Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL:
Effective URL:
Submission: On March 10 via api from US — Scanned from DK

Form analysis 17 forms found in the DOM

GET /shop/

<form class="top-search-form ng-pristine ng-valid" method="get" action="/shop/">
  <div class="input-group xsmall">
    <input type="text" class="form-input input-group-main" placeholder="Indtast søgning" name="search" required="">
    <span class="input-group-button"><button class="button" type="submit">Søg</button></span>

GET /shop/

<form method="get" action="/shop/" class="ng-pristine ng-valid">
  <div class="panel-heading b-search-header b-header">
    <span class="h5">Søgning</span>
  <div class="panel-body">
    <div class="input-group xsmall">
      <input type="text" class="form-input small" placeholder="Indtast søgning" name="search" required="">
      <span class="input-group-button"><button class="button" type="submit">Søg</button></span>

POST /actions/cart/add

<form method="post" action="/actions/cart/add" class="ng-pristine ng-valid">
  <figure class="image m-productlist-figure">
    <!-- Product splashes, news, discount and sold out -->
    <div class="splash m-productlist-splash" data-ng-show="::settings.show_product_icons">
      <!-- Product splashes, news, discount and sold out -->
      <div class="splash m-productlist-splash" data-ng-show="::settings.show_product_icons">
        <!-- NEW icon if newer than 30 days (2.592.000 seconds) -->
        <!-- ngIf: ::isNew -->
        <!-- DISCOUNT icon if discount it active -->
        <!-- ngIf: onSale -->
        <!-- SOLD OUT icon if not in stock -->
        <!-- ngIf: soldout -->
    <!-- Product image -->
    <a data-ng-href="/shop/49-duelighedsbevis-og-sejlbaadskurser/33-duelighedsbevis---online-/" class="m-productlist-link" href="/shop/49-duelighedsbevis-og-sejlbaadskurser/33-duelighedsbevis---online-/">
                <img class="responsive m-productlist-image" data-ng-src="" src="" alt="Duelighedsbevis - online ">
  <div class="content product-description">
    <!-- Product title and brand -->
    <header class="title m-productlist-heading" data-equalizer="widget-productlist-1-heading" style="height: 116px;">
      <a data-ng-href="/shop/49-duelighedsbevis-og-sejlbaadskurser/33-duelighedsbevis---online-/" class="is-block m-productlist-link" href="/shop/49-duelighedsbevis-og-sejlbaadskurser/33-duelighedsbevis---online-/">
                    <h4 class="h5 m-productlist-title" data-ng-bind-html="::product.Title">Duelighedsbevis - online </h4>
      <!-- ngIf: ::product.ProducerHandle --><a class="m-productlist-brand-link" data-ng-if="::product.ProducerHandle" data-ng-href="/shop/?brand=2-nautic-marine" href="/shop/?brand=2-nautic-marine">
                    <span class="is-block m-productlist-brand" data-ng-bind-html="::product.ProducerTitle">Nautic Marine</span>
                </a><!-- end ngIf: ::product.ProducerHandle -->
      <!-- Item number -->
      <!-- ngIf: ::settings.shop_product_number && itemNumber -->
    <!-- Stock status -->
    <!-- ngIf: ::settings.shop_product_delivery_time && settings.shop_product_delivery_time_list -->
    <div class="product-delivery m-productlist-stock" data-ng-if="::settings.shop_product_delivery_time &amp;&amp; settings.shop_product_delivery_time_list">
      <p data-delivery-text=""><i data-ng-show="settings.shop_product_delivery_time == 'texticon' || deliveryId < 1" class="fa fa-fw fa-check" data-ng-class="{'fa-clock-o': isSoldout, 'fa-check': !isSoldout}"></i><span
          data-ng-bind-html="deliveryText">På lager</span> <!-- ngIf: !stockIsNaN && deliveryId == 0 && hasChosenVariant && !isSoldout && product.Type !== 'packet' --></p>
    </div><!-- end ngIf: ::settings.shop_product_delivery_time && settings.shop_product_delivery_time_list -->
    <!-- Description -->
    <!-- ngIf:  -->
    <!-- Rating visually made with FontAwesome -->
    <!-- ngIf: ::settings.module_shop_review_products -->
  <!-- Prices and transaction -->
  <div class="content product-transaction m-productlist-transactions" data-equalizer="widget-productlist-1-transactions" style="height: 53px;">
    <div class="variant_wrapper" style="display: none;">
      <!-- ngIf: ::showVariants -->
    <!-- Price calculation of Product -->
    <!-- ngIf: ::showPrices -->
    <div class="prices" data-ng-if="::showPrices">
      <!-- Discount price -->
      <!-- ngIf: discount -->
      <!-- Price -->
      <span class="m-productlist-price h5 is-block" data-ng-bind-html="price">996,00 DKK</span>
      <!-- Various price info -->
      <div class="product-various-price-info">
        <!-- VAT -->
        <!-- ngIf: ::settings.shop_product_tax_after_price -->
        <!-- Cheapest combo -->
        <!-- ngIf: combo -->
        <!-- VAT -->
        <!-- ngIf: ::settings.shop_product_tax_after_price && combo -->
        <!-- Price terms -->
        <!-- ngIf: ::shop.priceTerms -->
    </div><!-- end ngIf: ::showPrices -->
  <!-- Action -->
  <!-- ngIf: showButtons -->

POST /actions/cart/add

<form method="post" action="/actions/cart/add" class="ng-pristine ng-valid">
  <figure class="image m-productlist-figure">
    <!-- Product splashes, news, discount and sold out -->
    <div class="splash m-productlist-splash" data-ng-show="::settings.show_product_icons">
      <!-- Product splashes, news, discount and sold out -->
      <div class="splash m-productlist-splash" data-ng-show="::settings.show_product_icons">
        <!-- NEW icon if newer than 30 days (2.592.000 seconds) -->
        <!-- ngIf: ::isNew -->
        <!-- DISCOUNT icon if discount it active -->
        <!-- ngIf: onSale -->
        <!-- SOLD OUT icon if not in stock -->
        <!-- ngIf: soldout -->
    <!-- Product image -->
    <a data-ng-href="/shop/25-speedbaadskoerekort/12-httpsnauticmarinedkshop25-speedbaadskoerekort12-speedbaad-plus-/" class="m-productlist-link" href="/shop/25-speedbaadskoerekort/12-httpsnauticmarinedkshop25-speedbaadskoerekort12-speedbaad-plus-/">
                <img class="responsive m-productlist-image" data-ng-src="" src="" alt="Speedbåd PLUS ">
  <div class="content product-description">
    <!-- Product title and brand -->
    <header class="title m-productlist-heading" data-equalizer="widget-productlist-1-heading" style="height: 116px;">
      <a data-ng-href="/shop/25-speedbaadskoerekort/12-httpsnauticmarinedkshop25-speedbaadskoerekort12-speedbaad-plus-/" class="is-block m-productlist-link" href="/shop/25-speedbaadskoerekort/12-httpsnauticmarinedkshop25-speedbaadskoerekort12-speedbaad-plus-/">
                    <h4 class="h5 m-productlist-title" data-ng-bind-html="::product.Title">Speedbåd PLUS </h4>
      <!-- ngIf: ::product.ProducerHandle --><a class="m-productlist-brand-link" data-ng-if="::product.ProducerHandle" data-ng-href="/shop/?brand=2-nautic-marine" href="/shop/?brand=2-nautic-marine">
                    <span class="is-block m-productlist-brand" data-ng-bind-html="::product.ProducerTitle">Nautic Marine</span>
                </a><!-- end ngIf: ::product.ProducerHandle -->
      <!-- Item number -->
      <!-- ngIf: ::settings.shop_product_number && itemNumber -->
    <!-- Stock status -->
    <!-- ngIf: ::settings.shop_product_delivery_time && settings.shop_product_delivery_time_list -->
    <div class="product-delivery m-productlist-stock" data-ng-if="::settings.shop_product_delivery_time &amp;&amp; settings.shop_product_delivery_time_list">
      <p data-delivery-text=""><i data-ng-show="settings.shop_product_delivery_time == 'texticon' || deliveryId < 1" class="fa fa-fw fa-check" data-ng-class="{'fa-clock-o': isSoldout, 'fa-check': !isSoldout}"></i><span
          data-ng-bind-html="deliveryText">På lager</span> <!-- ngIf: !stockIsNaN && deliveryId == 0 && hasChosenVariant && !isSoldout && product.Type !== 'packet' --></p>
    </div><!-- end ngIf: ::settings.shop_product_delivery_time && settings.shop_product_delivery_time_list -->
    <!-- Description -->
    <!-- ngIf:  -->
    <!-- Rating visually made with FontAwesome -->
    <!-- ngIf: ::settings.module_shop_review_products -->
  <!-- Prices and transaction -->
  <div class="content product-transaction m-productlist-transactions" data-equalizer="widget-productlist-1-transactions" style="height: 53px;">
    <div class="variant_wrapper" style="display: none;">
      <!-- ngIf: ::showVariants -->
    <!-- Price calculation of Product -->
    <!-- ngIf: ::showPrices -->
    <div class="prices" data-ng-if="::showPrices">
      <!-- Discount price -->
      <!-- ngIf: discount -->
      <!-- Price -->
      <span class="m-productlist-price h5 is-block" data-ng-bind-html="price">1.495,00 DKK</span>
      <!-- Various price info -->
      <div class="product-various-price-info">
        <!-- VAT -->
        <!-- ngIf: ::settings.shop_product_tax_after_price -->
        <!-- Cheapest combo -->
        <!-- ngIf: combo -->
        <!-- VAT -->
        <!-- ngIf: ::settings.shop_product_tax_after_price && combo -->
        <!-- Price terms -->
        <!-- ngIf: ::shop.priceTerms -->
    </div><!-- end ngIf: ::showPrices -->
  <!-- Action -->
  <!-- ngIf: showButtons -->

POST /actions/cart/add

<form method="post" action="/actions/cart/add" class="ng-pristine ng-valid">
  <figure class="image m-productlist-figure">
    <!-- Product splashes, news, discount and sold out -->
    <div class="splash m-productlist-splash" data-ng-show="::settings.show_product_icons">
      <!-- Product splashes, news, discount and sold out -->
      <div class="splash m-productlist-splash" data-ng-show="::settings.show_product_icons">
        <!-- NEW icon if newer than 30 days (2.592.000 seconds) -->
        <!-- ngIf: ::isNew -->
        <!-- DISCOUNT icon if discount it active -->
        <!-- ngIf: onSale -->
        <!-- SOLD OUT icon if not in stock -->
        <!-- ngIf: soldout -->
    <!-- Product image -->
    <a data-ng-href="/shop/6-dykkerkurser/10-open-water-kursus-/" class="m-productlist-link" href="/shop/6-dykkerkurser/10-open-water-kursus-/">
                <img class="responsive m-productlist-image" data-ng-src="" src="" alt="Open water kursus ">
  <div class="content product-description">
    <!-- Product title and brand -->
    <header class="title m-productlist-heading" data-equalizer="widget-productlist-1-heading" style="height: 116px;">
      <a data-ng-href="/shop/6-dykkerkurser/10-open-water-kursus-/" class="is-block m-productlist-link" href="/shop/6-dykkerkurser/10-open-water-kursus-/">
                    <h4 class="h5 m-productlist-title" data-ng-bind-html="::product.Title">Open water kursus </h4>
      <!-- ngIf: ::product.ProducerHandle --><a class="m-productlist-brand-link" data-ng-if="::product.ProducerHandle" data-ng-href="/shop/?brand=3-padi" href="/shop/?brand=3-padi">
                    <span class="is-block m-productlist-brand" data-ng-bind-html="::product.ProducerTitle">PADI</span>
                </a><!-- end ngIf: ::product.ProducerHandle -->
      <!-- Item number -->
      <!-- ngIf: ::settings.shop_product_number && itemNumber -->
    <!-- Stock status -->
    <!-- ngIf: ::settings.shop_product_delivery_time && settings.shop_product_delivery_time_list -->
    <div class="product-delivery m-productlist-stock" data-ng-if="::settings.shop_product_delivery_time &amp;&amp; settings.shop_product_delivery_time_list">
      <p data-delivery-text=""><i data-ng-show="settings.shop_product_delivery_time == 'texticon' || deliveryId < 1" class="fa fa-fw fa-check" data-ng-class="{'fa-clock-o': isSoldout, 'fa-check': !isSoldout}"></i><span
          data-ng-bind-html="deliveryText">På lager</span> <!-- ngIf: !stockIsNaN && deliveryId == 0 && hasChosenVariant && !isSoldout && product.Type !== 'packet' --></p>
    </div><!-- end ngIf: ::settings.shop_product_delivery_time && settings.shop_product_delivery_time_list -->
    <!-- Description -->
    <!-- ngIf:  -->
    <!-- Rating visually made with FontAwesome -->
    <!-- ngIf: ::settings.module_shop_review_products -->
  <!-- Prices and transaction -->
  <div class="content product-transaction m-productlist-transactions" data-equalizer="widget-productlist-1-transactions" style="height: 53px;">
    <div class="variant_wrapper" style="display: none;">
      <!-- ngIf: ::showVariants -->
    <!-- Price calculation of Product -->
    <!-- ngIf: ::showPrices -->
    <div class="prices" data-ng-if="::showPrices">
      <!-- Discount price -->
      <!-- ngIf: discount -->
      <!-- Price -->
      <span class="m-productlist-price h5 is-block" data-ng-bind-html="price">3.995,00 DKK</span>
      <!-- Various price info -->
      <div class="product-various-price-info">
        <!-- VAT -->
        <!-- ngIf: ::settings.shop_product_tax_after_price -->
        <!-- Cheapest combo -->
        <!-- ngIf: combo -->
        <!-- VAT -->
        <!-- ngIf: ::settings.shop_product_tax_after_price && combo -->
        <!-- Price terms -->
        <!-- ngIf: ::shop.priceTerms -->
    </div><!-- end ngIf: ::showPrices -->
  <!-- Action -->
  <!-- ngIf: showButtons -->

POST /actions/cart/add

<form method="post" action="/actions/cart/add" class="ng-pristine ng-valid">
  <figure class="image m-productlist-figure">
    <!-- Product splashes, news, discount and sold out -->
    <div class="splash m-productlist-splash" data-ng-show="::settings.show_product_icons">
      <!-- Product splashes, news, discount and sold out -->
      <div class="splash m-productlist-splash" data-ng-show="::settings.show_product_icons">
        <!-- NEW icon if newer than 30 days (2.592.000 seconds) -->
        <!-- ngIf: ::isNew -->
        <!-- DISCOUNT icon if discount it active -->
        <!-- ngIf: onSale -->
        <!-- SOLD OUT icon if not in stock -->
        <!-- ngIf: soldout -->
    <!-- Product image -->
    <a data-ng-href="/shop/7-yachtskipper/32-yachtskipper-3-greve--klasseundervisning/" class="m-productlist-link" href="/shop/7-yachtskipper/32-yachtskipper-3-greve--klasseundervisning/">
                <img class="responsive m-productlist-image" data-ng-src="" src="" alt="Yachtskipper 3 Greve  klasseundervisning">
  <div class="content product-description">
    <!-- Product title and brand -->
    <header class="title m-productlist-heading" data-equalizer="widget-productlist-1-heading" style="height: 116px;">
      <a data-ng-href="/shop/7-yachtskipper/32-yachtskipper-3-greve--klasseundervisning/" class="is-block m-productlist-link" href="/shop/7-yachtskipper/32-yachtskipper-3-greve--klasseundervisning/">
                    <h4 class="h5 m-productlist-title" data-ng-bind-html="::product.Title">Yachtskipper 3 Greve  klasseundervisning</h4>
      <!-- ngIf: ::product.ProducerHandle --><a class="m-productlist-brand-link" data-ng-if="::product.ProducerHandle" data-ng-href="/shop/?brand=2-nautic-marine" href="/shop/?brand=2-nautic-marine">
                    <span class="is-block m-productlist-brand" data-ng-bind-html="::product.ProducerTitle">Nautic Marine</span>
                </a><!-- end ngIf: ::product.ProducerHandle -->
      <!-- Item number -->
      <!-- ngIf: ::settings.shop_product_number && itemNumber -->
    <!-- Stock status -->
    <!-- ngIf: ::settings.shop_product_delivery_time && settings.shop_product_delivery_time_list -->
    <div class="product-delivery m-productlist-stock" data-ng-if="::settings.shop_product_delivery_time &amp;&amp; settings.shop_product_delivery_time_list">
      <p data-delivery-text=""><i data-ng-show="settings.shop_product_delivery_time == 'texticon' || deliveryId < 1" class="fa fa-fw fa-check" data-ng-class="{'fa-clock-o': isSoldout, 'fa-check': !isSoldout}"></i><span
          data-ng-bind-html="deliveryText">På lager</span> <!-- ngIf: !stockIsNaN && deliveryId == 0 && hasChosenVariant && !isSoldout && product.Type !== 'packet' --></p>
    </div><!-- end ngIf: ::settings.shop_product_delivery_time && settings.shop_product_delivery_time_list -->
    <!-- Description -->
    <!-- ngIf:  -->
    <!-- Rating visually made with FontAwesome -->
    <!-- ngIf: ::settings.module_shop_review_products -->
  <!-- Prices and transaction -->
  <div class="content product-transaction m-productlist-transactions" data-equalizer="widget-productlist-1-transactions" style="height: 53px;">
    <div class="variant_wrapper" style="display: none;">
      <!-- ngIf: ::showVariants -->
    <!-- Price calculation of Product -->
    <!-- ngIf: ::showPrices -->
    <div class="prices" data-ng-if="::showPrices">
      <!-- Discount price -->
      <!-- ngIf: discount -->
      <!-- Price -->
      <span class="m-productlist-price h5 is-block" data-ng-bind-html="price">4.995,00 DKK</span>
      <!-- Various price info -->
      <div class="product-various-price-info">
        <!-- VAT -->
        <!-- ngIf: ::settings.shop_product_tax_after_price -->
        <!-- Cheapest combo -->
        <!-- ngIf: combo -->
        <!-- VAT -->
        <!-- ngIf: ::settings.shop_product_tax_after_price && combo -->
        <!-- Price terms -->
        <!-- ngIf: ::shop.priceTerms -->
    </div><!-- end ngIf: ::showPrices -->
  <!-- Action -->
  <!-- ngIf: showButtons -->

POST /actions/cart/add

<form method="post" action="/actions/cart/add" class="ng-pristine ng-valid">
  <figure class="image m-productlist-figure">
    <!-- Product splashes, news, discount and sold out -->
    <div class="splash m-productlist-splash" data-ng-show="::settings.show_product_icons">
      <!-- Product splashes, news, discount and sold out -->
      <div class="splash m-productlist-splash" data-ng-show="::settings.show_product_icons">
        <!-- NEW icon if newer than 30 days (2.592.000 seconds) -->
        <!-- ngIf: ::isNew -->
        <!-- DISCOUNT icon if discount it active -->
        <!-- ngIf: onSale -->
        <!-- SOLD OUT icon if not in stock -->
        <!-- ngIf: soldout -->
    <!-- Product image -->
    <a data-ng-href="/shop/53-gavekort/82-gavekort-duelighed-online-incl-materialer/" class="m-productlist-link" href="/shop/53-gavekort/82-gavekort-duelighed-online-incl-materialer/">
                <img class="responsive m-productlist-image" data-ng-src="" src="" alt="Gavekort Duelighed online, incl materialer">
  <div class="content product-description">
    <!-- Product title and brand -->
    <header class="title m-productlist-heading" data-equalizer="widget-productlist-1-heading" style="height: 116px;">
      <a data-ng-href="/shop/53-gavekort/82-gavekort-duelighed-online-incl-materialer/" class="is-block m-productlist-link" href="/shop/53-gavekort/82-gavekort-duelighed-online-incl-materialer/">
                    <h4 class="h5 m-productlist-title" data-ng-bind-html="::product.Title">Gavekort Duelighed online, incl materialer</h4>
      <!-- ngIf: ::product.ProducerHandle --><a class="m-productlist-brand-link" data-ng-if="::product.ProducerHandle" data-ng-href="/shop/?brand=2-nautic-marine" href="/shop/?brand=2-nautic-marine">
                    <span class="is-block m-productlist-brand" data-ng-bind-html="::product.ProducerTitle">Nautic Marine</span>
                </a><!-- end ngIf: ::product.ProducerHandle -->
      <!-- Item number -->
      <!-- ngIf: ::settings.shop_product_number && itemNumber -->
    <!-- Stock status -->
    <!-- ngIf: ::settings.shop_product_delivery_time && settings.shop_product_delivery_time_list -->
    <div class="product-delivery m-productlist-stock" data-ng-if="::settings.shop_product_delivery_time &amp;&amp; settings.shop_product_delivery_time_list">
      <p data-delivery-text=""><i data-ng-show="settings.shop_product_delivery_time == 'texticon' || deliveryId < 1" class="fa fa-fw fa-check" data-ng-class="{'fa-clock-o': isSoldout, 'fa-check': !isSoldout}"></i><span
          data-ng-bind-html="deliveryText">På lager</span> <!-- ngIf: !stockIsNaN && deliveryId == 0 && hasChosenVariant && !isSoldout && product.Type !== 'packet' --></p>
    </div><!-- end ngIf: ::settings.shop_product_delivery_time && settings.shop_product_delivery_time_list -->
    <!-- Description -->
    <!-- ngIf:  -->
    <!-- Rating visually made with FontAwesome -->
    <!-- ngIf: ::settings.module_shop_review_products -->
  <!-- Prices and transaction -->
  <div class="content product-transaction m-productlist-transactions" data-equalizer="widget-productlist-1-transactions" style="height: 53px;">
    <div class="variant_wrapper" style="display: none;">
      <!-- ngIf: ::showVariants -->
    <!-- Price calculation of Product -->
    <!-- ngIf: ::showPrices -->
    <div class="prices" data-ng-if="::showPrices">
      <!-- Discount price -->
      <!-- ngIf: discount -->
      <!-- Price -->
      <span class="m-productlist-price h5 is-block" data-ng-bind-html="price">1.550,00 DKK</span>
      <!-- Various price info -->
      <div class="product-various-price-info">
        <!-- VAT -->
        <!-- ngIf: ::settings.shop_product_tax_after_price -->
        <!-- Cheapest combo -->
        <!-- ngIf: combo -->
        <!-- VAT -->
        <!-- ngIf: ::settings.shop_product_tax_after_price && combo -->
        <!-- Price terms -->
        <!-- ngIf: ::shop.priceTerms -->
    </div><!-- end ngIf: ::showPrices -->
  <!-- Action -->
  <!-- ngIf: showButtons -->

POST /actions/cart/add

<form method="post" action="/actions/cart/add" class="ng-pristine ng-valid">
  <figure class="image m-productlist-figure">
    <!-- Product splashes, news, discount and sold out -->
    <div class="splash m-productlist-splash" data-ng-show="::settings.show_product_icons">
      <!-- Product splashes, news, discount and sold out -->
      <div class="splash m-productlist-splash" data-ng-show="::settings.show_product_icons">
        <!-- NEW icon if newer than 30 days (2.592.000 seconds) -->
        <!-- ngIf: ::isNew -->
        <!-- DISCOUNT icon if discount it active -->
        <!-- ngIf: onSale -->
        <!-- SOLD OUT icon if not in stock -->
        <!-- ngIf: soldout -->
    <!-- Product image -->
    <a data-ng-href="/shop/49-duelighedsbevis-og-sejlbaadskurser/29-duelighedsbevis-praktik---sejlbaad-weekend/" class="m-productlist-link" href="/shop/49-duelighedsbevis-og-sejlbaadskurser/29-duelighedsbevis-praktik---sejlbaad-weekend/">
                <img class="responsive m-productlist-image" data-ng-src="" src="" alt="Duelighedsbevis praktik - Sejlbåd Weekend">
  <div class="content product-description">
    <!-- Product title and brand -->
    <header class="title m-productlist-heading" data-equalizer="widget-productlist-1-heading" style="height: 116px;">
      <a data-ng-href="/shop/49-duelighedsbevis-og-sejlbaadskurser/29-duelighedsbevis-praktik---sejlbaad-weekend/" class="is-block m-productlist-link" href="/shop/49-duelighedsbevis-og-sejlbaadskurser/29-duelighedsbevis-praktik---sejlbaad-weekend/">
                    <h4 class="h5 m-productlist-title" data-ng-bind-html="::product.Title">Duelighedsbevis praktik - Sejlbåd Weekend</h4>
      <!-- ngIf: ::product.ProducerHandle --><a class="m-productlist-brand-link" data-ng-if="::product.ProducerHandle" data-ng-href="/shop/?brand=2-nautic-marine" href="/shop/?brand=2-nautic-marine">
                    <span class="is-block m-productlist-brand" data-ng-bind-html="::product.ProducerTitle">Nautic Marine</span>
                </a><!-- end ngIf: ::product.ProducerHandle -->
      <!-- Item number -->
      <!-- ngIf: ::settings.shop_product_number && itemNumber -->
    <!-- Stock status -->
    <!-- ngIf: ::settings.shop_product_delivery_time && settings.shop_product_delivery_time_list -->
    <div class="product-delivery m-productlist-stock" data-ng-if="::settings.shop_product_delivery_time &amp;&amp; settings.shop_product_delivery_time_list">
      <p data-delivery-text=""><i data-ng-show="settings.shop_product_delivery_time == 'texticon' || deliveryId < 1" class="fa fa-fw fa-check" data-ng-class="{'fa-clock-o': isSoldout, 'fa-check': !isSoldout}"></i><span
          data-ng-bind-html="deliveryText">På lager</span> <!-- ngIf: !stockIsNaN && deliveryId == 0 && hasChosenVariant && !isSoldout && product.Type !== 'packet' --></p>
    </div><!-- end ngIf: ::settings.shop_product_delivery_time && settings.shop_product_delivery_time_list -->
    <!-- Description -->
    <!-- ngIf:  -->
    <!-- Rating visually made with FontAwesome -->
    <!-- ngIf: ::settings.module_shop_review_products -->
  <!-- Prices and transaction -->
  <div class="content product-transaction m-productlist-transactions" data-equalizer="widget-productlist-1-transactions" style="height: 53px;">
    <div class="variant_wrapper" style="display: none;">
      <!-- ngIf: ::showVariants -->
    <!-- Price calculation of Product -->
    <!-- ngIf: ::showPrices -->
    <div class="prices" data-ng-if="::showPrices">
      <!-- Discount price -->
      <!-- ngIf: discount -->
      <!-- Price -->
      <span class="m-productlist-price h5 is-block" data-ng-bind-html="price">3.995,00 DKK</span>
      <!-- Various price info -->
      <div class="product-various-price-info">
        <!-- VAT -->
        <!-- ngIf: ::settings.shop_product_tax_after_price -->
        <!-- Cheapest combo -->
        <!-- ngIf: combo -->
        <!-- VAT -->
        <!-- ngIf: ::settings.shop_product_tax_after_price && combo -->
        <!-- Price terms -->
        <!-- ngIf: ::shop.priceTerms -->
    </div><!-- end ngIf: ::showPrices -->
  <!-- Action -->
  <!-- ngIf: showButtons -->

POST /actions/cart/add

<form method="post" action="/actions/cart/add" class="ng-pristine ng-valid">
  <figure class="image m-productlist-figure">
    <!-- Product splashes, news, discount and sold out -->
    <div class="splash m-productlist-splash" data-ng-show="::settings.show_product_icons">
      <!-- Product splashes, news, discount and sold out -->
      <div class="splash m-productlist-splash" data-ng-show="::settings.show_product_icons">
        <!-- NEW icon if newer than 30 days (2.592.000 seconds) -->
        <!-- ngIf: ::isNew -->
        <!-- DISCOUNT icon if discount it active -->
        <!-- ngIf: onSale -->
        <!-- SOLD OUT icon if not in stock -->
        <!-- ngIf: soldout -->
    <!-- Product image -->
    <a data-ng-href="/shop/53-gavekort/84-gavekort-vandscooter-certifikat-incl-leje-af-vandscooter/" class="m-productlist-link" href="/shop/53-gavekort/84-gavekort-vandscooter-certifikat-incl-leje-af-vandscooter/">
                <img class="responsive m-productlist-image" data-ng-src="" src="" alt="Gavekort Vandscooter certifikat incl. leje af Vandscooter">
  <div class="content product-description">
    <!-- Product title and brand -->
    <header class="title m-productlist-heading" data-equalizer="widget-productlist-1-heading" style="height: 116px;">
      <a data-ng-href="/shop/53-gavekort/84-gavekort-vandscooter-certifikat-incl-leje-af-vandscooter/" class="is-block m-productlist-link" href="/shop/53-gavekort/84-gavekort-vandscooter-certifikat-incl-leje-af-vandscooter/">
                    <h4 class="h5 m-productlist-title" data-ng-bind-html="::product.Title">Gavekort Vandscooter certifikat incl. leje af Vandscooter</h4>
      <!-- ngIf: ::product.ProducerHandle --><a class="m-productlist-brand-link" data-ng-if="::product.ProducerHandle" data-ng-href="/shop/?brand=2-nautic-marine" href="/shop/?brand=2-nautic-marine">
                    <span class="is-block m-productlist-brand" data-ng-bind-html="::product.ProducerTitle">Nautic Marine</span>
                </a><!-- end ngIf: ::product.ProducerHandle -->
      <!-- Item number -->
      <!-- ngIf: ::settings.shop_product_number && itemNumber -->
    <!-- Stock status -->
    <!-- ngIf: ::settings.shop_product_delivery_time && settings.shop_product_delivery_time_list -->
    <div class="product-delivery m-productlist-stock" data-ng-if="::settings.shop_product_delivery_time &amp;&amp; settings.shop_product_delivery_time_list">
      <p data-delivery-text=""><i data-ng-show="settings.shop_product_delivery_time == 'texticon' || deliveryId < 1" class="fa fa-fw fa-check" data-ng-class="{'fa-clock-o': isSoldout, 'fa-check': !isSoldout}"></i><span
          data-ng-bind-html="deliveryText">På lager</span> <!-- ngIf: !stockIsNaN && deliveryId == 0 && hasChosenVariant && !isSoldout && product.Type !== 'packet' --></p>
    </div><!-- end ngIf: ::settings.shop_product_delivery_time && settings.shop_product_delivery_time_list -->
    <!-- Description -->
    <!-- ngIf:  -->
    <!-- Rating visually made with FontAwesome -->
    <!-- ngIf: ::settings.module_shop_review_products -->
  <!-- Prices and transaction -->
  <div class="content product-transaction m-productlist-transactions" data-equalizer="widget-productlist-1-transactions" style="height: 53px;">
    <div class="variant_wrapper" style="display: none;">
      <!-- ngIf: ::showVariants -->
    <!-- Price calculation of Product -->
    <!-- ngIf: ::showPrices -->
    <div class="prices" data-ng-if="::showPrices">
      <!-- Discount price -->
      <!-- ngIf: discount -->
      <!-- Price -->
      <span class="m-productlist-price h5 is-block" data-ng-bind-html="price">1.495,00 DKK</span>
      <!-- Various price info -->
      <div class="product-various-price-info">
        <!-- VAT -->
        <!-- ngIf: ::settings.shop_product_tax_after_price -->
        <!-- Cheapest combo -->
        <!-- ngIf: combo -->
        <!-- VAT -->
        <!-- ngIf: ::settings.shop_product_tax_after_price && combo -->
        <!-- Price terms -->
        <!-- ngIf: ::shop.priceTerms -->
    </div><!-- end ngIf: ::showPrices -->
  <!-- Action -->
  <!-- ngIf: showButtons -->

POST /actions/cart/add

<form method="post" action="/actions/cart/add" class="ng-pristine ng-valid">
  <figure class="image m-productlist-figure">
    <!-- Product splashes, news, discount and sold out -->
    <div class="splash m-productlist-splash" data-ng-show="::settings.show_product_icons">
      <!-- Product splashes, news, discount and sold out -->
      <div class="splash m-productlist-splash" data-ng-show="::settings.show_product_icons">
        <!-- NEW icon if newer than 30 days (2.592.000 seconds) -->
        <!-- ngIf: ::isNew -->
        <!-- DISCOUNT icon if discount it active -->
        <!-- ngIf: onSale -->
        <!-- SOLD OUT icon if not in stock -->
        <!-- ngIf: soldout -->
    <!-- Product image -->
    <a data-ng-href="/shop/53-gavekort/86-gavekort-foerstehjaelp/" class="m-productlist-link" href="/shop/53-gavekort/86-gavekort-foerstehjaelp/">
                <img class="responsive m-productlist-image" data-ng-src="" src="" alt="Gavekort Førstehjælp">
  <div class="content product-description">
    <!-- Product title and brand -->
    <header class="title m-productlist-heading" data-equalizer="widget-productlist-1-heading" style="height: 116px;">
      <a data-ng-href="/shop/53-gavekort/86-gavekort-foerstehjaelp/" class="is-block m-productlist-link" href="/shop/53-gavekort/86-gavekort-foerstehjaelp/">
                    <h4 class="h5 m-productlist-title" data-ng-bind-html="::product.Title">Gavekort Førstehjælp</h4>
      <!-- ngIf: ::product.ProducerHandle --><a class="m-productlist-brand-link" data-ng-if="::product.ProducerHandle" data-ng-href="/shop/?brand=2-nautic-marine" href="/shop/?brand=2-nautic-marine">
                    <span class="is-block m-productlist-brand" data-ng-bind-html="::product.ProducerTitle">Nautic Marine</span>
                </a><!-- end ngIf: ::product.ProducerHandle -->
      <!-- Item number -->
      <!-- ngIf: ::settings.shop_product_number && itemNumber -->
    <!-- Stock status -->
    <!-- ngIf: ::settings.shop_product_delivery_time && settings.shop_product_delivery_time_list -->
    <div class="product-delivery m-productlist-stock" data-ng-if="::settings.shop_product_delivery_time &amp;&amp; settings.shop_product_delivery_time_list">
      <p data-delivery-text=""><i data-ng-show="settings.shop_product_delivery_time == 'texticon' || deliveryId < 1" class="fa fa-fw fa-check" data-ng-class="{'fa-clock-o': isSoldout, 'fa-check': !isSoldout}"></i><span
          data-ng-bind-html="deliveryText">På lager</span> <!-- ngIf: !stockIsNaN && deliveryId == 0 && hasChosenVariant && !isSoldout && product.Type !== 'packet' --></p>
    </div><!-- end ngIf: ::settings.shop_product_delivery_time && settings.shop_product_delivery_time_list -->
    <!-- Description -->
    <!-- ngIf:  -->
    <!-- Rating visually made with FontAwesome -->
    <!-- ngIf: ::settings.module_shop_review_products -->
  <!-- Prices and transaction -->
  <div class="content product-transaction m-productlist-transactions" data-equalizer="widget-productlist-1-transactions" style="height: 53px;">
    <div class="variant_wrapper" style="display: none;">
      <!-- ngIf: ::showVariants -->
    <!-- Price calculation of Product -->
    <!-- ngIf: ::showPrices -->
    <div class="prices" data-ng-if="::showPrices">
      <!-- Discount price -->
      <!-- ngIf: discount -->
      <!-- Price -->
      <span class="m-productlist-price h5 is-block" data-ng-bind-html="price">695,00 DKK</span>
      <!-- Various price info -->
      <div class="product-various-price-info">
        <!-- VAT -->
        <!-- ngIf: ::settings.shop_product_tax_after_price -->
        <!-- Cheapest combo -->
        <!-- ngIf: combo -->
        <!-- VAT -->
        <!-- ngIf: ::settings.shop_product_tax_after_price && combo -->
        <!-- Price terms -->
        <!-- ngIf: ::shop.priceTerms -->
    </div><!-- end ngIf: ::showPrices -->
  <!-- Action -->
  <!-- ngIf: showButtons -->

POST /actions/cart/add

<form method="post" action="/actions/cart/add" class="ng-pristine ng-valid">
  <figure class="image m-productlist-figure">
    <!-- Product splashes, news, discount and sold out -->
    <div class="splash m-productlist-splash" data-ng-show="::settings.show_product_icons">
      <!-- Product splashes, news, discount and sold out -->
      <div class="splash m-productlist-splash" data-ng-show="::settings.show_product_icons">
        <!-- NEW icon if newer than 30 days (2.592.000 seconds) -->
        <!-- ngIf: ::isNew -->
        <!-- DISCOUNT icon if discount it active -->
        <!-- ngIf: onSale -->
        <!-- SOLD OUT icon if not in stock -->
        <!-- ngIf: soldout -->
    <!-- Product image -->
    <a data-ng-href="/shop/51-dykkerferier/65-dykkerlejr-lillebaelt/" class="m-productlist-link" href="/shop/51-dykkerferier/65-dykkerlejr-lillebaelt/">
                <img class="responsive m-productlist-image" data-ng-src="" src="" alt="Dykkerlejr Lillebælt">
  <div class="content product-description">
    <!-- Product title and brand -->
    <header class="title m-productlist-heading" data-equalizer="widget-productlist-1-heading" style="height: 116px;">
      <a data-ng-href="/shop/51-dykkerferier/65-dykkerlejr-lillebaelt/" class="is-block m-productlist-link" href="/shop/51-dykkerferier/65-dykkerlejr-lillebaelt/">
                    <h4 class="h5 m-productlist-title" data-ng-bind-html="::product.Title">Dykkerlejr Lillebælt</h4>
      <!-- ngIf: ::product.ProducerHandle --><a class="m-productlist-brand-link" data-ng-if="::product.ProducerHandle" data-ng-href="/shop/?brand=2-nautic-marine" href="/shop/?brand=2-nautic-marine">
                    <span class="is-block m-productlist-brand" data-ng-bind-html="::product.ProducerTitle">Nautic Marine</span>
                </a><!-- end ngIf: ::product.ProducerHandle -->
      <!-- Item number -->
      <!-- ngIf: ::settings.shop_product_number && itemNumber -->
    <!-- Stock status -->
    <!-- ngIf: ::settings.shop_product_delivery_time && settings.shop_product_delivery_time_list -->
    <div class="product-delivery m-productlist-stock" data-ng-if="::settings.shop_product_delivery_time &amp;&amp; settings.shop_product_delivery_time_list">
      <p data-delivery-text=""><i data-ng-show="settings.shop_product_delivery_time == 'texticon' || deliveryId < 1" class="fa fa-fw fa-check" data-ng-class="{'fa-clock-o': isSoldout, 'fa-check': !isSoldout}"></i><span
          data-ng-bind-html="deliveryText">På lager</span> <!-- ngIf: !stockIsNaN && deliveryId == 0 && hasChosenVariant && !isSoldout && product.Type !== 'packet' --><span class="stockAmount"
          data-ng-if="!stockIsNaN &amp;&amp; deliveryId == 0 &amp;&amp; hasChosenVariant &amp;&amp; !isSoldout &amp;&amp; product.Type !== 'packet'">(7
          stk.)</span><!-- end ngIf: !stockIsNaN && deliveryId == 0 && hasChosenVariant && !isSoldout && product.Type !== 'packet' --></p>
    </div><!-- end ngIf: ::settings.shop_product_delivery_time && settings.shop_product_delivery_time_list -->
    <!-- Description -->
    <!-- ngIf:  -->
    <!-- Rating visually made with FontAwesome -->
    <!-- ngIf: ::settings.module_shop_review_products -->
  <!-- Prices and transaction -->
  <div class="content product-transaction m-productlist-transactions" data-equalizer="widget-productlist-1-transactions" style="height: 53px;">
    <div class="variant_wrapper" style="display: none;">
      <!-- ngIf: ::showVariants -->
    <!-- Price calculation of Product -->
    <!-- ngIf: ::showPrices -->
    <div class="prices" data-ng-if="::showPrices">
      <!-- Discount price -->
      <!-- ngIf: discount -->
      <!-- Price -->
      <span class="m-productlist-price h5 is-block" data-ng-bind-html="price">1.200,00 DKK</span>
      <!-- Various price info -->
      <div class="product-various-price-info">
        <!-- VAT -->
        <!-- ngIf: ::settings.shop_product_tax_after_price -->
        <!-- Cheapest combo -->
        <!-- ngIf: combo -->
        <!-- VAT -->
        <!-- ngIf: ::settings.shop_product_tax_after_price && combo -->
        <!-- Price terms -->
        <!-- ngIf: ::shop.priceTerms -->
    </div><!-- end ngIf: ::showPrices -->
  <!-- Action -->
  <!-- ngIf: showButtons -->

POST /actions/cart/add

<form method="post" action="/actions/cart/add" class="ng-pristine ng-valid">
  <figure class="image m-productlist-figure">
    <!-- Product splashes, news, discount and sold out -->
    <div class="splash m-productlist-splash" data-ng-show="::settings.show_product_icons">
      <!-- Product splashes, news, discount and sold out -->
      <div class="splash m-productlist-splash" data-ng-show="::settings.show_product_icons">
        <!-- NEW icon if newer than 30 days (2.592.000 seconds) -->
        <!-- ngIf: ::isNew -->
        <!-- DISCOUNT icon if discount it active -->
        <!-- ngIf: onSale -->
        <!-- SOLD OUT icon if not in stock -->
        <!-- ngIf: soldout -->
    <!-- Product image -->
    <a data-ng-href="/shop/26-dykker-ture/28-dykkertur---baaddyk/" class="m-productlist-link" href="/shop/26-dykker-ture/28-dykkertur---baaddyk/">
                <img class="responsive m-productlist-image" data-ng-src="" src="" alt="Dykkertur - Båddyk">
  <div class="content product-description">
    <!-- Product title and brand -->
    <header class="title m-productlist-heading" data-equalizer="widget-productlist-4-heading" style="height: 116px;">
      <a data-ng-href="/shop/26-dykker-ture/28-dykkertur---baaddyk/" class="is-block m-productlist-link" href="/shop/26-dykker-ture/28-dykkertur---baaddyk/">
                    <h4 class="h5 m-productlist-title" data-ng-bind-html="::product.Title">Dykkertur - Båddyk</h4>
      <!-- ngIf: ::product.ProducerHandle --><a class="m-productlist-brand-link" data-ng-if="::product.ProducerHandle" data-ng-href="/shop/?brand=2-nautic-marine" href="/shop/?brand=2-nautic-marine">
                    <span class="is-block m-productlist-brand" data-ng-bind-html="::product.ProducerTitle">Nautic Marine</span>
                </a><!-- end ngIf: ::product.ProducerHandle -->
      <!-- Item number -->
      <!-- ngIf: ::settings.shop_product_number && itemNumber -->
    <!-- Stock status -->
    <!-- ngIf: ::settings.shop_product_delivery_time && settings.shop_product_delivery_time_list -->
    <div class="product-delivery m-productlist-stock" data-ng-if="::settings.shop_product_delivery_time &amp;&amp; settings.shop_product_delivery_time_list">
      <p data-delivery-text=""><i data-ng-show="settings.shop_product_delivery_time == 'texticon' || deliveryId < 1" class="fa fa-fw fa-check" data-ng-class="{'fa-clock-o': isSoldout, 'fa-check': !isSoldout}"></i><span
          data-ng-bind-html="deliveryText">På lager</span> <!-- ngIf: !stockIsNaN && deliveryId == 0 && hasChosenVariant && !isSoldout && product.Type !== 'packet' --></p>
    </div><!-- end ngIf: ::settings.shop_product_delivery_time && settings.shop_product_delivery_time_list -->
    <!-- Description -->
    <!-- ngIf:  -->
    <!-- Rating visually made with FontAwesome -->
    <!-- ngIf: ::settings.module_shop_review_products -->
  <!-- Prices and transaction -->
  <div class="content product-transaction m-productlist-transactions" data-equalizer="widget-productlist-4-transactions" style="height: 53px;">
    <div class="variant_wrapper" style="display: none;">
      <!-- ngIf: ::showVariants -->
    <!-- Price calculation of Product -->
    <!-- ngIf: ::showPrices -->
    <div class="prices" data-ng-if="::showPrices">
      <!-- Discount price -->
      <!-- ngIf: discount -->
      <!-- Price -->
      <span class="m-productlist-price h5 is-block" data-ng-bind-html="price">350,00 DKK</span>
      <!-- Various price info -->
      <div class="product-various-price-info">
        <!-- VAT -->
        <!-- ngIf: ::settings.shop_product_tax_after_price -->
        <!-- Cheapest combo -->
        <!-- ngIf: combo -->
        <!-- VAT -->
        <!-- ngIf: ::settings.shop_product_tax_after_price && combo -->
        <!-- Price terms -->
        <!-- ngIf: ::shop.priceTerms -->
    </div><!-- end ngIf: ::showPrices -->
  <!-- Action -->
  <!-- ngIf: showButtons -->

POST /actions/cart/add

<form method="post" action="/actions/cart/add" class="ng-pristine ng-valid">
  <figure class="image m-productlist-figure">
    <!-- Product splashes, news, discount and sold out -->
    <div class="splash m-productlist-splash" data-ng-show="::settings.show_product_icons">
      <!-- Product splashes, news, discount and sold out -->
      <div class="splash m-productlist-splash" data-ng-show="::settings.show_product_icons">
        <!-- NEW icon if newer than 30 days (2.592.000 seconds) -->
        <!-- ngIf: ::isNew -->
        <!-- DISCOUNT icon if discount it active -->
        <!-- ngIf: onSale -->
        <!-- SOLD OUT icon if not in stock -->
        <!-- ngIf: soldout -->
    <!-- Product image -->
    <a data-ng-href="/shop/26-dykker-ture/50-dykkertur-lillebaelt/" class="m-productlist-link" href="/shop/26-dykker-ture/50-dykkertur-lillebaelt/">
                <img class="responsive m-productlist-image" data-ng-src="" src="" alt="Dykkertur Lillebælt">
  <div class="content product-description">
    <!-- Product title and brand -->
    <header class="title m-productlist-heading" data-equalizer="widget-productlist-4-heading" style="height: 116px;">
      <a data-ng-href="/shop/26-dykker-ture/50-dykkertur-lillebaelt/" class="is-block m-productlist-link" href="/shop/26-dykker-ture/50-dykkertur-lillebaelt/">
                    <h4 class="h5 m-productlist-title" data-ng-bind-html="::product.Title">Dykkertur Lillebælt</h4>
      <!-- ngIf: ::product.ProducerHandle --><a class="m-productlist-brand-link" data-ng-if="::product.ProducerHandle" data-ng-href="/shop/?brand=3-padi" href="/shop/?brand=3-padi">
                    <span class="is-block m-productlist-brand" data-ng-bind-html="::product.ProducerTitle">PADI</span>
                </a><!-- end ngIf: ::product.ProducerHandle -->
      <!-- Item number -->
      <!-- ngIf: ::settings.shop_product_number && itemNumber -->
    <!-- Stock status -->
    <!-- ngIf: ::settings.shop_product_delivery_time && settings.shop_product_delivery_time_list -->
    <div class="product-delivery m-productlist-stock" data-ng-if="::settings.shop_product_delivery_time &amp;&amp; settings.shop_product_delivery_time_list">
      <p data-delivery-text=""><i data-ng-show="settings.shop_product_delivery_time == 'texticon' || deliveryId < 1" class="fa fa-fw fa-check" data-ng-class="{'fa-clock-o': isSoldout, 'fa-check': !isSoldout}"></i><span
          data-ng-bind-html="deliveryText">På lager</span> <!-- ngIf: !stockIsNaN && deliveryId == 0 && hasChosenVariant && !isSoldout && product.Type !== 'packet' --></p>
    </div><!-- end ngIf: ::settings.shop_product_delivery_time && settings.shop_product_delivery_time_list -->
    <!-- Description -->
    <!-- ngIf:  -->
    <!-- Rating visually made with FontAwesome -->
    <!-- ngIf: ::settings.module_shop_review_products -->
  <!-- Prices and transaction -->
  <div class="content product-transaction m-productlist-transactions" data-equalizer="widget-productlist-4-transactions" style="height: 53px;">
    <div class="variant_wrapper" style="display: none;">
      <!-- ngIf: ::showVariants -->
    <!-- Price calculation of Product -->
    <!-- ngIf: ::showPrices -->
    <div class="prices" data-ng-if="::showPrices">
      <!-- Discount price -->
      <!-- ngIf: discount -->
      <!-- Price -->
      <span class="m-productlist-price h5 is-block" data-ng-bind-html="price">350,00 DKK</span>
      <!-- Various price info -->
      <div class="product-various-price-info">
        <!-- VAT -->
        <!-- ngIf: ::settings.shop_product_tax_after_price -->
        <!-- Cheapest combo -->
        <!-- ngIf: combo -->
        <!-- VAT -->
        <!-- ngIf: ::settings.shop_product_tax_after_price && combo -->
        <!-- Price terms -->
        <!-- ngIf: ::shop.priceTerms -->
    </div><!-- end ngIf: ::showPrices -->
  <!-- Action -->
  <!-- ngIf: showButtons -->

POST /actions/cart/add

<form method="post" action="/actions/cart/add" class="ng-pristine ng-valid">
  <figure class="image m-productlist-figure">
    <!-- Product splashes, news, discount and sold out -->
    <div class="splash m-productlist-splash" data-ng-show="::settings.show_product_icons">
      <!-- Product splashes, news, discount and sold out -->
      <div class="splash m-productlist-splash" data-ng-show="::settings.show_product_icons">
        <!-- NEW icon if newer than 30 days (2.592.000 seconds) -->
        <!-- ngIf: ::isNew -->
        <!-- DISCOUNT icon if discount it active -->
        <!-- ngIf: onSale -->
        <!-- SOLD OUT icon if not in stock -->
        <!-- ngIf: soldout -->
    <!-- Product image -->
    <a data-ng-href="/shop/26-dykker-ture/27-fyraftensdyk-1700/" class="m-productlist-link" href="/shop/26-dykker-ture/27-fyraftensdyk-1700/">
                <img class="responsive m-productlist-image" data-ng-src="" src="" alt="Fyraftensdyk 17:00">
  <div class="content product-description">
    <!-- Product title and brand -->
    <header class="title m-productlist-heading" data-equalizer="widget-productlist-4-heading" style="height: 116px;">
      <a data-ng-href="/shop/26-dykker-ture/27-fyraftensdyk-1700/" class="is-block m-productlist-link" href="/shop/26-dykker-ture/27-fyraftensdyk-1700/">
                    <h4 class="h5 m-productlist-title" data-ng-bind-html="::product.Title">Fyraftensdyk 17:00</h4>
      <!-- ngIf: ::product.ProducerHandle --><a class="m-productlist-brand-link" data-ng-if="::product.ProducerHandle" data-ng-href="/shop/?brand=2-nautic-marine" href="/shop/?brand=2-nautic-marine">
                    <span class="is-block m-productlist-brand" data-ng-bind-html="::product.ProducerTitle">Nautic Marine</span>
                </a><!-- end ngIf: ::product.ProducerHandle -->
      <!-- Item number -->
      <!-- ngIf: ::settings.shop_product_number && itemNumber -->
    <!-- Stock status -->
    <!-- ngIf: ::settings.shop_product_delivery_time && settings.shop_product_delivery_time_list -->
    <div class="product-delivery m-productlist-stock" data-ng-if="::settings.shop_product_delivery_time &amp;&amp; settings.shop_product_delivery_time_list">
      <p data-delivery-text=""><i data-ng-show="settings.shop_product_delivery_time == 'texticon' || deliveryId < 1" class="fa fa-fw fa-check" data-ng-class="{'fa-clock-o': isSoldout, 'fa-check': !isSoldout}"></i><span
          data-ng-bind-html="deliveryText">På lager</span> <!-- ngIf: !stockIsNaN && deliveryId == 0 && hasChosenVariant && !isSoldout && product.Type !== 'packet' --></p>
    </div><!-- end ngIf: ::settings.shop_product_delivery_time && settings.shop_product_delivery_time_list -->
    <!-- Description -->
    <!-- ngIf:  -->
    <!-- Rating visually made with FontAwesome -->
    <!-- ngIf: ::settings.module_shop_review_products -->
  <!-- Prices and transaction -->
  <div class="content product-transaction m-productlist-transactions" data-equalizer="widget-productlist-4-transactions" style="height: 53px;">
    <div class="variant_wrapper" style="display: none;">
      <!-- ngIf: ::showVariants -->
    <!-- Price calculation of Product -->
    <!-- ngIf: ::showPrices -->
    <div class="prices" data-ng-if="::showPrices">
      <!-- Discount price -->
      <!-- ngIf: discount -->
      <!-- Price -->
      <span class="m-productlist-price h5 is-block" data-ng-bind-html="price">150,00 DKK</span>
      <!-- Various price info -->
      <div class="product-various-price-info">
        <!-- VAT -->
        <!-- ngIf: ::settings.shop_product_tax_after_price -->
        <!-- Cheapest combo -->
        <!-- ngIf: combo -->
        <!-- VAT -->
        <!-- ngIf: ::settings.shop_product_tax_after_price && combo -->
        <!-- Price terms -->
        <!-- ngIf: ::shop.priceTerms -->
    </div><!-- end ngIf: ::showPrices -->
  <!-- Action -->
  <!-- ngIf: showButtons -->

POST /actions/cart/add

<form method="post" action="/actions/cart/add" class="ng-pristine ng-valid">
  <figure class="image m-productlist-figure">
    <!-- Product splashes, news, discount and sold out -->
    <div class="splash m-productlist-splash" data-ng-show="::settings.show_product_icons">
      <!-- Product splashes, news, discount and sold out -->
      <div class="splash m-productlist-splash" data-ng-show="::settings.show_product_icons">
        <!-- NEW icon if newer than 30 days (2.592.000 seconds) -->
        <!-- ngIf: ::isNew -->
        <!-- DISCOUNT icon if discount it active -->
        <!-- ngIf: onSale -->
        <!-- SOLD OUT icon if not in stock -->
        <!-- ngIf: soldout -->
    <!-- Product image -->
    <a data-ng-href="/shop/51-dykkerferier/53-dykkerejse---hotel--aconto-2000--pris-10495/" class="m-productlist-link" href="/shop/51-dykkerferier/53-dykkerejse---hotel--aconto-2000--pris-10495/">
                <img class="responsive m-productlist-image" data-ng-src="" src="" alt="Dykkerejse - Hotel / Aconto 2000,- Pris 10495,">
  <div class="content product-description">
    <!-- Product title and brand -->
    <header class="title m-productlist-heading" data-equalizer="widget-productlist-4-heading" style="height: 116px;">
      <a data-ng-href="/shop/51-dykkerferier/53-dykkerejse---hotel--aconto-2000--pris-10495/" class="is-block m-productlist-link" href="/shop/51-dykkerferier/53-dykkerejse---hotel--aconto-2000--pris-10495/">
                    <h4 class="h5 m-productlist-title" data-ng-bind-html="::product.Title">Dykkerejse - Hotel / Aconto 2000,- Pris 10495,</h4>
      <!-- ngIf: ::product.ProducerHandle --><a class="m-productlist-brand-link" data-ng-if="::product.ProducerHandle" data-ng-href="/shop/?brand=2-nautic-marine" href="/shop/?brand=2-nautic-marine">
                    <span class="is-block m-productlist-brand" data-ng-bind-html="::product.ProducerTitle">Nautic Marine</span>
                </a><!-- end ngIf: ::product.ProducerHandle -->
      <!-- Item number -->
      <!-- ngIf: ::settings.shop_product_number && itemNumber -->
    <!-- Stock status -->
    <!-- ngIf: ::settings.shop_product_delivery_time && settings.shop_product_delivery_time_list -->
    <div class="product-delivery m-productlist-stock" data-ng-if="::settings.shop_product_delivery_time &amp;&amp; settings.shop_product_delivery_time_list">
      <p data-delivery-text=""><i data-ng-show="settings.shop_product_delivery_time == 'texticon' || deliveryId < 1" class="fa fa-fw fa-check" data-ng-class="{'fa-clock-o': isSoldout, 'fa-check': !isSoldout}"></i><span
          data-ng-bind-html="deliveryText">På lager</span> <!-- ngIf: !stockIsNaN && deliveryId == 0 && hasChosenVariant && !isSoldout && product.Type !== 'packet' --></p>
    </div><!-- end ngIf: ::settings.shop_product_delivery_time && settings.shop_product_delivery_time_list -->
    <!-- Description -->
    <!-- ngIf:  -->
    <!-- Rating visually made with FontAwesome -->
    <!-- ngIf: ::settings.module_shop_review_products -->
  <!-- Prices and transaction -->
  <div class="content product-transaction m-productlist-transactions" data-equalizer="widget-productlist-4-transactions" style="height: 53px;">
    <div class="variant_wrapper" style="display: none;">
      <!-- ngIf: ::showVariants -->
    <!-- Price calculation of Product -->
    <!-- ngIf: ::showPrices -->
    <div class="prices" data-ng-if="::showPrices">
      <!-- Discount price -->
      <!-- ngIf: discount -->
      <!-- Price -->
      <span class="m-productlist-price h5 is-block" data-ng-bind-html="price">Pris fra 2.000,00 DKK</span>
      <!-- Various price info -->
      <div class="product-various-price-info">
        <!-- VAT -->
        <!-- ngIf: ::settings.shop_product_tax_after_price -->
        <!-- Cheapest combo -->
        <!-- ngIf: combo -->
        <!-- VAT -->
        <!-- ngIf: ::settings.shop_product_tax_after_price && combo -->
        <!-- Price terms -->
        <!-- ngIf: ::shop.priceTerms -->
    </div><!-- end ngIf: ::showPrices -->
  <!-- Action -->
  <!-- ngIf: showButtons -->

POST /actions/cart/add

<form method="post" action="/actions/cart/add" class="ng-pristine ng-valid">
  <figure class="image m-productlist-figure">
    <!-- Product splashes, news, discount and sold out -->
    <div class="splash m-productlist-splash" data-ng-show="::settings.show_product_icons">
      <!-- Product splashes, news, discount and sold out -->
      <div class="splash m-productlist-splash" data-ng-show="::settings.show_product_icons">
        <!-- NEW icon if newer than 30 days (2.592.000 seconds) -->
        <!-- ngIf: ::isNew -->
        <!-- DISCOUNT icon if discount it active -->
        <!-- ngIf: onSale -->
        <!-- SOLD OUT icon if not in stock -->
        <!-- ngIf: soldout -->
    <!-- Product image -->
    <a data-ng-href="/shop/51-dykkerferier/55-dykkerejse-liveaboard--aconto-2000-pris-13495/" class="m-productlist-link" href="/shop/51-dykkerferier/55-dykkerejse-liveaboard--aconto-2000-pris-13495/">
                <img class="responsive m-productlist-image" data-ng-src="" src="" alt="Dykkerejse Liveaboard / Aconto 2000 pris 13495">
  <div class="content product-description">
    <!-- Product title and brand -->
    <header class="title m-productlist-heading" data-equalizer="widget-productlist-4-heading" style="height: 116px;">
      <a data-ng-href="/shop/51-dykkerferier/55-dykkerejse-liveaboard--aconto-2000-pris-13495/" class="is-block m-productlist-link" href="/shop/51-dykkerferier/55-dykkerejse-liveaboard--aconto-2000-pris-13495/">
                    <h4 class="h5 m-productlist-title" data-ng-bind-html="::product.Title">Dykkerejse Liveaboard / Aconto 2000 pris 13495</h4>
      <!-- ngIf: ::product.ProducerHandle --><a class="m-productlist-brand-link" data-ng-if="::product.ProducerHandle" data-ng-href="/shop/?brand=2-nautic-marine" href="/shop/?brand=2-nautic-marine">
                    <span class="is-block m-productlist-brand" data-ng-bind-html="::product.ProducerTitle">Nautic Marine</span>
                </a><!-- end ngIf: ::product.ProducerHandle -->
      <!-- Item number -->
      <!-- ngIf: ::settings.shop_product_number && itemNumber -->
    <!-- Stock status -->
    <!-- ngIf: ::settings.shop_product_delivery_time && settings.shop_product_delivery_time_list -->
    <div class="product-delivery m-productlist-stock" data-ng-if="::settings.shop_product_delivery_time &amp;&amp; settings.shop_product_delivery_time_list">
      <p data-delivery-text=""><i data-ng-show="settings.shop_product_delivery_time == 'texticon' || deliveryId < 1" class="fa fa-fw fa-check" data-ng-class="{'fa-clock-o': isSoldout, 'fa-check': !isSoldout}"></i><span
          data-ng-bind-html="deliveryText">På lager</span> <!-- ngIf: !stockIsNaN && deliveryId == 0 && hasChosenVariant && !isSoldout && product.Type !== 'packet' --></p>
    </div><!-- end ngIf: ::settings.shop_product_delivery_time && settings.shop_product_delivery_time_list -->
    <!-- Description -->
    <!-- ngIf:  -->
    <!-- Rating visually made with FontAwesome -->
    <!-- ngIf: ::settings.module_shop_review_products -->
  <!-- Prices and transaction -->
  <div class="content product-transaction m-productlist-transactions" data-equalizer="widget-productlist-4-transactions" style="height: 53px;">
    <div class="variant_wrapper" style="display: none;">
      <!-- ngIf: ::showVariants -->
    <!-- Price calculation of Product -->
    <!-- ngIf: ::showPrices -->
    <div class="prices" data-ng-if="::showPrices">
      <!-- Discount price -->
      <!-- ngIf: discount -->
      <!-- Price -->
      <span class="m-productlist-price h5 is-block" data-ng-bind-html="price">Pris fra 2.000,00 DKK</span>
      <!-- Various price info -->
      <div class="product-various-price-info">
        <!-- VAT -->
        <!-- ngIf: ::settings.shop_product_tax_after_price -->
        <!-- Cheapest combo -->
        <!-- ngIf: combo -->
        <!-- VAT -->
        <!-- ngIf: ::settings.shop_product_tax_after_price && combo -->
        <!-- Price terms -->
        <!-- ngIf: ::shop.priceTerms -->
    </div><!-- end ngIf: ::showPrices -->
  <!-- Action -->
  <!-- ngIf: showButtons -->

POST /actions/cart/add

<form method="post" action="/actions/cart/add" class="ng-pristine ng-valid">
  <figure class="image m-productlist-figure">
    <!-- Product splashes, news, discount and sold out -->
    <div class="splash m-productlist-splash" data-ng-show="::settings.show_product_icons">
      <!-- Product splashes, news, discount and sold out -->
      <div class="splash m-productlist-splash" data-ng-show="::settings.show_product_icons">
        <!-- NEW icon if newer than 30 days (2.592.000 seconds) -->
        <!-- ngIf: ::isNew -->
        <!-- DISCOUNT icon if discount it active -->
        <!-- ngIf: onSale -->
        <!-- SOLD OUT icon if not in stock -->
        <!-- ngIf: soldout -->
    <!-- Product image -->
    <a data-ng-href="/shop/51-dykkerferier/65-dykkerlejr-lillebaelt/" class="m-productlist-link" href="/shop/51-dykkerferier/65-dykkerlejr-lillebaelt/">
                <img class="responsive m-productlist-image" data-ng-src="" src="" alt="Dykkerlejr Lillebælt">
  <div class="content product-description">
    <!-- Product title and brand -->
    <header class="title m-productlist-heading" data-equalizer="widget-productlist-4-heading" style="height: 116px;">
      <a data-ng-href="/shop/51-dykkerferier/65-dykkerlejr-lillebaelt/" class="is-block m-productlist-link" href="/shop/51-dykkerferier/65-dykkerlejr-lillebaelt/">
                    <h4 class="h5 m-productlist-title" data-ng-bind-html="::product.Title">Dykkerlejr Lillebælt</h4>
      <!-- ngIf: ::product.ProducerHandle --><a class="m-productlist-brand-link" data-ng-if="::product.ProducerHandle" data-ng-href="/shop/?brand=2-nautic-marine" href="/shop/?brand=2-nautic-marine">
                    <span class="is-block m-productlist-brand" data-ng-bind-html="::product.ProducerTitle">Nautic Marine</span>
                </a><!-- end ngIf: ::product.ProducerHandle -->
      <!-- Item number -->
      <!-- ngIf: ::settings.shop_product_number && itemNumber -->
    <!-- Stock status -->
    <!-- ngIf: ::settings.shop_product_delivery_time && settings.shop_product_delivery_time_list -->
    <div class="product-delivery m-productlist-stock" data-ng-if="::settings.shop_product_delivery_time &amp;&amp; settings.shop_product_delivery_time_list">
      <p data-delivery-text=""><i data-ng-show="settings.shop_product_delivery_time == 'texticon' || deliveryId < 1" class="fa fa-fw fa-check" data-ng-class="{'fa-clock-o': isSoldout, 'fa-check': !isSoldout}"></i><span
          data-ng-bind-html="deliveryText">På lager</span> <!-- ngIf: !stockIsNaN && deliveryId == 0 && hasChosenVariant && !isSoldout && product.Type !== 'packet' --><span class="stockAmount"
          data-ng-if="!stockIsNaN &amp;&amp; deliveryId == 0 &amp;&amp; hasChosenVariant &amp;&amp; !isSoldout &amp;&amp; product.Type !== 'packet'">(7
          stk.)</span><!-- end ngIf: !stockIsNaN && deliveryId == 0 && hasChosenVariant && !isSoldout && product.Type !== 'packet' --></p>
    </div><!-- end ngIf: ::settings.shop_product_delivery_time && settings.shop_product_delivery_time_list -->
    <!-- Description -->
    <!-- ngIf:  -->
    <!-- Rating visually made with FontAwesome -->
    <!-- ngIf: ::settings.module_shop_review_products -->
  <!-- Prices and transaction -->
  <div class="content product-transaction m-productlist-transactions" data-equalizer="widget-productlist-4-transactions" style="height: 53px;">
    <div class="variant_wrapper" style="display: none;">
      <!-- ngIf: ::showVariants -->
    <!-- Price calculation of Product -->
    <!-- ngIf: ::showPrices -->
    <div class="prices" data-ng-if="::showPrices">
      <!-- Discount price -->
      <!-- ngIf: discount -->
      <!-- Price -->
      <span class="m-productlist-price h5 is-block" data-ng-bind-html="price">1.200,00 DKK</span>
      <!-- Various price info -->
      <div class="product-various-price-info">
        <!-- VAT -->
        <!-- ngIf: ::settings.shop_product_tax_after_price -->
        <!-- Cheapest combo -->
        <!-- ngIf: combo -->
        <!-- VAT -->
        <!-- ngIf: ::settings.shop_product_tax_after_price && combo -->
        <!-- Price terms -->
        <!-- ngIf: ::shop.priceTerms -->
    </div><!-- end ngIf: ::showPrices -->
  <!-- Action -->
  <!-- ngIf: showButtons -->

Text Content

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Funktionelle Statistiske Marketing

 * Forside
 * Shop
 * Ledige stillinger
 * Information
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    * Handelsbetingelser

 * Hjælp
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    * Betaling med MobilePay - Quick tjekout

 * Din konto
    * Log ind
    * Opret bruger

Din indkøbskurv er tom


Vælg mærke Nautic Marine PADI



Udvalgte produkter


Nautic Marine

På lager

996,00 DKK


Nautic Marine

På lager

1.495,00 DKK



På lager

3.995,00 DKK


Nautic Marine

På lager

4.995,00 DKK


Nautic Marine

På lager

1.550,00 DKK


Nautic Marine

På lager

3.995,00 DKK


Nautic Marine

På lager

1.495,00 DKK


Nautic Marine

På lager

695,00 DKK


Nautic Marine

På lager (7 stk.)

1.200,00 DKK

Ingen produkter fundet.
Dykkerture og ferier


Nautic Marine

På lager

350,00 DKK



På lager

350,00 DKK


Nautic Marine

På lager

150,00 DKK


Nautic Marine

På lager

Pris fra 2.000,00 DKK


Nautic Marine

På lager

Pris fra 2.000,00 DKK


Nautic Marine

På lager (7 stk.)

1.200,00 DKK

Ingen produkter fundet.
 * Nautic Marine
 * Havnevej 4
 * 2670 Greve
 * Danmark
 * Telefon Dykning: 31332507
 * Telefon sejlads: 31 37 61 07
 * E-mail:
 * CVR-nummer: 41657081
 * Bankoplysninger: Jyske Bank Reg.: 7312 Konto: 0001046939
