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 * Vol. 40, No. 1
 * Survey of graph database models


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 * Authors:
 * Renzo Angles
   Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile
   Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile
   View Profile
 * Claudio Gutierrez
   Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile
   Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile
   View Profile

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ACM Computing SurveysVolume 40Issue 1Article No.: 1pp
Published:22 February 2008Publication History
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Total Citations633
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Volume 40, Issue 1
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Volume 40, Issue 1
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Graph database models can be defined as those in which data structures for the
schema and instances are modeled as graphs or generalizations of them, and data
manipulation is expressed by graph-oriented operations and type constructors.
These models took off in the eighties and early nineties alongside
object-oriented models. Their influence gradually died out with the emergence of
other database models, in particular geographical, spatial, semistructured, and
XML. Recently, the need to manage information with graph-like nature has
reestablished the relevance of this area. The main objective of this survey is
to present the work that has been conducted in the area of graph database
modeling, concentrating on data structures, query languages, and integrity


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 551. Barcelo P, Figueira D and Libkin L. Graph Logics with Rational Relations
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 574. Hoang D, Priebe T and Tjoa A. Hypergraph-based multidimensional data
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 581. Beheshti S, Benatallah B, Motahari-Nezhad H and Sakr S. A query language
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 582. Gutierrez C. Modeling the web of data. Proceedings of the 7th
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 587. Barceló P, Libkin L and Reutter J. Querying graph patterns. Proceedings of
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      on graphs. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Database
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 592. Sakr S and Al-Naymat G. Querying Graph Databases. Advanced Database Query
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 593. Dąbrowski R, Stencel K and Timoszuk G. (2011). Software Is a Directed
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 598. Soussi R, Aufaure M and Baazaoui H. (2011). Graph Database for
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 602. Dries A and Nijssen S. Analyzing graph databases by aggregate queries.
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 606. Tao Y, Sheng C and Li J. Finding maximum degrees in hidden bipartite
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 608. Soussi R, Aufaure M and Baazaoui H. Towards Social Network Extraction
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 615. Fletcher G and Beck P. Scalable indexing of RDF graphs for efficient join
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Show All Cited By


 1. Survey of graph database models
    1. Computer systems organization
       1. Architectures
          1. Other architectures
             1. Heterogeneous (hybrid) systems
    2. Information systems
       1. Data management systems
          1. Database design and models
             1. Data model extensions
          2. Database management system engines
          3. Information integration
             1. Extraction, transformation and loading
          4. Query languages
       2. Information systems applications
    3. Mathematics of computing
       1. Discrete mathematics
          1. Graph theory
             1. Graph enumeration
             2. Hypergraphs
             3. Network flows
             4. Paths and connectivity problems
    4. Theory of computation
       1. Design and analysis of algorithms
          1. Graph algorithms analysis
             1. Network flows
       2. Theory and algorithms for application domains
          1. Database theory
             1. Database query languages (principles)


   Numerous irregular graph datasets, for example social networks or web graphs,
   may contain even trillions of edges. Often, their structure changes over time
   and they have domain-specific rich data associated with vertices and edges.
   Graph database systems ...
   Read More

   A graph-oriented object database model (GOOD) is introduced as a theoretical
   basis for database systems in which manipulation as well as conceptual
   representation of data is transparently graph-based. In the GOOD model, the
   scheme as well as the ...
   Read More

   The relational data model, proposed by E.F. Codd in 1970, inspired several
   research projects at IBM and elsewhere. Among these was System R, which
   demonstrated the commercial viability of relational database systems. This
   article describes the research ...
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    * Accepted: 1 May 2007
    * Revised: 1 October 2006
    * Received: 1 November 2005
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    * database models
    * graph database models
    * graph databases
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