www.accesspaysuite.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: http://eazipay.com/
Effective URL: https://www.accesspaysuite.com/our-brands/eazipay/
Submission Tags: @phish_report
Submission: On May 12 via api from FI — Scanned from AU

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          <div class="mktoAsterix">*</div>How many payments do you collect each month?
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          <option value="0 - 50">0 - 50 </option>
          <option value="51 - 250">51 - 250 </option>
          <option value="251 - 500">251 - 500 </option>
          <option value="501 - 1000">501 - 1,000 </option>
          <option value="1001 - 10000">1,001 - 10,000 </option>
          <option value="10001+">10,001+ </option>
        </select><span id="InstructdivisionalDataMKTOOnly" tabindex="-1" class="mktoInstruction"></span>
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          <div class="mktoAsterix">*</div>Number of employees:
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          <option value="2-9">2-9</option>
          <option value="10-49">10-49</option>
          <option value="50-249">50-249</option>
          <option value="250+">Over 250</option>
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    * Direct Debit
      Secure a recurring revenue stream and eliminate failed collections with
      our leading Direct Debit platform.
    * Online Payments
      Accept online payments and enable customers to pay with all major credit
      and debit cards plus PayPal and Apple Pay.
    * Embedded Payments
      Embed payments in your software platforms, and enable your customers to
      take payments in just a few minutes.
    * Open Banking Payments
      Enables customers to make fast and secure payments directly from their
      bank account.
    * Phone Payments
      Accept secure and compliant card payments over the phone using Access
      PaySuite’s advanced payment technology.
    * Face to Face Payments
      Take payments in-store, over the counter or on the move with our range of
      card payment machines, Chip and PIN terminals and kiosks.
    * Multi-channel Payments
      Collect and reconcile payments across online, mobile, telephone in-person
      channels and more.
    * On-demand Pay
      Engage your workforce, improve recruitment and retention by giving
      employees access to their salary with Access EarlyPay.
   Maximise Revenue
    * Fraud and Risk Management
      Prevent payment fraud and gain informed decision-making on payment data
      without compliance risks.
    * Income Management
      Cloud-based income management system that streamlines payment collection,
      ensures compliance and enhances internal efficiency.
    * Identification and Verification
      Simplify and speed up your KYC and KYB processes, verify the authenticity
      of ID documents, and accelerate onboarding.
    * Payment Security
      Our experience and PCI Level 1 accreditation provides organisations with a
      comprehensive service that meets regulatory compliance.
   Simple Pricing Transaction fees from as low as 4p
   See our pricing
 * Solutions
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   Payment Solutions
    * Subscriptions
      Our payment solutions help to simplify recurring payments for
      subscription-based businesses of any size.
    * Ecommerce
      Securely and efficiently facilitate online transactions and simplify the
      entire ecommerce payment process.
    * Invoicing Software
      Easily track invoices and payments and remove the need for paperwork and
      chasing late payments.
    * Payments for Platforms and Marketplaces
      Provide secure transactions, enhance customer experience, and simplify
      transaction management.
   Case Studies
   Providing a seamless customer experience with Access PaySuite’s Embedded
   Payments Solution
   1st Choice Spares
   Read case study
   Broadening payment methods: a case study on Brunel University's
   Brunel University
   Read case study
   How Garage Hive's partnership with Access PaySuite has revolutionised its
   payment processing strategy
   Garage Hive
   Read case study
 * Sectors
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   Private Sector
    * Accountants
    * Finance
    * Gaming
    * Gyms and Fitness
    * Care Homes and Social Care
    * Hospitality
    * Insurance
    * Lottery
    * Membership
    * Private Healthcare and Wellbeing
    * Retail
    * Telecoms
    * Travel and Tourism
    * Utilities
   Public Sector and Not For Profit
    * Local Authorities
    * Education
    * Housing
    * NHS Trusts
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    * Quotation Tool
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    * Blog
      Delve into our informative Blog section, where you'll find insightful
      articles covering payment software solutions. Stay informed and inspired
      as you explore our valuable resources.
    * Future-proofing payments in the insurance sector
      Specifically tailored for insurance companies and brokers of all sizes,
      this guide delves into the ever-evolving landscape of consumer trends and
      behaviors within the insurance sector.
    * Guides
      Uncover a wealth of knowledge and support in our Resources centre. Explore
      industry focused articles, guides, and tools to empower your understanding
      of the sector.
    * The rise of the subscription payments model
      Explore the many benefits of a subscription-based payments model and other
      top tips for businesses considering this option.
    * Customer Stories
      Take a look at some of the businesses and organisations who have
      accelerated growth, reduced overheads and kept customers for longer with
      Access PaySuite.
   Customer Stories
   Turbocharging growth in telecoms
   Inspire Telecom
   Read story
   Insurance broker achieves rapid growth using a scalable system and reduces
   cost per transaction by 40%
   Think Insurance
   Read story
   Access PaySuite helps Altitude Internet to scale whilst reducing admin
   Altitude Internet
   Read story
   Weekly Lottery sales have increased by 60% since offering a Direct Debit
   payment method
   Wolves Lottery
   Read story
   Reducing administration and increasing conversion
   Swale Heating
   Read story
   Are you ready for the future of payments?
   Download our guide
 * About
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    * API
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 * Eazipay

You're in the right place.


We'd like to introduce you to Access PaySuite, your new payment services
provider. Whether you want to login to your Access PaySuite (formerly Eazipay)
account or are looking for a new payment processing solution, our handy links
get you to where you need to go.

Access PaySuite brings seamless, secure and affordable Direct Debit services to
all businesses from all sectors, of all sizes and all types. Our first class
customer support, vast payment security expertise, and cloud based payment
platform ensures you get paid on time, every time, giving you the freedom to
focus on growing your business.

Discover Access PaySuite EDDI Login (formerly Eazipay)


If you're an existing customer and you would like to login to Eazipay's Direct
Debit Interface (EDDI), use the button below:

EDDI login (formerly Eazipay)


If you're new to Eazipay or Access Paysuite we'd love to show you the latest
features and payment solutions we have available.

Explore Access PaySuite


fast. secure. affordable.


We offer fast, secure, affordable payments with no hidden costs. For
organisations of any size.

Company Email Address:

Full Name:

Company Name:

Job Title:

Phone Number:

How many payments do you collect each month?

Select...0 - 50 51 - 250 251 - 500 501 - 1,000 1,001 - 10,000 10,001+

Number of employees:

Select...12-910-4950-249Over 250


Please opt in to receive news and updates from Access

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Thanks for getting in touch. We will be in contact with you shortly.



Keep track of recurring payments, simplify subscription models, and eliminate
the risk of failed collections, using our industry-leading direct debit platform
for insurance companies.

Direct Debit Payments


Get paid online from any device and simplify transactions, giving your customers
a simple, seamless online card payment experience.

Online Payments


Connect with your existing internal systems & software using our API
integrations, for seamless financial experiences and insights at a glance.

Embedded Payments


Engage your workforce and reduce staff turnover by giving employees instant
access to their pay with Access EarlyPay.

On-Demand Payments


Take full control and make your outgoing payment transfers accurately and
efficiently, with one of the most secure and trusted payment methods.

Direct Credit Payments


> Dave and his development team wrote a blueprint for our business on how to
> connect our various APIs, instead of using several ad-hoc interfaces. This was
> planned to integrate with our own CRM software and, importantly, give us the
> customised reports about payments, disbursements, and customer profiles that
> we needed.
> Natalie Whitlie, Synergy, Account Director

> Access Paysuite helped expand our portfolio of services by adding Direct Debit
> as the final key payment method to complete our full omnichannel digital
> payment suite, MultiPay. With the provisioning of their white labelled Direct
> Debit platform, their service was easy to set up and easy to enable. They are
> a very knowledgeable, very expert business.
> Mark Anderson, PayPoint MultiPay Product Manager



Whether it's traditional point-of-sale systems or mobile devices, our face to
face payment solutions simplify in-person transactions.


Collect and manage payments securely with our multi-channel payments. Streamline
payment process, improve customer experience, and gain insights into customer


Open banking payment technology means you can accept fast, secure payments
directly from customers' bank accounts, enhancing security and convenience for
your customers.


Simplify taking card payments over the phone. Phone payments is easily
integrated, and scales as and when you need it.


Our Customer Success Portal provides a wealth of Knowledge Base articles,
product release notes and access to a user community, giving you the tools to
find answers to your questions quickly and easily.

Login into the Customer Support Portal, or get in touch here:

Login Talk to the experts


Since then, we’ve been busy building a complete Payments offering, by acquiring
several other businesses and integrating Eazyipay into our existing suite of

As part of this process, The Access Group has launched Access PaySuite, a
complete suite of Payment solutions meaning you’re now perfectly placed to take
advantage of a range of product offerings all in one place.

To learn more about Access PaySuite, please visit our dedicated website by
clicking the link below or get in touch by calling 01206675847 


Give your organisation the stability and freedom it needs to drive higher levels
of growth by seamlessly automating your payment processes.

Get started
Contact details Access PaySuite Limited Armstrong Building Oakwood Drive
Loughborough University Science & Enterprise Park Loughborough LE11 3QF, United
Kingdom Tel: 01206 675847 Email: sales@accesspaysuite.com
 * Direct Debit Processing
 * Online Payments
 * Embedded Payments
 * Open Banking Payments
 * Phone Payments
 * Face to Face Payments
 * Multi-channel Payments
 * On-demand Pay
 * Direct Credit
 * Fraud and Risk Management
 * Income Management
 * Identification and Verification
 * Payment Security

 * Accountants
 * Finance
 * Gaming
 * Gyms and Fitness
 * Care Homes and Social Care
 * Hospitality
 * Insurance
 * Lottery
 * Membership
 * Private Healthcare and Wellbeing
 * Retail
 * Telecoms
 * Travel and tourism
 * Utilities

About us
 * Why Access PaySuite
 * Customer Stories
 * Partnerships
 * Accreditations
 * Contact us
 * Making a complaint
 * Don't recognise a DD transaction?
 * Direct Debits for XERO
 * Privacy and legal
 * How we use Cookies


Authorised and regulated as a Payment Institution by the Financial Conduct
Authority - Firm Reference Number: 730815


© 2024 Access PaySuite

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