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Submitted URL: http://feathr.co/
Effective URL: https://www.feathr.co/
Submission: On May 19 via manual from AU — Scanned from DE

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+1 (352) 519-3997
104 N Main St Suite 600,
Gainesville, FL 32601
Automation | Email | Analytics

Feathr's nonprofit marketing platform helps you run and report on integrated
marketing campaigns with easy-to-use advertising, email, and digital engagement

Schedule a demo


Our Software



70% of people say that how well a company understands their individual needs
impacts their loyalty.

Understanding your people – the ones you know and the ones you should – is the
first step in building a vibrant community.

Feathr gives you unprecedented visibility into the interests and activities of
your supporters or members, plus direct access to new audiences that align with
your mission.


Organizations that run integrated marketing campaigns see 200% better results.

Feathr lets you run omnichannel marketing campaigns to reach your people with
personalized messaging wherever they choose to spend their time.

Whether that’s their email inbox, scrolling social, or wandering the web –
they'll see you there and stay engaged. 


"Is our marketing working?"

This is a question that typically goes unanswered or is met with channel-first
metrics like reach or clicks.

With Feathr, you get real-time reports that showcase your marketing's impact and
ROI across audiences and channels.

See how your campaigns are performing, and make adjustments quickly to improve
results. Plus easily send pre-built dashboards to leadership next time they ask:
"Is this working?"


Whether you’re a solo marketer, a team of two, or a team of 10, Feathr helps you
streamline your day to day.

Seamless integrations let you keep Feathr aligned with all of the tools your
organization uses, which equals better collaboration with other teams and more
nuanced data to inform your marketing. 

Built-in templates, email automations, and unlimited seats and storage then make
it easy to run integrated marketing campaigns in one unified platform.






Feathr is designed with you in mind, from built-in best practices to
integrations that keep your marketing aligned with your mission.

Many of our team members have nonprofit backgrounds, so we understand the
challenges and can help you apply the strategies we’ve seen work for thousands
of organizations like yours. 


case studies


Find out how customers use Feathr to know, grow and engage with their audiences.

Explore Case Studies

"Most of our digital dollars are spent with Feathr. The system is super easy to
use, and I love the analytics that are provided."
Cara Stan
Director of Marketing & Membership, Metro Denver Dental Society
"If you’re considering partnering with Feathr to up your game in advertising
campaigns, do it! They provide excellent resources, and they are ready to
support you in every possible way."
Naticcia McNamara
Director of Program Operations, Degrees of Change
"Feathr is very user-friendly. I love being able to see how many clicks or views
we get and ultimately how many people convert."
Josephine Terry
Marketing Coordinator, Professional Liability Underwriting Society
"We've had an excellent experience with both the Feathr product and people. The
product delivered more than the expected result, was easy to use, and watching
the results became slightly addictive!"
Penelope Freire
Meetings & Exhibits Manager, American College of Medical Genetics & Genomics
"The Feathr staff are really great to work with, and the platform is very easy
to use and understand!"
Melissa Smith, CMP
Director of Meetings & Events, International OCD Foundation
"What I love about Feathr is the ability to be hands-on with my digital
advertising... to have a platform where I can set up geofencing, lookalike
audiences, email lists, retargeting, all of that on my own, is incredible. It
puts the world of digital marketing at my fingertips."
Kate Johanns
Marketing & Communications Director, Association of Texas Professional Educators
“Our Feathr campaigns are directly impacting the people we serve, from donations
that come in, to the exposure, to educating the public. It’s a trickle-down
Amelia Heatherly
Director of Development, Hiway 80
"Feathr has allowed us to reach new donors and volunteers in ways we didn’t even
know were possible."
Jon DeCarmine
Executive Director, GRACE
"Most of our digital dollars are spent with Feathr. The system is super easy to
use, and I love the analytics that are provided."
Cara Stan
Director of Marketing & Membership, Metro Denver Dental Society
"If you’re considering partnering with Feathr to up your game in advertising
campaigns, do it! They provide excellent resources, and they are ready to
support you in every possible way."
Naticcia McNamara
Director of Program Operations, Degrees of Change
"Feathr is very user-friendly. I love being able to see how many clicks or views
we get and ultimately how many people convert."
Josephine Terry
Marketing Coordinator, Professional Liability Underwriting Society
"We've had an excellent experience with both the Feathr product and people. The
product delivered more than the expected result, was easy to use, and watching
the results became slightly addictive!"
Penelope Freire
Meetings & Exhibits Manager, American College of Medical Genetics & Genomics
"The Feathr staff are really great to work with, and the platform is very easy
to use and understand!"
Melissa Smith, CMP
Director of Meetings & Events, International OCD Foundation
"What I love about Feathr is the ability to be hands-on with my digital
advertising... to have a platform where I can set up geofencing, lookalike
audiences, email lists, retargeting, all of that on my own, is incredible. It
puts the world of digital marketing at my fingertips."
Kate Johanns
Marketing & Communications Director, Association of Texas Professional Educators
“Our Feathr campaigns are directly impacting the people we serve, from donations
that come in, to the exposure, to educating the public. It’s a trickle-down
Amelia Heatherly
Director of Development, Hiway 80
"Feathr has allowed us to reach new donors and volunteers in ways we didn’t even
know were possible."
Jon DeCarmine
Executive Director, GRACE
"Most of our digital dollars are spent with Feathr. The system is super easy to
use, and I love the analytics that are provided."
Cara Stan
Director of Marketing & Membership, Metro Denver Dental Society
"If you’re considering partnering with Feathr to up your game in advertising
campaigns, do it! They provide excellent resources, and they are ready to
support you in every possible way."
Naticcia McNamara
Director of Program Operations, Degrees of Change
"Feathr is very user-friendly. I love being able to see how many clicks or views
we get and ultimately how many people convert."
Josephine Terry
Marketing Coordinator, Professional Liability Underwriting Society
"We've had an excellent experience with both the Feathr product and people. The
product delivered more than the expected result, was easy to use, and watching
the results became slightly addictive!"
Penelope Freire
Meetings & Exhibits Manager, American College of Medical Genetics & Genomics

Fly With Feathr


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Feathr helps organizations know, grow, and engage their audiences with
easy-to-use advertising, email, and digital engagement tools.

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