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POST /cart

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    * Velvet Curtains | Shayna
    * Woven Bamboo Shade
    * 64 Trim Border Tapes
    * Bamboo Shade | Sybil
    * Designer Sara Le Collection

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    * Flame Retardant
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 * New
    * Velvet Curtains | Shayna
    * Woven Bamboo Shade
    * 64 Trim Border Tapes
    * Bamboo Shade | Sybil
    * Designer Sara Le Collection
   Make a statement in any room with the Shayna Worn Velvet Curtain. Crafted
   from a luxe velvet fabric, this curtain will bring a warmth and depth to the
   atmosphere of your living space. 
   Made from a brushed fabric with a soft plush pile and a subtle sheen. Adds an
   exquisite touch to the windows in your house. The thick fabric helps insulate
   windows and blocks the majority of light. Having rich, deep colors that stand
   out in any space.
   For those looking to add a natural touch and feel to their window treatments,
   consider bamboo woven shades. The unique style custom bamboo shades provide
   is a one-of-a-kind look that interior designers love. These natural bamboo
   beauties make an excellent addition to any room in your house.
   Check out TWOPAGES high-quality tapes that come in 64 different designs,
   colors, and patterns. You can choose from classic, modern, rustic, or exotic
   styles to suit your taste and decor. Whether you want to add some contrast,
   texture, or sparkle to your curtains, you can find the perfect border tape
   for your needs.
   Add some personality and flair to your curtains and create a unique and
   customized look for your windows now!
   Do you want to bring some natural beauty and warmth to your home? Do you want
   to enjoy the sunlight without compromising your privacy? Check out TWOPAGES
   new bamboo shades from Sybil collection. It comes in various sizes and colors
   to match your style and needs. You can also customize your shade with
   different liners, such as blackout, or privacy liners at a more affordable
   Sara Le x Twopages
   Discover the art of interior design with our exquisite print linen curtains,
   designed by Sara Le. Create a cozy and inviting atmosphere in your home.
   With the love that she has for her home, interiors & styling, DIY & home
   improvement projects. You can definitely find inspiration through her

 * Drapery
    * Linen
    * Cotton
    * Velvet
    * Silk
    * Polyester
    * Sheer
    * Outdoor Curtain
    * Blackout Curtain
    * Flame Retardant
    * Room Divider
    * Ready-made Curtains
    * Soundproof Curtains
   Creates warmth, calm, neutrality, softness, elegance, comfort, and luxury in
   their homes. With their crisp neutral shades, they make your rooms look a lot
   brighter without compromising privacy. Linen is regarded as a luxury fiber
   because of its crispness and texture. Flax linen curtains do not pill, are
   non-allergenic, repellent to insects and UV resistant. Linen is a natural
   fabric – this aspect is definitely important to those who are leaning towards
   more sustainable and healthier ways of living.
   Curtains made from cotton fabric are highly versatile and go well with modern
   as well as traditional interior design styles. Due to cotton thicker
   construction, cotton curtains are also naturally absorbent, making them a
   great choice for any homes with plenty of indoor plants. Cotton fabrics are
   eco-friendly, durable and will drape beautifully when hung.
   Velvet curtains have a tight weave and a short pile creating great texture
   and lasting style. Velvet drapes are heavy and full, and because of its
   thickness, also a great light and sound insulator. Ideally suited to larger
   windows, velvet curtains can work in very formal as well as informal rooms.
   They can be used with great success in the bedroom, living room, dining room
   and other formal rooms. Velvet drapery can match its richness, and it will
   drape your windows with a delicate grace.
   Natural fabric resistant to bacteria and mold. The material is hypoallergenic
   and non-toxic. Silk fabric is quite durable, so such curtains do not require
   special operating conditions. Silk curtains are made of soft yet strong
   fabric materials, so they can last a long time. Silk is therefore the perfect
   material for drapes and curtains since it won't lose its elegant sheen even
   if other objects are pushed against them.
   Polyester curtains are window treatments typically crafted from polyester
   fibers. Known for their durability, ease of cleaning, and wrinkle resistance,
   these curtains are popular in both residential and commercial settings. They
   offer a variety of color, pattern, and texture options to suit various decor
   Simple sheers are truly timeless and can work with modern or traditional
   looks, and anything in between. Sheer curtains are a great way to make the
   most of the natural light and create a bright, soft, outdoorsy feeling,
   whilst maintain that much needed privacy and protecting against intrusive
   insects and dust. Material include polyester, linen.
   Inspired by the intricate beauty of nature, this material features a
   mesmerizing combination of neutral tones and subtle textures. Water
   resistant, UV protection, Fading resistant, and Low Maintenance. Enjoy the
   beauty, protection and longevity that this curtain brings, creating a
   welcoming and cozy outdoor retreat for you.
   Provide extra layer of protection over your blinds to block out sunlight, or
   improve energy efficiency by helping to insulate a room. Blackout curtains
   are thick, so they also help soften outside noise.
   Aside from being retardant to flames, certified by National Fire Protection
   Association (NFPA701), these panels are a perfect way to help protect your
   home from winter drafts and will also help keep your home cool during the
   warmer spring and summer months.
   Room Divider Blackout Curtain with Ceiling Track Kit, specially designed to
   work as room dividers, creating separate areas for different purposes.
   Whether you want to divide a shared bedroom, a studio, a dorm, a workspace, a
   basement, or a storage space, these curtains can do the job. They also come
   with a ceiling track kit that makes installation easy and convenient.
   TWOPAGES Professional Cubicle Privacy curtains are used by many as bed
   dividers in hospitals, schools or Rehabilitation Centers, providing residents
   with comfort and privacy.
   Ready-made from high-quality fabrics and tailored to fit standard window
   sizes. They come in various styles, colors, and materials to suit any taste
   and budget. Whether you want linen, cotton, velvet, or blackout curtains, you
   can find them at TWOPAGES.
   With these curtains, you can transform your home in minutes. You can create a
   cozy, elegant, or modern atmosphere with just a few clicks.
   Soundproof curtains, also known as noise-reducing curtains or blackout
   curtains, are specially designed to dampen sound and reduce noise pollution
   from entering or leaving a room. They typically consist of multiple layers of
   dense materials, such as heavyweight fabrics, foam, or fiberglass, which
   absorb and block sound waves. These curtains are often used in homes,
   offices, recording studios, theaters, and other spaces where noise control is
   important. In addition to their soundproofing properties, they also provide
   privacy, block light, and help regulate room temperature.

 * Shades
    * Roman Shades
    * Bamboo Shades
    * Roller Shades
    * Zebra Shades
   Roman shades are a common choice for window coverings in many contemporary
   homes. They are highly functional. Roman shades may give the interiors of
   your house a gentle or elegant touch.
   Bring a stylish and functional shade solution to your windows with the
   TWOPAGES Roman Shade. Layer these shades with your favorite curtain for a
   more coordinated look.
   Made from eco-friendly renewable materials this organic bamboo shades are
   tightly woven materials. They can withstand sunlight, weather conditions, and
   daily wear and tear and can be used both indoors and outdoors.With its unique
   texture, it creates a natural look and feel to your home. It also pairs well
   with most furniture and additional window treatments.
   Add elegance to almost any room decor, including traditional, modern,
   Mediterranean, farmhouse, and Victorian.They come in a variety of color
   schemes and styles.
   Upgrade your living space with our blackout roller shades, available in
   corded or cordless options and featuring a waterproof design. Strike a
   perfect balance between style and practicality, as these shades not only
   enhance your decor but also provide a restful ambiance by blocking out
   unwanted light. The durable and versatile construction ensures long-lasting
   use, making them suitable for various spaces. Enjoy the convenience of
   customizable light control and transform your windows with this sleek and
   modern solution for both aesthetic appeal and functionality.
   Revitalize your windows with our Zebra Shades – an impeccable blend of style
   and practicality. Choose between corded or cordless options for seamless
   operation, adding a touch of modern elegance to your space. The waterproof
   design ensures durability, making them an ideal choice for any room, even
   moisture-prone areas. Our Zebra Shades go beyond traditional window
   coverings; they are a statement piece that effortlessly marries aesthetics
   and functionality. Upgrade your living spaces with these shades, transforming
   your home into a haven of style and comfort. Embrace the perfect harmony of
   design and practicality, giving your windows a makeover that reflects your
   unique taste and enhances the overall appeal of your space.

 * Hardware
    * Hooks
    * Rings
    * Rods
    * Tracks
   Are you looking for a simple and elegant way to hang your curtains? Look no
   further! You need the Plastic Adjustable Pin Hooks from Twopages Curtains!
   These hooks are made of heavy-duty plastic that can withstand great weight
   and wear. They can also attach to traverse rods, decorator rings, or any
   other hardware you prefer.
   The best part is that these hooks have a ratchet system that makes them
   adjustable. You can change the height of your curtains by up to 3 inches,
   depending on your preference and window size. You can also remove and install
   the hooks easily, without any hassle or damage.
   Comes in two convenient packs: 8 hooks or 32 hooks.
   Do you want to add some flair and elegance to your windows? If so, you need
   the Curtain Rod Rings with Eyelets from Twopages Curtains! These rings are
   made of high-quality metal that can hold heavy-weight curtains with ease.
   They are imported from the best manufacturers and have a sleek color finish
   that matches any decor. They are suitable for most curtain rods on the
   market, so you don’t have to worry about compatibility issues.
   Comes in two sizes: small (1.5’’ inner diameter) and big (2’’ inner
   diameter) in a set of 32 rings.
   Upgrade your window treatments with the Jaylon Adjustable Window Curtain Rod.
   Perfect for adding style and functionality to any drape.
   Both wall mount and ceiling mount are available.
   Comes with 3 sizes:
   Small: 44-78 inches
   Medium: 76-102 inches
   Large: 92-156 inches
   Transform your window treatments with the LORA Track Kit for Drapery.
   Experience seamless functionality and elegant style.
   Both wall mount and ceiling mount are available.
   Comes with 4 sizes:
   Small: 3-6 feet
   Medium: 6-9 feet
   Large: 9-12 feet
   X-Large: 12-18 feet

 * Fabric Swatches
    * Fabric Booklets
    * Bamboo Shades Books
    * Fabric Swatches
    * Trim Border Tapes
   Fabric booklet in 4x6 inches with single and kit pack. 28 collections and
   600+ exclusive fabric material to ensure color and texture work for you.
   Standard and expedited shipping method optional.
   Bamboo shades can often leave someone wondering what they are and their
   benefits. 88 bamboo shade swatches options fast delivery. You can see how the
   beautiful colors, finishes, and textures look in your own home. Bamboo shades
   have experienced somewhat of a resurgence as of late because they are
   inexpensive, stylish and hold up over time.
   Not sure on what fabric to use? Enjoy up to 5 swatches free to see our
   fabrics in person. You may feel fabric color and texture before place order
   to ensure to meet your expectation. We offer 500+ of the finest exclusive
   materials, all in ready to ship.
   Do you want to give your curtains a new look without spending a fortune? Then
   you need our Trim Border Tapes, the easy and affordable way to customize your
   curtains. Our Trim Border Tapes are high-quality fabric tapes that you can
   attach to the edges of your curtains to create a stunning contrast and

 * Measurement Finder
    * Drapery
    * Shades & Blinds
   Hanging header styles were groups, soft top, pleated and grommet. They have
   respective measuring methods to determine drapery width and length. You may
   easily input the size you expect, then system will advise the ordered drapery
   width and length. You are suggested to install the rod when drapes come in
   case you need adjust the position to install rod to get drapes hung
   Get perfect shade you want by taking our Roman Shade Measurement Finder quiz.
   Be aware of width and height range limit, and depth of window opening. Inside
   mount: A clean, built-in look, 1 1/2 inches minimum depth requirement. 3/8
   inch deduction taken at your actual measuring to ensure the side does not
   touch the edges tightly. Order width = Window casing width minus 3/8 inch.
   Note there will be slight gaps on sides due to fabric deductions. For more
   light blockage, consider ordering as outside mount.

 * Collaborations
    * Stefana Silber
    * Sara Le
   Stefana Silber Collection, neutral home décor style with patterns plaid,
   floral, dots etc. 21 print designs on heavy weight linen blend fabric make
   drapes and roman shade. Stefana’s passion is sharing all the knowledge she
   gained from years of projects and renovations to make your home look like it
   came from the catalog pages without breaking the bank.
   Sara Le Collection, traditional window covering style. 17 print designs on
   linen blend heavyweight fabric create a cozy and inviting atmosphere in your
   home. Made with a delicately Plaid, Leaves & Floral pattern, this soft linen
   blend adds subtle sophistication and texture to the window. Gently filters
   light while providing the privacy you desire. Easy to incorporate into any
   design style. A heavyweight linen, masterfully woven for beauty and

 * Sale
    * 12% Off Ready-made Curtains
    * Clearance Up To 50% Off
    * 8% Off Spring Sale
    * Best Sellers
   Upgrade your living space with our stunning collection of ready-made
   curtains! For a limited time, take advantage of our special promotion
   offering 12% off automatically. With a variety of styles and colors to choose
   from, you can effortlessly enhance the ambiance of any room. Don't miss out
   on this opportunity to add a touch of elegance to your home decor. Shop now
   and experience the perfect blend of style and savings!
   Introducing our exclusive clearance event for Jawara Drapery! Elevate your
   home decor with luxurious drapery options at unbeatable discounts of up to
   50% off. Transform your living spaces with the finest fabrics and impeccable
   craftsmanship without breaking the bank. Don't miss this chance to upgrade
   your home with Jawara Drapery's signature elegance at prices you'll love.
   Shop now and add a touch of sophistication to every room in your home!
   Step into spring with our sale! Revel in a 8% discount across our entire
   range using the code SPRING8. Transform your living spaces with our exquisite
   collection and usher in the vibrancy of the season. Find the perfect drapery
   to elevate your home. Embrace the essence of springtime and let your
   surroundings bloom with beauty. Act now to seize this exclusive offer and
   redefine your space with style.
   But hurry, as this limited-time promotion is set to blossom away. Make every
   corner of your home a haven of spring-inspired elegance. Shop today and bring
   the joy of the season into your life. SPRING8 is your key to a refreshed and
   revitalized living experience. Don't miss out – indulge in the allure of
   spring, one room at a time!
   Are you looking for the perfect curtains to transform your windows and
   enhance your home decor? Look no further than our Bestsellers, featuring the
   most popular and high-quality curtains on the market. You can choose from a
   variety of fabrics, such as linen, cotton, and velvet, to suit your style and
   comfort. You can also select from different curtain types, such as drapery,
   roman shades, and bamboo shades, to match your desired level of light and
   privacy. Whether you want to create a cozy, elegant, or trendy look for your
   space, we have the curtains for you.

 * Inspiration
    * Gallery
   Neutral Home, Real-Life Style
   Share how #twopageshome curtain looks in your beautiful place on IG.
   This gallery provides a wealth of ideas and inspiration for you. It can help
   stimulate your creativity and generate new ideas for your home decor.
   By showcasing the variety of designs, colors, and styles available for
   curtains in different settings, you can visualize how the curtains might look
   in your own home and strive to improve and reach higher standards.
   Finally, let's foster a sense of community together. By providing a platform
   for customers to share their work, we can all engage in the idea

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Nothing is everything

are muted shades that appear to lack color but often have underlying hues that
change with different lighting
Shop Now

Custom window coverings made easy



Menu-based page make custom efficient and transparent



Premium Fabrics

Neutral lifestyle, various headerstyle, liner and memory shaped



Numerous Selections

From linen to shades, 28 collections 543 fabrics in trend design



Flawless Craftsmanship

Made of the finest materials by skilled tailor at vertical factory



Fast Delivery

95% orders delivered within 7-14 days, and booklet within 5 days



Wide Acclaim

Served more than 400k families since 2015. Reputation is everything




Linen blend with 38 colors create neutral and luxury lifestyle. Gently filters
light while providing the privacy you desire. A heavyweight linen, masterfully
woven for beauty and durability



With a soft, luxurious drape, it brings both casual warmth and refined style to
the room. The weave of the natural yarn-dyed fibers creates dimensional highs
and lows for added depth



Polyester cotton blend, plain woven texture, eco-friendly, excellent
colorfastness, super soft brings timeless character to every interior. It drapes
beautifully and adds rich texture to your windows



Creates warmth, calm, neutrality, softness, elegance, comfort, and luxury in
their homes. With their crisp classic shades, they make your rooms look a lot
brighter without compromising privacy



Real natural weaves define room entire mood through unique fabrics in exotic
colors to provide a textured look inspired by nature. Natural Shades are
available with various liners help achieve uniform light control and privacy



Velvet was gained immense popularity. It can be attributed to the regal and
elegant aura that this fabric exudes. It elevates the interior aesthetics of
your home with exquisite velvet drapes

Order Fabric Swatches
Compare fabrics at home
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Measurement Finder
Get precise measurement with our measurement finder.
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Neutral Home

Share how #twopageshome curtain looks in your beautiful place on IG to win FREE
purchase and be featured in Gallery.

Instagram Shop
Get this look


A perfect blend of nature and style. This shade is crafted from natural 100%
Ramie and bamboo, known for their durability and eco-friendliness. The woven
design adds a touch of rustic charm to any room, making it an ideal choice for
both traditional and contemporary interiors.

Get this look


Using our top quality curtains, you may create warmth, quiet, neutral, soft,
elegant, comfort, and luxury in your homes.

With sunshine flowing in from every aspect, this look is like the ideal backdrop
for a fresh new start. Your rooms appear more brighter with the drapes' clean,
neutral tones while maintaining privacy.

Get this look


Curtains are the perfect finishing touch for every room in your house. Its
silky, luxurious drape gives the room a casual warmth and subtle flair. It is
made completely of linen.

Linen curtains in natural tones offer a wide range of applications and a
pleasing look. The natural fiber weave creates dynamic highs and lows for
greater depth.

Get this look


A perfect blend of luxury and sustainability. This drapery is crafted from 100%
organic cotton, known for its softness, durability, and eco-friendliness. The
pleated design adds a touch of elegance to any room, making it a perfect fit for
both modern and classic interiors.

Get this look


The epitome of elegance and sophistication for your home decor. Crafted from the
finest quality cotton blend, these drapes offer a luxurious feel and a beautiful
fall that adds a touch of class to any room.

Available in a variety of colors to match your interior design, making it a
versatile choice for any room in your home.

Get this look


The Liz Corded Roman Shades are a perfect blend of classic style and modern
convenience. They offer a clean, streamlined look with corded design, suitable
for high or obstructed windows.

Get this look


A perfect blend of nature and style. This shade is crafted from natural 100%
Ramie and bamboo, known for their durability and eco-friendliness. The woven
design adds a touch of rustic charm to any room, making it an ideal choice for
both traditional and contemporary interiors.

Get this look


Using our top quality curtains, you may create warmth, quiet, neutral, soft,
elegant, comfort, and luxury in your homes.

With sunshine flowing in from every aspect, this look is like the ideal backdrop
for a fresh new start. Your rooms appear more brighter with the drapes' clean,
neutral tones while maintaining privacy.

Get this look


Curtains are the perfect finishing touch for every room in your house. Its
silky, luxurious drape gives the room a casual warmth and subtle flair. It is
made completely of linen.

Linen curtains in natural tones offer a wide range of applications and a
pleasing look. The natural fiber weave creates dynamic highs and lows for
greater depth.

Get this look


A perfect blend of luxury and sustainability. This drapery is crafted from 100%
organic cotton, known for its softness, durability, and eco-friendliness. The
pleated design adds a touch of elegance to any room, making it a perfect fit for
both modern and classic interiors.

Get this look


The epitome of elegance and sophistication for your home decor. Crafted from the
finest quality cotton blend, these drapes offer a luxurious feel and a beautiful
fall that adds a touch of class to any room.

Available in a variety of colors to match your interior design, making it a
versatile choice for any room in your home.

Get this look


The Liz Corded Roman Shades are a perfect blend of classic style and modern
convenience. They offer a clean, streamlined look with corded design, suitable
for high or obstructed windows.

Get this look


A perfect blend of nature and style. This shade is crafted from natural 100%
Ramie and bamboo, known for their durability and eco-friendliness. The woven
design adds a touch of rustic charm to any room, making it an ideal choice for
both traditional and contemporary interiors.


 * Liz - Ivory White
   Triple Pleated

 * Jawara - Ivory Beige
   Triple Pleated

 * Cloe - Beige
   Triple Pleated

 * Isabella - Hunter Green
   Pinch Pleated

 * Liz - Beige White
   Inside Mounted

 * Lay - Snow - Beige
   Inside Mounted

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Discounts accross our family of brands, starting at 10% off

Exclusive products, designed in-house

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Real Reviews from Customers

Great drapes!
Liz Linen Curtains with Border Trim (Sold per Pair)
These are heavy, quality drapes. Arrived perfectly and as expected. Very
professionally done.
Angie Verified Buyer
United States
Excellent quality product
Liz Linen Drape Pleated
Shipping was fast . I got triple pleated drapes . They fit perfectly exactly how
I wanted . Material and quality is great too . Makes my room look bigger and
Zhanna Verified Buyer
United States
In love!!
Kyla Linen Drapery Pleated
New homeowner checking in! Needed window treatments for our living room and
decided to go the drapery + Roma shade route after being inspired on Pinterest.
Could not be more thrilled with how they turned out. Finally, our house is
feeling like a home! Side note about the customer service team - I accidentally
ordered the shades for two of our windows in the wrong size :( After reaching
out to TwoPages with my dilemma, the customer service team gave me the option of
either paying to ship the shades back to them for adjustment, or re-ordering the
shades with a good faith discount (which they did not have to do). Turns out
shipping would have been way pricier than re-ordering with the discount, so
that's what we chose. We got our replacement shades within two weeks of
re-ordering, just in time to decorate for Christmas!
Aimee Verified Buyer
United States
A favorite brand
Collaborate with TWOPAGES Agreement
These curtains are incredible quality and the customer service was above and
Melissa D. Verified Buyer
United States
Love Them!
Liz Polyester Linen Drape Pleated
These are by far my favorite curtains out there. I have clients who have ordered
from them in the past and love them just as much. The quality is great and easy
to hang.
Ashley H. Verified Buyer
United States
Natural Ramie Bamboo Woven Shade - Coconut
These shades are beautiful and look very high end!
Val Verified Buyer
United States
Liz Linen Curtains with Border Trim (Sold per Pair)
worth every penny. The trim border options give a luxurious feel to my home.
Michael M. Verified Buyer
Sara Le Print Linen Drapery Pleated
I got one of the Sara Le designs in Pinch Pleat and its absolutely gorgeous! The
design is so beautiful and the fabric is of such great quality. Although i did
not need more printed drapes, i decided to change some of my existing ones just
because of how amazing these turned out to be!
SPeter Verified Buyer
United States
Jawar Custom Panels
Jawara Luxury Linen Cotton Curtain Pleated
I am extremely pleased with my draperies Web site was informative and
communications and updates were timely. Measurement guide was easy to follow. So
glad to get the hooks included. Hanging was quick and efficient. Free shipping
was fast , the sewing was immaculate with no loose thread segments hanging and
they were packed well with your unique folding method. Highly recommend.
Arlene T. Verified Buyer
United States
Great samples
Choose Any 3 Bamboo Shades Sample Books
Great samples
Yvette Verified Buyer
United States
Amazing curtains!
Liz Linen Drape Pleated
You will NOT be disappointed! These curtains will elevate any space in your home
and look so much expensive than they are!
Crystal J. Verified Buyer
United States
Linen drapes that are made very well
Liz Linen Drapery Pinch Pleat with Blackout Lining
Just what I wanted, linen drapes at a lower price point. I'm completely
satisfied, I highly recommend this company.
Joseph L. Verified Buyer
United States
Great samples
Shayna Worn Velvet Sample Booklet
Love the fabric
Yvette Verified Buyer
United States
The samples are so helpful
24 Collections Sample Booklet
I was indecisive on which drapery cloth to choose so I decided to get the sample
booklets. It was so helpful to be able to narrow down which cloths worked in our
home. Definitely recommend for those that are unsure of which types of drapes to
go with.
Shannon H. Verified Buyer
United States
Great price for custom
Mayra Faux Linen Blackout Drapery Pleated
Ordered custom curtains and they were a perfect fit for the space. High quality
fabric and great price for a fully custom pleated curtain.
Arturo A. Verified Buyer
United States
Bamboo shades
Natural Ramie Bamboo Woven Shade - Coconut
These shades are beautiful! The price is amazing and they look so high end!
Val Verified Buyer
United States
Liz Linen Roman Shade Cordless
The quality and look of my drapes are PERFECTION-- top notch! The customer
service has been excellent, too!
Emily Verified Buyer
United States
Love my drapes!!!
Jawara Linen Cotton Sample Booklet
The drapes we ordered are beautiful! The quality is perfect. They are gorgeous
both closed and open. We did order too long of a rod for the extra wide 3 panel
sliding door. The rod sagged on each side of the metal wall bracket when we hung
the drapes. To solve this we inserted a steel rod inside the curtain rod. In
retrospect we should have ordered a stronger curtain rod for longer length
drapes. But what we did is working nicely and we LOVE the drapes!!! Also the
beige color is perfect with our swiss mocha wall color.
Julie C. Verified Buyer
United States
Beautiful curtains
Collaborate with TWOPAGES Agreement
These curtains are stunning! High end look that’s well worth it! Beautiful!
Alma T. Verified Buyer
United States
Rubbish and nonsense
Liz Roman Shade
Worst quality ever. Bad customer service. They would never reply you.
Eniola A. Verified Buyer
Love it
Natural Jute Bamboo Woven Shade - Bark
These shades are beautiful!
Val Verified Buyer
United States
Liz Linen Curtains with Border Trim (Sold per Pair)
The trim border options are so versatile, they make my rooms look chic and
Sophia D. Verified Buyer
These curtains are everything!
64 Trim Border Tapes
I could. It be more please with the quality and outstanding customer service. I
ordered Isabella paper white for my guest room and it’s is absolutely gorgeous!
I plan to order them now for my master bedroom, and with a tape trim in the
beige white Isabella. They are a perfect heavy weight so no too thick or thin. I
did a privacy liner and 75” panels each for a 80” window space. Perfection!
Anna M. Verified Buyer
United States
Best Curtains
Collaborate with TWOPAGES Agreement
Obsessed with the quality and the look. Will never buy another curtain!
Erin W. Verified Buyer
United States
Love Them!
Liz Polyester Linen Drape Pleated
Overall my favorite curtains out there! Quality is great and easy to hang. I
have clients who ordered the product and also love them!
Ashley H. Verified Buyer
United States
Collaborate with TWOPAGES Agreement
Ordering was easy! They arrived in a timely fashion and well boxed! I was able
to install them myself! The Roman shades work like a charm and can’t wait to add
them when we move to our new home. Highly recommend
Antoinette E. Verified Buyer
United States
Great Value and Exactly as Promised
Liz Polyester Linen Drape Pleated
Received exactly what was expected, when promised for a fair price.
Pamela H. Verified Buyer
United States
The best pinch pleat curtains
Collaborate with TWOPAGES Agreement
Obsessed with our new plaid curtains.
Theresa I. Verified Buyer
United States
Stunning Drapes
Selman Dupioni Silk Drapery Pleated
I'm so impressed with the quality and design of these drapes! The dupioni fabric
is beautiful with an elegant sheen and the adjustable hooks give you flexibility
when hanging. I ordered the Ivory/Beige and their beautiful warm tone creates a
soft contrast with our white walls. Overall, very pleased with these curtains
and look forward to ordering more!
Courtney D. Verified Buyer
United States
Very pretty!
Florida Embossed White Sheer Curtain Pleated
I ordered the Florida Slub White pinch pleat sheers. I was nervous to purchase
them based on the small swatches that we receive in the booklets. I really
needed something to match the same pure white because I have the Isabella cotton
linen curtains in the colour Paper White, also from Two Pages. My order came
earlier than anticipated and are soooo pretty I love them. The Slub White D98-11
colour is a pure white no yellow tone which is EXACTLY what I wanted. I will be
ordering 3 more sets in the near future! The sheer is the one on the right in
the photo. I need to purchase more curtain rings, but could not wait to see one
of the sheers on the window.
Jess Verified Buyer
View more

Why Twopages?

Honest Pricing

Rather than purposefully increasing prices, in exchange for discounts, we
provide a low price, guarantee year-round, provided that it is made to order in
the US.

Direct from Manufacturer

By purchasing from the manufacturer directly, we can maintain our prices by 40%
to 70%, inferior to other stores. All panels are crafted by our in-house tailors
with care.

Eco-Friendly Fabrics

Our fabrics are all Oeko-Tex Standard 100 certified. They don't have any
dangerous substances and work well together the surroundings.

24/7 Support

We work hard to deliver excellent customer service. Send us an email at

From the Blog
View all
Top 10 Dining Room Curtain Ideas Recommended by Interior Designer
If you are seeking to elevate the style and ambiance of your dining space,
curtains can play a significant role in transforming the overall look and feel.
But, we understand it’s about striking the perfect balance between functionality
and aesthetics. That’s why we compiled this curated list - 10 dining room
curtain ideas that cater to different tastes and preferences.  Whether you're
looking to add a touch of elegance, or create a cozy atmosphere, or simply
update your dining room's vibe – curtains are an absolute game-changer. They
effortlessly tie together the entire look, turning a plain room into a statement
of sophistication. Each one of these dining room curtain ideas has been
carefully selected to inspire and captivate, providing you with valuable
insights for your dining area makeover. What Type of Curtain Would Be Suitable
for the Dining Room? Here are some modern curtains for dining room  Sheer
curtains Linen curtains  Cotton curtains  Blackout curtains  Silk cur...
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How to Measure Windows for Blinds & Shade
Blinds and shades are the top choices for window coverings, particularly in
North America and Europe. They are favored for their clean look and excellent
light control. The popularity of blackout products is also on the rise
worldwide. That’s why it’s crucial to understand how to measure and size your
windows accurately, especially when considering custom blinds and shades.  By
following this simple guide, you can ensure that your window treatments fit
perfectly ---- adding an elegant and sophisticated touch to your home. How to
Measure Windows for Blinds or Shades Mounted on the Inside Step 1: Measure the
Width Start your window measurement on the inside frame in three spots: the top,
middle, and bottom. Why three? Well, windows aren’t always perfectly
symmetrical. Once you have the measurements, pick the narrowest width of the
three. This ensures your blinds will fit snugly and look fantastic. Step 2:
Measure the Height We take measurements on the left, middle, and right sides
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Belgian Linen Curtains:An Essential Master Piece to Elevate Your Home Ambience
Navigation The Aesthetic and Practical Appeal of Belgian Linen Curtains The
Timeless Impact of Belgian Linen Curtains The Lasting Charm and Benefits of
Belgian Linen Curtains Belgian linen, renowned globally for its superior
quality, is a natural fabric made from the flax plant, grown abundantly in the
cool European climate. This fabric, steeped in a rich history dating back to
ancient Egyptian times, combines a rustic aesthetic appeal with a soft, airy
quality that sets it apart from other materials[1]. In this article, we delve
into the world of Belgian linen curtains, exploring their inherent beauty,
practicality, and their ability to enhance the homely atmosphere. We will
unravel the magic of these natural wonders, helping you understand why Belgian
linen curtains could be the perfect addition to your home.So, let's pull back
the curtain, and start journey into the heart of your home's potential
transformation. The Aesthetic and Practical Appeal of Belgian Linen Curtains    
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Divide and Personalize: Using Curtains for Room Separation in Your Home
Navigation Choosing the Right Curtain: Aesthetics and Function Practical Guide:
Hanging Curtains for Room Division Conclusion The place we call 'home' is more
than just a shelter-it's an expression of our personal tastes, a sanctuary where
we rest and recharge, and a space where memories are made. And within this
special space, one of the most fundamental challenges lies in dividing and
defining areas. Conventional methods like walls or screens might seem like the
obvious choice, but have you ever thought about using curtains? Yes, you heard
it right, the curtain! It's an overlooked game-changer in home décor, redefining
spaces while adding a layer of aesthetics and personal style. Let's delve into
the creative and practical world of using curtains for room separation-a
transformative journey that goes beyond the traditional role of curtains as mere
window coverings. Choosing the Right Curtain: Aesthetics and Function    
Stepping off from our introductory thoughts, the first que...
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What Are the Difference between High-Quality and Low-Quality Belgian Linen
In the realm of window treatments, Belgian linen curtains stand as a symbol of
sophistication and elegance. But like any other product, they come in different
grades of quality. Understanding the nuances that separate high-quality Belgian
linen curtains from their less stellar counterparts is crucial. This knowledge
allows you to make informed decisions, ensuring that you invest in window
treatments that not only elevate your interior aesthetics but also stand the
test of time. In this article, we'll pull back the curtain on this topic,
revealing the distinctive factors that set high-quality Belgian linen curtains
apart. By the end of this read, you'll be well-equipped to discern quality in
Belgian linen curtains, ensuring that your windows are always dressed in the
best. Defining Quality in Belgian Linen Curtains To begin our exploration of
Belgian linen curtains, it's essential to establish what constitutes quality in
this realm. Several factors contribute to the high quality o...
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Why are Belgian Linen Curtains Considered High-End Window Treatments?
When it comes to window treatments, not all fabrics are created equal. Some
curtains merely provide a barrier to light and prying eyes, while others elevate
a space to new heights of sophistication. Among these, Belgian linen curtains
stand out as a definitive symbol of high-end design and refined taste. They
grace the windows of elegant homes and chic businesses, adding an air of
understated luxury that is hard to match. But what sets these curtains apart
from the rest? Why are they considered the crème de la crème of window
treatments? This article will take you on a journey through the world of Belgian
linen curtains, revealing the factors that make them a preferred choice for
those seeking the perfect blend of aesthetics, quality, and luxury. Let's pull
back the curtain on this unique fabric and explore why it holds such a coveted
spot in the world of interior design. Belgian Linen: A Symbol of Luxury In the
world of textiles, the "Belgian linen" tag is synonymous with lu...
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The Ultimate Guide to Different Types of Curtains: Linen, Cotton, Velvet, Silk
and More
Navigation Introduction Common Types of Curtains Linen Curtains Cotton Curtains
Velvet Curtains Silk Curtains Other Popular Types of Curtains Choosing the Right
Type of Curtain for Your Home Conclusion and Final Thoughts on Types of Curtains
Introduction Choosing curtains for your windows involves more than color and
pattern. The type of curtain fabric is equally important in determining
everything from how light filters and heat escapes to care requirements and
wrinkle resistance. The Ultimate Guide to Different Types of Curtains outlines
the materials available and suits them to your space and needs. Common Types of
Curtains Linen: Breathable linen curtains keep rooms cool in summer and allow
light to pass through. The curtains require minimal maintenance beyond spot
cleaning. Great for crisp, coastal, and cottage styles. Cotton: Natural cotton
is durable and affordable. It absorbs moisture and lets air through, regulating
temperature well. Cotton curtains may be prone to wr...
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The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Right Curtains for Your Home
Navigation Factors to Consider When Choosing Curtains How to Measure for
Curtains Hanging Curtains: 9 Tips and Tricks Maintenance and Cleaning of
Curtains Conclusion Choosing curtains for your home is one of the easiest yet
often overlooked decorating tasks. Whether you're looking to cover windows for
privacy, add softness to a space, filter light, or complete your home's visual
aesthetic, selecting the perfect curtains will transform your living experience
at home. Factors to Consider When Choosing Curtains Curtains can make or break a
space, so it's important to consider your needs and personal style illustrated
as below: Are the curtains primarily for light filtration or privacy? Linings
and heavyweight fabrics suit light control while opaque options block view.
Light-filtering fabrics include cotton duck, linen, seersucker, and linen
blends. Blackout linings or interlinings provide complete coverage. How open or
closed do you keep the curtains? Choose a length, full/floor-le...
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Comments Count
Designer Curtains!Surprise Unboxing!🧸 Make your living room a haven that
reflects your personality and impresses your guests. Elevate your space with
beautiful curtains. Product: Liz Polyester Linen Drape Color: Burlywood Birch
1908-05 Hanging Header Style: Pinch Pleat Lining Type: Room Darkening Liner Body
Memory Shaped Training cr:@houseofkeene #twopagescurtains #twopageshome
#interiorinspo #livingroominspiration #homedecor #homedecorideas
#homedesignideas #designideas #designtips #decoinspo #parisianvibe
Designer Curtains!Surprise Unboxing!🧸 Make your living room a haven that
reflects your personality and impresses your guests. Elevate your space with
beautiful curtains. Product: Liz Polyester Linen Drape Color: Burlywood Birch
1908-05 Hanging Header Style: Pinch Pleat Lining Type: Room Darkening Liner Body
Memory Shaped Training cr:@houseofkeene #twopagescurtains #twopageshome
#interiorinspo #livingroominspiration #homedecor #homedecorideas
#homedesignideas #designideas #designtips #decoinspo #parisianvibe
Comments Count
Squeee! My new memory shaped, pleated curtains from @twopagescurtains are
actually trained to keep their folds in place, not only defining the amazing
pleats but redefining my living spaces. There were so many design options to
pick from and I’m so very happy with Khaki block beige print I chose, it is both
charming and timeless. Quality, custom drapery without the steep price tag! Find
the link in my bio and use code ANNVALLOTTON for 8% off! . . . . #twopageshome
#twopagescurtains #frenchcountrystyle #blockprintfabric #cozyhome
#customcurtains #windowtreatments #gifted #neutralhome #countryhomrstyle
Squeee! My new memory shaped, pleated curtains from @twopagescurtains are
actually trained to keep their folds in place, not only defining the amazing
pleats but redefining my living spaces. There were so many design options to
pick from and I’m so very happy with Khaki block beige print I chose, it is both
charming and timeless. Quality, custom drapery without the steep price tag! Find
the link in my bio and use code ANNVALLOTTON for 8% off! . . . . #twopageshome
#twopagescurtains #frenchcountrystyle #blockprintfabric #cozyhome
#customcurtains #windowtreatments #gifted #neutralhome #countryhomrstyle
Likes Count
Comments Count
We finally got to the stage of moving where we are unpacked and can install fun
things like window treatments🤩 I love how this combo turned out! Shades and
drapes both from @twopagescurtains - (you can use my code BESS for a discount!)
deets below ⬇️ and also linked the exact items in my @shop.ltk here: Shades: Natural Paper Bamboo Woven Shade - Marble White
- Outside Mount, unlined Curtains: Isabella Heavyweight Polyester Cotton Blend
Drapery Pleated in Beige White- Pinch Pleat, Unlined #ltkhome #twopagescurtains
#gifted #windowtreatments #homedecor #homeinspo #twopageshome
We finally got to the stage of moving where we are unpacked and can install fun
things like window treatments🤩 I love how this combo turned out! Shades and
drapes both from @twopagescurtains - (you can use my code BESS for a discount!)
deets below ⬇️ and also linked the exact items in my @shop.ltk here: Shades: Natural Paper Bamboo Woven Shade - Marble White
- Outside Mount, unlined Curtains: Isabella Heavyweight Polyester Cotton Blend
Drapery Pleated in Beige White- Pinch Pleat, Unlined #ltkhome #twopagescurtains
#gifted #windowtreatments #homedecor #homeinspo #twopageshome

Comments Count
Give your space a fresh and cozy spring update with our ready-made curtains!🌷
Enjoy 12% off and free shipping within 48 hours. Shop now on our website to
bring a touch of spring into your home! #twopagescurtains #twopageshome
#springvibes #springhomedecor #springtime #springhome #neutralhome #ltkhome
#homedecor #homedetails #homeinspo4you #homestyling #curtain #sale
Give your space a fresh and cozy spring update with our ready-made curtains!🌷
Enjoy 12% off and free shipping within 48 hours. Shop now on our website to
bring a touch of spring into your home! #twopagescurtains #twopageshome
#springvibes #springhomedecor #springtime #springhome #neutralhome #ltkhome
#homedecor #homedetails #homeinspo4you #homestyling #curtain #sale
Likes Count
Comments Count
Curtain upgrade 🤎 I’ve been looking for the perfect pleated curtains for a
while now and came accross @twopagescurtains I’m absolutely obsessed with them,
what do you think? Gifted Details: Liz Linen Drape Pleated curtains Grey beige
Triple Pleat Memory shape Use SADIEHUGHES for 8% off. #ad #curtains
#discoverunder10k #neutraldecor #neutralstyle #neutralhome #bedroomdesign
#bedroominspo #shutters #pencilpleatcurtains #homeaccessories
Curtain upgrade 🤎 I’ve been looking for the perfect pleated curtains for a
while now and came accross @twopagescurtains I’m absolutely obsessed with them,
what do you think? Gifted Details: Liz Linen Drape Pleated curtains Grey beige
Triple Pleat Memory shape Use SADIEHUGHES for 8% off. #ad #curtains
#discoverunder10k #neutraldecor #neutralstyle #neutralhome #bedroomdesign
#bedroominspo #shutters #pencilpleatcurtains #homeaccessories

Comments Count
Spring into style by adding Curtains in your home to instantly refresh your
sanctuary!🤍💙💜 "Our stunning custom curtains from TWOPAGES are such game
changers in our home! I went years without window treatments over here and I
don’t know what took me so long. Chic, elegant, sophisticated and custom for a
fraction of the cost!" Curtains Details: -Fabric: Jawara -Trim: N21 -Color: Off
White J401-7 -Header style: Triple pleat -Liner: Privacy -Memory Shape: Yes
(cr:@citrineliving) #twopagescurtains #twopageshome #interiordesign #interiors
#homeinteriors #dreamhome #homedesign #construction #renovation #homedecor
#homedecorideas #homedesignideas #designideas #designtips #interiorstyling
Spring into style by adding Curtains in your home to instantly refresh your
sanctuary!🤍💙💜 "Our stunning custom curtains from TWOPAGES are such game
changers in our home! I went years without window treatments over here and I
don’t know what took me so long. Chic, elegant, sophisticated and custom for a
fraction of the cost!" Curtains Details: -Fabric: Jawara -Trim: N21 -Color: Off
White J401-7 -Header style: Triple pleat -Liner: Privacy -Memory Shape: Yes
(cr:@citrineliving) #twopagescurtains #twopageshome #interiordesign #interiors
#homeinteriors #dreamhome #homedesign #construction #renovation #homedecor
#homedecorideas #homedesignideas #designideas #designtips #interiorstyling
Likes Count
Comments Count
New drapes from @twopagescurtains ! Here’s how to get the look - Product name :
Isabella Heavyweight Polyester Cotton Blend Drapery Pleated Color :Off White
7084-5 Header style : Triple Pleat Single panel width and length in inches : 50”
wide x 95” long Liner type : Privacy  Memory Shape: Yes #twopageshome #gifted
New drapes from @twopagescurtains ! Here’s how to get the look - Product name :
Isabella Heavyweight Polyester Cotton Blend Drapery Pleated Color :Off White
7084-5 Header style : Triple Pleat Single panel width and length in inches : 50”
wide x 95” long Liner type : Privacy  Memory Shape: Yes #twopageshome #gifted

Comments Count
These gorgeous curtains from @twopagescurtains truly deserve their moment.
(gifted) I’m still amazed by how custom curtains can effortlessly elevate a
room.😍 These completely customizable curtains come in a large variety of styles
and colors, not to mention all of their fabrics are eco-friendly.🌿 Use code
CRYSTALBONEY at checkout for discount.🤎 Curtain details: Liz linen drape
pleated Beige white Triple pleat Thermal shading 100% Memory shape ✨ FOLLOW
@ashryhome for more home design and styling inspiration. Gallery wall | interior
design | home | collected | vintage | moody | living room | dining room |
bathroom | vintage | thrifted | love your space #twopagescurtains #customdrapes
#curtains #interiorstyling #interiordesign #collectedhome #vintagemodern
#organichome #moodyvibes #livingroom #moodygrams #neutraldecor #ecofriendly
These gorgeous curtains from @twopagescurtains truly deserve their moment.
(gifted) I’m still amazed by how custom curtains can effortlessly elevate a
room.😍 These completely customizable curtains come in a large variety of styles
and colors, not to mention all of their fabrics are eco-friendly.🌿 Use code
CRYSTALBONEY at checkout for discount.🤎 Curtain details: Liz linen drape
pleated Beige white Triple pleat Thermal shading 100% Memory shape ✨ FOLLOW
@ashryhome for more home design and styling inspiration. Gallery wall | interior
design | home | collected | vintage | moody | living room | dining room |
bathroom | vintage | thrifted | love your space #twopagescurtains #customdrapes
#curtains #interiorstyling #interiordesign #collectedhome #vintagemodern
#organichome #moodyvibes #livingroom #moodygrams #neutraldecor #ecofriendly



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