt Road Summit Biannual 65+ national leaders action debriefing Beijing –
mirrored by some Guterres subsummits “global2.)

4 Confucian-Franciscan-Family values summit –still searching eg with Canada
Sherpa movements and Vatican www.premiosciacca.it and historically Barcelona
Med-sea cultures summit

3 Summit on top 10 missing curriculum of youth jobs that can't be taught in
classrooms – eg china’s hujian has shown that English as second language can be
designed around 20000 peer to peer skype community with trust protocols designed
so language learning is the sole purpose

2 Open Space College Dean movement – Tsinghua University uses related idea- it
applies for patents so its scholars can maximize their social impacts and
designs the worlds number 1 startup suburb to start at the other side of the
university’s gates – see also aliresearch.com



According to Macrae 1960s surveys in The Economist, Japan the first former
empire to successfully grow a post colonial world trade – soon followed by
diaspora chinese and first network to turn former colonies into win-win world
trade models; followed form around 1972 in very different ways by Bangladesh and
mainland China but with many common priority solution franchises eg rice science
for the poorest ; village doctors

It would be fitting if Jack Ma can launch his 3rd carer connecting japan and
china in friendship in the happiness ,markets which he has identified at world
economic forum 2017 as:

Health , sport and community and arts for all participation, half of adolescent
education beyond classroom, green solutions and nature tourism

We also believe that the 30 million development challenge that is North Korea
can be mediated by Japan, China and South Korea collaborating to the maximum on
this part of the belt road with any other nations that wisk Korean youth a happy
21st c

Previous 5 Year WWW series and updating notes including links to the
English-sino world record book of jobs creation at EconomistDiary.com along with
family of 20 pro-youth co-blogs by region and SME market-space

chris macrae 240 316 8157 washington dc




Is Art the Solution? | Reza

Reaching Beyond the Frontiers of Poverty | Susan Davis

Putting a Face on Poverty | Marcelo Giugale


Building a Big, Bold, Beautiful Market | Eleni Gabre-Madhin

Can We Conquer Tuberculosis? | Shelly Batra

Reinventing Education in Rio De Janeiro | Claudia Costin

Innovation, Inspiration, Infrastructure: 3 Keys for rethinking education |
Rafael Parente


Nowhere To Go | Christin Clyburn

People First Design | Jeff Risom

Believe in Yourself | D'Banj

Will the Poor Always Be With Us? | Jim Yong Kim

diary 2025-now-1969- 1944: global2.0 now -youth race to sustain planet out of
eevery community and across every border -needs smarter mediation & mappin NOW!
than mans race to moon

expoenential investments can rise or collapse civilisations - now on a local to
global scale of vital connectivity - to spend 4000 times more spend more on
worldwide commns tech (2025 vs 1944) started up -eg due to .stored computer
program innovation 1944 -von neumann ; cf oscar 015 turing film..The Economist's
UA Pro-Youth Economics

associated youth jourmalism research webs and open spaces include: friends20.com
chinathanks.com quarterbilliongirls.com alibabauni.com xi-trump.com
economistchina.net economistamerica.com economisteurope.com economistasia.net
amychina.net economistlearning.com

Principle 6: 6 Exponential Maths Keynes 1 - As economics increasingly rules the
world of man-made systems, economists will either design or destroy the
life-critical market purposes that most people need. The exponential impact
metrics that economists have a do-no evil responsibility to map pose a critical
valuation problem -one which Einstein predicted hi-tech human race might not
solve in time!

..home - questions to chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk DC hotline 1 -301 881 1655 in joy
of MOOC -Massive Open Online Curriculum

.old stuff-

events dairy 2015 june30 5 days dc greatest ever celebration creative children;
aug 14 athgo's 5th celebration of wizard tech at world bank; sept 23 fringe
parties round dc inspired by POP and Pope; october 9-11 world bank starts its
year in peru; oct 13 san diego celebrtaes womesn social credit; global health
montreal nov italics means need more info -chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk
Example of world record job creation reporters 1FE current pro-youth livelihoods
reporting bases Tokyo and Dubai- searches sustainability best actions from japan
corporates like Toyota, university professionals eg Tokyo medical millennials
sans fronteires, regional foundations like Abdul Latif, partner advice to eg
elearning satellites map makers; family tree's special culture relations connect
eg Japan, Indonesia, Phillipines, UAE .

Smith alumni send Special thanks to ChatGpt on notes relevant to commonwealth's
180th birthday .in 2023.Sub to our linkedin newsletter ED3UNenvoy.com;
chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk to contribute to SDGschatgpt.com. Media's Golden Oldie:
1860: One year into his innovation project with Queen Victoria Charter bank and
first annual review of the peoples taxation, Economist founder James Wilson died
of diarrhea Calcutta. 112 years later banking on poorest east asian village
women ending diarrhea started the deepest partnerships in human economic
development maps . ups and downs in human moral sentiments exchanges had taken
over 100 years of English Constitutional Change, and 2 world wars and the dollar
replacing pound as global currency before the question of whether the quarter of
humans on the subcontinent of India were to be free to tax and build their own
places. By now The Economist was starting its 3rd decade of quzzing leaders on
Von neumann and Intels' exponential transformations. And if you traversed beyond
the Bay of Bengal to the far East coastline rising north from Singapore, the
question of how about 30% of peoples livelihoods were to grow was hi-tech
dependent on coastal belt innovations streaming down from Japan Korea S
Taiwan-this being the first Asian corridor to join 4 others as beneficiaries of
the legacy of Neumann and his peer maths "GOATS" (3 in USA - UN North, UN South,
West Coast between Saints of Francis & Clare and one with UN's Swiss epicentre)

KC3.dev-- ed3envoyUn.com : The Economist's story begins 1843 as a London Scot
JW's diary of how to support 20-something Queen Victorian transform constitution
of an island from slavemaking gunboating empire to hoped for commonwealth; it
took James Wilson's life (died Calcutta 1860 of diarrhea) and legacy 180 years
to get to 2023- can media (Swiss UN global connectivity since 1865) design
cooperations whch millennials need TO BE 1st sustainability generation
(Applause) or extinction's destiny (boos -dismal beyond belief FTX RVP #45 subp
911 ...). Since James was an alumni of Adam Smith - we welome all diarists to
265th moral sentiments summits Glashgow UUn June 2023 - chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk
( after action debrief ecop26.com)
Economistarts.comking and worldclassdaos....Lot of cooperation needed to advance
Guterres UN priorities of 2023 - where can we connect -chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk
Join the dao of 2025report- last edition beyond extinction: the overall story of
co-research von neumann scoop- who will unite what good with 100 times more tech
per decade - chapter 1 how 5 tech eras have accelerated since 1865 -3 in the
last 30 years.
chap2 how from 2016 the UNs framework offers first transformation in gov serving
people since beginning of government in king's English - can you all be in time
to celebrate most massive cooperations for good
guest chapter 2 page visions of those talking on redesign of 2020s be that web3,
dao decentralised finanace , regenerative communities- which tech is applicable,
which tech gets in the way?
how before 2016, a billion poorest women set the pace on sustainability economic
modeling- learn from 3 phases- designing 10000 person communities with no
electricity; sharing the university of leapfrog models lessons from 15 years of
playing annual game of worldrecordjobs.com
appendix of terms as they first appeared in the economist from 1951 (often their
original meanings have been altered by vested interests - check out whom and
avoid their advice like the plagueTips for making 2023 most cooperative year of
4 billion youth & 4 billion elders start with browsing bop at linkedin - tell
chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk which coop to eD headline at eAI eArts eB eU eWA eWO eF
eG eL
First 75 years of schools brief with alumni of von neumann & The Economist ...
web3: AI change teacher
read all about it - how english speaking world service failed humanity in spite
of at least 16 years time to live up to this 1984 tech-wizard charter of
sustainability to 2025

queenofhearts.city invites you help fix this join first 100 person zoom in
memory of Queen Elizabeth - greatest public servant English speaking world
Breaking April 2023: did the lies Murdoch's broadcasters told in 2020 compound
under 1 billion dollars or 100 trillion dollars of damage as far as designing
media millennials needed if there is to be first sustainability generation?>

Help publish youth's web3 year of 23 -rsvp chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk
It would be interesting to know what Queen Victoria wrote in her diary when her
first special envoy to
charter bank by and for india's peoples died 9 months into landing calcutta of
and why it took another 112 years before
girls empowrment first asian bank - BRACooperation started up by a reformed Oil
Company man began saving humanity
M3 crisis: 1/1/2000 missing 2025 report's media good (chapter 6 pdf download
written 1984) opportunity of majority of world being aware of humanity's
greatest risk = greatest mis-timing of my life; hope its not 2020s terminal
mistake for our uniting speciesHelp publish youth's web3 year of 23 -rsvp
Can 100 times more tech per decade since 1930 advance enough COOPERATION to
sustain millennials out of every inhabited GPS? tick tock by 2030 it is
mathematics (of chaos) likely that we will know whether 2020s being saved us
from mother nature's wrath and irreversible species destruction. Most exciting
decade to be alive. Cooperation needed at www.sdgmetaverseprize.org and every
game worldrecordjobs can help you and yours and meta-soc playFrom our archives-
1860 17 years into founding Economist, James Wilson's most ambitious project
partnering queen victoria in launching chartered bank by and for the quarter of
peoples on india subcontinent stalls.
Wilson dies of diarrhea 9 months after landing in calcutta. 85 years later sir
kenneth kemp (father in law of Economist's Norman Macrae writes up legalese of
Indian Independence. Sir Ken did not know that partitioning was about to happen.
Peoples of East pakistan draw colonial aera's shorterst straw - not only a
colony of West Pakistan but blocked out of access to what have been south asia's
superport. 23 years later cyclone kills a million peoples and shell oils
regional young superstar ends his contract to start helping women build the new
nation of Bangladesh. The greatest economic miracle produced by a billion asian
mothers begin. The first network cooperation - oral rehydration ; 112 years
after wilson's death illiterate village mothers first homework is how to mix
boiled water sugar and salt to stop diarrhea killing one thord of infants in
tropical villages. Inspired by this abed and 1 billion women map 30 cooperation
platforms 1972-2019 - BRA-C (Bangladesh Rural Advancement Cooperation). First
meta partnership BEAC UNICEF Tropical china; from 1996 leapfrog partners beyong
vilages without electricity start to web end poverty's races. Japan and silicon
valley ask abed to go international - vrac university with james grant as first
world class colege begins 2001 meanwhile in 1890s london 2nd editor walter
bagehot continues queen victoria's project - can the English Constitution end
the slave making mentality of corpoartesd like East India company with a
commonwealth constitution. Although many believe Victoria did plant this legacy
for the 20th C royal family - not in time for east Insia comoany to ruin another
quarter of the world's lives - the chinese after 1960 clsoe themselves to global
trade rather than accept ultimatum to accept opium as a currency. Just as it
takes peoples of the place we now call bnagaldesh 110 yeras to start freeing
their own trade, so too contenetal china. By 1972 out of desperation both
bangaldesh and china depend on raiing womens productivity from mear 0 to more
than that of men in every community developing children. On the Bangladesg side
follow the mapping of the reforemd oil company ceo fazle abed; on china tropical
side note that one child polict meand half of all familiyies start to be
dependednt on how brillainatly entrepreneurial their 20s something daughter

Dedication: Sir Fazle Abed 50 years (2019-1970) supporting billion women end
poverty:.Notable learning curve exponentials of diarists of Economist & global
village audience interactions teachforsdgs.com-before impact of global viewspaer
disapperaed did first 150 yeras of our diarists map enough intel for millennials
to be the sustainability generation?

. what if human development determined by family's social network quality
situated within web 3 2 1 0 after electricity before webs 00 before electricity
Primary purpose founder (London Scot James Wilson 1843) can global viewspaper
mediate goals 2 and 1 end hunger and end poverty- changing slave making tdae
toward multi-win commonwealth: wilson's pjhilosophy Smithian (last writings
morality of markets before engines; first 16s of engines impact on national
branding; wislons 2 signature partnership with queen victoria - end corn laws
starving half of ireland's population; go to calcutta to start charter banking
by and for the people; sadly wilson diee of dairrhea withing first year in
vacutta but son-in-lam bagehot continues transfolrmation of Englsh Constitution
From 1951 given greatest scoop by vin neuamann - ask what peoples do with 100
times more tech per decade 1930 to 2020s-particularlycan zero sum games be
resplaced by sustainable above zero sum trades - eg networks applying life
critical knowhow multiplky value in use opposite to consuming up things
Norman Macrae's learning curve in 28 years before being mentored by Neumann:
first 13 years home schooled btitish embassies including Stalin's moscw; then
soend s last days as teen navigating airplaned bomber commandnd Burma before 6
years of good fortune; last class taught by keynes cambridge; mentired at
Economist by sur geiffrey crowther autoboigrapher of Economist's first century
stories from mapping 100 times moore: best ever western leader decade fyt=ure
chalenge - kenned'y's moon race primarily biproduct satellite telecoms
(alumnisat) and interdendence - 2 atlantic segments : america's new european;
Euro's old; asian about two thirds of humans dependent on pacific coast's world
trade (that leaves up to 15% to decide which ocean integrated their muti-win
games0; age 39 macrae permitted one signed survey a year- begins with 10 years
of surveys of what futures do peoples want - 1962 Japan and rising Asian
neighbors; 1963 people of Russia; 1964 peoples of Brazil & Latin America ...1968
peoples of south africa; 1969 rainbow peo[ples of USA- from 1972 alarmed by
nixon's exit of dolar from gold standard begins 40 tyear future histiry genres
with early fici on fintech, edtech, healthtec as well as energy markets; from
1976 joined by prodi argues for future capitalism grounded by sme networks not
just bigger and bigger corporate and gov; 1984 prepares for last 5 y years at
Economist with 2 genres - 2025 report book first published with chris macrae on
updating sustainability deadlines and opportunities/threats of web1-3; biography
of von neumann ; last article dec 2008- huge risk web 2 age of millennials will
be underinvested with youth having to bail out elders; can blockchain
distributed finance be last chance antidote to every greater political havoc of
printing paper money?
Systems truth - big organisations hate innovation (ironically artificial intel
best at integrating deepest real time data in way no human gov can do real
time)- notably powerful western people blocked from transparent unlearning by
media & lawyers; gov2.0 is about how hard one transformation of gov is since
horse was fastest way to communicate; industrial revolution 4 shows how hard for
big corporates to innovate beyond past system; 2020s last chance crises may
involve privileged gamesters racing into web3 societies who havent yet learnt
from billion poorest women attempts to leapfrog from web00 (without
electricity)in 2001 friends of billion poorest women proposed solution - new
universities who share their alumni's open community to community sdg solutions-
see abedmooc.com and discuss meta challenges to sdgs.games- as predicted in
1984's 2025 report transformation of edu essential to survival of human beings
(echoing HG Well's civilisiation race between edu and catastrophe)Abedmooc.com
.. women4empower; herstory's turning points - some dates approx as took decades-
if we've missed or wronged herstory (valuing womens planet Xponential
multipliers with men's) -please rsvp chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk - all errors mine
alone gandhi 1906 thrown off south african train-starts 40 years of chnaging
education from infant up (see underknowns.com) -seeds future of mandela nets;
2020s gteatest ever network multiplier gandhi &montesorri; remultiplied einstein
1940s; in 12 post war yers greatest ever maths networkers leave legacy of 100
times more ytech per decade; from 1951 scoop of what to do with 100 times more
etch relayed tp economist journalist for humanity; by 1960 ai labs twinned to
face both coasts (pacific 75% of human sustainability; atlantuc 25%); by 2020s
media's last chance at transparency see metaerseprize.org) as too much data
streaming from every gps not to blockchain and humansAI (see nftssdg.com); 1843
smihian james wilso starts royal society newsletter gossiping why royal family
need to celebrate sdg1 and 2 end starvation of eg Irish; ebd impoversiation of
british raj; biggest underknown -did queen voctoria despatche wilson with idia's
own chartered bank to get rid of him or to design multi-win commonwelath
trading; in any event wilso dies of diarrhea within 12 months landing cacutta;
it tales 112 years and partitionining of india subcontinnent before former oil
company regional ceo fazle abed fimaces solutions of end diarrheas as killing
tropical asian infants and end starvation by maximis vilage rice tech (borlaug)-
having celebrated 100000 vilages first demonstartion of these solutions -
unicefs japmes grant sonsors transai extension; coming from china missionary
epidemiologist family - abed and grant partner in nationwide vaccination against
infant diseases; thats 3 of the first 30 mass colaborations of the
1billiongirls.com who ended poverty 2019-1972 (as for other models of western
aid, who knows but data shows whatever else thy did it wasnt the vast majority
of extreme povery ending); see the irony of web00 world (no electricy )
contributing more to sustainability than ever other world at 2025report.com -
finders crossed web3 starts to emulat development economic leaps of web00 women;
1758-62: very intersting adam smith scotnds worldwide contribution to human
development let alone emotional intel; bes ever summary of nature and humans
market purpose before endines; best ver plea to startup engine applications
everywhere not juts london 1760 east idia company's admin MOMENTS OF THE
ECONOMIST - founded 1843 to mediate sustainability 2 primary goals - end hunger
& poverty by Smithian James Wilson; 1943 centenary's autobiogtraphy compelling
testinmong on what went wrong with negineerings in 20 most advanced nations (19
white); from 1945 Economist takes on Neumann's suggestion of greatest journalist
scoop ; what to do with 100 times more tech per decade 2025-1945?; is there an
optimistic rational way out of Orwellian Big Brother endgam?. If so how will
educators and youth web & do what economists and elders cant even imagine/
ANNOUNCEMENT - from june 1 2022, the first post of every month will often linkin
the previous month's update of CodesMeta.com - In turn this is one of the main
celebration collabs of 2025Report and friends celebrating progress along the
roadmap to UN secretary general's digitalisation "UN2.0". Codesmeta welcomes
co-editors rsvp chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk help AI make 2022 youth's most
collaborative year-

2016 glory to every natural deity sept 2016- after 1st year review of SDGs jim
kim makes his biggest move- what un hq and unesco have just reported is sdg4
wont happen before 2100- so he starts a pre-nft club on digotally cooperative
education in geneva (getting unctad blessing to intro any educatir interested in
etch to itu); just in time for engineer guterres to take up 10 year chair
ofiun2.0 - from summer 2017- digital cooperation research becomes the =iggest
change movement the world has ever seen with any government invited to benchmark
nay unite un2.0) 2122 unga summit on ed no longer fit for purpose 22-23 school
year of greatest every prize sdgmetaverseprize.orh and more unseen wealth
compounding out of ed3 nfts than all the oil wells on earth





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     * Our Story: Month 9 of AIgames.solar, year 73 of me...


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