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          * Hugo Doeleman has received an Rubicon grant from the Dutch
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          * Uwe v. Lüpke was awarded a doctoral scholarship from the German
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          * Alexandra Bernasconi, Junzhe Bao and Fernanda Martins join the group
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After do­ing my un­der­gradu­ate stud­ies at MIT, I moved down the street to
Har­vard, where I did my PhD study­ing quantum op­tics with nitrogen- vacancy
cen­ters in the group of Prof. Mikhail Lukin. Want­ing to try out a dif­fer­ent
quantum sys­tem, I worked on cir­cuit QED as a postdoc in the group of Prof. Rob
Schoelkopf at Yale. Through col­lab­or­a­tions with the group of Prof. Peter
Rakich (also at Yale), I also ad­ded quantum acous­tics and op­tomech­an­ics to
my rep­er­toire.

Of­fice: HPF F9, phone: +41 44 633 81 50,  email: yi­wen.chu@phys.ethz.ch


After some years as an ad­min­is­tra­tion spe­cial­ist for an in­sur­ance
gen­eral agency, a travel tour op­er­ator and a voice com­mu­nic­a­tions
pro­vider, I joined ETH Zurich in 2007. I have been work­ing as an
ad­min­is­trat­ive as­sist­ant for D- ITET ISG and within the Phys­ics
de­part­ment. In Janu­ary 2022, I joined the Hy­brid Quantum Sys­tems group.

Of­fice: HPF F7, phone: +41 44 633 76 17, email: wmanuela@phys.ethz.ch


Born and raised in Am­s­ter­dam, I stud­ied phys­ics at the Uni­ver­sity of
Am­s­ter­dam and the TU Vi­enna, gradu­at­ing in 2013. Want­ing to try
some­thing dif­fer­ent, I then joined an in­ter­net start- up in Jakarta, where
we set up an on­line auto­mot­ive mar­ket­place. Yet I missed the cre­ativ­ity
of sci­entific work, so in 2014 I star­ted a PhD in the group of Fem­ius
Koen­derink at AMOLF, Am­s­ter­dam. Here, I stud­ied hy­brid op­tical
res­on­at­ors: struc­tures that use sev­eral res­on­at­ors to trap light in a
new and sur­pris­ing man­ner. I ob­tained my PhD in Janu­ary 2019 and
con­tin­ued with a brief postdoc at AMOLF. In Au­gust 2019 I joined the Hy­brid
Quantum Sys­tems group.

Of­fice: HPF G4.1, phone: +41 44 633 91 48, email: doe­hugo@phys.ethz.ch


My pas­sion for sci­ence led me to be­gin study­ing phys­ics at the Uni­ver­sity
of Padova (Italy). After a Mas­ter at ETH Zurich, I joined for my PhD the group
of Prof. P. Treut­lein in Basel, where I in­vest­ig­ated mul­ti­part­ite quantum
cor­rel­a­tions in Bose- Einstein con­dens­ates. Af­ter­wards, I stayed a bit
longer in Basel to setup an ex­per­i­ment for the op­tical ma­nip­u­la­tion of
the nuc­lear spin in Helium- 3 gas, a sys­tem with week- long co­her­ence time!
Mo­tiv­ated by the in­terest in ex­plor­ing quantum ef­fects in mac­ro­scopic
ob­jects, and by a pas­sion for ex­per­i­mental mu­sic, I joined the HyQu group
with the dream of ma­nip­u­lat­ing sound at the quantum level to ex­plore the
bound­ar­ies of quantum mech­an­ics.

Of­fice: HPF F10, phone: +41 44 633 30 38, email: fadelm(at)phys.ethz.ch


After fin­ish­ing my En­gin­eer­ing Phys­ics de­gree and work­ing for one year
in a syn­chro­tron light lab in my home coun­try, I de­cided to come back to
aca­demia and pur­sue a Ph.D. in ap­plied phys­ics. My work was fo­cused on
in­teg­rated quantum op­tomech­an­ics, in a split pro­gram between the
Uni­ver­sity of Camp­i­nas, Brazil, with prof. Thi­ago Alegre and the Tech­nical
Uni­ver­sity of Delft, the Neth­er­lands, with prof Si­mon Groe­blacher. Dur­ing
that time, we were able to demon­strate the first quantum tele­port­a­tion of a
light state to an en­gin­eered acous­tic mode. I fin­ished my Ph.D. in June of
2021, and in Septem­ber of the same year, I joined the Hy­brid Quantum Sys­tems
group as a postdoc.

Of­fice: HPF G3.1, phone: +41 44 633 41 50, email: rdasilva@phys.ethz.ch


After four years of study­ing Phys­ics En­gin­eer­ing at the Uni­ver­sity of
Coim­bra (Por­tugal) I went abroad to com­plete my mas­ters and carry out an
ex­change pro­gram at the Uni­ver­sity of Gronin­gen, in the Neth­er­lands.
There I also ended up do­ing my mas­ter thesis at the Neth­er­lands In­sti­tute
for Space Re­search (SRON). After gradu­at­ing I spent one year in Stock­holm
(Sweden) work­ing as a con­sult­ant but very soon I real­ized that I wanted to
come back to re­search. Thus in 2017 I came back to the Neth­er­lands and be­gun
my PhD at Delft Uni­ver­sity of Tech­no­logy in the group of Prof. Gary Steele.
Dur­ing the four years that fol­lowed our team spent a great deal of time
de­vel­op­ing and study­ing flux- mediated op­tomech­an­ical sys­tems and
photon- pressure sys­tems. The ex­cit­ing pos­sib­il­it­ies of cir­cuit quantum
acous­tody­nam­ics for the cre­ation and ma­nip­u­la­tion of mech­an­ical
quantum states se­duced me to join HyQu in 2022.

Of­fice: HPF G4.2, phone: +41 44 633 89 91, email: icor­veira@phys.ethz.ch


Dur­ing my un­der­grad here at ETH I star­ted work­ing on mi­crowave res­on­ator
designs for ma­nip­u­lat­ing spin states in NV- centers in the group of
Chris­tian De­gen. After an ex­cur­sion to the sim­u­la­tion of com­plex
net­works in the do­main of traffic phys­ics with the group of Dirk Hel­bing, I
dis­covered the field of quantum in­form­a­tion pro­cessing dur­ing my Mas­ters.
For my thesis, I was work­ing with the quantum com­put­ing team in the group of
An­dreas Wallraff on the auto­mated cal­ib­ra­tion of two qubit gates. My
in­terest in ex­plor­ing new op­tions for im­prov­ing and com­bin­ing state of
the art quantum sys­tems led me to the hy­brid quantum sys­tems group, where I
star­ted my phd in 2019.

Of­fice: HPF F10, phone: +41 44 633 30 38,  email: mbild@phys.ethz.ch


I spend my un­der­grad at Karls­ruhe In­sti­tute of Tech­no­logy in south­ern
Ger­many. There, I star­ted work­ing on su­per­con­duct­ing qubits in the group
of Mar­tin Weides. Dur­ing my Mas­ter’s, I worked on clean­room fab­ric­a­tion
and cir­cuit design in the group of Ioan Pop. For my thesis I spend a year at
MIT in the group of Wil­liam Oliver, fur­ther study­ing su­per­con­duct­ing
qubits. Want­ing to ex­plore ad­di­tional quantum sys­tems, I joined the hy­brid
quantum sys­tems group in 2019.

Of­fice: HPF G4.2, phone: +41 44 633 89 91, email: vluep­keu@phys.ethz.ch


I did my Bach­elor and con­sec­ut­ive Mas­ter in In­ter­dis­cip­lin­ary
sci­ences at ETH, start­ing in the chem­ical di­vi­sion. After a semester
pro­ject on chem­ical syn­thesis and my Bach­elor thesis about time- resolved
pho­to­elec­tron spec­tro­scopy, I shif­ted more to­wards quantum phys­ics. Both
my fol­low­ing semester and Mas­ter pro­jects in the area of ion- trap phys­ics
in the group on Prof. Jonathan Home en­hanced this in­terest. The prom­ising
ap­proach to com­bine mul­tiple quantum sys­tems in or­der to ex­ploit their
in­di­vidual ad­vant­ages sparked my in­terest in the hy­brid quantum sys­tems
group, which I joined in 2019.

Of­fice: HPF G3.1, phone: +41 44 633 41 50, email: stom@phys.ethz.ch


In my bach­elor period I worked on quantum sens­ing with NV- cen­ters at the
Uni­ver­sity of Sci­ence and Tech­no­logy of China in Pro­fessor Ji­ang­feng
Du's group. I am do­ing my mas­ter at ETH and I want to go on study­ing and
learn­ing about quantum sys­tems. So I joined the hy­brid quantum sys­tems group
to do my mas­ter thesis in 2019. After my mas­ter thesis, I am really
at­trac­ted by the group and the pro­ject, so I de­cide to stay in the group for
my PhD. Right now I am work­ing on the coup­ling between su­per­con­duct­ing
qubits and acous­tic phonon modes.

Of­fice: HPF F10,  phone: +41 44 633 30 38,  email: yanyu@stu­dent.ethz.ch


I dove into the field of op­tomech­an­ics dur­ing my un­der­gradu­ate stud­ies
at Stan­ford Uni­ver­sity, when I in­vest­ig­ated a nan­o­photonic ap­proach to
sur­face acous­tic wave sens­ing in the lab of Pro­fessor Amir Safavi- Naeini.
Af­ter­wards, I com­pleted my mas­ter’s de­gree at TU Delft in 2020 where I
con­tin­ued my work by de­vel­op­ing hy­brid piezo- optomechanical sys­tems for
quantum- efficient wavelength con­ver­sion in the group of Pro­fessor Si­mon
Gröblacher. Later in 2020 I star­ted my PhD in the Hy­brid Quantum Sys­tems
group. Dur­ing my doc­tor­ate, I look for­ward to ex­pand­ing quantum con­trol
of acous­tic in­ter­ac­tions.

Of­fice: HPF G4.2,  phone: +41 44 633 89 91,  email: max.drim­mer@phys.ethz.ch


Ori­gin­ally from main­land Den­mark, I moved to Copen­ha­gen to study phys­ics
at the Uni­ver­sity of Copen­ha­gen in 2016. Dur­ing an ex­change pro­gramme at
LMU in Mu­nich I de­veloped a pas­sion for op­tics and laser phys­ics, after
which I joined the HyQ re­search centre at the Niels Bohr In­sti­tute in
Copen­ha­gen where I wrote both my bach­elor and mas­ter thesis about ap­ply­ing
near- infrared GaAs quantum dots for quantum in­form­a­tion pro­cessing. Be­ing
highly in­ter­ested in quantum tech­no­logy ad­vances in hy­brid plat­forms, I
joined the Hy­brid Quantum Sys­tems group at ETH in 2022 to do my PhD.

Of­fice: HPF G4.1,  phone: +41 44 633 91 48,  email: ab­rooks@phys.ethz.ch


To­wards the end of my Bach­elor's de­gree, I fell in love with quantum
in­form­a­tion. I there­fore took as many re­lated courses as pos­sible, while
com­plet­ing both a the­or­et­ical semester pro­ject about two- photon emis­sion
in tun­nel junc­tions and a prac­tical pro­ject at the Quantum Op­tics group
un­der su­per­vi­sion of Prof. Ess­linger, im­ple­ment­ing an im­age pro­cessing
al­gorithm on a FPGA for laser beam sta­bil­iz­a­tion. After this, I real­ized
that I was highly mo­tiv­ated to learn about dif­fer­ent kind of quantum
sys­tems and their in­ter­ac­tions, which led me to con­duct my mas­ter's thesis
at the HyQu group, in­vest­ig­at­ing in par­tic­u­lar a ra­di­ation loss
mech­an­ism af­fect­ing qubit life­times. I was so fas­cin­ated by the
in­ter­play of sys­tems that I went on and star­ted my PhD be­gin­ning of
Janu­ary, con­tinu­ing the work on cQAD.

Of­fice: HPF G4.1,  phone: +41 44 633 91 48,  email: mas­tefan@phys.ethz.ch


I ob­tained my un­der­gradu­ate de­gree in my ho­met­own at the Uni­ver­sity of
Ljubljana and came to ETH for my mas­ters in Phys­ics. Dur­ing the course of my
de­gree I ex­plored vari­ous quantum sys­tems by join­ing the groups of Prof.
An­dreas Wallraff and Prof. Jonathan Home for a semester pro­ject.
Fur­ther­more, I worked with bilayer graphene quantum dots for my mas­ters
thesis in the Enss­lin group. Hav­ing ex­plored dif­fer­ent areas of quantum
phys­ics, I am eager to ap­ply my know­ledge and ex­per­i­ence in the Hy­brid
Quantum Sys­tems Group, where I star­ted my PhD in March 2023.

Of­fice: HPF F10,  phone: +41 44 633 30 38,  email: aoma­hen@phys.ethz.ch


I gained my first ex­per­i­mental ex­per­i­ence in the field of lithium- ion
bat­ter­ies within the frame of my job as stu­dent as­sist­ant, which I was
able to start already in the first semester of my bach­elor’s stud­ies at
Karls­ruhe In­sti­tute of Tech­no­logy (KIT) in Ger­many. They were con­cluded
by my thesis about Whis­per­ing Gal­lery Mode Res­on­at­ors in the Group of
Prof. Heinz Kalt. After ad­dress­ing clas­sical op­tics with this pro­ject, I
got more in­ter­ested in quantum op­tics and solid state phys­ics dur­ing my
mas­ter’s stud­ies at KIT. This is why I de­cided to work for the thesis in the
Group of Prof. Wolfgang Werns­dor­fer on quantum emit­ters in hexagonal boron
ni­tride and their Stark tun­ing at room and low tem­per­at­ure. After be­ing
able to con­trol quantum emit­ters to a cer­tain de­gree, it seemed lo­gical to
me to try to in­cor­por­ate them in more com­plex sys­tems, which is what I will
try to ac­com­plish dur­ing my PhD stud­ies in Hy­brid Quantum Sys­tems Group,
which I star­ted in 2023.

Of­fice: HPF G3.2,  phone: +41 44 633 91 48,  email: sp­fleging@phys.ethz.ch


I star­ted my stud­ies in En­gin­eer­ing Sci­ence at TUM, in the won­der­ful
city of Mu­nich. I quickly real­ized that I was more pas­sion­ated in the
phys­ics lec­tures and there­fore pur­sued a Bach­elor's de­gree in Phys­ics at
LMU along­side com­plet­ing my Bach­elor's in En­gin­eer­ing Sci­ence. Want­ing
to go more into ex­per­i­mental phys­ics in my Mas­ter's de­gree, I re­turned to
TUM for the Ap­plied and En­gin­eer­ing Phys­ics pro­gram. I con­duc­ted my
thesis un­der the guid­ance of Prof. Pflei­derer, col­lab­or­at­ing with a
mag­netic re­fri­ger­a­tion cryo­stat start- up. Fol­low­ing the com­ple­tion of
my thesis, I had the great op­por­tun­ity to spend a year in Tokyo work­ing with
Prof. Na­kamura on laser- annealing of su­per­con­duct­ing qubits. There, I also
learned more about hy­brid quantum sys­tems and it helped me un­der­stand I had
to pur­sue this topic fur­ther. With all these ex­per­i­ences com­bined, I
even­tu­ally joined the HyQu group in Au­gust 2023, and I am thrilled to be

Of­fice: HPF F10,  phone: +41 44 633 30 38,  email: maxkern@stu­dent.ethz.ch


Hav­ing fin­ished my elec­trical en­gin­eer­ing bach­elor stud­ies in Zagreb, my
home coun­try's cap­ital, I en­rolled in the Quantum En­gin­eer­ing mas­ter's
pro­gramme at ETH Zürich in 2020. Dur­ing my stud­ies here, I worked on op­tical
trap­ping and cool­ing of nan­o­particles in the ETH Photon­ics labor­at­ory for
my semester pro­ject, did an in­tern­ship at QZ­abre on ap­plic­a­tions of NV
cen­ter mag­neto­metry, and ex­plored trans­port prop­er­ties of to­po­lo­gical
se­mi­metals at IBM Zürich for my mas­ter thesis. Fi­nally, after these vastly
dif­fer­ent ex­per­i­ences of ap­plic­a­tions in the field of quantum sci­ence,
I de­cided to join the HyQu group in Oc­to­ber 2023 to ex­plore the quickly
grow­ing field of cQAD and am very ex­cited to be a part of this team!

Of­fice: HPF G4.3,  phone: +41 44 633 89 81,  email: ik­ladaric@phys.ethz.ch


I grew up in the south of the Neth­er­lands, where I first en­countered quantum
mech­an­ics in high school leav­ing me quite puzzled. After high school, I moved
to the other side of the Neth­er­lands to Delft where I star­ted study­ing
nan­o­bi­o­logy, but later moved to math and phys­ics. There I got more
fa­mil­iar with the sub­ject and I be­came aware of the fas­cin­at­ing
op­por­tun­it­ies of quantum tech­no­lo­gies. This fas­cin­a­tion lead me to the
de­cision of mov­ing to Switzer­land to pur­sue a mas­ter in Quantum
En­gin­eer­ing at ETH. In Zurich, I had the op­por­tun­ity to work with some
pretty cool groups in­clud­ing the Quantum Device Lab, the Barnes group, and the
Photon­ics Labora­tory. Last sum­mer, I joined the Ca­na­dian start- up Xanadu
in Toronto for an in­tern­ship work­ing on Flam­ingPy, a soft­ware pack­age for
quantum er­ror cor­rec­tion sim­u­la­tions. Now I'm back in Europe to join HyQu
for my mas­ter thesis where I'm work­ing on the mi­cro­fab­ric­a­tion and
char­ac­ter­isa­tion of our quantum HBAR devices.


Dur­ing my Ap­plied Phys­ics stud­ies at the Na­tional Tech­nical Uni­ver­sity
of Athens I was fas­cin­ated by the quantum mech­an­ics lec­tures. Since I was
more in­ter­ested in the tech­no­lo­gical break­throughs that come from a novel
topic in sci­ence, I came across the so- called "Second Quantum Re­volu­tion"
and from that point on pur­su­ing a de­gree in Quantum En­gin­eer­ing at ETH was
a nat­ural next step for me. In HyQu I will be in­vest­ig­at­ing dif­fer­ent
ap­proaches, like the use of Lith­ium Niobate as the piezo­elec­tric ma­ter­ial,
in the con­text of cir­cuit Quantum Acousto- dynamics.


I'm an un­der­gradu­ate at The Uni­ver­sity of Texas at Aus­tin, where I study
elec­trical en­gin­eer­ing and math­em­at­ics. I'm cur­rently on ex­change at
ETH to work on my bach­elor's thesis, which in­volves real­iz­ing quantum
acous­tical phe­nom­ena on the group's res­on­at­ors. Through a mix of
the­or­et­ical, com­pu­ta­tional, and ex­per­i­mental re­search and course­work,
I hope to build a strong found­a­tion in quantum com­put­ing dur­ing my time in


After com­plet­ing my bach­elor's de­gree in phys­ics I am now pur­su­ing a
mas­ter's de­gree in phys­ics here at ETH Zurich. Through­out my stud­ies I have
al­ways been very fas­cin­ated by the in­ter­play between ab­stract
math­em­at­ics and the the­or­ies phys­i­cists use to de­scribe nature. This led
me to dabble in the realm of math­em­at­ical phys­ics for a while. Ul­ti­mately
though, mo­tiv­ated by courses I took in quantum in­form­a­tion the­ory and
pro­cessing dur­ing my mas­ter's de­gree, I have de­cided to take a more
prac­tical ap­proach and am now do­ing a mas­ter's thesis in the Hy­brid Quantum
Sys­tems group. I am work­ing on pulsed op­tomech­an­ics us­ing high over­tone
bulk acous­tic wave res­on­at­ors.


My uni­ver­sity edu­ca­tion star­ted out with a bach­el­ors de­gree in
elec­trical en­gi­n­er­ing from the Uni­ver­sity of Vil­nius. Not quite
sat­is­fied with do­ing just en­gin­eer­ing I tried to find a way to pivot to a
more phys­ics heavy ap­proach and the Quantum En­gin­eer­ing study
pro­gram at ETH was just the per­fect blend of en­gin­eer­ing and phys­ics. Here
I've been able so far to do a semester pro­ject at the Com­pu­ta­tional
Nano­elec­tron­ics group, sim­u­lat­ing a type of novel RAM cell and a QuanTech
Work­shops pro­ject with IBM Zürich, in­vest­ig­at­ing the ap­plic­a­tion of
quantum pro­cessors in the field of Quantum Chem­istry. Now I am do­ing my
mas­ter thesis here at HyQu, work­ing on us­ing hBARs for quantum in­form­a­tion


An in­ter­na­tional stu­dent look­ing to see a little bit of the world while
study­ing phys­ics, I com­pleted my Li­cence at the UPMC in Paris, be­fore
trav­el­ling to Switzer­land to join up in the pi­on­eer­ing Quantum
En­gin­eer­ing Mas­ter pro­gram. Dur­ing my time at ETHZ, I cul­tiv­ated a
var­ied back­ground in quantum op­tics, NISQ al­gorithms, and vari­ous qubit
im­ple­ment­a­tions — and I even had the op­por­tun­ity to work at Hum­boldt on
an im­ple­ment­a­tion of VQE for quantum chem­istry prob­lems. But I was al­ways
in­ter­ested in the po­ten­tial of mech­an­ical os­cil­lat­ors as sensors and
sim­u­lat­ors, es­pe­cially after my pro­jects with the Photon­ics Lab and the
Spin Phys­ics Group; and I have had my eye on the Hy­brid Quantum Sys­tems Group
since I star­ted my pro­gram, so I am very ex­cited to be here! My Mas­ter
pro­ject will be on the de­vel­op­ment of planar qubits and res­on­at­ors for
cQAD, and I am look­ing for­ward to the real- world design and fab­ric­a­tion
ex­per­i­ences this will bring.


After com­plet­ing my un­der­grad stud­ies in Mech­an­ical en­gin­eer­ing at
ETHZ, I am ap­proach­ing the end of my mas­ter's in “Micro- and Nanosys­tems” at
ETH. I dis­covered my pas­sion for solid- state phys­ics and quantum
in­form­a­tion tech­no­logy early in my mas­ter's. After get­ting a taste of
some hands- on re­search dur­ing my semester pro­ject “Spin- Orbit
In­ter­ac­tion in Bilayer graphene/MoS2 Het­ero­struc­tures”, I am now ex­cited
to do my Mas­ter’s Thesis partly in the HyQu group, partly in the Weg­scheider
group (also at ETH).


Ori­gin­ally from the south of the Neth­er­lands, I moved to Utrecht to study
for a double bach­elor pro­gram, com­plet­ing a de­gree in phys­ics as well as a
de­gree in phys­ics, math­em­at­ics, and philo­sophy. Dur­ing this time, I spent
half a year at UC Berkely for an ex­change semester, study­ing sim­ilar top­ics.
Since my in­terest for the fields of Philo­sophy and Phys­ics per­sisted, I went
on to study at the uni­ver­sity of Ox­ford for the mas­ter's de­gree in the
philo­sophy of phys­ics. With my in­terest in quantum mech­an­ics fur­ther
kindled after this, in par­tic­u­lar with re­spect to the tech­nical is­sues
re­lated to quantum in­form­a­tion pro­cessing, I moved to Zürich to pur­sue a
mas­ter's de­gree in phys­ics. This led me to join HyQu for my mas­ter thesis,
for which I fo­cus on the fab­ric­a­tion of high qual­ity acous­tic cav­it­ies
us­ing grey­scale litho­graphy.


Dur­ing my Bach­elor at Uni­ver­sity of Cali­for­nia, Santa Bar­bara, in the
United States, I stud­ied Phys­ics and worked on quantum trans­duc­tion with
sur­face acous­tic waves in Pro­fessor Galan Moody’s lab. There, I mainly did
sim­u­la­tions on phononic crys­tals. Now I’m a mas­ter’s stu­dent in Quantum
En­gin­eer­ing at ETHz. I’m really happy to join HyQu for a semester pro­ject on
sim­u­lat­ing the acous­tic loss of HBAR.


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