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Mark Bradbourne
National Solutions Engineer, Tableau 
October 25, 2021

Like many of you, I’ve always loved Tableau Conference. Even when I was on the
other side—as a customer, passionate Tableau Ambassador, and user group
co-leader—it ranked right up there with my favorite holidays. Now with my second
anniversary as a Tableau Solutions Engineer behind me, my love for Tableau
Conference has only grown. 

The planning team pulled off an incredible virtual Tableau Conference-ish in
2020. This year, they’re infusing feedback from the DataFam into a virtual event
that promises to somehow eclipse last year’s experience. (I can hardly wait!)
So, whether you’re back in the office or still fully remote (or somewhere in
between), the question on everyone’s mind is how to make the most of Tableau
Conference 2021. Here’s my take on what to know before the show.


One of the pieces of feedback I heard most was that it was hard to attend
without interruptions because you were technically still at work, whether in the
office or remote. Let’s change that. 

 * Tell your management and team that you’re attending TC21, and block off your
 * Turn off notifications and tune in 100%. 
 * Map out your episode line-up by browsing the full episode list. Some of my
   favorite, can’t miss TC mainstays include Iron Viz and Devs on Stage. This
   year I’m also looking forward to catching some of the best and brightest from
   the DataFam in the #tableau-community channel in Slack (keep reading for more
   on this). Just sign into the event platform and add your episode selections
   to your personalized My TC21 page.

Remember, in-person or virtual, this is professional development time, and there
is a lot to learn and a lot of value to be discovered, especially since the
conference is free. Heck, invite everyone in your office to attend! There is
literally something for everyone. When everyone is invited to the party, it only
gets better, which leads me to my next tip … 


For me, one of the small, yet important, details of every conference is the
music. Most of the time, you don’t even realize the soundtrack is playing until
you find yourself movin’ and groovin’ through the Data Village like it’s your
job. Fun fact: Many of the past soundtracks live as playlists in Spotify. I
created a new, very unofficial, soundtrack that perfectly captures the TC mood
for me. So put on your favorite conference t-shirt (I’ll be wearing the classic
Party with your data shirt) and fire up the tunes. Enjoy!


Do you really want to watch Tableau Conference on that tiny screen where you’re
reading this blog post? No! You want to hook your laptop up to the biggest
television screen you have, or, better yet, a projector. I find that making the
content bigger for me is a neat trick to make it all feel a little more “real.”
Just imagine that “on the edge of your seat” feeling watching Iron Viz!


Tableau Conference is better with friends. If you’re virtual, set up a video
conference call and stream the content with your DataFam. Zoom and Google Meet
work great, and Remo.co is a cool platform worth checking out for larger groups.

If you’re back in the office, experience the event with your colleagues to
really make it a data party—especially for the opening keynote, Iron Viz, and
Devs on Stage. Doing so will definitely give you a sense of community when you
can react and discuss what you are seeing. Of course, please stay safe and
follow COVID-19 protocols in your area.


One of the best things about Tableau Conference is connecting with the DataFam,
Tableau's Community. While it might take a little work virtually, it is possible
and it’s definitely worth it. Here’s how: 

Check out the conference’s dedicated Slack workspace. I, for one, am looking
forward to the epic GIF battles that will hopefully occur.

 * Chat and interact at #tableau-community.
 * Schedule 1:1 time with a Blueprint coach at #tableau-blueprint. 
 * Suggest new product features at #tableau-product-ideas. 
 * Play trivia at #tableau-training-cert.
 * And … well, #get-help is pretty self explanatory.

I recommend plugging into Twitter and keeping an eye out for opportunities to
connect with people from around the world using #Data21. 

If Twitter isn’t your thing, see if your local TUG group has anything planned
either virtually or in-person. 

Sign up for a Braindate. Connect on a small scale with one-on-one or small-group
conversations around a myriad of topics. 


Don’t forget to participate in everyone’s conference favorites, like … 

 * Snap a pic: Grab a photo in the photo booth and share it with the #DataFam.
 * Sport your passion for data: Grab some swag in the Tableau Gear Store,
   including this year’s conference t-shirt.
 * Got data pains? Book a Tableau Doctor appointment.
 * Meet 1:1 with a Tableau Blueprint coach: Walk through your Blueprint
   Assessment results to discuss how best to build your Data Culture.
 * Listen to the #DataFam: Check out great episodes like Speed Tipping, Design
   Tips, Inclusive Design, and a Zen Master panel you won’t want to miss.
 * Rock out: Kick back and enjoy our musical guest.
 * Stay FOMO-free: Episodes will be on-demand as well.

You don’t want to miss the greatest event of the year. Whether you’re new to
Tableau Conference or a seasoned TC attendee, I look forward to seeing you
there, starting November 9, 2021.

Now head on over to the Tableau Conference website to register if you haven’t
done so already, build your watch list, and get ready for three non-stop days of
digging into the data.


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