www.google.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: http://url9236.davidsdelaat.com/ls/click?upn=u001.Rw3kK7YmSm41TjYNm9UmSvDyAmzfdscSRnNLaCL8W6WuAg7OQ1kZG322QvJ1NlF0kBm-2Fokrv7maw...
Effective URL: https://www.google.com/search?q=davids+and+delaat&oq=&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqBggAEEUYOzIGCAAQRRg7Mg0IARAuGK8BGMcBGIAEMhMIA...
Submission: On May 08 via api from CA — Scanned from CA

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Davids & DeLaat Real Estate Agents - REMAX NIAGARA

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Address: 261 Martindale Rd #14c, St. Catharines, ON L2W 1A2

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Davids & DeLaat Real Estate Agents - REMAX NIAGARA
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JUST LISTED✨ // 4215 Meadowvale Drive #32, Niagara Falls, ON📍 Welco…
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JUST LISTED✨ // 6172 William Street (Upper Unit), Niagara Falls, ON📍 Dive into
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JUST LISTED✨ // 4180 Preston Avenue, Niagara Falls, ON📍 Tucked away in a
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JUST LISTED✨ // 7864 Seabiscuit Drive, Niagara Falls, ON📍 Discover luxury and…
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JUST LISTED✨ // 40 Parkview Avenue, Fort Erie, ON📍 Dream Home Alert! Step into…
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The Davids & DeLaat team is thrilled to be the ‘Silver Sponsor’ for the 37th
Annual Pelham Art Show and Sale o…
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JUST LISTED ✨ // 9 Kent Street, Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON📍 Step into luxury with
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JUST LISTED✨ // 820 Miriam Crescent, Burlington, ON📍 Welcome to your dream home
in Burlington! This impeccabl…
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JUST LISTED✨ // 9105 White Oak Avenue, Niagara Falls, ON📍 Step into
sophistication i…
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JUST LISTED✨ // 25 Kenmir Avenue, Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON📍 Experience luxury
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From Davids & DeLaat Real Estate Agents - REMAX NIAGARA

"At Davids & DeLaat, our client satisfaction always comes first. We are honest
advisors and have earned our high client retention rate because we genuinely
love real estate and always go above and beyond the call of duty. As your real
estate agent in...  More

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"Shawn had my house sold in 4 days with 21 people coming to view my home."

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