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Submitted URL: http://www.lixishop.com/collections/0.660662584664663
Effective URL: https://www.lixishop.com/collections/0.660662584664663
Submission: On April 17 via api from US — Scanned from DE
Effective URL: https://www.lixishop.com/collections/0.660662584664663
Submission: On April 17 via api from US — Scanned from DE
Form analysis
5 forms found in the DOM<form>
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GET /search
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Text Content
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const keyword = encodeURIComponent(data); return ` View more Your search for '${data}' did not yield any results. ` })()} * LIXISHOP * NEW ARRIVALS * SELLING FAST * TRENDING' 24 * TRENDING' 24 * SHOP BY STYLE * SHOP BY STYLE * SURF/CAMP/ROAD TRIP * STREET FASHION * VINTAGE CLOTHING * PRIDE SERIES * WEST COWBOY * SHOP BY PRINTS * SHOP BY PRINTS * ANIME * MOON SUN STAR * DEATH METAL * VIKING * TANKS &TEES * SWEATSHIRTS & HOODIES * BOTTOMS * BOTTOMS * SHORTS * PANTS English,Deutsch,Français,Italiano,Español,Português,日本語,العربية,Polski,Nederlands,svenska,norsk EUR * United States Dollars (USD) * Euro (EUR) * United Kingdom Pounds (GBP) * Australian Dollars (AUD) * Canadian Dollars (CAD) * Japanese Yen (JPY) * Swiss Francs (CHF) * New Zealand Dollars (NZD) * Turkish Lira (TRY) * Danish Kroner (DKK) * Polish Zlotych (PLN) * Norwegian Kroner (NOK) * Hungarian Forint (HUF) * Netherlands Antillean Guilder (ANG) * United Arab Emirates Dirham (AED) * Swedish Kronor (SEK) * Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD) * Icelandic Kronur (ISK) * Argentine Pesos (ARS) * Brazilian Real (BRL) * Chilean Peso (CLP) * Colombian Peso (COP) * Croatian Kuna (HRK) * Guatemalan Quetzal (GTQ) * Israeli New Shekel (NIS) * Mexican Pesos (MXN) * Peruvian Nuevo Sol (PEN) * Qatari Rial (QAR) * Romanian Lei (RON) * Russian Rubles (RUB) Log in (function(){ let w = window.innerWidth; 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Please enter your email address. ${data.errors && data.errors[0]} Thanks for subscribing © 2024 Lixishop STORY & CONCEPT PRIVACY POLICY TERMS & CONDITION PAYMENTS SHIPPING & DELIVERY RETURNS & EXCHANGE CONTACT US Q&A SIZE GUIDE View Cart ${function(){ const productData = data.product; let product_change_event = '', mouse_over_event = ' '; mouse_out_event = ''; const product_options = productData.options.filter(Boolean) || []; for (let opt of product_options) { product_change_event = product_change_event + `quick-shop-selected-variant-${opt.name}.rerender(data=event.selectedValues.${opt.name});`; mouse_out_event = mouse_out_event + `quick-shop-selected-variant-${opt.name}.rerender(data=event.selectData.${opt.name});`; mouse_over_event = mouse_over_event + `@${opt.name}Mouseover="quick-shop-selected-variant-${opt.name}.rerender(data=event);"`; } const selectedVariant = productData.variants.find(v => v.available) || productData.variants[0]; const statusLan = ((selectedVariant && !selectedVariant.available) || (!selectedVariant && !productData.available)) ? "Sold out" : "Add to cart"; return ` ${statusLan} ` }()} ${function(){ const currentSelectVariant = data.variant; const defaultVariant = (data.product && data.product.variants && data.product.variants[0]); const variantData = currentSelectVariant || defaultVariant || data; const retail_price = variantData.retail_price || 0; return ` Retail ` }()} ${function(){ const wholesale_enabled = false; const qty = data.quantity || 1; const currentSelectVariant = data.variant; const defaultVariant = (data.product && data.product.variants && data.product.variants[0]); const productVariant = null; const variantData = currentSelectVariant || defaultVariant || productVariant; const wholesale_price = variantData.wholesale_price || []; if(wholesale_enabled && wholesale_price.length > 0) { let wholesaleIndex = wholesale_price.findIndex(item => { return item.min_quantity > qty; }); if(wholesaleIndex < 0){ wholesaleIndex = wholesale_price.length - 1; }else if(wholesaleIndex > 0){ wholesaleIndex = wholesaleIndex - 1; } const wholesalePrice = wholesale_price[wholesaleIndex] || ''; return ` ` }else { const price = variantData && variantData.price; return price != undefined ? ` ` : ''; } }()} ${function() { let variantImageShowed = false; const currentProduct = data.product; return (currentProduct.options || []).map((option, index) => { const optionName = option.name || ''; const position = `option${index + 1}`; let isThumbImage = false; if (currentProduct.need_variant_image && !variantImageShowed) { const variantNames = ["color"] || []; for (let i = 0, len = variantNames.length; i < len; i++) { const name = variantNames[i].toLowerCase(); if (name === optionName.toLowerCase()) { isThumbImage = true; variantImageShowed = true; } } } const variantType = "button"; const thumbStyle = "image_with_text"; return ` ${optionName}: ${option.values.map((value, idx) => { const selected = data.selectedValues[optionName] == value ? 'checked' : ''; let thumbImage = null; if (isThumbImage) { const variants = currentProduct.variants; for (let i = 0, len = variants.length; i < len; i++) { const variant = variants[i]; if (variant[position] == value && thumbImage == null) { thumbImage = variant.image; break; } } } return ` ${value} ` }).join('')} ${optionName} ${option.values.map(value => { const selected = data.selectedValues[optionName] == value ? 'selected' : ''; return `${value}` }).join('')} ` }).join(''); }()} ${data.originData && data.originData.value || data.value} × Don't leave without taking discount UP TO 50% OFF Invalid email Continue NO,I'LL PAY FULL PRICE * Ihre persönlichen Daten werden strengstens vor Offenlegung geschützt. By signing up you agree with our Privacy Policy. 111 111 See detail $0.00 Quantity 1 GIFTS POINTS We care about your privacy This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. 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