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Jul 24, 2023 - 16:17 UTC (updated Jul 24, 2023 - 20:12 UTC) 9 minutes to read by
maia arson crimew in #FuckStalkerware, stalkerware, research, analysis, leak,
php, exploit


and once again it was way too easy

content warnings:
mentions of abuse/controlling behaviour

> the intro to this series and the concept of stalkerware can be found here

this is a rather technical deep dive into how i hacked SpyHide (sometimes
referred to by the shortening CRT, their .com domain) and a bit of my own
analysis, for a less technical and more journalistic approach to the breach you
can read this exclusive piece in techcrunch.

when i started work on the #FuckStalkerware series i did what i always do first,
scanning for super low hanging fruit vulns without expecting much. so as i was
running as scan over the target list for .git exposure (which happens when a
website is deployed via git but the webserver isn't configured not to serve
contents of the .git directory) among various false positives there was an
actual hit. using goop (an offensive git dumping tool i originally developed in
2020) i managed to download the full source code and git history for the account
panel of SpyHide.

and so i began digging into the repository, first with a focus mostly on
figuring out some background info on spyhide. let's start with some git
metadata: a look at the .git/config file reveals that the code is hosted in a
private repository on the virsysplaytech (archived) github account.

[remote "origin"]
	url =
	fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*

the account name says "Arasteh" and the bio reads "CEO of Decima Tech", which
(along with the "virsysplaytech" name above) we should keep in mind, because
they also appear in the list of git commit authors (with a slightly different
spelling of virsys):

nyancrimew@meowcbook CRTPanel % git shortlog --summary --numbered --all -e             
   160  mo<xxxx> <mo<xxxx>>
    34  root <>
     1  Arasteh <>

name/email censored by me

so the spyhide site appears to be hosted on a server called,
and we have the main dev behind their php infrastructure. mo.... (Mohammad A.)
is fairly easily googleable, and it turns out his email address has been used to
register various domain names. based on further clues in the source code, OSINT,
as well as having owned his ERP system they used for a bit in 2021 (story for
another day), it can also be concluded that Mohammad also goes by Mahdi/Mehdi
(مهدى) and the username <xxxxx> in various places. i reached out to mohammad for
comment via email as well as telegram (where he blocked me) - at the time of
publishing i have not received any real response. (see update below for
statement received after publishing)

so the people involved, as well as the source code and references to a former
iranian front for SpyHide ( is how it at least became clear that
spyhide is software by an iranian company called virsys or virsis. and that's
about all i managed to gather about the backgrounds of this company from surface
research based on the repository, so it's time to move on to the real fun stuff!
diving into the source code and...


i got going by just scouring through the source code, pretty much at random,
slowly trying to build an image of how their (oh so incredibly shoddy) backend
works. lots of the php seemed unused, were back up copies of now changed scripts
(which seems rather unneccessary given the use of git, but i digress) or had
_new versions. here is a mostly unfiltered look into my research notes of this

auth cookies are in the format of userid.passwordmd5.lang.timezone.db_type

 * user ids are sequential
 * yes, the password as represented in the db with the db salt and all is in the
 * db type is either a or b, where b appears to stand for "backup", both my
   accounts i made on prod are on db type b and a look at the code reveals that
   this specific auth code doesnt support type a anyways (at least not right

for auth via level2 phone app (unclear what that is) an "app key" is required,
which is described by code comments as follows:

// $app_key is generated in level2 app hash(md5_pass.username.private_key)
// $u_id will send from level2 app to identify target user
// $tz is level2 app phone timezone
// $lang is level2 app phone default language

the mentioned private key (which is actually a static salt) appears to be
asrome_intermilan_realmadrid, which is of course incredibly creative.

and suddenly it was starting to get more interesting, i was looking into how
data uploads from victim devices works and i found out that the uploadPhoto
action accepts any kind of files with arbitrary file names, extensions and
content. the same thing also goes for the uploadRecordAmbient and
uploadRecordCall actions, where the devs seemingly even realized the potential
risk of this:

$allowed = array('3gp');
$objFile = & $file_array["recordcall"];
$filename = $objFile['name'];
$record_id = explode(".",$filename);
$record_id = explode("_",$record_id[0]);
$record_id = $record_id[2];
$ext = pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
if(!in_array($ext,$allowed) ) {
// error_log("HACKER:".basename( $objFile["name"] ));

there is a check to only allow .mp3 and .3gp files respectively which clearly
references potential hacks, however the check isn't actually used for anything
besides a now commented out log message. so even there it would still be
possible to upload whatever i want.

the only problem i still had with all off these endpoints is that i needed a
victim device registered to my account (or just know any active device id) to
make use of them. since i had only just moved flats and not yet unpacked
everything i didn't have a throwaway test device at hand to throw stalkerware
at, i guess i had to also figure out how to do the api calls to register a
device myself. once i managed to understand the confusing logic of different
account types this turned out to actually be pretty simple, so i now had a
device with the definitely very numeric id maia.

all that remained to do now to take over their server is to upload a base64
encoded php webshell using the uploadPhoto endpoint, and as a little extra flex
and to make it slightly more convenient to access i also did a directory
traversal placing the webshell at /funky.php. and baaaaaam

from now on it was once again all comically easy, i used the webshell's built in
explorer to compress all the webroots of the various sites hosted on this server
and just downloaded them over http, thankfully their server has quite good
bandwidth so this was all done within like an hour. at the same time i found an
already existing installation of the adminer database management tool in one of
the webroots, which allowed me to trivially dump all of their databases.

welp, now im sitting on like 230Gb of stalkerware data to go through, source
code, databases and even photos, call and ambient audio recordings from victim


as always i did my quick surface analysis to have a better idea of how to pitch
this story to journalists who will then be way more qualified in the actual
analysis of the data. spyhide had almost 800k user accounts, email addresses are
not verified (so also keep that in mind for upcoming analysis) with data ranging
from late 2016 to now, there are around 60k devices which have been compromised
during those years. for once it should be somewhat possible to identify lots of
the victims as there is IMEI info for all devices + phone numbers for lots of

some of the users (operators) have multiple devices connected to their account,
with some having as much as 30 devices theyve been watching over a course of
multiple years, spying on everyone in their lives (sidenote: there is some sad
irony to naming the device of someone you're stalking for literal years accross
multiple phones with "<name> the crazy", like idk whos the fucked up one here).

i once again obviously also searched the email address and email domain list
(once again public, but since there is no email verification there is lots and
lots of typoed and fucked up domains this time, also the script i used to make
this list fucking sucks) for interesting email addresses, which in my book as
always mostly means government email addresses. there are at least 190 users who
have signed up with various government email addresses, at least 16 of which are
US goverment addresses (there is even some .mil ones in there this time), many
of which were correctional officers (use of commercial spyware in parole/house
arrest ??), a massive amount of users from the brazilian and philippine
departments of education, as well as 5 users from the colombian national police,
indicating they at the very least seem to have evaluated commercial spyware at
one point.

spyhide also appears to keep data around for way longer than they even tell the
operators, for photos and audio recordings they claim that all data will be
deleted after 3 months, however i have found photos as well as recordings from
all the way back in mid 2022. this data appears to only actually be deleted from
storage when devices "expire", as in the operators stops paying for the
subscription or they have been disconnected for a specific amount of time.


here is the "tizer" [sic.] for spyhide which they put on their website, it's
incredibly hilarious to me so i had to share it

i dont think ive ever seen a product ad that was as over the top and as
2013-minecraft-core as this. "spyhide .. presents .. cheating on you" is just
burned into my mind as the funniest marketing phrasing ever. their marketing
does also just straight up admit to how their software is intended to be used
for spying on partners without consent, it's wild how incredibly forward they
are about that.


on the evening of sunday the 23rd i noticed that i could no longer sign into my
testing account at spyhide, it appears that virsis has "responded to my request
for comment" by closing up at least some of the holes. sign ups were disabled
(except i think through the app ?), some database password were changed, my
webshell removed and my account deleted. a quick check with goop shows that .git
is still exposed and nothing else (including the arbitrary file upload) has been

the data from this leak will be available soon in limited distribution to other
journalists and researchers via DDoSecrets (please support them financially),
this article will be updated to reflect that once that is the case. as always
feel free to contact me with any tips, data, vulnerabilities, industry insider
info (for this series and just in general) or for journalistic inquiries.


around 3 hours after publishing i received an email response from mohammad a.,
claiming he was only briefly involved in this project as a contractor around 8
years ago, he further claims not to know who runs spyhide or any of the people
involved. his explaination for even recent commits having his name and email
address attached is that he used to make commits from on the server, meaning
that as a new developer picked up the work they just kept being made in his
name, given what i know about how development appears to happen this seems
believable enough. his full username + last name and email address have been
removed from the blog post.

if you enjoyed this or any of my other work feel free to support me on my ko-fi.
this is my only real source of income so anything goes a long way, and monthly
contributions help tremendously with budgeting.


   Jun 26, 2023 8 minutes to read by maia arson crimew in #FuckStalkerware,
   stalkerware, analysis, leak
   let the games begin

   Jun 22, 2023 (updated Jun 23, 2023) 3 minutes to read by maia arson crimew in
   #FuckStalkerware, stalkerware
   lets ruin some shitty peoples lives wooo

   May 31, 2022 7 minutes to read by maia arson crimew in security, infosec,
   malware, reverse engineering, analysis, research, php
   a look at the malware was infected with

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credits: maia kitten art by vai5000, pixel art maia kitten by A. Marmot and
pointer following kitten code from adryd325/oneko.js

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