Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

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Submission Tags: tranco_l324
Submission: On May 19 via api from DE — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 2 forms found in the DOM


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The Entrepreneur's
Book CoachRead: How To Hire The Right Book Coach For You


Josh is a book coach to entrepreneurs with billion-dollar businesses (and those
on their way). His experience as an entrepreneur and as a WSJ and USA Today
bestselling author allow him to understand his clients and guide them through
the book-writing process with minimum fuss and maximum return. If you find
yourself saying, “I want to be an author but I don’t know where to start and I
don’t have time to write a book,” then Josh may be the right fit for you.

Read Josh’s full story or hire him:

Hire Josh As a Book Coach Hire Josh As a Speaker


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Josh has a mastery of content distribution strategies matched only by his
engaging speaking style. He expertly demonstrated actionable ways to contact the
right journalists, and more importantly, how to create crave-able content.

– Daniel Mackey, VP of Operations at WriterAccess, Content Marketing Conference

It was wonderful to have Josh as a TEDxHongKongEd speaker. He was thoughtful,
funny, authentic and talked about something relevant and personal – the
ingredients for a great TEDx talk.

– Jong Lee, TEDx Hong Kong

Josh came to speak to our Master of Management students at Peking University
HSBC Business School. He connected to the students with his humor and personal
approach to speaking. The students responded exceptionally well to him bringing
his experience to our course and he was a pleasure to work with.

– Kevin Chastagner, Assistant Professor at Peking University HSBC Business
School, Shenzhen, China


A book is a business card on steroids.

Get started on your book today with my Top 15 Business Book Writing Hacks. If
you’re thinking about writing a business book, it will help you start the right
way and make fast progress. If you’re stuck writing your book, it will help you
fix what’s holding you back.




Coming Soon


“I love sharing my experiences as an entrepreneur, author, and book coach and
answering your questions. Join me online and let’s grow together.”

Trail run. Bulldog Saddle, Pass Mountain. Mesa, AZ
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"25 Marketing Influencers to Watch"

Praise for chief marketing officers at work"5 Best Business Books of 2016"

"The 7th Most Influential CMO in the World"

"8 Online Influencers To Look Out For"

"The Top 10 Social Marketing Influencers to Keep An Eye On"

"50 Online Marketing Influencers to Watch"



I’ll assume you’ve read my posts What is a Book Coach? and Should You Hire a
Book Coach? or that you feel you already know enough to move on to the meaty
question—how do I actually go about hiring a book coach? And not just any book
coach, but the right book coach for me?…

Read more


If you just read my post What is a Book Coach? you might be saying to yourself,
“Now I know what a book coach is, but how do I know if I need one or not?”
You’ve come to the right place for the answer, but if you’re already thinking
you need a book coach,…

Read more


This is the first in a series of posts about hiring and working with a book
coach. See Should I Hire a Book Coach? and How to Hire a Book Coach to learn
more or, if you’re ready to hire one right now, check out my book coaching
options. This post focuses on just one…

Read more


If you want to write a business book you face three primary challenges. You’ll
have to figure out how to: Get started Keep going Finish and publish Before I go
into each challenge and some tricks to make these a lot easier, my own story as
a first-time author might be instructive. I published my…

Read more


It depends. Asking how much it costs to publish a book is like asking how much
it costs to buy a car or a house—it depends. Do you want a 10-year old used
Hyundai with 200K miles on it, or a new BMW straight off the factory floor? Do
you want the upgraded sound system…

Read more


Your book doesn’t need to be limited to just one message. In fact, the more
messages the better, because you never know which one will jump out at a reader
and become the reason your book changes their life. As you consider potential
messages to include in your book, try out the eight “power messages”…

Read more
Josh Steimle

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