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2023.10.24 22:02 Additional-Dress-893 Just venting cause I still have no answers

I have hypermobility (that used to be a fun party trick) but it's gotten worse
in the form of my joints, hands specifically, swelling with inflammation. I've
always had issues with my hands and wrists but it was something I could just
deal with.
I have had recurring blood tests come back with high inflammation markers.
Which, is the only thing keeping me from gaslighting myself into thinking my
joint pain and swelling in my hands is all in my head or normal. I've had a high
(my last blood draw it was 14.5k) WBC since my teens, I'm 35 now. Which having
blood drawn is fun. My veins roll and once stuck may just crap out and refuse to
fill up any vials and if not that, I have awful vasovagal syncope and was known
as the fainter at the oncology office I went to (diagnosed as lukocytosis). I
have a small red rash that pops up randomly, either on my arms, hands or both,
and I have two continuous red splotches on my cheeks that just came up about 5
years ago. I'm constantly exhausted. My cats (one is 9lbs and hurts just as
badly as the ones weighing 15lbs) stepping on my legs, lower back being touched
or my upper arms being poked is excruciating and leaves a lingering ghost pain
that takes ages to go away. I had a syncope episode from a massage that went to
my lower back, if that says how painful it is.
I used to do BJJ (helped somewhat with the sensitivity but aggravated my
migraines), Muay Thai (oh the bruises...) and Crossfit (learned the hardway that
constant sublaxing shoulders and hips can lead to unfun consequences). I had to
stop all of it because the my body just fell apart. A couple years after that, I
started personal training. It started out well but as time went on, my body
started to pump the brakes and I had to stop going because the trainer wouldn't
take what I was saying seriously or adapt his workout plans enough to make a
difference. It got to the point where I couldn't lift weights (my favorite)
without my fingers locking in place from severe pain after reps. I also couldn't
do anything on my wrists, like bear crawls or push-ups. The longer I stayed, the
worse the subluxations and over extending of lever joints started to get.
After figuring out that maybe what I was going through was more serious than
just being extra bendy, my GP referred me to a rheumatologist. She listened, ran
tests, commented on the red splotches on my cheeks, and also pulled out her tiny
microscope to check my fingers and toes, diagnosing me with raynauds, which I
didn't know I had.
My ANA is normal. I'm negative for RA, Lupus, Sjogrens, and all the other
testable autoimmune conditions. My xrays only showed light degenerative disc
disease (which comes with age) in my back. Nothing out of the ordinary in my
hands (they feel like overstuffed sausages, bending hurts) or ankles (which I
find the most surprising). I've rolled my ankles more times than I can count,
starting in early childhood. Once was so bad that entire top part of where toes
meet foot and all the way down along the outside of foot to the ankle joint,
we're dark purple and swollen. I couldn't walk on my foot for over 2 months and
my parents just bought me a walking stick to use cause we were at a family
reunion 🙃 (the flat out child neglect is another story).
I had a follow up 6 months after the first, but had to reschedule due to an
anxiety attack. 1 month after that reschedule, I get a mail saying that my
rheumatologists department is shutting down. So I'll have to try to fight to get
into see a new doctor a year put from now most likely. It took that long to get
in to see my last rheumatologist.
Sorry for my ADHD addled vent. Just starting to second guess everything again,
even with the inflammation panels coming back high everytime.

submitted by Additional-Dress-893 to Hypermobility [link] [comments]


2023.10.24 21:51 laundry3000_ I'm 28 years old in Portland OR, going to tattoo
school for my 2nd career switch, have been mostly unemployed since Jan, and made
57k this year. [2 yr update]

🌻Hi all! Update to [I am 26 years old, make $137k, live in the bay area, work
as an artist after a career change, and made it out of poverty].
Last time I wrote my money diary I had already successfully switched careers.
This time around I'm writing mid-career switch! I included more detail about my
thoughts, motivations, and actions for the switch this time; some insight on the
life of a serial career switcher. (-:
'Mostly' unemployed since there have been 16 days where I worked for a wage this
year lol. I was not without income despite the unemployment- I utilized social
services and had some favorable contracts.
I'm also still very single, not driving, and thriving. 🤭
✏️Assets and Debt
🔳 Retirement Balance: $210k
◽ $106k in brokerage ◽ $104k in 401k and IRA accounts from ghosts of jobs past
🔳 Equity: Still none 🚲
🔳 Savings account/CD balance: 40k
🔳 Checking account balance: 20k
🔳 Credit card debt: ~3k; paid off in full every month
🔳 Other debt: Still none
✏️ Income
🔳 Income Progression:
◽- 2021 Summary: Grew up poor raised by a single immigrant mom. At 17 I moved
out to attend a public uni on full scholarship and worked part-time. After
graduating, moved to work full-time ($55k) in my degree field as a scientist.
Didn't like it and got fired 1yr in. Opted to stay unemployed and practice art
for 2.5yrs. My first few gigs as a digital artist were as a freelancer. I wrote
the last diary after I had become a full-time digital artist. ($100k)
⭐ Net 150k
◽2022: Moved at the start of 2022 to Portland for funsies. My cost of
living:quality of life ratio in the bay was whack. I was full-time remote with
($100k) salary, and got a ($20k) bonus in April.
The company was noticeably imploding so my office made exit plans. Mine was to
wait until they fired me to get unemployment, beef up my savings with freelance,
and figure out the rest later.
From May-July I accidentally(?!) agreed to a 40hweek freelance for an animation
studio. (I thought it'd only be a few illustrations.) I'd spend 8hrs straight
drawing for the animation and then still had to draw for my full-time. ($31k)
In Dec a repeat client contacted me to do back to back to back marketing
projects for a little under 3 weeks. ($17k)
Over the year I developed really bad carpal tunnel and had lost a shocking
amount of weight. I constantly thought about how I was living to work and was
overall burnt out from overemployment!
I grossed [$168k] and paid more in taxes than my first full-time income. 😵‍💫
⭐ Net: 250k
◽2023: Got laid off first day back in 2023 and received a fun lil severance
package and cashed out PTO in my last paycheck. ($15k).
Several colleagues kindly offered interviews at their companies. My hesitance to
pursue them made me realize that while those were opportunities I wanted 6 years
ago, it wasn't what I wanted in the present. Decided to not job seek whatsoever
and enjoy existing.
I collected all of the unemployment benefit. ($11.5k) Had a great spring &
summer time picnicking, noodling around on my bike, stumbling into events, and
doing hobbies. A friend who was also funemployed (also from burnout) hung out
with me the entire time. It was really joyful! Also flew around the country for
a few stints to visit friends.
In April I happened upon tattoo school. Not hard, since it's on a major street
within 10min from my house. Took a tour and signed up the same week. Paid the
$12k tuition in full to skip the 2 year(!) wait-list. It was both an impulsive
and long-coming decision. I had known I wanted to stay in the arts, stay
technical, work on my own schedule, make decent money, and engage with a
community. I was sitting around waiting for something to fit that criteria; so
when I bumped into tattoo school I got myself signed up for the next semester
within the week.
Sidenote: OR is one of the few states that requires attending a licensed tattoo
school in order to get a license, which I am grateful for. (-:
In July I started and immediately took a hiatus from school. A wealthy
international client, referred by a friend, contacted me for a grand project. I
accepted because it was weird and I thought it'd be funny to. After 2 weeks we
mutually agreed it wasn't a good fit and I charged them ($20.4k) as a
consultation fee. They actually paid it lol.
Simultaneously for those 2 weeks I took on 3 smaller freelance projects;
referrals from past clients. ($9k). I accepted them since I only know how to be
unemployed or overemployed.
Now I am properly attending tattoo school. (-: The school provides a facility,
supplies, resources, and supervision as needed. The rest is self-directed so
it's up to me to practice design and technique, schedule and find clients, and
consult the instructors for guidance. 50 tattoos are needed to graduate so I set
my own pace. I'm taking it slow to do pieces that will make for a good
I've grossed [~$57k] this year so far, to my surprise.
⭐ Net: 265k
🔳 'Main' Job Annual Take Home: $15k severance (1 day)
🔳 Side Gig Annual Take Home: $29.4k freelance (15 days)
🔳 Any Other Income: 11.5k unemployment benefit (28 weeks), 1.5k misc dividends
✏️ Expenses
🔳 Regular expenses ($2401/month):
◽ $1055 rent. [I live with 2 housemates and rent 1.5 rooms + a shared office
space. The house is a beautiful historic 4b2b in a super central yet cozy
◽ $120ish utilities◽$7 renters insurance ◽ $16 basic cell plan with 5GB data
◽$2 ACA healthcare ◽$20 ACA dental
◽ $20 therapy ($5 copay/session), $10 psychiatry, $15 prescription
◽$2 my website urls
◽ $250 groceries/ home essentials
◽$10 misc bike maintenance ◽$12 bike share fees ◽$10 transit
◽$25 pet supplies ◽$17 pet insurance
◽$140 home cleaning ◽ $70 massage
◽ $120 cafes ◽$160 eating out/ drinks/ take out
◽ $60 farmer's market flowers ◽$80 merch/crafts from local artists/ vendors◽ $50
yoga studio
◽$130 just buying stuff; I like stuff that makes my life cozieeasiewhimsical
🔳 Irregular expenses (~22k this year):
◽ Travel: $3k for in-country flying to friends and family.
◽ Local events, markets, concerts: $600
◽Career switch: $14k tuition + supplies
◽Moved: $3k
◽(Masseter) Botox: $1.5k [Top life improving purchase this year! No more jaw
clenching- a side effect of my medication. So no more jaw aches and headaches,
happier teeth, and my face is back to the shape I remember!]
🔳 Contributions:
◽ I max out my Roth IRA every year, but I'm not focusing on retirement or
investments at the moment.
🔳 No expense items:
◽ No car ◽ No debt ◽Friend's netflix subscription◽City bikeshare pass (I qualify
for their free pass on ACA healthcare).
✏️Money Diary
🌻[DAY 1 - $26.10]
◽11am Finally roll out of bed to do chores. Mostly laundry and rotating my
wardrobe for fall.
◽1pm It's sunny so I bring out a ladder to pick grapes on the public sidewalk.
My backyard's grapevine has vined onto the sidewalk tree. Everyone decides to
walk their dog this very moment.
◽2pm Nike bike (cityshare bike) to school and park it outside the school for
($1). It costs a dollar to park it outside of a bike station. Set up my station
and tattoo from 3-6pm. I think I messed up the tattoo but the client was happy,
so I pretend I'm happy with it too while he's there. Real nice dude who's a
friend of a friend. Super broke though so I told him to pay by referring people
to me.
◽6pm Tell an instructor that I feel bad I messed up and we discuss what issues I
had. She does a small demo of the techniques I struggled with and then set up a
lecture date to go into further detail for me, yay! I mingle with some
classmates about designs before heading out.
Nike bike back home to drop off my machine and change. it got chilly and dark
real fast! I am charged ($1) to park it next to my house.
◽7:30pm Bike 30 min to a comedy club. Sheng Wang is performing! I bought the $35
ticket a few months ago. I feel a lil proud I know how to navigate the bike
streets well enough to not need google maps. I pay another ($1) to park at the
◽8pm As a party of one in a packed venue I get seated with strangers. The table
is real small and now has 3 separate parties sitting at it. I engage by asking
if making small talk is a faux pas. They are relieved to not sit in awkward
silence. I'm such an entertainer.
The show openers are great and I feel extremely pandered to since all the sets
are about observing Portland from the perspective of LA. Sheng says he likes
Portland bc he likes soup and moss. Me too.
There is a 2 item minimum so I drink two ciders at $8.5 each, and tip 30%.
◽10pm Catch a friend outside of the venue. I explain some of the opener's set
that was done in Spanish to them. I feel very LA.
◽11pm Another ($1) to park the bike outside of my house. It's a very dark uphill
30min ride, but I am intoxicated so I feel no pain. I biked for a total of 12.6
miles today.
I make leftovers soup by boiling leftover takeout soup broth, dry udon, bok
choy, and freezer dumplings. It tastes great thanks to the takeout assist.
Housemate and her bf are back with groceries. I tell them I can't help but knock
around loudly in the kitchen while cooking because I am intoxicated. They
◽12am Go upstairs to entertain kitty. Lil guy is stoked to do his zoomies. He
climbs on me as I do yoga stretches and eat oreos.
🌻 [DAY 2- $21]
◽10am Both housemates are out camping so I have the house to myself. Yesterday's
client referred two of his friends to me. Do some client and insta maintenance.
Social media sucks. I wish I could do everything through email. Today is a
free-form day so I continue rolling around in bed and read some trash.
◽12pm Decide to go to a cafe that's new to me. Someone gave it a 3 star review
and called it a very nice cafe, but "what kind of cafe doesn't do latte art".
Who cares, your girl likes iced lattes. I get an iced matcha with oat milk and a
blueberry muffin. $8+$3 tip. ($11) They are certainly okay. The space is
pleasant with perfect people-watching windows. I do design sketches and color
palette tests for the next tattoo I want to do for myself.
◽2:30p Stop by a New Seasons grocery along the way back home. I guffaw at the
produce section prices. I'll spend $11 to sit in a cafe but I draw the line at
$5/lb broccoli. I leave empty handed.
◽4pm Decide it's a good time to wash and re-waterproof my rain gear with
~special~ detergent. It starts pouring as I'm about to head out and all my
rainwear is inside the machine. Nice. I take my own bike. It'd be too silly to
be stuck in the rain because someone else took the nike bike.
◽5pm I'm attending a free biopic sewing night at a non-profit sewing studio.
It's funny having to seek out bipoc events in portland when it was just the
standard in cali.
Feeling nervous since it's my first time attending and my project is just an
alteration. The gals there end up being so sweet and I stay the whole 3 hours. I
finally altered an oversized anorak I bought over a year ago.
◽9pm I haven't eaten anything of nutritional value. Boil frozen dumplings and
regret not buying groceries on my way home from the studio.
Go upstairs to entertain kitty and organize my schedule. Sign up for yoga class
for ($10) and the next two sewing club events. The rest of the night is spent
listening to a podcast, drawing, and planning out my money diary.
🌻 [DAY 3 - $53.51]
◽10am I was born to do laundry. Also get stuck on insta responding to and
scheduling clients.
◽1pm It's the last day for my amazon returns so I have to go to whole foods.
This whole foods is at the foot of a massive hill. I have a single banana on my
way out to really ensure the hills kick my ass.
Get ~$50 refunded to buy useless stuff another day. Leave with a loaf of bread
($2.69). A guy tells me he likes how my bike pannier looks like a backpack. I
tell him it's because it is a backpack.
◽1:30pm Bike to Fred Meyers grocery store. This is an atypical route for me so I
meander a bit to check out the neighborhood. It is very wealthy feeling with the
giant tree canopies changing color for autumn.
I'm listing out my haul since I think I'm pretty good at grocery shopping lol.
($50.82) for 2lbs broccoli, 2lbs grapes, 5 avocados, 1 head of green lettuce,
pack of cherry tomatoes, 3 dairy-free frozen pizzas, pint non-dairy chergy
Garcia ice cream, white cake mix, jar of pasta sauce, 2 cans pineapple, vegan
mayo, 18 eggs, 4oz smoked salmon, pack of dish sponges, shaving cream, body
◽2:30pm Why is there so much laundry. I make a BLT sandwich and I'm tired enough
to eat it while taking a bath.
◽4pm Take to practicing tattooing on fake skin the rest of the day. Tattooing in
a straight line and filling in color is challenging... I'm not very good at
either but I get a lil better every time.
◽ 8pm Break time to play w kitty. I try to practice tattooing upstairs but he
seems very perplexed to distraught by the machine vibrations. I do stretches
instead. I'm trying to get my plank to two minutes.
Also hurriedly tidy the house so the housemates will have a pleasant experience
coming home from camping.
◽9:30pm Do a bit more tattoo practice while listening to a podcast.
◽12pm Remember that eating is a thing and have fruit and junk food.
🌻[DAY 4 - $32]
◽9am I have breakfast and lunch back to back in a way that does not feel like
My friend tells me that our intended event, "Bread fest", was so popular that
the bread sold out immediately. We plan for something else.
◽11am Nike bike over. We get boba at a place that was recently opened by a v
pleasant Thai family. I get a golden milk boba with oat milk. I high key dislike
the name golden milk. Turmeric is a very nice word. Golden makes it sound like
pee. $7+$5 tip ($12)
◽1pm On my way back I stop by the farmers market for a flower bouquet ($20). The
stand is owned by a SE asian family. The owners recognize me and give me a lil
bundle of eucalyptus.
◽2pm I'm feeling exhausted, crampy, and a little feverish. Probably PMS. I
cancel on a dinner potluck for tonight. Instead I stay in and practice tattooing
◽7pm Go up stairs to design this week's tattoos and play w kitty. I take some
time to consider what is important to include/exclude on a stencil to make it
the most useful for me.
◽ 9-11pm Continue practice tattooing and stop when my hands get crampy.
🌻 [DAY 5 - $1.00]
◽10am Lost track of time reading shitty romance webtoons so I don't eat before
heading out.
◽12pm Nike bike to downtown for drawing club with friends? colleagues? from
school. Park outside a bike station for ($1). The host bought snacks so I have a
blueberry muffin. They're such a friendly and funny group; always a joy to spend
time with.
◽4pm Get slightly lost in downtown while trying to go home. Normally fine, but
sucks today since it's raining with deep puddles on the lanes. I avoid getting
splashed by cars because I'm an expert. 9 miles biked in total today.
◽5pm Eat an apple and decompress for 10 min before walking over to yoga.
The yoga studio instructors are lovely and one offers me a card reading. I pull
an upside down triangle otter. it tells me the otter is the most joyful animal,
aww. The instructor does a low-impact wrist class for me and they're excited I'm
in tattoo school. (-': I start shaking towards the end of class so I really
really really need to eat.
◽6pm Finally make a sandwich and go upstairs to play w kitty. He's so fluffy and
cute I love him. One of the housemates returned and we have a silly time
swapping stories.
◽7pm Iterate on my own tattoo's designs, finalize some client designs, and prep
tomorrow's stencil. I did some additional iterations of a client design bc I
thought it looked better, but ofc the client chose the first design I did.
◽11pm Watch cow hoof trimming videos? I get into these oddly specific youtube
holes before I fall asleep.
🌻 [DAY 6 - $9.50]
◽9am Feeling hungry and dehydrated and sweaty yeehaw! I slept astonishingly
poorly and had some very mundane nightmares. In one a housemate announced she
had adopted a dog. In another the other housemate told me the dishwasher was
Make leftovers soup again. Also finish off the pint of ice cream right in the
◽11am Do some new design iterations and admin work involving scheduling and
responding to clients.
◽2pm Head over to the school to set up. Ask 3 instructors about how they would
approach the design I'm doing and how to sit the client. They all show me some
tips and tricks. My first time doing grey wash! The client is also a friend of a
friend, also super nice. The tattoo takes 2.5hrs and I really like how it turned
out! It's so much easier than my usual color tattoos. I show classmates and
they're so nice and supportive about it. Clean up and mingle before heading out.
◽6pm I am very much PMSing because I'm so unbelievably tired, sore, and crampy.
But I really want boba so I must get it. Bike 15min, park for ($1), and get an
iced lavender tea with aloe vera. $5.50 + $3 tip ($8.50) At the cafe I practice
drawing tomorrow's tattoos with color pencils. I also continue designing my
tattoo... it's hard because I have to consider how to design it so it still
looks detailed and good despite my beginner skill level.
◽8:30pm Pull up tomorrow's designs at home and clean it up for stenciling while
attending to kitty. I'm tattooing my housemate so I find her and measure her
🌻[DAY 7 - $227.56]
◽9am Housemate is going to school for her massage therapy license! I get a
monthly massage from her ($70). She really focuses on my arms and wrists this
time around.
In a rare event, everyone in the house is idling in the dining room at the same
time. Note: We actually like living together despite having the means to live
alone lol. Our schedules are just busy. We discuss doing a future roomie night
of fortune telling-tarot reading-astrologying.
My house cleaner also arrives around this time. I fully pay for her services
since the others clean the house themselves. I hate cleaning! ($140)
◽11am Housemate and I drive over to tattoo school. I really like her tattoo
design, but the details and color are challenging to execute. Her tattoo takes
4hrs. She sat really well and we both like how it turned out! (Though I always
have feedback for myself).
◽4pm Housemate and I take a break to get lunch. We have thai food and she pays
for the meal as thanks for her tattoo. I suggest a vegan ice cream place close
by. Housemate is super excited since she typically doesn't have that many vegan
options. Me too since I have a dairy allergy and intolerance. I pay for both our
ice creams. $9 +$3 tip ($12)
◽5pm I was supposed to do two tattoos for her but I didn't realize how late it
was. We reschedule the next tattoo and she drops me off at school. Clean up and
mingle. Classmates come by and give a lot of compliments for the tattoo aw. I
consult an instructor on what I struggled with and they offer to demo the
technique for me the next time I tattoo myself, on myself. That'll be super
Also reschedule taking a walk with another friend today since the tattoo took
much longer than expected.
◽6:30pm There are no nike bikes nearby the school. I see on the app there is one
at Fred Meyers. This most likely means that someone rode it to the grocery store
with the expectation to ride it back home. It is, in fact, a dick move to take
this bike. But it's also really funny to me so I walk over and do it.
Quick grocery run to buy grapes and reserve the bike while I'm checking out.
($5.56) I see a guy hovering around the bike when I walk up and totally know
it's him. He watches me unlock the bike and he asks me if there are any other
nearby. There are not. I say sorry and he says that's just how it is. It was, as
expected, very funny to me.
◽7pm The tired-fever-cramps continue so I take it easy the rest of the night. I
catch up with the housemates, make a sandwich, play with kitty, eat many grapes,
and watch cow hoof trimming videos.
🔳[Daily Expense Total: $370.67]
◽ $124.67 Food + Drink
◽ $220 Home + Health
◽ $6.00 Transport
◽ $20 Other
✏️ Reflection
I am committing the social sin of being unemployed and not seeking employment
lol. My answer to what I'm going to do after I get my license is "I haven't
thought that far yet". This is my 3rd rodeo so I've been schooled real hard that
things don't happen just because I plan them. I'm doing what I can to prepare
myself to be able to take on whatever I stumble upon. (-: And right now what I
can do is practice, set up business/client infrastructure, and learn from
Financially, I'm in an interesting place! I don't really fit the standard
financial advice as someone who: has unpredictable income, inconsistent access
to the typical full-time benefits, doesn't want children, is impartial about
owning a home, and is persistently single. 😅 I haven't adjusted my spending due
to my income last year. It's nice to be able to drop coin for comfort and in
support of other people's ventures. I don't know what I'm going to do to prepare
for retirement, but I can say the life I live now is a happy one that mimics
what I want to do when I'm retired.
Thanks for reading. :~)

submitted by laundry3000_ to MoneyDiariesACTIVE [link] [comments]


2023.10.24 17:58 newabro Spa Recommendation

I am looking for a relaxation massage post-dashain. Do you have a good
recommendation except for expensive ones like Tranquility, Nuad Thai, etc?
A friend recommended New Jasmine Beauty Point and Spa at Sanepa. Has anyone ever
been to here?
Suggestions are open!

submitted by newabro to Nepal [link] [comments]


2023.10.24 03:54 Molboro87 Leaving Thailand and back the next day. Issues?

I know there are rule changes all the time so wondering if anyone can help. I’m
currently in Thailand (arrived last night). I’m here for 4 days and leave
I then re-enter on Saturday morning escorting 30 senior pupils on a school trip
for 6 days.
Have my return tickets and everything. Just wondering if this was an issue. I
read something about only entering a few times per year? I also came in August
for about 4 days April for about 15 days. As I’m married to a Thai we often just
come back to visit the in-laws for a few days.
This time coming in, I was asked how long would I be here this time and where
was I going next and was then stamped in for 30 days quite quickly (I didn’t
mention I’d be back next week)
Any advice is greatly appreciated

submitted by Molboro87 to ThailandTourism [link] [comments]


2023.10.24 01:15 Calm_Performance_463 Mother Seeks Immediate Full time
Legitimate Job

Hi Guys! My name is Heather and I am looking for a full time job immediately. I
lost my job recently when my patient passed away and because of my background
I've been running into brick walls left and right. I am a recovering addict and
have turned my life around 360 degrees and am now trying to support my 7 year
old son who's father is not in the picture. I have done lots of customer
service, cashiering, secretarial work, and I have recently been escorting to try
and come up with my rent money so we don't end up out on the streets. Side note
I give really good massages! I also am looking for a mutually beneficial
relationship with someone who might be intrested in giving me a job and a car to
use or earn with my paychecks. Thanks everyone hoping that someone can be the
blessing I need in my life right now. God Bless Everyone who took the time to
read this and those of you who will hopefully offer your help.

submitted by Calm_Performance_463 to SanDiegoClassifieds [link] [comments]


2023.10.23 23:35 Prestigious_Line_429 7500฿ for Freelancer for 11 days

Thoughts on 7500฿ for a freelancer from Samui for a total of 11 days. That's the
overall cost end to end including a trip and her food and drinks which I bought
and money for her room - probably already paid for her room herself but even so.
It was a pretty good experience tbh, got massages, plenty of "fun", delicious
Thai food which she even bought and got her parents to give me, she let me drive
her motorbike while she stayed at my hotel room, went back to her room a few
times. And to top it off had plenty of video calls with her mum and dad while I
was with her.
While I was with her she did seem surprised by the various questions I was
asking her and kept saying no one else has been so interested and wanted to know
so much about her and her family.
After returning home video calls continued until she asked me to send her money
which I did not, since then all communication has stopped - this was obviously
expected to happen and she was hoping to get something more financially from me.
She must have a few people supporting her as that's not a lot of money for 11
days especially that she was not working for the time she was with me.
Keen to get everyone's thoughts and opinions on this one???

submitted by Prestigious_Line_429 to ThailandTourism [link] [comments]


2023.10.23 21:35 baseballguyy Thai massage

Anyone know of a spot I can get a Thai massage in Carle place or westbury area?

submitted by baseballguyy to longisland [link] [comments]


2023.10.23 18:22 DndQuickQuestion Roundup Part 4a: Emma's gadgets, Overview of
human space, characters, timeline, UN military, and wars, Rebuilding the ECS,
Quintessence and punctures vs portals, magic food fraud, EVI the robomaid

This is part of a collection of notes I have made so far. This time, and part of
the reason for delay, I grabbed all the public author notes because there are an
excessive number of them pertaining to humanity. Comment-exclusive material is
marked with spoilers, which will be my policy as the author may choose to
decanonize anything said only in comments. ([1 taint dragons], [2 nulls souls],
[3 academy Vanavan], [4A gadgets humans], [4B EVI], [5 Library-on hold], [6
Mal'tory-on hold], [7 Nexus TBA], [8 Magic TBA])
But first, a moment of eldritch sympathy for the poor dragon and its impotent
psychic screaming because Emma set EVI’s reminder to ask the library about the
void entity for “… I don’t know, a few days from now or something” rather than
next time she was in the library. Here’s to hoping EVI can add another point to
its side of the crazy idea tally board by circumventing, finessing, and/or
broadly interpreting Emma’s directives.


Power Armor. The power armor is vacuum sealed, masks sound from the wearer
inside (including breathing that would differentiate Emma from an empty suit),
and excludes contaminants. The armor has three main layers, the undersuit used
to transmit tactile sensations, monitor Emma’s life signs, and maintain her
homeostasis, the exoskeleton for powering the suit’s strength, and the exterior
armor-cloth and composite protective plating. The whole thing is light enough
for Emma to be able to move clumsily without strength assist. A repair dock for
the armor is set up in the tent. Emma is trained in last resort living in the
suit for prolonged periods, but I’d rather not know the finer details. Squad 30
has suggested cooperating with the teachers (probably Vanavan, Chiska, & Belnor)
to manufacture an excuse for why Emma cannot take off her armor. They’ll
probably have to come up with something near the truth like ‘humans are strongly
allergic to concentrated mana’.
Mana-blocking. Exotic materials that cannot be mass produced on account of time
and material constraints (e.g. sounds like a semi-magic ritual is involved) coat
the armor’s layers to protect Emma from a total of 29 types of magical radiation
up to at least 2195% average background (est. ~22nd tier spell power relative to
the soul-trapping book’s 19th). Depending on the magic lobbed at it, the suit is
invisible to some spells that rely on the presence of souls or magic fields to
activate and target (e.g. Sorecar’s spear), and it also contact-nulls
(Mal’tory’s antlion pit, Lartia’s tentacle pen, but not the scrollable
orientation paper) or passes invisibly through other types of spells (e.g.
Mal’tory’s wall and handcuffs). However, the suit does not completely null mixed
magic-physical (Ilunor’s fire breath), continuously acting concentration spells
with a physical outcome (Mal’tory’s antlion pit), and spell-powered effects with
physical outcomes (golem punch), and non-Euclidean shenanigans. The suit not
only blocks outside manafields from entering, but it also theoretically blocks
inside manafields from leaking out. If Emma’s soul does somehow attune to an
exotic mana-type that the suit’s internal sensors do not/cannot detect,
outsiders will not notice she has acquired a manafield. More realistically than
Emma suddenly becoming a magical girl, the blocking means Emma can conceal a
classmate from the school’s soulpath map spy system by putting them in the suit
while she stays in her tent and remote pilots it - the soulpath map can’t detect
Emma outside the suit either because she is a null-fielder.‡ One of the +1
thirtieth mana-type(s) can leak through the suit and induce vivid hallucinations
Emma hears as chiming sounds (probably dragon psychic communications - could be
Mal’tory’s office blue or the amethyst one). It is unclear whether the suit’s
exotic materials are partially transparent to that mana-type on account of not
being designed for it, or getting blitzed by 2593% above background (est. ~26th
tier spellpower) in the portal betwixt overwhelmed the armor enough to allow
some to leak in. Either way, that anomalous +1 mana-type doesn’t pose as much of
a human-melting radiation danger like the others we know about. (BTW, with these
parameters, the portal room on Earth is rated for about 1640~1940% or level
16-19 spells) The helmet visor (and the tent) are probably opaque because the
mana blocking materials are not transparent. ‡(When I wrote this like 2.5 weeks
ago, I thought the relevance was entirely theoretical, but now we know Ilunor
has to hide from inquisitors/Mal'tory hunting for him on trial day and trusting
Mal'tory's invisibility cloak is deeply unwise. Emma and squad will need to pull
a gambit. When inquisitors come to the dorm to search everyone's personal space
for Ilunor, the kobold can wear the power armor while Emma hides out in the best
air-tight mana-shield she can manage under the active camouflage cloak with a
cleaned oxygen supply. As long as she isn't directly hit with a high-level
spell, the shielding only has to be average while wearing the undersuit and
wrapped in spare tent material. Despite Ilunor being inside, EVI can act out
Emma's mannerisms and voice, wait for the inquisitors to leave after being
satisfied Ilunor isn't hiding in Emma's tent or containers, throw up a hologram
of the suit so anyone continuing to spy on the room thinks Emma is still there,
and then sneak Ilunor to the library under Emma's camo cloak. If Emma isn't
hiding somewhere in her own tent -actually a good spot because the sudden local
drain of breaking open the manavoid in the tent will go a long way to convince
the search party that Ilunor couldn't be alive hiding in there- then Thacea and
Thalmin simply need to put a wrapped-up Emma back in the tent, seal it, and wait
an hour for the tent space to reclean, then she is good to go. Good thing Ilunor
is small!)
Virtual Intelligence autonomy. The armor can move autonomously and override
operator input. While the feature has been used in a few action moments so far,
the EVI can fully control the armor like UN frontline robot soldiers. Empty suit
autonomy would be necessary to enact contingencies if Emma died. More
practically, Emma might be able to assign the EVI-driven empty armor chores to
perform while she in her tent doing homework. That said, EVI is probably a
less-than-ideal robo-maid: its definition of “food” is doubtful, so advanced
concepts like “ergonomics”, “aesthetics”, “organization”, and “healthy living
space” might also be suspect. Maybe Emma is better off tasking EVI with
maintenance, inventory, report writing, DNA sequencing, or monitoring petri
dishes and seedlings in mana atmospheres.
Movement assist. The armor can lift several tons of weight, precisely line up
gun and grapple shots with superhuman precision, dodge projectiles with machine
reaction time and athletics, and engage a high-mobility mode that achieves
velocities on par with haste-like magics, and can compensate for several dozen
feet-high jumps and landings too. As a side note, we witnessed the null using
its own version of mobility assist to goomba-stomp Larial. I do not know whether
super-strength is a generic power of the null’s monstrous mushy being, or the
null is deliberately copying the power armor which then begs the question of why
it is trying to copy both the armor and Emma rather than only the much-smaller
humanoid meat being inside who signed her name in the yearbook. Maybe it doesn’t
know better, but it is something to think about.
Personal Weapons. Both arms house grappling hooks and hidden laser and ‘kinetic’
personal defense weapons in addition to the 25-round, magnetically locked
sidearm Emma declared. Given Emma’s vague commentary about gun progression, I
suspect an electromagnetic railgun or other force equivalent has superseded the
cartridge system. If Emma is rocking arm-railguns of an electric nature, she
might be able to divert the electricity to electrocute attackers or defibrillate
patients or generate a strong magnetic field to catch and snatch iron objects in
melee range. (Emma probably didn’t defibrillate Rila in the warehouse because
her heart arrhythmia was not shockable because she was hypovolemic. Disclaimer:
I’m not a doc.) I don’t know if the laser weapon is ‘pew-pew’ or ‘continuous
directed energy boiling holes in people and BBQing drones out of the sky’.
HUD. Emma’s control of the armor’s software is a combination of voice commands,
gaze gestures, and prediction by EVI. The control scheme might also include
semantic decoding: aka non-invasive eavesdropping on brain signals to parse
intent, emotion, and imagery faster than commands can be spoken. We know Emma
already has at least one medical implant. The armor and Emma's equipment have an
absurd amount of cameras, mics, and trackers built in to augment the displays.
Doraemon pocket Utility belt. Contents include: tablet, drones, nutripaste,
spare tethers, spikes or pitons, radio earpieces, active camouflage cloak,
backpack extra manipulator claw, handgun magazines and 25 spent bullets, and a
year 200X US Lincoln penny. The medipack has wound-closing paste, a pulse
oximeter, cervical collars, and sundry. Magic items include a gold library card
and a find-my-elf-friend Rila bracelet. It is unclear whether these magic items
are aura-traceable or if the pocket material blocks mana radiation as well. Note
Ilunor was able to tell which pocket the library card was in although he might
have memorized it after Emma flourished the card earlier.
Question for the author: Does Emma bring magic items into the tent? They ought
to desaturate and become useless (Find-Rila Bracelet) or could produce
unexpected, life-threatening gouts of mana (library card). If not, where does
Emma store her everyday carry, but not tent safe stuff?
Drones. Emma's carries nine drones, minimum. Silent disk-shaped ones launch from
the backpack for battlefield awareness maps. The drones also can function as
repeaters to extend the transmission range of close-range tech. The armor
utility belt has INFIL-DRONEs 01-04: dragonfly-like drones barely the size of a
fingertip, and an unseen INFIL-DRONE05 which has higher-class tech and requires
special approval to launch. We don't know what happened to the drones left in
Elaseer after the crate showdown. They might have returned to Emma while
resuscitating Rila or are hiding out waiting for her shopping trip return. Emma
has replacement drones in one of the crates.
Battle-mode/high-alert mode. Emma sends up a number of silent disk drones that
link with the suit to map the local area and electromagnetic spectrum in a
100-meter radius. Inside her area of operation, Emma can respond to hazards very
efficiently. Additional drones grant better detail and customize the awareness
area shape. Emma has overhead and cheating-in-FPS-games vision for about a
70-meter radius while in battle-mode. Basic info about creatures like body plan,
name, etc. is listed. Creatures are also cosmetically highlighted according the
designations friendly (blue), neutral, and hostile, but we haven't actually seen
that change anything the EVI does. High alert mode is very taxing on EVI's
processing power. (Forward expeditionary battlefield networking and passive
monitoring systems. FEBNPMS)
Medical functions. EVI can scan Emma and bystanders for malady and the armor has
a dedicated medipack. Emma is implanted with a health monitor that talks to the
armor; EVI was able to diagnose elevated stress hormones while Emma was in her
nightwear outside of the armor. The armor can also internally administer a
variety of medicines. Anti-nausea is mentioned. Emma has a supply of
wound-closing paste (nano machine-based?), and various first aid monitoring and
stabilization devices. So far, EVI's analyses and human medical devices work
well across the species, suggesting a common species origin or influence. Hmm.
Holographic projector. Judging by Emma's reaction to Ilunor's illusion, hers is
not "hard light". She has a small projector built into her data pad, a
deployable one a drone can carry, and likely one for holographic movies. The
deployable one has very limited signal range. Earth holos don't project
manafields so images of living creatures and magical objects won't fool Nexians.
Ordinary objects (and null-fielder Emma without any magic items in her pockets)
apparently don't have manafields, so they might pass Nexian inspection so long
as mana streams don't distort around their physical matter.
Tent. The opaque tent has the same mana-resistant properties as the suit but is
so fragile a kitchen knife could puncture it. Takes one hour to fully purge the
interior of mana. I am not certain if the tent has sectioned off
zipper-to-open-the-door-flap rooms that are individually shielded or if it is
all one space. Amenities and functions are or will include a sleeping bag, a
field computer, toilet and shower, mana desaturator, a work and experiment
bench, armor stand, repair and upgrade toolbox, and a 3D printer and fabricator.
Under my not-yet-posted list of chekhov’s railguns, I have "Careful description
of tent fragility means someone is definitely going to try to assassinate Emma
by puncturing a hole in it. EVI/Thacea/Thalmin/Ilunor must stop the perpetrator
with perimeter defense before they get to the tent or EVI must force load Emma
into the armor before the damage gets done."
Crates. Durable crates made of space-worthy materials. Wired with cameras, mics,
and tamper detectors, they are also lined with high-grade explosives that
ordinarily destroy just the contents without compromising the exterior but
damage entire buildings if the crate has been compromised. Emma might be able to
remove some of the explosive and re-purpose it if needed, but the explosive
power is less than the magnitude required to destroy power armor in the case of
a killed-in-action scenario.
Generators. Author's notes say Emma has four generators, one in the suit and
three for the tent. Re. the external generators, one keeps mana purged from the
tent, the second is for the mana extractor, and the third is beefier for Emma's
other devices, probably the fabricators. Antimatter is the ideal compact energy
storage material to power the generators, assuming humanity has the tech to
contain it. Safe disposal of antimatter is an issue, but maybe humanity has a
reaction to convert the energy to mostly neutrinos and aim them skyward. A
pocket fusion device might also be feasible and would be less intrinsically
dangerous if misappropriated. As I've said in post 4B, the external generators
and internal generator powering the armor are probably key to enacting the
Broken Arrow protocol to atomize any Earth tech beyond recovery.
Mana-Extractor and Concentrator The 'mana-radiation extraction and desaturation
device' built into the tent leeches all the mana from small objects. There is
also a weaker extractor in the armor for air and water input. Both devices
theoretically should be able to run as concentrators by forcing the extracted
mana into a confined space like the exo-reality communications suite. If Emma
felt the need, she could find a small ordinary geoshard from the vicinity of the
school's mana pool (or attempt to grow one with pressure, mineral solution, and
concentrated liquid mana like Belnor had), align it, snap in half, mod the suit
to add a mini-concentration chamber and mount it to use as a magical
Nexus-internal long-distance cell phone like the ECS on a much smaller scale. On
another note, I secretly wonder if Nexus has been cheating on all the cooking
with magic. Emma's mana extraction makes food boring because Emma is removing
the secret sauce and exposes the food fraud for what it is. Earthrealm might be
the world of godly chefs because they achieve tasty results naturally. That
would also mean EVI is wrongly taking the blame for Nexus' culinary shortcuts
and eventually might have to self-righteously crush Emma's prejudicial notions
about machine aptitudes once the VI experiments enough to determine the
underlying cause.


Flight. Emma has some form of noisy, buzzing flight; she briefly considered
using it to reach Larial's room in the medical towers. The gadget could attach
to the armor: a jetpack, or Emma could have an oversuit: a jetpack, or both. I'm
thinking both. Jetpack. Perhaps a separate large, multipurpose drone that can
attach to Emma or lift heavy cargo for overland ventures. Emma didn't use any
form of jetpack assist to escape Mal'tory's antlion trap in the warehouse, so
I'm thinking it's not an everyday carry. Jetpack. A hypothetical attachable
flight oversuit system would be based on older orbital insertion tech when power
suit meat fighting was still the norm. Just like fighter plane bombing runs
against vehicles vs. spread infantry today, there are war conditions where large
weapons that efficiently cook drop ships aren't efficient at catching a bunch of
scattered small targets in individual aerial superiority oversuits. High speed,
but more importantly, high mobility, is needed to get power-suited drop soldiers
past laser and guided munition air defense systems ASAP in the critical window
of just a few seconds when a defense turret is brought down and before
additional turrets can reposition to cover the gap. Expect such an aerial
superiority system to be able dodge drone swarms, micro-missiles, and their
magical equivalents. Emma's version would be downgraded to remove munitions and
most heat-shielding but increase flight time, efficiency, reliability, and
weight haul. Emma has a problem with using portals since she can't interface her
mind with them without help, so a flight oversuit might be her solution to
getting around Nexus long distance.
Monofilament wire and netting. Given that monofilament nets can cube soldiers if
thrown at high speed, material property equivalence dictates monofilament must
be incredibly durable and can bear a great deal of tension and weight. Emma's
grappling tethers probably use an embedded monofilament weave - whatever that
'polyalloy' is. Expect Emma to have a mechanical zip ascender to climb
safety-coated monofilament somewhere in her box of toys; mechanical ascenders
are not difficult equipment to figure out so even her roommates could use one if
drones planted the line. The ascender must not be part of Emma's everyday carry
equipment because she would have probably used that to reach Larial instead of
grappling (ascender = faster, quieter, and lower fall risk).
INFIL-DRONE05. A yet-unseen upgrade to the dragonfly drone with more valuable
tech functions. Requires a user unlock to use.
Armor, weapon, and research upgrades. Emma can swap her armor loadout with some
of the gear in one crate.
Hunter killers. Flying microbots seek and kill meat. Target discrimination and
turn-off timetables are not specified. Released in swarms, they were weapons of
mass destruction and regulated under updated Geneva Conventions multiple times.
These would be devastating to the Nexians who don't seem to have adequate
defenses against regular drones. INFIL-DRONE05 could have a hunter-killer
function, but I have my non-evidence-based doubts.


These are gadgets that might appear in the future which were mentioned solely in
the author's comments.
3D fabricatoassemblers. Can take substrate brought from Earth or disassemble
Nexian resources. Presumably can be used print more and larger assemblers.
Truck. A 3D-printed pickup truck for getting to extracurriculars. Personally,
why use a would-you-pirate-a-toyota? when the Magic School Bus is right there!?


Thermal vision mode for heatseeking and footstep tracking and figuring out what
any sort of warm or cold creature touched recently like a science-based
"Marauder's Map" footstep effect. The scan didn't work in Sorecar's lab to track
invisibility-cloaked Ilunor because the ambient temp was too warm for good
resolution plus there were many local heat sources to overload the infrared
X-ray snaps to evaluate anatomy and internal damage. X-ray crystallography is
relevant to the atomic structure and alignment of shards of impart.
Active sound canceling for stealth.


Superconductivity-mediated levitation for sliding over the ground silently.


A power-suit-sized chair Emma can safely sit in.



We don't know how human exo-reality holes work, but we do know humanity is using
quintessence plus a boatload of electricity (and maybe other energies, quantum
syncing, or aggressive space bending) to puncture a hole to Nexus rather than
make a proper mana-based portal which is not location or quintessence-locked. To
differentiate the two, I am calling what the humans do a 'puncture' and the
Nexian methods 'portals'. Given that humans only see mana when it leaks through
the puncture and not from the puncture itself, it means humanity's method isn't
using mana (duh) nor forcibly generating mana on Earth roundabout by some sort
of energy conversion process like how scientists today smash existing particles
in colliders to make new particles. This is very strange, and I don't think the
Academy/Nexus has grokked exactly what humanity did to rip open a puncture and
the implications. The library might suspect the true reason.
Furthermore, we know from the mishap in Mal'tory's office plus Vanavan's
teleport that using a portal requires manafield interfacing. Emma fell into the
betwixt when she tried to tailgate Mal'tory's portal because she didn't
-couldn't- interface magically with it. Vanavan specifically targeted Emma with
his teleportal to make sure she got taken back to school. So, how did Pilot 1
successfully make it across instead of getting stuck in between if the
Nexus-side didn't yet know that humans couldn't interface with the
puncture/portal? That suggests to me humans somehow got some help they and the
Nexians are both unaware of for now. (Ironically, this is a point for Mal'tory's
theory that humanity has a magic patron of sorts.)
Quintessence is localized to a single, unique location on Earth and not been
found elsewhere despite the military looking for more. My suspicion is that
quintessence is not natural, even on the Nexus. It's special stuff with a very
particular historical origin and there is a long-term plot reason why it is
specifically found on a manaless Earth which will clarify the glaring
contradiction between humans obviously belonging to the taxonomic xeno-family of
magic-capable, physiologically humanoid magicrealmers while being nullfielders
on a manaless planet with an oddly short known history compared to everyone
else. I am concerned that quintessence might react with concentrated mana and
that Nexus might reawaken something better left dead and dreaming if/when they
decide that Earthrealm needs to be threatened with a mana flood - more on that
in the Part 7 (Nexus) post when I get to it.


The next time-limited story arc requires Emma to get a message back to Earth
before the UN military's 5 week non-intervention time limit runs out. We know
that Emma needs a crystal from an amethyst dragon, mana needs to be concentrated
into the crystal to charge it (via a reconfigured food desaturator, rebuilt ECS,
or perhaps a dunk in the mana pool under the academy?), the crystal's internal
matrices (these are microscopic inclusions? lattice grain boundaries?) need to
be realigned to match the half back on Earth according to earth records Emma
possesses, and the messaging part of the ECS needs to be recreated and wired
into the crystal to actually send a c-mail back to Earth. The author has not
clarified this in the story, but the Exo-Reality Communications Suite is a bulky
standalone device that works independently of the tent.
As a side note, knowledge of shards of impart was acquired from the library by
exchanging info on the human quantum entanglement communications network which
allows FTL communications. QE networks keep all colonies synced and
participating in civil systems.


Emma's got a few options. She could go swimming in Telliad Lake to see if any
dragon crystals fell there as it flew away. I don't think searching the town
proper would be useful because some official would have rounded up all the
fallen crystals, but perhaps a citizen has squirreled one away for sale on the
black market. The dragon itself seemed to have noticed Emma, but it could have
just been curious because she is a null-fielder and plain looks odd. The dragon
might have also eavesdropped on the communications flowing through its crystals
between Earthrealm and the Academy and thus knows what humanity is like. There
are many branching paths the plot can take, and I hope it doesn't end with the
dragon getting killed by Emma because it would suck to be an ancient imprisoned
entity slowly being chopped apart by elves and then you get merked by yet
another greedy creature right after your first taste of freedom in who knows how
long. This is one of those situations where you hope humans will be different.
Extradiegetically, the powers associated with crystal dragons overlap very
neatly with Dungeon and Dragon's gem dragons. It is worth a peek at a copy of
Fizban's Treasury (or ask me for some copypasta in the comments).


Assuming Emma can transmit to Earth in the next four weeks, the Nexus-doubtful
faction is going to become dominant. Mal'tory, a royal-representative, stole
earth tech, sicced an assassin monster on Emma, and nearly blew her up with a
crate, the Academy attempted to steal Emma's soul, and not to mention the
slavery, adjacent realm subjugation, and general dickishness of the aristocracy.
All this will likely result in the military refocusing their effort into
planning a far meaner Emma rescue plan should she need it, seeking more reliable
Nexus invasion strategies, and defensively preparing for a Nexian attack and
mass-evacuation for a manaflooding event.



The United Nations is currently the main collective body governing humanity. The
UN is a super-federal layer overtop many other sub-sovereignties: planetary
governments, geographic unions, individual nations states, and space habitats.
The UN seems to be a bicameral parliament with one chamber elected by pure mass
elections, and the other is elected by educated civil servants - probably nation
representatives and boards of experts for specific positions. The leading
positions are called First Speaker, and the First Secretary. The UN has, if not
the monopoly on violence, control of a pretty decent chunk of
do-unto-others-before-they-do-unto-you in the form of the LREF and TSEC. The
UN's legislative mandates include the rate at which humanity expands, directing
where humanity explores, updating the Geneva Conventions, forcing humans to
conform to certain physiological standards so that they don't eventually
speciate, and ensuring that all permanent habitats meet a uniform code of
standards so humans may migrate freely between them. Individual nation-states
still exist, many which have bunched up into unions, notably South East Asia.
Long Range Expeditionary Forces. (LREF) The space navy anti-alien wing of the UN
military which, for lack of enemies, has become the exploration department and
makes long range FTL forays out of contact with the rest of humanity for years
on end. Currently looking for other magic realms and places with quintessence.
Famous for budget overruns. Uniform includes cloaks.
TSEC. Acronym not yet defined. Terrestrial and Space Expeditionary Command aka
Space Marine troopers. Power armored specialists and frontline in conflicts. I'm
not sure which military branch directs robot soldiers to fight, but there are
very few humans on the frontline of wars now. The exceptions are enlisted
commanders of robot units and power armored specialists.
The Army. Perhaps encompasses all atmospherically bounded branches that we would
separately identify as the army, navy, and air force, etc.
Institute for Anomalous Studies. (IAS) originally an organization of cranks,
they joined the United Nations Science Advisory when they made a breakthrough.
Responsible for Emma's sociological and psychological training.
UNCIA. UN Central Intelligence Agency. Deals with Artificial and Virtual
Intelligence and likely spy-work.


Emma Booker. Half Thai from her mom's side, half American. She originally lived
in an American midwestern heritage town, her parents died for unknown mystery
reasons, and she moved to New York City in the Acela corridor to be with her
Thai war hero Aunt Ran. She joined the military as junior reserve officer,
unknown branch, and was recruited for the mission out before she could really be
a freshman in college. Whatever she is, it is a frontline power-armored
specialist role.
Emma's Parents. No clue how they died. I wonder if it is relevant.
Auntie Ran. From Emma's mother's Thai half, I'm unsure if she is Emma's mother's
sister or Emma's mother's aunt on account of Ran's 70+ age. Ran lives in the US
Atlantic coast Acela Corridor metropolis in a nice apartment. A former TSEC
power armor marine, she has numerous heroics and accolades attached to her name
that were adapted into video games. Ran is trying to connect Emma to her Thai
roots with gratuitous chili use.
Pilot 1. The first Earthrealmer candidate died to mana overload and
liquefaction, potentially leaving the shreds of his soul on the Nexian side. The
institute eavesdropped on the Nexian side's autopsy using embedded sensors and
heard their conclusions on what happened. Much about Pilot 1 is classified even
from Emma which seems rather abnormal, including his prior job. There is a good
chance Professor Vanavan and Pilot 1 were in mystic contact and Pilot 1's death
prompted Vanavan to take a life-oath to protect the next Earthrealm candidate.
That theory is covered in Part 3 in Vanavan's section.
Director Laura Weir of the IAS. She seems a bit reckless and naive, and bit too
weighted towards mission objectives over the wellbeing of the people, but that's
typical for high-powered director sorts. Likes space racing.
Field Captain McCay. Formal. Trained Emma. Might be Emma's superior.
Captain Li. LREF. Informal "space explorer bad boy". Trained Emma. Emma seems to
like him as a boss.


Acela Corridor. The US northeastern Atlantic coast metropolis. Human prestige
locations, like the Watergate Waterfront hotel, favor wood because bullion and
gemstones have been devalued by space mining. Contains the UN Special
Administrative Region which sounds like a souped-up-Washington DC and the IAS
headquarters (and thus the location of the Quintessence?) Unfortunately, Acela
is completely unrealistic because it means a US region has efficient public
train transportation that isn't constantly single tracking.
Earth. Has some sort of major structure orbiting it, potentially first built as
a ward against global warming. The moon is colonized as well and one of the
first intrasolar wars was a fight between the two - chances are Luna Arms, the
maker of Emma's handgun, was part of that.
Sol System. It seems most large moons and planets have associated colonies. The
asteroid belt has megaforges presumably harvesting asteroids. Jupiter has the
Jovian Stellar Foundries. There are artificial rings above Earth, Luna, Mars,
Venus, and Mercury. Large solar arrays and other mega orbital habitats.
Ind-Net. Industrial Network(?) A concentration of factories.
New Terra. Devastated during a war. Probably a planet in another solar system.


The author has addressed human history primarily in answers to readers'
questions in comments, but we vaguely know there have been a couple big wars,
some before FTL was discovered and some after. I think we are getting to the
point in the story where the sheer number of times JCB has had to explain
certain points indicates that readers need a refresher or else more specific
context for humanity's trajectory and the causes for (or at least the names of)
particular wars, but it can probably wait until we hear about Nexus' conflicts
so we have a compare and contrast.


Peace recently. 31st century human-space hasn't had much conflict lately. The
Charon incident with AI was probably the last major officially known event.
Second Contact with Nexus. Emma sent across as Pilot 2 in the enchanted power
First Contact with Nexus. Earth sends across Pilot 1 who dies immediately on
arrival. His body is thoroughly mutilated to the molecular level by mana
radiation, most likely rendering him unrecognizable. Nexus didn't seem to
actually want the humans to try coming again and gave them an impossibly short
timeline by Nexian standards of 20 years or never again. I suspect a human
faction believes Pilot 1 was intentionally murdered and wants to designate Nexus
an enemy.
Jovian Uprisings. 50 years ago, Emma's aunt Ran fought in a series of station
battles that lasted about a year, casus belli unclear. Ran grappled across a
space station splitting in half to save civilians and the rest of her squad.
Some was an escort mission. Her mission may have also involved shutting down a
dangerous reactor that was melting the station while getting attacked.
IAS mission. Centuries of work by people considered cranks, only recently made
into an official department once they gained credibility. IAS was punching small
holes to Nexus (and elsewhere) for a while before they made contact with anyone
on the Nexian side, and then it took longer still for IAS to get to a point
where they could send a candidate across.
30th century. LREF fails to make much progress looking for alien life.
Third extrasolar war. ???
28th century. Internet superseded by the "infosphere" 12 generations before the
27th century. True intersolar era. FTL probably invented around this time.
25th century. End of the intrasolar (solar system) era, followed by the space
race to Alpha Centauri. Traditional cartridge guns phased out.
24th century. Continuing war-heavy period.
2nd Intrasolar war. Ruined many old Earth cities, Lunar Hab-Spheres, and Martian
23rd century. Late in century, severe disease outbreaks, potentially biological
Late 21st century. Large scale industry.


The first Intrasolar War was between Earth and Luna over representation and
resource rights.
The fourth Intrasolar War between the spacer stations and their colonies against
the inner and the outer system planets and moons.
Several Intersolar wars between the Sol system's influence over colonies in
other star systems and the issues stemming from corporate interests overriding
and sometimes controlling fledgling colonial interests.
The last Intersolar War finalized the formation of the Greater United Nations.


Humanity numbers 252 billion people, occupies a 250 light year bubble, centered
on Earth, with a few dozen star systems effectively developed. Most colonies are
large space habitats, and only a few moons and planets are colonized! Most of
the population is in the Sol system. Humanity didn't crack FTL for a long while
and, discouraged there, prioritized massive intrasolar projects in case FTL
didn't pan out at all. These include solar arrays, space elevators, and orbital
Human FTL at warp 5 is 800 times lightspeed. It doubles as a kinetic kill weapon
of planet-cracking energies. FTL is thus regulated, limited to large official
vessels, and life vaults have been created in case of Earth's premature demise
from terrorist attack or war.
Don't sub-speciate seems to be a pretty big issue, and it sounds like there was
a faction of humanity that claimed the right to adapt to new places and
eventually become incompatible as a good thing - hedging bets against extinction
perhaps. The faction that wanted a single humanity which became the greater
United Nations (was likely Sol System-based) won the genetic civil war. As part
of the control scheme to prevent speciation, the UN instituted Protocols for the
Minimum Acceptable Standard of Living that forces all colonies to conform to
"base-human" standards, standardized the human genome and allowed mods, and
slowed expansion to a steadier pace. I'm not sure if that means there were
sort-of-speciated humans that were "harmonized" back into standard genotypes.
This took too damn long to write, and I have run out of patience to copy edit,
so if there is something egregiously wrong, let me know in the comments.
Edit Notes: (2023-10-24) Copy edits, return of the indents

submitted by DndQuickQuestion to JCBWritingCorner [link] [comments]


2023.10.23 08:21 serviceconers Massage Center Spa in Goa – Body Spa Goa

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submitted by serviceconers to u/serviceconers [link] [comments]


2023.10.22 13:20 WonderFill6714 Fear of diseases...

Hubby and I decided not to approach any of our vanilla friends and encountered
too many fake profiles online, etc.
As it will be hubby's first time with anyone else besides me in many, many, many
years and it will be my first time watching hubby with anyone. He's seen me with
one or two people.
I will not be partaking, only viewing and thereafter hubby and I will go home
and enjoy one another.
Here's the thing, after many advised on Reddit that an escort will be our best
bet for the first experience, we have now made a booking with one. She has many
5 star reviews on her profile .
My concerns are safety though, regardless of reviews.
It will start with a sensual massage and go from there...
Obviously a condom will be used, but there are still STI's which are
contractable through skin on skin contact, such as herpes, etc. Condoms are not
100% safe either and a naked sensual massage is skin on skin contact.
How does one avoid any possible STI's?
Should foreplay, touching, kissing and oral be excluded for safety reasons and
perhaps just go straight to penetration only?
What should or should not be excluded?
Will it minimize the pleasure for hubby?
If it was with someone we know and trusted then we could have had the FULL
experience without being concerned about any of the possible risks. Our friends
are ALL extremely traditional.
Has anyone perhaps picked up an STI from an escort before even though a condom
was used?
Does anyone with escort experience have any wise words to share?
FYI, we're in S.A, which does make a huge difference compared to other countries
and their class of escorts.

submitted by WonderFill6714 to Swingers [link] [comments]


2023.10.22 11:38 SteveJabbaUK Sex In Prague: How To Get Laid With Prague Girls
Fast, Cheap And Easy!

In this ultimate guide to sex in Prague, I'm going to explain everything you
need to know about how to get laid in Prague quickly, cheaply and easily.
We will talk about the best dating apps for quick hookups in Prague, how you can
meet Prague girls if you're an older man, plus the best tactics and techniques
to pick up Prague girls.
We'll also look at Prague nightlife for singles so you can meet Prague girls if
you're already in the area.


I've compiled a list of the best hookup apps and dating sites for cities all
around the world.
These hookup apps all have common features that mean it's easier for the average
guy to get laid:

 * High concentration of members in Western Countries and cities
 * Favourable female / male ratios (rather than 5 guys for every girl on Tinder)
 * Apps where the girls are looking for hookups rather than simply looking for
   ego - validation
 * Lower competition from other men.
 * These apps are also suitable for men of any age (well, up to about 60 or so).
 * Favourable female/male ratios (rather than 5 guys for every girl on Tinder)

I keep this list up-to-date based on changing circumstances.
Visit this link, which will take you to a safe page on my site where you can
check out the updated list of the best hookup apps.


Here’s what you need to know about Prague girls if you want to score a hookup:
The average height of girls in Prague is about 5’6, though you will find more
tall Czech girls in Prague than you would in the UK or USA.
Prague girls tend to be much slimmer than the girls you’re used to seeing in the
UK and USA as well, although unfortunately, that is changing quite quickly as
the attitude and culture change (more on this in a moment).
You’ll also find loads of Russian girls, especially in Zone 1 of Prague, meaning
your head will be swivelling on a stick whenever you walk around the gorgeous
Looking for more cracking sex guides? Check out my guide to sex in Amsterdam and
sex in Copenhagen if you’re interested in other famous European cities!
Or if you really want to do it in style in a beautiful warm city, try my guide
to sex in Malaga.


So let’s talk about Prague nightlife for singles and get the real facts.
The first thing that you should know is that Prague is a VERY touristy town, so
you want to avoid the clubs that are jam-packed full of sweaty European and
American men who are trying to get laid with hot Prague girls, just like you!
Here are some of the best clubs in Prague, with a decent ratio of men/women
where you might score a Prague hookup.
Zlaty Strom M1 Lounge: Epic Prague Thirsty Thursdays Chapeau Rouge Radost FX
Klub 21 Duplex Destiny


Prostitution in the Czech Republic is legal, but brothels, pimping and
prostitutution rings are illegal. Only independent sex workers are legal in the
whole of the Czech Republic.
However, the authorities are aware of the massive sex industry in Prague and the
whole of the Czech Republic, and often turn a blind eye to the vast number of
brothels, seedy strip clubs and other sex work establishments. Enforcement of
the laws is often lax.


Where is the red light district in Prague? It’s complicated! It often depends on
where the police in Prague are applying the most pressure (or not), who is
getting paid off, and so on. Since organised prostitution is illegal (though not
strictly enforced), the authorities must make a show of force from time to time
to shut it down.
Overall, you will find the most obvious brothels and overt prostitution around
Charles Square and Wenceslas Square in Prague.
So what will you find in these areas? Of the 2, Wenceslas square is most
commonly known as the main Prague Red Light district. Here you’ll find loads of
strip clubs (sometimes with “extras”), massage parlours and naughty bath houses.
The only organised brothel where you can pay by the hour is Show Park in Prague
7. This is an establishment with loads of “showrooms”, where you walk down a
corridor and check out the girls.
Once you see one you like, you can than pay for her time by just entering the
room and paying the fee.
You have to negotiate the price directly with the girl, and be sure to agree and
make it clear beforehand to avoid getting into trouble.
Show Park is one of the largest adult venues in Europe, and the only legit
organised brothel in Prague.



So how much does it cost for a Prague escort ASKA Prague call girl? I warn you –
it is NOT cheap.
I checked a number of sex escort websites in Prague and the average cost for a
Prague escort/call girl is 6000 CZK (254 EUR, 268 USD). It is basically the same
price as the UK or USA (or Germany), where the majority of tourists come from
who look for sex with Prague girls.
And how hot are the escorts and call girls in Prague? Pretty hot as you would
expect considering the high level of beauty of Czech Women. Here’s a sample of
hot Prague escorts/ call girls:



Strip clubs in red light area and “dodgy” strip clubs:
There are two main types of strip club in Prague:
Legit strip clubs, where you watch the girls dancing and you can pay for a
private dance.
Dodgy strip clubs, which are mainly clustered around the Old Town and Wenceslas
Square. Here you can pay for “extras”, and you may get extras including a BJ and
possibly full on sex.


The easiest way to find these strip clubs is to simply search them on Google
Maps. I’ve added a custom map at the top of this section to show you a list of
the most well-known strip clubs in Prague.
The only trouble is that you won’t know whether you’re in a dodgy strip club or
a legit one until you go.


Here are signs that you’re in a dodgy strip club:

 * The dancers offer you extra’s
 * The lady drinks are extortionately expensive
 * There are girls near to the club who will invite you into the strip bar and
   flirt with you.

If you experience any of these signs, leave immediately. There’s a good chance
that the strip club will try and rip you off.
Rip off strip clubs are common throughout central and Eastern Europe. Here’s a
short video showing the extent of the problem. Although it talks of dodgy strip
clubs in Warsaw, it applies equally to Prague too.


This is where it can get very seedy, dangerous and dodgy. It’s illegal to
solicit for sex in Prague, but some desperate girls do street walk and try to
drum up business that way.
If you want to try and find street call girls, there’s a number of areas you can
Once again, Wenceslas square is the place to go, where you’ll find the highest
concentration of street call girls anywhere in Prague. You must be careful of
scams and pickpockets here, as often these girls work together with other girls
or even guys to scam you.
A common danger is being robbed by call girls. One will bump into you and
possibly grab your genitals, whilst her accomplice (male of female) reaches into
your pockets and steals your wallet or phone.
Good luck getting it back if it’s taken too!
Other areas where street call girls hang out:

 * Town hall square
 * Karlovo Namesti
 * Park near Muzeum A metro and Muzeum railway stops.
 * Around Narodnia and Rijna


Need I say that street girls in Prague are desperate and are breaking the law
already, so the chances of you encountering trouble are high. It is totally
unregulated, and there is a VERY high chance that a street prostitute will work
with other people to rob you or otherwise exploit you.
There is also a decent chance you will be physically assaulted if you try to
pick up street prostitutes, not to mention the higher risk of STI’s.
Overall, you should avoid street prostitution in Prague – it’s simply too much
trouble and too risky.


The best way to get sex with a girl in Prague that is safe, relatively
inexpensive and much more satisfying than simply paying for an escort is to try
the following:


Try my list of top hookup dating apps anywhere in the world. I've listed dating
apps for ALL ages, preferences and circumstances.
Use this link, and it will take you to a safe page on my site where you can
peruse these dating apps.
Check out the list of the best hookup dating apps now!

submitted by SteveJabbaUK to MaverickMen [link] [comments]


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Penhold, Red Deer, Sherwood Park, Spruce Grove, St. Albert, Stony Plain,
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Wellington, Clarence-Rockland, Clarington, Clearview, Collingwood, East
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King, Kingston, Kitchener, Lakeshore, Lasalle, Leamington, Lincoln, London,
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Niagara Falls, Niagara-on-the-Lake, North Dumfries, North Perth, Oakville,
Oliver Paipoonge, Orangeville, Orillia, Oshawa, Otonabee-South Monaghan, Ottawa,
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Puslinch, Quinte West, Richmond Hill, Sarnia, Sault Ste. Marie, Scugog, Severn,
Smith-Ennismore-Lakefield, Southwold, Springwater, St. Catharines, St. Clair,
St. Thomas, Stratford, Tecumseh, Thames Centre, Thorold, Thunder Bay, Toronto,
Uxbridge, Vaughan, Wainfleet, Wasaga Beach, Waterloo, Welland, Wellesley,
Whitby, Whitchurch-Stouffville, Wilmot, Windsor, Woodstock, Woolwich.Quebec:
Baie-D'Urfe, Beaconsfield, Beauharnois, Beloeil, Blainville, Boisbriand,
Boucherville, Brossard, Candiac, Cantley, Carignan, Chambly, Chelsea,
Châteauguay, Cote-Saint-Luc, Coteau-du-Lac, Delson, Deux-Montagnes, Dollard-Des
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Coteaux, Les Cèdres, Longueuil, Lorraine, LÊvis, Mascouche, McMasterville,
Mercier, Mirabel, Mont-Royal, Mont-Saint-Hilaire, Montreal, Montreal-Est,
Montreal-Ouest, Notre-Dame-de-l'Île-Perrot, Notre-Dame-du-Mont-Carmel, Oka,
Otterburn Park, Pincourt, Pointe-Calumet, Pointe-Claire, Quebec, Repentigny,
Richelieu, Rigaud, Rosemère, Saguenay, Saint-Amable,
Saint-Augustin-de-Desmaures, Saint-Basile-le-Grand, Saint-Bernard-de-Lacolle,
Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville, Saint-Colomban, Saint-Constant, Saint-Eustache,
Saint-Hyacinthe, Saint-Jacques-le-Mineur, Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu,
Saint-Joseph-du-Lac, Saint-JĂŠrĂ´me, Saint-Lambert,
Saint-Laurent-de-l'Île-d'Orléans, Saint-Lazare, Saint-Mathias-sur-Richelieu,
Saint-Mathieu, Saint-Mathieu-de-Beloeil, Saint-Michel, Saint-Philippe,
Saint-Pierre-de-l'Île-d'Orléans, Saint-Sulpice, Saint-Zotique,
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Sainte-Julie, Sainte-Martine, Sainte-Sophie, Sainte-ThÊrèse,
Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Sherbrooke, Terrebonne, Trois-Rivières,
Très-Saint-RÊdempteur, Val-des-Monts, Varennes, Vaudreuil-Dorion,
Vaudreuil-sur-le-Lac, Verchères, Westmount.Saskatchewan: Martensville, Pilot
Butte, Regina, Saskatoon, Warman, White City.
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Kalajoki, Kangasala, Kangasniemi, Kankaanpää, Karjaa, Kemi, Kerava, Kirkkonummi,
Klaukkala, Kokkola, Kotka, Kouvola, Kuopio, Lahti, Lappeenranta, Lempäälä,
Lieto, Lohja, Loimaa, Loviisa, Maarianhamina, Mikkeli, Muurame, Mäntsälä,
Naantali, Nikkilä, Nokia, Nummela, Orivesi, Oulu, Paimio, Parainen, Pieksämäki,
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restaurants and cafes in your area. Whether you're craving pizza, burgers,
sushi, salads, or other treats – you're guaranteed to find it with WOLT. We work
closely with top-notch establishments to ensure that you always receive fresh
and high-quality dishes.
As a new customer, you'll not only get the convenient Wolt app, which offers you
a fast and user-friendly ordering experience, but also an attractive welcome
bonus. Simply download the app, register, and enter the coupon code 'YFEBZFK' to
enjoy free delivery on your first order.
I want your experience with Wolt to be unforgettable.
So what are you waiting for? Seize the opportunity and discover a new world of
enjoyment with Wolt! Order your favorite dishes now, sit back, and look forward
to a convenient and culinary journey. I'm confident that you'll be delighted
with the service.


Aalborg, Aarhus, Ballerup-Herlev, Birkerød-Farum, Esberg, Fredericia-Middelfart,
Helsingør, Herning, Hillerød, Holstebro, Horsens, Hørsholm-Rungsted, Kolding,
Kopenhagen, Lyngby-Gentofte, NĂŚstved, Odense, Parken, Randers, Roskilde,
Silkeborg, Slagelse, Solrød-Køge, Svendborg, Vejle, Vestegnen, Viborg.
Kohtla-Järve, Narva, Pärnu, Rakvere, Tallinn, Tartu, Viljandi.
LIEFERSERIVCE FREUND Apotheke A WeinstraßeGummersbach Nordhorn UBEREATS NEUKUNDE
Blackfalds, Calgary, Chestermere, Coalhurst, Cochrane, Devon, Edmonton, Fort
McMurray, Fort Saskatchewan, Lacombe, Leduc, Lethbridge, Morinville, Okotoks,
Penhold, Red Deer, Sherwood Park, Spruce Grove, St. Albert, Stony Plain,
Wetaskiwin.British Columbia: Abbotsford, Burnaby, Central Saanich, Chilliwack,
Colwood, Coquitlam, Delta, District Of Highlands, Esquimalt, Kamloops, Kelowna,
Langford, Langley (City), Langley (District), Lantzville, Maple Ridge,
Metchosin, Mission, Nanaimo, New Westminster, North Saanich, North Vancouver,
Oak Bay, Pitt Meadows, Port Coquitlam, Port Moody, Prince George, Richmond,
Saanich, Sidney, Sooke, Squamish, Surrey, UBC-Point Grey, Vancouver, Victoria,
View Royal, West Kelowna, West Vancouver, White Rock.Manitoba: Winnipeg.New
Brunswick: Dieppe, Moncton.Nova Scotia: Halifax.Ontario: Ajax, Amherstburg,
Aurora, Barrie, Belleville, Bradford West Gwillimbury, Brampton, Brantford,
Burlington, Caledon, Cambridge, Cavan-Monaghan, Central Elgin, Centre
Wellington, Clarence-Rockland, Clarington, Clearview, Collingwood, East
Garafraxa, East Gwillimbury, Essa, Essex, Frontenac Islands, Georgina, Greater
Sudbury, Grimsby, Guelph, Guelph/Eramosa, Halton Hills, Hamilton, Innisfil,
King, Kingston, Kitchener, Lakeshore, Lasalle, Leamington, Lincoln, London,
Markham, Middlesex Centre, Milton, Mississauga, Mono, New Tecumseth, Newmarket,
Niagara Falls, Niagara-on-the-Lake, North Dumfries, North Perth, Oakville,
Oliver Paipoonge, Orangeville, Orillia, Oshawa, Otonabee-South Monaghan, Ottawa,
Owen Sound, Pelham, Peterborough, Pickering, Point Edward, Port Colborne,
Puslinch, Quinte West, Richmond Hill, Sarnia, Sault Ste. Marie, Scugog, Severn,
Smith-Ennismore-Lakefield, Southwold, Springwater, St. Catharines, St. Clair,
St. Thomas, Stratford, Tecumseh, Thames Centre, Thorold, Thunder Bay, Toronto,
Uxbridge, Vaughan, Wainfleet, Wasaga Beach, Waterloo, Welland, Wellesley,
Whitby, Whitchurch-Stouffville, Wilmot, Windsor, Woodstock, Woolwich.Quebec:
Baie-D'Urfe, Beaconsfield, Beauharnois, Beloeil, Blainville, Boisbriand,
Boucherville, Brossard, Candiac, Cantley, Carignan, Chambly, Chelsea,
Châteauguay, Cote-Saint-Luc, Coteau-du-Lac, Delson, Deux-Montagnes, Dollard-Des
Ormeaux, Dorval, Gatineau, Hudson, Kirkland, L'Ancienne-Lorette, L'Ange-Gardien,
L'Assomption, L'Épiphanie, L'Île-Perrot, La Prairie, Lac-Beauport, Laval, Les
Coteaux, Les Cèdres, Longueuil, Lorraine, LÊvis, Mascouche, McMasterville,
Mercier, Mirabel, Mont-Royal, Mont-Saint-Hilaire, Montreal, Montreal-Est,
Montreal-Ouest, Notre-Dame-de-l'Île-Perrot, Notre-Dame-du-Mont-Carmel, Oka,
Otterburn Park, Pincourt, Pointe-Calumet, Pointe-Claire, Quebec, Repentigny,
Richelieu, Rigaud, Rosemère, Saguenay, Saint-Amable,
Saint-Augustin-de-Desmaures, Saint-Basile-le-Grand, Saint-Bernard-de-Lacolle,
Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville, Saint-Colomban, Saint-Constant, Saint-Eustache,
Saint-Hyacinthe, Saint-Jacques-le-Mineur, Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu,
Saint-Joseph-du-Lac, Saint-JĂŠrĂ´me, Saint-Lambert,
Saint-Laurent-de-l'Île-d'Orléans, Saint-Lazare, Saint-Mathias-sur-Richelieu,
Saint-Mathieu, Saint-Mathieu-de-Beloeil, Saint-Michel, Saint-Philippe,
Saint-Pierre-de-l'Île-d'Orléans, Saint-Sulpice, Saint-Zotique,
Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, Sainte-Anne-des-Plaines, Sainte-Catherine,
Sainte-Julie, Sainte-Martine, Sainte-Sophie, Sainte-ThÊrèse,
Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Sherbrooke, Terrebonne, Trois-Rivières,
Très-Saint-RÊdempteur, Val-des-Monts, Varennes, Vaudreuil-Dorion,
Vaudreuil-sur-le-Lac, Verchères, Westmount.Saskatchewan: Martensville, Pilot
Butte, Regina, Saskatoon, Warman, White City.
Espoo, Forssa, Hamina, Hanko, Heinola, Helsinki, Hollola, Hyvinkää, HämeenkyrÜ,
Hämeenlinna, Ii, Iisalmi, Imatra, Joensuu, Jyväskylä, Jämsä, Järvenpää, Kajaani,
Kalajoki, Kangasala, Kangasniemi, Kankaanpää, Karjaa, Kemi, Kerava, Kirkkonummi,
Klaukkala, Kokkola, Kotka, Kouvola, Kuopio, Lahti, Lappeenranta, Lempäälä,
Lieto, Lohja, Loimaa, Loviisa, Maarianhamina, Mikkeli, Muurame, Mäntsälä,
Naantali, Nikkilä, Nokia, Nummela, Orivesi, Oulu, Paimio, Parainen, Pieksämäki,
Pietarsaari, PiikkiÜ, Pori, Porvoo, Raahe, Rajamäki, Rauma, Riihimäki,
Rovaniemi, Salo, Sastamala, Savonlinna, Seinäjoki, Siilinjärvi, Suonenjoki,
Tammisaari, Tampere, Toijala, Tornio, Turku, Tuuri, Tuusula, Vaasa, Valkeakoski,
Vantaa, Varkaus, Vuokatti, Vääksy, Ylivieska, Ylläs, YlÜjärvi, Yyteri Agrinio,
Athens, Chalkida, Chania, Heraklion, Ioannina, Kalamata, Katerini, Kozani,
Larisa, Mykonos, Patra, Rethymno, Serres, Thessaloniki, Volos, Xanthi. Akita,
Aomori, Asahikawa, Chitose, ES CON FIELD, Fukuoka, Fukushima, Hachinohe,
Hakodate, Hamamatsu, Hirosaki, Hiroshima, Ishinomaki, Iwaki, Kagoshima,
Kawasaki, Kitakyushu, Kumamoto, Kurashiki, Kure, Kyoto, Kōriyama, Matsuyama,
Miyazaki, Morioka, Nagaoka, Nagoya, Naha, Niigata, Obihiro, Ogawamachi, Okayama,
Osaka, Osaki, Saitama, Sapporo, Sendai, Shizuoka, Shonan, Takamatsu, Tokyo,
Tokushima, Yamagata, Yokohama. Asker og Sandvika, Bergen, Bergen Sør, Bodø,
Drammen, Drøbak, Follo, Fredrikstad, Haugesund, Horten, Jessheim, Kongsberg,
Kristiansand, Larvik, Lillestrøm, Nesoddtangen, Nøtterøy, Oslo, Oslo Lufthavn,
Porsgrunn og Skien, Sandefjord, Sandnes, Sarpsborg, Stavanger, Tromsø,
Trondheim, Tønsberg, Vestby, Ytre Enebakk, Øvre Romerike. Aschdod, Ashkelon,
Be'er Scheva, HaShfela Region, Haifa & HaKrayot, Hasharon Region, Herzlia -
Ramat Hasharon, Jerusalem, Kiryat Shmona area, Mevaseret Zion Area, Modi'in,
Netanja, Pardes Hanna, Petah Tikva - Bik'at Ono, Rischon LeZion, Cholon, Bat
Jam, Rosh Pinna - Zefat area, Tel Aviv, Yavne, Yokneam - Tivon Region.


submitted by gutscheincode_app to u/gutscheincode_app [link] [comments]


2023.10.22 11:04 gutscheincode_app FREE DELIVERY APP WOLT REGISTER


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Wolt is a Finnish technology company that provides a delivery service. With
their platform and partner suppliers, Wolt allows users to have dishes and
drinks from local restaurants and shops delivered right to their door. Wolt was
founded in 2014 and is headquartered in Helsinki, Finland. Since its inception,
the company has gone through several funding rounds and operates in multiple
countries in Europe, North America, and Asia.
WOLT APP FIRST ORDERAre you new to Wolt? Then I have a fantastic surprise for
you! Take advantage of our exclusive new customer offer now and experience a
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sushi, salads, or other treats – you're guaranteed to find it with WOLT. We work
closely with top-notch establishments to ensure that you always receive fresh
and high-quality dishes.
As a new customer, you'll not only get the convenient Wolt app, which offers you
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I want your experience with Wolt to be unforgettable.
So what are you waiting for? Seize the opportunity and discover a new world of
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Aalborg, Aarhus, Ballerup-Herlev, Birkerød-Farum, Esberg, Fredericia-Middelfart,
Helsingør, Herning, Hillerød, Holstebro, Horsens, Hørsholm-Rungsted, Kolding,
Kopenhagen, Lyngby-Gentofte, NĂŚstved, Odense, Parken, Randers, Roskilde,
Silkeborg, Slagelse, Solrød-Køge, Svendborg, Vejle, Vestegnen, Viborg.
Kohtla-Järve, Narva, Pärnu, Rakvere, Tallinn, Tartu, Viljandi.
LIEFERSERIVCE FREUND Apotheke A WeinstraßeGummersbach Nordhorn UBEREATS NEUKUNDE
Blackfalds, Calgary, Chestermere, Coalhurst, Cochrane, Devon, Edmonton, Fort
McMurray, Fort Saskatchewan, Lacombe, Leduc, Lethbridge, Morinville, Okotoks,
Penhold, Red Deer, Sherwood Park, Spruce Grove, St. Albert, Stony Plain,
Wetaskiwin.British Columbia: Abbotsford, Burnaby, Central Saanich, Chilliwack,
Colwood, Coquitlam, Delta, District Of Highlands, Esquimalt, Kamloops, Kelowna,
Langford, Langley (City), Langley (District), Lantzville, Maple Ridge,
Metchosin, Mission, Nanaimo, New Westminster, North Saanich, North Vancouver,
Oak Bay, Pitt Meadows, Port Coquitlam, Port Moody, Prince George, Richmond,
Saanich, Sidney, Sooke, Squamish, Surrey, UBC-Point Grey, Vancouver, Victoria,
View Royal, West Kelowna, West Vancouver, White Rock.Manitoba: Winnipeg.New
Brunswick: Dieppe, Moncton.Nova Scotia: Halifax.Ontario: Ajax, Amherstburg,
Aurora, Barrie, Belleville, Bradford West Gwillimbury, Brampton, Brantford,
Burlington, Caledon, Cambridge, Cavan-Monaghan, Central Elgin, Centre
Wellington, Clarence-Rockland, Clarington, Clearview, Collingwood, East
Garafraxa, East Gwillimbury, Essa, Essex, Frontenac Islands, Georgina, Greater
Sudbury, Grimsby, Guelph, Guelph/Eramosa, Halton Hills, Hamilton, Innisfil,
King, Kingston, Kitchener, Lakeshore, Lasalle, Leamington, Lincoln, London,
Markham, Middlesex Centre, Milton, Mississauga, Mono, New Tecumseth, Newmarket,
Niagara Falls, Niagara-on-the-Lake, North Dumfries, North Perth, Oakville,
Oliver Paipoonge, Orangeville, Orillia, Oshawa, Otonabee-South Monaghan, Ottawa,
Owen Sound, Pelham, Peterborough, Pickering, Point Edward, Port Colborne,
Puslinch, Quinte West, Richmond Hill, Sarnia, Sault Ste. Marie, Scugog, Severn,
Smith-Ennismore-Lakefield, Southwold, Springwater, St. Catharines, St. Clair,
St. Thomas, Stratford, Tecumseh, Thames Centre, Thorold, Thunder Bay, Toronto,
Uxbridge, Vaughan, Wainfleet, Wasaga Beach, Waterloo, Welland, Wellesley,
Whitby, Whitchurch-Stouffville, Wilmot, Windsor, Woodstock, Woolwich.Quebec:
Baie-D'Urfe, Beaconsfield, Beauharnois, Beloeil, Blainville, Boisbriand,
Boucherville, Brossard, Candiac, Cantley, Carignan, Chambly, Chelsea,
Châteauguay, Cote-Saint-Luc, Coteau-du-Lac, Delson, Deux-Montagnes, Dollard-Des
Ormeaux, Dorval, Gatineau, Hudson, Kirkland, L'Ancienne-Lorette, L'Ange-Gardien,
L'Assomption, L'Épiphanie, L'Île-Perrot, La Prairie, Lac-Beauport, Laval, Les
Coteaux, Les Cèdres, Longueuil, Lorraine, LÊvis, Mascouche, McMasterville,
Mercier, Mirabel, Mont-Royal, Mont-Saint-Hilaire, Montreal, Montreal-Est,
Montreal-Ouest, Notre-Dame-de-l'Île-Perrot, Notre-Dame-du-Mont-Carmel, Oka,
Otterburn Park, Pincourt, Pointe-Calumet, Pointe-Claire, Quebec, Repentigny,
Richelieu, Rigaud, Rosemère, Saguenay, Saint-Amable,
Saint-Augustin-de-Desmaures, Saint-Basile-le-Grand, Saint-Bernard-de-Lacolle,
Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville, Saint-Colomban, Saint-Constant, Saint-Eustache,
Saint-Hyacinthe, Saint-Jacques-le-Mineur, Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu,
Saint-Joseph-du-Lac, Saint-JĂŠrĂ´me, Saint-Lambert,
Saint-Laurent-de-l'Île-d'Orléans, Saint-Lazare, Saint-Mathias-sur-Richelieu,
Saint-Mathieu, Saint-Mathieu-de-Beloeil, Saint-Michel, Saint-Philippe,
Saint-Pierre-de-l'Île-d'Orléans, Saint-Sulpice, Saint-Zotique,
Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, Sainte-Anne-des-Plaines, Sainte-Catherine,
Sainte-Julie, Sainte-Martine, Sainte-Sophie, Sainte-ThÊrèse,
Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Sherbrooke, Terrebonne, Trois-Rivières,
Très-Saint-RÊdempteur, Val-des-Monts, Varennes, Vaudreuil-Dorion,
Vaudreuil-sur-le-Lac, Verchères, Westmount.Saskatchewan: Martensville, Pilot
Butte, Regina, Saskatoon, Warman, White City.
Espoo, Forssa, Hamina, Hanko, Heinola, Helsinki, Hollola, Hyvinkää, HämeenkyrÜ,
Hämeenlinna, Ii, Iisalmi, Imatra, Joensuu, Jyväskylä, Jämsä, Järvenpää, Kajaani,
Kalajoki, Kangasala, Kangasniemi, Kankaanpää, Karjaa, Kemi, Kerava, Kirkkonummi,
Klaukkala, Kokkola, Kotka, Kouvola, Kuopio, Lahti, Lappeenranta, Lempäälä,
Lieto, Lohja, Loimaa, Loviisa, Maarianhamina, Mikkeli, Muurame, Mäntsälä,
Naantali, Nikkilä, Nokia, Nummela, Orivesi, Oulu, Paimio, Parainen, Pieksämäki,
Pietarsaari, PiikkiÜ, Pori, Porvoo, Raahe, Rajamäki, Rauma, Riihimäki,
Rovaniemi, Salo, Sastamala, Savonlinna, Seinäjoki, Siilinjärvi, Suonenjoki,
Tammisaari, Tampere, Toijala, Tornio, Turku, Tuuri, Tuusula, Vaasa, Valkeakoski,
Vantaa, Varkaus, Vuokatti, Vääksy, Ylivieska, Ylläs, YlÜjärvi, Yyteri Agrinio,
Athens, Chalkida, Chania, Heraklion, Ioannina, Kalamata, Katerini, Kozani,
Larisa, Mykonos, Patra, Rethymno, Serres, Thessaloniki, Volos, Xanthi. Akita,
Aomori, Asahikawa, Chitose, ES CON FIELD, Fukuoka, Fukushima, Hachinohe,
Hakodate, Hamamatsu, Hirosaki, Hiroshima, Ishinomaki, Iwaki, Kagoshima,
Kawasaki, Kitakyushu, Kumamoto, Kurashiki, Kure, Kyoto, Kōriyama, Matsuyama,
Miyazaki, Morioka, Nagaoka, Nagoya, Naha, Niigata, Obihiro, Ogawamachi, Okayama,
Osaka, Osaki, Saitama, Sapporo, Sendai, Shizuoka, Shonan, Takamatsu, Tokyo,
Tokushima, Yamagata, Yokohama. Asker og Sandvika, Bergen, Bergen Sør, Bodø,
Drammen, Drøbak, Follo, Fredrikstad, Haugesund, Horten, Jessheim, Kongsberg,
Kristiansand, Larvik, Lillestrøm, Nesoddtangen, Nøtterøy, Oslo, Oslo Lufthavn,
Porsgrunn og Skien, Sandefjord, Sandnes, Sarpsborg, Stavanger, Tromsø,
Trondheim, Tønsberg, Vestby, Ytre Enebakk, Øvre Romerike. Aschdod, Ashkelon,
Be'er Scheva, HaShfela Region, Haifa & HaKrayot, Hasharon Region, Herzlia -
Ramat Hasharon, Jerusalem, Kiryat Shmona area, Mevaseret Zion Area, Modi'in,
Netanja, Pardes Hanna, Petah Tikva - Bik'at Ono, Rischon LeZion, Cholon, Bat
Jam, Rosh Pinna - Zefat area, Tel Aviv, Yavne, Yokneam - Tivon Region.


submitted by gutscheincode_app to u/gutscheincode_app [link] [comments]


2023.10.22 08:41 elfleadermike Finishing up 2nd month in Bangkok, some general
and maybe informative thoughts.

My first post on Bangkok can be found here, where I talk about my first week.
Wow! How time flies when you're settling into the lifestyle. The first week here
felt like every day was packed but after the first month the days seemed to pass
quicker as I got more familiar with the city and more used to life here. I feel
a lot more in touch with the city in general and find myself helping other
tourists out a lot more often.
Early on in my adventures, I was mainly using bolt to get around. Now I almost
exclusively use a combination of the MRT/BTS and walk most places. So much of
Bangkok is within reach and taking the public transport felt safer and cheaper
in a lot of cases. The bus routes seem to take too long during the day because
of traffic, but at night they are an excellent option. Getting comfortable with
the public transport opens up your exploration options immensely, I find myself
heading to random stops just to explore different parts of the city. I've spent
time around both the Khu Khot and Kheha stations at both ends of the Sukhumvit
line and nearly everything in between. The transport is affordable, easy to use,
and I'm extremely in love with being able to traverse such a dense city without
the need of a motor vehicle.
Public transport is also an excellent break from the heat when you've been
walking too much or you sweat easily like I do.
7-11 is my best friend now. You better believe I stop very often to get a nice
cool drink from nearly every 7-11 I pass during long walks. Because I come from
a fairly cold area, the heat hits me very quickly and I can be soaked in sweat
very quickly no matter how lightly I dress.
I also find myself sleeping in most of the day and going out only in the late
afternoon and night time. Some days are just too damn hot! I've even waited
until the sun goes down completely before I head out leading to an interesting
sleep schedule where I'm mostly only awake during the night.
The night is much more comfortable to walk around, especially if there's a
breeze of any kind. This is my favorite time to take long walks around the city
and explore new places. Remember to rest often if the heat is getting to you!
You can eat pretty much anything, but if you're eating around the tourist areas
you can expect to pay 400-800 baht on average if you're at a sit down restaurant
in Sukhumvit for example.
If you take a short trip to the night market near Ganesha Temple, suddenly
you'll find an army of street vendors and food options that will offer food for
MUCH cheaper. There is an endless amount of street food to choose from and all
of it is very cheap. I was lucky enough to be eating with a local so she made it
painless to eat at one of the restaurants. I think my total meal came out to 200
baht for a very decent amount of food.
The concept of face is something I experienced quite brutally. Someone I had
made plans with constantly kept coming up with "events" that were occurring that
would prevent us from hanging out, but I always tried to offer a solution or "no
worries I'm willing to do X". It took quite a bit of effort from their end to
get the point across as I was a bit slow to understanding, but they never wanted
to say no outright. When encountering "face" you'll find people will not
directly tell you no or engage in anything that feels/sounds like a form of
conflict. When I'm interacting with people here I have to think a lot more about
my actions and try to constantly make sure I'm not doing something to put the
other person in a stressful situation. I realize now that pushing for "direct"
answers could be seen as disrespectful and there is a STRONG desire for
absolutely no conflict. Communication is key, misunderstandings will happen, but
as long as you're being polite and smile you'll be ok.
Quite frankly I'm very conflicted on the concept of face. I think you can be
honest and polite but face feels like an array of white lies that can lead to
further misunderstandings in the name of avoiding conflict. On the flip side,
its extremely heart warming in a way to see how hard people work to not hurt
each others feelings. Thai people have almost a super empathy programmed into
them where if someone is in need or distress they will flock to the problem like
hungry birds to crumbs. They adore helping others in need and I love em for it.
I think face forces you to think a lot more about people but also adds a layer
of complexity to social interactions that may seem cumbersome for some.
There are COUNTLESS ways to spend time in the city. Your interests may multiply
your possibilities as well. I do not drink/smoke or like to party much, so I
skipped most of the bar related stuff you can do here. Even with that said, I
feel like I find a new part of the city every day. There's an entire district of
jewelry sellers, almost every part of the city has a "complete" set of services
filled with people who have no idea what the rest of the city looks like. It
really starts to sink in that people are LIVING here, the people you encounter
at one BTS stop may have never seen the end of the line or go to any other stops
other than their home. Public transportation is a means to an end, they look for
places to live based on efficient prices. Rooms far from the BTS are as cheap as
5000 baht a month, they may not have A/C but many people don't require it. They
account for daily taxi costs as well when choosing where to live, and most of
the Thai people I talked to would never live ON Sukhumvit, as its too expensive
compared to living a bit out of the way.
Go to the museums, stop by the art center when an exhibit is being shown, walk
through the temples (but not all of them there's MANY), talk to the locals, buy
street food, ride the river boat, find a custom shoe shop to make you your
perfect shoe, muay thai fights, night markets, surprise downpours, try to get
sold a suit, try everything and anything. I'm dead serious when I say you can do
something every single day. Spend a day in one of the many beautiful parks and
pet some cute cats that live in said park. Go to a petting zoo/cafe and enjoy
the ADORABLE army of corgis. Get a thai massage, get a foot massage, oil
massage, aroma massage, face massage, foot massage, hell do it all! A good
massage is fairly cheap and feels amazing (you will need it if you walk as much
as I do!)
This is just a small piece of the things I've learned from talking to only a few
people randomly throughout the city. I've tried to make an effort to learn new
things and make myself "uncomfortable".
Thanks for reading and I hope future tourists enjoy their stay here as much as I
am. I started dating one of the locals and now my travel "plans" are starting to
feel a bit more complicated since I didn't really plan on starting anything, but
maybe that's just inevitable for someone who stays here long enough. I was
already considering an educational visa to learn Thai and my motivation for that
seems to go up with every day that I stay here.
If anyone goes to the Rajadamnern Muay Thai Stadium I'm there every Saturday and
I'd be happy to meet or talk with anyone who wants to connect or even just
quickly meet up feel free to DM me! I love the fights and look forward to them
every week! I might even do an entire post on the fights but I want to visit
other venues first before I do that.

submitted by elfleadermike to ThailandTourism [link] [comments]


2023.10.21 23:41 tonycluedo Ashiatsu Massage

Does anywhere around Belfast do Ashiatsu massage? I think that's the name of
where they walk over your back? Don't know if Thai massage covers that as well?
My shoulders are a mess and a light touch doesn't help. I was in Glasgow for a
few months a while back and a place near me did it. It was great.

submitted by tonycluedo to northernireland [link] [comments]


2023.10.21 22:25 Fabulous-Tax2445 The Terran and the Fox: Chapter 10

Comments and feedback are greatly appreciated!
Chapter 10
Sol System Standard Time:October 13, 2235
Personnel: Ensign Loalik Partava of the Union Joint Navy
The skies darkened rapidly as dense clouds formed above the city, casting a
shadow over our destination, which was a large military facility, located near
the center of the settlement. We arrived just short of two hours after taking
the train through the densely packed, refugee filled city. Even outside the
facility there were hordes of refugees, all of which had tents and other
makeshift shelters set up around the property. Terran troopers were running
around hurriedly, bringing supplies such as food, water, and first aid kits to
the refugees. Many turned their heads at Jakar and I in either confusion or
disgust, which at this point I had learned was the normal reaction for a Terran
whenever they see an alien from the Union. As we approached the facility’s
entrance, a horrid smell filled my scent glands, as the the smell of burning
flesh swept through the air. I looked over to where the smell was coming from
and saw Terran soldiers throwing dead corpses into furnaces. I looked towards
Danniel for answers, but the one who gave me the answers I sought after was
Amanda. “Cremation. We use it to dispose of bodies when there’s not enough room
to bury them.” I could feel myself begin to gag as I continued to watch the
grizzly sight of bodies being fed into a blaze, and Amanda turned my head away,
urging me not to watch it. Taking her advice, I closely followed them into the
facility, the awful smell only leaving my scent glands as we entered the
building. The inside was much more well kept than the outside, as it was
decently clean, void of any horrid smells. The Terran troopers who escorted us
led us to a room on the second floor, having us pass by multiple murals of
decorated terran soldiers. Pots of flowers and other flora decorated the halls,
and the floor was laid with red carpet. There were refugees inside the building
as well, as I saw many through open doors speaking to Terran officials in their
offices. We stopped in front of a set of large, dark wood doors, and the Terran
Troopers pushed them inside. Waiting for us was a young Terran woman, with
similar dark brown hair to Arthur, as well as the same ocean blue eyes. She
seemed to be about the same age as the Commander, or perhaps even slightly
older. Her face was deeply distraught as she examined the papers and reports in
front of her, but to my surprise, she let out a relieved smile when she looked
up and saw Kadir.
“Noah!” she exclaimed, rushing out of her chair to hug him. I had guessed
Commander Kadir was already acquainted with her as he did not resist her sudden
act of informality.
“It’s good to see you Ma’am.” Her face cringed slightly at the sound of him
calling her Ma’am.
“Oh, please, there's no need for all that uptight speech between us. Adeline is
fine.” She turned to Jakar, and surprisingly let out a smile. “And this must be
the Almunari hero of the battle over the Capital. The one that flew headfirst
towards a dreadnought, Lieutenant Jakar Alurai.”
Commander Kadir laughed and spun around to introduce us to the new face.
“Everyone, this is Commodore Adeline Johnson.”
“Johnson?” Jakar asked with curiosity.
“Arthur is her younger brother,” said Noah.
“My brother is with you guys as well?” Her eyes lit up upon hearing her
brother's name, and I guessed they had a good relationship. “Where is he?”
“Back on the ship,” Kadir answered, “If I had known you were the one in charge I
would’ve brought him with us. Speaking of which, what are you doing here
Adeline? The last time I saw you, you were leading patrol ships near pluto.”
Adeline slumped back into her chair and flung some of the reports onto the desk
for us to read as she turned to look out the window behind her. The rain clouds
I had seen earlier were already letting loose their precipitation, as water
droplets peppered the glass in front of her. She massaged her forehead with her
fingers, and let out a deep sigh. “Refugee duty. Now that the Republic’s finally
joined the Union, the brass figured it was about time to start pouring resources
into getting these outers-” she stopped herself as she noticed Amanda and
Danniel become unnerved by the word outers, “I mean refugees, back on their
feet. They sent me here, and put another Commodore in charge of patrolling
“They sent you, but not the rest of your ships?” Danniel questioned.
“Pfft, those above said they weren’t needed, said that there were no dangers in
this region. They only sent those damned guardsmen here when I requested extra
security after I got reports of Ventra patrols in the region.” She looked to the
door, narrowing her eyes as if trying to get a better view of them, then lowered
her voice to just above a whisper, “And that old hag they sent here, General
Schneider, she’s been nothing but a pain in my ass since she’s gotten here. She
constantly turns down my request to up security on the planet's surface, while
complaining to me that I’m not doing my job correctly. At every turn she shoots
down request after request. Not only that, even though she’s a guardsman, who's
responsible for defending the core worlds, I can’t send her away since she’s a
General.” She leaned back in her chair, taking a few deep breaths to calm
herself. “But besides that, what are you doing here Noah?”
The Commander reached into his pocket, pulled out a holopad and handed it to the
Commodore. “Ambassador Amar’s orders,” he answered as she looked through what
was on the device. “They said they wanted us to help out with security.”
“So Granny’s still kickin huh? It’s good to see we still have someone sensible
in power.” She got up from her chair again and slowly strolled to the door.
“Follow me.”
She led us down another set of passageways, gradually guiding us deeper into the
facility. We came up on an elevator, which she herded us into and pressed the
button labeled B2. The elevator shot downward, heading straight for the floor
she chose. The doors slid open and the interior of the building changed
drastically. The alive green walls and red carpets were replaced with cold,
black metallic panels, resembling the material the Archangel was made from. Even
the passageways were similar, with their eerie atmosphere and dim lighting. It
was as if we had been transported back onto the ship. We walked down the
hallway, and I felt my foot get caught on a cable on the floor. Luckily, Amanda
was still holding on to my tentacle, and caught me before I fell. “You really
don’t do well in the dark huh?” She giggled mischievously and for the first time
since meeting her, I was actually glad she seemed fond of me. It was true my
species didn’t have very good night vision, as we had evolved on the surface
layers of my planet's ocean, where sunlight was abundant, which made navigating
in this dim lighting a nightmare. Letting Amanda guide me, I tried to keep pace
with others.
The red fluorescent lights did little to help my plight but it didn’t matter as
soon enough we reached a large, circular chamber. At the center of the disc
shaped platform in front of it was a console. We stepped onto the platform and
Commodore Adeline placed her hand on the terminal, which then lit up the
console. The entire room shone with holographic particles, as multiple images
began to form. As they finished taking shape, the image of dozens of tall,
spire-like structures, which I realized were the spires I had seen as we were
docking. The completed image was an almost complete recreation of Eden,
perfectically rendered through a single massive holographic display. I pivoted
in place, scanning what was before my eyes. “You impress easily, don’t you?”
Adeline snorted.
“I wouldn’t say easily, not even the holographic display in the Union’s main
chamber couldn’t replicate something like this. It’s incredible.” I bent down to
inspect the floor and noticed hundreds of miniature argonic energy lines
coursing through the machine, like the veins of a living creature. Above us were
countless projectors, all of which hummed with an almost silent noise,
generating the particles for the hologram. Even the weather outside was
replicated, as false rain fell on top of us. The facility we resided in stood
beside my legs, and the refugee tents scattered around it were there as well.
Even the people themselves were replicated, as there were hundreds of tiny
recreations of the refugees and troopers scurrying at our feet. “It’s a
technological marvel.”
“Ha, and those Union idiots question how the hell we won the war, when their own
technology is almost a decade behind.” She quickly turned to Jakar after
realizing what she said. “No offense Lieutenant.” I could tell that Jakar did
take some offense to her remark, as his nose began to scrunch in displeasure,
but just like what happened with General Schneider back on the Archangel, Noah
stroked Jakar’s head, rubbing his hand against his ears to calm him down. The
Commodore held in a laugh as she pointed to what looked like a factory on the
far south side of the city. “That's one of the larger production facilities for
the weapons. We load the guns and ammunition onto those Union freighters docked
outside and have them ship the goods to our Union allies. The problem is that
our transports keep getting destroyed, and the attacks are not only getting
closer to the colony, but they’re happening more frequently.”
“Have the defectors stolen any of the weapons?” I inquired, inspecting the
freighters. They were standard, with defensive weapons attached to their sides.
It was clear that the enemy wasn’t holding back its strength if they were able
to destroy ships like the ones I was looking at.
“Negative, as far as we can tell, their only goal has been destroying the
“Isn’t that a good sign then? If they aren’t destroying the weapons, that means
they probably aren’t trying to use Terran technology against us.”
“You would think that, but there's more.” The hologram disappeared, reforming to
show reports, similar to the ones that were on Adeline’s desk. They detailed the
locations and the times when the Transports disappeared from radar. “The first
attack was about seven cycles ago. Three transports suddenly disappeared from
our sensors. The second and third happened only three cycles later, with four
more attacks happening just two cycles ago. The last attack was just a couple
hours before you had arrived. Every single escort we sent was destroyed
alongside the transports, and take a look at this.” She passed each of us a copy
of the same document as she spoke. “I already mentioned that the attacks were
getting closer. But the last attack happened just on the edge of the system.
Only four hours from the colony. If you add that to the fact that they aren’t
stealing anything, they’re simply destroying everything they see has brought up
some worrying theories.”
The others stood there looking over the data unsure as to what the Commodore was
getting at. I crossed over the data, examining both the times in between the
attacks, their locations and the survivor counts. A sick feeling formed in my
gut as I looked at the numbers. There were zero survivors, none from the escorts
or the freighters, and the weapons were destroyed not stolen. Plus the fact that
they were practically attacking just a couple planets away from the colony
could’ve only meant one thing. “They’re after the planet, they want to wipe it
out completely to stop the production of the Terran weapons.”
“This one’s smarter than he looks,” the Commodore complimented me, or at least I
made myself believe it was a compliment.
“But why would they go to such lengths?” Jakar asked, “What makes you so sure
they would risk a full scale attack so early into the war?”
“Remember what the Jaroktl Ambassador had said during the interrogation. The
defector species feared the Terran’s growth. They’re targeting the weapons,
destroying them to make sure they can’t be used, but they know they can’t keep
it up.”
Commander Kadir finished my explanation for me, saying “So they’re slowly
encroaching on the colony.” His eyes lit up with panic and I knew he came to the
same realization I had. “We need to warn the General, tell her to prepare for a
siege.” Commander Kadir bolted for the door, and the rest of us ran after him.
“You think they’re so bold as to attack a heavily defended Terran Colony so
close to the Sol System? We’ve got dozens of ground to orbit cannons, and three
guardsmen are in orbit as we speak.”
“Three guardsmen aren’t going to stop the Ventra!” I exclaimed. “Those
freighters are standard for carrying important cargo, regular combat vessels
wouldn’t be able to take out a caravan of them along with an escort. It’s likely
that the Ventra are sending a part of their main fleet. Those guardsmen won’t
stand a chance.”
“How soon do you think they’d attack?”
“You said the last attack was on the edge of the system, just a couple of hours
from Eden right? If you factor in the shrinking time between each attack, they
could be upon the colony at any moment,” I explained as we got off the elevator.
Rushing through the halls, we nearly fell over as the building quaked. I rushed
out the window to see what happened, but nothing could’ve prepared me for what I
had witnessed. One of the guardsmen broke through the dark gray clouds in a
firestorm as it plummeted down to the planet’s surface. Escape pods and debris
were scattered in the rain filled sky as they too fell to the ground. Just
barely visible through the ensuing storm were the other two guardsmen, who were
shooting at a mass of dark silhouettes, hidden by the clouds. Streaks of
brilliant light filled the sky as the enemy they were shooting at fired back,
engulfing one of the two remaining guardsmen in plasma fire. The ship made a
sound akin to a dying roar as it took the hit, but by some miracle it stayed
functional. Just then, the enemy burst through the storm, cutting through the
heavy rainfall, revealing them to be multiple Ventra frigates, some of the
largest ones I had ever seen, as well as something gargantuan. Behind them,
breaking through the storm clouds, seemingly splitting the sky in two, was the
Ventra Flagship, a Worldship nearly a fourth the size of the city itself. Its
ring-like stabilizers were as thick as the spires themselves, and out of its
hundreds of hangar bays, came more fighters than I saw during the attack on the
Capital. I stood there, frozen in fear until Amanda slapped me back to reality
and I realized Commande Kadir was already barking orders through his miniature
communication device.
“Gabriel, get the Archangel in the air now! Assist those guardsmen with the
enemy fleet.” His black hair was drenched from the rain, his even darker, star
filled eyes glowing with some sort of rage induced adrenalin. “Adeline!” he
yelled over the sound of the ships battling over the city, “Did you contact the
“They're sending reinforcements right now,” she said, still on her communication
device. “But this isn't the only place they’re hitting us at. We’ve got hostile
fleets all over allied space.”
“What about the Republic?” I asked, struggling to make myself heard over the
sounds of explosions and thunder.
“The Sol System hasn’t been hit. They think the defectors are trying to take out
our allies before hitting us. The Republic is sending any ships not defending
the core worlds.”
“How long will reinforcements take?” asked Amanda.
“Hell if I know! Those idiots up top didn’t tell me anything besides to hold
out. For now we need to-” Commodore Adeline was cut off by the sound of several
large objects hitting the ground. We looked out into the tent filled courtyard
where the refugees were and saw multiple Ventra drop pods lodged in the earth.
The large, insectoid aliens stepped out from their pods, weapons powered up and
began to fire on the stampeding refugees and dazed Terran Troopers. “Shit,
they’re targeting civilians!” Adeline bellowed, unholstering the sidearm at her
waist. She fired a couple of shots, all of which hit their marks, and downed
several Ventra in an instant. The rest of us followed suit, firing our weapons
into the enemies in front of us as we advanced through the courtyard. More of
them came from our flank and fired at us. I dropped to the ground to avoid their
attacks just as Kadir ripped off the metal plating from a nearby pod and stuck
it into the ground to give us more cover.
“More of them are making planetfall!” Jakar yelled, pointing to the second wave
of pods barrelling down from the sky. Terran fighters shot down what they could,
but they couldn’t handle the sheer number of enemy forces and many of the pods
slipped by them into the city.
“Shit, we got more hostiles,” A squad of Ventra came out from the other side of
the tents and pelted us with plasma and kinetics. I ducked my head, pulling
Amanda behind the cover the Commander made for us only to see him grab onto the
entire pod this time. With strength that seemed impossible for any human, he
lifted the pod out of the ground and tossed it. The heavy chunk of metal alloys
slammed into the Ventra squad, crushing them under its weight. I was confused at
the strength the Commander showed, belied by his appearance when I realized his
veins and abyss like eyes were glowing a faint white. The light slowly dimmed
and he returned to his normal appearance.
“What the hell was that Comman-”
“We don’t have time for questions!” Commodore Adeline barked at me. “I’m going
to make my way to the main command center and rally our forces, the rest of you
try to get as many civilians as you can to the safe zone in the east. Move!”
Without waiting for us to respond to her orders she bolted down the main street.
The rest of us made our way down the other paths, and I felt my leg hit
something soft. I turned my head, and screamed for the others to look at what I
had found. Sticking out of the rubble of a collapsed building was the small arm
of a child, their lifeless, bloodied hand still clinging to the plushie Jakar
had picked up earlier today. Amanda and Danniel both placed her hand on my
shoulders and Kadir covered Jakar’s tear filled eyes from the sight. I grabbed
the toy from the corpse’s grasp, and gently closed the child’s hand. Handing the
toy to Jakar, who clipped it onto his belt, we continued forward.
I looked up at the sky above me, and I swore the rain from the storm was the
Colony crying out in pain. As we made our way through the corpse-littered
streets of the settlement, we saw a Ventra holding another Terran child. The
boy, no taller than my waist, was flailing as the Ventra laughed, pushing his
weapon against the boy’s chest. An anger I had had never felt rushed through my
body as I aimed my DMR at the Ventra’s skull. I heard myself curse under my
breath, “Foremother’s forgive me,” just as my shot rang through the burning
Fun Fact! Both the Lakotli and the Urtunak believe in the idea that after death,
their ancestors watch over them, guiding them through life. The Urtunak believe
all ancestors share this sacred duty and as such refer to them simply as
"Ancestors." The Lakotli however, live in a matriarchal society, and therefore
believe it is their foremothers who watch over their people.

submitted by Fabulous-Tax2445 to HFY [link] [comments]


2023.10.21 05:40 Dimensionalhum Addicted to escorts and massages

Hey, 26m here. I’ve recently picked up a liking to escorts and massage parlors.
I’m really scared because I don’t want to keep doing this down the road as I
have goals for myself and it’s fucking with my money really bad.
The craziest part is knowing that i cant afford spending $300 on an escort but
something in my brain just says “fuck it do it who cares” when i get the urge.
Even when i say “maybe i should turn around” my body is just overtaken as if its
telling me “this will be better and so much fun” It’s like i get overtaken by a
brain virus that won’t let me stop thinking about it. I know that I can get
regular girls however i just don’t have the energy to go on dates and play mind
games with people. I think there’s some low confidence there.
Also i think porn begins the cycle every time.
I think half the addiction is everything leading up to the sex. Contacting the
escort, driving to the location, walking into the hotel, etc. a lot of the
excitement comes from the initial parts before the meeting. The taboo secret
nature of it, this underworld that exists and is easily accessible.
I just saw an escort and now im broke until next week and i ruined my streak of
saving my money.
I know a lot of people have posted here about this already but I just wanted to
get it out there on my own and hear some feedback regarding my own personal
issues. Thanks

submitted by Dimensionalhum to SexAddiction [link] [comments]


2023.10.21 03:02 Malice_Qahwah Universal Donor (Oneshot followup?)

Please donate blood, if you're able to. We all know it's the right thing to do!
Plus you get a cookie!


Sam stepped off the disembarkation plate, and into the stations gravity with a
light bounce. Going from standard Terran one gee to the galactic standard point
seven five felt weird, at least until you got used to it, and he took a moment
to compose himself. It was difficult to though, this was his first humanities
tour and he was excited with each new planet or station he arrived at. Noticing
the queue forming behind him, he started off along the concourse, still
springing his steps, toward the dishevelled looking man waiting at the gate.
“Hey! Sam, right? I’m Greg, you must be Big Arnies replacement in maintenance,
right?” Greg was cheerful looking, a smiling brown face under a mat of untidy
dreadlocks, and he had the shapelessness of someone who spent a lot of time
slouching. Not that it really mattered, Sam hadn’t seen another human for nearly
six months by Earth clock, and he shook the man’s hand enthusiastically.
“Yeah, I’m Sam, great to meet you! I’m maintenance coded, but I’m doing the
humanities tour, so you’ve got me for a year then I’m headed to Vertril Prime.”
At Gregs gesture, he fell into step beside the shorter man, and they made off
along the corridor. Sam glanced at a wall-display in passing, and noted the
layout was the same standard design used in all these deep-space stations.
“Oh! Dude that’s badass! I donate, you know, but I’ve never thought if doing it
as like, a whole thing? Medbay is always happy to see me though, even if I’m
only one fifth compatible for the general population.” Greg gestured at his bare
arm below the sleeve of his shirt. There was a small circular plaster stuck in
the crook of his elbow. “I’m A plus myself, they’re always grateful, and I get
extra cookies from the nurses, even if the Doc avoids me”.
Sam gave a smile. “A B Plus myself, it’s why they let me on the program.” He
noticed Greg half-stumble.
“Woah!” Greg was staring at him. “That’s like, super rare right? Yeah, they are
going to LOVE you. Just make sure they don’t drain you dry; I’ve barely had time
to practice since Arn got his promotion and left, maintenance is full time you
know? Jobbub does his best, but he doesn’t *get* some of the stuff you have to
do, you know? Like, you don’t *have* to run down to stores every time the
eighteen-micron mylar tape runs out, just use the ten and double it up!”
They’d reached the stations transport ring. “Alright, I’m off shift after this,
so I’m heading to quarters, visitor ring, human habitation, you’ll find it on
the directory if it’s not the same as like, every other station in the known
galaxy. You’ll want to head to medbay to to get checked in. Since I’m basically
the senior human on staff right now, I’ll check you in for maintenance.”
Sam nodded assent and boarded the transport towards medical. He arrived fifteen
minutes later to scenes of barely organised chaos. A freighter and its escort
had pulled in for some repairs the evening before, and aside from scraping the
pirate cruiser limpeted to its side, there were multiple injured crews to
process, and bizarrely a bear, ambling happily alongside one of the merchant
He passed the menagerie, and into the medical centre proper. He waved to the
harried looking Ivashin who chirped curtly at him and went back to the chart it
was examining.“Some kind of fungal infection native to her homeworld, it’s
bypassing her immune system because she was station born, and feeds on the same
things in her blood as she does, she’s starving to death even as we feed her
every possible isotope. Look, put a call in to the human cruiser that is
escorting the freighter. Humans have a few weird radioactives they use for
things, maybe something they have will help.”The nurse it was talking to bobbed
and scurried away.“Now, human, Sam Quentin, I believe the data packet they sent
me said. You’re here to help us with some donations?”
Sam bobbed an approximation of a cordial greeting. “Sure am! Humanities
Outreach! Since we discovered humans are universal donors, well, it’s always
been a sort of civic duty back home to give blood, why not extend that to the
universe, right?”
The doctor snorted. “Of course, an amazing gift to the sentients of the universe
and of course excellent propaganda in support of your species, the wars you
pursue against the ancients in the core, and the expansionism of the human
sphere of influence, yes?” He slammed down the dataslate down. “Humans are
universal donors, your kind have saved countless lives, and according to the
wonderful people at Humanities Outreach…” He practically spat the words, “You
are able to share your precious blood with any living thing on this station. So,
we accept your offer of life saving plasma, but I know your game.”
Sam opened and closed his mouth several times. “I just, wanted to help people.
We have enough, now, on Earth, people don’t die of blood loss anymore since we
joined the stars. I just wanted to help!”
The doctor snorted again. “I understand the urge to help. I’m sorry for
snapping. See the nurse, she’ll do the intake with you and get a sample, and
we’ll schedule regular visits, I have a lot of people on this station who can
use your gift.”
Sam turned and went towards the nurse’s station. It wasn’t the happiest
reception he’d ever gotten but it wasn’t that any of it was strictly untrue. He
spoke softly with the nurse, got several blood samples taken, ran his files into
the medical system. He then spent the next few weeks settling into his role in
maintenance, even joining a delighted Greg and Jobbub in their jam sessions,
adding a jazz trumpet to the racket now terrorizing half the station. He donated
blood on a regular schedule. The freighter and the hairy crew departed, leaving
a battered pirate parasite to be dismantled in the station’s yards, and the
Terran warship went with it.
Sam was down on G deck, with Greg, working on the snack dispensers that had been
malfunctioning, when the station echoed with a new noise.
“Huh. Think Jobbub finally persuaded management to let him have a drum kit?”
Greg joked but glanced at the data slate on his trolley. Alerts were scrolling
across the display and Sam leaned over his shoulder. “Looks like an explosion in
the shipyard. You think that pirate hull they’re scrapping had something nasty
on board that the navy missed?”
“I doubt it, those boys are thorough, more likely whatever janky trash it had
for a reactor just gave up containment. C’mon, we should get across there.” They
abandoned the trolley, laden with light gear for clearing clogs and loose wires,
it would be no help for search and rescue. They cut across several maintenance
passages, picking up Jobbub on the way, who tossed heavier emergency gear to
They pulled on facemasks from the kit Jobbub had brought, and pressed through an
emergency forcefield that was keeping atmosphere in, where a corridor now ended
in ruin. Greg and Jobbub ran for a stack of fuel cannisters, tackling a blaze
that had started amongst the crates. Sam bolted towards a less immediate, but no
less serious problem that several others were clustered in front of.
“Ten, twelve, eighteen, thirty, there’s no way we can stop this from ramping up,
can we…” The being in a red-flashed engineering suit was running long fingers
over several of the diagnostic readouts, while his companion rattled in
“No, the chamber cracked.” The rattler replied. “The core is intact, but the
coolant leaked into the outer chamber and now the core is overheating. If it
gets hot enough, it will melt down and start eating through the bottom of the
casing. The water jacket supply pipelines run under there, part of the heat
exchange system, if the molten fuel hits those the explosion will rip half the
yard ring apart and irradiate most of the habitation rings.”
Sam leaned in between the two xeno emergency crew. “There’s a vent release for
exactly this problem, it’s in the floor of the outer chamber. Pull the lever and
the whole thing dumps itself into space.”
The rattler responded sharply. “Yes, but there’s two problems with that. One,
the outer chamber is highly irradiated. Even beyond the specs of a human made
hazardous environment suit. You’d need to go in there with a crowbar and pull
that lever up while soaking up enough gamma radiation to melt the skin off your
flesh. Second problem, this reactor is secondary five, the dump tube went
through the scrapper bay, the same bay that the cruiser we were dismantling just
exploded. So even if it does still dump, there’s every chance it will smash into
the wreckage and scatter debris across half the moon we’re anchored on.”
Sam shook his head. “That’s better for us. Sure, cleanup will be a bitch but
scattering the core will keep it from melting down into the moon surface. It
would just be a lot of nasty small pieces, not a deep mining job that eats
robotic gear. I was going to suggest getting the station point defence to blow
it apart before it deorbited. Which just leaves the problem of pulling the
Rattler, his nametag read ‘Korruth’, rattled again. “You have a point, scattered
would be safer to clean up, if lengthier, but we don’t have the robotics to get
in and pull the lever, which means someone has to go in there, which means
Sam glanced at the readouts. Red flash was still massaging the controls, doing
its best to keep control systems functioning and keeping the core stable, for
precious moments. Even so, the catastrophe timer was rapidly ticking down from
two hundred. As the engineer found some reserve of control rod, the number
flickered and jumped back to two hundred, but Sam could see the desperation was
growing. “Okay.” He whispered. A line from an old movie popped into his head.
Louder, he quoted. “Maximum effort!”
He jumped sideways, past the startled rattler, who’s species Sam still hadn’t
figured out under the emergency gear the xeno was wearing and ran for the
rotating airlock on the side of the reactor module. On either side, the torn
remnants of bulkheads and covering walls could be made out, the explosion in the
large dismantling bay had gutted the bay itself and blown back through multiple
layers of the station. He knew that dozens of engineers and maintenance crew had
died instantly, but that was nothing to the numbers who’d die if the reactor
melted down inside the station. It was one of the six that were built into the
engineering ring, supplying power to everything. The station was designed to run
fully on four, and in an emergency on two, so having one go offline wouldn’t
affect the habitation, but having it melt down was unthinkable. It also
shouldn’t happen, modern nuclear reactors were designed to survive planetary
re-entry, nothing short of a catastrophic explosion directly adjacent to them
would even dent the casing. Except that was what had happened, and the systems
intended to blow the reactor into space had also been ripped apart.
Leaving only the lever that someone was supposed to be able to reach to drop the
whole thing into space. With the inner casing cracked somehow, radioactive
coolant had flooded the access area and now…
Sam reached the airlock, Greg and Jobbub were looking at him from where they had
finished with the fires around the NOX cannisters. Rattler and Red flash were
running towards him. He slapped the access pad and stepped inside. The door
rotated, sealing him inside, dim red emergency lighting outlining everything in
lurid bloody tones. The inner side opened, and he lunged through the coolant.
His faceplate lit up with trefoil alerts, which he ignored. Unlike in fiction
there were no windows in the chamber, and the light was dim, he had to search
for the emergency lever on his knees. Fortunately, it was designed to be found
in an emergency, and made to be pulled even if the mechanism was twisted into
It actuated smoothly, and the donut shaped room shook. As the coolant began to
drain, sucked back out of the breaches it had entered by. Sam laid back in the
remnants of the high-vapour-point liquid with a splash, already feeling like he
had been in the sun too long. In a few hours, he knew, the radiation he had
soaked up through his suit would break down the structure of his DNA and kill
him. Quickly, if he was lucky. If advanced xeno medical science got involved, he
might linger for weeks in the agony of radioactive decay.
Tired, he closed his eyes and fell asleep.
When his eyes opened, he could see the ceiling of the medical centre above him.
He felt exhausted, and nothing was focusing, it took a while to realise he was
seeing the med bay through the filter of a force field. Too radioactive to leave
uncovered, he reflected, and fell asleep again.
When his eyes opened the second time, he could feel something in his hand. The
force field was still there but was clearer. He could make out the shape of the
lights. He turned his head. There was a little girl looking at him from a bed
alongside his own. She was a deep burgundy colour, with tendrils above her eyes.
She reminded him of his sister. He fell asleep again.
Beeping. Steady, a hospital noise. He was in the med centre, he remembered. He
could feel sheets over him, which was surprising, he’d expected pain and little
else. He could turn his head more easily too, with less confusion. The red
skinned girl was still in the next bed, and he realised she was inside the
isolation field with him. She seemed to be asleep. He wriggled, trying to sit
up, and several alarms started bleating somewhere nearby. The doctor darted into
“Ah! Mr Quentin, welcome back!” He was quickly pulling on a heavy suit and
hooking up a face mask. “I am sure you will be confused, but please bear with me
while…” One of the nurses, who must have been on ready duty when the alarms
started, pushed through the field, and started gently pushing Sam back against
the bed, and adjusting its posture to let him sit up. The doctor pushed in a few
minutes later and began running his diagnostic gear. “Alright, before you start
applying human logic and flailing around and smashing things, I can explain your
Sam nodded. He knew he should have died, was not convinced he still wasn’t going
to, but what he really wanted was… The nurse placed a tumbler of water into his
hand with a straw-lid on. He sipped, trying to gulp but restricted to small sips
by the bladder in the straw.
“Okay mister Quentin, you suffered a catastrophic exposure to multiple types of
radiation transferred from the core of the reactor you successfully jettisoned
into space.” He shuffled his feet. “You saved a great many lives. We lost a
great many people that day, and many are still in care on multiple medical bays
across the station, but thousands more were saved by your actions. I’m truly
sorry for how I acted the day we met. I watched what you did on the feeds
afterwards. I am starting, I think, to understand what humans all are about.” He
replaced Sams now empty water with a fresh one, from the flavour loaded with
electrolytes and medication. “You were retrieved by robot about an hour
station-time after the core was jettisoned. Decontamination took another hour,
and you were brought here and placed in a class twelve containment. I fully
expected to watch you die but it turns out humans have a horrifying tolerance
for ionizing radiation. With modern technology you might have lingered for
weeks, or months as your suffered cellular decay that we could only barely stay
a few steps behind of. However…”
He gestured at the child in the next bed, who was sleepily blinking at the
“Elli’t’pana here has been in my medbay on and off for several months. Her
species is from a deathworld too, where life evolved to metabolise ionising
radiation. Except she was dying, starving, due to some fungal infection a
careless relative brought to the station on a visit. She was born here, in this
station, she had no immune protection from the disease, and it was stealing the
energy from her cells. We were able to keep her going thanks to a defunct weapon
core gifted to us by the Terran ship that left a few weeks ago, she was able to
consume the much richer material and keep from starving, but it was running out.
When you arrived, we realised we had an opportunity, and her parents consented.”
He lifted a pair of thick tubes in his gloved hand. One tube was bright red, the
other still mostly red but with a darker purple tinge.
“Her entire metabolism is built around absorbing and using ionising radiation,
and the fungus in her blood was leeching it from her. So, we linked you, a
universal donor, who’s blood was so radioactive it glowed in the dark, and then
returned her blood into you. Your immune system killed the fungus, and her body
absorbed the radiation. She’s put on enough weight to be considered healthy, and
there’s no trace of the fungal infection left in her body. And you are almost
completely clear of radiation. You’ll be in here together for another few days,
but I expect you’ll both be discharged!”
Sam reached out and took the child’s hand again.
“Thankyou, I thought I was going to die, you saved me, you both did!” He looked
at the doctor, who waved his hands dismissively.
“Doing my job. You’re both going to be alright. And I have a paper to write that
will likely save many more lives once word gets out.”
Sam felt small fingers squeeze his.
“You saved me too, thank you.” The child was whispering, the shadows of long
illness not entirely erased from her face, but she looked healthier than the
face Sam dimly recalled from when he’d woken previously.
A couple of months later, Sam, Greg and Jobbub were whispering together on a
small stage in front of a worryingly large room. The lights came up, and they
stared into the faces of hundreds of station personnel. Sam raised his trumpet,
Greg started on bass, and Jobbub played their introduction.
“We are Radioactive Cacophony! Welcome to our first gig!”


submitted by Malice_Qahwah to HFY [link] [comments]


2023.10.20 09:47 dman071922 STI/STD from Thai Massage Oral? - I’m terrified!

Never done anything like this before.. visiting Thailand with some friends so
decided it might be fun to try a “Thai Massage”. One thing led to another and I
ended up getting a condom-less Blow Job from Thai Masseuse which was excellent
and in the moment I had a great time.
Now for the past 2 days I’ve been freaking out. I’m terrified that I could have
contracted something from it. I peed immediately after and tried to rinse off
with water as best as I could but I think those things are more superstitious
than helpful.
What are the chances that an STI/STD could be contracted through a oral for a
single incident? How long until I can get tested or assume I am in the clear?
Does anyone have experience with having unprotected oral during a massage? Every
small sensation I have on my dick is making me more and more anxious, this is
definitely something I won’t do again.
Thank you.

submitted by dman071922 to sex [link] [comments]


2023.10.20 07:12 dman071922 Worried after oral sex during Thailand Massage

Never done anything with a SW of any kind and visiting Thailand with some
friends so decided it might be fun to try a “Thai Massage”. One thing led to
another and I ended up getting a BBBJ (Bare Back Blow Job) from a Thai Masseuse
which was excellent and in the moment I had a great time.
Now I’m terrified that I could have contracted something from it. I peed
immediately after and tried to rinse off with water as best as I could but I
think those things are more superstitious.
What are the chances that an STI/STD could be contracted through a BBBJ for a
single incident? How long until I can get tested or assume I am in the clear?
Does anyone have experience with getting a BBBJ from a SW in Thailand? Every
small sensation I have on my dick is making me anxious.
Thank you.

submitted by dman071922 to STD [link] [comments]


2023.10.19 19:39 creativessb20 How does tax system works for service-based jobs
or self-employed people?

How does govt tax the people who are for eg personal hair stylists, massage
therapists, . It seems like they can show less income or less working hours. For
eg the thai massage therapist I went to -didn't give me any receipt, I extended
the massage which went past her normal working hours on the website and I paid
'cash'. Also, they can offer services for which they can get paid even more and
don't need to tell anyone. How does govt track their income and activities?

submitted by creativessb20 to germany [link] [comments]




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