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08 June 2023 15:49



Deputy Chief Pharmacist


Yesterday it became known that Halima Kawira and the entire management of one
pharmaceutical company were dismissed, and an inspection is being carried out
there. To understand the essence of what is happening, we invited to the studio
the head of the inspection team, a representative of the largest pharmacy chain,
"Pharma-M," and the expert in the field of cardiology.

Chido Nwakamma: How can such a person work in a pharmaceutical company? At whose
expense did she buy herself a luxurious mansion and regularly fly to expensive
resorts to relax?

Why do such people dispose of the fate of a unique supplement which should be
accessible to all citizens, not just the rich?. We are sorting it out.

Chido Nwakamma: "The first question is to Salim Rutto, the head of the
inspection team. Salim, how did a person of this kind end up in such a high

Salim Rutto. The head of the inspection team

Salim Rutto: In order for you to understand my situation, I was appointed to the
head of the inspection team just three days ago. The previous top staff was
fired, including the woman in question. So, at this point in time, she is no
longer in the service.

The reason for the mass dismissals, as you know, was suspicions of corruption.
My task is to audit all the decisions made. Now, I can say that all decisions
made under the old management team need to be reviewed.

Chido Nwakamma: "So not only was she dismissed, but the entire management team
as well? What solutions do you have in mind? Can you give an example?"

Salim Rutto: Yes, the entire old management team was fired. As an example, we
can cite the question that is raised in the screenshot you provided. There they
are discussing an initiative to distribute a new supplement for hypertension
among pensioners. According to this initiative, it was planned to launch a
special program within the country, according to which people could get the
supplement at a minimum price. At the same time, it was planned to prohibit its
export since the batch of the supplement was not enough.

But the old leadership made the exact opposite decision. They blocked the idea
of an affordable supplement for their own citizens and preferred to sell it
abroad. They even managed to sign a contract with Germany for the supply of the
supplement. At a price of 1700000 NGN per package. This is despite the fact that
they did not even have such a right since the rights to the supplement belong to
the Nigerian scientists.

Chido Nwakamma: "Wow, 1700000 NGN per package. Why is it so expensive? How were
they going to sell it at the lowest price? The budget just won't allow such

Salim Rutto: 1700000 NGN—this is the price they put up to the Germans, and they
agreed. Halima Kawira was right here; they are really ready to send almost any
money abroad.

The reason is simple: it is the only supplement in the whole world that can help
people to improve their cardiovascular system, returning them to a healthy
state. You probably already know that heart disease is the cause of two-thirds
of deaths in the world. With this supplement people won’t need surgery. A
person's blood pressure ceases to rise, blood vessels improve, which means that
he\she will live much longer.

The cost of the production of the supplement, as far as I know, is 63000 NGN.
The supplement itself was planned to be given to people under the program at a
minimum price.

Chido Nwakamma: "Question to Mark Omollo: What is it about this supplement that
they are willing to buy it abroad at such a price? It's insanely expensive —
1700000 NGN per package."

Mark Omollo. Expert in the field of cardiology

Mark Omollo: This is a supplement that the team of Nigerian scientists has been
working on for more than ten years. The output turned out to be a unique
supplement that is able to improve the human cardiovascular system. Roughly
speaking, to return it to its original state. Even if a person has severe heart
and vascular diseases. Heart failure, stroke, and heart attack are the causes of
two-thirds of deaths in the world. The supplement allows you to prevent
complications. Hence the insane demand.

Chido Nwakamma: "What exactly does it do?"

Mark Omollo: This is a complex supplement that acts on the entire cardiovascular
system at once, simultaneously solving several tasks.

It cleans the vessels from contamination and dissolves blood clots. THANKS TO A
deposits, and blood clot plugs—all this is a thing of the past. What is
important is that the ischemic artery is also cleaned, which reduces the risk of
myocardial infarction.

Starts the process of regeneration of the heart muscle. The damaged areas are
being restored, and the heart valves, which usually suffer greatly due to
hypertension, are returning to normal.

Restores damaged vessel walls and strengthens them. Prevents the risk of
vascular rupture and cerebral hemorrhage. In general, the vessels become healthy

As a result, there is a restoration of the human cardiovascular system. And a
person returns to a healthy state. As confirmed by multi-stage tests, the
supplement helps even in the case of an extremely serious condition in the
patient. If you have coronary heart disease and pressure jumps, arrhythmias, and
tachycardia at the same time, the supplement will still help. An important point
is that hypertension, that is, high blood pressure, will be removed. Which is
the root cause of all heart and vascular diseases.

Chido Nwakamma: "Can you take a break here? High blood pressure is commonplace
for most people and you say that it is the cause of heart and vascular diseases.
Can you explain?"

Mark Omollo: That's why almost 70% of deaths are caused by heart and vascular
diseases. Because everyone thinks that high blood pressure is normal.

At the same time, it is precisely because of increased pressure that all
diseases of the cardiovascular system begin to develop. All deaths due to heart
failure, heart attack, or stroke are the fault of the jumping pressure.

Chido Nwakamma: "Why is it so dangerous?"

Mark Omollo: To put it very briefly, the pressure begins to rise due to the
stagnation of blood in the small arteries. The body needs to push the blood at
the right speed further, and thus it provides what is required.

Due to pressure surges, the walls of large arteries begin to get damaged.
Cholesterol and other fatty plaques begin to settle at the sites of damage.
Atherosclerosis appears.

1)This leads to coronary heart disease. 2) The intensity of the surge of
pressure in a person increases. Which in turn leads to even more contamination
of the vessels.

At the same time, the load on the heart is growing, which wears it out several
times faster than it should. As problems with the heart valves begin, arrhythmia
and tachycardia appear. Due to high blood pressure, the risk of vascular rupture
and stroke increases. A person immediately has a whole set of fatal diseases,
which are initially caused only by increased blood pressure. He could die at any

Chido Nwakamma: "How high is the probability of an early death? If, for example,
I have blood pressure spikes, how long will it take from the onset of the
disease to death?"

Mark Omollo: If we take into account the methods of treating patients that most
doctors use and the drugs that are prescribed to them, then the probability of
death is 100%. Unfortunately, there are simply no effective medicines in
Nigerian pharmacies right now.

Some of these conditions, such as myocardial infarction, acute heart failure,
and stroke, will undoubtedly strike and kill a person.The time from the
appearance of the first pressure surges to death is different for everyone and
depends on individual factors. A lot depends on your lifestyle, medications, and

On average, I can say for sure that high blood pressure and other diseases of
the cardiovascular system shorten a person's life by 15-20 years, no less.
Someone, for example, could live to 80 but die at 60. The opposite is also true,
if the vessels and the heart are healed in time, then you can live much longer.

Chido Nwakamma: "What can we do? Are there effective options? Can we count on
the doctors’ help?"

Mark Omollo: It depends on the specific situation. You know that a lot of
doctors are, in fact, on the payroll of pharmaceutical companies. At the same
time, many of them do not even know that they harm the patient when they
prescribe certain medications. They have no idea how dangerous they are.

The other side of the issue is pharmacy chains, where there are practically no
effective drugs. Pharmacies, after all, are primarily a business interested in
maximizing profits. They are not interested in new supplements that can actually
help. Including the development of Nigerian scientists, which was flatly
rejected by every single pharmacy in Nigeria.

Just after that, it was decided to launch a program during which everyone,
despite the level of prosperity, would be able to purchase a highly effective
supplement for the heart and blood vessels. But we received a refusal from
Halima Kawira, who also wanted to force us to sell Cardioton abroad, which is
beyond reasonable. We have been working for ten years to help Nigerian citizens,
not Germans or French.

Chido Nwakamma: We have a representative of the pharmacy chain "Pharma-M" in our
studio. Question: Why did you refuse to sell "Cardioton"?

Peter Gakii . Representative of the pharmacy chain "Pharma-M

Peter Gakii: They were not offering a business partnership, but some kind of
charity. Sell the supplement with a maximum margin of 10% at a fixed cost. And
they also wanted to gradually reduce the purchase price by attracting medical
funds. I'm sorry but we have a private business. If the offer is not
commercially profitable, then we have every right to reject it.

Mark Omollo: You don't just have a private business. People's lives depend on
it. After all, they are the ones who buy medicines from you. You are selling
obviously ineffective drugs and refusing to sell anything that can damage your
profits. I personally attended the negotiations and heard your employees say
that our "Cardioton" will bring down sales of all medicines for the heart and
hypertension, which account for two-thirds of your profits. It's disgusting and
terrible to make money off of people's lives!

Chido Nwakamma: Peter, can you comment on this somehow?

Peter Gakii: I'm not sure. I can only say that all the drugs we sell have been
certified. If any of them are banned, we will immediately remove them from sale.
But everything is done strictly in accordance with the law. As for "Cardioton",
as I said, we have a private business and we cannot be forced to sell something
against our will.

Mark Omollo: While people like Halima Kawira worked in the pharmaceutical
company, I can imagine how they passed the certification procedure for new drugs
there. I hope the new management will also check the drugs present.

Chido Nwakamma: Salim, it turns out "Cardioton" is still in a warehouse?

Salim Rutto: Fortunately, it is not. We have established the direct distribution
of "Cardioton".

Moreover, we have reached an agreement on financing its production from the
budget, as it was initially planned.

I want you to understand that there’s no goal to earn money. On the contrary,
money from the budget is spent on this supplement. As a result, it became
possible to distribute "Cardioton" at a minimum price. Any Nigerian citizen can
order the supplement online and have it delivered.

The price of the unique supplement "Cardioton" according to the program is only
24.990 NGN! (which is even lower than its cost price, which is 63000 NGN).

Chido Nwakamma: How can people get Cardioton? Where? Why didn't you send it to
the hospitals?

Salim Rutto: They didn't send it to the hospitals for fear of banal theft. In
the screenshot that you gave at the very beginning, one of the commentators, in
fact, suggests stealing and selling Cardioton abroad. Moreover, he offers the
others to cooperate. By sending it to the hospitals, we will let the situation
get out of control. As my experience shows, most likely, our supplement will be
given only to those who can pay well to a doctor.

Therefore, the issue is under strict control. Additionally, each shipment of
supplement is controlled by a special commission. To get "Cardioton", it is
enough to leave a request with your name and phone number.

Chido Nwakamma: Did I understand correctly that any Nigerian citizen can get a
supplement, which costs 63000 NGN at cost, for only 24.990 NGN?

Salim Rutto: Yes, every Nigerian citizen can apply for "Cardioton" and get it
for 24.990 NGN.

But so far, there is enough funding for a batch of 5,500 packages of the
supplement. The next batch will already be without financing, so the price will
be almost 4–5 times higher! The estimated cost of the next batch for Nigerian
residents will be 150000-170000 NGN.

Chido Nwakamma: But while people can still get the supplement for 24.990 NGN.

Salim Rutto: Now there are about 1,500 packages left from the first batch.
Demand is growing exponentially. If on the first day only a hundred packages
were sold, then on the third day — more than a thousand. Therefore, it is
difficult to say how long the supplement will be available at such a low price.
Most likely, 1-2 days. Then it will only be more expensive.

Conditions for buying Cardioton at a discounted price:

Must reside in Nigeria. Only residents of Nigeria can get the supplement at the
lowest price. Cardioton is NOT sent outside the country.

For personal use only. This is necessary to combat resellers who are trying to
buy Cardioton and resell it at a margin of 500-1000%.

To receive the supplement, you need to apply on this page. Your data will be
safe. Making an application on this page is a guarantee of the manufacturer's
price and protection from resellers.

To make an application, you need to click on the "spin" button of the DISCOUNT
DRUM placed below. We have prepared additional discounts for Nigerians to
receive Cardioton. Depending on what discount you get, you will be able to order
Cardioton with that! You can only spin the drum once!

Attention! The amount of Cardioton available is running out fast!

At the moment there are 476pieces left in stock.

As soon as you click on the "spin" button, Cardioton will automatically be
booked for you.



You can get Cardioton with a 50% discount!


Cardioton is booked for you. You have 10 minutes to submit a request.
The cost of the supplement for you will be 24.990 NGN.

50% discount! 49.980 NGN 24.990 NGN


03 : 00

* (If you do not have time to fill out the form before the specified time, your
reservation will be transferred to another person).


Adelheid Kriel 17.06.2023
There is some kind of horror going on everywhere in clinics. I will definitely
order Cardioton for myself. At this price, why not take it?

Meriska Coetsee 17.06.2023
I went to these doctors with high pressure for seven years. They wrote out a
bunch of everything. And I took injections and swallowed pills in packs. It
didn't help. Now I understand why. Cardioton, by the way, was prescribed to me
as soon as the program began, a friend told me. So far, only the second week has
passed, but I will say for sure—the pressure has returned to normal. I hope at
the end of the course everything will be as it should be and hypertension will
go away completely.

Miande Clarke17.06.2023
I read the article and immediately decided to try it. The fact is that
conventional medications did not help me for long — hypertension, as I was told,
is difficult to cure. Now I will tell you about the results. Cardioton came very
quickly. Already on the first day, I feel so relieved that I just couldn't help
but write about it here. Thank you very much; now at least I can live normally!

Elani Theron 18.06.2023
I read the first opinions and decided to order too. When it comes, I will write
about the results.

Nelius Visagie 19.06.2023
I just bought it, and it should be delivered in three days. I look forward.

Lizelle Zietsman 19.06.2023
At our friend's private pharmacy, the supplement is much more expensive, so I
did not dare to buy it; I was sorry for the money. It's so cheap here! I ordered
it right away because when else will there be such an opportunity? The pressure
and pain in the heart are receding slowly now!

Jaco Witbooi 20.06.2023
You did the right thing when you decided to order the supplement on the official
website because it is now distributed only within the framework of the program.
In another place, you can only get a fake.

Dawie White20.06.2023
It is generally better not to go to doctors in clinics and hospitals. What they
prescribe has never helped. I made an application for Cardioton; let's see what

Elize du Toit20.06.2023
I have been taking it for only three weeks, but the pressure is no longer
jumping, and the pain in my heart has passed! May luck always accompany your

Arnoux Naude 20.06.2023
I always endured and thought that I would not get rid of hypertension in any way
and would die. Now I think Cardioton will help me; I hope. At least, everyone
writes that it helps.

Lizelle Hendricks20.06.2023
There is a form of lawlessness going on in hospitals. I have no words. It's good
that there are still honest doctors left. I will definitely order Cardioton.

Stiaan Verster20.06.2023
I've already ordered and am waiting.

Heinu Hendricks20.06.2023
I feel much better now! Bye bye hypertension.

Marick Grobler 20.06.2023
I want to try to get rid of hypertension as quickly as possible and, most
importantly, somehow make it easier and painless. I think this is my only
option. Thank you very much for the information. I will send an application

Jozette Barnard.20.06.2023
My husband has hypertension and atherosclerosis; we ran to the doctors together.
I love him, and I will give my life for him, but I can't ease his suffering in
any way. Okay, now that you and your story have appeared, there is hope for us.
We've already tried everything.
Order Cardioton at the lowest price.

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