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October 28, 2022
The main headlines
Featured Column
Jonathan S. TobinJNS
The painful truth about media bias: Some journalists lie

featureHow the Internet broke journalism
“Top Story” with Jonathan Tobin and guest Ari Fleischer, Ep. 67.
Range of UN states come to Israel’s defense in face of latest Commission of
Inquiry report
Mike WagenheimJNS
It was a rare showing of strong vocal support from a wide range of countries at
the U.N., including notably from Australia, whose government this month
rescinded its recognition of west Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.
UN Commission of Inquiry says it will investigate ‘apartheid’ charges against
Mike WagenheimJNS
In comments to JNS, the COI chairwoman dismisses allegations of prejudice, while
other members pledge a fuller accounting of Palestinian actions, something
sorely lacking in the commission’s first two reports.
Arab ‘anti-state’ parties present ongoing challenge for Israel
David IsaacJNS
Those who think increased budgets for the sector will change things "don’t
understand the reality," Professor Dan Schueftan told JNS.
Featured ColumnAlex Traiman
Why Israeli firebrand Itamar Ben-Gvir is soaring in polls, and why the left
calls him a racist

Speaking to JNS, the controversial right-wing Israeli politician said, “Our
Tanach [Bible] teaches us that we are from here, we have come back to our land.
I am not a racist, I do not hate Arabs, I hate terrorists.”
featureNetanyahu to JNS: I intend to achieve peace with Saudi Arabia
Alex Traiman
In his brief time away from Israel’s top office, Benjamin Netanyahu has been
feverishly working on his memoir, “Bibi: My Story.” However, his greatest hope
is seemingly that there are still several chapters to be written. Netanyahu sat
for a wide-ranging interview with JNS to discuss his memoir, upcoming elections
and current events.
Sylvan Adams takes tikkun olam to new heights
Howard BlasJNS

Abbas deputy admits PA security personnel work with terrorists
Fatah Deputy Chairman Mahmoud Al-Aloul said Israeli soldiers were injured "due
to the brave position of the Palestinian security forces" and that all
Palestinians, including the P.A. security forces and Fatah's terror faction, are
"one unit."
briefSix Lions’ Den members turn themselves in to the Palestinian Authority
Another 15 members of the terror group are reportedly in disarmament talks with
the P.A.; Lions’ Den says those who have surrendered acted on their own.
briefIsraeli forces kill Lions’ Den leader during bomb-lab raid in Nablus
The lab, in the city's Kasbah area, was being used as a headquarters by the
group • Four other gunmen were killed during the operation, according to
Palestinian media.
briefIsraeli lawmaker: Terrorists slain in Nablus are ‘martyrs’
Hadash Party's Aida Touma-Sliman says “our Palestinian nation bids farewell to
its martyrs” after IDF kills Lions' Den members in a firefight.
Israeli elections 2022: A rundown of Israeli parties and their leaders
David IsaacJNS

featureIsraeli elections: Whom would you vote for?
Take our Israeli election poll.
Report: Ye wanted to name album after Hitler
CNN cited several anonymous sources close to the artist, including a business
executive who said Ye “would praise Hitler by saying how incredible it was that
he was able to accumulate so much power and would talk about all the great
things he and the Nazi Party achieved for the German people.”
Featured ColumnJonathan S. Tobin
Will canceling Kanye West turn the tide on anti-Semitism?

As long as some on both the left and the right are ready to excuse their allies
and legitimize smears of Israel, the problem will continue to get worse.
briefKanye West’s net worth plummets after Adidas cancels partnership for
anti-Semitic comments
Kanye West's net worth dropped from $2 billion to $400 million after Adidas
ended its “Yeezy” brand partnership.
briefNBA and NFL stars leave Ye’s sports agency as anti-Semitism fallout
Los Angeles Rams defensive tackle Aaron Donald said Ye’s remarks “are the exact
opposite of how we choose to live our lives and raise our children.”
Israel warns Syria it will step up attacks over Iranian weapons transfers
Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah announced the end of his armed group’s
mobilization on Thursday, following the completion of a maritime demarcation
agreement brokered by the U.S.
briefSyria: Israel struck multiple targets near Damascus
The strike is the third attributed to Israel within the span of a week; UK-based
war monitor says strikes killed four “Hezbollah collaborators.”
briefHezbollah: For every Israeli strike in Syria, we’ll attack US forces in the
Four attacks on American troops in October were reported.
briefLarge shipment of Iranian drones reaches IRGC in Syria
Iranian militias in the sector went on high alert for fear of Israeli strikes.
Lebanese president: Israel border deal has no ‘political dimensions’
Michel Aoun says the agreement does not “contradict Lebanon's foreign policy,”
with Jerusalem and Beirut remaining technically at war.
briefBiden: Israel-Lebanon deal sets stage for more stable, prosperous region
“The U.S. will continue to serve as a facilitator as the parties work to uphold
their commitments,” says the American president.
briefWATCH: Israel signs maritime border deal with Lebanon
Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid hails the agreement as a “tremendous”
diplomatic, military and economic achievement for Israel.
Featured ColumnAlex Traiman
10 reasons faulty Israel-Lebanon gas deal smells foul

The best Israel can do now is hope that the accord turns out as Lapid insists,
although he likely will not be the leader to see it executed. And unless it
secures deterrence against Hezbollah and produces billions in revenue for
Israel, Israelis will have many good reasons to protest.
Tortured logic: Analysts dismiss Ukraine’s attempt to blame Israel for
Russia-Iran alliance
David IsaacJNS

briefZelensky rips Israel, says Moscow will support Iran’s nuclear development
“This is the decision of your governments…not to annoy the Kremlin, which was
adopted a long time ago,” the Ukrainian president says.
Featured ColumnJonathan S. Tobin
Israel should stay out of the war in Ukraine

Being dragged into an endless and unwinnable conflict, to virtue-signal
opposition to Russia’s illegal invasion, makes no sense for Jerusalem or
briefGantz offers early warning system but no weapons to Ukrainian counterpart
In a call with Kyiv's Oleksii Reznikov, the Israeli defense minister stresses
“the operational limitations faced by the State of Israel."
Knesset website targeted by Russian hackers with alleged Kremlin ties
The “XakNet Team” claimed responsibility for the cyber attack, saying it was
revenge for Israeli intel sent to Kyiv regarding Iranian-made drones.
briefChief rabbi of Russia calls on Moscow to denounce official’s ‘vulgar’
Alexei Pavlov, assistant secretary of Russia's Security Council, wrote that
“neo-pagan cults,” including Chabad, had taken over Ukraine.
briefGermany may deploy Israeli-made drones to defend against Russia
After Moscow launched its invasion of Ukraine, Berlin authorized the arming of
the UAVs with Israeli-made missiles.
briefRussian envoy to Lebanon: We have significant military coordination with
Ambassador Alexander Rudakov also said he has no issue with Russia employing
Iranian armaments.
Pro-Israel organizations gather in response to ‘oxymoron’ Human Rights Council’s
Commission of Inquiry
Faygie HoltJNS
Speakers at press conference organized by StandWithUs include the parents of a
5-year-old boy who died during a Hamas bombing.
newsUN Commission: Israeli ‘occupation’ is illegal
Dmitriy Shapiro
The report ignores the “actions of the dozens of terrorist entities seeking the
destruction of Israel,” the Conference of Presidents notes.
Featured ColumnJonathan S. Tobin
Republicans must defund the UN and stop appeasement of Iran

If the GOP takes control of the House and the Senate next month, it needs to use
the power of the purse to halt the way the DC establishment funds anti-Semitism
ColumnThe UN gives a master class in anti-Semitism
Anne Bayefsky
Commission of Inquiry on Israel report peddles Jew-hatred.
American leaders pledge to combat anti-Semitism on fourth anniversary of
Pittsburgh attack
“In the four years since that terrible day, the people of Pittsburgh have shown
us what it means to be stronger than hate,” President Joe Biden said Thursday.
briefMembers of Congress urge State Department to act more quickly on internal
anti-Semitic incidents
A letter signed by 75 members of Congress reminded Secretary of State Antony
Blinken of the multiple acts of anti-Semitism that have occurred in the past 21
months within the State Department and its foreign posts, and despite the
launching of an investigation of the incidents, there has been no news of
progress or putative action.
Washington can’t find a path forward in Iran nuclear talks, says a senior
Israeli official
Mike WagenheimJNS
Following Tehran’s brutal response to street protests and its supply of deadly
drones to Russia, the White House finally acknowledges the Iranian regime can’t
be trusted, says a senior Israeli official.
Featured Column
Melanie PhillipsJNS
The unholy alliance between Republicans and Islamists

Herzog concludes Washington visit with Oval Office sit-down
Mike WagenheimJNS
Joe Biden lauds the U.S.-Israeli relationship and the Lebanon maritime deal.
briefHerzog to Biden: ‘You are a true friend of Israel’
The two leaders met at the White House, where they were expected to discuss the
Abraham Accords, Iran's nuclear program, Ukraine and the political climate in
Washington and Jerusalem ahead of the elections.
briefIsraeli president to address joint session of Congress
Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer extend the invitation to celebrate the 75th
anniversary of Israel's founding.
newsIsraeli President Isaac Herzog’s visit to Washington: Day one
Mike Wagenheim
In his meetings with the U.S. Secretary of State, congressional leadership and
American Jewish leaders, the focus was on Iran and the Abraham Accords; Pelosi,
Schumer invited Herzog to address a joint session of Congress.
Israeli company Mobileye soars after its Nasdaq debut
The share price rose 38% to $28.97 on the first day of trading, giving the
company a market capitalization of $23.068 billion.
briefMobileye stocks to begin trading on Nasdaq
The Israel-based company’s shares will hit the market at a price of $21, raising
some $861 million at a valuation of $16.7 billion.
Israeli defense minister meets with Erdogan in Turkey
Benny Gantz is in Ankara to strengthen defense ties following a decade-long
IDF adopts all-female tank crews for border defense
“I trust the female tank personnel to conduct border defense missions with
professionalism and great success,” says IDF Chief of Staff Aviv Kochavi.
briefIDF intercepts shipment of narcotics and firearms from Lebanon
Suspect arrested, 30 kilograms of drugs and two handguns were seized near the
Hasbani River.
Israelis sanctioned for helping sway Moldova vote
The U.S. blacklists businessman Ilan Shor and songstress wife Jasmin for aiding
Russian effort to influence the 2021 election.
‘Pinot Chamot’ provide warm welcome, respite for IDF soldiers
Josh HastenJNS

Featured Column
Ruthie BlumJNS
The danger of another Israeli electoral deadlock

Georgia’s U.S. Senate race splits Jewish community on party lines
Dmitriy ShapiroJNS
Democratic incumbent Raphael Warnock and Republican challenger Herschel Walker
have both been endorsed by pro-Israel organizations.
Jewish actress has whirlwind week with 2 TV shows and feature film
Alan ZeitlinJNS

Hebrew University and Meta launch AI PhD program
Meta’s choice is proof of our institution’s scientific excellence, said Itzik
Goldwaser, CEO of Yissum, the school's technology transfer company.
briefIsrael approves $18 million for Albert Einstein Museum at Hebrew University
Einstein’s scientific achievements “continue to impact all of our lives, from
lasers and nuclear energy to GPS and space travel,” says the university’s
briefGoogle opens high-tech school in Israel
A shortage of trained personnel has left thousands of jobs unfilled.
Messi, Mbappé, Neymar score as PSG stomps Maccabi Haifa
"The smallest slip in concentration against players like that and they can score
or have a big chance," said Maccabi defender Dylan Batubinsika.

October 25, 2022
Caroline Glick: Ahead of the elections, a massive escalation in Palestinian
“Caroline Glick Show” with Caroline Glick and guest Yoav Kisch.
briefIDF nabs terrorist stabber
The terrorist was caught in the town of al-Funduq in Samaria.
newsIDF will act ‘whenever we have precise intelligence on terrorists’
Yaakov Lappin
Over 1,500 suspects and 350 weapons seized in ‘Operation Break the Wave,’ source
tells JNS.
Featured ColumnRuthie Blum
The ‘settler violence’ narrative and Knesset elections

When an Israeli commits a criminal act, he or she is arrested and prosecuted.
The opposite is the case in the P.A., where those who kill Jews are hailed as
Amherst College student paper publishes ‘In Defense of Hamas’ piece
Aaron BandlerJewish Journal
The anonymous article argues that Hamas’ violence is “far more morally
justified” than Israeli actions against Hamas because “violent resistance
groups” are the result of “constant human rights abuses.”
briefHarvard and MIT host Palestinian speaker with history of anti-Semitic
Mohammed El-Kurd, who appeared at MIT on Oct. 22 and Harvard on Oct. 24, has
described Zionism as a “death cult,” “murderous”, “genocidal,” and “sadistic.”
briefSukkah vandalized at Miami University in western Ohio
Our sukkah may be broken, but not our spirit, the Hillel director says.
newsAnti-Semitic activity at George Washington University troubles Jewish
Chanidu Gamage
Rhetoric at the school against Israel and Jews has grown increasingly intense,
“violent, and more confrontational, and has crossed many lines.”
Watchdog: Illegal Palestinian construction in Judea Samaria skyrockets by 80%
According to NGO Regavim, 5,535 new illegal Palestinian structures have been
built in Area C of the West Bank during Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz’s
Religious Zionism Party seeks to restore public trust in Israeli legal system
David IsaacJNS

briefLabor Party leader: Judea and Samaria will not belong to Israel
“It’s a shame to invest in a place that, at the end of the day, won’t be part of
Israel,” says Transportation Minister Merav Michaeli.
Los Angeles Councilmembers call on city to adopt IHRA definition of
Following the recent anti-Semitic incidents in America's second-largest city,
Councilmembers Paul Koretz and Bob Blumenfield backed a resolution to adopt the
IHRA definition in order to “expand the tools we have to fight this bigotry.”
briefAnti-Semitic banners hung over Los Angeles freeway
The Goyim Defense League echoes Kanye West's recent hate speech.
briefCalifornia governor condemns anti-Semitism, blames Trump
“The former president gave a platform to extremists spewing hate speech and we
continue to see the dangerous consequences—from the insurrection on January 6th
to Nazi salutes and anti-Jewish signs over the 405 freeway here in California,”
said Governor Gavin Newsom.
8 years in jail for selling gun to Texas synagogue shooter
The FBI linked Henry Williams to the Colleyville shul hostage taker, Malik
Akram, through a review of cellphone data.
After beer incident goes viral, comedian uses Jimmy Kimmel performance to joke
about growing up Jewish in Kentucky
When Ariel Elias' parents spoke to her about dating, they said they’d accept
“whatever you’re into…as long as they’re Jewish.” She quipped, “As long as
they’re Jewish? We live in Kentucky. The choices are my dad and my brother,
that’s it.”
newsJewish comedian is as cool as an ice-cold beer under pressure
Alan Zeitlin
Ariel Elias has been praised for her handling of an on-stage incident in a New
Jersey club, which went viral through a video that has amassed 5.6 million views
on Twitter.
Yeshiva U. offers an LGBTQ club ‘grounded in halachah’
The YU Pride Alliance calls it a 'desperate stunt' and a 'sham.'
Adidas drops Kanye West over ‘unacceptable, hateful’ anti-Semitic statements
West’s statements “violate the company’s values of diversity and inclusion,
mutual respect and fairness,” says the German multinational.
briefKanye West documentary scrapped in anti-Semitic remark fallout
“Lies are an important part of discrimination, and this one is no different,”
MRC stated, adding, “The silence from leaders and corporations when it comes to
Kanye or antisemitism in general is dismaying but not surprising.”
briefNikki Haley: Antisemitism must be flagged at every instance
“We have to humiliate those that do it every time they do it,” says the Israel
advocate and former South Carolina governor.
Israeli song-and-dance program will return to US for first time since pandemic
to mark 50th anniversary
“The first Caravan came to the United States in 1973 with a goal of bringing a
message of hope and peace for Israel,” said Eran Tzivon, the Tzofim Friendship
Caravan's director, noting the program is “a unique way to have the American
community experience a taste of Israel.”
Israeli researchers use geomagnetic data to support biblical accounts
Magnetic field reconstruction matched battle sites to Egyptian, Aramean,
Assyrian and Babylonian military campaigns recounted in the Bible against the
kingdoms of Israel and Judah.
Leader of Canadian far-right sentenced for Jew-hatred
Travis Patron of the Canadian Nationalist Party created a video circulated
online called “Beware the Parasitic Tribe.”
Herzog discusses rise of anti-Semitism in meeting with CAM Advisory Board
“We need a united global response every day and at all times, because it is
largely a problem of information, so we have to ensure the right messages are
getting across,” says new board chair Natan Sharansky.
Albanian prime minister in Israel in wake of Iranian cyberattacks
During his three-day visit, Prime Minister Edi Rama is scheduled to meet with
Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid, President Isaac Herzog and the head of
Israel’s National Cyber Directorate.
US Postal Service celebrates Hanukkah with ‘forever’ stamp
Howard BlasJNS

Arab terrorist in Acre lynching free on house arrest
Victim Mor Ganashvili said: "I am outraged that the blood of a Jewish person was
made to be worthless."
briefPolice arrest Palestinian with M16-type weapons
Further, on Sunday, a senior member of the Nablus-based terror group Lions’ Den
was reportedly killed in a motorcycle explosion.
briefSenior Nablus terrorist killed in mysterious motorcycle blast
Tamer al-Kilani, 33, was one of the founders of the Lions' Den terror group, and
was responsible for a number of attacks and attempted attacks in recent months.
Rishi Sunak inaugurated as Britain’s prime minister
Sunak is considered a supporter of Israel, having previously said that he views
Jerusalem as the Jewish state’s “historic capital.”
A shared understanding
Judy FleischerJNS

Egypt’s work in Gaza ‘promotes regional stability’
Yaakov LappinJNS
Former Israel National Security Council No. 2 Shaul Shay tells JNS that Cairo’s
construction projects and mediation are win-win.
Lapid to Netherlands PM: Israel to become major energy exporter to Europe
The two leaders also discussed bilateral relations in fields ranging from
climate change to artificial intelligence to Iran's nuclear program.
Herzi Halevi approved as next IDF chief of staff
Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid: Halevi joins a long and elite series of
thoughtful and bold commanders who knew how to march the IDF forward.
Israeli seriously wounded in Jerusalem attack; assailant neutralized
The victim was evacuated to Shaare Zedek Medical Center in critical but stable
condition • Attack comes hours after a vehicular assault on a guard post in
briefTo boost Abbas, Israel to let PA use helicopters
The aircraft will be based in Jordan, with Israeli consent required for entry
and exit into and out of Israeli airspace.
news‘The US is pressing the PA to increase security coordination with Israel’
Yaakov Lappin
Former Arab Affairs Adviser Col. (res.) David Hacham says the current escalation
does not point to a third intifada but things could change.
featureUS Amb. Nides to JNS: Israelis and Palestinians ‘nowhere near two-state
Alex Traiman
The U.S. ambassador to Jerusalem wants Americans to know that Israel is a
democracy where, by and large, Arab and Jewish citizens get along just fine, and
Israelis to know that America will always have their back.
Orthodox basketball player Ryan Turell selected in NBA minor league draft
Turell, who went unpicked out of Yeshiva University in June’s NBA draft, was
chosen by the Motor City Cruise, the Detroit Pistons’ G League affiliate.
Graffiti of medieval knight discovered in Jerusalem
Nicky BlackburnIsrael21c

Newark School District adds anti-Israel book to sixth-grade curriculum 
Susan R. EisensteinJNS
“The book is filled with misleading anti-Israel statements and outright lies,”
wrote ZOA’s National President Morton Klein and Susan Tuchman, director of the
ZOA’s Center for Law and Justice.
Group combating anti-Semitism calls on Adidas to sever ties with Kanye West
“We call on you to end your silence, condemn Kanye’s obscene anti-Semitism and
terminate your partnership with him,” says a letter from The International Legal
Forum to the sporting goods and apparel giant.
brief£30,000 reward offered to catch Oxford Street attackers
London police hit a dead end after Arab men attacked a busload of Jewish teens
on Europe's busiest shopping street last year.
featureWhy anti-Semitism is coming back into fashion
Jonathan S. Tobin
“Top Story” With Jonathan Tobin and guest Yossi Kuperwasser, Ep. 66.
Ted Deutch brings bipartisan spirit from Congress to the Jewish world
Dmitriy ShapiroJNS

newsStephen Harper gets Israel Allies Award for ‘faith-based diplomacy’
Maayan Hoffman
“I am proud to continue to use my voice in support of the State of Israel, while
addressing and forcefully denouncing the ongoing and very worrisome rise of
anti-Semitism,” Harper said.
Arkansas’ Israel anti-boycott law appealed to the Supreme Court
Mike WagenheimJNS
An Arkansas newspaper says a state law obligating it to sign a pledge not to
boycott Israel in order to gain full state contracts is unconstitutional, and
wants the high court to hear the case.
briefNew poll reveals far left’s embrace of anti-Semitic tropes
Four-fifths of self-identified “progressive” and “very liberal” likely voters in
the U.S. believe Jewish Americans have “unfair advantages” that need to be
addressed, according to Jewish Institute for Liberal Values survey.
Ukrainian defense minister cancels call with Gantz
A day earlier, the Israeli minister told E.U. ambassadors that while Jerusalem
stands with Kyiv, it will not provide it weapons.
briefGantz: Israel supports Ukraine, but no arms sales
Jerusalem has, however, offered a "life-saving" early warning system for aerial
threats, the Israeli defense minister says.
newsShould Israel send weapons to Ukraine? Analysts offer conflicting views
David Isaac
“It’s in Israel’s best interest to assist countries that are countering the same
enemy,” said Irina Tsukerman, a national security lawyer, explaining that Russia
“has promoted relations with Hamas” and “has been cooperating with Iran at every
briefUS at UN: Russia using Iranian UAVs against Ukrainian civilians
Washington is “committed to working with allies and partners to prevent the
transfer of dangerous weaponry to Russia,” says State Department spokesperson.
New Masa report: young adults on long-term Israel programs more engaged with
Kylie Ora LobellJNS

Israel, Bahrain sign accord on agricultural cooperation
Morocco, Jordan, and the UAE also represented at the International Summit on
Food Technologies from the Dead Sea and Desert in Eilat.
Caroline Glick: Australia’s assault on Israel
Caroline GlickJNS

briefAustralian premier defends Jerusalem walkback, but says it ‘could have been
done better’
Neta Bar and JNS staff Israel Hayom
The decision to reverse Australia’s recognition of western Jerusalem as Israel’s
capital returned Canberra to the international mainstream, says Anthony
briefIsraeli premier calls Australia’s flip-flop on Jerusalem recognition a
‘wretched move’
Prime Minister Yair Lapid was caught off-guard by Canberra’s decision to reverse
the stance adopted by former Liberal Party prime minister Scott Morrison, says
Israeli official.
briefAustralia revokes recognition of western Jerusalem as Israel’s capital
Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid denounces Canberra’s move; Israeli Foreign
Ministry to summon Australian ambassador.
David M. LitmanJNS
White & Case LLP, Human Rights Watch unite to delegitimize Israel

briefIsrael ‘apartheid’ event sponsored by law firm that exonerated Morningstar
of anti-Israel bias
Mike Wagenheim
White & Case is advertised as sponsoring University of Chicago Law School’s
“Apartheid: International Law in the Israel-Palestine Conflict,” where calls
were made to prosecute Israel in international bodies.
As Iran faces pressure, Kurds seize the moment
Dmitri ShufutinskyJNS

briefUS: Iran’s sale of suicide drones to Russia violates UN resolution
Report: Iran plans to send Fateh 110 ballistic missiles to Russia as well.
briefArgentina asks Qatar to arrest high-ranking Iranian official
Mohsen Rezai, Tehran's VP for economic affairs, led the Revolutionary Guard
Corps at the time of the AIMA bombing in Buenos Aires.
Featured Column
Jonathan S. TobinJNS
Why the left can’t stop trying to link Trump to anti-Semitism

Featured ColumnRuthie Blum
Donald Trump’s justified critique of American Jews

The response to the former U.S. president’s Truth Social post has been nothing
short of a hysterical—purposeful—misreading of his words, which were neither
threatening nor anti-Semitic.
briefIlhan Omar accuses Trump of anti-Semitism
The overwhelmingly negative Twitter response accuses her of “audacity,” given
the anti-Semitic comments she has made in the past.
Wellesley student paper walks back endorsement of Mapping Project, reaffirms
support for BDS and ‘liberation of Palestine’
Kassy DillonJNS
“The Wellesley News editorial board seeks to position themselves as the victim,”
Jeremy Burton, CEO of the Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Boston,
told JNS.
Featured ColumnJonathan S. Tobin
How Joe Rogan, Tucker Carlson, Berkeley and Wellesley mainstream anti-Semitism

The showcasing of Roger Waters and Kanye West is, along with trends in academia
and woke culture, legitimizing Jew-hatred on both ends of the political
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The Wire
Latest releases from the Jewish World
Publish to the JNS Wire
#EndJewHatred to host Rise Up Ottawa! event
End Jew Hatred
Holocaust education is the answer to Kanye West
International March of the Living
Veteran health care journalist Maayan Hoffman to host ‘Hadassah On Call’ podcast
Maestro Itzhak Perlman joins AMIT children to reveal AMIT Kfar Batya: Israel’s
$70 million epicenter of educational transformation
Oct. 27 press conference at UN headquarters in New York to raise awareness about
UNHRC report
New nonprofit focuses on 3Gs: third-generation Holocaust survivors
If You Heard What I Heard
The Blue Card hosts Broadway benefit to support Holocaust survivors in Ukraine
The Blue Card
The Blue Card returns as an official charity partner for the 2022 TCS NYC
The Blue Card
#EndJewHatred to host special event for elected officials and Jewish community
End Jew Hatred
Soaring 18 meters, largest-of-its-kind ‘tree of life’ to be dedicated in Ma’ale
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‘Against All Odds: Forging Peace in the Middle East – The Inside Story of the
Abraham Accords’
HonestReporting Canada
Elie Wiesel Foundation launches its new approach for advancing human rights
The Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity
New opinion poll illuminates growing challenges of polarization and
Jewish Institute for Liberal Values
Nikki Haley to deliver keynote address for Canadian Friends of Jerusalem College
of Technology’s 50th anniversary
Jerusalem College of Technology
National American multifaith leaders come together to sign the historic United
States Multifaith Unity Statement
Muslim Coalition for America
September is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month
Orthodox Union’s Rabbi Moshe Hauer appointed by DHS Secretary Mayorkas to
Faith-Based Security Advisory Council
Orthodox Union
Orthodox Union announces new partnership with Secure Community Network to
strengthen synagogue security and increase reporting of anti-Semitic incidents
against Orthodox Jews
Orthodox Union
Arab leaders Ahmed Tibi and Ayman Odeh wrapped in Israeli flags: ‘This is how a
picture of victory will look’
Israel Victory Project
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Fatah Deputy Chairman Mahmoud Al-Aloul said Israeli soldiers were injured "due
to the brave position of the Palestinian security forces" and that all
Palestinians, including the P.A. security forces and Fatah's terror faction, are
"one unit."
Facebook page of the Fatah Commission of Information and Culture, Oct. 25, 2022
via PMW
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(October 27, 2022 / JNS) Israeli security forces launched an anti-terror raid
against the “Lion’s Den” terror cell, including a bomb-making factory, early
Tuesday. The cell was responsible for several terrorist attacks.

In response to the terrorists’ deaths and the exposure of the factory, Fatah
Deputy Chairman Mahmoud Al-Aloul admitted that the Palestinian Authority
security forces were fighting alongside terrorists—the Tanzim—against Israel
(or, as he put it, “the occupation”), according to a report by Palestinian Media

He said Israeli soldiers were injured “due to the brave position of the
Palestinian security forces” and that all Palestinians, including the P.A.
security forces and Fatah’s terror faction, are “one unit.”

“We speak about all the Palestinians. All the Palestinians are one unit. The
Security Forces members, the Tanzim, the public, and everyone—one unit in
dealing with this occupation,” said Aloul.

P.A. leader Mahmoud Abbas created the deputy chairman position specially for

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