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FAITHFUL sons of the Holy Orthodox Church - get up!
The Church is in danger! The bugle is calling for battle!

Kallinikos Sarandopulos for many years was deceiving us that he is orthodox and
played the role of a “zealot of Orthodoxy”. And in reality has always been a
wolf dressed in sheep’s clothing (Mat.7:15)! A typical example of such a wolf.

 And here now the truth about the satanic role of Kallinikos is fully revealed!
Here now is fully pulled back the curtain of the lie:
– A SHOCKING DOCUMENT is signed – SUPERMEMORANDUM of the antichrist – From this
satanic document it becomes clear what is pursued – convocation of a so called
“8-th ecumenical” council of the antichrist with the purpose: destruction of the
Orthodox Church and converting the people into cattle.
See this document! – it clearly reveals the satanic role of Sarandopulos and
testifies WHY he made the UNIA with the kyprianites.
He made it by order of the pope and the masons who are preparing the coming of
the antichrist. He made it in service of the antichrist!

For so many years he was deceiving us that he is "orthodox" – and now
Sarandopulos proved that he is their agent, planted into the Church to destroy
it from within >>> ΑρχιΚΑΤΑσκοπος! = Arch-spy of the antichrist!
Compare the dates:
- When was signed this terrible SUPERMEMORANDUM of the antichrist
- And when Kallinikos Sarandopulos signed the UNIA with the kyprianites – and
you will uncover the truth with your own eyes, without needing someone else to
interpret it for you.
You will also uncover the truth WHY at that same time, also Chrysostomos
Manyotis made a trip to the archheretic Bartholomew in Constantinople, or as
specified in the SUPERMEMORANDUM – in “Istanbul” in connection with the “outside
Istanbul” orthodox christian churches.
All this – with one purpose: the so called “8-th ecumenical” council of the

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ANATHEMA on the cyprianites!

FAITHFUL sons of the Holy Orthodox Church - get up!
The Church is in danger! The bugle is calling for battle!

On 18/30 December 1969, Metropolitan Philaret, the new Hierarch of the Russian
Orthodox Church Outside of Russia together with his Synod officially recognized
the canonicity of the ordinations of Acacius (Papas) and the other Bishops,
which finally removed all doubts about the canonicity of the Synod of Archbishop
Auxentius. St. Metropolitan Philaret wrote to Archbishop Auxentius that ROCOR
regards the hierarchy of the Synod as brothers in Christ in full liturgical

In 1983 the Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad
a) gave over to anathema the heresy of ecumenism
b) gave over to anathema all who teach that the sacraments of heretics are
effectual for salvation:

Those who attack the Church of Christ by teaching that Christ's Church is
divided into so-called "branches" which differ in doctrine and way of life, or
that the Church does not exist visibly, but will be formed in the future when
all "branches" or sects or denominations, and even religions will be united into
one body; and who do not distinguish the priesthood and mysteries of the Church
from those of the heretics, but say that the baptism and eucharist of heretics
is effectual for salvation; therefore, to those who knowingly have communion
with these aforementioned heretics or who advocate, disseminate, or defend their
new heresy of Ecumenism under the pretext of brotherly love or the supposed
unification of separated Christians, Anathema!

Under this anathema fall the heretics Cyprianites, who teach exactly that the
sacraments of heretics are effectual for salvation. In 2014 the heretics
Cyprianites created a new Cyprianite Synod whose "archbishop" became Kallinikos
In order to head this heretical union and to give it an "orthodox" appearance
Kallinikos Sarandopulos created a new heresy, in which he teaches that heretics
supposedly „do not need to be repentant of their heresy in order to be accepted
in the Church”. The heresy of Kallinikos is essentially a war against
repentance, and as such became known under the name
The Heresy of Kallinikos (EN | BG)
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Which action is of the Holy Spirit
- and which action is of men?

The heretics kyprianites present a new circus production - that supposedly
was "fulfilled" their dream, they dream for more than a quarter century:

Stage One: That they supposedly again "restored in rank" the heretic monk
Cyprian Kutsumbas
who is DEPOSED by the Church to a degree monk for his heresy in 1986 and put
under ANATHEMA in 1998 (kyprianism = ecumenism)

Stage Two: That they supposedly "deposed" the Orthodox Priest father John
who from 1985 exposes their heresy – but does not belong to them, nothing to do
with their heretical group

Stage REAL - the only they have forgotten - the most important:
- Before this circus - to ask somebody - to ordain them!Notice now the official
confession of Kallinikos Sarandopoulos -
that he himself and the others with him – have not canonical ordination! - i.e.
- he de facto is not a bishop! So – those, who commemorate him - WHOM actually
Official Letter of his to the Koinotita GOC with his handwritten signature and
seal. There he testified the same for the rest with him -
but not for Archbp. Auxentios! | EN | RU | GR | BG |

Scary sign of God:
- Deposed and anathematized for heresy, Cyprian died unrepentant,
his body became a bone – they were unable even to close his mouth –
What a scary sight!

Watch this video 1 min 25 sec: | EN | RU | GR | BG |
and consider by yourself:
- Once God Himself shows as such this condemned heretic -
Is it possible for the people to "cancel" the damnation???!

Read more >>> | EN | RU | GR | BG |



How and Why the Assemblage
Is Trying to Judge Someone
Who Does not Belong To It (Psalms.26:5)

Self-appointed judges, impostors dressed in bishop clothes are trying by fear to
keep their priests from leaving and to manipulate their consciences. (The cited
here is not an isolated case! The assemblage persecutes only Orthodox 
Priests – and laymen as well!)

WHEN and WHY I Did I Leave Their Synod?

Why it is a lie that supposedly I Father John (Vasilevski) belong to their
heretical Synod-K? What high self-esteem on their part!
And what an insult to me - that I supposedly belong to their heresy!

First let us show you TWO GROUPS OF FACTS –
and just two cases of each of them!

A. First case. See with your own eyes this video - consider by yourself and
- Is it possible for this pouring done in the Synod-K to be Orthodox baptism?

1) This papal pouring is not an isolated case! This is the way the papal
"baptism" has been done here always and in every case – in front of witnesses
for more than 10 years to the very date of this publication = the video
conversation with the witness!
2) Bishop Kallinikos was notified repeatedly BY WITNESSES of these incessant
cases of papal pouring at Manyotis’ – even before he became archbishop!

B. Second case of papal "mystery". 
The papal "mysteries" in the Synod-K have not stopped but continue to this day!
On Sunday, July 13, 2014, in the church of the Brookwood Monastery in England,
Aquilina was performed the "mystery" of "Marriage" to wit - "wedding" - between
a papist and an "orthodox" woman from the Synod of the heretics
cyprianites (Synod-K).

This "wedding" was performed by "priest" Gregory Lauani, who is a "spiritual"
son of Photius Mandalis and fanatically requires from the laity-cyprianites to
perform blind obedience to Mandalis and the rest of their "bishops".
Continuously and in all possible ways he stresses upon this requirement of blind

Photius Mandalis uses the following justification: "When we learned that the
wedding was appointed for that date, it was too late and there was nothing we
could do."
He's lying! He is in constant communion with this "spiritual" son of his Gregory
Lauani, they exchange information on the dot - but about an important event like
this allegedly he had told him "so late" that there "was nothing" "that could be

Does Photius Mandalis understand that this justification is false or not, but he
a "firm" promise: 
"we will NEVER do it again! Solid promise!"
He that has a mind let him think (Mat.11:15) let him think and answer, can this
be the behavior of a normal serious person, connected with the Church of
Christ?... Photius Mandalis behaves as if he is in the kindergarten – and as
soon as he gets into a mischief, breaks a glass or spills the jam on the
tablecloth - again solidly promises:
"I will NEVER do it again, I promise!"...    

How stupid must be those people who take seriously such an immature person - and
trust him with their souls! It is about human lives, immature young man, how can
you play with these human lives and treat them so lightly: "I will not do it
again, I promise!"...
You're playing with these human lives – taking advantage of the name of "bishop"
which they festooned you with!...

Anyway - this immature young man promises that "he will never do it again", the
naive people take it seriously - BUT:
neither he, nor Kallinikos, nor anyone else of their 
Synod in resistance to the Holy Spirit 
- says that this "wedding" is not valid! None of them says that there took place
no Sacrament of Marriage!
- none of them says that the papist, "wedded" with "the orthodox" is not a
member of their "orthodox" "church" – Synod-K in resistance to the Holy Spirit
- none of them says that he will not be given communion along with his wife.
- none of them says - what future fate they have invented for this man! Have
they thought at all that he is a man - and what fate they have prepared for him
with such frivolity of theirs? Do they think at all: What will they do with him
after this "wedding"? will they baptize him? – will they give him chrismation? 
The heretics cyprianites of Bulgaria only give chrismation to papists - because
supposedly these heretics have grace, "tied grace" - according to the teachings
of Seraphima Lieven and Sergius Yazadzhiev, cyprianites-"theologians" of
For many years, I was explaining them that it is impossible "the Grace to be
tied," that is blasphemous that they say so, but the Truth is on the contrary:
the Grace is that ties - because the Grace of The Holy Spirit, as taught
St.Gregory Palamas, is The Holy Spirit Himself! But they were stubborn fanatics
and never wanted to understand this Truth of  the Orthodoxy. Thus they died in
that blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.

Maybe the heretics cyprianites of Synod-K (Greece) will neither baptize the
papist, nor give him chrismation - but only will give him a charming smile - as
is the custom of the heretics cyprianites of Synod-K already since the time of
1999? ...
A heretic cyprianite "priest", a Serb, of the monastery of Kallinikos says that
all who believe the cyprianite heresy and these apostasies are large and for
that reason are leaving the Synod-K, needed psychiatric treatment! – according
to him these were "small", "minor" apostasies and even were not apostasies at
all because they had good reason. This is the same demon that drove the
cyprianites already since 1992 - to say that he who had gone to the Synod of
Chrysostom – needed psychiatric treatment.
Therefore, no wonder if today's heretics cyprianites in their turn – neither
baptize this "wedded" but not baptized papist, nor even give him
chrismation, but 
- only give him a charming smile.
Just so they accept their brethren heretics from the ecumenical Moscow
Patriarchate – only with a charming smile! Ask Chrysostomos Manyotis - from tens
of thousands who came from the Moscow Patriarchate into his diocese - is
there at least one whom he has accepted otherwise than – only with a charming
smile? Is there at least one of the tens of thousands whom he has accepted with
chrismation?!! Not one!
(and baptizm – that is out of the question!)

This is as a rule:
1. The Holy Orthodox Church accepts the papists and the poured over ecumenists
from the MP - with Holy Baptism.
2. The Bulgarian heretics cyprianites accept the papists and the poured over
ecumenists from the MP – with chrismation (because supposedly they have grace).
3. And the Greek heretics cyprianites (Synod-K) accept the papists and their own
brothers ecumenists from the MP – only with a charming smile! 

Read more >>> | EN | RU | GR | BG |

SECOND GROUP OF FACTS. Juxtapose the following two cases:
A. First case. See how a "priest" of the Synod-K, ordained by "bishop" Photius
of Marathon for almost a whole year is serving "liturgy" by the papal calendar
and not only do they not condemn him, but give him not even a reproof! See
"liturgy" of Assumption 2/15 August 2014
B. Second case. See how they persecute the Orthodox Priest Father Haralambos
Serb – they sent him a letter to judge him immediately on the third day after he
refused to kiss the hand of "archbishop" Kallinikos for the latter had fallen
into the heresy of cyprianism – and because he humbly asked Kallinikos a single
question to which Kallinikos could not answer and flew into a rage.

Details on this SECOND FACT read HERE >>> | EN | GR | RU | BG |

So, in comparison you can see with your own eyes – this is indisputable:
- the assemblage does not persecute the open heretics who belong to them (or are
ordained by them) but
- the assemblage persecutes only Orthodox Priests, and laymen - even when they
do not belong to them!

The essence is this – consider by yourself and answer:
2) Is it possible that a Priest knows about all these FACTS of apostasy
(2Thes.2:3), but stays in this Synod - and at that has Orthodox conscience?
3) Is it possible if this Priest leaves them because of these FACTS of apostasy
– that the heretics of Synod-K would have authority and right to judge him?
- Even if they were not heretics - let these hypocrites, first cast out the beam
from their own eye, and then think about the mote in the eye of the other!
(Luke.6:42). And for the present they are nothing more than blind leaders of the
blind (Mat.15:14)

Now that you have seen with your own eyes –
I will explain in the most simple words – so that
even people people with such low intelligence as Photius
be able to understand the simple canonical truth THAT:
- Because I have asked for an Apolytirion (Letter of Release) -
in order to go to ANOTHER Bishop
and have ALREADY received it, right back in 2005, signed by my Bishop and
Archbp. Chrysostom that I have full authority to exercise my Priesthood
under the direction of ANOTHER Bishop
that’s why the self-appointed judges HAVE NO LONGER AUTHORITY to decide:
- Whether I ...

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FACT: The more Kallinikos and the other persecutors like him try to oppress us -
the more they turn us the True Priests -
into the most sought-after Priests
in the World!

Let’s examine it in DETAIL>>> EN



ANATHEMA on the Pope and The Papists!

THE WORKS of the papal spies from the papal organization “Pro Oriente” designed
to implant papal spies in the Orthodox Church

- Why Synod-K (and in particular the persons - Chrysostomos Manyotis and Photios
Mandalis and others of their group in the Synod) persecutes True Orthodox
Priests - both in Greece and in Romania and elsewhere and plays a circus that
supposedly has power to "depose" them if they separate themselves from their
heretical kyprianite Synod-K or if they do not join their heresy?

- Why Synod-K (and in particular Manyotis and Mandalis and others in this group)
persecutes True Orthodox Christians - and threatens them with curses - thereby
blackmailing them and trampling on their human rights of choice – blackmailing
them to accept exactly their pseudo-mysteries - and not the Sacraments of a
Priest whom the laity choose themselves?

- BY WHOM is Synod-K supported that so without fear it tramples the laws of the
European Union for human rights and free religious choice?

- Why in Synod-K are performed intermarriages between their "Orthodox" and the
Moscow Patriarchate and even the Papal heresy and is performed papal "baptism"
with pouring for more than 10 years?

- Why True Orthodox Christians have seen Chrysostomos Manyotis in the office of
the new calendar ecumenist "archbishop" Christodoulos (while he was alive) and
why none of the Synod of Chrysostom (today Kallinikos) for so many years has
answered the question:
"What business had Chr. Manyotis in the office of the heretic Christodoulos, a
papal agent from the papal organization "Pro Oriente" designed to implant papal
spies in the Orthodox Church? "

- What is the purpose of the visit of Chrysostomos Manyotis in the office of the
new calendar ecumenist "patriarch" Bartholomew and why none of the Synod of
Kallinikos answers the question:
"What business had Chr. Manyotis in the office of the heretic Bartholomew, a
papal agent from the papal organization "Pro Oriente" designed to implant papal
spies in the Orthodox Church?"

Let’s examine it in DETAIL>>> | EN | GR | RU | BG |

FACT: The more Kallinikos and the other persecutors like him try to oppress us -
the more they turn us the True Priests -
into the most sought-after Priests in the World!



Chrysostom, Kallinikos and those with them
have NEVER been persecuted for faith!
But they showed their true faces:
- PERSECUTORS of the Orthodox!

The assemblage does not persecute the open heretics who belong to them (or are
ordained by them), but - the assemblage persecutes only Orthodox Priests,
and laymen – even when they
do not belong to them!

Chrysostom, Kallinikos and the others with them HAVE NEVER BEEN PERSECUTED for
faith. They dreamed to find and tell us a case in which they were supposedly
persecuted for faith, in order to show off to us, the Serbs Russians Romanians
Bulgarians (who survived the persecutions of bolshevism) - that supposedly "they
are heroes, too". But the examples these "heroes" would show and thump their
chests, would make us laugh: his mother was told to get off the bus, because she
was "by the old calendar"
and other suchlike "persecutions"... ahhh! "Cruel persecutions"!

And here the time came and they themselves exposed their lies and now showed
their true faces: persecutors of the Orthodox!
And these forerunners of the antichrist subject the Orthodox to much more
ruthless persecution than such jokes as "Get off the bus!"...

Psychological evidence which fully exposes them as liars:
- A person who has actually been persecuted for faith
would NEVER persecute another man for faith!
(Psychological evidence is the strongest!)

Here's how these forerunners of the antichrist alone exposed themselves:
- Juxtapose the following two cases:

A. First case. See how a "priest" of the Synod-K ordained by "bishop" Photius of
Marathon for almost a whole year is serving "liturgy" by the papal calendar and
not only do the Synod-K not call him to court, but have not given him even a
reproof! See "liturgy" of Assumption 2/15 August 2014 by the papal calendar.

B. Second case. See how they persecute the Orthodox Priest Father Haralambos
Serb – they sent him a letter to appear before their court immediately on the
third day after he refused to kiss the hand of "archbishop" Kallinikos for the
fact that he fell into the heresy of cyprianism – and because he asked
Kallinikos a single question to which Kallinikos could not answer and flew into
a rage.

FACT: The more Kallinikos and the other persecutors like him try to oppress us -
the more they turn us the True Priests -
into the most sought-after Priests in the World!

Let’s examine it in DETAIL...

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TO the 7,000 men
whom God has left Himself
and who did not bend their knee to the idols
and did not kiss them with their mouth

NOTE-FOREWORD by father John (Vasilevski) The Bulgarian:
- For the fact that, I without hiding and in good conscience, provide technical
assistance to the True Orthodox Christians like me in making this wonderful
website www.gocnews.info and for the fact that I personally provided certain
information – the hidden in the Synod K. heretics cyprianites decided to
concentrate their fire, throwing of stones, accusations and victimizations on my
Apparently so it is convenient to them: to have ONE person to blame for
everything - that they have inherited from their father the judean Caiaphas
(John.18:14) - because due to their shamelessness and audacity, they do not want
to admit that THEY ARE GUILTY before the whole people, and not only before one
people but before many peoples! THEY ARE GUILTY before all 7000 men who did not
bend knee to the idols! It is CONVENIENT to them to have ONE person suffer
before the whole people, and thus to try to conceal their own disgrace - by
diverting people's attention from their own guilt - to another "guilty".

I do not mind - for Christ's sake - to take on my head all the responsibility
for this wonderful Spiritual site, which so well, exactly, truthfully reveals
the Truth. The Truth, which the fighters against God cyprianites want to HIDE -
resisting against the commandment of Christ Who clearly says: what you hear
whispered, announce it from the housetops. And do not fear those who kill the
body but can not kill the soul, instead fear Him Who can destroy both your soul
and body in the gehenna (Mat.10:27-28). The fighters against God cyprianites
resist also the example of the Apostles, who, the more they are forbidden - the
more they preach the Truth (Acts.5:40-42).

It is an HONOR to me which God Himself bestows on me - to take on my head all
the stones that these hypocrites heretics cyprianites have planned to throw upon
the faithful - on all 7000 men, chosen ones of God!
Therefore, if so they see fit – let them throw stones ONLY on my head – that is
why I tell them openly: I am ALONE – THERE ARE NO others!
My HONOR of Orthodox Warrior requires me to warn my persecutors:

- My head is thick and STRONG!
It has gone through deep experience: The whole cursed bolshevik system threw
stones at my head in complete union and accord with their brothers the heretics
cyprianites of Bulgaria - and for 8 whole years
I fought ALONE in encirclement – there was no other Orthodox priest there at
that time!

And this system was many times more powerful than you -
it could wipe you from the face of the earth with its fingernail - even though
you are brothers of it.

But now that bolshevik system is dead
– and I am ALIVE! - And my head is intact.
And this is not bragging, such as you are used to listening and talking a lot
here - this is an obvious FACT.
Thank God for that!

This endurance and especially the Defense – comes to me by inheritance:
- my second Spiritual father, father Macarius, spent 7 years in the bolshevik
concentration camp Belene – and this camp is much more horrid than the Gulag!
The bolsheviks in that camp killed the Orthodox and threw their bodies to feed
the pigs. However my Spiritual father with God’s help and protection died IN
PEACE at the age of 91 years and till the end of his life he spoke: "Those who
wanted to kill me – are dead!" - pointing smiling to the Sky, to show Who his
Defender was.

The same thing happened to me afterwards: Those who wanted to kill me (and they
were quite a few) - are now dead!

So my HONOR of a Warrior of Christ obliges me to warn my persecutors heretics
cyprianites hidden in the Synod K.: Let them before throwing the stone, prepared
for my head, first think about - Who they have decided to fight (Acts.9:4) and
Who has kept me for so long - in the words of the Righteous and wise Gamaliel
(Acts.5:38-39) (a secret disciple of Christ).  So - be careful, daring man, who
have raised your arm to throw a rock at my head - will you be ALIVE to manage to
hit me, or will you join untimely the company of your breathless friends!
One of you already tried to silence me publicly with technical tricks, not with
wisdom and Justice - and God immediately shut his mouth for long years! You
remember? This is not bragging, such as you are used to listening and talking a
lot here, but that was God's warning to all of you - who have eyes to see, ears
to hear and a mind to think (Mat.13:9).

One thing now wonders me, the little sinful and insignificant man:
- Where are NOW the heroes of the monastery Esfigmenou?
Usually there arises quite a fuss around them. Where are they NOW - when such a
betrayal is taking place?
Was it not that God supports them – even so that the earth trembled - where are
they NOW when there is such great need of their heroism? NOW they are just
nowhere to be heard - very strange – but why???

Where are these heroes NOW - when the hidden in the Synod K. heretics
cyprianites call their compatriots from Kinotita GOC with the infamous name
"fatrida"? (faction). Where are NOW the heroes Esfigmenites (who always present
themselves patriots) – where are NOW to protect and support them - as in 1924
did father John (Floros)? Is it just me, father John Bulgarian to support them?
And where are the heroes patriots?
The heroes Esfigmenites are nowhere to be heard. Otherwise there comes much
noise from them.
BUT where are they NOW when they are so needed? ... Methody, where are you now?
You are usually very noisy when you collect human glory - where are you now? ...
Or may be the "heroes" of Esfigmenou have become heretics cyprianites as well?
Well, even if it be so - thank God! For the sake of Christ (John.11:49-50) I
will say again: I am ALONE – there are no others!
Thank God for everything!

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"The Sixth Point"
Do NEVER believe the apostates from the Synod-K – whatever they tell you,
whatever documents they show you – because they are SHAMELESS LIARS (Photius
Marathon and others)!

Here are the FACTS: They are clearly exposed by the canonical Apolytirion of
father John (Vasilevski) – as a FACT – and as a very indicative example!
The heresy of cyprianism, in which the "bishops" from the Synod-K are, contains

а) Not only faith distortion=heresy

б) It also contains moral distortion, as for example "Let us lie in the name of
Truth" – and in order to achieve their goals they LIE not only without fear of
God (in Whom they obviously DO NOT believe!) but also WITHOUT SHAME of men

One must be very stupid to believe them! And anyone with at least a little
common sense, should be clear that in such SHAMELESS LIARS - even if they were
not heretics – IT IS IMPOSSIBLE to inhabit the Holy Spirit of Truth!
Indicative example is the obvious DOCUMENT which exposes in what extreme
shamelessness of lie are plunged Photius (Marathon) and other such servants of
heresy - and every thinking person understands that the united heretics
cyprianites are shameless liars and there is no lie to which they would not
resort in order to achieve their goals! Therefore, they can make (AND WILL
MAKE!) another 1000 confessions of faith all to the last one deceitful and
heretical - to deceive, but never to repent for their heresy. It is therefore
meaningless for one to catch at the "Sixth point" of their heretical confession
- officially published on their sites. Their very shamelessness in lying already
sufficiently clearly proves that THEY ARE UNREPENTANT HERETICS – and they
themselves DO NOT WANT to get out of the ANATHEMA under which they came

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The perversion
of the Church GOC Greece
and the distortion of the Patristic Tradition
– in accord with the prophecies of St. Cosmas the Aetolian

The perversion of the Church GOC Greece and the distortion of the Patristic
Tradition – comes from the young bishops who were ordained hastily in 1999 and
who import:
- A NEW spirit into the Church – which resists the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of
the Holy Fathers of the Church
- bring in a spirit of inNOVation
- bring in a spirit of vulgarity - which comes out straight from hell and
perverts everything we have received from the Holy Fathers
- bring in a spirit that leads to a NEW world order - through the apostasy,
which St. Apostle Paul spoke of (2Thes.2:2-3) ....

Disgrace of the Synod of Kallinikos.
Thus driven by apostate bishops, the Synod of K acquired an OBSESSION to collect
the most disgusting and perverted, which can be collected from the world -
WITHOUT even exploring! WITHOUT even asking the spiritual victims! They do not
care = it's an OBSESSION with abomination!

This publication contains the conversation between father John and father Martin
as IRREFUTABLE EVIDENCE on the subject. However, this publication would not have
been placed on this site, as we have to stay away from such taints. Therefore,
it would have been passed on confidentially to Archbp Kallinikos, if father
Martin had been able to contact him to deliver this testimony BEFORE the Synod
so HASTILY took this DISGRACEFUL decision!

Yet for about 2 weeks f.Martin kept constantly phoning to pass this important
information to him - but in vain!

There imposes itself the impression that the contact was avoided deliberately -
that there was a HURRY to take shameful decisions – WITHOUT INVESTIGATION – so
that then they can be "justifiedly" presented as an "accomplished fact from
which there is no return" - however SHAMEFUL that fact is.

This requires our Orthodox consciences to publish the evidence to protect human
souls from the danger:
- Young men (and all Christians) - avoid the churches where serve those
perverts, who are dressed in a cassock, but have nothing to do with the
priesthood! Keep your children far from them! Avoid for all your worth this REAL
DANGER to your souls, which was accepted in the Synod of Kallinikos with satanic
joy and jubilation!

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of the antichrist
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on the cyprianites!

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After the fall of Kallinikos Sarandopulos in the heresy of kyprianism, the
heretics matthewites get up to circus tricks (devilish resourcefulness), to
seduce and lure the few remaining True Orthodox Christians in the heresy of
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The Defrocking of Cyprian
of Oropos


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Which action is
of the Holy Spirit -and which action
is of men?
Scary sign of God
Deposed and anathematized for heresy, Cyprian died unrepentant, his body became
a bone – they were unable
even to close his mouth
What a scary sight!

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How and Why
the Assemblage 
Is Trying to Judge Someone 
Who Does not Belong To It (Psalms.26:5)

Self-appointed judges, impostors dressed in bishop clothes are trying by fear to
keep their priests from leaving and to manipulate their consciences. (This is
not an isolated case! The assemblage persecutes only Orthodox 
Priests – and laymen as well!)

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Kallinikos and the Others With Him -
Have not Canonical Ordinations!

Notice now the official confession of Kallinikos Sarandopoulos - that he himself
and the others with him – have not canonical ordination! (to wit by his own
admission he de facto is
not a bishop! So – those, who commemorate him - WHOM actually commemorate???...

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The HERESY of Kallinikos  

= war against repentance,
= war against Salvation:
- this heresy teaches that supposedly the heretics had no need of REPENTANCE and
that allegedly they could be accepted into the Church only with confession of
the Orthodox faith. The HERESY of Kallinikos - this is a war against the very
foundations of Christianity !

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Chrysostom, Kallinikos and those with them
have NEVER been persecuted for faith!

But they showed their true faces:
- PERSECUTORS of the Orthodox!

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TO the 7,000 men
whom God
has left Himself
and who did not bend
their knee to the idols
and did not kiss them
with their mouth

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The perversion
of the Church
GOC Greece

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"The Sixth Point"
Do NEVER believe the apostates from the Synod-K – whatever they tell you,
whatever "documents" they show you – because they are SHAMELESS LIARS (Photius
Marathon and others)!

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