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Text Content

Synergy Personal Development


 * Home
 * Work With Us
   * Personal development coaching & Mentoring
   * Entrepreneur & Executive Coaching
   * Customized Training
   * Group Facilitation
   * speak to your Organization
 * Win The Day
 * Blog
   * Personal Development
   * My Olympic Journey
 * Shop


 * Home
 * Work With Us
   * Personal development coaching & Mentoring
   * Entrepreneur & Executive Coaching
   * Customized Training
   * Group Facilitation
   * speak to your Organization
 * Win The Day
 * Blog
   * Personal Development
   * My Olympic Journey
 * Shop

Book Consultation
Build & Design
Achieve your Goals
At Synergy Personal Development, we are committed to our clients achieving their
personal and professional goals. Whether delivering an effective presentation,
managing a global team, or communicating confidently with friends and
colleagues, we will guide you to getting the results you desire.

Get Started
Build & Design
Be Understood
Having difficulty closing deals? Is your team not following your lead? The key
to getting things done is clear communication. At Synergy Personal Development
we have helped thousands of people to communicate more effectively and get
better results. Regardless of if you need to enhance your written or verbal
communication, we are here to help.

Get Started
Build & Design
Be Effective

It is not just getting things done that matters, but getting the RIGHT things
done. Here at Synergy Personal Development, we can help you learn how to
prioritize and develop a personalized system that ensures you are getting the
results you desire.

Get Started
Build & Design
Be a Leader

Leadership is something that does not come naturally to anyone, it takes
dedication, hard work and consistency to rise to the top. With Synergy Personal
Development in your corner, you can be sure you will have the support you need
to achieve success.

Get Started


At Synergy Personal Development, we are committed to our clients achieving their
personal and professional goals. Whether delivering an effective presentation,
managing a global team, or communicating confidently with friends and
colleagues, we will guide you to getting the results you desire.
We specialize in career mentoring, building advanced communication skills, and
developing the mental agility to raise our clients’ performance to the next
John Cunningham, our founder, is the author of the mental wellness book Win the
Day: How to win your daily battles with stress, anxiety & depression. He guides
our clients with an ever-expanding array of techniques and proven methodologies
that aid the journey towards their vision of success.


Whether you are focused on completing a project, achieving a goal, or overcoming
personal roadblocks, Synergy Personal Development will help you conquer your
biggest challenges and get the results you desire.
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Synergy Personal Development’s Executive Coaching Program offers you stress-free
coaching. You schedule coaching when, and for how long you need it. Just send an
email, or text and John will meet with you at a time that fits your schedule,
day or night. No set session time to worry about (unless you want that). Tell
John when and he will be there for you.
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Give your team a fresh perspective that will help to break down barriers and
refocus everyone on achieving success. We can provide single sessions or a
series of team building activities that enhance teamwork and collaboration.
Read More


Synergy Personal Development can create and deliver customized training in the
method and environment that best suits your group’s needs. Whether it is face to
face, virtual or even training your people to deliver the training themselves,
we can meet your training objectives in ways that get participants actively
engaged in their upskilling and help them retain that knowledge long after we’ve
Read More


Win the Day: How to win your battles with stress, anxiety & depression is your
handbook for managing mental health. 30 chapters of proven techniques for
gaining and maintaining good mental health in addition to living with a more
positive outlook. In this book you will learn proven techniques for improving
your mental health and personal control of your life. I have personally tested
and vetted every tip and technique in Win the Day with experts in the mental
health field, hundreds of readers, and my own clients.


 5/5
Buy Now



I am an executive coach, corporate trainer and author with more than 20 years of
experience helping people from all walks of life to become more effective
through aligning goals with each client’s unique personal style. I have worked
with international consultants, Fortune 500 companies in the technology,
investment banking, consumer electronics, and automobile industries, small
business owners, and individuals, assisting a wide variety of people to achieve
their personal and professional goals.
I specialize in helping others to improve their communication skills and gain
the clarity necessary to achieve their goals. I have also created content in a
broad range of communication mediums. This experience can help you when
developing your own customized training programs, podcast, video, or written
content. My motto is, “Win the day!” And I helps my clients to make systematic
improvements that lead to big payoffs.

Book a Free Consultation Now


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What is the biggest problem you are facing now?
How would solving this problem improve your life?
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What is your email address? *
Have you invested in coaching before?
 * Yes
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Where did you hear about Synergy?
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Is there anything you’d like to share?




MBA Student

As an MBA student studying in a foreign country for the first time, I felt a
tremendous amount of pressure to succeed in every task put in front of me.
Professional degrees are competitive, so setting achievable and timely goals
helps at every step.  John, an executive coach, is what I needed to help
navigate and prioritize what is important to me. John was like my conscious,
guiding and helping me make the decisions I already knew I wanted to make.
John’s approach was to help facilitate the realization and actualization of my
ideas. The tools and skills I learnt are invaluable to anyone looking to
streamline their workflow and thought processes. A career coach is an invaluable
partner, and I am lucky to have met John.


Lynx Reki

John is a wonderful executive coach. He helps to illuminate what I should be
focusing on depending on what I want to accomplish. He explains things
succinctly and if I have questions he's available to answer them. His wealth of
knowledge in different areas makes him a valuable coach and I'm honored to be
working with him.


Graphic Designer

John is a wonderful executive coach. He helps to illuminate what I should be
focusing on depending on what I want to accomplish. He explains things
succinctly and if I have questions he's available to answer them. His wealth of
knowledge in different areas makes him a valuable coach and I'm honored to be
working with him.



B2B Sales

When I suddenly lost my job, I did not know where to turn. John helped me reset
my core values and find a new job that aligned with who I am and my vision of
who I want to become. Thanks John!


Personal Development Client

My life was spinning out of control before I started working with John. He
helped me set and align my priorities to focus on me and the contributions I
make to my family and community. I now face the world with more confidence.


B2B Sales

John helped me to understand the nuances of management and the sales process
from the customer's point-of-view. Now I am better able to engage customers and
win deals.


Medical Trials Consultant

John helped me to find direction when I was lost. Once I landed my new job his
guidance on building professional relationships and effective communication has
been invaluable.


MBA Student

As an MBA student studying in a foreign country for the first time, I felt a
tremendous amount of pressure to succeed in every task put in front of me.
Professional degrees are competitive, so setting achievable and timely goals
helps at every step.  John, an executive coach, is what I needed to help
navigate and prioritize what is important to me. John was like my conscious,
guiding and helping me make the decisions I already knew I wanted to make.
John’s approach was to help facilitate the realization and actualization of my
ideas. The tools and skills I learnt are invaluable to anyone looking to
streamline their workflow and thought processes. A career coach is an invaluable
partner, and I am lucky to have met John.


Lynx Reki

John is a wonderful executive coach. He helps to illuminate what I should be
focusing on depending on what I want to accomplish. He explains things
succinctly and if I have questions he's available to answer them. His wealth of
knowledge in different areas makes him a valuable coach and I'm honored to be
working with him.


Japanese Translater

I hired John to help me get my dream job of translating for a game company.
While I would have been happy to get any translation opportunity that allowed me
to stay in Japan, John helped me to achieve my goal with sound advice and
actionable steps.


B2B Sales

When I suddenly lost my job, I did not know where to turn. John helped me reset
my core values and find a new job that aligned with who I am and my vision of
who I want to become. Thanks John!


Personal Development Client

My life was spinning out of control before I started working with John. He
helped me set and align my priorities to focus on me and the contributions I
make to my family and community. I now face the world with more confidence.


B2B Sales

John helped me to understand the nuances of management and the sales process
from the customer's point-of-view. Now I am better able to engage customers and
win deals.


Medical Trials Consultant

John helped me to find direction when I was lost. Once I landed my new job his
guidance on building professional relationships and effective communication has
been invaluable.


MBA Student

As an MBA student studying in a foreign country for the first time, I felt a
tremendous amount of pressure to succeed in every task put in front of me.
Professional degrees are competitive, so setting achievable and timely goals
helps at every step.  John, an executive coach, is what I needed to help
navigate and prioritize what is important to me. John was like my conscious,
guiding and helping me make the decisions I already knew I wanted to make.
John’s approach was to help facilitate the realization and actualization of my
ideas. The tools and skills I learnt are invaluable to anyone looking to
streamline their workflow and thought processes. A career coach is an invaluable
partner, and I am lucky to have met John.


Lynx Reki

John is a wonderful executive coach. He helps to illuminate what I should be
focusing on depending on what I want to accomplish. He explains things
succinctly and if I have questions he's available to answer them. His wealth of
knowledge in different areas makes him a valuable coach and I'm honored to be
working with him.


Japanese Translater

I hired John to help me get my dream job of translating for a game company.
While I would have been happy to get any translation opportunity that allowed me
to stay in Japan, John helped me to achieve my goal with sound advice and
actionable steps.


B2B Sales

When I suddenly lost my job, I did not know where to turn. John helped me reset
my core values and find a new job that aligned with who I am and my vision of
who I want to become. Thanks John!




Time is the most precious asset we have. Yet, it is also greatly underutilized.
If you want to get more done with less effort, consider applying the Pareto
Principle to your planning and prioritizing.



Choose activities in each of these 4 quadrant to do consistently and you will
have a more fulfilling life.



Sticks and stones may break bones, but words do permanent damage. Two stories
that show the power words can have to change lives.



There was a student tasked by his master with moving a huge boulder. The rock
was almost as big as the student. The master told



Making the right decisions comes down to priorities. Check out these tips from
the masters of getting the right things done.



Many non-native English speakers are afraid of speaking because they’re worried
about making these common English errors or being misunderstood.


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