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URL: https://www.spglobal.com/marketintelligence/en/campaigns/supply-chain-intelligence
Submission: On May 28 via api from US — Scanned from DE

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          <label class="dropdown-label">Capital Formation <span class="tooltip"> Workflow tools and capabilities that support every step of a transaction, from advice and deal origination, to portfolio risk analysis, optimization, and management. Add
              value and achieve greater operational efficiencies pre-, during, and post-trade. </span></label>
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          <label class="dropdown-label">Credit &amp; Risk Solutions <span class="tooltip">With intuitive analytical tools, expert insights, robust data, and skilled managed services our credit, risk, and regulatory compliance solutions provide a
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          <label class="dropdown-label">Data &amp; Distribution <span class="tooltip">A single data source for detailed information on the companies, industries, and markets that matter to you - delivered via Desktop, Feed, API, and Cloud. Built on a
              foundation of reliable, timely, and differentiated data, delivered seamlessly. </span></label>
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              <input type="checkbox" name="dropdown-group" class="check checkbox-custom" value="Short Interest" data-val="Short Interest" id="c3_s11">
              <label for="c3_s11" class="checkbox-custom-label">Short Interest</label>
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              <input type="checkbox" name="dropdown-group" class="check checkbox-custom" value="S&amp;P Capital IQ Pro Desktop" data-val="Sector Coverage" id="c3_s12">
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          <label class="dropdown-label">Digital Transformation/Tech <span class="tooltip">Make digital transformation a reality and overcome the challenges of the exponential growth of data. Track evolving technology disruptors and consumer
              preferences with analysis ranging from film to broadband, programming, and emerging technologies.</span></label>
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            <div class="checkbox">
              <input type="checkbox" name="c4" class="check checkbox-custom" value="451 Research" data-val="451 Research" id="c4_s1">
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              <input type="checkbox" name="c4" class="check checkbox-custom" value="S&amp;P Capital IQ Pro Desktop" data-val="Media and Telecommunications Outlooks" id="c4_s3">
              <label for="c4_s3" class="checkbox-custom-label">Media and Telecommunications Outlooks</label>
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          <label class="dropdown-label">Economics &amp; Country Risk <span class="tooltip">Our data, models, and experts provide companies with the complete perspective - from global economic strengths to industry level health and down to
              street-level risk assessments and everything in between. </span></label>
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              <label for="c5_s5" class="checkbox-custom-label">Regional Explorer: Economics, Risk, and Data Analytics</label>
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              <input type="checkbox" name="c5" class="check checkbox-custom" value="Scenarios and Modeling" data-val="Scenarios and Modeling" id="c5_s6">
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          <label class="dropdown-label">Financial Technology Solutions <span class="tooltip"> Industry-leading enterprise solutions tailored to financial markets. Our proven software solutions and analytics help buy and sell-side firms uncover
              insights, increase efficiency, reduce and manage risk and maintain compliance</span></label>
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          <label class="dropdown-label">Investor Relations<span class="tooltip"> Harness the analytics, advisory solutions, and industry benchmarks to identify the right opportunities. Effectively monitor the financial markets, peers, and their
              company performance with next-gen solution-based workflow tools and advisory services.</span></label>
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          <label class="dropdown-label">Leveraged Loans <span class="tooltip"> Simplify operations and gain insights throughout the leveraged loan lifecycle. Our data and software span deal origination, syndication, portfolio modeling, trading, loan
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Close the gap in your supply chain intelligence. With data and forecasts
covering 98% of global trade, our intelligence can become your market advantage.

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   * Overview
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   * Insights


The Supply Chain Console is a unique solution for businesses looking for a
comprehensive view of the market and supply chain intelligence. With
interconnected proprietary data and forecasts across trade, pricing,
country/territory risk, and economics, our intuitive interface surfaces critical
factors driving the market and saves you time by focusing on what matters —
building a resilient supply chain.




 * 2B+
   shipment recordsOver 2 billion shipment records and more than 9 million
   company profiles

 * 200+
   countriesMacro trade statistics, trade forecasts, and risk scores for over
   200 countries and territories

 * 5,000+
   Commodity Price Forecasts5,000+ price and labor rate forecasts and 500+ cost

 * 500K+
   COMMODITY PRICESOver 500,000 historical commodity prices




Delve into a comprehensive market analysis to uncover the associated risk
factors linked with various sourcing markets. Explore exciting opportunities
presented by alternative sourcing markets. Discover key regions with strong
production capabilities.


As you seek to identify potential buyers, suppliers, and competitors, the Supply
Chain Console streamlines the process, enabling confident decision-making. Gain
a competitive edge in your current market and expand into new ones using supply
chain intelligence.


Uncover regions with favorable labor and commodity costs and anticipate what
will drive commodity prices in the future, allowing you to make cost-efficient
decisions and build a diverse supply chain.



Subscribe to Supply Chain Essentials



The Supply Chain Console is designed to address the evolving needs of an
increasingly complex global marketplace. We provide a perspective you can trust,
so you can make decisions with conviction.


Assess alternative sourcing markets, inform buying strategy, and support price


Forecast demand, identify new markets, and evaluate growth opportunities


Assess trends in commodity prices and trade patterns, and identify disruption to
supply or demand


Set product strategy, identify customers, and create regional marketing and
sales plans


Inform trade policies, trade regulation, and development strategies


Identify investment opportunities, assess acquisition targets, explore financial
prospects, and monitor credit risk exposure through supply chain continuity



 * Monthly global bilateral trade data by states, regions, custom districts,
   ports, and transport modes.
 * Consolidated global data built from the bill of lading documents with
   shipment, shipper, and consignee information helps you discover
   buyer-supplier relationships in a region.
 * Reliable HS4 trade forecasts up to 2040 to make strategic decisions, with
   over 90% accuracy for the next year out.


 * Over 5,000 commodity prices, labor rates, and forecasts for over 55
   countries/territories, plus an unparalleled historic pricing service.
 * Input cost breakdowns for more than 500 material and equipment categories to
   help you assess your buying performance, favorably negotiate purchase
   contracts, and plan for future investments.
 * Regularly updated comprehensive analysis by sector and region, special
   reports on hot topics, and actionable buying guidance to help you improve
   supply chain performance.


 * Detailed risk scores to evaluate the operating environment in over 200
   countries and territories.
 * Identify which markets are the best fit and have the most attractive sourcing
   environment with 12-month, forward-looking data.


 * S&P Global Purchasing Managers’ IndexTM (PMITM) high-level indicators that
   highlight supply chain strength and those that indicate potential future
   risks, such as backlogs and delays in markets and for commodities of
 * Macroeconomic forecast data for more than 200 countries and territories.
 * Consumer market data, such as income, consumption and demographics, for more
   than 100 countries and territories.
 * Industry forecast data to compare industry performance across 75 countries
   and territories.



Discover bespoke insights and research from our team of over 200 supply chain
experts. Go beyond data with access to our exclusive Supply Chain Research to
uncover insights into global and regional trends and developments that will help
you make informed decisions and anticipate market shifts.

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Forward-looking global cost and price analysis enabling effective buying
negotiations and strategic material purchases.



Our suite of trade products delivers decision-ready intelligence through
comprehensive analytics that have been built to evaluate global trade and
commodity values and identify companies involved in trade activity.

Learn more ABOUT GTAS


One of the world's most comprehensive databases of international trade and
commercial freight traffic provides long-term annual forecasts up to the year
2045, and quarterly forecasts for eight quarters ahead, including data broken
down by transportation modes, and cargo types.



We help companies anticipate and quantify critical external strategic business
risks that might adversely impact their investments, personnel, interests, and
assets anywhere in the world. Our intelligence-led approach to risk forecasting
and our global all-source open-source intelligence infrastructure deliver the
data and insights you need to mitigate risks and seize opportunities across your
supply chain.



Our web-based platform delivers comprehensive global trade data with over 9
million profiles on companies and 2 billion shipment records.



You're one step closer to unlocking our suite of financial information solutions
and services.

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We're proud of our recent awards!

 * Best Corporate Actions Data Initiative, 2023
 * Best Overall Sell-Side Technology Provider, 2023
 * Most Innovative Regulatory Solution (Climate Risk & Transaction Reporting),
 * Best Overall Data Product or Service, 2023

And, we delight in supporting our customers with 24x7x365 customer service and a
98% customer service satisfaction rate.

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   options):* Required field
   Capital Formation Workflow tools and capabilities that support every step of
   a transaction, from advice and deal origination, to portfolio risk analysis,
   optimization, and management. Add value and achieve greater operational
   efficiencies pre-, during, and post-trade.
   Deal Performance and Portfolio Monitoring
   Deal Valuation
   Investor Targeting
   Market Monitoring and Idea Generation
   Credit & Risk Solutions With intuitive analytical tools, expert insights,
   robust data, and skilled managed services our credit, risk, and regulatory
   compliance solutions provide a single source of truth about your customers,
   suppliers, counterparties, and investments.
   Analytical Services
   Buy Side Risk Management
   China Credit Analytics
   Climate Credit Risk Models
   Credit Assessment Scorecards
   Credit Ratings and Research
   Credit Ratings Data and Delivery
   Default, Transition and Recovery Data
   Derivatives Counterparty Credit Risk
   Credit Risk Models
   Supplier Risk Indicator™
   Data & Distribution A single data source for detailed information on the
   companies, industries, and markets that matter to you - delivered via
   Desktop, Feed, API, and Cloud. Built on a foundation of reliable, timely, and
   differentiated data, delivered seamlessly.
   Alpha Signals
   Alternative Data
   Cross Reference Services
   Data Visualization & Charting
   Dividend Forecasting
   Enterprise Data Management
   Financial Digital Solutions
   Flexible Delivery Options
   Fundamental Financial Data
   Kensho Solutions
   OTC Derivatives
   Pricing and Valuation Data
   Short Interest
   Sector Coverage
   Textual Data
   Digital Transformation/Tech Make digital transformation a reality and
   overcome the challenges of the exponential growth of data. Track evolving
   technology disruptors and consumer preferences with analysis ranging from
   film to broadband, programming, and emerging technologies.
   451 Research
   Media and Telecom Research
   Media and Telecommunications Outlooks
   Technology Research and Consulting
   Economics & Country Risk Our data, models, and experts provide companies with
   the complete perspective - from global economic strengths to industry level
   health and down to street-level risk assessments and everything in between.
   Comparative Industry Analysis
   Economic Insights
   Geopolitical Risk
   Purchasing Managers Index - PMI(TM)
   Regional Explorer: Economics, Risk, and Data Analytics
   Scenarios and Modeling
   Security and Intelligence
   Financial Technology Solutions Industry-leading enterprise solutions tailored
   to financial markets. Our proven software solutions and analytics help buy
   and sell-side firms uncover insights, increase efficiency, reduce and manage
   risk and maintain compliance
   Enterprise Data Management
   Loan Portfolio and Agency Administration
   Loan Syndication, Trading & Agency
   Loan Trade Settlement
   Portfolio Modelling & OMS
   Private Markets Portfolio Monitoring
   Investor Relations Harness the analytics, advisory solutions, and industry
   benchmarks to identify the right opportunities. Effectively monitor the
   financial markets, peers, and their company performance with next-gen
   solution-based workflow tools and advisory services.
   Investor Relations Advisory Services
   Investor Relations Digital Desktop
   Investor Targeting
   Market Data Desktop for IR
   Stock Surveillance & Identification
   Sustainability Solutions & Reporting
   Leveraged Loans Simplify operations and gain insights throughout the
   leveraged loan lifecycle. Our data and software span deal origination,
   syndication, portfolio modeling, trading, loan servicing, and portfolio risk
   Loan Portfolio Administration
   Loan Pricing & Reference Data
   Loan Syndication, Trading & Agency
   Loan Trade Settlement
   Portfolio Modelling & OMS
   Post Trade Processing Address compliance, maintain flexibility and keep costs
   low with trade processing solutions for FX, OTC derivatives, syndicated
   loans, commodities and documentation.
   Commodity Tracker
   Corporate Actions
   Corporate Actions Data
   Proxy Voting
   Risk & Regulatory Managed Services
   Securities Processing
   Private Markets Build a 360° view of the private markets with insights, data,
   software, and tools. Gain transparency into private capital flows at each
   stage of the fund lifecycle. Work seamlessly across PE, VC, Private Debt, and
   Real Assets.
   ESG Solutions
   Investor Contacts
   Portfolio Monitoring
   Private Asset Valuation Services
   Private Company Data
   Private Credit Solutions
   Private Markets Intelligence
   Risk, Compliance, & Reporting Industry-leading solutions, advisory and
   managed services changing the way you manage risk and regulatory compliance.
   Alternative Economic Scenarios
   Counterparty Manager
   Country Risk Investment Model
   Custodian Solutions for Risk and Regulatory Compliance
   Data Management
   KYC Services
   Managed Services for Networks & Regulatory Solutions
   Maritime & Trade Risk & Compliance
   Supplier Risk Indicator™
   Tax Solutions
   Third Party Risk Management
   Supply Chain Intelligence Unrivaled data on every stage of the global supply
   chain. From manufacturers and buyers to shipping and logistics, get the trade
   coverage you need to stay ahead of the competition. Built with powerful data
   visualizations and machine learning.
   Data Management
   Panjiva Supply Chain Intelligence
   Global Trade Analytics Suite
   Country Risk
   Supply Chain Spend Analytics
   Supplier Risk Indicator™
   Sustainability Manage, measure, and report on ESG risks and opportunities.
   Our suite of in-depth data, analytics, and expert advisors help guide your
   ESG journey to a sustainable future. Get an integrated suite of solutions to
   support unique ESG requirements.
   Environmental Data and Climate Analytics
   ESG Data Management
   ESG Portfolio Analytics
   Financial Impact of Physical Climate Risks
   S&P Global ESG Scores
   TCFD Reporting
   Sustainability Solutions & Reporting
   Other (please specify in comments)


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