drifund.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: https://drifunds.com/
Effective URL: https://drifund.com/
Submission: On July 31 via api from US — Scanned from CA

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Text Content

 * Home
 * Investments
 * Lending
 * Impact
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 * Home
 * Investments
 * Lending
 * Impact
 * Team
 * Contact


About Us

DRI is an investment manager specializing in real estate finance and
development. DRI is a full-service investment firm with specialties ranging from
distressed mortgage investing, to lending, development and impact investing. DRI
is also certified by the U.S. Department of Treasury as a Community Development
Financial Institution (“CDFI”). DRI’s professionals have extensive experience in
mortgage loan investing and have generated a strong investment track record,
while successfully promoting community development.

About Us

DRI is an investment manager specializing in real estate finance and
development. DRI is a full-service investment firm with specialties ranging from
distressed mortgage investing, to lending, development and impact investing. DRI
is also certified by the U.S. Department of Treasury as a Community Development
Financial Institution (“CDFI”). DRI’s professionals have extensive experience in
mortgage loan investing and have generated a strong investment track record,
while successfully promoting community development.

How We Are Different

DRI provides a variety of investment opportunities. Our impact investing
platform is certified by the US Department of Treasury as a Community
Development Financial Institution (“CDFI”). CDFIs invest in local communities
and the residents who live there by providing critically needed financing often
unavailable from mainstream financial institutions.

How We Are Different

DRI provides a variety of investment opportunities. Our impact investing
platform is certified by the US Department of Treasury as a Community
Development Financial Institution (“CDFI”).  CDFIs invest in local communities
and the residents who live there by providing critically needed financing often
unavailable from mainstream financial institutions.

What We Do

What We Do


DRI strives to keep families in their homes by purchasing pools of distressed
mortgages at deep discounts and restructuring the mortgages so that they are
affordable for homeowners. DRI’s primary goal is to avoid foreclosure through a
strategy focused on loan modifications. When loan modifications are not an
option, DRI considers other strategies that produce the best possible outcome
for the borrower, the community and its investors. DRI also provides loans to
people who are creditworthy, but lack access to financing from traditional
sources of credit.


DRI opportunistically invests in real estate development opportunities that
match investment criteria.


DRI strives to keep families in their homes by purchasing pools of distressed
mortgages at deep discounts and restructuring the mortgages so that they are
affordable for homeowners. DRI’s primary goal is to avoid foreclosure through a
strategy focused on loan modifications. When loan modifications are not an
option, DRI considers other strategies that produce the best possible outcome
for the borrower, the community and its investors. DRI also provides loans to
people who are creditworthy, but lack access to financing from traditional
sources of credit.


DRI opportunistically invests in real estate development opportunities that
match investment criteria.

By The Numbers

Management Experience

By The Numbers

Management Experience

As Seen In


 * Home
 * Impact
 * Lending
 * Team
 * Press
 * Blog
 * Contact



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You should not consider any information on this web site as personal investment
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The indexes, financial instruments or securities discussed herein may not be
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