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Adult Education Topics

Read about the variety of topical workshops and webinars we offer. 


Participants will learn the 7 steps to

Create a budgeting strategy to empower individuals in taking control of their
finances and achieving peace of mind. Participants will gain insights into
addressing the three major budget challenges—small, irregular, and emergency
expenses—and learn effective strategies to alleviate concerns associated with
these aspects.

The program also caters to those with irregular income sources, such as hourly,
seasonal, commission, contract, or self-employed individuals, providing them
with techniques to manage their finances effectively.

Moreover, participants will receive guidance on saving money on various
household expenditures, spanning utilities, transportation, groceries, and
personal items. The initiative fosters a collaborative environment, encouraging
individuals to share their money-saving practices.

Additionally, the program aims to explore avenues for reducing overall expenses,
identifying potential financial drains from people and activities, and educating
participants on recognizing signs indicating when additional assistance may be

Ever pondered the reasons behind your choice of a specific item or brand?
Marketers invest substantial resources in comprehending human behavior to
influence consumer decisions. Participants in this session will explore diverse
marketing techniques and strategies designed to resist temptations.

The second webinar in our three-part Mind your Money series delves into how
marketers leverage online behavior to sway and boost spending, offering insights
into counteractive strategies.

In this third webinar in our three part Mind your Money series, you will learn
valuable information about strategies to help you meet your saving goals.



Couples will be provided with the opportunity to delve into and comprehend each
other's unique perspectives on money values, triggers, and goals. Through
collaborative efforts in crafting a practical and harmonious plan, they can
elevate their financial management skills and alleviate tensions surrounding
financial matters.

This session is crafted for parents with high school students aspiring for
higher education. Parents will acquire the skills to engage in effective
financial discussions with their teenagers and formulate a comprehensive plan
for funding their education.

Geared towards soon-to-be parents, this session is designed to proactively
address maternity and parental leave planning, along with preparing for the
additional expenses associated with welcoming a new baby.

Parents will be equipped with knowledge about straightforward and effective
techniques to educate their children on the principles of saving, charitable
giving, and responsible spending.


Participants will be introduced to various debt elimination options, empowering
them to approach their retirement years free from the burden of debt. The
workshop will provide valuable information and strategies to help individuals
effectively manage and eliminate their debts, leading to financial freedom and
peace of mind during their golden years.

This webinar can help participants identify skill sets they possess that may
enable them to earn additional income, brainstorm ideas, increase awareness of
what is possible, and figure out what some of the steps may be to move forward.

Participants will learn ways to avoid the most common scams and fraud in Canada
and what to do if they become a victim of identity theft.

Cent$ible Celebrations: Participants will learn ways to plan and implement any
kind of celebration, from a small party to a wedding and everything in between,
while staying sane and on budget.

Participants will acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to proactively plan
and prepare in order to avoid a debt hangover in January. The workshop will
cover effective strategies and tips for budgeting, managing expenses, and making
wise financial decisions during the holiday season. By implementing these
proactive measures, participants will be able to start the new year on a
financially stable footing, avoiding the stress and burden of post-holiday debt.

In this webinar you can learn how to figure out how much the holiday fun will
cost and what still needs to be paid for, learn how to take control of your
holiday debt and retire it quickly, make a plan to ensure the next holidays are
less stressful and paid for in advance, and learn how to organize and
re-prioritize gifting.

Participants will learn about the basics of taxes, insurance and estate planning
which will enable them to get their financial household in order.

Participants will learn how to create healthy and financially sustainable meal
plans and tips on frugal meal plans.

During this session, participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of the
expenses associated with buying and maintaining a home. They will also learn
about the necessary requirements to qualify for a mortgage, enabling them to
make informed decisions. Furthermore, the workshop will provide valuable
insights to help participants assess whether renting or owning a home aligns
better with their individual circumstances and goals.

Learn the basics about investing so you can begin to become comfortable about
making decisions with your money.

Participants will be equipped with valuable strategies to boost their income,
effectively reduce expenses, and successfully manage their retirement income
without relying on credit as a financial crutch. The workshop will provide
practical guidance on increasing income through various means, implementing
smart expense-cutting techniques, and developing sustainable financial practices
to ensure a comfortable retirement lifestyle without resorting to credit

During this session, participants will receive essential guidance on organizing
and safeguarding important documents. They will learn about the necessary
documents they should have and how to store them securely. Additionally,
participants will be guided on creating a comprehensive "just in case something
happens to me" sheet, which will enable their loved ones to efficiently handle
their affairs in such circumstances. The workshop aims to empower individuals to
proactively plan and prepare for the future, ensuring that their important
information is easily accessible and their wishes are respected.

Participants will be introduced to a range of money-saving strategies while
planning and embarking on vacations, enabling them to enjoy their time without
financial concerns. The workshop will provide practical tips and techniques for
saving money on transportation, accommodation, dining, and activities, as well
as guidance on budgeting and prioritizing expenses. By implementing these
money-saving approaches, participants can have a fulfilling and worry-free
vacation experience while keeping their finances in check.


Participants who are facing reduced income will learn strategies on how to cope
financially with their new reality.

Participants who are new to Canada will learn about the banking and credit
system as well as how to avoid debt and scams.

Financial improvement is a journey.

Keep learning along the way.

Receive tips and strategies every month to improve your finances.
Sign up for our monthly newsletter.

Want to Learn More?

Every week, our financial educators host free webinars that you can sign up for
right now. You’ll come away with practical tips you can use right away. Join a
session from the comfort of your home or wherever is most convenient for you.

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